Jackson Gamers' 1870 battle in 15mm
Using Larry Brom's Chassepot and Needlegun rules.
They fell like mown Wheat

This game took place on New Year's day 2005 at Jay Stribling's home. The French players defending La Patrie were Jay Stribling, Sean Pitts and Bill Estes.

The misguided Prussian hordes (excuse me - I meant to say, the Prussian players) -attacking with great gusto - were Jim Pitts, and Ed Sansing .

Larry Reeves provided the nicely painted 15mm armies, and Ed Sansing took the electronic photos..

Photo by Ed Sansing

The village, held at the start by the Prussians and surrounded by Sean Pitts' French troops. Larry Reeves expected that this village would hold off the Frenchmen long enough for the columns of Prussians to reach and relieve the town from the other side of the battlefield.

He was mistaken. Sean merely surrounded the village and opened fire with nine battalions of Frenchmen. The Prussians were wiped out.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Prussian left flank brigade (composed of a regiment of line infantry and 1 of jagers) tops a hill headed toward the town.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French await the advancing Prussians. What a bucolic scene - not for long!

Photo by Ed Sansing

The rest of the Prussian force. The other brigade of the left flank in the foreground and the other Prussian division in the back ground. Look at those columns! Columns are "Double-Hit" targets in the Chassepot and Needlegun rules set.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Prussians began their attack. The French units can fire across the stream. All of that vegetation was just "for show."

Photo by Ed Sansing

After shocking casualties on the first turn of fire, when the Prussians lost 2 entire battalions to Chassepot fire, they deployed into line. It was too late. They never recovered from that loss.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French right flank. The French Players deployed in linear formations from the first turn. No easily targeted columns for them!

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French devense of the central town. The Prussians fired at it but it was never seriously threatend by baynet assault. The deadly fire of the French infantry saw to that.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Prussian artillery, deployed centrally on elevated position - just as it should have been. In many Franco-Prussian battles these guns would decide the game. Not in this one! The shocking intial Prussian infantry casualties were never made good. The battlefield was dominated by Chassepot fire.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A view of the Prussian left-central section of the battlefield. Oh those poor boys - sent to die by Chassepot!

Who won this battle?

The French won this battle - with their rifle fire. In fact, this is one of the FEW battles that the French have won since the Jackson gamers started playing FPW games. The Prussians were shocked by the turn 1 and turn 2 casualties. They retreated to the woods line and still were roughly handled by the French. Every attempt to advance was met by the converging fire of numerous French units. After turn 5 or 6, the Prussians gave up and announced "a tactical withdrawal."

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