Capitan de Florida From the Memoirs of the Baron de la Plata |
Image by unknown artist, possibly by one of the Baron's many illegitimate sons.
The Baron de la Plata, a self-proclaimed military genius was in the Floridas as an independant traveller (and secret correspondent to the King of the Asturias) during the time of the war between the Asturias and the Brtittanians on the Murican continent. This war, very similar to the French and Indian War, is described by letters and illustrations from the Baron's archives.
The Jackson Gamers played this game at Fondren Presbyterian church in North Jackson on July 17, 2010. It is the second in Jim Pitts' Capitan de Florida series of linked games. We used Larry Brom's rules "The Sword in the Forest" which is really a variant for his colonial rules The Sword and the Flame. The 25mm troops are owned and painted by Jim Pitts and Mark Stevens.
Jim Pitts was the Game-Master for the game. This is set at about the time of the Seven Years War, but in the Imagine-Nation of "Murica."
Photo by John Murdaugh
The game-master is instructing the Murican players. Left to right, Bill Hamilton, Travis Melton, Sean Pitts, and Jim Pitts, the Game-master.
Photo by John Murdaugh
A view of Murican Militia or rangers behind the hasty breastworks that they had thrown up.
Photo by John Murdaugh
A fine view of Jay Stribling (The Baron de la Plata) and Bill Hamilton (to the rear).
Photo by John Murdaugh
Troops of the regiment Hibernia (Irishmen in the service of the King of the Asturias) advancing across the field.
From the papers of the Baron de la Plata
Subject: Our action on July 31st of this year.
To his excellency, Don Diego Vega,Capitan General de Florida, viceroy of the King of the Asturias
From the Baron de la Plata
Subject: The recent encounter with the Muricans on the border of
Your Excellency,
On July 31 of this year, we marched, as instructed by you, into the
disputed area along the border between Florida and Georgiana. This was
in retalliation for the unprovoked invasion of Florida on July 17 by the
protestant millitias of Georgiana and their infidel Indian allies, and
the many atrocities commited by the both.
All went well, the enemy fleeing before us, until we encountered an area
prepared for defense, the enemy having constructed artillery redoubts
and having cleared fields of fire for his weapons. After a council of
war, we decided on an immediate attack, the majority of our forces being
concentrated upon our left flank.
I had the honour to command the combined battalion of Hibernia and the
Asturias on our extreme left. After a long LONG approach march, the
details and travails of which I shall not recount here, we deployed into
line at an angle to, and facing the extreme right of the enemy's line
with the intention of 'rolling it up.'
You can imagine my surprise when, upon emerging from the woods, I found
that the rest of the army, was not merely demonstrating to hold the enemy in
place while I made my flank movement, as I had thought would happen, but was
engaged in a full scale assault against the enemy fortifications. Alas,
the number of dead and wounded among our brave forces was trememendous.
The force of the enemy's gunpowder seemed much more potent than ours on
this day.
Although my forces were fighting strongly against the enemy's right, our
regiments in the center were spent and falling back by 2:15 in the
afternoon, so I fell back also, covering our army against the vigorous
enemy pursuit.
I must strongly protest against the conduct of our French allies'
commander who insinuated himself into the high command of our army and
who so badly co-ordinated the execution of our otherwise excellent plan
of attack.
I am, as always, your most obedient servant
the Baron de la Plata
Photo by John Murdaugh
Another view of the Murican players. Left to right, Bill Hamilton, Travis Melton, and Sean Pitts.
Photo by John Murdaugh
Photo by John Murdaugh
Photo by John Murdaugh
Photo by John Murdaugh
Photo by John Murdaugh
Photo by John Murdaugh
Asturian/Floridian Players, Forces & Objectives
Baron de lat Plata (Jay Stribling) - Extreme Left flank, Phillip, Count Romanski (Phil Young) - Left Center, Eduardo, Baron Santiago (Ed Sansing) - Commander-in-Chief and center of the line. Finally Lieutenant-Colonel Juan de Arkansas (John Murdaugh) on the right flank, including our noble indian allies.
The Murican/Brittannian Players, Forces & Objectives
Bill Hamilton (right flank), Travis Melton (Center and Commander-in-Chief) and Sean Pitts (Left flank)
So, who won this game?
The Muricans did.
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