The Jackson Gamers'
Period page

This page last updated June 2008

Close-up of archers in their camp


Pig Wars On November 18, 2000 John Switzer ran a wonderful Dark Ages game where every man was against his neighbor. One gamer was the peaceful villager, while 9 more of us were attacking him to steal gold, livestock and women. We used a simplified version of the Pig Wars rules at HOBBYTOWN in Jackson MS. You can see photos and comments on the game.

John and Josh Switzer along with Bill Estes play-tested a Dark Ages scenario using the Pig Wars rules at John's home in Ridgeland MS. Click PIGGY to see photos and some comments on the game.


PIG WARS is a skirmish set of dark ages rules that the Jackson Gamers have played and enjoyed. John Switzer is our guru for this set. We have played this twice as a club game, and more often at individual games at Mr. Switzer's home.

LOOT SCOOT & BOOGIE is a skirmish set of viking raiding rules that Jim Pitts has run a game with. Every player is a Viking and the object is to get your look back to the ship.

VIS BELLICA is a new set of rules that the Jackson Gamers have played twice. This runs from the Ancient Period to the Medieval period. We liked and plan to try it again!


Photo by Ed Sansing

The photo above shows Charles the Great and his guard in the third of our "Charlemagne" mini-campaign games run by Sean Pitts. We played these games in January and February 2008 at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood Mississippi

"Capturing the Conclave" was the third game of four, a mini-campaign run by Sean Pitts. This was played on February 2, 2008 and was the second of two Norman victories. Charlemagne, advancing further into Saxonia, made his target the conclave of Saxon chieftains and druids. In order to capture the conclave, the Franks had to exit eight units off the far table edge. Of course, the massed Saxon forces had something to say about this!

"The Grove of the Badger King" was the second game of four, a mini-campaign run by Sean Pitts. This was the first Norman victory, and we played played the game on January 19, 2008. Charlemagne, with his army, had to capture a small woods, held sacred by the Druids. The massed but somewhat disorganized Saxon forces defended the sacred grove with all they had. Casualties were very hight in this battle.

"Smash them!" During the time of Charlemagne, various groups of rebellious locals had to be put down as he established his cental government. In this case a group of rebelious saxons made a stand behind a stream. The troops of the local Norman barons were used by the king to smash the rebellion against his tax collectors. This was the first game, in a mini-campaign of four, all run by Sean Pitts.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Jay Stribling's force of knights discover that the valley has a reason to be called "The Dragons' Lair." His men back up, jabbing at the beast drawing it away from it's cave so that his more lightly armed infantry can loot the beast's lair.

"The Dragon's Lair" was this Medieval/Fantasy game played in 25mm with Jim Pitt's army. Jim came up with the rules, wrote the scenario and rant the game. This game was played at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson on April 30, 2005. Jay Stribling thinks that he won but others say that the dragon would have incinerated him shortly when it got its flamimg breath turned on.

"Surprise" was a "different" medieval battle in which one army (squares) tried to surprise another army (rounds) by attacking the baggage & camp site while most of their opponents were off foraging for food. We used our old favorite Rules By Ral.

In the photo above, archers and crossbowmen of Circumference await the assault. There were 4 units in the camp, and 6 more which had to set up at least 12" out of the camp. A further 6 units of the 'round' army were set up, at least 24" out of the camp. The rest of the 'rounds' were off-table and had to enter by rolling the turn number or less on a D6.

This game turned really different when the UFO landed on turn five!!!

Save the Pig was a medieval battle using our old favorite Rules By Ral. This game was enlivened with the efforts of rival Wizards casting spells in aid of each side. Baron Fred "The Firm", raided across the border into the kingdom of Parallelogram and stole the Queen and the King's prize pig. A mounted force under Sir Robert "The Evil One" trailed them and ran Baron Fred to ground near the king's hunting lodge. The Square forces bested the Round forces in the medieval battle over pork on the hoof! There is a bit more to come on this batle report.

Eric Wood made the long drive over from Dallas TX to run two 25mm Medieval games at HOBBYTOWN on August 26, 2000. Eric was the game master and brought his Mongol army to do battle with our Medieval knights and footmen. I regret to report the Christian forces suffered a disaster during the first battle at 10am, but did better during the game which started at 4pm.

Eric introduced us to the latest version (10.0) of his "Swords and Shields" rules. . Click on Halting the Mongol Invaders to see pictures and commentary by a number of the gamers that took part. Russ Schnieder took most of the photos.

Jim Pitts ran a game using the Medieval Warfare rules by Terry Gore. This game, The Battle of Durazzo was fought at HOBBYTOWN on April 15, 2000. Click on the name to see the 15mm figures and read the battle report. NOTE: This site is still under construction!

We played a Medieval game based on a novel by Jerry Pournelle at Hobbytown on March 18th. Jim Pitts set up and was game master at the Battle of SEMPRONIUS' VILLA. One side was all cavalry, the other mainly foot.

Jim Pitts was game master at a series of Viking/Dark ages skirmish games at Hobbytown on February 19th. Click on Loot, Scoot, & Boogie!.to see Tim Latham's pictures of the affair.

On Saturday, December 4th 1999, Jim Pitts and Jay Stribling tested the Medieval Warfare rules by Terry Gore. Using Jim's 15mm armies we found the Byzantines well matched agains a Norman-Lombard army. As with most battles of the period, the armies were cavalry-heavy. Click here for The Battle of Tifton to learn about this medieval carnage.

MEDIEVAL BATTLE Photos taken 7/11/99 by Bill Estes. This was a 25mm. generic medieval battle using our modifications to "Rules by Ral". A wild affair, this featured, ships, pirates, mercenaries, revolting towns, pilgrims, a convent to sack, Nuns to pray for the players, and more!

The Battle of Zara These pictures were taken at Bill Estes' home in 1988. This 25mm game was run by Eric wood.

The Road to Edessa One Picture taken at Bayou Wars 1999. Eric Wood ran this game and I recall that there was more than this one photo. This matter is under investigation


RULES BY RAL is a set that Jay Stribling and Robert Whitfield picked up in 1985 and the simplistic rules set is just about our speed. This is our most-often played Medieval rules set. We have a somewhat "customized" variant of this set on our Jackson Gamers' rules page.

SWORDS AND SHIELDS, Eric Wood's Medieval rules have been replaced by a newer version:

SHIELDS AND BLADES v10, Eric Wood's Latest version of his medieval rules.

MEDIEVAL WARFARE by Terry Gore has been tried several times by the Jackson Gamers. Jim Pitts is the resident expert on this set. While it is quite complete, many of the Jackson Gamers feel that it is a bit too complex and competition-oriented for them.

DAY OF BATTLE is a rules set that also has been tried by Jay Stribling and Jim Pitts. We had access to a playtest version of the latest revision. I must say that it also seems too complex for an old guy like me (Jay) but is amazingly complete and well presented.

DBM (the current Wargames Research Group rules set) is played in Jackson by a large group of afficionados. The Jackson Gamers have not played this rules set as a club activity.

Our good friend and fellow gamer, Ken Hafer of New Orleans, dressed as a Landscknect!


Cavalry struggle on the Swiss right

Sean Pitt's reiters and crossbowmen in French/Swiss service are attacked by Bill Hamilton's Imperialist Gendarmes in what looked like an easy victory for the "ironheads." Unfortunately Bill couldn't get his cavalry to close and the pistoleers shot him to pieces over the course of several turns. This image is from our game "The Hated Swiss!" played at Southwest Academy on May 31, 2008.

An Imperialist gun supported by two units of Landscknect pikes.

"The Imperialist Defence!" was the name of the battle shown above. It is the first in a series of four Renaissance games using our 25/28mm Renaissance armies, and our Pikes and Gendarmes rules. This photo is from the first game, played at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson on October 2, 2004. We had some extra time (the game only lasted two turns) so played the game again, with the French forces taking victory in the first, and the Imperialists winning in the second! Links to all four games are below:

"The Imperialist Defence!" was the game played on October 2, 2004.
"The Battle of DeNovo" was the second, played on October 30, 2004.
"Struggle in the Rain" was the game #3, played on November 20, 2004.
"Vermicelli/Pignoli" was the last of the actions, played on December 4, 2004.

Gascon arquebusiers skirmishing

"The French King Returns!" was the name of a 25mm Renaissance game using our TSATF variant The Sword and the Pike. This was played at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson on November 16nd, 2002 and while Jay both acted as umpire and played on the French side, he cannot be accused of favoratism, as the French were soundly defeated!

Fortified town under attack - cannons firing at the oncoming men.


PIKES AND GENDARMES this is drived from one of Larry Brom's early rules sets, which we call the Brom Standard Rules. This set takes the rules set back to the Renaissance. Pikes, shot, heavy cavalry, all those lovely arms, isn't that enought? Not by a long shot - we have added two hand swords, crossbows, halbards, firearm cavalry, huge heavy guns, fast light guns, generals who raise their own armies. Oh what fun!

PIKES AND GENDARMES The Latest version of these rules

SWORD, CROSS, & GOLD and THE SWORD AND THE PIKE were two earlier rules sets produced by the Jackson Gamers. These were variants for Larry Brom's The Sword and the Flame colonial rules set. The first was for Conquistadors vs. the Native Americans. This set was cobbled up in the early 1990s so that we could play games with Mark Stevens' beautiful 25mm Aztecs and Spanish. The second set was more generic, but was a "semi-skirmish" rules set for European warfare.

Both of these variants are now available from And Thats the Way it Was, publisher of The Sword and the Flame.

RENAISSANCE WARFARE by Terry Gore has been tried several times by the Jackson Gamers. Jim Pitts is the resident expert on this set, but most of the Jackson Gamers that have tried this seem to that it is too competition-oriented for our group.

ODDITIES of some Jackson Games

Medieval Nicknames for the players

Magic spells for use by wizards during the game!

When navigating these new page, it is possible that some links or buttons may not work. Please notify - Jay Stribling, webmaster for the Jackson Gamers, when something does not work or display correctly.

This page was set up by Eric Wood. Unfortunately for the Jackson Gamers, he has relocated from Jackson MS to the Dallas TX area. At one time he was now maintaining his own gaming page. Recently it has been unavailable. Feel free to to try this link:

If it works, you will be taken to Eric's DALLAS/FT WORTH GAMING HOME PAGE page, from whence you can access Eric's Medieval page, among many others.

You can send E-Mail to Eric at

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