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Imoria port for linux
I have ported imoria 4.85 into C, for Linux.

Version 4.85.22 posted on Aug 20 2003. (Just a bit over a year since the last one.)

There is also an early alpha version of Boss 2.4.

In addition to fixing bugs in the 4.85 code I am pretending to update everything to the 4.94 code that I received at the end of September 98. After I'm done updating everything to 4.94 I will begin moving more features from other games or implementing brand new stuff. Pretending? I've been saying this for several years now and haven't actually worked on it for ages. I can still dream...

Imoria is based on Moria, and is a part of the Rogue and Nethack family of dungeon games with character graphics.

For more information about this type of game check out the YARNS homepage (was Roguelike News II), Roguelike Games homepage or the Official Moria homepage. Also there is the great geneaology and chronology of roguelike games site.

What does it run on?
Most of my work has been to get it running on slackware (I forget what version), and a year ago I got it running under Red Hat 5.1. I had to rewrite all the encryption code though, since I could not find the des libraries in RH. In Aug 2003 I found out that it works great on whatever custom RH 6.2 we have here at work.

I have not tried to compile icmoria on any other OS since about the 3rd week of the project. Feel free to get it working though :)

Where can you get it?
Well, this site is the only place I know of that has the current source or patches. If anybody mirrors it please let me know :) Here is the download page.

btw, here is some copyright info:

{ Moria Version 4.8	COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke		}
{                       Public Domain                                   }
{                                                                       }
{       I lovingly dedicate this game to hackers and adventurers        }
{       everywhere...                                                   }
{                                                                       }
{                                                                       }
{       Designer and Programmer : Robert Alan Koeneke                   }
{                                 University of Oklahoma                }
{                                                                       }
{       Assitant Programmers    : Jimmey Wayne Todd                     }
{                                 University of Oklahoma                }
{                                                                       }
{                                 Gary D. McAdoo                        }
{                                 University of Oklahoma                }
{                                                                       }
{       Moria may be copied and modified freely as long as the above    }
{       credits are retained.  No one who-so-ever may sell or market    }
{       this software in any form without the expressed written consent }
{       of the author Robert Alan Koeneke.                              }
{                                                                       }

Steve Kertes: