NEW ITEMS are marked with . Page last updated: 10/11/01

All comments are the dastardly work of the webmaster Jay Stribling unless otherwise credited.

Larry Enochs wrote this, about 1/600 ACW ship models. “Right now, I think the Thoroughbreds are about as good as you can get in Ironclad miniatures. If I were to scale them all 1-10, I'd say that Thoroughbreds run 9or better. PP would be rated somewhat less, with considerably more variation in quality from one model to the next.”

Larry Enochs also has a web site with absolutely stunning images of the commercially available ships mentioned elsewhere on this site and also DOZENS of scratchbuilt ships of the Ironclad era, and other periods also. I drooled when I viewed them. click HERE to visit the site "Larry & Liz Enoch".

Perhaps some day we can persuade him to give up a few of the secrets of his precision workmanship in an article on how he makes those lovely vessels.

PAPERCLADS! Lou Coatney has a home page devoted (among other things) to Cardstock models. He has several downloadable ones that he has designed so you can build your own ship models. Among them, he has the MONITOR and the VIRGINIA. Click here to go to his home page.

"We have no time, place or means to build an effective navy. Our ports are, or soon will be, all blockaded. On land we do not fear Lincoln, but what shall we do to cripple him at sea?"
John A. Stevenson to Secretary Mallory, 21 May 1861.

These are more Thoroughbred ironclad miniatures from Tim Latham's collection. The pliers on Tim's workbench in the background are there for relative size (And pigs can fly too!). See Tim's comments of the comparison of the Peter Pig and Thoroughbred ships on page 1 of the ship photos.- Jay

Thoroughbred C.S.S. Arkansas and city class ironclad
U.S.S. Onandaga (double-turret monitor) and U.S.S. Indianola
Another view of U.S.S. Onandaga and U.S.S. Indianola
C.S.S. Atlanta (repainted) and Tennessee.
An Ellet Ram(brown) and a tinclad (brown and white).
Another view of the Ellet Ram and a tinclad
A neat mortar raft that Tim got as a sample.
Three tugs pulling various rafts.

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