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Children and Violence

The effects of video games on children's aggression



A screenshot from "Doom 2" by id Software



A screen shot  from "Tigger's Honey Hunt" by Disney Interactive and Doki Denki Studio


Through this website, we plan to look more in depth at the link between video game violence and it's effect on children's aggressiveness.

Many studies have been conducted looking at the differences in gender of those playing the video games and those who are portrayed in the video games. Boys play video games more often than girls, though girls are impacted on a greater level than boys. When looking at the way genders are portrayed, males are often portrayed as being the heroes, the rescuers, or the killers.

Females often are portrayed as being sex-objects or sex-symbols, or as being the victim, the "damsel-in-distress" if you will. Only in a small percentage of the video games reviewed in these studies (33% of the games) were females portrayed as the hero.

Studies also looked to see who was affected more and at what age. Most studies found that girls were affected more by violent video games than boys. Also, younger children are more affected by violent content in video games than are older children (younger = <12, older = >12).

We hope you enjoyed your visit to our web page. Please check out the links provided if you are curious about more on the effects of video game violence and aggressive or violent behavior in children.


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