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Megaman X2 Walkthrough

This was the second game in the X series. It's basically the same as X1. You still collect 4 armor pieces, Get weapons from the Mavericks, fight Sigma, etc. A side quest in this game is to find the four parts of Zero, which Serges, Agile, and Violen have and you've gotta fight them to get them back. This affects the ending. Those guys call themselves the "X-hunters". This game is basic MMX action. This game features robot ride armor, which X can use to move over spikes or break certain blocks. One of the best things in this game is the secret Shoryuken move at the end. This Street Fighter move is a one hit kill on anything. I like this cause it's a bonus for getting everything. X2 is pure Megaman goodness for everyone. I give MMX2 a 8/10. It's the same enjoyable X we know and love. Nothing really new, but awesome. I'd like to elaborate more on this game, but there's not much more to say other than "Really Good".

-Review by NitemareZER0


(ABOVE)-REALLY big maverick!!

(ABOVE)-Wire Sponge's stage. What's up with a name like Wire Sponge? He looks like a cucumber!

(ABOVE)-Robot Ride Armor. Very useful!