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Back at the research centre Monnika came out of there with the papers in her hand…

Monnika: (sighs) OK, Mr. Yamazaki… (puts her hands together) You have a lot of explaining to do…

Just then there was a bleeping from inside.

Monnika: (turns to the door) Eh? (calls out) IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG IN THERE?????
Cortex: (from inside) NOT WRONG – GOOD!!!!!!!!

Monnika gasped and dashed back inside, where Cortex was on the phone to Jacko.

Cortex: Please, tell me more about it!
Jacko: (on the phone) But that’s all the information I’ve got for you, except that Vector’s completely unstoppable…
Snappy: (also on the phone and speaks in an annoying tone) Hiya!
Jacko: (on the phone) Stop…

Cortex had a big sweat drop coming down the side of his face and he was blushing anime-style.

Cortex: Um… where are you now?
Jacko: (on the phone) We’re at the front portal to Sai Borg’s place. Now we are gonna have a bad feeling about this…
Toby: (also on the phone) Oh no we’re not! Vector can sort ‘em out real good!
Cortex: Maybe not, because everything must have a weakness, even the strongest.
Toby: (on the phone) Are you sure?
Jacko: (on the phone) Ahem… can you give the phone back please? Thanks. OK, there’s 9 warriors in our pack, one of them having a super high power rating, higher than the rest of us put together. There could be good and bad points about this, but anyhow, wish us luck!
Cortex: OK! Now Monnika will also be coming for you along the way…
Monnika: YOU WHAT?!? (smiles and gasps)
Jacko: (on the phone) Once we step inside the place we may never come out… but that’s just me. Anyway, I’ll see you around – if I survive!
Cortex: OK. Cheers!

The phone hung up.

Monnika: Did he say where they are?
Cortex: They’re over at Sai Borg’s fortress. Hopefully you can detect them.
Monnika: OK them matey – Mr. Icy Power and I have got a whooooooooole lotta work to do! (dashes out)

Upon leaving the area she starts flying towards the fortress.
The others are already there looking for androids and staying by everyone’s side… in pitch black.

Coco: This place looks… creepy…
Shen Lo Ken: Don’t panic my girl – nothing can underestimate you!
Coco: That’s so nice, but what about Dragoon last time I saw him?
Toby: Tell me about it.
Coco: OK – Crash, Shen, Kitsume, Danni, Jacko and I were involved in this, among others. The experience seemed terrifying and it seemed to last forever! Even I learnt that Dragoon… was my dad.
Snappy: HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!
Toby: Ditto – I can’t imagine THAT!
Coco: He even wants to put his past behind and then he could kill me for what I’m worth!
Vector: Don’t panic Coco – I can be able to sort that Dragoon out when I come face to face with him!
Coco: DON’T!!!!!!
Vector: Why not?
Coco: The relationship between us… it must be the same.
Snappy: Now I know how I feel if my son went berserk and I had to kill him…
Kitsume: Guys, please, can we save Dragoon for later? I have a bad feeling that an android could be spying on us.
Snappy: What, in this darkness?
Danni: Calm down mytes – everything’s under control.

She gets out a flashlight from her backpack and shone it around the area checking for androids.

Danni: See? Not a single one in sight!
Crash: Now be careful – I have a bad feeling that one may come later, so keep your eyes out.

Snappy: (tries to take his eyeballs out from their sockets) I can’t do it.
Crash: (sighs and giggles at the same time) You know what I mean – look out for them!

As they headed further up the corridors they heard a rustling noise of metal.

Coco: What was that?
Toby: Hang in there guys – it could be an android.

There was a shadow being seen on the walls of the corridor. Everyone turned around…

Snappy: Hey – I like doing these shadows!
Vector: (sighs) Next time, don’t hang up, OK?

Then there was another shadow further up along with the metal noise all at once. The features that could be made out were a long trunk, big ears and a fat body.

Vector: Flame Mammoth!
Toby: Who?
Vector: That’s the very android!
Crash: Be careful this time – we sense a lot of danger in this beast. And Vector... do you know Mammoth's weakness just like with Armadillo?
Vector: Well yes and no. Yes, he has a weakness... and no, I can't seem to remember it that well.
Jacko: WE’RE DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toby: No we’re not, we gotta have fate in ourselves!

Then Danni's flashlight batteries went out and it was totally dark in the room!!! Then the lights came back on but Coco and Vector were missing!!!!!! Not only that, Flame Mammoth disappeared into nowhere!!

Snappy: HOLY SMOKE!!!!!! Where's Coco and Vector?!
Kitsume: Flame Mammoth's gone too!
Shen Lo Ken: But where?!
Danni: Were gonna hafta search high and low to find them mates!
Crash: I just hope my sister's okay... including Vector - he's the only strongest guy on the team and a good friend.

The gang started to walk towards in the underwater fortress of Sai Borg to find Coco and Vector.
Meanwhile in other part of the underwater fortress, Vector wakes up to find himself in an arena.

Vector: What is this place?
Voice: You’re about to find out soon enough Mr. Yamazaki!!!!!

Vector turns around to see Sai Borg, Magma Dragoon, and the mysterious man sitting in the royal throne chairs on the top of the left side.

Mysterious Man: It's good to see that you joined us as our guest Vector.
Sai Borg: It would rather be disappointing that you didn't show up.
Vector: Dragoon, please - do not hurt Coco! She really cares about... I promised myself not to hurt you but if you keep on acting this way I have no choice but to take extreme measures!! But look at yourself - your were once a caring father once but now you just a monster trying to destroy your own daughter when she tries her best to get you back.
Magma Dragoon: I'm throwing away my past! If you like it or not I'm going to destroy you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sai Borg: Anyways we want you to test your skills on one of my androids, after that the androids from the future that Dr. Andross and I made, and last Magma Dragoon.
Vector: Fine... bring out the first challenger!

The door opens and the beautiful female android Cyber Peacock comes out ready to fight. But Vector looks at Cyber Peacock's eyes like they were familiar to him.

Vector: Where have I seen those eyes before?
Cyber Peacock: You'll soon find out!!!!!!!!!!

Cyber Peacock charged in mid-air towards at Vector. She shoot a lot of laser balls at him but the attacks reflected off of him and headed straight towards her!!

Cyber Peacock: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Vector: I gotta save her!!!!!!!!

Vector jumped into the air and grabbed Cyber Peacock!

Vector: Peacock... can you hear me?

Cyber Peacock: Wha.... you!
Vector: Take it easy I wanna help you.... ahhhhh!!!!!!

Vector put his hands on his head and started to remember his sister!!! Now he knew where he seen those eyes before... they were his sister's eyes when he stared at Cyber Peacock!!

Cyber Peacock: Hey what's wrong?!
Vector: Those eyes of yours... I've seen them before!
Sai Borg: Peacock, do it now while you still have the chance!
Cyber Peacock: Alright... now Vector... promise you won't freak out for what your about to see?
Vector: Go ahead, I should know already.

Cyber Peacock pressed two buttons on her helmet and unveiled herself. She was a beautiful 21-year-old Dalmatian girl with beautiful aqua blue eyes.

Vector: It's really you.... after all these years I've finally found you Tanya.
Cyber Peacock: I'm sorry Vector but there's something that's controlling me!
Mysterious Man: We can't let him know the truth that we control her with the dark ring around her neck!!! We got to stop her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sai Borg: Activate the defence button so that she doesn't tell him more!

The mysterious man got out a remote controller for the dark ring but Vector noticed it!! He shot a blue fireball at the mysterious man's hand causing it to fall of! Not only that, the hood of the mysterious man unveiled himself... it was... Dr. Andross himself!!!!!!!!!!! The dark ring around his sister's neck broke into pieces.

Vector: Dr. Andross!!!!!
Dr. Andross: RATS!!!!!!!

Dr. Andross took off his grim reaper outfit unveiled his true body!

Note: Dr. Andross's face was Dr. Wily (Mega Man) and Dr. Gero (DBZ) mixed together, blue eyes, and red scars like Sigma's (Mega Man X), and his brain was showing in a blue glass like Android 20(DBZ) and had Sigma's body from Mega Man X3 and he has Blackwargreymon's voice from Digimon.

Vector: So, you’re working for Sai Borg aren't you?! You made him!!!
Cyber Peacock: No Vector!! They fooled you... Dr. Andross didn't make Sai Borg - Dr. Andross's henchman Dynamo spread rumours that you he would fool you including our people in the future.
Magma Dragoon: Enough talk!!!!! I want to see these androids from the future that you two made!!
Dr. Andross: Sai Borg, just to let you know that I activated two of our androids from the future! The other three weren't strong enough!!!
Sai Borg: Who did you activate?
Dr.Andross: Psycho Lionfish, he has ability to control anyone with his psychic powers and Cold Iguana, his hard icy armour is unbreakable... I added some hard ice and adtanmainium steel to create unbreakable armour and his opponent’s attacks absorb the armour, only making his strength to increase and shoots powerful ice beams at his opponents!
Magma Dragoon: These androids are perfect! I gotta see them in action!!
Sai Borg: As you wish Magma Dragoon.

Dr.Andross activated another door and two androids jumped out!!! The two androids Psycho Lionfish and Cold Iguana were anxious to fight!!

Magma Dragoon: Those are the androids from the future??????
Sai Borg: Yes they are Dragoon but in the future you don't lead them. We already found a perfect leader to lead our future androids if you survive or not.
Meanwhile with Monnika she saw Sai Borg's underwater fortress on top of the ocean.

Monnika: All right... this is it! I hope there aren’t any traps.

Monnika went into the fortress safely!
Deeper inside the fortress, Crash and the others started looking around the dark corridors for any trace of Coco or Vector…

Crash: COCO!!!!
Danni: VECTOR!!!!
Toby: Hold it!
Jacko: What?
Toby: I think I stepped on something…
Shen Lo Ken: Something like chewing gum, methinks…
Toby: I don’t think so.
Crash: Huh?
Toby: (lifts his foot from the ground and notices the stepped-on object) I’ve come across some slippery oil here! An android must have been about!
Snappy: Or then again it may have been from my rusty bicycle.
Kitsume: You can’t even ride one.
Snappy: Gee, you can’t take a joke, can’t you?
Danni: Maybe if you can use yer magic you could identify the trace of it.
Kitsume: I’ll try. It’s not gonna guarantee anything though…

She pressed her hands onto the oil and crouched down.


Energy broke out in her hands and started beaming down on the oil. Then when it stopped, she saw a reflection of Flame Mammoth.

Toby: I told ya it was an android! Right Kitsume? … Kitsume?

There was no answer.

Toby: (turns to her) Kitty, I’m… (screams)
Crash: What?
Toby: She’s… gone!

They saw in the pool that Kitsume has vanished and the only trace left was a trail of oil.

Snappy: OK… I’m afraid.
Danni: Don’t panic myte – there is still another hope. We could follow the trail of oil to the android base. That’s possibly where he’s gonna go.
Snappy: Now that’s a relief…
Toby: I’ll lead the way – they don’t call me Toby Dick for nothin’!

A huge sweat drop came down everyone’s faces.

Toby: What?
Jacko: Um… nothing, mate. You show us where that android is.

So the six of them started heading up the path, and five minutes later they came to a dead end.

Toby: OK, so this is where the trail ends. I don’t have a clue how the android got past this part…
Voice: But you MUST have a clue about the TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: What the…?
Crash: Stand back – this could be ugly.

The dark shadow from further up the corridor soon came into view, revealing herself… as Monnika!

Danni: Yo Monique – glad to see…

She immediately grabbed Snappy’s neck and slammed him onto the wall.

Monnika: Tell me… tell me why should you fall for phoney Vector!
Snappy: But…
Monnika: Listen to me kid – some of you guys may have been so thick to follow Vector’s mindless ways. Now tell me – were you one of the mindless drones that did everything he said?
Snappy: (in the style of Shaggy) It wasn’t me.
Monnika: I’ll show you who could have been in a moment, as long as you tell me… why you should believe in a stupid story about Dr. Andross!
Jacko: What do you mean?
Monnika: I mean your hound dog told you… a lie!
Crash: Relax – a lie’s not anything to get over with…
Monnika: But then again he could lie about his power! He may seem like a puny little scaredy cat!
Toby: HOI!
Monnika: Well… you get the picture.
Toby: Yeah, but next time don’t use me for target reference.
Crash: We’ll sort that out later. For now, we have to rescue Coco, Vector and Kitsume from the androids!
Monnika: This could be one easy task!

She formed a ball of energy in her hands and tossed it at the wall, forming a hole in it.

Crash: All right, let’s move on!

And so the newly formed gang of 7 started heading up the darker corridors of the fortress.
Back in the hidden arena where Vector and Cyber Peacock who is really Vector's sister who got turned into an android by Sai Borg and Dr.Andross confront two tough androids named Psycho Lionfish and Cold Iguana with unstoppable rage and strength!!!

Magma Dragoon: Let's see these androids fight these fools already!
Dr. Andross: As you wish Dragoon. Cold Iguana and Psycho Lionfish... ATTACK!!!!!!!

The two androids charged at Vector and Cyber Peacock! Vector uses his elbow to knock Cold Iguana on the floor but Vector sees his sister being attacked by Psycho Lionfish.

Vector: Yo Lionfish! Ready for a knuckle sandwich?

Note: Psycho Lionfish has Cell's voice from DBZ; first form when Piccolo encountered him.

Psycho Lionfish: Try and catch me!!

Vector tried to throw a punch at Lionfish but he disappeared into thin air. Vector knew that was no illusion technique because he didn't pick up the power rating.

Cyber Peacock: VECTOR LOOK OUT!!!!!
Vector: Wha...?

Cold Iguana and Psycho Lionfish glided towards him and Vector got ready to fight but Psycho Lionfish threw a powerful kick at him behind his back. Lionfish grabbed his arm and Iguana punched him flying into the air and got hit near a wall.

Cyber Peacock: Vector... NO!!!

Note: Cold Iguana has Terrasaur's voice from Beast Wars.

Cold Iguana: Oh no you don't!

Cold Iguana fired an ice beam towards Cyber Peacock and the ice on her made her stick to the wall! Vector charged at Iguana and Lionfish and gave them a good pounding to the ground but then two other androids showed up to help Iguana and Lionfish. It was..... FLAME STAG AND MAGNA CENTIPEDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magna Centipede: You guys need any help?
Cold Iguana: Yeah, distract Vector while Psycho Lionfish and I do something!
Flame Stag: Right!

Magna Centipede threw his tail at Vector but he grabbed and swung him. Flame Stag launched a lot of flaming fireballs at Vector but he got knocked out easily then an electric wire shocked Vector. Cold Iguana shot a powerful ice beam at Vector and knocked him to the ground.

Vector: Man that was a ride...
Cold Iguana: Look at yourself Yamazaki!!
Vector: Oh man!!!

When Vector got up is body was almost frozen and the ice on his body started to cover his whole body except his head.

Sai Borg: What do you think of Cold Iguana's brazing blow fields? There's no way you and your sister will escape!
Cold Iguana: Now I'm gonna seal you in your icy grave! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: FINISH HIM!!!!!!!

Cold Iguana put his hands together and charged up his hands filled with chilling cold ice to freeze Vector to death!! Then two fighters jumped in front of Vector and it was... KITSUME AND COCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector: Coco... Kitsume... ????
Coco: Don't worry Vector – we’re here to help you!
Vector: Be careful of these two androids that Dr. Andross and Sai Borg made in the future, their power is beyond anything that you could ever imagine!!!!!
Kitsume: Don't worry, we'll be careful. I'll send a message to Crash to let him know where we are.
Magma Dragoon: FINISH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cold Iguana: TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREEZE STOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cold Iguana shot an extremely powerful ice beam at them but Coco and Kitsume were able to make a shield by using their energy!!! After the powerful ice beam was gone, Psycho Lionfish and Magna Centipede jumped towards Coco but Kitsume tackled them both!! Magna Centipede stood back up but Lionfish was okay but something strange was happening to him, blue wires came out of his arms and became a deadly electro wire blade from his arms.

Psycho Lionfish: Time for some pay back... ELECTRO SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The electric wire knocked Kitsume out!!

Coco: KITSUME!!!!
Psycho Lionfish: Now it's your turn!!!
Coco: Wha.... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Psycho Lionfish was able to electricute Coco!! Now Lionfish charged up his electro wires making Kitsume and Coco scream in pain and agony!!!!!
Mean while on the other side of the underwater fortress, Crash was picking up something painful!!

Crash: It's painful!!!!!
Snappy: What is?!!??!!
Crash: I... see something... horrible!!
Danni: WHAT???
Crash: I see four androids!! Vector and an android named Cyber Peacock... are trapped in a block of ice caused by an unknown... Coco and Kitsume being torched by another unknown android as well. Magma Dragoon, Sai Borg, and another person is there with them!!!
Jacko: This looks bad mate!!
Monnika: I know where it is.
Toby: Where?
Monnika: There underneath us!!
Shen Lo Ken: Time to pound a hole to the ground!

Shen Lo Ken gathered up all his energy and pound his fist to the ground and saw the others!!! The gang jumps down and help out the others!!

Crash: Take this you reptile!!!!!
Cold Iguana: I don't think so... FREEZE STOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash dodged the attack and tackled Iguana!! He then charged at Lionfish, fired a beam at him and dropped Kitsume and Coco! Everyone ran to Kitsume and Coco but Flame Stag and Magna Centipede got in their way.

Flame Stag: If you wanna get to them, you got to get past us first!!!!
Magna Centipede: I don't think that's a good idea because there's seven of them and there's two of us!
Vector: KAAAAAAAAAIIOOOOOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector broke out of the ice by gathering all of his energy and formed a red flame on him making it invincible! He charged at Flame Stag and Magna Centipede by both giving them an uppercut!

Dr. Andross: Cold Iguana... Psycho Lionfish. Return to the future now to regenerate your energy.
Sai Borg: You too Magna Centipede... return to the main capsule I made for you. Except you Flame Stag... you come here and watch the fight with us!
Flame Stag: As you wish Master Sai Borg!
Cold Iguana: Yes sir... Lionfish let's get back out of here!
Psycho Lionfish: Right!!!

The two androids teleported back to the future!! Magna Centipede jumped to the top to return to his capsule. Monnika came up to Vector in a furious way!!!

Monnika: How dare you lie to us!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Andross doesn't even exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vector: Look behind you and you'll see a humanoid android with an A around his belt.

Monnika turned around saw Dr. Andross himself!!

Kitsume: I... don't believe... it.
Monnika: Vector… I'm... so sorry that... I didn't believe you!
Coco: I can feel Dr. Andross's energy!
Shen Lo Ken: His energy is growing with a lot of rage!!!
Dr. Andross: Yes, it is true! Sai Borg and I are partners in biotechnology in the future.
Cyber Peacock: Need any help bro?
Crash: What????????
Vector: It's okay guys.... Cyber Peacock is really my sister from the future. Here's your helmet.
Cyber Peacock: Hey thanks!
Magma Dragoon: Vector... it's time! I want to prove to myself that I can defeat you and to be the ultimate fighter alive!!
Coco: It's me who you want!
Kitsume: No Coco... it seems that Dragoon wants to battle Vector because him and Vector have the same power ratings!!!

Magma Dragoon jumps into the arena ready to battle Vector one on one!!!!!

Vector: Everyone... stand back! It's time I took care of Dragoon. I'll really didn't want to hurt you Dragoon but I have no choice but to show you what I'm made of!!
Magma Dragoon: Well then... LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!!!

Vector and Magma Dragoon come face to face for the ultimate showdown!!! Crash and his friends fly out of the arena so that he and Dragoon don't be disturbed. But somehow Coco wants to stay.

Coco: Vector please don't hurt Magma Dragoon.... my father's a bandicoot in that robotic suit!!!!!
Vector: Don't worry Coco. Besides I know your father Derick is being controlled by something! I know he cares for you but he needs to fight this evil inside of him.
Coco: Okay but bring him back in one piece.
Vector: No problem Coco. You better catch up with the others... beat those androids for the fate of the Earth and my future!

Coco flies out of the arena to let him fight Magma Dragoon one on one!! Magma Dragoon comes up to Vector in an evil looking way.

Magma Dragoon: So you’re the famous Vector Yamazaki. Fight me while you still have the chance android hunter!!!
Vector: One second.

Vector activates his communicator around his left wrist and contacts Cortex from the future.

Cortex: (talking through the communicator) What is Vector?
Vector: Cortex.... unleash plan 118.
Magma Dragoon: 118????????
Cortex: Right away!!!

Vector's communicator starts to turn into a black color.

Vector: Thanks Cortex!
Cortex: No problem!! Cortex signing.

Cortex gets off the communicator and Vector types in numbers 118. He starts to glow and has a totally new look. He had Blackwargreymon's body and Magma Dragoon's helmet but it was black instead of red.

Magma Dragoon: What the?!
Vector: I'm not Vector Yamazaki in this form.... I'm Black Dragoon... a hero who battles in the night!!
Magma Dragoon: I'm not gonna let a 19 year old Dalmatian in an android suit scare me!!! FLAME BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black Dragoon: TERRA DESTROYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magma Dragoon shot a large flaming fireball and Black Dragoon shot a large red energy ball at each other!!! The attacks caused a huge explosion and Magma Dragoon was injured but Black Dragoon escaped to regroup with the others. Magma Dragoon was in so much rage that he growled furiously at Black Dragoon.

Magma Dragoon: YOU GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DR. ANDROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr.Andross: Yes...
Magma Dragoon: I demand to see this perfect leader that's gonna lead the androids in the future!!
Dr. Andross: As you wish. Sai Borg you know what to do.
Sai Borg: Right.

Sai Borg activated a button and came out the android leader from the future!!

Magma Dragoon: So here’s the android leader from the future. What is your name?
Android: My name is... Dark Necrobat!

Note: Dark Necrobat has Dracula's voice as Leslie Nielsen from Dracula: Dead and Loving It.

Sai Borg: Necrobat, this is Magma Dragoon.
Dark Necrobat: Ah yes the infamous Magma Dragoon. It's an honour to meet you! I'm glad that I got out of the coffin and now I'm ready to drain my opponents’ energy!!
Magma Dragoon: What are his abilities?
Dr. Andross: He summons mechanical bats out of his wings, drains his opponents energy making his strength increase, shoots sonic wings out of his mouth, and his most unstoppable attack is the ability to stop or control time as long as he wants!
Magma Dragoon: (in a sarcastic voice) Wimpy!!
Dark Necrobat: Oh yeah... look in to my eyes... you are getting sleepy.

Then Magma Dragoon fell asleep and lied on the ground while sucking on his thumb.

Dark Necrobat: Sing the ABC's in a childish voice.
Magma Dragoon: (sings in a childish voice) A B C D E F G
W X Y and Z
Now I know my ABC's
Next time won't you sing with me?
Dark Necrobat: Now wake up!

Dark Necrobat snaps his fingers and Magma Dragoon wakes up.

Magma Dragoon: What happen?!
Flame Stag: You sang the ABC's! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: That's not funny!!!!!

Flame Stag stops laughing.

Magma Dragoon: Are there any androids at the hotel?!
Sai Borg: Yes I sent Web Spider, Morph Moth, and Magna Centipede to kidnap them!!
Dr.Andross: Good idea. Your androids will succeed. I set up a secret factory underground with the androids from the future I made. They won't be activated until the year 2009!!!
Dark Necrobat: Don't worry Dr. Andross. You activated my comrades from the year 2006. But I want to see my other future comrades.
Mean while back at the hotel, the kids were playing hide and go seek with Shiela.

Shiela: Ready or not here come! Found ya guys!
Yarra: Oh man.
Casey: I knew this hiding spot stinks!
Brendon: Come on it can't be that bad.
Voice: Oh but it is!!!! Hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha!!!

It was Web Spider with Morph Moth. Matilda, Sarnie, and Sheila were trapped in Magna Centipede's tail.

Sarnie: Kids... save your… selves.
Magna Centipede: Be quiet you bobcat!!!!!!! Why can't you be like your other friend - sound asleep.
Web Spider: I've got the kids in the web! What now?
Morph Moth: Leave that to the master of disguise!
Magna Centipede: Let's get back to the base. Magma Dragoon wants Spider and I to bring our victims to the chamber. Morph Moth you battle those brats that our master has a problem with.
Web Spider: Be careful of the Dalmatian named Vector Yamazaki. He and the others defeated Armadillo.
Morph Moth: That I can handle!

Morph Moth changes into one of Crash's friends and flies to the underwater fortress.
Mean while in the underwater fortress, Black Dragoon was looking for Crash and the others.

Black Dragoon: They have to be here somewhere.
Voice: Hold it!
Black Dragoon: Who's there?

It was Blast Hornet on guard duty to make sure that no one gets passed him.

Blast Hornet: I've never seen you before.
Black Dragoon: That's why I'm Dr. Andross's androids from the future to seek special training from Dr. Sai Borg himself!
Blast Hornet: Right... you may pass comrade.
Black Dragoon: Thanks punk!!!!! TERRA DESTROYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Black Dragoon's attack engulfed Blast Hornet into the energy ball!!!
Black Dragoon: Sorry my friend it was for your own good!!!
Voice: Hey it's Vector!
Black Dragoon: Cyber Peacock how did you know it was me?
Danni: Cortex sent us a message.
Shen Lo Ken: He told us you would be in a cyber suit and here you are!
Coco: How's my father doing?
Black Dragoon: He's filled with rage and I'll make sure that we all take him on!!!
Crash: No problem! Let's keep moving forward!!!
Voice: I don't think so!!
Snappy: Vector… but how???????

Vector pulled out his sword and was ready to fight the gang.
On another floor in the hotel Boron was taking an afternoon nap in the bottom bunk of a cosy bed in his chamber, when the next sound that was heard was a childish squeal. That caused one of his ears to twitch and he slightly opened his eyes. The squeals became worse and he immediately jumped out in bunny pyjamas, and dashed downstairs for a fight.

Casey: Crikey – this is it! We’re done for!
Yarra: (cries) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!!!
Web Spider: Sorry weakling, but your time is up! (charges up) Now let’s see you fry to death!
Yarra: HE’S GONNA ELECTRICUTE US!!!!!!!!!!!!
Casey: Calm down – someone will save us!

A door from the stairs opened and in came Boron in his nightclothes. This caused Web Spider to seize his attack and turned to him, laughing his head off.

Web Spider: (continues to laugh) Why should I fight a softie like you?

Boron looked at Web Spider’s face with an angry look.

Magma Centipede: I hate to tell you this, but he may seem soft on the outside and rough in the inside!
Web Spider: Well no matter what these kids will DIE!

Both kids screamed.

Web Spider: Magma! You try and eliminate this pathetic little wolverine – he ain’t gonna cause no harm!
Magma Centipede: Right-ho!

Magma Centipede unleashed his victims, leaving them still in a state of unconsciousness, and prepared his virus magnet for attack. Then the wars started. He tossed his magnets directly at him and luckily he dodged it and they went into a nearby sunflower, killing it in one shot.

Boron: Uh-oh…

The shots became madder and he kept on running faster and faster. Eventually he hid behind a coffee table and thought for a few seconds. That was until it was burnt to ash. Instead of looking scared, he smiled and headed directly in the path of Web Spider, who still had the kids tied in the electric web. The power surge increased and he was about to strike… until he came into his way and finally… Magma Centipede missed him and hit Web Spider in the heart!

Web Spider: OW!!!!!!!!!

The shot caused his web to decline and the kids were…

Casey: FREE! FREE AT LAST!!!!!!
Yarra: YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then Web Spider started to stagger a bit, and started to glow a bright orange. Then there was a flash and a bang in the room. When it faded out the only thing that changed was that his body was totally destroyed into scrap metal. Boron giggled and turned to Magma Centipede with a serious look.

Magma Centipede: I know my lesson – never underestimate the one in bunny pyjamas!

Within a flash he jumped out of the window and left. Then the kids came up to him and started cheering and cuddling him.

Casey: Yay Boron – You did it!
Yarra: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! (cuddles him around the neck)

Even though he got respect, his eyes were focused on the girls at the back. He looked sorry and rushed to them quickly. He tried to lick their faces clean… and they managed to come back to life, but were weaker than usual.

Matilda: (faintly) B… Boron?

Boron rushed his claws through Matilda’s hair. Then she eventually sat up, with the others. The kids came from behind him.

Casey: Are you girls OK?
Sheila: I don’t think so – that Centipede has done one heck of a serious beating!
Yarra: What did he do to you?
Sarnie: I… don’t know…
Matilda: Maybe Cortex could analyse us and he could see the problem.
Yarra: Yeah but… how are we gonna get there?
Sheila: It doesn’t matter about that – try and bring him to us.

Within that response, Boron dashed out of the hotel in light speed.

Yarra: He should know better to dash out in more sensible clothes than that!
Casey: Very funny. But all that matters is the treatment for Grandma, for Sheila and for Sarnie…
Mean while in the underwater fortress, the others are battling Vector but why is he against Crash and his friends?

Crash: Vector why are you doing this?!
Black Dragoon: Crash that's not me! Don't you know I'm the one in the cybernetic suit... THAT'S THE PHOENY!!!!!!!
Coco: Okay then prove it!

Black Dragoon charged at Vector and sliced his right arm off with his claw. When the arm fell off it changed to a robotic arm!! Everyone was surprised that Vector was an android but he showed his true form as...

Black Dragoon: Morph Moth!
Morph Moth: So you figured out my identity... big deal, I'll fly back to the lab and let Dr. Sai Borg and Dr. Andross rebuild my arm and inject me with your DNA!!!!!
Black Dragoon: Snappy time to do you thing!!!
Snappy: (says it in a Jamaican voice) Got it mon!!!!!!!!

Before Snappy could attack Morph Moth shot out electrical silk but he dodged it and bit off Morph Moth's legs off. Kitsume jumped into the air and sliced off his wings with her sword.

Morph Moth: How dare you... naaggghhhh!!!!!!
Cyber Peacock: This is what you evil androids get for messing with us!

Cyber Peacock shot a green laser beam out of her hand eliminating Morph Moth into nothing but scrap metal!!!!

Shen Lo Ken: What a waste...
Kitsume: Why's that?
Monnika: That android could have been used in a good way but instead it ended up being evil.
Black Dragoon: I agree that these androids should have been used for good but instead all of them chose the wrong path to go to evil!!
Meanwhile in the main chamber, Sai Borg and Dr. Andross had to tell Magma Dragoon and Dark Necrobat something.

Magma Dragoon: What is it Master Sai Borg and Master Andross?
Dark Necrobat: How may I help thee?
Magma Dragoon: What?????
Dark Necrobat: It's something that people used to say in medieval times.
Sai Borg: Our android army is failing... the bandicoot and his friends have defeated three of them… now there is only eight androids left.
Dr.Andross: When all the androids are defeated... you shall go on your journey to find the secret underground factory with fifteen androids capable of crushing the bandicoot and his friends. Remember that they won't be activated in the year 2009.

Just then Magna Centipede comes into the room with bad news!!!!!!!

Magna Centipede: Make that the fourth android defeated...
Sai Borg: WHAT?!!!??!!!!!!???!!?!?!?!!
Magna Centipede: Not me… A wolverine destroyed Web Spider!!!
Dark Necrobat: Let's send Jet Stingray, he have a better much chance!

Magma Dragoon comes up to Dark Necrobat to tell him something.

Magma Dragoon: I like the way you think Necrobat. You and I shall find a way to defeat Crash Bandicoot and Dr. Cortex!!
Dark Necrobat: Those two fools Vector and Cyber Peacock should have joined us. The Brotherhood of Androids... but let them be.
Mean while back at the hotel, Boron brought Cortex with him to analyse Sarnie, Matilda, and Sheila to see what Magna Centipede did to them. While he started looking at them, Boron rushed back upstairs.

Cortex: It appears to be a virus... but I found this medicine when Vector dropped it.
Matilda: What is it?
Cortex: It's called the...
Sheila: The what???????

On the label it was called... "The Cortex Vaccine" made by Neo Corps!!

Yarra: Cortex did you make this medicine?
Cortex: I don't know - it fell out of Vector's pocket!
Casey: Well let's use it!!

Casey gave each of the girls a drink and Magna Centipede's virus wore off. Cortex was amazed that this vaccine could ware off anything easily.

Cortex: Amazing!!!
Casey: What?
Cortex: This... vaccine that Vector has here is absolutely the most remarking discovery! Not only I can't believe that I made that Dalmatian but myself from the future had made a powerful vaccine to get rid of viruses!!!!!
Sarnie: I'd better help the others fight off the androids.
Sheila: Good luck Sarnie!

Sarnie glided out of the hotel to find the others.
Meanwhile in the underwater fortress, Coco and Kitsume have picked up information when she, Kitsume, and Vector were split up from the group.

Coco: Guys, Kitsume and I have some information that you guys should.
Danni: What Coco?

Coco opens up her laptop and begins to type in some data that she got from the underwater fortress.

Coco: I've discovered in a hidden laboratory that there are more androids!
Cyber Peacock: More androids?!
Crash: Where????
Coco: I don't know where it is but I can show you all the androids.

Coco types in the data and all fifteen androids named Dynamo Raptor, Crescent Grizzly, Shining Hotarunix, Cold Iguana, Rage Wolverine, Ember Barracuda, Blade Tarantula, Solar Phoenix, Poison Widow, Splash Dolphin, Illusion Fox, Discharge Pigeon, Psycho Lionfish, Flash Mantis, and Ooze Snake.

Black Dragoon: To make things worse, they each have our DNA inside of them!
Coco: They all have an A symbol on them.
Shen Lo Ken: Dr. Andross.
Voice: That is quite right my friends.

It was Jet Stingray gliding over them.

Black Dragoon: That's Jet Stingray!
Crash: Who?
Black Dragoon: He used to be part of the android fighting squad I was on but he resigned because he had doubts about his job.
Jet Stingray: That's right and now I must destroy you all!!!

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