Without winning the Mortal Kombat tournament ten times in a row, the outworld emperor Shao Kahn, allied with his father Shinnok, who is also an elder god, invades the realm of earth. He openes the portals to the earth, with help of the resurrected body of Queen Sindel, Kitana's mother. By doing this he breaks the sacred rules, made by the elder gods. The earth warriors, once again under guidance of Lord Rayden, now not only have to face Shao Kahn and his Generals, but the entire outworld extermination squads. With so many opponents, each of the chosen warriors go different ways, to find allies for them in combat. They soon learn that princess Kitana is the key to stop the outworld invasion, led by Shao Kahn and his father Shinnok. But Kahn also know that Kitana is a threat to his outworld invasion. This second movie about Mortal Kombat is, much to my delight, more linear with the story-lines of the videogames, except for the ending. There are more characters in the movie, which you can recognize from the games, and all these characters have more moves which are also seen in the game. Although the invasion in the movie is much like the story in the third Mortal Kombat game, much parts of the movie show that is goes along with a part of the second game, the third game, and even some parts of the fourth Mortal Kombat game. The music, soundeffects and environment are maybe slightly better then in the first movie, and again let out the Mortal Kombat style pretty good. The humor in the movie has disappeared, which is probably the best, although the humor in the first movie didn't ruine the story. This second Mortal Kombat movie will disappoint most, expacially when you saw the first movie. And just like the first you'll have to look deeper into the second Mortal Kombat movie to kind appreciate it as an ok movie.