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It has been about six months after the encounter and disappearance of the monstrous android, Magma Dragoon. Ever since he flew away; looking for his master, Dr. Sai Borg. For Crash and our heroes, they have spent months on end training hard to build up for what they feared. They feared that Sai Borg, with a fleet of even more powerful androids, would soon attack the world. It was during this time Cortex even became concerned, and is now in agreement with Crash for a while (a truce) to help Crash and his friends hunt down the androids. But for a while, things started to die down. Soon, Crash and everyone else forgot about Dragoon. But Coco didn't. She remembered the horrible truth that deep in Magma's interior of his android suit was indeed what appeared to be the body of her father - her astringed father. She never told anyone, because she feared it might result in very dangerous situations. But things looked brighter. Crash discovered that his mother was still alive. He wanted desperately to see her. So everyone forgot about Dragoon and his quest for Sai Borg. They decided to take a nice vacation, and what better place than Hawaii. Crash, and practically all of his friends were resting in the nice hot sun. Crash was on his back soaking up the rays that hit his nice orange fur. Just then, a large splash of water hit him.

Crash: (shaking off the water; pretty ticked) HEY!!! Who did that?
Coco: (Giggling with a pail in her hands) Sorry Crash… couldn't help it.
Crash: Thanks a lot Sis - you ruined my tan.
Coco: Well sorry. You should be happy. We're all here relaxing in beautiful Hawaii. Don't be such a grump.
Crash: I know. But we've only been here for a little bit. I still have jet-leg from Jacko's flight over here.
Jacko: Hmph… well at least it was free mate. Be grateful for that.
Danni: (Smoothing herself with sun tan) Besides love, you need to conserve energy. We can't fly all the way over there. That'll just wear us down.
Crash: I know. Hey, where's Shen, Sheila, Sarnie, and the others, and how bout the kids?
Danni: Oh… the kids are exploring Hawaii a bit. They really like it. Everyone else is just on their own!
Jacko: Oh Crash… I also heard that many of our friends are on the island too. Maybe we can meet up with ‘em.
Crash: Terrific. Wow… how many?
Jacko: Not sure mate… but there should be a lotta people we know on here.
Crash: How bout' Cortex… where's he?
Coco: He said he set up a research centre in one of the mountains on Maui.
Crash: Oh… probably looking out for some scary androids. Ya know, I never thought he'd be on our side.
Danni: Well... it may be temporary but it still gets on my nerves he's workin' with us.
Crash: Heh… funny how we almost forgot about Dragoon. That's the only reason we're with Cortex in the first place. Hope he doesn't backstabs us.
Coco: If he wants revenge on the androids, then he'll need us.
Crash: Yeah. Hoo boy… after all that training the weather here really beats that musky stuff we've been in back in Australia.
Coco: You're telling me.

Just then, a bandicoot woman in a red dress walked across the sandy shores. She stopped short right in front of Crash and Coco. Crash, Coco, Danni, and Jacko looked at her. Crash was in amazement.

Bandicoot woman: Hello dears. (giving them a reassuring smile)
Crash: (lifting down his sunglasses) Mom?
Meanwhile, back out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Dragoon was flying in the sky looking all over for Sai Borg. His large red wings glistened in the sunlight as he searched and searched. The red light around his body left a large stream behind as he flew looking for signs. He then noticed something in the water.

Magma Dragoon: (stopping short) Huh? What is that? It looks like a large piece of metal. Hmmm… I better have a closer look.

Magma Dragoon gently floated down towards the object. It then began to rise out of the water. It turned out to be a submerged water vessel. It was in the shape of what looked like a large snail shell.

Magma Dragoon: (stunned) Wow! It's an underwater fortress. This seems a little odd. I better take a closer look.

Magma then floated down towards the large fortress. He landed right on the roof of it. A large metallic voice echoed through the air.

Voice: Magma Dragoon… at last you've come!
Magma Dragon: That voice. It came from the fortress.
Voice: It's a research lab actually, and I am the master of it.
Magma Dragoon: Master? (gasps) Are you Dr. Sai Borg?
Voice: (chuckling evilly) Yes… but to you I'm MASTER Sai Borg.

Magma Dragoon then let out an evil laugh, and smiled wickedly with his head tilted in the air.

Magma Dragoon: Yes! At last… I have found you. My TRUE master! It took me a very long time… but now you have shown yourself! I must go and see you now.
Voice: I am opening up the doors. Come in and let ‘em have a look at you.

The doors opened, and Dragoon floated into them. He looked all around him. There were pipes and large high-tech computer gadgets scattered throughout the walls.

Magma Dragoon: Hmmm... Seems like my master's doin' all right for himself.

He walked down the hall, and into a main chamber. The chamber then lit up, and Dragoon found himself standing before a giant robotic man. He had steel ankles and wrists. His body was also robotic. His hands were well articulated with uses of machinery, and his head wasn't much of a head. His head was a pale flesh colour; no hair. His eyes were glowing a metallic blue. He had a short nose, and a small mouth, which chuckled evilly at Dragoon.

Magma Dragoon: Are you...Sai Borg?
Robot: Precisely!

NOTE: Sai Borg looks like a cross between Sigma (Mega man X) and M. Bison (Street Fighter).

Magma Dragoon: (gasps) It took me so long to find you. But now I have. I am truly honoured to have found you at last… my true creator.
Sai Borg: I to have learned about how Cortex greedily intercepted the plans to make you and the other androids. But those measly prototypes are not like the ones that I have.
Magma Dragoon: Ah yes… my new comrades. Who are they, and where are they?
Sai Borg: They are on my ship and they all have great characteristics that make them better than your previous android companions.
Magma Dragoon: This I must hear.
Sai Borg: There's Magna Centipede (Master of viruses with a flick of his tail).
-Cyber Peacock (The beautiful female android who's an expert laser shooter).
-Flame Stag (Your new left hand man, and a real hot head with fire techniques).
-Jet Stingray (Flying android assassin who can glide underwater like a sub, and fly like a jet, shooting miniature stingray missiles).
-Then there's Blast Hornet (flying android assassin who's precision and accuracy with missiles and other weapons make him as powerful as two-hundred assault helicopters).
-Morph Moth (The master of disguise, shape-shifting, and can shoot deadly streams of electric silk).
-Web Spider (Android Assassin who traps his appoints and drains their energy)
-Armoured Armadillo (Incomplete android who will prove to have the strength of many, and can smash through anything and protect himself from anything with his massive shell)
And finally… my elite fighting force I have specially designed myself - The 'Team of Terror'.
Magma Dragoon: Team of Terror?
Sai Borg: Yes… they truly are named like that.
-Overdrive Ostrich (Leader for the team, who excels at speed and launching sharp dangerous projectiles)
-Flame Mammoth (Massive powerful android who uses his trunk and arm gun to fire deadly arrays of flame)
-Wheel Gator (Has powerful jaws that bite through anything, and shoots out electric spark wheels, and is second fastest to Overdrive Ostrich)
- And the final member and android, Gravity Beetle (An android who can defy gravity to his opponents using his powers, or create large devastating balls of gravitational energy)
Those are my elite fighters who are sent out to do special tasks.

Magma Dragoon laughed wickedly as Sai Borg told him their names.

Magma Dragoon: Excellent! Now I have a new and better army capable of crushing Crash and Cortex once and for all. Sai Borg, you are the answer to my prayers. I shall follow you in every way so my revenge will be exacted, and then we can rule the entire world.
Sai Borg: Yes, and once you meet your new comrades you will see we will be on the verge of domination. We will be unstoppable. I'm glad I finally found you. You are to lead these androids as soon as you see them. Then, we will get revenge on our enemies… and get to work on 'The Dark Knight' Project.
Magma Dragoon: Dark Knight Project? What is that?
Sai Borg: (Chuckling) You know. But come now, we have much to do. Soon our plans will get into focus, now that you have arrived.
Magma Dragoon: (smiling evilly) I can hardly wait.
At the research centre on Maui, we see on the outside Toby Tortoiseshell playing with Private Boron, Monnika Muski taking a sunbathe and Snappy Gator snoozing in the sun.

Toby: Down boy…

Boron sat on all fours.

Toby: Good… (throws a stick towards another part of the garden) Now fetch!

Boron went to fetch the stick, and as he did so Monnika sat up with a worried expression on her face.

Monnika: Are you sure that Hawaii’s a good idea for a vacation? It seems a bit hot…
Toby: Then again you should think about your home.
Monnika: Oh yeah…
Toby: Still, I haven’t had this much fun up here in ages!
Monnika: Yeah, but I’m already starting to feel a bit homesick.
Toby: Don’t worry – this place is here for all of us to have a good time, with a humongous party of pals! Make the best of it – you’ll regret it forever.
Monnika: You could be right about that – check out my tan! (shows Toby a burn on her arm the shape of a castle)
Toby: (giggles) I guess you put the tan lotion in dodgy areas! (turns to Snappy) Right?
Snappy: Zzzzz…
Toby: Um… at least I think so.
Monnika: If only if Santa Claus was here to see this…
Toby: Like I said –
Monnika: Quiet – I think I can hear something.

There were some slight bashes heard from the horizon.

Toby: Me too!

Boron came to a halt, dropped the stick from his mouth and gave out a worried howl.

Toby: This doesn’t look too good… (rushes to Snappy and nudges him) Hey Snaps, wake up - we got a crisis here!
Snappy: (wakes up with a grunt and speaks tiredly) You’re having me on, are you? (stands up)
Toby: No I’m not – I think we’re coming across an earthquake! Chances are that we need to run for cover!
Snappy: (in a higher toned voice) Ooh Betty, ooh that’s nice…
Toby: Pipe it – this is more serious than you think!
Monnika: Yeah – we need to warn Cortex about this – maybe he could detect the bashes!

The four of them rushed inside the research centre, where Cortex was already hard at work in the lab, typing out a report on the computer about the Android experience, when the bashes caused the screen to fuzz slightly.

Cortex: (sighs) Maybe the screen’s running out of horsepower… (taps it thrice)

Then the bashes started to get more severe, making the fuzzes last longer and leaving him without room to concentrate.

Cortex: I said stay down… (slaps the screen so hard it spins around and then stops it after a few seconds)

Sooner enough, the bashes went harder than they have been before, skipping the animation on the screen as well as trying to blackout everything on it!

Cortex: (angrily) STOP IT YOU –

But just as when he was about to finish, a harder bang caused him to fall out of his chair. Then just a second later, Toby and the others came in.

Toby: Doc, we have a problem here –
Cortex: (stands up) I know – the banging. Don’t worry, because you ain’t the only one that’s angry over it.
Monnika: Could you try and detect it?
Cortex: I just wish I could, but the computer screen has blacked out!
Snappy: Don’t you mean greyed out – it’s not perfectly black yet.
Cortex: (slaps Snappy across the face) You don’t really understand what it means, don’t you?
Monnika: I bet not. Anyway, back to business. We need to try and find a cause of the bashes…

Just then, a cold-coloured metal creature came in and started attacking Boron, who quickly dived out of the way of the first charge.

Snappy: What the heck is that?
Monnika: I don’t know…
Toby: Use your psychic power! It’s so cool!
Monnika: I forgot!!! (puts her hands to her head) This is Armoured Armadillo, an android that is on a rampage!
Cortex: Android?!?
Toby: How can you tell?
Monnika: It’s all down to the mind.
Cortex: You mean… Magma Dragoon is on a vengeance?
Monnika: I very much doubt it – I can’t detect him anywhere!

As Armadillo attacked Boron, it managed to show its back to the rest of the pack.

Monnika: And besides, this android hasn’t even got a chip!
Toby: So this could be a creation that has woken too early…
Monnika: Kinda like that.

Then Armadillo started firing his blasts towards Boron, who dodges the attacks and every blast caused some parts of the laboratory to cave in!

Snappy: Everybody hang on!

The blasts went so severe they can be seen for miles, even from the beach where Crash and his “mother” are seen…

Crash: This surely must be no lie… Let me ask you a few questions.
“Mother”: Sure.
Crash: Tell me… your first name.
“Mother”: That’s easy – I’m Matilda.
Crash: And your two husbands?
Matilda: The first one was Garrison, who accidentally got killed by Cobraz in a battle when you were two. The second one Derick, who is Coco’s father, also got killed, but by an android force, and is now known as Magma Dragoon. I just wish he didn’t go away from me…
Coco: So… the saying was true! (smiles and rushes up to Matilda, cuddling her) Mom, I missed you!
Crash: Ditto!
Jacko: Awww… ain’t that sweet!
Danni: Yeah… Now I know how I felt if MY mother came about and greeted like this… but she can’t. And you all know why.

Jacko nodded. But just then the blasts could be heard.

Crash: What was that?
Coco: It’s coming from the research centre!
Danni: This is an outrage…
Crash: Come on – we HAVE to see what’s going on!
Coco: I’m coming with you!
Matilda: What if that’s Dragoon? I must see this!
Danni: And if they want speed, then they’d best answer to Dash!
Jacko: Good luck mytes!
Crash: Thanks!
Jacko: Ah yeah…

He looks out towards the sea, but then his smile becomes an expression of worries. He then immediately turned towards the research centre and just watched it.
The gang was racing towards the research centre where Cortex, Monnika, Snappy, Boron, and Toby were being attacked by Armoured Armadillo!! A vortex appeared in front of Crash and his friends and someone came out of it. It was good old Vector here to help his friends!

Danni: (surprised to see him) Vector, where have you been?
Crash: Yeah pal - we were worried about ya!!
Vector: I was sent here to hunt down an android and bring him to justice for good!
Matilda: Crash, who is he?!
Coco: We'll explain later mother but we need to see what's happening!!!

Crash, Vector, Danni, and Coco rushed to the research centre. When they got there they saw Cortex and the others being attacked by Armadillo!! Armadillo was walking up to Cortex about to attack!

Cortex: NNNNOOO!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
Voice: LEAVE MY CREATOR ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector tackled Armoured Armadillo in the gut!!! Cortex was surprised that Vector said he was his creator!

Monnika: (waking up) Man that was a nasty bump! Crash, you and the others are here. But who is that Dalmatian???
Coco: There's no time to explain!!! Who is this android that Dragoon sent!
Snappy: He's called Armoured Armadillo!! He attacked Boron.
Toby: Were helping Boron clean his wounds!
Danni: Okay, Coco, Crash, and I will fight the android! You three stay here and clear Boron's wounds.

Meanwhile in the underwater fortress Magma Dragoon and Sai Borg were watching the battle on a spy cam where Armadillo's battling!!!

Magma Dragoon: Who is that mutt?!?!?!?!?!?!
Sai Borg: Wait a minute! Computer, update this Dalmatian here!!

The computer analysed Vector's profile and Sai Borg was stunned!!

Sai Borg: Vector...
Magma Dragoon: Master are you oaky?
Sai Borg: No, I know that Dalmatian! His name is Vector Yamazaki, a creation of Cortex from the future!! That's what it said on his bio here!

Magma Dragoon took the paper from Sai Borg and was also stunned by Vector's power rating!! He was made up of many of the best fighters DNA with a regular Dalmatian. Meanwhile at the laboratory Crash and the others are struggling with a very hard battle with Armoured Armadillo!!!

Vector: (breathing real hard) This android's too much! My power is still up and my plasma sword and my attacks can't make a scratch on him!! It's all that armour he has on him. But what is this android's weakness?
Crash: I don't know guys!
Danni: This could be the end of us!!!
Coco: I wish the others were here to help us!

Armoured Armadillo was on the verge of making another attack. He had Crash, Coco, Vector, Cortex, Snappy, Boron, Monnika, Danni, and Toby pinned near the corner. He was walking closer and closer to them with icy cold eyes.

Crash: Aw man…this guy has one tough shell.
Vector: Even I couldn't defeat him. This is one tough android.
Danni: Heads up. He's about ta fire on us!

Armoured Armadillo was just ready to fire another round at the cornered heroes. But just then, a faint blinking sound was heard from the android. Suddenly, as if by magic, the Android turned around and escaped out of the area where it crashed through. He then jumped back into the sea.

Crash: Huh? What the---?
Coco: He just turned back?
Snappy: What... is he some kinda moron?
Vector: That's odd, but at the same time, very lucky. Oh man, this is one tough android. That is unbelievably strong.
Toby: Man oh man… I thought we were goners.

Cortex observes the outside of his research lab, and looks through the large hole made by Armoured Armadillo.

Cortex: Hmmm... It looks bad! That android was obviously more stronger than any of us. But it seems odd.
Monnika: Odd as in… he shouldn't be that strong?
Cortex: No! Odd as in… if the android was going to attack this research centre; why did it come by itself?
Vector: Maybe it doesn't need anyone else to be with knowing how powerful it is.
Cortex: On the contrary, the android's strong but not that strong. I'm sure this Sai borg fellow has plenty of other strong androids with him.
Monnika: I'd like to know something else. (Looking at Vector) Who are you?
Vector: My name is Vector Yamazaki. I'm an android hunter from the future.
Snappy: The future? Far out.
Toby: And you hunt androids fer a livin'?
Vector: Basically yes; but also… to protect the world from them. See… I was designed by Cortex over there. (Looks at Cortex)
Cortex: Um… what are you saying?
Vector: Cortex... you're my creator. In the future, I'm about to be your ultimate design.
Cortex: Wait a minute. How do I know you're even form the future? You may have some moves, but even so... I have no plans on making you.
Vector: We will see.
Crash: Guys! I think we know what's goin' on here. Why don't we all head back to the hotel. It's best not to tell anyone what happened yet.
Danni: When do we tell ‘em?
Crash: Right when we're ready. We can't let ‘em know yet, cause we gotta get in better shape for future battles. Vector, you can come with us.
Vector: Sure thing. I can't take all the androids myself. We'll all have ta work together as a team.
Danni: We've always been a team.
Snappy: Yeah… there's no way you're gonna have me facin' up against a wacky critter like that again.
Toby: Ditto! But I hope we can all do soemthin'.
Vector: How bout you Cortex? You comin'?
Cortex: No - I'm busy with my plans and have to keep an eye out for any other android attacks. N. Gin and my other associates will be here later to help me out.
Crash: All right then, see ya.

And everyone, except Cortex, exits out of the research centre.
Meanwhile, back in the underwater fortress, Sai borg was talking through a communicator that was located in his left wrist. He seemed very upset.


A voice was heard over the phone.

Voice: It was an accident. There was a malfunction at the labs.
Voice: I'm sorry sir. His chip wasn't inserted yet; and he just woke up. I managed to have him return back to the labs so we can work on him a little more. I made a special button just for him to return.
Voice: Because it jammed. I managed to get it fixed after it attacked. Don't worry sir - everything else will go better. After all, the other androids turned out successful didn't they?
Voice: Not to worry! By the way sir, my rounds here are over for the day. We will resume work tomorrow! I'm going to see my daughter today.
Voice: Don't worry. I'm sure your androids are just fine.
Voice: Yes sir! Goodbye sir!

Sai Borg turned off his communicator.

Sai Borg: Ergh… scientists. They still never manage to get it right.
Magma Dragoon: Excuse me Sai Borg… but after watching one of my future comrades fight, how's about introducing me to my other colleagues.
Sai Borg: I suppose so.
Magma Dragoon: Are they about to attack?
Sai Borg: Not yet, but first let's get you to your new advisor.
Magma Dragoon: Flame Stag?
Sai Borg: Yes! He will be your right hand man form now on.
Magma Dragoon: Very well then.
Back at the hotel, no one said a word about what happened today. But everyone seemed curious about Vector.

Jacko: So yer from the future?
Vector: Uh yeah. I'm an android slayer.
Crash: Sounds cool! We always knew you'd return. Oh by the way… my mom's back. We just saw her earlier today. You gotta meet her.
Vector: I will. Anyhow, I just came here to hunt down Sai Borg who has escaped from prison so he came here!! The androids in my future are very nice but they’re infected by something called the Andross Virus.
Crash: So that's what you meant by having come here by hunting an android and bringing him to justice.
Coco: So who made Sai Borg anyway?
Vector: Dr. Andross, who is a brilliant scientist but he was trapped in an avalanche! Somehow one of his cyborgs that are much stronger that androids took his brain and made him a cybernetic humanoid body. But I stole some of his designs for future cyborgs but they were made already!!
Danni: Dr. Andross eh... well let's see his designs.

Vector pulled out five of Dr. Andross's designs. The names of the cyborgs were Burn T-Rex, Flash Mantis, Blizzard Buffalo, Solar Phoenix, and the cyborg leader Dark Necrobat.

Jacko: Crickey!!! These are amazing characteristics of the cyborgs mate!!
Crash: Hey someone's knocking at the door.

Crash ran and opened the door and it was Matilda!

Matilda: Hello everyone! Crash you seem anxious that you want me to see something.
Snappy: Current we want you to meet someone beyond your dreams!
Monnika: Yeah this guy's from the future!!
Toby: And he's an android hunter!

Crash took his mother's hand and she noticed Vector! She was very surprised to see him.

Matilda: That's your friend?
Vector: Yeah I'm Crash's friend. I'm Vector Yamazaki and I'm an android hunter created by Dr. Neo Cortex from the year 2059.

Everyone except Crash, Coco, and Danni were stunned that he was from the year 2059!!!

Coco: Mom it's okay! In Vector's future Cortex is a nice guy now!!! He's changed a lot!
Vector: Yeah even though he's a grouch in your world he's became a whole new man in my world!! I know he's sort of a crazy lunatic but he's got a kind heart deep inside him!!!!
Matilda: Your right... I'm sorry Vector.
Vector: I forget it besides let's have something to eat! It's all on me.

Two dingocoots came into the room and it was Yarra and Casey about to hop on Crash and Danni!!

Crash: Hey boys!
Yarra: Daddy I love ya!!
Casey: Me too!
Danni: Hey boys we got an old friend here that just came back.
Yarra & Casey: (surprised to see him) VECTOR!!!!!!!

Yarra hopped on Vector's back and Casey hugged him!!

Yarra: Vector we missed you!!
Casey: Yeah please don't leave us again.
Vector: I won't! Besides, Cortex said I can say here as long as I want until I hunt down Dr. Andross's creation named Sai Borg!

Then a robotic looking insect outside blasted in the room and aimed him gun arm at Casey and Yarra!!!

Casey & Yarra: Dad help!!!!!!
Vector: (to his thoughts) *Sorry my friend but I gotta do this to ya!!* (Says something to the android) Hey you!!!!!!
Android: Who me?!
Vector: Prepare to face my wrath!

Vector dashed jump and kicked the android in the gut!! He pulled out his plasma sword and sliced his gun arm off. The android escaped and grabbed Casey & Yarra!!!

Casey & Yarra: HELP!!!!!!!
Android: Shut up you stupid dingoes!!
Vector: I don't think so Blast Hornet!!!

Vector grabbed Blast Hornet's wings and tore them off!! He dropped the kids and Vector grabbed them! Hornet was falling down and hit the sand.

Blast Hornet: Man I'll get that Vector Yamazaki!!! I'll be back!!!!!!!!!!
Voice: I don't think so!!!!!

It was Kitsume with Sarnie and Shen Lo Ken!! Kitsume got out her sword and sliced Blast Hornet's body.

(Note: His body was sliced like Frieza's when in DBZ his own attack defeated him.)

Sarnie: Time to send you back to the ice age! Ready Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah! I'm sick of androids that are evil!!!

Just when the two warriors were about to fire a mysterious man dressed like a grim reaper like Sigma did in Mega Man X4.

Mysterious Man: Try this my friends!!!! ENERGY BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mysterious man shot a blue beam at Kitsume, Sarnie, and Shen Lo Ken. He grabbed Blast Hornet's body and disappeared into thin air!

Sarnie: Boy that was quite a ride.
Shen Lo Ken: You don't have to say that again!!
Vector: You guys okay?
Shen Lo Ken: Vector.... it's great to ya again! How you been doing partner?
Vector: I'm doing great.
Sarnie: Anyways we’re all fine old friend!!
Kitsume: Vector you seemed worried about something.
Vector: It's nothing. Let's get back to the others... they're anxious to see you all.
Meanwhile back in the underwater fortress, the mysterious man came in and Sai Borg noticed him!!

Sai Borg: Who are you?!!!?!???
Mysterious Man: I just came here to repair Blast Hornet! He's very injured after a tough fight with Vector and other four warriors!!! I'll make him new and improved with unstoppable energy!!

Magma Dragoon also came to see what was happening!!

Magma Dragoon: HHHHOOORRRRNNNEEET!!! YOU ARE A FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mysterious Man: WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU ANDROID OR I'LL RIP YOU APART WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!! This android needs to be fixed but I'll take care of it myself!!!!! Now, out of my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mysterious man pushes Dragoon out of his way and Dragoon is very ticked off at that mysterious man!!

Magma Dragoon: I'm gonna destroy him!!!!!!!
Sai Borg: Dragoon... don't hurt him!!! I know that he can be trusted!!
Magma Dragoon: All right... but in the mean time... let's see my new right hand man.
Sai Borg: Right... Flame Stag… come here!

Flame Stag jumped in front of Dragoon and Sai Borg!!

Flame Stag: Yes master...
Sai Borg: There you are you sneaky little devil.
Magma Dragoon: Hello Flame Stag… I am your new commander, Magma Dragoon.
Flame Stag: I know - Sai Borg told me so much about you!
Sai Borg: Yes, the young lad wants to be like you!
Magma Dragoon: Yeah no problem.... come, Flame Stag - we've got much work to do.
Back at the hotel Casey & Yarra introduced Vector to Brendon and Sheila!

Brendon: It's very nice to meet you Vector!
Sheila: He's such a dreamboat.
Vector: Yeah that's what all the girls in the future say to me!
Crash: Yo Vector... how do you know Blast Hornet so much?
Vector: Well Blast Hornet and I were very close friends when he got infected with the Andross Virus. I also had a sister who got kidnapped by Sai Borg!!
Sheila: Don't worry - we'll get her back!
Vector: I hope… besides they're the most two important people to me in my life! Anyways I promised Crash and the others to train them.
Jacko: We'll you better get a move on cause their waiting for ya!!
Vector: Thanks Jacko, your a life saver! Come on Crash!!!
Crash: Way behind ya pal!!!!
It was two hours since Crash left the hotel with Danni, Coco, Jacko, Shen, Kitsume, Snappy, Vector and Toby on their new quest. Here Monnika is starting to look a bit confused.

Sarnie: What’s the matter? You look like your parents are dead.
Monnika: I don’t mean to say this to you, but… erm…
Shelia: Well?
Monnika: It’s Vector. I’m not sure if he’s telling the truth about Sai Borg’s creator.
Shelia: Why not?
Monnika: Come to think of it the sketches of the “androids” look familiar.
Matilda: Don’t have a cow about it – Vector doesn’t at all seem like a cheat to me.
Monnika: But I don’t think that Dr. Andross is his creator at all.
Casey: What makes you say that?
Yarra: Please Monnika – tell us!
Monnika: To be honest I don’t even know of a Dr. Andross at all!
Casey: Of course you don’t – just like the Queen of England’s relationship with one of our country’s Australian Rules football teams!
Monnika: No… (puts her hands on her forehead) I am meaning that he may yet never exist. I have a bad feeling that Vector may lead them to nothing but trouble.

Boron then whimpered slightly and patted her on the back.

Monnika: Thanks, but it’s not enough to fill me with confidence.

Boron then started cuddling her.

Monnika: (pats him) That’s a good help, but it won’t help.
Matilda: Cheer up – I guarantee you that Vector’s sweet charm will save the day.
Monnika: (picks up Vector’s android images) Yeah, but what about the fibs he’s been telling?
Shelia: You never know until it happens.
Monnika: I don’t think so. (gets up and talks like Cartman from “South Park”) Screw you guys, I’m going to expose the naked truth!
Sarnie: Monnika, wait –

But it was too late – Monnika already jumped out of the window and started flying towards Cortex’s research centre with the android images in her hands.

Shelia: (sighs) This isn’t gonna work.
Matilda: Relax – of course it will!
Meanwhile, back at Sai Borg’s underwater fortress, Magma Dragoon was being shown to the other androids.

Magma Dragoon: So… they seem like the perfect squad to work with!
Sai Borg: We can only hope. We already had two cock-ups so far and we can’t afford another!

Just then a scientist came in the room.

Scientist: Can you make that four? We already have two more problems on the run!
Sai Borg: Grrr… WHAT IS IT NOW???????
Scientist: Armoured Armadillo’s awoken again, and this time he’s gone and destroyed the recall button!
Sai Borg: YOU IMBECILE… (growls madly)
Scientist: The other piece of bad news is that your enemies are coming right towards you!
Sai Borg: WHAT?!?!?
Magma Dragoon: Relax sir – I think we should summon some of the androids to retrieve him.
Magma Dragoon: Calm down – I may have a good feeling that Armadillo may exterminate those brats after all.
Sooner enough, Monnika came into the research centre with the images with her hand. She knocks on the door thrice and after a call of “come in”, she was allowed to step in.

Monnika: Hello? Anybody home?
Cortex: (from the other side of the main hall) Welcome to my research centre. How may I help you?
Monnika: (rushes towards him) You gotta help us – Vector may have told us lies about Sai Borg’s creator, and I’m worried about him leading Crash and the others in a massive pitfall!
Cortex: I don’t think you’re…
Monnika: You even said that you had no plans on making him. I have some bad suspicions that Vector is nothing but a big phoney!
Cortex: Calm down, calm down. Where’s your evidence?
Monnika: Right here. (shows him the images) I can remember seeing them before, and he claimed that they were creations of Sai Borg’s “creator”, Dr. Andross, in which I think doesn’t even exist.
Cortex: Don’t worry – I’ll try and unveil the truth about him. Speaking of which, where is he?
Monnika: He’s gone with Crash and the others to rescue his sister from him.
Cortex: Hmmm… I’ll see if I can search for an actual profile for these creatures. If he’s telling the truth I’ll let him go. If not, then I have a mission for you.
Monnika: Thanks so much!

They both headed into the laboratory, where the truth behind Vector will soon be unleashed to them…
Right now Vector is leading Crash and his friends to Sai Borg’s lair to save his sister but they lost the signal on Vector’s android tracker that allows him to hunt down androids that are evil!!!

Vector: (getting furious for losing something) DARN!!!!!!
Crash: What’s wrong?!
Vector: I lost the signal to Sai Borg’s lair!
Kitsume: I say someone or something is trying to block our signal from finding Sai Borg.
Danni: Whoever that someone is better show himself cause I’m bout to give him or her the ultimate knuckle sandwich of their lives!!!!
Coco: (puts her hand on Danni’s shoulder) Easy Danni... besides we’ll get the signal back when Vector’s android tracker is found.
Shen Lo Ken: (notices something in Vector’s pocket) Hey Vector what’s that in your pocket?
Vector: (taking out the papers in his pocket) These are just more of Dr. Andross’s androids!

Vector hands out eight of the designs of Dr. Andross. The androids this time are Ember Barracuda, Crescent Grizzly, Blade Tarantula, Shining Hotarunix, Psycho Lionfish, Thunder Pidgeon, Hydro Dolphin, and Dynamo Raptor!!! It seems that everyone was starting to worry that Cortex or Sai Borg aren’t a true threat when these androids from the future have DNA from the best fighters to make them into killing machines!!!!!!!!!!

Snappy: How does this Dr. Andross dude make these androids so good?
Toby: Yeah I can’t even tell if these guys have any weaknesses!
Jacko: I have a bad feeling something’s going to happen right about now!!

Then all of a sudden Armoured Armadillo appeared out of the ground and he rolled up into a ball and rolled towards the brave warriors!!!

Vector: I think this android might have a weakness but it’s going to focus all of my energy to my plasma sword to make him lose a bit of his energy!!!
Danni: Go for it and see what happens!!!!!

Vector dashed into the air and got out his plasma sword and dived into Armadillo’s hard shell!! Vector charged his plasma sword with electricity and electrocuted Armadillo’s heavy armour making him defenceless now and he grabbed Armadillo’s arms!!!

Note: This is like when Goku is holding down Raditz so that Piccolo could finish him off with his Special Beam Cannon from DBZ!

Shen Lo Ken: (surprised) OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!
Crash: Now let’s finish him off!!

Everyone charged up their beams to finish Armadillo!! They released their beams at Armored Armadillo and he was done for good!!!!

Jacko: All right! We did it... but what about Vector, did he survive the attack?
Crash: Don’t worry about him - he can survive anything!

The smoke cleared up and Vector was still standing!! Everyone except Crash, Coco, Danni, Kitsume, and Shen Lo Ken were surprised that Vector survived the big blast!!!

Toby: Amazing!!!
Vector: I also forgot to tell you that Dr. Cortex made me a super being with immortality!
Kitsume: I picked up where Sai Borg’s lair is... it’s an underwater fortress under the ocean.
Coco: Okay let’s move gang!!
Meanwhile in the underwater fortress, Sai Borg is really furious now that Armoured Armadillo’s been defeated!!

Sai Borg: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE FOOLS DEFEATED ARMADILLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID THAT DALMATIAN KNOW ABOUT ARMADILLO’S WEAKNESS???!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!?!
Magma Dragoon: I have an interest in this Vector Yamazaki.... let’s send one of the androids to get him.

Then the mysterious man appears to report something to Sai Borg.

Mysterious Man: I have good news Master Sai Borg.
Sai Borg: What is it now?!?!
Mysterious Man: Blast Hornet’s complete now and I made a few adjustments to him!! I added some of Vector’s DNA sample when I injected it into Hornet and he’s now wearing silver armour called adtamainium, which is an unbreakable metal that Vector has inside his body.
Magma Dragoon: (laughing evilly) Excellent!!!!! Let’s send Hornet right now to destroy that bandicoot and his friends!
Mysterious Man: Not yet... sent one of the androids to battle them, save Hornet for last, and if he fails... send the “Team of Terror”!!
Sai Borg: All right! It sounds like a plan!
Mysterious Man: Besides his sister named Tanya is one of the androids that you kidnapped and you know which female android I mean.
Sai Borg: Right!! But for now that fool Vector also doesn’t know that you didn’t make me... it’s a good thing we hired your henchman Dynamo to spread rumours! We’ll activate five of the androids from the future that we made!!!
Magma Dragoon: What androids from the future?!
Sai Borg: Don’t worry my friend - you’ll see what I mean. But in the mean time let the bandicoot and his friends come in the underwater fortress... they’re going to be in for a ride of their lives!!!
Mean while in the research centre, Cortex analysed the androids that Dr. Andross made in the future!!

Monnika: Anything yet?
Cortex: This fellow looks interesting. Burn T-Rex is a genius that can build anything and his main weapon Grand Fire is to wipe out anything it touches! Plus he makes weapons with magma energy.
Monnika: Just tell me who these androids creator is!!
Cortex: They were all made by... Dr. Sai Borg.
Monnika: I knew Vector was a big phoney all this time!!!
Cortex: Alright Monnika, you can go on that mission now.
Monnika: Thank you Cortex!!
Mean while at the ocean, Crash and his friends see a big fortress shaped like a snail’s shell. Vector’s android tracker is now working and it is picking up something!!!

Vector: I’m getting strong energy readings from inside this fortress!
Danni: (puts her hand on Vector’s shoulder) Let’s go in and save your sister love!
Crash: Hey the doors are opening!!!!!!

The doors to the fortress opened and they all ran inside!!

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