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Just outside the fortress Sarnie swam through the cold waters in her swordfish form and had a worried look on her face.

Sarnie: (thinks) I can surely remember what happened last time. My son was at risk, my friends were at risk… even my life was at risk after facing Storm Eagle! I can only hope that I can survive!

She went in a tunnel in a nearby cave and went towards the surface, and after a split second she changed back to her normal self.

Sarnie: Hmmm… am I sure the entrance is here?

She climbed out of the water pool and saw a titanium-covered door right in front of her.

Sarnie: Perfect!

She changed herself into a gorilla form and quickly blew the door down with one mighty punch. Then she changed back. As she stepped into the darkened area she saw shining pieces of metal. Looking curious, she switched the lights on and immediately gasped.

Sarnie: (stunned) There’s… more of them? More… androids?!?!?

She looked at each one and saw a tag on each of them saying…

“Not to be activated until 2009”

Sarnie: Well these can be cleared easily!

She leapt into the air and fired a powerful beam at them… but when the smoke cleared there was no change!

Sarnie: Wha…?

She then saw another tag on another one of the androids. Immediately she grabbed it and read it. It said –

“Safeguard pro 50000 – perfect for guarding your possessions for generations!”

Sarnie: (rolls her eyes) Hoo boy…
Back on the main island Boron was taking Cortex back to his research laboratory rodeo-style at the speed of a cheetah, as well as being back in his normal clothes! When they got there he dismounted. The cute wolverine looked in his eyes with a worried expression.

Cortex: It’s OK – I’ll soon be able to come across a solution to the virus problem in no time!

Boron didn’t budge.

Cortex: I know that the potions are only good once, but I’ll soon come up with something in no time at all. Remember the way I treated you back home – it never takes me long to restore your health.

Boron turned back in the direction of the hotel, which was now showing as a silhouette in the sunset sky.

Cortex: Think about it – as soon as I’m done then there’s no need to worry about!

Boron still looked down.

Cortex: Don’t worry – be happy!

Boron looked up at him and grinned anime-style.

Cortex: That’s the spirit! Now, run and guard the others carefully! I’m counting on you! (goes inside)

Within that response, his smile turned back into a frown again. He once again looked back at the hotel, showing up beautifully in the sky, and then he turned back to the research centre. Then the thoughts started roaming around his head…

Cortex: Don’t worry – be happy! (echoes)

Boron looked directly towards the hotel with positive thought and started dashing back towards it. The research centre was then left standing alone. That was, until a shadow came from right behind it.

Voice: I have one of the main targets in my sight!
Dr. Andross: (on the intercom) Excellent work! Now I want you to go inside and bring him to me.
Voice: Yes sir! (switches off the intercom and comes out of the darkness, revealing himself as Dark Necrobat) Yes, when he gets under my control there’s no stopping us!
Back in the android base everyone was having a tough battle against Jet Stingray. All the soldiers were still standing, but yet they were getting weaker by the minute.

Crash: Man, this guy’s tough!
Vector: You can say that again!
Jet Stingray: STINGRAY BLAST!!!!! (fires stingrays at each of them)

Luckily everyone managed to duck in time. One rifle shot, however, went away from the targets and travelled right towards a door, damaging it.

Jet Stingray: Oops…
Toby: (looks back at the damaged door) Ah, I bet that’s…
Snappy: LOOK OUT!
Toby: (turns around) Oh… I bet that’s Magma Dragoon’s base! In this rate we can let him defeat him!
Vector: Later. For now let’s finish him off!

He jumped into the air and sent in the strongest energy beam he could fire right at him. Then the smoke cleared and yet he was intact! Everyone gasped at this incredible feat.

Monnika: (gasps) NO LIE!!!
Jet Stingray: STINGRAY BLAST!!!!!! (fires more stingrays at them)

This time everyone was struck dead centre… all except for Monnika, who managed to fly out of the way.

Monnika: (gasps) GUYS!!!

He immediately went up to Crash and placed her ear on his heart.

Jet Stingray: What’s the matter – out cold? (laughs out loud)
Monnika: (sarcastically) Ha ha, that’s very funny… (angrily) THIS IS SERIOUS!!!!!!!
Jet Stingray: Well, you missy, you’re stronger than I thought you were! Well prepare for the final curtain! (gets out his tail) RAY STING!!!!!! (fires the sting at Monnika)
Monnika: Here we go again…

She flew out of the way and the sting managed to strike the metallic door down. Out from the smoke a female figure approached.

Monnika: She’s… familiar…
Cyber Peacock: (from underneath her, she weakly grabs her on the pant leg) You… should know… you’ve… known her…

Monnika brought Cyber Peacock, who’s starting to struggle, back onto her feet and looked directly at the entrance to the room. The female figure then came out from the smoke and into the light… the female figure was Sarnie and Jet Stingray was gonna fire another shot of stingrays at them!!

Jet Stingray: STINGRAY BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarnie jumped into the air and transformed into an eagle. She was going straight towards Stingray when he shot a bunch of stingray missiles!!! But what he didn't notice was that Sarnie was behind him and she started to tear him to piece by piece until he was nothing!!!!! Sarnie transforms back to her normal self and notices Monnika helping Cyber Peacock up.

Sarnie: Monnika, get away from her!!!!!!!!!!
Monnika: Sarnie, it's okay - she's on our side!
Sarnie: Have you lost your marbles!? She's an android!!

The others got back up on their feet again and Sarnie noticed another android that was all black.

Sarnie: Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Behind you!!!!!!
Vector: Sarnie, take it easy - it's me Vector, and that so called android is my sister!

Vector and Cyber Peacock took off their helmets to let Sarnie knew that he was telling the truth.

Crash: What happened to Stingray here?
Shen Lo Ken: He's nothing but… scrap metal.
Sarnie: Let's say I transformed into an eagle and sent that android back to the junkyard!!!
Snappy: Now that's the way to take out trash.
Toby: More like the trash took itself out!

Everyone started to laugh at Toby's joke that he made up.

Danni: Hey Kitsume - how many androids are left?
Kitsume: Well that's five androids down and seven more androids to go. If you’re wondering about the fifth one it's Web Spider who was defeated by Boron!
Jacko: I wish I knew how but let's find them other androids mate.
Sarnie: Guys I've discovered that there's more androids and there's fifteen of them!!
Coco: We already about it.... but where did you find them?
Sarnie: I'll show you to them later but we need to find the rest of the androids so we can destroy them!!!
Mean while at the research centre, Cortex was coming up with a cure and a mysterious looking figure popped up in front of him, and it was...

Cortex: Who are you?!
Mysterious Figure: I am Dark Necrobat... Dr. Andross's first creation! Now... look into an eye!!! You are getting sleepy... you shall follow my very command and... WHA?!

Just then Boron came in the research centre to save Cortex but Necrobat put his hand towards Boron!!!!!

Dark Necrobat: DARK HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Necrobat froze time and Boron was still as a rock!!! Just then Magna Centipede showed up.

Dark Necrobat: Very funny Centipede now get out of my way or I'll drain your energy!!!!
Magna Centipede: No problem man you the boss!!
Dark Necrobat: Good now I want you to do me a favor...
Magna Centipede: Yeah Master Necrobat? Why do you have that strange look on your face?! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Necrobat sank his fangs into Centipede's neck and started to drain all of his energy making him much stronger!!!!!!

Dark Necrobat: Now with Centipede out of the way... the Team of Terror will be able to have the biggest advantage against Crash and his friends. But still I am Vector and Peacock's father!!

Dark Necrobat presses two buttons on his neck and takes off his helmet looking at his face. His face was just like a Vector's he had purple scars like Sigma's from the Mega Man X and metallic light blue eyes.

Dark Necrobat: This is what I have become... I feel sorry for myself for doing this to my family. My wife dying of cancer and my oldest son dead in a car accident - It was I who was left responsible to take care of Vector and Tanya.

Dark Necrobat put his helmet back on and released what his destiny was....

Dark Necrobat: I'm sorry my dear daughter and son... but it's for the best… the past is too painful to remember so therefore, Dragoon and I shall conquer the world!!! My son is getting stronger and stronger after very battle he has won in the past... but still he is still no match for my power that Dr. Andross has gave me!!!

Dark Necrobat took Cortex with him when he was still under his hypnotic powers!!!!! Dark Necrobat activated his intercom to contact Dr. Andross!

Dr. Andross: (speaking through the intercom) Dr. Andross speaking...
Dark Necrobat: This is Necrobat... I've got the target here with me! What next?
Dr. Andross: Bring him here to the base so that Sai Borg and I have a little talk with him!!
Dark Necrobat: Yes Master Andross, understood!!! Dark Necrobat signing off!!!!!!
Mean while in the android base, the gang are about to enter Magma Dragoon's base until four androids get in their way!!!

Crash: Who the heck are these guys?!
Cyber Peacock: The Team of Terror! They're special elite fighters sent to do special tasks for Sai Borg.
Overdrive Ostrich: That's right and we shall stop anyone’s plans to get in Master Sai Borg and Master Dragoon's way of world domination!!!
Gravity Beetle: No one can stop us now!
Wheel Gator: You’re all going down easily by my powerful jaws of death!!!!!!!!
Flame Mammoth: And let's say I was a distraction so that the group was split up for no reason at all!!!!

Crash and the others grouped together like a football team coming up with a plan to get rid of the Team of Terror easily.

Cyber Peacock: Guys, they may look tough but they have no brains at all.
Vector: She's right, I read their profiles before and these goons will be easy to beat... they may have high power ratings but they're dumb!!!
Snappy: I'll go first against Wheel Gator!
Danni: Gravity Beetle's mine!
Monnika: I'll take down Flame Mammoth.
Crash: Right.... Vector and I will battle Overdrive Ostrich since he's the leader of the team!
Vector: Right Crash!!!

Everyone was ready to fight the Team of Terror.

Gravity Beetle: Who's ready to face I... Gravity Beetle, the master of gravity!!!!!!
Danni: I will bug boy...
Gravity Beetle: Then bring it on blondie!!!!!!!
Back at the hotel, things were starting to get a bit quiet. The sun has now faded over the horizon and the clock read 9:30pm. Sheila looked towards Casey and Yarra, whom were both sound asleep on the sofa.

Sheila: Tell you what – how long does it usually take to get to the research centre and back?
Matilda: Come to think of it I’m thinking in the region of half an hour.
Sheila: Or in Boron’s case it could be half a day if he’s not careful. (stands up) I have a bad feeling that something bad has happened.
Matilda: Yeah, but I don’t think you’re strong enough to go follow ‘em.
Sheila: And neither are you.
Matilda: Hoi!
Sheila: (goes towards the kids and picks them up) I’ll take the boys to bed. And ever since you seem brave enough, judging by the scary look on your face… I bet you’ll go and retrace your steps.
Matilda: Right. I’m ready for him!

As soon as Matilda stopped speaking she dashed over to the research centre as fast as she could.
Back at Dr. Andross’s base, Dark Necrobat came into the main room, carrying Cortex on his shoulder.

Dr. Andross: Ah, I’m glad you managed to bring him over. Put him down and snap him out, so then I can speak to him in person.

And so he did. One click of the fingers and there was a quick response.

Cortex: Wh… where am I?
Dr. Andross: You have just ran into our trap, Numbo!
Cortex: (leers at Dr. Andross angrily) Dare call me Numbo and you’ll be chicken wings in the morning.
Magma Dragoon: (chuckles) I guess this one’s got guts as well as brains! (goes up to him) Now tell me… what is the secret of Vector’s power?
Cortex: (cowers away) I can’t tell…
Dark Necrobat: Tell me now or else you’re on the BBQ!
Cortex: But I’m telling the truth! I never knew I’d come up with anything like this!
Magma Dragoon: OK… (lies him down on an electric chair attached to a lie detecting machine) Tell me… I want you to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth!
Cortex: (looks scared) Yes sir.

The green light on the lie detecting machine came on.

Magma Dragoon: Now tell me… how long have you known Vector for?
Cortex: How should I know? I’ve only just met him.

The green light flashed again. Dark Necrobat and Dr. Andross looked surprised.

Magma Dragoon: So chances are that you won’t know about his power, eh?
Cortex: No, and I do have an idea about how you can receive the information, but there’s no way you’re going to get it.

The green light went on. Magma Dragoon went furious and activated the electric chair! The smoking stench went through his body like he was grilling in a toaster, and he was also screaming for his life!

Magma Dragoon: OK… (picks him up) If you refuse to tell me how to get Vector’s power then I will turn you into an android myself!
Meanwhile, Matilda finally got to the research centre and as soon as he opened the laboratory doors she saw a mess everywhere! The whole lab was destroyed and she managed to see Magma Centipede dead on the floor and Boron still in the dark hold. Immediately she got a bar of iron from the floor and hit Boron in the head, and he soon collapsed in her lap, beginning to sob.

Matilda: Calm down – I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Boron then stood up and looked around the room, starting to panic.

Matilda: Take it easy – tell me what happened here.

Boron then held up three fingers on one of his paws.

Matilda: This is no time for a game of Taboo!

Boron did three actions all at once – the first one he did was smearing an uppercase N on his forehead with gravel and dressing himself up with an old cloak he found on the floor. Then he shook off the dust and the cloak floated to the floor.

Matilda: Right. Something to do with Cortex…

Then he placed his finger on his ear.

Matilda: Sounds like…

Then he kissed her on the lip!

Matilda: …kiss? (wipes the kiss from her lip) Wait a mo – Cortex is… what?

He then started jumping up and down on all fours and bleated like a goat.

Matilda: Kid…

Then he pretended to sleep on the floor.

Matilda: Kidnap… (screams) Cortex is kidnapped? Blinkin’ eck! By the way… (turns to Magma Centipede) Did you do that?

He looked into her eyes with a serious look.

Matilda: I have to warn this to Sheila. Then it looks like we’re in business!

Both of them sped off towards the hotel, which still seemed like miles away from where they are.
In Dr. Andross's base, Cortex still didn't know about Vector's power. Dr. Andross ordered Dragoon and Necrobat to go into the laboratory to turn him into an android.

Cortex: (frightened) Please don't turn me into an android!!!
Magma Dragoon: You had your chance to tell us about the secret to Vector's power and you refused!
Dark Necrobat: I have a better idea...
Magma Dragoon: What???
Dark Necrobat: We will get Crash's mother, his kids, and friends. But I need you and Flame Stag to come with me! This will get Vector's attention to get him into our trap!!

Magma Dragoon agreed with Dark Necrobat's plan and there they set off but first Dark Necrobat decided to get a bit to eat first on whom??? Before he did that, he put his hand on Cortex's shoulder teleporting him back to the hotel.
Mean while outside of the base, Danni was battling Gravity Beetle when he was throwing massive gravitational balls at her but something frozen Beetle.

Gravity Beetle: (standing still) I can't... move!!!!
Crash: Maybe he used his gravity powers on himself.
Vector: (thinking to himself)*No... it couldn't be him... there's nobody as ruthless as him!!!!!*

Just then a mysterious figure flew towards Beetle and grabbed him taking him into the air.

Mysterious Figure: I shall drain your energy!!
Gravity Beetle: NO... DON'T!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gravity Beetle's energy was being drained very quickly and he fell to the ground lying dead. Wheel Gator, Flame Mammoth, and Overdrive Ostrich were shocked to see Gravity Beetle dead. The android unveiled himself to be...

Danni: Who the heck is that android?!
Shen Lo Ken: I have no idea...
Sarnie: It's got an A around its belt!
Monnika: Which means it belongs to Dr. Andross!
Cyber Peacock: (thinking to herself)*It's him... Vector and I should have mentioned about Dark Necrobat sooner*

The rest of the Team of Terror backed away from Dark Necrobat but it was too late... Necrobat froze Wheel Gator and Flame Mammoth and started to drain their energy as well.

Overdrive Ostrich: (being serious) Back off you blood thirsty butcher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Necrobat: A blood thirsty butcher am I huh? Well... feel my wrath... SCREAMING DARKNESS!!!!!!!!

Dark Necrobat shot a black energy beam at Ostrich but Vector and Cyber Peacock stood in his way and absorbed the attack.

Dark Necrobat: So… my children… we meet again!!
Overdrive Ostrich: Why are you two protecting?!
Vector: Should we?
Cyber Peacock: Oh yes!

The two of them shot beams at Overdrive Ostrich so that Dark Necrobat doesn't absorb his energy.

Dark Necrobat: How dare you two stand in my way… but that's not important… I'm going to the hotel to get to hold of your friends captive!!
Toby: No you don't!!!

Toby shot an energy beam filled with light but Dark Necrobat summoned a bright red force field to protect himself and the beam of light reflected off the shield and it hits the wall.

Snappy: (amazed) HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitsume: I sense that is android is a…
Monnika: Is a what???
Kitsume: A vampire who drains energy!
Jacko: Kinda like Launch Octopus but he was a fish!!
Dark Necrobat: Who cares about that Overdrive Ostrich, I've got all the energy I need… see ya later suckers!!! Magma Dragoon, Flame Stag, and I are gonna take your friends captive.

Dark Necrobat teleported out of the room and Vector had a plan.

Vector: Crash… I need you, Danni, Kitsume, and Sarnie to follow me. Sis… you take Coco, Snappy, Toby, Monnika, Shen Lo Ken, and Jacko with you to battle Sai Borg and Dr. Andross.
Cyber Peacock: Right bro… come on gang. Let's go forward!!!

Vector teleported Crash, Danni, Kitsume, Sarnie and himself to the hotel before Dark Necrobat, Magma Dragoon, and Flame Stag get there first.
Mean while back at the hotel, Matilda and Boron went to the hotel to warn Sheila about what happen but Cortex stood in front of them.

Matilda: (surprised) Cortex?!
Cortex: I need to warn you about something... Wha?

Someone dashed through the door and it was Vector and the others to warn them that the androids are coming. This also made Shiela, Yarra, and Casey to see what was going on.
Matilda: What's wrong you guys?
Vector: Matilda.... you and the others have to get out of the hotel before...
Voice: Before what my son?
Crash: It's Dragoon and Stag with that other mysterious android we saw.
Vector: Well that so called android is my good for nothing back stabbing father of mine!!

This caused Yarra to cry for what Vector had said.

Danni: (looking at him in an angry look) Vector I'm ashamed of you for saying that android is your father!!!
Dark Necrobat: Oh but he is my son...
Kitsume: How...?
Dark Necrobat: My name... is Dark Necrobat and I am Dr. Andross's ultimate android! My son however never liked me because I was more like a killer.
Magma Dragoon: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Sarnie: Give me a good reason why not?!
Flame Stag: Maybe because of your son!

Flame Stag had Brendon right in his left hand.

Brendon: Mommy please help me!!!!
Sarnie: BRENDON!!!!!!
Vector: Let him go Flame Stag!!!!!!
Magma Dragoon: Under one condition.
Vector: WHAT?!?!!!??!!!!!??!
Magma Dragoon: Tell me the secret of your power or I'll have my thug here, Flame Stag put your little bobcat's friend on the BBQ!
Dark Necrobat: What's it gonna be my son?

Just then a quick moving animal grabbed Brendon out of Flame Stag's hand!

Flame Stag: Where's the kid???
Vector: Good job... Danni???
Danni: What????
Crash: If that wasn't you then who was it then?

Just then it was one of Cortex's minions and it was...

Cortex: Speedra???
Speedra: Hey I didn't want to save the kid in the first place!!!!

Vector walks up to Speedra and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Vector: Speedra... it's okay to admit you did something kind.
Speedra: GET YOUR HAND OFF OF MY SHOULDER YOU HOUND DOG!!!!!!!!!! Who are you anyway?! Never seen you before!
Vector: Name's Vector Yamazaki. Android hunter from the future created by Dr. Cortex to protect and offend innocent people from the androids!!
Flame Stag: Hey Vector... you and I have a score to settle!!!
Vector: Alright... (getting out his light saber to battle Flame Stag) I accept your challenge Flame Stag!
Flame Stag: Prepare to feel the burn!!!!!!!

Vector and Flame Stag battle one on one to the ultimate death match!!!!
Among the metallic corridors of the underwater fortress, Cyber Peacock lead her team through the aquarium area, constantly checking of everyone’s there. By the time they reached the exit of the fish-watching zone, she started checking again.

Cyber Peacock: OK everyone – keep on going! (makes way for them) I’ll catch up. (counts everyone that went past her) 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… (sighs)

She tapped her foot for a while and turned in the direction she came. There she saw Snappy glancing at the sea life through the glass.

Cyber Peacock: Snappy!!!!
Snappy: (turns to Cyber Peacock) Oh… what?
Cyber Peacock: (goes up to him) When we get rid of Sai Borg and the remaining androids – that’s IF we get rid of them – you can glance at the fish all you want. For now, we’ve got four androids to take care of. They are… (counts them on her fingers) …Magma Dragoon, Flame Stag, Dark Necrobat and Blast Hornet.
Snappy: Let me guess – they’re so tough cookies you lose your teeth when you bite them.
Cyber Peacock: You’re sort of on the right lines.
Monnika: (from the other side of the corridor) Hey Peacock! We’ve got company!
Cyber Peacock: Who is it?
Monnika: We’ve ran into that one that Kitsume tried to slice in half back at the hotel.
Cyber Peacock: (gasps) BLAST HORNET!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: Oh my… not him again!
Cyber Peacock: I know he’s the toughest yet, but we don’t have a choice.

There was a scream at the other side of the corridor.

Cyber Peacock: (grabs Snappy by the arm) Come quickly – the fate of the world is in our hands!
Snappy: Yeah, but not so rough…

They soon left the aquarium area, ready to take on Blast Hornet.
Back at the hotel, Flame Stag and Vector leered at each other angrily, determined to slaughter each other.

Matilda: Be careful! He’s got a fiery temper!

While all this was going on, Danni quickly took Brendon from Speedra and placed him safely with Sheila, and the two warriors both tucked their fist muscles right in, and took steps back. The others made a sneak out through the window as quick as they could, back towards Maui. As they left, a bright orange light shone from Magma Dragoon’s wrists. Thus the battle has now commenced. Vector shot five energy beams after another, but Flame Stag cancelled them out with his Scorch Blow attack. Then he sent out a Fire Rush, but Vector generated a white shield around him. As soon as the fire touched it, both powers were cancelled out yet again. Magma Dragoon and Dark Necrobat stood there with evil grins on their faces.

Vector: (puffs and pants) This is gonna be tougher than I thought…

Back on a nearby hill, the others came to a stop as a squeal was heard in the distance. Crash, Danni and Sarnie quickly spun around.

Sarnie: Looks like he needs help…
Crash: And we’re the ones to give it to him!
Cortex: (turns to them) Be careful – the androids are more powerful than anyone can imagine.
Danni: Ah, we can sort ‘em out real good!
Cortex: I’m serious. Vector claimed to be the most powerful android hunter that ever existed. This could mean that the rest of us will suffer from this if we go back.
Crash: Does it look like we have a choice? If we leave Vector to suffer, he’ll get killed in battle. If we help him it doesn’t matter if we get killed – it’s all down to our combined strength.
Speedra: Combined strength? Listen Bandicoot – there’s no way that I’m going near them, or the kids for that matter.

Casey, Yarra and Brendon hid behind Sheila, almost crying.

Cortex: (sighs) I know that he’s a threat to you, but think about it – would you rather suffer from android torture, or help the world for the future’s sake?

Speedra: I guess you could be right about that, and after all the Earth is still young. I’m going in!
Danni: Excellent! Vector, we’re coming fer ya!!!!!!!

Having said that, Crash, Danni, Sarnie, Cortex, Boron and Speedra headed back towards the hotel with high determination, leaving Sheila and Matilda to guard the children. The sun has now dipped under the horizon, and who knows – this could be the last night of all… or will it?
Vector was struggling a hard battle with Flame Stag. He couldn't keep his balance up. Flame Stag put his hands together to do his ultimate technique.

Flame Stag: WAVE BURNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flame Stag fired a blue fiery beam towards Vector but a mysterious figure grabbed him.

Dark Necrobat: Who the blazes is that?
Magma Dragoon: Lift down your hood so we can see you face!
Mysterious Figure: As you wish.

The mysterious figure lifted down his hood and it was....

Magma Dragoon: SHADRA!!!
Shadra: That's my name and don't wear it out.
Flame Stag: How dare you interrupt my fight with Vector Yamazaki!!!

Shadra looked behind him to look at the unconscious Vector.

Shadra: You mean this weakling? Ah, I can take him out before ya know it! You think he's very strong and put up a good fight.
Magma Dragoon: He's not kidding!!!!! I fought him myself and he's more powerful than me!
Flame Stag: You seem very worthy enough... let me test out your skills you prat cat.
Shadra: I'll take you out right now!

Shadra's left hand started to glow yellow and a glowing energy disk appeared in his hand and threw at Flame Stag. The disk came towards Flame Stag and it hits his waist.

Dark Necrobat: I can't resist no more!!!!!!! I must drain his energy!!!
Magma Dragoon: Be my guest Necrobat.
Shadra: Don't come near me you blood thristy butcher or I'll...

Before Shadra could continue, he noticed that Dark Necrobat rushed towards Flame Stag's upper body. Necrobat sank his fangs into Flame Stag's neck and started to drain his energy. Vector woke up from his unconsciousness ready to battle.

Shadra: Good, your awake... help me battle these two remaining androids!!! I have a score to settle with the main leader.
Magma Dragoon: I have no interest in you Shadra... I have interest in that Dalmatian! He's a very worthy opponent.
Vector: Why thank you Dragoon... shall we finish where we left off?
Magma Dragoon: As you wish.
Meanwhile in the underwater fortress, Cyber Peacock and the others noticed Blast Hornet but he was knocked out real good.

Snappy: What the heck happened ta him?
Monnika: I don't know.
Toby: I see something on his neck!

The gang checked out Hornet's neck to see that two holes were in his neck.

Jacko: Looks like he's got his lights knocked out.
Coco: I don't think so!! Remember that android... Dark Necrobat? That drained the Team of Terror's energy?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah, so what does that hafta do with Blast Hornet?
Cyber Peacock: Think about it... that Necrobat drained Hornet's energy!!!! To make things worse... Vector and I are the son and daughter of that crazed lunatic.
Monnika: I'm picking up a powerful reading underneath us!
Shen Lo Ken: Better let me do the work.

Shen Lo Ken shot an energy beam to the ground. They jumped into the hole and it was pitched black when they jumped in. Jacko flipped on a light switch there they notice...

Cyber Peacock: There's more androids here?!?!?!
Coco: Look!!!

Coco spotted two familiar androids that Vector and Cyber Peacock fought.

Monnika: That's Psycho Lionfish and Cold Iguana.
Toby: Ah, we’re in luck!
Jacko: Why's that?
Toby: On the tag, they won't be activated till 2009! HA HA HA!!!!!! What are ya gonna do androids? Nah Nah!

Toby started to make funny faces at the future androids that Dr. Andross and Sai Borg made.

Monnika: What's this?

Monnika scratches Crescent Grizzly's forehead like scratching a card to see if you won money. When she finished scratching the A symbol off, she now noticed a C symbol.

Monnika: A C symbol? Now that's not right.

Snappy: I also noticed a C symbol on the left side on Lionfish's chest.

They all scratched off the A symbols off the androids and noticed C symbols on them. Just then, the androids started to glow green and...

Cyber Peacock: They disappeared... but to where?
Voice: So you figured it out?
Shen Lo Ken: It's Sai Borg and Dr. Andross.

Sai Borg and Dr. Andross jumped into the hole ready to fight our heroes. Then came a blast from behind the two of them. It was Cyber Peacock with two handcuffs in her hand.

Cyber Peacock: Pin 'em down guys!

The gang grabbed Sai Borg and Dr. Andross from behind. Cyber Peacock placed the handcuffs on their wrists so they couldn't escape.

Cyber Peacock: Dr. Sai Borg and Dr. Andross, you are under arrest for breaking out of jail, putting a dark ring around my neck to think I was an android, and coming here into the past to eliminate innocent people.
Coco: Say goodbye lunatics!
Monnika: You'll be in jail for a looooooooooooong time!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Send me a postcard when you’re there!

The gang glided out of the underwater fortress taking Sai Borg and Dr. Andross with them and blew it up for good.
Mean while back at the hotel, Crash, Danni, Sarnie, Boron, Speedra, and Cortex enter the hotel to help Vector battle Magma Dragoon and Dark Necrobat.

Shadra: 'Bout time you guys showed up... Vector said that we should wait for ya.
Crash: It didn't take us that long!
Danni: (running towards Vector) Hey Vector... you okay?
Vector: I'm all right. Time I'd finish off Dragoon for good.

The gang looked at the battle between Vector and Magma Dragoon.

Speedra: Looks like Vector's really determine to win.
Sarnie: You haven't seen his true power yet!
Cortex: What true power?
Crash: You'll see what I mean... now watch and enjoy the show!

Vector was ready to battle Magma Dragoon.

Magma Dragoon: Necrobat, you wanna join the fight with me?
Dark Necrobat: No thank you, besides... I battled my son in the future before. We both have the same power ratings but he always seems to have the upper hand. I'll be waiting on the roof for ya.

Dark Necrobat flew to the top of the hotel's roof.

Vector: You ready Dragoon?
Magma Dragoon: Bring it on Vector!

This could be the ultimate showdown between Vector and Magma Dragoon!
Back up in the skies, Cyber Peacock and her crew were about to deal with taking Sai Borg and Dr. Andross back into the future. She, Monnika (flying by themselves), Coco and Jacko (both wearing jet packs) flew fast and furiously, with Shen, Toby and Snappy being held by the fliers.

Monnika: So whereabouts in the future do they come from?
Cyber Peacock: I’m not sure about Sai Borg, but I knew that Dr. Andross was from 2960 – that’s my brother’s future, just to let you know. Er, I think it was. :/
Toby: Yeah, but how can we take them back? We don’t even have a time machine.
Cyber Peacock: You ever seen underground time twisters?
Coco: Oh yeah – I can remember being sent in one into the year 3000.
Shen Lo Ken: Hey, I can remember that well!
Snappy: Same here! That was a blast!
Cyber Peacock: Well chances are that you’ll be familiar with one back at Hawaii. There’s one right under a hotel on one of the main islands. We’re coming right over it!

Within no time at all, they came towards a heavily civilised area of the island. Well, it once WAS, but now smoke was going up quickly.

Jacko: Hey, ah wonda’ what’s goin’ on down there…

Monnika was the first to fly into the smoke, carrying Toby with her, and they started coughing at the sight. Luckily they quickly went out of the way unharmed.

Snappy: Holy smoke! What’s been going on down there?
Toby: Seems like someone’s burnt the barbeque! Mmmm… yum!
Monnika: (sighs) You and your food ideas…
Cyber Peacock: (quickly sniffs) Seems like I could recognise the smell of a burning fight.

Toby: (gets out a pair of binoculars and uses them to look down) Seems like Vector’s in deep trouble.
Cyber Peacock: (sighs) Oh no… it’s Stag, isn’t it?
Toby: No – it’s much worse than that. It’s… DRAGOON!!!!!!!!!

Everyone gasped at the sight.

Coco: I don’t know what to do… he’s… my father…
Cyber Peacock: And we all have ourselves to blame.
Monnika: What do you mean?
Cyber Peacock: I mean Dragoon was Coco’s second father. Cobraz had a part in accidentally killing the first one, Sai Borg had plans on making this vicious android, Cortex stole the plans and made him before he did, taking the dead body of the dad after a past encounter, and those who were involved in the first set of Robot Wars, as I should call them, had to struggle against this monster! (sighs) I feel so sorry for all this…
Shen Lo Ken: You don’t HAVE to be sorry…
Cyber Peacock: Why not?
Shen Lo Ken: Because you’ve come from the future, and the future never affects the past.
Toby: Remember – you can change the future but you can’t change the past.
Cyber Peacock: I guess you’re right… but I have a strategy to take care of that dastardly Dragoon! Follow me!

So they quickly dived down through the smoke clouds, seeing Vector and Dragoon right at the bottom, where new problems lie. At this stage, the hotel is burnt to ash, and Dragoon now had Vector cornered terribly, and it seemed like there was no escape at all. He clinched his fist in a rage and it started glowing a fiery red. It lit up quickly, and he was about to punch him to death when…

Cyber Peacock: Leave my brother alone!
Magma Dragoon: What in the world…
Cyber Peacock: I know what you want to do – you just want to try and eliminate us, do you?
Magma Dragoon: Maybe so, but luckily enough you don’t know that Vector is getting tired already! (laughs vilely)
Cyber Peacock: Grrr…
Crash: Don’t panic though – Vector hasn’t shown all his powers yet. Maybe if you battle him for a while he’d gain his strength…
Vector: No! Let me do this myself!

Everyone gasped.

Vector: I’m not one of those people that give up easily. Dragoon, I want to see you down to ashes!
Coco: Be careful – he’s my dad!
Vector: I know, but there’s nothing I can do about it!

Coco was about to break into tears, as the final battle was about to resume. Vector stood up again to battle Dragoon but the evil android was about to punch until Snappy swung his tail at him.

Magma Dragoon: How dare you!!!!!!
Snappy: Hey Vector... you okay?
Vector: Yeah, thanks man... I owe ya one. Just keep him busy, I need to reach my true power that lies within me. I think the Cortex in my future told me that if I have a lot of hidden power... I'll be the ultimate fighting warrior. I think the secret to my power is 'Ultimate Perfection'.
Crash: Ultimate Perfection???
Speedra: What does it mean?
Shadra: Beats me...

Just then Kitsume shows up and goes up to Vector.

Kitsume: Vector, you’re very injured from that battle with Dragoon... this battle is much harder than the one we had with Kaizer in your future!
Danni: You said it.
Sarnie: We'll keep Dragoon busy while you try ta get your true power!!
Shen Lo Ken: I promise you Vector... we will help you defeat Dragoon, just like when we helped you in the future to defeat the Dark Jesters.
Toby: If it weren't for you, it would take us days to defeat the androids!
Cyber Peacock: I have faith in you Vector. Even though I may bug you a lot, you’re still my favourite little brother no matter what.

Just then a powerful flaming fireball hits Cyber Peacock behind the back. It was Magma Dragoon who threw that fireball at Vector's sister. Cyber Peacock almost fell but Vector caught her.

Vector: Sis...
Cyber Peacock: Vec... Vector... you can… beat... Dragoon... have faith... in... yourself.

Those were Cyber Peacock's last words. A tear started to slid down Vector's face.

Vector: Tanya, you and my mother were the only ones who understood how I feel instead of our older brother, Brimstone and that sick twisted father of mine, Apocalyse. DRAGOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR MY SISTER'S DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector started to glow yellow. His hair started to turn blonde and his eyes were blue green. He looked at Dragoon in a very rageful mood.

Magma Dragoon: What are you?!
Vector: You my friend are the decease and I'm the protector to cure it!!!

Vector dashed at Dragoon and sent a powerful uppercut sending him up to the air.

Vector: Now to finish the battle. FINAL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vector shot a very large yellow beam at Dragoon and it hit him. When the smoke cleared Dragoon was still alive but he was really damaged.

Magma Dragoon: HOW CAN THIS BE?!!?!?!!?!!!?!?! HOW CAN THAT DALMATIAN HAVE SO MUCH POWER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Vector: Just give it up Dragoon! I beat you fair and square!!!!

Dragoon accepted his defeat. Coco went up to her father and told him something.

Coco: Dad, no matter how evil you... you'll love your daughter no matter what.
Magma Dragoon: Thank you my dear daughter, Vector... you are a very worthy opponent, but still... your father and I still plan to find those future androids to destroy you. Even though they won't be activated till the year 2009 you and your friends train hard for what's coming to ya!! There are still great evil villains out there just as strong as us. So I wish you good luck my friend.
Vector: Hey Dragoon...
Magma Dragoon: Yes...
Vector: Tell my father that he's still as a rock and cold blooded but his heart will keep beating, just like mine and I'm his son that will love him and he'll always know that.

A tear slid down Dragoon's face for what Vector. Vector powered down to his normal form. Dragoon flew away to find Necrobat and there he spotted him on the sandy shores.

Magma Dragoon: Necrobat, your son has left you an important message.
Dark Necrobat: What is it?
Magma Dragoon: He said that your still as a rock and cold blooded but your heart will keep beating just like his and you'll always know that you'll love.
Dark Necrobat: That's the sweetest thing I ever heard... but like us, find our future comrades!! It may take us nine years to find them.

Magma Dragoon and Dark Necrobat spread their wings and fly away from Hawaii to look for their future comrades.
Meanwhile, Cyber Peacock woke up from her consciousness. Vector rushed up to her and hugged her.

Vector: Sis! I'm glad you’re still alive!!
Cyber Peacock: Thanks Vector... now to return these two losers back to the future!
Dr. Andross: NO!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vector: Would you two shut up all ready!
Voice: Hello Vector!
Crash: Cortex, your here!

Now this Cortex had gray hair, wore the same clothes like the original Cortex, and had a gold cane with a purple ruby on top. This Cortex was known as 'Future Cortex'. Then everyone noticed something different about Vector.

Jacko: Hey Vector...
Vector: Yeah JM?
Jacko: Your hair's a little long and it's light blue!

Vector checks in the mirror and sees his hair a little longer that's very similar to Trunks hair when it's long during 'The Cell Saga'.

Monnika: (walking up to Vector) You don't look bad with blue hair Yamazaki!
Vector: Really?
Monnika: Of course you silly 19 year old!
Crash: 19 years old?! The last time we saw him he was 18 years old!
Vector: Well now it's the year 2960 in my future!!
Future Cortex: I'd better be taking these two maniacs with me.
Cyber Peacock: I'll open the portal.
Future Cortex: Vector, enjoy your long vacation here!
Vector: Why's that?
Future Cortex: It's just that since you worked for my android hunting squad for so long that you mastered it all ready. So enjoy your life here my friend and good luck!!!

Cyber Peacock presses a button her on wrist and a blue vortex appears in front of the gang. Future Cortex and Cyber Peacock took Sai Borg and Dr. Andross to the future and into the state prison. Everyone waves goodbye to Vector's creator and his sister. Shadra comes up to Vector and compliments Vector.

Shadra: I gotta admit Vector, you thought that Dragoon a lesson! I couldn't even beat him the first time when I first fought him.
Speedra: (puts her arms around Vector) For a young android hunter, you’re real sexy looking!

Monnika pushes Speedra away and puts her arms around Vector.

Monnika: You got Shadra as your boyfriend!!! Vector's mine and I wanna marry him!!!!
Vector: (thinks to himself)*Is it just me or I'm I in love with Monnika here?*

Vector kisses Monnika by the cheek.

Danni: Looks like our brave android hunter may have a big crush on Monnika!
Crash: Maybe we should set up a wedding right now.

Matilda, Sheila, Yarra, Casey, and Brendon caught up with the gang to see what happened.

Casey: Are the androids dead?
Crash: Yeah, but that same android escaped again with a new android partner.
Yarra: You mean that purple bat?
Brendon: He looked real scary!!!
Sheila: Which reminds me, I saw those two androids leaving Hawaii!
Matilda: Is anybody hurt with that final battle?
Snappy: Don't worry Mrs. B, everything’s cool!
Toby: Man, I lost the ability to shoot energy beams!!! I was gonna do some fireworks for our victory against the androids.

Boron licked Toby's face cheering him up.

Cortex: Thank goodness we'll be leaving tomorrow! I don't know how to say this but....
Shen Lo Ken: But what?
Cortex: I didn't wanna say this but thank you for everything and I'll be working on an ultimate experiment that's top secret but I'll share with the gang any way. It's called 'The Vector Project'. Boron, you can come live with me for now on.

Vector was glad that Cortex finally became one of the good guys and he was gonna marry Monnika. The next morning, the gang packs their stuff and head back to Australia. Everyone enjoys their lives and everything is peaceful once again but our heroes keep on training for the big day to come. They will have to face Magma Dragoon and Dark Necrobat again when they lead a new breed of androids. But there are questions to be answered. Who used the C symbols on those future androids? Only time will tell if they ever run into the true creator of the androids!!

The End

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