Our Russian Civil War Game


RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR GAME - January 01, 2007

Photo by Ed Sansing

The church on the hill (Built by John Hesselberg) was one of the objectives for the attacking White army. Just past it you can see the village held by Red infantry - which was another objective. The rail line leading off the northern edge of the battlefield was the third White objective.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The White Generals in the first game (the losers). Left to right - Mark Stevens, Sean Pitts, Jay Stribling (not shown - John Murdaugh). These same people were also the Red commanders in the second game (the losers). Some viewers may see a pattern here. The persons pictured here (and also John Murdaugh) vigorously refute that.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The center of the White line. Their artillery is in the center. The Reds were lucky the artillery concentrated on the village for the first 3 turns and did little damage. The game-master specified that the artillery had shrapnel shells which were deadly against troops in the open, but they did little damage against troops in cover.

Photo by Ed Sansing

White cavalry on the western flank. The middle unit is elite, signified by the banner. Note the tchanka on the far side, wheeled around so that the Maxim gun in the wagon can fire ahead.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Ed Sansing writes: "The Red cavalry has just defeated the White cavalry (the lone figure facing them is the forlorn White commander). The Whites were disordered by my gunfire and then hit by Comrade Fred's cavalry.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The White Russians advance slowly in the center under deadly fire from artillery and infantry and a Maxim gun in the town.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Ed Sansing's Red infantry has pulled back to the church, driven back by John Murdaugh's artillery. There they held and could not be dislodged.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Red artillery dug in. This was a large battery, with four stands representing an 8-gun force. A cavalry unit moves to the eastern flank behind them to guard against White cavalry moving that way.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The white infantry closes on the village. To no avail! They were thrown back by the vigorous Red defense - valiantly led by Comrade Lee Drake. The artillery is seen to their rear. It has been reduced by one gun.

All of these photos are of the first game. The defending Reds were Ed Sansing, Fred Diamond, and Lee drake.

So, the victory went to...

The Whites - AND the Reds. We played this game twice. Once with Jay Stribling, Sean Pitts, and Mark Stevens as the attacking Whites. They were defeated handily, shot down by Maxims and artillery. After a quick luncheon of the finest rations (RED Hot dogs and RED Baked beans) we played the game again, switching sides.

This time as the defending Bolsheviks, Jay Stribling, Sean Pitts, and Mark Stevens and John Murdaugh fumbled the defense and the attacking White generals blew them off the battlefield - all in short order. We blame the dice, the rules, the terrain - it could not be our fault!

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