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The star ship Nostromo glided through the darkness, which is space. It was on a simple voyage back to Earth. Inside the ship hold there is mostly cargo. But in one room there was 7 sleepers all dreaming of better places to be. Of course the ship's pet Pura the tiger cub was dreaming about mice.
They were in cryo tubes; these were body length tube's that let them sleep until they reach Earth. In tube 1 was Randy, he was a guy who like's to find out things for himself. In number 2 was Neo Cortex, the science officer of the ship usually quite serious. Tube 3 held Nitros Oxide, the ship's driver. He is always in a bad mood and is very cranky. In tube 4 there was Dingodile, a practical joker and has a good sense of humour. In number 5 there was Tawna she can be quite friendly but is a little deranged. In 6 was Crash, a no worries kinda guy. And in number 7 was Coco, she was the flight officer and is more down to Earth.
In another room the ship's computer detected a distress signal from a remote planet. Instantly it started to open the cryo tubes. As the top rose Randy woke up. He went over and got the others up.
Later in the dinning room they sat around the table eating breakfast. Neo came up to Oxide.
Cortex: The computer wants to talk to you.
Oxide: What's it about?
Cortex: Something like a alien distress signal!
Dingo looked at Oxide.
Dingo: Hey Nitros maybe it's one of ya mate's from Gasmoxia!
Oxide: Shut it Dingo.
He got up and walked down the corridor. He was fed up with Dingo making comments. Being an alien himself put him in a bad situation. He went to the computer room and sat down.
Oxide: What's up?
The computer screen read: ”Distress signal receved from planet LB14.”
In the dinning room:
Coco: So what were you talking about Dingo?
Dingo: Well, if this is an alien thing and we find something shouldn’t we get paid? Am I right Crash?
Crash: Right.
Tawna: I don’t think he's listening.
Crash: Right
Randy: He never does.
Crash: Right
Coco looked at her brother with worry. Suddenly Oxide came in.
Cortex: So...
Oxide: I have got some bad news!
Tawna: What?
Oxide: The computer only woke us up because of the signal.
Coco: In other words?
Oxide: We’re only half way there!
Cortex: Before we go back I think we should check out the planet.
Randy, Tawna and Oxide were going to go to the planet and try to find out what it was. But first they needed to land the shuttle, which could be a problem.
The shuttle was a smaller ship attached to the underneath of the Nostromo. But it was big enough to hold them all. Crash and Dingo stayed on the Nostromo, to look after it and feed Pura. Oxide got in the pilot seat.
Oxide: Cortex, ya there yet?
Through the computer: Yes.
Cortex had stationed himself in a car that can record everything, So he could keep a check on them. Coco sat down in the flight co-ordination area. And Tawna sat at the computer.
Oxide: Tawna engage shuttle.
Tawna typed a few thing's on the computer.
Computer: Shuttle engaged.
Oxide: Start count down!
Randy: Marker!!!!!
The ship was released; the “hole” jolted and started to move towards the planet. Coco looked at the computer screen. The planet was getting closer. As they entered the atmosphere all there was, was dust.
Oxide: Cortex shall we land here?
Cortex: Yes, but be careful.
The ship slowly lowed to the ground. There was a bump and then silence. Randy, Tawna and Oxide had got in their suits and were about to go.
Coco: Air lock open!
When Randy stepped out all he could see was rock's and dust.
They had seemed to walk for ages. That was when Tawna started complaining.
Tawna: I want to go back my feet hurt!
Randy: Tawna...just shut it OK!
Oxide: Ya know this is a great place...
Tawna: What?
Randy: It must be getting to ya head mate!
Oxide: It is, it's got dust, wind and darkness brilliant place if... ya a rock!
Randy: Heh heh!
Suddenly Oxide stopped. Randy looked opened mouthed at what he saw. Tawna's eyes were full of fear.
Because in front of them was some short of ship. But it looked like it had been grown not built. The underbelly was a dome with two holes in it. At the sides it had two like horns sticking out of it. When they got there Randy forced it.
Randy: Not like any metal I have ever seen.
Oxide: Feels very hard like...
Tawna: Bone! (she said shivering)
As they walked in they came out into a huge room. In the middle was a chear with a strange creature in it.
Oxide: Been dead a long time!
Randy: Hay guys I found a hole, look!
Oxide and Tawna (who had her eye's on the alien)came over. There was a hole and it seemed to go down a long way.
Oxide: I'll go!
Randy: No, I want to!
They got him hooked up, and he was lowed down into the unknown!!!!!
Coco looked out into the storm. She stroked Pura while drinking a cup of coffee.
Coco: Neo, they have been gone a long time, I...
Cortex: Don’t worry, there all right!
Cortex looked at Coco, with his expressionless face. Coco turned and walked out the door. Pura came up to Cortex he gave him a friendly pat and went back to work.


Randy was getting tired, it had been a long time and the hole was still going down. Randy reached in his pocket and brought out a transmitter.
Randy: Guys, I can’t find anything it's just going down.
Oxide: Do ya want to be palled up?
Randy: Yeah it...
Tawna: What?
Randy: It's opened up into a cave or something, it's really hot!
Oxide: OK I'll stop!
Randy was lowered and he stepped onto the ground. He looked around the floor.
Randy: There are some leathery objects, I think they might be containers.
Oxide: Can ya open them?
Randy: Hang on!
He went up to one and touched it(nothing).He pulled at it(nothing).Now as this was Randy he had to have one more go. He opened his mouth and bit into it with his sharp teeth. He let go suddenly, the thing opened all by itself. He looked in. And there was the most horrid thing he had ever seen. It looked like a spider with a long tail. He looked at it, and suddenly it jumped at him. He heard a hissing sound. His faceplate began to melt. The alien latched on to his face and its long tail went around his throat!!!
*************************************************** It had been 2 hours since Coco last talked to Cortex, and she was getting worried. Then the computer screen blinked on. Oxide's face came on. He looked worried and Tawna was in the background crying.
Coco: Where's Randy?
Oxide: He's down here, Coco let us in we need to get him to the medi lab. Something is attached to his face.
Coco: What?
Oxide: I think it's a parasite!
Coco: Hang on, I cant let you in the ship could be infected. You have to wait 2 hours.
Oxide: Out here are ya crazy?
Tawna: Coco, let us in we have to get him inside!
Oxide: Open the air lock. THAT'S AN ORDER...DO YOU READ ME?
Coco: Yes I read you the answer’s negative!
Cortex went up to the door and pressed a few buttons. The air lock opened! Coco came down, she looked at Randy's face and gasped. They took off, and went back to the Nostromo.
Dingo: Cortex, I say we freeze him and get him back to earth.
Crash: Right!
Cortex: No I’m going to get it off.
Crash: Right!
Dingo, Crash, Coco and Tawna watched behind the glass of the medi lab. Oxide was in there with Cortex, they put the scanner on Randy.
Oxide: What has it got down his throat?
The computer screen showed the creature had some tube down his throat.
Cortex: I don’t know.
He got a laser and cut into the creature a little bit, then a spurt of yellow liquid came out and landed on the floor, and burned through it!
Oxide: Quick get down to C corridor, it's gonna burn through the hole!
They all ran down to C corridor. Dingo looked up, the liquid was still burning through the ceiling. The rest came in.
Coco: Look at the floor, it's still burning!
Dingo: Next corridor.
Crash: Right!
They got down to D corridor and looked up, there was a small hole. Oxide blocked it with a pen.
Oxide: It's stopped!
Cortex: We cant kill it then.
Oxide: I know.

Later in the hall:

Coco, Crash, Dingo, Oxide and Tawna were sitting in the hall. Dingo looked up.
Dingo: I still say we freeze him!
Crash: Right!
Oxide: But that could kill him.
Crash: Right!
Coco: Crash, no matter what we say you always say right, do ya know that?
Crash: Right!
Tawna: Oh I can’t handle this.
Then Cortex's voice sounded over the computer.
Cortex: Coco, Oxide come to medi lab.
Oxide: Why?
Cortex: Just come!
They got up and walked to medi lab. When they got in Cortex was standing over Randy. Coco walked over and saw why; the alien had come off.
Oxide: Where is it?
Cortex: Somewhere in the room!
Coco looked around in fear. Cortex started searching in the corner, Oxide looked in the cupboards. Randy starred. Coco went up to him.
Coco: Randy, can you hear me?
She got closer, suddenly something fell on her shoulder. She jumped back and landed on the floor with the alien in her hands. Oxide pulled it off; it landed on the floor. Cortex went up to it.
Cortex: It's dead.
Randy: Guys...
Coco looked over, Randy was sitting up. The rest came down to see him. Cortex hid the alien in the cupboard.

When they were at dinner, Oxide looked at Randy.
Oxide: Ya eating a lot ain't ya!
Randy: Sorry I’m hungry.
Oxide watched the bandicoot stuffing himself, then the airlock bell rang!
Coco: I'll get it.
She opened the door, there where two humans one was female and had long red hair. The other was male and had blue hair.
Coco: Can I help you?
Jesse: We are to prepare for trouble…
James: Make it double pizza deliverers!!!
Coco: What?
Jesse: To protect the world from starvation!
James: To unite all pizza's with in are nation!
Jesse :To denounce the evils of cheese and mushroom!
James: To extend are reach to the taste above!
Jesse: JESSE!
James: JAMES!
Jesse: Team Rocket deliver ya pizza at the speed of light!
James: Eat now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: That's right, YUM!!!!!
Oxide: Um... who are you?
Randy: Good the pizza's here!
Suddenly Randy cried out, and fell over in pain!
Coco ran up to him, he was on the floor shaking and shouting, Oxide restrained him.
Oxide: He's having a fit!
Dingo and Crash ran over and put him on the table, Coco watched in horror. Tawna looked at Oxide struggling with him.
Tawna: What's wrong with him?
James: Uh oh trouble!
Jesse: Um... what's happening?
Randy was jolting up and down screaming that it hurt, a red hole started to grow in the middle of his chest. Oxide watched it grow bigger. It suddenly spurted blood over his face.
Tawna: Ugh!
Oxide looked at the red hole, his face was splattered with blood. Randy wasn’t screaming any more, his eye's were open, and his mouth was twisted in pain. But he was resting now at least. Oxide looked closer, something black was moving. Something then erupted from it, the blood went on the others. The thing looked around.
Tawna: Oh, god…
Coco: What the...
Dingo: Bring it here!
Cortex: Don’t touch it!
The alien had no eyes, a mouth full of sharp teeth and a long tail. It was the size of a man's fist and made a horrid screeching sound.
Oxide: OK someone please tell me what that is?
The thing scuttled across the table and ran throw the open door. Team Rocket looked at them.
James: I guess ya don’t what the pizza now?
They looked at the dead body; Tawna fell over in tears.
Tawna: Why us?
Crash came in and dropped some strange looking sticks. Oxide looked at them.
Oxide: What are they?
Crash: Right!
Dingo: Shock sticks. Don’t touch the end it might paralyse ya.
Cortex came in holding some radars. Tawna didn’t care - she was looking at Randy's body in the other room.
Cortex: We are going to search in parties and find the alien. I would first shock it and then catch it in the net.
Oxide: OK, Crash, Coco and Dingo go search the cargo bay.
Cortex: Me, Oxide and Tawna will search C corridor, and Team Rocket can search D.
Jesse: Are you crazy? I’m not finding that thing!
Meowth: Yeah!
Oxide started to walk up to her... she stepped back.
Jesse: OK, just don’t get close.
They all set off. Crash held the stick when Coco had the motion sensor. Dingo watched behind them with a net. The sensor began to beep!
Coco: In the cupboard.
Dingo: Hang on!
He grabbed the door. Crash got ready with the stick. Coco stood very still. He opened it; something hissed and ran out.
Dingo: Why didn’t ya get it Crash?
Crash: Right!
Coco: It was Pura, Crash go get him.
Crash: Right!
Crash followed the tiger cub, which ended up in the main cargo hold. Water was dripping everywhere; he saw something shiny. When he picked it up he saw what it was - the alien's skin. It had shredded its skin and now it was bigger!!!
Crash looked around, everything seemed normal. A rush of orange fur passed. He ran after it, Pura stopped. Crash ran up and cornered him. Pura hissed. Crash looked at him in wonder. That was when he realised Pura was hissing at something behind him. Crash turned around (nothing).
Crash: Right!
He turned back and made a grab for the tiger, missed and fell over. Crash got up and turned round, only to see something really gruesome. The creature was now about 8 foot high and stood on two feet. Its head was elongated; its mouth was huge with blue sharp teeth. Two powerful arms and long finger's that ended in huge claws. The tail was now 2 times longer than its body. But still it had no eyes. It moved to Crash with lighting speed. It grabbed him by the head, and opened its mouth.
Crash: Are you a relation of Oxide's because he's in the hall... right!
It jumped into the airshaft tacking Crash with it. Coco and Dingo came in to see it disappear into the airshaft.
Coco: NO, Crash!!!
Dingo: Stand back.
She didn’t care, she ran up to the hole in the roof, and collapsed.
Coco: (crying)Crash!!! God please no!

In the hall:

Coco: Don’t you get it Oxide? Crash is dead! MY BROTHER IS DEAD!!!!
Oxide: That don’t matter at the moment!!!
Tawna: How could you be so mean, Oxide?
Oxide: It's in my nature!!!
He walked down the hall to find Cortex and Team Rocket.
Coco, Cortex and Tawna were in the dinning room. Coco looked at Crash's and Randy's empty seats. She put her head down and cried quietly. Cortex turned to her.
Cortex: Did you see it?
Coco: A little bit.
Tawna: What was it like?
Coco: Does it really matter?
Cortex: It's just I think I know what it is...
Coco: I don’t really care!
Cortex: Someone a long time ago reported a creature like this...
Tawna: So...
Cortex: It might be a Xenomorph!
Jesse: That's nice...but we wanna get outta here!
Team Rocket came in and sat down. Dingo came in too looking really down.

In the control room:

Oxide sat in his seat just thinking about how he could get outta here. He didn’t really care about the rest to him they were just stupid Earth animals. Suddenly something made a crash, he ran to the door. And there was the alien. He shut the door quickly, and looked for a place to hide. Then he saw the airshaft. He jumped and crawled in.
The Xenomorph saw this and pushed open the door. It thought would this creature be worth chasing... not at the moment. The Xenomorph decided to go to find that orange thing.

In the dining room:

Coco was stroking Pura; suddenly the motion sensor beeped on; something was coming towards them. The dot showed it was coming straight to the doorway. Dingo jumped up and held his flamethrower.
Dingo: Stay's coming!
They got behind Dingo; he guarded the door. Cortex looked at the motion sensor. The dot showed it was still coming closer and closer.
Cortex: It's 3 feet away!
Dingo: Can’t be... I would see it.
Cortex:2... 1!
Dingo: That's in the room.
Coco looked at the sensor, Cortex was right, it was in the room. There was a bang, and part of the ceiling fell off. Oxide fell down.
Coco: Dame, I thought it was something worth our time.
Tawna: What happened?
Oxide: I saw it!
Dingo: He's just in shock!
Cortex: Well… that's ok!
Coco looked at Cortex, she walked down C corridor to the computer room. When she got there she typed:
(is cortex protecting the alien?)
(does not compute)
(special order 152)
(what is special order 152?)
(bring back Xeno, crew negative)
Coco looked at those words, Cortex WAS protecting the alien.
Cortex: There is an explanation for this)
Coco jumped up and slammed his head against the wall, he killed her brother.
Coco: It's your fault!
Coco ran out into the corridor and pushed the electric sliding door open. She was heading for a open door, but it shut instantly. She went to another, the same.
Coco: This isn’t funny Cortex.
Cortex came in, Coco backed off and ran to the sleeping area. She ran up to a wall, Cortex had her corned. Dingo, Oxide and Tawna came in. And made a grab for Cortex.
Oxide: What's wrong with him?
Dingo: Stand back Tawna.
Tawna slowly moved back, untill she reached the wall. She heard something from above, it moved slowly along until it stopped above Coco.
Tawna: Coco, it's the Xeno!
She looked up, Xeno fell on to her, knocking her out. It made one slash with its claws and Cortex's head fell off, but out of the neck were only wires.
Oxide: What the?
Dingo: We have bigger problem's at the moment, look!
The alien stood there, its tail swinging back and forth.
Xeno looked at the creatures in front of him. They were scared he could sense it. There was no point in killing them yet; he wasn’t hungry. Xeno jumped up and disappeared.
Tawna: I cant believe it, Cortex is a android!!!
They all sat in the dining room, until Team Rocket was heard over the speaker.
Jesse: So long suckers!
Coco looked out of the window Team Rocket's ship flew into the distance.
Tawna: They left us, I cant believe it.
Oxide: So...
Tawna looked at him with teary eyes. Dingo got up and stood in front of them.
Dingo: OK here's the deal, we’re out of here, we’re taking the shuttle.
Tawna and Dingo went to the cargo area to get supplies, Oxide got to the shuttle and started it up. Coco went to find Pura. It didn’t take long to find him, he was curled up on Crash's toolbox.

In Cargo bay:

Tawna was loading up air tanks, she dropped one Dingo looked up, he was loading food over the other side of the room. Tawna was crying, so she didn’t notice the black thing behind her. The alien was still unfolding its bulk from the airshaft, when Tawna turned around.
Tawna: Oh... god (she said with tear's running down her cheek's)
Xeno was really close to her, it opened its huge jaw, the other mouth came out. Dingo turned round and saw it, he made a grab for it. The alien whacked him down to the floor. Tawna watched in horror as it ripped and slashed at Dingo's dead body. She screamed in fright, but that only turned the alien's attention to her!
Coco was walking down the corridor, with a very angry Pura in the cat box. Then on the speaker she heard a scratching sound, someone crying, a hiss and then an ear- piercing scream. Coco ran to the cargo hold, surely the alien couldn’t have fit both of them in the airshaft; maybe someone was alive. She turned into the door, and by what was left it was clear how the Xeno had fit both bodies in.
Coco: Oxide...
Oxide: (over the speaker) Yes?
Coco: It got Dingo and Tawna.
Oxide: Darn...quick it might come… hurry over here!
Coco ran through D corridor, it took a long time the Nostromo was a big ship. She got to what they call the bridge; the alien was there covered in blood. She ran through a door, and down the hall. The alien was close behind. She ran to a dead end, and watched the dark corridor. The alien came hurtling down first on the floor, but then it ran up the wall and onto the ceiling. It ran for a while upside down, and then jumped down, 6 feet away from Coco. Oxide must have pressed something because a buzz sounded. The Xeno turned around. Coco grabbed the ceiling and crawled in, and shut the hole. She looked down the alien was walking away.
Xeno ran down the hall, very interested in that buzz sound. He turned the corner, the buzz was coming from down there. What them creatures call... The Shuttle!!!!
Coco moved through the airshaft's long dark tunnels. She crawled quite a way, until it opened out so it was big enough for her to walk. Then she came to a y turn.
Coco: Darn it Pura, I think we’re lost!
She was just about to take the left turn, when she herd a noise, not any noise, this wasn’t alien. She looked down there was an opening to the side of the floor. She jumped down, inside it was a huge chamber, but around the walls was this sticky stuff. She had found the Xeno's nest! There was another moan, she span round and got out Dingo's flamethrower she had collected. Over on the wall was a cocoon, it twiched. She got closer... Crash. Her brother was alive.
Coco: Crash, I’m gonna get you outta here!
Crash: Please...Kill me!
Coco: Ssssh Crash, come on...
She looked at him, it reminded her of Randy's face just before he died, then it came to her.
Coco: (crying) What can I do?
Crash: Kill me.
She grabbed Dingo's flamethrower, and pulled the trigger. Flames erupted from the cocoon. She just escaped with flames licking at her heels. Coco moved through the airshaft crying her eyes out, she had killed her brother... how could she. She shook her head. He would have died anyway because of the chest buster. Oxide was herd over the speaker:
Oxide: Hurry Coco, NOW!!!
Coco: I’m coming.
She jumped down and proceeded down D corridor.

In shuttle:

Oxide looked at the computer screen, suddenly he heard a hiss behind him!!!!
Oxide turned around, to be confronted by the alien. He backed up to the wall. The Xeno came very close its tail swishing; Oxide noticed the sharp point at the end.
Oxide: Coco, it's here!
Coco: (over the speaker) What?
Oxide: The alien, it's so close... HELP!!!!!!!
Coco: Hold on, I’m coming!
Oxide looked at it with fear, his eyes were watering. Xeno got closer, its tail came around. Xeno pulled it back and swung it around, straight into Oxide.
Coco: Oxide???
Oxide: (coughing out blood) C, C, C, Coc, c, co!
Oxide held the tail that had gone through him, then the alien grabbed Oxide's head. It opened it's mouth the double mouth bust his head open. Coco herd a scream that was cut off short, she ran to the shuttle entrance. She looked down at the floor.
Coco: Oh god.
Just outside the shuttle door was Oxide's body. She didn’t dare look at his face. She went into the shuttle; she peered around the corner. The alien was there. She dropped the cat box and ran to the main area, to start the Nostromo self-destruct system.
Xeno looked around the corner, there was something on the floor. He picked it up, inside was the orange thing, he chucked it at the wall.
Xeno hissed at it, and walked off. Pura watched the big cat (as he called it) leave. He started thinking why that stupid Coco had thrown him on the floor!!!
Coco rushed down the hall, and into the computer room. She sat down and opened a box, inside was the Nostromo's self-destruct system.
Coco: OK, Xeno let's see ya survive this!
She pressed a few buttons, the computer's female voice sounded:
Computer: The Nostromo will self-destruct in minus 10 minutes.
Coco rushed down the corridor to the shuttle. She peered round the door. Pura's cat box was on the floor, but the alien was nowhere. She got in and closed the door. Coco got in the pilot seat and pressed engage.
Computer: The Nostromo will self-destruct in minus 20 seconds.
The shuttle was hocked up on the take off holder.
Computer: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15...
It released the shuttle, it moved away from the Nostromo, Coco relaxed a bit.
Computer: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
She closed her eyes, there was a huge explosion behind the shuttle. Then there was another and a final 3rd one that shook the whole shuttle.
Coco:Pura,it's over.
She took the cat out of the box, and let him on the floor. Coco went up to the control system, and started running the cryo tubes. Pura walked around, then he sensed something very close to Coco. He hissed, Coco jumped.
Coco: Stupid cat!
Suddenly a long black thing tried to get at her. She jumped back. Xeno had hidden himself in the space near the controls!!!
She walked backwards into the cupboard, Xeno looked at her. He was lying in the space sideways on, he opened his mouth, the double one came out.
Coco: Oh god!
Coco noticed the space chute next to her, she slipped into it. Coco got out and sat down in the pilot seat, Xeno was watching her. She pressed a button, a steam vent went off right next to the alien. He hissed and fell on the floor, Coco turned around so she couldn’t see it. Coco heard it hiss, she spun around, it was right next to her, Xeno bore his teeth.
Coco: AAARRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
She hit the open airlock button, and held on. Xeno was sucked to the door, he grabbed onto the doorway. Coco got the flamethrower and fired, it hit Xeno and he got pushed out. The alien held onto the side of the shuttle, he climbed into the rocket boosters at the back.
Coco:I got ya now you stupid extraterrestrial parasite!
Coco hit the airlock close, and then speed up button. The rockets busted out flames, and shot Xeno into space. Coco looked out of the window, the pressure from space finally got through extra-skeleton. Xeno exploded, acid flew out everywhere, now harmless.
Coco: Pura?
Pura walked up to her, she cuddled him.
Coco sat down, and pressed the record button and said:
Coco: I should reach the frontier in another four months or so. With little luck the beacon network will pick up my SOS and put out the word. I'll have a statement ready to recite to the media and will secure a duplicate copy of it, including a few comments of some interest to the authorities concerning certain policies of the company. The crewmembers Randy, Crash, Dingodile, Nitros Oxide, Neo Cortex and Tawna are all dead! This is Coco, identity number W564502240H, warrant officer, last surviving member of the commercial star-ship Nostromo, signing off this entry.
She pushed the stop button.
Coco: Come on cat, let's go to sleep!




Nitros Oxide/Captin Dallas
Neo Cortex/Ash

Directed by:
Oxide Rules(Emma Freeth)


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