Moves For

BARAKA Baraka led the attack against Liu Kang's Shaolin temple. He blongs to a nomadic race of mutants living in the wastelands of the Outworld. His fighting skills and dreaded Blade Fury gained the attention of Shao Kahn who then recruited him into his army of destruction. SPECIAL MOVES: Backhand Punch: HP Double Kick: HK, HK Blade Fury: B, B, B + LP Swipe Decapitator: B + HP Fatality 1: B, B, B, B, HP (close) Fatality 2: B, F, D, F + LP Friendship: Up, F, F + HK Babality: F, F, F + HK Stage: F, F, D + HK--------------- MILEENA Serving as an assassin along with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena's dazzling appearance conceals her hideous intentions. At Shao Kahn's request, she is asked to watch for her twin's suspected dissension and must put a stop to it at any cost. SPECIAL MOVES: Elbow Punch: HP (close) Teleport Kick: F, F + LK Ground Roll: B, B, D + HK Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds Fatality 1: F, B, F + LP Fatality 2: Hold HK for 3 seconds Friendship: D, D, D, Up + HK Babality: D, D, D + HK Stage: F, D, F + LK--------------- JOHNNY CAGE The world was shocked when martial arts movie star Johnny Cage disappeared from the set of his latest film. But in truth, he was following his former ally Liu Kang into the Outworld where he plans to complete in a twisted tournament in which lies the balance of Earth's existence- as well as a script for another blockbuster movie. SPECIAL MOVES: Drop-Kick: HK or LK (close) Shadow Kick: B, F + LK Low Green Bolt: B, D, F + LP High Green Bolt: F, D, B + HP Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B + HP Ball Breaker: LP + BL Fatality 1: D, D, F, F + LP Fatality 2: F, F, D + Up (close) Friendship: D, D, D, D + HK Babality: B, B, B + HK Stage: D, D, D + HK--------------- LIU KANG After winning the Shaolin Tournament from Shang Tsung's clutches Kang returns to his temples. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin brothers killed in a vicious battle with a horde of Outworld warriors. Now he travels into the Dark Realm to seek revenge. SPECIAL MOVES: High Fireball: F, F, HP Low Fireball: F, F, LP Flying Kick: F, F, HK Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 5 seconds Fatality 1: D, F, B, B, HK (close) Fatality 2: Rotate joystick 360° counter-clockwise Friendship: F, B, B, B, LK Babality: D, D, F, B, LK Stage: B, F, F, LK--------------- KUNG LAO A former Shaolin Monk and a member of the White Lotus society, he is the last descendant of the Great Kung Lao who was defeated by Goro 500 years ago. Realizing the danger of the Outworld menace he joins Liu Kang in entering Shao Kahn's contest. SPECIAL MOVES: Teleport: D, Up Diving Kick: D + HK Hat Throw: B, F, LP Whirlwind Spin: Up, Up, LK Headbutt: HP (close) Fatality 1: F, F, F, LK (sweep) Fatality 2: Hold LP, B, F, release LP Friendship: B, B, B, D, HK Babality: B, B, F, F, HK Stage: F, F, F, HP (close)--------------- REPTILE As Shang Tsung's personal protector the elusive Reptile lurks in the shadows stopping all those who would do his master harm. His human form is believed to disguise a horrid reptilian creature whose race was thought extinct millions of years ago. SPECIAL MOVES: Acid Spit: F, F, HP Slide: B + LP + LK + BL Forceball: B, B, HP + LP Invisibility: Up, Up, D, HP (using BL) Fatality 1: B, B, D, LP (mid-range) Fatality 2: F, F, D, LK (must be Invisible and close) Friendship: B, B, D, LP Babality: D, B, B, LP Stage: D, F, F, BL--------------- SUB-ZERO Thought to have been killed in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mysteriously returns. It is believed he travelled into the Outworld to again attempt to assassinate Shang Tsung. To do so he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's tournament. SPECIAL MOVES: Freeze: D, F, LP Ground Freeze: D, B, LK Slide: B + BL + LP + LK Fatality 1: PART 1 - F, F, D, HK (sweep) PART 2 - When opponent is frozen, jump into close range and press: F, D, F, F, HP Fatality 2: Hold LP, B, B, D, F Friendship: B, B, D, HK Babality: D, B, B, HK Stage: D, F, F, BL--------------- SHANG TSUNG After losing control of the Shaolin Tournament, Tsung promises his ruler Shao Kahn to shape events that will lure the earth warriors to compete in his own contest. Convinced of this plan, Shao Kahn restores Tsung's youth and allows him to live. SPECIAL MOVES: Flaming Skull: B, B, HP Two Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, HP Three Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, F, HP Fatality 1: Hold HK for 2 seconds and then release (sweep) Fatality 2: Up, D, Up, LK (close) Fatality 3: Hold LP for 25 seconds during the round and release when announcer says "Finish Him/Her!" Friendship: B, B, D, F, HK Babality: B, F, D, HK Stage: Hold BL, D, D, Up then release BL, D MORPHS: Liu Kang: B, F, F, BL Kung Lao: B, D, B, HK Johnny Cage: B, B, D, LP Reptile: Hold BL, Up, D, HP Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP Kitana: BL, BL, BL Jax: D, F, B, HK Mileena: Hold HP for 2 seconds - RLS Baraka: D, D, LK Scorpion: Hold BL, Up, Up Rayden: D, B, F, LK--------------- KITANA Her beauty hides her true role as personal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen talking to an earth-realm warrior, her motives have come under suspicion by her twin sister Mileena. But only Kitana knows her own true intentions. SPECIAL MOVES: Fan Swipe: B + HP Fan Throw: F, F, HP + LP Fan Lift: B, B, B, HK Flying Punch: F, B, HP Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, HK (close) Fatality 2: Hold LK, F, F, D, F (close) Friendship: Hold BL, D, D, D, Up, LK Babality: D, D, D, LK Stage: F, D, F, HK--------------- JAX His real name is Major Jackson Briggs, leader of a top US Special Forces unit. After receiving a distress signal from Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on a rescue mission. One that leads him into a ghastly world where he believes that Sonya is still alive. SPECIAL MOVES: Energy Wave: F, B, HK Ground Pound: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release "Gotcha" Grab: F, F, LP Back Breaker: BL (in air) Body Slam: Perform a Throw and repeatedly tap HP Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, BL, LP (sweep) Fatality 2: Hold LP, F, F, F (close) Friendship: D, D, Up, Up, LK Babality: D, Up, D, Up, LK Stage: Up, Up, D, LK-------------- SCORPION The hell-spawned spectre rises from the pits. After learning of Sub-Zero's return, he again stalks the ninja assassin- following him into the dark realm of the Outworld where he continues his own unholy mission. SPECIAL MOVES: Spear: B, B, LP Teleport: D, B, HP Air Throw: Block (in air) Scissors: F, B, LK Fatality 1: Up, Up, HP (half screen) Fatality 2: Hold HP, D, F, F, F, release HP (close) Friendship: B, B, D, HK Babality: D, B, B, HK Stage: D, F, F, BL --------------- RAYDEN Watching events unfold from high above, the thunder god realises the grim intentions of Shao Kahn. After warning the remaining members of the Shaolin Tournament, Rayden soon disappears. He is believed to have ventured into the Outworld alone. SPECIAL MOVES: Lightning: D, F, LP Torpedo: B, B, F Teleport: D, Up Electric Grab: Hold HP for 5 seconds, then release Fatality 1: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release and tap BL + LK (close) Fatality 2: Hold HP for 4 seconds, then release (close) Friendship: D, B, F, HK Babality: D, D, Up + HK Stage: Up, Up, Up, HP