PART 2 of our Russian Civil War Game


Photo by Ed Sansing

As Sean's cavalry meets Jim's the monster from the swamp charges out. This picture may be a little fuzzy but it is the best one there is.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The American Interventionist armored car approaches the village. They have been told the church in the background has a lot of valuable loot. They hope to capture it and divide the loot amongst themselves.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Sean Pitts turns his units toward the village and runs into Comrade Jay's Red forces.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A view from Robert Whitfield's infantry looking at Jim Pitts' and Jay Stribling's forces guarding the village.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The beast paces up and down between the lines deciding on his next meal.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Again the picture is a little fuzzy but perhaps we don't want to look too closely, as the prehistoric monster is devouring an unfortunate infantryman.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Americans in the armored car place a mustard gas shell outside the vehicle and set if off with rifle fire.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The gas cloud drifts along the Red lines. Panic ensues and the Reds fall back a short way till clear of the noxious vapors.

Photo by Ed Sansing

John Murdaugh's artillery (Red) begins to fire on the Americans. Unknown to the Reds, the Whites had the ability to subvert order and discipline in some of the Red units and cause them to change sides (to the DARK side). These gunners later did so.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The beast chooses his next meal

Photo by Ed Sansing

Jim Pitts receives reinforcements in the form of 2 tanks and attacks Robert Whitfield's white infantry. Robert's men attempt to defend against the tanks with petrol bombs but these have no effect. The whites fall back before the Red armor. .

Photo by Ed Sansing

The American's offer John Murdaugh's Red cavalry part of the loot if they allow them access to the church. The cavalry unit now goes to the artillery to try and get them to change allegiance also.

NOTE: After the game, the game-master, Fred Diamond said that the infantry had almost killed the beast from the swamp. Another concentrated volley by the Maxim guns might have done it. But this was unknown to all the players, after such carnage, all the commanders, Red and White alike, were glad to see the animal go back to it's lair in the swamp.

SO - Who won this Battle

Comrade Stribling (who is typing these words claims victory for the Bolshevik forces. We finally noticed the paragraph in our victory conditions which read that after occupying the town, we could exit the table and win. We exited, we won - simple.

Unfortunately unlear language by the game-master created the delusion in their minds that the White forces won also. The creature from the swamp, having feasted on man-flesh, no longer to be satisfied by the occasional cow, possibly considered, in it's pea-sized brain, that it had won also.

After the inevitable Red triumph over the reactionary white lackeys, a scientific expedition with be sent to study the creature with Large Howitzers, bombing airplanes and poison gas!

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