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One morning, Vector woke up and went downstairs in his regular battle outfit without the scappard and jacket. He started thinking to himself.

Vector: (thinks to himself) Why do I have these strange dreams of Monnika being my wife? Is this some kind of sign for me?

Just then the door bell rang. Vector ran to the door and opened it. It was Snappy and Toby to see how Vector was doing.

Snappy: How ya doin' Vector?
Vector: Fine, why you guys here?
Toby: We were wondering if we can have breakfast we ya...

Vector let them in and Vector kind of dozed off while making breakfast.

Toby: Yo, Vec... you okay?
Vector: Wha... yeah I am.
Snappy: You sure I mean it looked like you were day dreaming.
Toby: Do you have somebody in mind?
Vector: Me?! Hell no, I'm married ta Penny, remember?
Snappy: I bet it's Monnika.

Vector started to blush and the two noticed the look in his face. Monnika always have a crush on Vector.

Toby: I knew it!!!! Vector has a crush on Monnika!!!
Vector: I have no idea what you guys are talking about...
Snappy: Monnika and Vector sittin' inna tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Vector with the baby carriage.
Vector: (grabs Snappy's mouth) I'll knock out every teeth in yer mouth you talking suitcase!!

Penny walks down into the kitchen to see what was doing on.

Penny: Morning everyone!
Snappy: (rushes to Penny) Hello Miss Yamazaki and how are ya this morning.

Snappy kisses Penny's hand and she looks concerned.

Penny: Er... I'm doin' fine.

Penny sniffs her hand when Snappy kissed it and she notices that Snappy ate something bad this morning.

Vector: Here's yer eggs guys... I'm gonna go fer a walk for a while.

Vector steps out of the house and decided to see what Monnika was up to. When he got to the apartment where Monnika lives, he knocked on the door and Monnika opened it.

Monnika: (surprised) Vector????
Vector: Hey Monnika.
Monnika: Come on in and I'll give you a nice cup of coffee.

Vector went into the room and sat down to have his cup of coffee.

Monnika: What was it that you wanted to tell me?
Vector: I should explain this. Monnika, I made up my mind that we should... get married.

Monnika jumped up and started to act very hyper. Vector noticed that she was glad. Now all he had to do was tell everyone that he's gonna get married. Penny wouldn't mind this at all because she was only her daughter from the future.
Further along in Monnika’s apartment, a small wolverine cub, wearing only a royal blue pair of shorts and sunset shoes, was sleeping on a basket next to an open bed… until the ears pricked. At this stage, the shouting can be heard for a long distance. It wasn’t long until the cub was wide-awake, and he started calling out while running to the main room… but he didn’t bark.


Finally he reached the sofa, where Monnika was sitting, and jumped on her back.

Monnika: HEY! (looks behind her) Oh, Bamm Bamm – I should have known!
Vector: Who?
Monnika: Oh… this is one of Boron’s cubs. A few months ago he offered some to us, and this one… Ryane actually received it, but he’s like a house cub to us.
Vector: How cute!

Bamm Bamm started sniffing at Vector… then started cracking up!

Vector: What’s he laughing at now?
Monnika: Obviously, he can recognise people’s thoughts by their smell!

Then he started checking his hand… for something else.

Vector: Now what?

He started sliding one of his fingers across his paw.

Vector: Oh! The wedding ring! (laughs)
Monnika: I guess that’s one bod that’s found out already, ey?
Bamm Bamm: BAMM!
Monnika: (grabs Vector’s hand) Thanks sooooo much for the offer, but…
Vector: But?
Monnika: But it’s going to be so much work to organise – I mean, face it this way… we need the money for the suits and a cake, and we obviously need a planner!
Vector: Why can’t you ask someone who’s been there done that?
Monnika: Because there’s nobody I know around here that have been married before. And don’t think about Crash – he can’t even remember his date of birth. :/
Vector: Er, I’ve got a suggestion.


10 minutes later, the three of them were seen at Cortex Castle, coming face to face with their only bet for a wedding planner.

Cortex: Guys, why are you looking at me like that? There’s plenty more fish in the…
Vector: But face it this way – you’re the only dude I know in the area who has been to a wedding before.
Cortex: (faintly) Sure, like 25 years ago.
Monnika: It doesn’t care how long – we just need someone to help out!
Vector: And you’re the only one whom we can turn to!
Cortex: (sighs) Let’s face it – I’m not one of those for planning weddings – I’m one of those who’d work in the lab.
Vector: (steps further) But this is a creator of the future you’re dealing with here! Listen – we’ve both been crazy for each other in a long time, and now it seems like we need to be together.
Monnika: Think about it this way – I’ve heard a few stories about you sorting out the life of a girl your age. And that was in 1989. Now look at us – we’re just as mad for each other as you were with her back in that day. So please – we need you to help us out here!

There was silence in the room for a while, until a response was finally shown.

Cortex: (sighs) All right, but don’t expose me to the press too much, OK.
Vector: Sure.
Monnika: Now for the next stage – the money!
Cortex: That’s easy – if you need money, you need a job.


It wasn’t long until they were back outside again.

Vector: A job? But we can’t have a job now!
Monnika: Hoo boy… (gasps) Wait – I got it!
Vector: What?
Monnika: My siblings!
Vector: Siblings?
Monnika: Yeah – they’re earning good pay up there at the North Pole for the work they’re doing for Santa! Maybe I should phone them!
Vector: Good idea.
Monnika: Wedding bells, here I come!

So they went down the path from the castle, back towards Monnika’s apartment. So far the only two people to know about their wedding are Dr. Neo Cortex (surprise surprise – he’s the wedding planner!) and wolverine cub Bamm Bamm. And now… Monnika’s siblings are about to get the message across!
As Monnika and Vector ran back to the hotel, they needed a plan how to explain this to Monnika's siblings.

Vector: We need a plan to convince your brothers and sisters to give us some of their money.
Monnika: Don't worry Vector! They'll give it to us once I explain it to them.
Vector: (looking concerned) You sure about this?
Monnika: Trust me.

Monnika dials a special phone number to reach the North Pole.
Meanwhile in the North Pole at Santa's workshop, Tuskani ran up to the phone to pick it up.
Tuskani: Santa's Workshop - how may I help you?
Monnika: (speaking through the phone) It's me Monnika!
Tuskani: Hold on a second... guys, it's our sis!!!

Monnika's siblings Weslie, Art, Frida, Santos, and Sonya ran up to the phone to say hi to their big sister.

Sonya: Monique, is it really you?
Monnika: It sure is Sonya.
Weslie: That's nice to hear you again!
Art: Yeah, we missed you.
Santos: Where are you now?
Monnika: I'm living in Australia now and I was wondering if you guys can do me a favour.
Frida: What is it?
Monnika: Has Santa gave you many money?
Tuskani: Now that you mentioned it, we made a lot of money. Why do you ask?
Monnika: Cause I need it for a wedding day. I'm getting married.
Tuskani: Who is it and how old is he?
Monnika: His name is Vector Yamazaki and he's 18 years old.
Frida: Boy, what a dream boat.

Just then Santa came downstairs to see what was doing on.

Santa: Tuskani, who are you seeking to?
Sonya: It's our big sister Monnika.
Santa: (surprised) Monnika, can I seek to her?
Santos: Sure... come guys, let's get back to work.

Monnika's siblings said goodbye to her and Santa talked to Monnika on the phone.

Santa: Monnika, it's get to hear from you!
Monnika: (happy) It's good to see you Santa!!!
Santa: I overheard you’re going to get married. Can I speak to this person your going to marry?
Monnika: Sure!

Monnika got Vector on the phone so he could speak to Santa.

Vector: (speaking through the phone) Hello.
Santa: You must be Vector Yamazaki, the android hunter from the future.
Vector: (amazed) How did you know?
Santa: Because Monnika told me about you while your not around and you’re always on top of my good list.
Vector: Why's that?
Santa: Because you always protect the past from the evil androids. For Dr. Andross, he goes on my naughty list.
Vector: Make sure that he gets a lump of coal for Christmas this year!
Santa: (laughing) You just read my mind, that's exactly what I plan to do to him... give him a lot of coal for Christmas. I'll see you later. I'll mail the money to you before you know it!!
Vector: See ya!

Vector hung up the phone and Monnika hugged him since they were going to get married soon enough.

Monnika: This is wonderful Vector! We'll be married real soon.
Vector: (throws his arms around Monnika's waist) I'm glad Monnika.

Just then the door opened. It was Ryane and her son Josh. Josh was scared of Vector and Ryane defended her son.

Ryane: (looking concerned) Who are you?!
Monnika: I can explain Ryane. This is Vector Yamazaki, an android hunter from the future and one of Cortex's ultimate humanoid experiments.
Ryane: A humanoid dalmatian that hunts down androids??? COOL!!! Do you have a weapon to take down robots?

Josh suddenly started squealing with happiness.

Vector: Yeah, I have a light sabre to fight with to slice my enemies in half or I can shoot energy beams out of it.
Ryane: Sweet! Anyways, I got some mail and there's one from Santa.

Monnika took the envelope and opened it. She was surprised that there was a lot of money. There was 900,000 dollars in the envelope.

Vector: (shocked) Wow... Santa can do everything in a flash.
Monnika: That's Santa all right. All this money can buy us more than the wedding clothes and cake. We can live in a big mansion!
Vector: Well I live in a big mansion.
Monnika: Oh, that is so sweet.
Vector: We'd better tell everyone about this and I do mean everyone.
Ryane: Leave that to us!

So Ryane, with Josh by her side, started to write out letters to Crash and the others so they can receive them in their mail boxes. As for Vector and Monnika, they were spending the money on the wedding clothes and cake.
It wasn’t long until the letters were written out and immediately, Ryane came along to post them, with Josh and Bamm Bamm by her side. Their first stop was at the home of Penny Yamazaki.

Ryane: OK Bamm Bamm – you do the honours.
Bamm Bamm: BAMM! BAMM!

He rushed up towards the door and was about to give in a slightly – well, actually VERY – loud bang on the door…


…but he accidentally broke the door down!

Ryane: Hoo boy… I guess we need to preserve some of the cash for building a new door for her…

With no time to fix it, she carried all three of them into the house… and it was rather dark in there. She went to turn on one of the lights, and the room was as bright as anything.

Ryane: PENNY!!!!!!!!
Bamm Bamm: BAMM BAMM BAMM!!!!!

There was no response to the call. They continued calling out for quite a while, until they came across a strange white vortex.

Josh: (points to it) Whessaah? (What’s that)
Ryane: I don’t know…

Bamm Bamm came up towards the portal and sniffed into it.

Bamm Bamm: Uh-oh…
Ryane: What? (gasps) Unless… PENNY!!!!! (turns to the others) Bamm Bamm, you continue delivering the letters. And take Josh with you. I’m going in.

So she went through the vortex, and Josh and Bamm Bamm went out of the house, in a rodeo formation, with the sack of letters and continued among the neighbourhood.


A white vortex opened in a new dimension, and out came Ryane. She looked around, and saw everything.

Ryane: Cool! I’m in Futurama! (laughs) Only joking.

Flying cars can be seen around here, as well as seeing the city suspended in the sky.

Ryane: Now this is TOTALLY out of this world! :) Hmmm… wonder where Penny is…

She jumped in the air… and started flying across the city, ready to track her down. She kept on looking down… but she still didn’t have a clue where she is. It may be a long time before he finds her.


Meanwhile, outside the apartment block, there was a big green bobsled parked outside. At this stage, Josh and Bamm Bamm made their return. As soon as they came through the door, they saw a whole crowd of people having some sort of a dinner party.

Monnika: Hey Bamm Bamm – welcome back!
Bamm Bamm: BAMM BAMM!!!
Monnika: By the way, where’s Ryane?

Bamm Bamm turned to Josh, and therefore he came off his back. Then he started making a run for it to a white board in the kitchen, where she and Vector followed. He got a blue marker and started drawing the events on there… very quickly.

Monnika: (gasps) It can’t be!
Vector: Yes it can – Penny always goes out to battle people from the future. And don’t panic about Ryane – she’ll be safe in there.
Monnika: And before you ask about the letters, the receivers are ALL here!!!! :)

A whole area of people can be seen inside – Crash, Coco, Shen, Danni, Kitsume, Sarnie, Snappy, Cortex, Toby and Monnika’s siblings are also there.

Crash: Hey Vector!

The room went quiet, and they all turned to Crash and Vector.

Crash: I’d like to congratulate you on your proposal.
Vector: Really?
Danni: Yeah – you guys are made fer each otha’!
Shen Lo Ken: I saw the relationship unfold in the recent android battle in Hawaii.
Coco: Although it didn’t go to a good start.
Kitsume: Then after seeing the truth for each other…
Sarnie: The two of you simply bonded together. ;)
Toby: Even though you already are married to Penny…
Tuskani: I suppose you needed another!


Sonya: So we all want to thank you a lot!
Santos: Which reminds me… can I be a pageboy?
Art: (playfully punches Santos on the face) You so want everything, you do!
Frida: So how about we give things up for Vector and Monnika!
Weslie: Yes – I’d like to thank them for being… the Happy Couple!
Snappy: All together now…
All: (sings) For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good felloooooow… we surely can’t deny!

Cheering occurred throughout the block, as they now see that their days are coming, when they will be both together.

Cortex: (rushes towards them) Guys, I’ve managed to book the wedding for you!
Monnika: (gasps) Where?

The three of them went in the kitchen, where the explanation can be heard a bit better.

Cortex: I’ve managed to book a wedding over at the Parish Catholic Church near the Lost Ruins.
Monnika: Hey, wasn’t that the place where Crash got married to Danni?
Vector: I think so, but I’m not sure.
Cortex: And for the party afterwards, you’ll be treated over at the Blitz Tavern in Citadel City.
Monnika: Oh boy! This is gonna look good!!!
Cortex: And for the honeymoon…
Monnika and Vector: HONEYMOON??? (look at each other)
Cortex: …a flight has been booked for both of you… to Jamaica!
Vector: WOW!!! I can’t believe you’ve done all that in the space of… (looks at his watch) …3 hours, 48 minutes and 54 seconds!
Monnika: Yeah – we ought to congratulate you on this! :) You’ve used the cash wisely.
Cortex: I never realised… thanks! (starts heading back inside) And good luck to you both.

After he left the kitchen, they both looked at each other. Hope was now in their hands!
Vector and Monnika went to the church where Crash and Danni first married each other. Snappy was the priest - Cortex couldn't find one so he had to choose his best friend.

Snappy: Do I really hafta do this?
Cortex: Of course, your the only one I know! Now get to work.

Snappy turned to Vector and Monnika and said something to Vector.

Snappy: Make this quick cause I wanna get outta 'ere!!
Vector: No prob.
Snappy: Do you two take each other to be husband and wife?
Monnika and Vector: Yeah...
Snappy: Now I finally pronounce you husband and wife!! Woo hoo!!!!

Snappy got out of the priest suit and was jumping around in his regular clothes while he was in that priest suit. Before Vector and Monnika could kiss each other, a mysterious android like lizard appeared with Penny and Ryane with his one hand.

Lizard: My name is Zarbok and if you don't do what I say I'll destroy these two!!!
Crash: Let 'em go you ugly reptile!!

Vector charged at Zarbok and chopped off his right hand where he had Penny and Ryane. He pounded a hole in his stomach and kicked off his head, which went flying far about six feet in the air and landed on the ground.

Danni: Man... looks like Vector's been workin' out!
Shen Lo Ken: You tellin' me about it!
Zarbok: You... will… pay... for that!
Vector: Shut up Zarbok!!

Vector jumped into the air and crushed Zarbok's head with his feet like Android 17 did to Dr. Gero.

Sarnie: Now that's what I call entertainment!
Kitsume: You said it.

Vector and Monnika kissed each other. Penny noticed it and congratulated Vector.

Penny: I knew you two were made for each other. Anyways, I gotta stay in the future, maybe more androids will try to threaten the people.
Vector: How did you know this whole time?
Ryane: Cause you told me that time you fought the last android.
Monnika: You yeah! Anyways, let's go to Jamaica!!
Vector: But what about the Blitz Tavern in Citadel City?
Monnika: But I'm dying to go on our honeymoon!!!
Vector: Okay, it you insist...

Vector teleports himself and Monnika to Jamaica in a second.
When Vector and Monnika were in Jamaica, a native dressed in a blue t-shirt, orange pants, and black sandals walked up to Vector and Monnika.

Native: Hey mon! Name's Conroy! You must be Vector and Monnika.
Vector and Monnika: Yeah that's us.
Conroy: WOO HOO!!!!! I knew I was right, that guy with da big head told me you two would come 'ere!!! You two are sweet couple!!
Monnika: Really?
Conroy: Heck yeah! Follow me to da hotel, I'm da manager and ya don't hafta pay me anything! Just enjoy yer honeymoon!

Vector and Monnika followed Conroy to the hotel. He gave them the key to their room and they walked to their room to see how fancy it was.

Vector: What a neat place!
Monnika: Wished we lived here but I like it in Australia.

The two of them decided to go to the pool and swim there.
When the two got to the pool, Vector wore a blue bathing suit with white trimming and Monnika wore a gold bikini. The two of them swam to the centre.

Monnika: (swings her arms around Vector's neck) This is so romantic Vector.
Vector: (swings his arms around her waist) I know Monnika... I knew the two of us would make a sweet couple.

The two of them kissed each other by the lips. The warrior has finally found his true love, Monnika. Penny returned to the future so that she can protect the year 3010 from the androids. Everything was in peace at last.

The End

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