Jackson Gamers' Franco-Prussian War Page

Photo by Jim Pitts

With the composite regiment of the Foreign Legion in the foreground, the French Army of the Loire stretches into the distance as they advance across the hills and fields on their way to relieve Paris. This game took place on May 5, 2007 at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood MS and was the first use of our Jointly-raised 29mm 1870 armies.

The Jackson Gamers remember the great days when Larry Brom lived here with us, and we gamed with his 25mm Franco-Prussian armies. We had a 12' long table in his garage, and many a pleasant Saturday or Sunday was passed there, playing at war with his old Scruby "One-Inch scale" FPW armies and Larry's simple rules set. "One-Inch" scale is a now-forgotten size of miniature soldier, larger than the older 25mm figures, much the size of modern "Large 25mm" or 28mm figures.

When Mr. Brom moved away so did his armies. For years, the Jackson gamers were without figures for this 1870-1871 war. Then Larry Reeves painted a nice 15mm army for the period, and we thought that we had our "Fix" at last. But NO! Mr. Reeves decided to sell that army.

We dreamed of re-creating armies for this period in "Large" 25mm size, also known as 28mm. Finally, several years ago, we began. Robert Whitfield, Jim Pitts and Jay Stribling began to collect and paint figures for this 1870-1871 war. Unlike Larry Brom, who always had a master plan for how many units of each type that he would have in his army, our forces grew, and grew, and...

Franco-Prussian War Battles that we have fought

Photo by Jim Pitts

"Gravemont-St.Privy" was a meeting engagement fought with our 28mm 1870 Franco-Prussian War forces, played August 4, 2007 at SOUTHWEST ACADEMY. The armies are composed of forces owned by Robert Whitfield, Jim Pitts and Jay Stribling. As with our previous game, the Prussians came out victorious. We used a slightly modified version of Larry Brom's rules Chassepot & Needlegun.

"Sacre Bleu!" was our first 28mm 1870 Franco-Prussian War game in many years. We have been purchasing these troops and painting them for at least 4 years. We used Larry Brom's rules Chassepot & Needlegun. The Prussian/German players had a great time. As for the French Players - "Sacre Bleu!"

"Battle of Froeschwiller" was the 15mm 1870 Franco-Prussian War game played on February 5, 2005. We used Larry Brom's rules Chassepot & Needlegun. The French players had big plans which melted away in the face of Prussian fire and bayonets. The French army melted also.

"They fell like mown wheat" was the 15mm 1870 Franco-Prussian War game in which the power of the French Chassepot rifle was shown to full advantage. This was a decided French victory.

"The Frenchmen Attack" was the name of an 1870 Franco-Prussian War game played with Larry Reeves 15mm troops, and Larry Brom's rules Chassepot & Needlegun. This game took place November 6, 2004. The French players who were attacking with greater numbers (overwhelming numbers as it turned out) were Phil Young, Sean Pitts, Jay Stribling, Eddie Sansing, John Stangle (who drove all the way from Monroe Louisiana), Bill Estes, and John Murdough (who drove all the way from the middle of nowhere in Arkansas). The Prussian villians (oops - I mean the Prussian players) were Jim Pitts, Rick Loveday, Mark Gilbert, and Sean Pitts.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French await the advancing Prussians. What a bucolic scene - not for long! From our battle "They fell like Mown Wheat!."

Miniatures currently available for Franco-Prussian Gaming


Irregular Miniatures Infantry and Cavalry, German and French.


Photos above from the Spencer-Smith web site

Spencer Smith "Classic" Figures A brand new range of multipose 30mm miniatures. They are described as fitting in very well with 28mm miniatures from other makers because of the 'scale creep' of recent years.

The range has begun with the Franco-Prussian War. The makers hope that it "will grow over time to cover other major conflicts of the mid to late 19th century."

The figures in this range are multi-part. Infantry require the fixing of the weapon arm to the torso; drummers come with separate arms and drum. Mounted officers come with a separate arm and, where appropriate, scabbard.

"Willie" Figures (available from Tradition of London) Prussia, France: Infantry, Cavalry. Bavaria: Infantry, Saxony: Infantry.
While sold by Tradition of London, a note says that the figures are supplied by mail order direct from manufacturers in Sweden.

28mm FIGURES (Large 25mm)

Helion Prussian infantry and officers. Cavalry coming soon. These are really 1866 figures, but there is almost no differance.

Foundry Prussia, Bavaria, Wurttemburg, France: Command, infantry, cavalry, artillerists and guns.

Castaway Arts Prussia, France: Command, infantry, cavalry and artillerists - No guns.

The London War Room (In the Paroom Station range) Prussia: Command, infantry, cavalry (uhlans), artillerists. - No guns.

Old Glory France: Marines (actually Boxer Rebellion), Chasseurs d'Afrique. Some French Napoleonic cavalry may be usable (Dragoons and Cuirassiers). Some ACW guns may be usable as French guns, including Gatlings.

Eureka Miniatures Prussia and France: Infantry with some command.

Askari Miniatures France: Command, Tirailleurs Algerien, Zouaves, Chasseurs d'Afrique.

Battle Honors France: Infantry, artillerists and guns. Saxons: Infantry, Artillerists and guns.

25mm FIGURES (True 25mm)

Frontier Miniatures Prussia: Command, infantry, cavalry, artillerists and guns. France: Command, infantry, cavalry, artillerists and guns.

Tradition Figures (available from Tradition of London) Prussia: Infantry, Officer, Drummer, Bavaria, Infantry, Officer, Drummer. France: Infantry, Officer.
While sold by Tradition of London, a note says that the figures are supplied by mail order direct from manufacturers in Sweden.

25mm FIGURES (Small 25mm)

Photos above from the Waterloo to Mons web site. Figures painted by web site owner.

Historifigs - (The old Jack Scruby line) Prussia: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns. France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Old Minifigs (Made prior to 1975) The ACW line contained Zouaves that were really French FPW war figures. These are nicely sculpted but small. They can still be found occasionally in used lots.


B & B Miniatures French infantry and cavalry, Prussian infantry & cavalry, and other German infantry.

18mm FIGURES (Very large 15mm)

Eureka Miniatures Some of the Crimean War 1855 French will be usable.

15mm FIGURES (True 15mm)

Minifigs Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Rank and File Miniatures (available through Battle Honors) Prussia, France: Infantry (with command figures), cavalry, artillerists.

Eagle Figurines has FPW in 15mm in bags of 50. German and French, infantry only.

Old Glory Makes an extensive line of Franco-Prussian war figures, for both sides.

Essex Miniatures Prussian & French infantry and cavalry.

Frontier Miniatures Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Irregular Miniatures Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Freikorps 15 Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Outpost Wargames Prussia: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns. France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Peter Laing Miniatures Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.
These are old small 15mm figures with very little detail compared to modern figures. I am not certain that they are in production.


Magester Militum Prussia, France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns.

Pendraken Miniatures France: Infantry, cavalry, artillerists & guns. Prussia, Infantry & cavalry.

Perrin Miniatures French: Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery & Guns. Bavarian Infantry, Wurrtemburg Infantry, Prussian: Infantry, Cavalry & Artillery


Emhar - French Infantry, Zouaves, Prussian Infantry

HaT - Prussian Infantry & Jagers, Bavarian Infantry


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