Pharoh rides to war v 3.4

Updated May 22, 2011

This is a set of rules for use with the Stribling/Teuber armies of 20mm Ancients. These two armies are the Egyptian army and the Assyrian Army so those are the only troops that this rules set will address. You will need Six-sided dice (D6), rulers or tape measures, and two armies of miniature soldiers for this game.

The sequence of action for each turn

Movement Phase: Each side rolls a D6 and the high die moves first or second at choice. Any or all units of the first side may move. When that side is finished, units of the second side may move. Units of the second side that have been charged may not move but may evade if possible. Note that some units may shoot during the movement phase.

Shooting Phase:Units armed with Bows, slings or Javelins may shoot at enemy units in their shooting arc. Fire is simultaneous. Units that shot during the movement phase may not fire again in this phase. Officers fighting in the front rank with their units must check to see if they are a casualty at the end of the phase. Remove stands which have taken the maximum number of hits allowed at the end of the phase. Units that lose a stand or more due to shooting must test for "Shock."

Melee Phase: Units that charged into melee and their targets now fight hand-to-hand. Officers fighting in the front rank with their units must check to see if they are a casualty, no matter if their side wins or loses the melee. Remove stands which have taken the maximum number of hits allowed at the end of the phase.

Morale & Rally Phase:

  1. Any unit that has lost half or more of it's strength in stands must pass a general morale test. If it fails, it is removed from the battlefield.
  2. Test for wounded officers dying/returning to game.
  3. Routed units which routed on a previous turn (not this one) may attempt to rally.

Terms used in these rules

Casting - One miniature soldier. Shooting casualties are inflicted in castings.
Base or Stand - One base on which will be mounted one or more castings. The base is the basic unit for shooting or fighting in melee.
Unit - A group of bases that move and fight together.

Assyrian forces

Chariots. These are heavy chariots with four horses and three crewmen. They may not go into woods, rough terrain, hills or swampy areas. Chariots may move through these areas on roads. They may charge into melee. Fight in lines or columns. May make only two 45 degree turns per move. May shoot 360 degrees. May charge into melee vs. any troop types. Heavy Chariots are armed with melee weapons as well as bows. Chariots are mounted one per base. Takes 5 shooting hits to remove one chariot base.

Mounted Bowmen. These are light cavalry. May move at half movement through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. No restriction on turning. Fight in lines and columns. May shoot 360 degrees. May not charge into melee. Mounted Bowmen are mounted two per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one mounted bowmen base.

Mounted Javelins. These are light cavalry. They may move at half movement through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. They have no restriction on turning. They fight in lines and columns. They may charge into melee but not frontally vs. infantry spears. Mounted Javelin castings are mounted two per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one mounted javelin base.

Mounted Lancers. These are heavy cavalry. May move at half movement through woods, rough terrain or hills. May not go into swampy areas. No restriction on turning. Fight in lines and columns. May charge into melee vs. any troop types. Mounted Lancer castings are mounted two per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one mounted lancer base.

Heavy Infantry - Bow. These are armored infantry. May move at 1/2 move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make one 45 degree turn per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move instead of normal movement. Fight in lines, columns, or square. Shoot in 45 degree arc on either side of facing direction. May not charge into melee. Heavy Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one heavy infantry base.

Heavy Infantry - Sword/Spear. These are armored infantry. May move at 1/2 move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make one 45 degree turn per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move instead of normal movement. Fight in lines, columns, or square. May charge into melee. Heavy Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one heavy infantry base.

Light Infantry - Bow. These are unarmored light infantry. May move at normal move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make two 45 degree turns per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move and still move with normal movement. Fight in lines or columns. May be part of square only if with other infantry armed with swords, spear, or axes Shoot in 45 degree arc on either side of facing direction. May not charge into melee. Light Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one light infantry base.

Light Infantry - Sword/Spear. These are unarmored light infantry. May move at normal move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make two 45 degree turns per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move and still move with normal movement. Fight in lines, columns, or square. Shoot in 45 degree arc on either side of facing direction. May charge into melee. Light Infantry are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one light infantry base.

Egyptian forces

Chariots. These are light chariots with two horses and two crewmen. They may not go into woods, rough terrain, or swampy areas. May move through these areas on roads. May move onto and through hills at half speed as long as the hills are not designated as rough. They may not charge into melee. Fight in lines or columns. May shoot 360 degrees. No restrictions on turns made. Chariots are mounted one per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one chariot base.

Heavy Infantry - Sword/Spear/Axe. These are armored infantry. May move at 1/2 move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make one 45 degree turn per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move instead of normal movement. Fight in lines, columns, or square. May charge into melee. Heavy Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one heavy infantry base.

Light Infantry - Bow. These are unarmored light infantry. May move at normal move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make two 45 degree turns per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move and still move with normal movement. Fight in lines or columns. May be part of square only if with other infantry armed with swords, spear, or axes. Shoot in 45 degree arc on either side of facing direction. May not charge into melee. Light Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove one light infantry base.

Light Infantry - Sword/Spear. These are unarmored light infantry. May move at normal move through woods, rough terrain hills or swampy areas. May make two 45 degree turns per move in addition to normal movement, OR may make one "about face" per move and still move with normal movement. Fight in lines, columns, or square. Shoot in 45 degree arc on either side of facing direction. May charge into melee. Light Infantry castings are mounted three per base. Takes 3 shooting hits to remove a light infantry base.

Army organization

The Assyrian army is divided into the forces of the Satraps of Media, Asia, and Babylon, plus a Reserve force. There is an officer for each force along with a commander-in-chief. All officers are mounted in chariots.

The Egyptian army is divided into the three hosts of Amun, Ptah, and Re plus a reserve force. There is an officer for each force along with a commander-in-chief. All officers are mounted in chariots.


Units at the start of the movement phase, which are within 12" of their commanding officer or within 12" of the general may move. Units not within 12' of an officer must roll a D6. If the result is 1 or 2, they may not move in that turn.

Officer casualties: Officers are either "in the front rank" with the men of ONE of their units, or they are not. If they are "in the front rank" of a unit, the unit has bonuses to melee and morale. However the officer must check to see if they are a casualty if the unit with which they are "fighting in the front rank" receives any casualties.

Procedure: Roll two D6. If the sum of the dice is "11" or "12" then the officer is hurt and immediately carried to the rear. In the morale phase of each turn, roll a D6. If the result is "6" the officer returns to his command. If the result is "1" or "2" the officer dies. Any other result means that he lingers in the rear till the next turn when he may be diced for again.

Rally - Routed units from a previous turn may attempt to rally with or without an officer in the rally phase. With an officer, they may rally by rolling a 3 or greater on a D6. Without an officer present may rally in the same phase by rolling a 6. Failure to rally means the unit stands in place, routed.


Heavy Chariots - Normal Move 10" - Gallop 14"
Light Chariots - Normal Move 13" - Gallop 18"
Heavy Cavalry - Normal Move 13" - Gallop 18"
Light Cavalry - Normal Move 15" - Gallop 20"
Heavy Infantry - Normal Move 6" - May Run 9"
Light Infantry - Normal Move 8" - May Run 12"

Notes on movement:


Lighter troops may always attempt to evade heavier troops if charged. If they have not yet moved, this evasion becomes their move. If they have already moved, evasion is in addition to their move. They should move a full normal move away from the enemy unit attacking them. Roll a D6 for each stand evading. If result is "1" the unit takes one "hit" for each "1" rolled. This represents soldiers who become lost or captured during the evasion.


Bowmen, slingers, or javelinmen roll 1xD10 per stand shooting. Hits are die numbers shown below, all other die numbers are misses.

Chariots carried copious supplies of arrows. May roll 2xD10 per stand when shooting. Casualty stands may shoot as other stands, till finally "killed."

Targets in OPEN - Bows shooting at LONG range:
Chariots: Hit with 5-6 Cavalry: Hit with 5-6
Heavy Infantry: Hit with 5-6 Light Infantry: Hit with 5-6
Targets in OPEN - Bows/Javelins shooting at SHORT range:
Chariots: Hit with 4-5-6 Cavalry: Hit with 4-5-6
Heavy Infantry: Hit with 4-5-6 Light Infantry: Hit with 4-5-6
Targets in COVER - Bows shooting at LONG range:
Chariots: Cannot be in Cover Cavalry: Hit with 6
Heavy Infantry: Hit with 6 Light Infantry: Hit with 6
Targets in COVER - Bows/Javelins shooting at SHORT range:
Chariots: Cannot be in Cover Cavalry: Hit with 5-6
Heavy Infantry: Hit with 5-6 Light Infantry: Hit with 5-6

Shooting ranges:

Notes on Shooting:

Target arcs for shooting:

Armor Saving Throws:


Units moving to attack the enemy in melee are "charging." Charging units stop 1" from target unit and take any fire from target unit. Units that are charged may not move in that turn, even if their chance to move has not yet occurred. They may evade if elligible for evasion.

There can be two melee rounds per turn. In each round each side rolls one D6 per stand adding dice for weapon and tactical factors below. Casualty stands fight like any other stand. Highest dice total wins melee. Divide winning side's dice total by 4. Resulting number equals figures lost by losing side. Divide losing side's dice total by 5. Resulting number equals figures lost by winning side.

After the First round of melee, if chariots or cavalry are involved the losing side will test general morale and fall back (rout if it fails the morale test).

If the melee contains infantry only, the losing side will test general morale (routing if failed). If the loser passes, then each side has the choice of falling back or to remain and make a second effort (an immediate second round of melee). Loser of the second round will fall back and tests general morale after second effort also. At the end of the melee, test for officer casualties if any officers fighting with units.

Melee - Weapon and tactical factors
Spear +1 die to front.
Axe +1 die except vs. chariots.
Guard class troops +1 die
Heavy troops vs. Lighter troops +1 die
Officer fighting in front rank with men +2 dice
Attacking into enemy flank/rear +2 dice
Moving uphill/climbing up to attack enemy -1 die
Moving across wall or rough terrain to attack enemy -1 die

Melee - Special rule - Heavy Chariot Impact

This is done in the MOVEMENT phase. Fight melee in melee phase after resoving Heavy Chariot impact in movement phase.

When attacking infantry the heavy chariots may attempt to crash into and break through them. The chariots and infantry unit each roll a D6 and if the Chariot's roll beats the infantry by more than 1, they ride down a stand of infantry (remove it from game) and may enter into the enemy for melee or ride through the infantry, and may attack another unit to the rear, within 45 degrees of facing direction.

If the infantry's roll beats the chariots by more than 1, one chariot overturns and is lost. The chariots fall back one move, and there is no melee. Any tie or die roll beating the other side by only 1 means a normal melee takes place between the infantry and the chariots. This rule cannot be used if infantry is behind wall or in terrain that chariots cannot enter. Modify the die roll:

Units may only charge enemy units to their front (See note above about chariots passing through enemy).


There are four kinds of morale tests in this game, General morale, Shock, Fear and Rally.

General morale - Taken when called for by rules.

Procedure: Roll a D6. If result is 1, unit immediately routs and runs to the rear. If already routed, it routs from table. Modify the die roll:

Shock - When a unit loses a stand due to enemy shooting, or when a routed unit takes any casualties due to enemy shooting, it must test for Shock. Test at end of shooting phase.

Procedure: Roll a D6. If result is 1, un-routed unit falls back one move. Already routed unit loses a stand and routs again. Modify the die roll:

Fear Heavy chariots may inspire fear. Units charged by heavy chariots must make fear check before standing for melee. This is done in the movement phase as the chariots declare their charge.

Procedure: Roll D6. If result is 1 or 2, the target unit routs, losing 1 stand and running to the rear. Modify the die roll:

Rally Routed units from a previous turn may attempt to rally with or without an officer in the rally phase. With an officer, they may rally by rolling a 3 or greater on a D6. Without an officer present may rally in the same phase by rolling a 6. Failure to rally means the unit stands in place, routed.

Routed Units

Routed units which are contacted by charging enemy units rout from the battlefield immediately.

Routed units which take missile casualties due to enemy shooting must test for "Shock" and leave the field if the test is a failure.

Routed units from a previous turn may attempt to rally with or without an officer in the rally phase

Units from a previous turn with an officer present may rally by rolling 3 or greater on a D6. Failure means the unit stands in place routed. See also Morale rules.

Routed units from a previous turn without an officer present may rally in the same phase by rolling a 6. Failure means the unit stands in place routed. See also Morale rules

Winning the Game

The best victory conditions are those set by the game master or umpire who set up the game. If there are not such victory conditions, then you may use these:

  1. If one side has lost all officers and the other side still has at least one officer , it has lost.
  2. If one side has no units left which have not lost one or more stands, and the other still has at least one unit which has not lost a stand, it has lost the game.

Additional and Misc. Rules

Shooting by Evading units: Units that evade, which have not yet shot, and which are able to shoot in the movement phase may shoot as they evade. They roll 1 die less than normal when shooting.

Shooting by charging units:

Casualty Stands

Units which take casualties consolidate all casualties onto one stand. A unit may not have more than one stand with casualties. When that stand has taken casualties equal the maximum number it can "hold" it is removed. See "Assyrian Forces" and "Egyptian Forces" above.

The rules end at the horizontal line above. However, the Jackson Gamers are lovers of Chaos (some more than others). We use a "deck of cards" to give each General-in-Chief a chance to swing the game a bit more his way and startle his opponenets.

Fate/Change cards

To add uncertainty to the game each army commander may pull 6 cards from a standard 52-card deck at start of game. Any one of the six cards may be "played" at any time during a turn, but only one per turn.

Ace - Divine intervention saves an officer who would otherwise die or be captured.
King - Enemy army encounters soft sand. All units may only move ½ move this turn.
Queen or Jack - Two of your units have extra arrows and may shoot with one extra die per stand this turn.
10 - Assassin strikes down one enemy commander, dice for which one. He is taken, unconscious to rear. May return to game on D6 roll of 6. Dies on roll of 1 or 2.
9 - Enemy army dazzled by sun. Each unit must roll D6 with result of 4 or higher to move. Units with officer within 6" may add +1 to die roll.
8 - Inspirational speech by officer allows one of your units to add 2 extra melee dice this turn. Officer must be within 6" of unit.
7 - One enemy unit is confused about orders and cannot move this turn. Does not apply if officer is attached to unit.
6 - One of your units may run or gallop this turn even if they ran or galloped last turn. No bad effects for galloping for chariots/cavalry.
5 - One of your units may turn to face an enemy at any point during the turn without testing morale. Turning more than 45 degrees is allowed in this case.
4 - One of your units finds a path through woods, rough terrain, across hill or through swampy area. No terrain penalty this turn. Even a chariot unit may move through/across normally prohibited areas.
3 - Sudden rainstorm reduces the effect of your enemy's shooting this turn. Half hits for all of his bows and slings. Javelins may shoot normally.
2 - Divine favor allows your army to move first or second (your choice) this turn.
Joker - Card with no effect.

Above card deck last updated February 20, 2010

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