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Ah, Megaman X... where would we be without him? Hey, ever since he emerged into the fanfic industry in 2000 as an unknown he's been growing stronger.

Now he's one of the greatest action story writers across the board, and his best known character Vector Yamazaki is known worldwide, as well as getting married recently! :) Be sure to check out "Enter The Dark Jesters" over here, as well as a couple of treats in Add-ons Ahoy! And don't forget about "Future Rivals", his awesome fighting series set in the, um, future. :p Nice one Ryan! :D

UPDATE! 1/12/02 - More fics storming this way! :D Two more action epics have reached these archives, in the forms of 'The Master of Fighting', and 'The Zoid Crushers'. The former is an original story basing a feel of epic proportions, while the latter is one of the first ever quests in the life of Vector Yamazaki. Nice ideas, Mega! ^_^

Megaman's stories

Enter The Dark Jesters
Vector Yamazaki In: Future Rivals
Future Rivals 3: The Ultimate Challenge
Crash Bandicoot: The Movie
Future Rivals 4: A Hero's Last Stand
The Doku Saga
Future Rivals 5: The New Champion
The Bronzer Saga
NEW! The Master of Fighting
NEW! The Zoid Crushers

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