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Capa-Alek (1-1)

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Its probably a bad idea to nominate yourself for an award, but I may as well go ahead and do it. This may be the finest and most thorough job of annotating a chess game anywhere on the Internet. If you know of a better job ... one where the author was at least a Master and spent perhaps 2000 hours (or more) working on the game ... be sure to let me know!! Otherwise, until I see proof of a better job, than I nominate this game as: 

 The Best Annotated Chess Game on the Internet! 

Jose R. Capablanca (2775) - Alexander A. Alekhine (2745) 


World Championship Match in Buenos Aires, 
Argentina. (Game # 11), 1927.

[ Annotators = J. R. Capablanca 
& A.J. Goldsby I 


(This is a game that I did rather recently (1999-2000) for the
  magazine.  Three GM's,  and many other Masters, 
(over a dozen!); have written or e-mailed me to tell me that this is 
one of the finest jobs of game annotation that they had ever seen.

I have made quite a few changes to the 
game since it was published.


I have also endeavored to add many diagrams, in the hope that 
you can follow this game without a chess board. If you would 
like a copy of this game, whether it be a print-out, chess-base 
format, or whatever; please
contact me.


This is a Model Game.  [Copyright (c), A.J.C.E; Inc. 2000, (c) 2001.] 
One of the best games from the 1927 match between ... 
Jose R. Capablanca and Dr. Alexander A. Alekhine. 
This match was for the chess championship of the world. 
This is game Number Eleven, (# 11.); of that match. 
Also one of the greatest all-time  World Championship Match games. 
Many notes based on Capa's own ideas. 
"The World Championship Matches, 1921 & 1927."  
by J.R. Capablanca. [Dover Books] 


Note: This game has the incorrect move score in ALL the 
[electronic] databases I could find. I had to get the correct 
move score out of the books!  {A.J.G.} 

(I document this carefully and in its entirety in the course of this game.) 


This game started when my friend, Mike Thornton, sent me an e-mail 
stating that Capablanca had missed an easy win. He was also the first  
to point out that the computer saw a mate in three in a position that is 
actually a mate in one! I worked on this game for many weeks. 

 (Originally, I had just wanted to prove to Mike - and myself! - that Capa 
 had NOT missed such an easy mate. My research has also found  
 dozens of examples of classic games in computer databases 
 that have the 
incorrect  score!)   

Eventually, not wanting all that work to be wasted, I sent the 
game into the Florida (State) Chess Magazine for publication. 
(It was published there just a few months later.) 
Now I have decided to place the game on one of my websites, for my fans' and friends' enjoyment. (And all chess lovers everywhere!)  It took approximately 200, (That's well over TWO HUNDRED!!!); hours of work to make this web-page ready for publication in my website. I hope you appreciate the amount of work that it took.

(Click HERE to see a very detailed explanation of the amount 
of time that was involved in bringing you this web page.)


I also have had to modify the symbols slightly, as FrontPage 
(and HTML) does not recognize most of the regular 
symbols used in annotating chess games.
(Informant-style symbols that mean "White is better," "Unclear," etc.) 
The normal symbol that "White is a little better," or, 
"A plus over an equal," is instead rendered as "
(Just think of the normal symbols, but turned 
on its side, like the smiley face.) 
{ :) }


I have also tried to color-code the variations,  (and use spacing); 
instead of ChessBase's {format} style, which features an endless  
use of parenthesis. (I think you should be able to follow the game 
quite easily now. The lay-out is now ...
pretty clear and straight-forward. At least, I hope so!)


The main line is Black in color. 
All the sub-variations are a different color! 

And all the Diagrams of the
actual game  
are given with a very thick border.


This should make them fairly easy to recognize and make it 
easy to tell the difference between the positions from the actual 
game and diagrams from the analysis. Also, sections of the analysis 
will be separated from other sections by
bold, blue asterisks. 
(In fact, ANY  [bold]  asterisk is a divider!)


I arrived at the above ratings by taking each players'  
"ELO, 5 Year-Peak." (The best five-year average for each player.)
Then I added 50 points to account for rating inflation. I know this 
is correct, because several mathematicians told me that there 
has been 
at least 100 points of inflation since FIDE adopted
the ELO rating system. (1960's.)


(If you look at the players today, I think you will understand 
are accurate - perhaps even 
UNDERVALUED!!  I don't really 
believe that Garry Kasparov is 200 points stronger than 
Alekhine at his peak!!!)


You don't need a chess set to follow the game. 
There are diagrams every few moves. 
However, for the analysis of the opening variations and some 
of the more complicated lines, a chess set is
(highly) recommended.


I have used standard abbreviations for the opening manuals. 
I.e., MCO-14 stands for "Modern Chess Openings," (14) 
by GM Nick DeFirmian and Walter Korn.


I had this page completely fail (crash or become unusable) a number 
of times. After wasting over 200 hours of work, I have decided to split 
this page into MANY DIFFERENT PAGES. This was the only way I could 
see completing this page and not have it become unstable in FrontPage.


I have also tried to make the individual pages stand by themselves. 
This included giving the complete game score at the top of each page.
In this way, you could study each page one at-a-time. 
(If you were so inclined.)


This is one of Alekhine's greatest games. 
(Click HERE to see one of Capablanca's greatest games.  Or  HERE.) 

Would you like to see this game on a java-script "replay" board?
 Maybe you would like to open two separate windows, and 
follow the game on the js board? Well now you can! 
Click  here  to see this entire game 
on a "java-script replay board." Do it now! 

The game begins with the double-QP, a virtual requirement 
of the best players during that era. It also reflects that the 
Classical School of Thought was still predominant, and 
that the ideas of 'Hypermodernists' had yet to be fully embraced.


1. d4 d5; 2. c4 e6;

 Purely classical development. Both sides initially try to control the center using pretty much only their pawns.

3. Nc3 Nf6; 4. Bg5 Nbd7;

  Thus far, both sides have developed in the proscribed fasion for the Q.G.D.   
(Actual game position after 4...Nbd7.)

5. e3,
  The simplest and most natural developmental move.

The simplest, guarding the pawn at c4. White nails the 
d4-square, and guards the pawn on c4 with his King Bishop.


[ A cute trap every QP player should know is: 
5. cxd5, exd5; 6. Nxd5??, Nxd5!;
(Black wins a key pawn. The move looks like a hallucination, 
as it appears that Black has dropped his Queen.)

  Black just played ...Nxd5. Is this a good move or a bad move?  (anal_diag_1.gif, 12 KB)
(Analysis Diagram. 
The position after  6...Nxd5.)


(Black wins a key pawn. The move looks like a hallucination, 
as it appears that Black has dropped his Queen.)
7. Bxd8 (?) Bb4+; 
The point. Black will regain is Queen with interest.  
8. Qd2[]  {box, or only move} 
8...Kxd8; 9. Rc1, Bxd2+; 10. Kxd2, f5; "
-/+". ]


(Returning to the actual game, now.) 

5...c6; 6. Nf3 Qa5!?; ('!')

  "6...Qa5; is the signature move of  'The Cambridge Springs Defense,'  "  says Life-Master A.J.
(Black just played 6...Qa5.)

 This is the, "Cambridge Springs Defense." 
It is named after one of the very few International 
Tournaments played in the U.S. prior to 1950.
 (Cambridge Springs, 1904.

(The variation is so named because it was first introduced by 
Harry N. Pillsbury and played for the first time at that tournament.) 

This variation was all the rage during the 1920's and 30's.

It was used in several World Championship matches. Then it disappeared from top-level chess and was not seen for nearly 60 years. {A.J.G.}


I also propose that this variation be referred to as the, 
"Pillsbury Variation"  after its creator.  {A.J.G.}


The Encyclopedia of Chess Openings (ECO) 
classifies this opening variant under D52

Here are the major variations:
Normal Queen's Gambit Declined; Classical Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3
Cambridge Springs Defense, Proper
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5;
Queen's Gambit Declined/C.S.D; Bogoljubow Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 7.Nd2 Bb4; 8.Qc2
Q.G.D./C.S.D; Argentine Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 
7.Nd2 Bb4; 8.Qc2 O-O; 9.Bh4.
Q.G.D./C.S.D; Rubinstein Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 7.Nd2 dxc4;
Q.G.D./C.S.D; Capablanca Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 7.Bxf6.
Q.G.D./C.S.D; with 7.cxd5 [Exchange Variation]
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 7.cxd5.
Q.G.D./C.S.D; Yugoslav Variation
1.d4 d5; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6; 4.Bg5 Nbd7; 5.e3 c6; 6.Nf3 Qa5; 7.cxd5 Nxd5;
Source:  CompuServe Chess Forum  &  LM A.J. Goldsby I

Thanks to Steve Etzel for compiling this info. 
Click HERE  (forrmerly here)   to go to his web-site on Cambridge-Springs, 1904.


7. Nd2,

(Actual game position after 7. Nd2.)


This move, 7. Nd2 is the main line here.


But it is by no means the only move here. 

White can also play 7. cxd5 and 7. Bh4, 
among other possible moves here.


Hit the "NEXT" button below to go to the following page of this game.

  Copyright (c) {LM} A.J. Goldsby I 

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1995-2008. 
  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2009.  All rights reserved.  

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 This game was previewed over 100 times by many different people.)