Bayou Wars
Photos - Page 2

Photo by Ed Sansing

A great looking table for a 20mm WWII game. I am not sure who ran that game.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Mark Stevens's "Darkest Africa" game is just starting in this shot of one of the corners of the table. Speaking from experience, you really do not want to go in there boys!

Photo by Ed Sansing

The finish line in the 25mm "Circus Maximus" game. The White horses and chariot on the outside (the left in this photo) is neck and neck with Ed Sansing's dark team on the inside. Unfortunately, Ed's chariot was destroyed just before this shot, and Ed, entangled in the reins is being dragged to his death.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Pete Panzeri (in colorful native garb - OK just a big hat!) sets up his Mexican-American War game, using his "Santa Anna" rules set.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Jean Whitfield (on left) and Simpson Whitfield play a card game. Simpson (in yellow) seems to be winning.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The roar of the spectators at the Circus Maximus. Note the snide, knowing, underhanded look of these hardened professional gamblers as they waqer on the lives of the drivers. Lon Jerome built and ran this crowd-pleaser.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Robert Whitfield (on left, seated) is studying his statistics hard as he sets up one of his two WWII naval games.

The Convention Hotel in Metaire LA

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