Photo by John Switzer of Larry Reeves' Assault on the Stockade Redan game
Reeves Crossroads was Larry Reeves' 15mm American Civil War game run which we played on April 5, 2008 at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood MS. The Rebels and the Union forces both wanted a small town in the Shenandoah valley in 1864. The Federals got there first, but the Rebels were in more force, and just would NOT be denied.
Across the Open Ground was our 25mm American Civil War game run by Jay Stribling at SOUTWEST ACADEMY in Jackson MS on July 21, 2007. The Rebels were attacking a cut-off Union Corps. They had to cross the open ground under heavy Federal musketry and artillery fire. It was too much for the boys in gray!
Prairie Grove was 25mm game, played at HOBBYTOWN on July 16, 2005. Jay Ainsworth was the game-master and the Confederates were on the attack, only to be confounded by late-arriving Yankee reinforcements. "We wuz robbed!" sobbed the Confederates. Only a couple of photos by Ed Sansing are here, but more will arrive soon.
Out on the bay was 15mm game, played at HOBBYTOWN on July 31, 2004. We played this twice and both times the Federal monitors smashed the Southern Ironclads.
Olustee was fairly small battle in Florida in 1864. This 25mm miniatures version of the battle fought on November 15 and went pretty much along historical lines, except that the Union won! Jay Ainsworth was the game-master for this battle at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson.
Gaines Mill was the second 15mm ACW game which in a series (starting with Fair Oaks, below). In the real battle, Robert E. Lee attacked Fitz-John Porter's troops (the 5th Corps of the Army of the Potomac) north of the Chicahominy river, separated from the main body of the Federal Army. Stonewall Jackson was late (never showed up) and the Confederates carried the strong Union position with heavy casualties. We allowed old Stonewall to show up earlier, but gave the Union some of the reinforcements that General McClellan could have sent.
What was the result, the Rebels carried the Federal Position with dash, elan, and a huge flanking maneuver! Jay Stribling took the photos.
Fair Oaks/Seven Pines was a 15mm ACW game which we played on January 31, 2003. In the real battle, the Confederates, under Joseph E. Johnston fell on the Union right flank, south of the Chicahominy river, only a few miles from Richmond VA. The Union rushed reinforcements into the battle and managed to hold on.
Our miniatures game went much the same way. Larry Reeves ran the game, using his 15mm forces. Jim Pitts took the photos.
Crossin the Crick was a 25mm ACW game using our Continuous fire-Fight variant for Larry Brom's older Standard Rules. We played this game at HOBBYTOWN in North Jackson on April 5th, 2003. Lots of figures, lots of casualties.
Raiding the Federal Base
was a 15mm ACW naval game on May 4, 2002. The Confederate Navy came down the river, looking for a fight, determined to destroy the supply base for Grant's army in late 1864. This game was vaguely based on the real naval battle of Trent's Reach which was indecisive. Our game showed more aggressiveness on the part of the Southern ships' captains. In the end, Grant's army had to go on short rations, and most ships from both fleets were resting on the river bottom!
"Up the Lazy River was a 15mm Ironclad battle that was fought out at HOBBYTOWN on February 23,2002. The Union monitors triumphed in this game using the "Steam Iron & Tin" rules.
"The Free State of Jones was played at HOBBYTOWN on August 18, 2001. Lee Drake from Hattiesburg MS drove up to Jackson bringing his wonderful 25mm ACW figures and terrain so we could play a "Brother vs Brother" Skirmish-level game. This was a three-way game with Confederates vs. a force of Deserters AND the Union troops. A great time was had by all involved. Thanks Lee! Thanks to our own Tim Latham for the e-photos.
"The Battle of New Market was played at HOBBYTOWN on May 19,2001. Jay Ainsworth was game-master at this action which saw the defeat of Southern forces in the Shenandoah Valley. Not even the cadets from Virginia Military Institute could save the day! We used our American Civil War variant of Larry Brom's "Standard Rules". Tim Latham took the photos.
Lee Drake ran a 15mm Ironclads game that was greatly enjoyed by the Jackson Gamers at the Fusilier Muster gaming convention on February 17, 2001. We steamed, shot, and sank in this game played with the old "Steam, Iron and Tin" rules.
The Battle of Winchester was the name of Larry Reeves' 15mm American Civil War game at HOBBYTOWN USA in Jackson MS on January 20, 2001. Described by one participant as "A slug-Fest" you can see Jim Pitts' battle report along with Tim Latham's photos when you click on the title above.
Debacle on the Mississippi Jay Ainsworth hosted a small American Civil War Ironclads game at his home on July 28, 2000. The Union navy attacked New Orleans in a fictional game using river ironclads instead of Farragut's seagoing ships. The Southern shore gunners were of sterner stuff this time and sent the Federal ships back down the river. Click on the name above to view Tim Latham's photos. The rules used were our own "Ironclad Gunboat" rules. This battle report was on the NBCi site - currently unavailable.
The Assault on the Stockade Redan Larry Reeves ran this 15mm test game, based on an incident during the siege of Vicksburg in 1863. He used rules specially written for this game. Larry ran the same game at the Bayou Wars gaming convention in New Orleans LA in June 2000. The marvellous electronic photos were taken by John Switzer. This battle report was on the NBCi site - currently unavailable.
SHENANDOAH VALLEY - Rick Parks' campaign game of the 1862 battles in the Shenandoah Valley generated two 15mm. battles. The south whipped the yankees in the first action! But what can this be? The Yankees won the second! Photos and captions by Tim Latham. Click on one of these to view the actions:
GETTYSBURG - Jay Ainsworth is the game master for this series of massive 25mm games recreating the action in Pennsylvania, July 1 - 3, 1863. Tim Latham played Matthew Brady for the first three games with his digital camera. The photos for the last game were taken by another photographer, because they were images on paper rather than e-files. I do not know who took the game four shots.
Images from all four games were available. See
THE BATTLE OF STONE'S RIVER An American Civil War game which was played September 18, 1999 at HOBBYTOWN in north Jackson. Images from Tim's Digital Camera and also from the digital camera provided by John Switzer. This battle report was on the NBCi site - currently unavailable.
The Jackson Gamers have produced three sets of rules for land battles in the American Civil War, which we use to fight miniature wargames. All have a common source, and are basically the same, yet all are different.
Also we have a set of Simple ACW rules by Eric Wood, a former Jackson Gamer.
Photo by Tim Latham of Jay Ainsworth' Battle of Stone's River game
The Revised American Civil War Rules - Tuned and tweaked by Jay Ainsworth, specifically for the ACW.
"Continuous Fire-fight" Rules - Under construction, an easy concept to game, but hard to explain in writing!
"Crossing the Deadly Ground" A slight update of the above "Continuous Fire-fight" rules.
Larry Reeves' "Regimental" Rules - As used in the "Assault on the Stockade Redan" game.
Eric Wood's Simple ACW Rules - Only two pages long!
CAVALRY RULES for A Glint of Bayonets Larry Brom's American Civil War rules set once had rules for Cavalry along with infantry and artillery. In preparing the rules for publication, Larry removed these rules. The Jackson Gamers now bring you these additional rules for "Glint".
Cavalry Rules for A Glint of Bayonets
We also have two sets of rules for naval battles in the American Civil War. The first set is for smaller scale ships. We have used it with 1/1200 and 1/600 scale ships. The second set is for 15mm semi-scale warship actions.
IRONCLAD GUNBOAT - Derived from a set of rules by Don Lowry and Tom Wham - about 30 years old.
SHIP DATA SHEETS for "Ironclad Gunboat" rules
STEAM, IRON, & TIN - No Longer Available - This was a modified set of the rules that used to be given out free at conventions by Minifigs. Originaly written by Bill Abrams,
All of these flags were drawn by Brent Voorhees, one of the Jackson Gamers, for use by his 15mm ACW army. I believe that the size here will work for "true" 25mm soldiers. He has generously allowed us to post them here. You may download these flags for your own use, resize them and print them, but you may not sell them. The copyright is owned by Brent Voorhees.
One of Larry Brom's 30mm American Civil War Batteries in action, circa 1979.
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