Windows Minesweeper
Windows Minesweeper
Microsoft Windows

Tips & Hints


Cheat Codes

There is a indicator hidden on the screen that will tell you whether a block contains a mine or not. To turn it on, type XYZZY, then press ENTER, then SHIFT. The pixel to look for is in the upper-left of the screen and can be hard to see unless you minimize all other windows (except Minesweeper) and have a solid dark-coloured wallpaper.

Hex Editing


Easter Eggs

If you hold down SHIFT + CTRL, go into the Help drop-down menu, choose About Solitaire, then double-click on the Solitaire logo in the top left corner of the credits window, you will get an animated flag with the Windows logo on it, and a message. Repeat the process to get an scrolling credits screen featuring either a bear, Bill Gates, or two other people.
This works with most Microsoft software that comes with Windows.




File Editing:

The high scores are stored in the WINMINE.INI file in the windows directory. The fastest times are stored as Time1, Time2, and Time3, as the best times for each the Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert skill levels, respectively. The method is the same for the names - Name1, Name2, and Name3.

If you need to unzip anything...

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