Our Russian Civil War Game



Photo by Ed Sansing

The Red Army commanders: Fred Diamond, Jim Pitts, Robert Whitfield and John Hesselburg. Three of the four have the requisite facial hair found in old photos of the RCW. Unfortunately having this hirstuteness did not guarantee victory.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A close-up of a huge cavalry melee in the center. The Reds are barely visible on the left, most of the mass being White horsemen.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A view of the field. Sean Pitts's White unit was never attacked directly and he was able to deliver fire on Red commanders Fred Diamond and Jim Pitts. He severely shot up the Red attackers. There was not enough artillery ammunition on the Red side (this was diced for) to suppress the White Machine guns.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The battlefield looking from east to west. The bridges across the river were the objectives. The Whites set up on the right (or north) and the Reds approached from the left (south).

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Imperial (White) commanders Ken & Sean. The gamemaster's expression makes it look like he is regretting what he ate for breakfast.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Red forces are appearing from the edge. The White forces opted for a hidden set up and did not show thier unit locations until they opened fire.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Reds advance. "Comrade Fred" Diamond's forces move toward the ford and wooden bridge. Jim Pitts's force moves down the road. "Comrade Robert" sends his units along the railway tracks.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Part of "Comrade Fred's" unit crosses the ford and finds my whole brigade. The other part of his cavalry crosses the wooden bridge and will be fired upon by Sean Pitts (White player).

Photo by Ed Sansing

Ken Hafer's infantry unit shows itself as Reds Jim Pitts and Robert Whitfield try to cross the river.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A better view of the fight in the middle (the trees were removed). Ken Haer's white units would be briefly driven out of the woods but would be able to re-take them.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Another view showing the White positions of Ken Hafer and Sean Pitts. They were able to reduce the strength of the Red units of Jim Pitts and Robert Whitfield so much that the Reds were unable to hold the bridges. This was the game in one sentance.

So, the victory went to...

The Whites. The Reds had to cross the stream, seizing two of the bridges. The Whites blew up one bridge and held the other two. The Reds briefly took the two southern bridges but, as in the photo caption above, the Whites regained them. Neither side had much artillery but the Reds needed theirs to work better than it did.

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