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This is my gearheadgarage site, it is dedicated to news, cars, decals, and I will soon open up a contest. So hang in there, I am starting to make cars and will be willing to post anybody else's creation that they wish for me to post.
Disclaimer: This is not an official Gearhead Garage, Motor City Online, Midtown Madness, or Virtual Drag Racing Site. This site may contain files that were not made by the people who created these games, and if you download these, you will use them at your own risk. Some files may be offcial updates from the publishers, etc.. All materials on this website are to be used for educational purposes only. All materials on this website are copyrighted by Snoopie Web Productions Unless said so, and uncopyrighted items will be credited to the offcial owners.




Virtual Drag Racing (Madd Dawg Racing)

Well it is taking forever to update this page due to I keep doing stuff to my comp so I keep reformating and I keep forgetting to save all .html files..ERRR..But hothead is learning html at the moment so he will work on it now too..THANK GOD..well come back and check for updates...
Email: Snoopie
Email: Hothead846
© copyright Snoopie Web Productions If you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me by clicking this link