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**It's just past midnight in a dark lair below New York City. Hideous laughter is sounding from somewhere...**


**Two idiots come into view. They could pass for Cortex and N. Brio...but it’s not them. **

Certox: Er, erm -- Hooheehawhohohoho!
Bero: Heeheehee! Joo sound like Santa Claus, you eedeeot!
Certox: Shut up, dummy!
Bero: Hee! At least I can talk like N. Brio!! You can’t even laugh like Cortex!
Certox: Arrrrggghhhhh!

**Certox grabs a laser gun and shoots Bero in the foot...**

Certox: Dance, boy, dance!
Bero: Ah!

**Bero begins to jump around like a monkey.**

Certox: Ah, I think you have had enough. Hoohoohawhawhaw!!
Bero: Hey, joo got it!
Certox: Shut up you fool! I do not need your input!
Bero: Hey, you're starting to sound like Cortex!
Certox: I said--really?
Bero: Yea--

**Suddenly a talk lengthy man with sky blue paint and a clock hanging off his chest burst through the door.**

Trepy: Errrrm, you mere fools cannot rise above the great Trepy! I shall send you back in time.

**Trepy throws something at Certox and Bero. A huge cloud of white smoke rose up around them...**

Trepy: Errrrm, you mere fools cannot rise above the great Trepy! I shall send you back in time...~Ah...ah...achoo!~...DOH!
Bero: Heeheeheehee!
Certox: Argh, shut up fool!

**Certox smacks Bero on the back of the head.**

Bero: Ahhh!!
Trepy: Teeheehee...


Enjin: Yaaaaaaar! Are joo fools trying to be da tree stooges or wat?!
Certox: Hmmf! What would you know, fool?! You are the one with a piece of cardboard taped to your head!!
Enjin: Eets a start!
Bero: A gay start...
Trepy: I shall send us all back in ti---~ACHOO~! ARGH DOH!!!

**Everyone but Trepy laughs...**

Certox: Hoohoohawhawhaw!! Now we are all a gang! We shall...hmmmm, what shall we do now?
Enjin: Hmmmm, never thought about that.
Trepy: Idiots! You dont even know what you want to do!!
Bero: Well what’s your wise idea?
Enjin: Stooge...
Bero: Hey!
Trepy: Well...did I ever say I had an idea?
Certox: Hmmmm, how about we go to the Crash Mart and get some Wumpa slurpies?
Bero: Sounds good to me...
Trepy: Fine...
Enjin: Dat is quite good...

**All of them crawl to the street and look around, wondering if there even is a Crash Mart, let alone such thing as a Wumpa slurpy.**

Certox: Who's stupid idea was this?
Bero: I believe it was yo--
Certox: Shut up!

**Certox smacks Bero over the back of the head.**

Enjin: Stooge...
Trepy: Heh...heh...heh!

Narrator: Where will the Copy Rats go next? What will they do? Where will they end up? Or do you even care?
**The characters all look around completely baffled...**

Certox: Well this wasn’t my idea.
Bero: Yes it was, Moe--er, Certox!
Enjin: Stooge!
Trepy: Nobody listens to me!
Bero: Joo said you didn’t have an idea, wise guy!
Trepy: No I didn’t!
Enjin: No you didn’t have an idea.
Bero: Heehee!
Certox: Fool!

**Certox smacks Bero over the back of the head. Then Bero rebounds and pulls Certox's nose and slams him on the ground. **

Trepy: And the winner is...
Certox: Shut up!

**Certox turns his arm around and hits Trepy in the head.**

Trepy: Doh! Don’t make me send you back in time!
Enjin: Joo ceent do dat!
Trepy: Your point being?
Bero: Then you cant send us back in—
Trepy: Hmmf! Talk to the hand!


Trepy: Ow, ow!! You didn’t have to go and bite my hand!
Bero: It wasnt me.
Trepy: Why Certox?

**Certox gets off the ground.**

Trepy: Why did you bite me Certox?
Certox: Yes, I bit you on the ground you dummy!
Trepy: Oh. Why Enjin?!
Enjin: It wasn’t me!
Bero: She even caught me on camera!
Certox: ARGH!! You are all infidels!
Bero: But—
Certox: Bah!!
Enjin: But—
Certox: Meh!!
Trepy: But—
Certox ...shut up!!!! NO MORE IF, ANDS, OR BUTS!
Bero: But—
Enjin: And he's ugly!
Trepy: And that’s only if he's had a good day!
Bero: Hehehe...
Certox: ARGHHHHHHH!!!!! That’s it, where is Uku Uku?
Enjin: Joo mean dis?

**Enjin pulls a spray painted ski mask out of his pocket.**

Certox: Yes that! Great Uku Uku, what shall we do?
Uku Uku: ...
Certox: Shall we look for a Crash Mart?
Uku Uku: ...
Certox: Ok! To the Crash Mart it is!
Bero: Uh, I don’t think he said anything.
Certox: Sure he did! He said "Crash Mart! Where everything is smart! Dot ask us, we’re just stupid!"
Trepy: No idiot, that was the Crash mascot over there!
Certox: What?
Enjin: See that one over in his car? He was standing before and just got in his car. He looks like he's in a hurry.

**In the distance...**

Mascot Crash: BOO YA, GRANDMA, BOO YA!

**Back to the losers...**

Bero: I wonder why he's yelling at that old lady.
Enjin: Do you really wonder?
Bero: No.
Certox: So, to the Crash Mart it is!
Trepy: Hey, are you finally happy?
Certox: Yes, I have been too mad today. NOTHING can make me mad!
Bero: ...
Trepy: ...
Enjin: If--
Bero: And--
Trepy: Or but!

Narrator: The losers finally know what they’re gonna do. They’re going to Crash Mart. Have I finally sparked any interest in you? I didn’t think so.
Narrator: When we last left our characters, they were trapped in danger--or wait. No, they were doing the same old stupid things.

**Certox is totally red due to the dumb antics of his friends...**

Certox: We NEED to take this seriously! Come on now you infidels!!
Bero: Infidels? Does that mean brave?
Trepy: No, thats intrepid. Infidel means stupid you stupid--
Bero: Why I oughta!!
Enjin: ...stooge.
Bero: Doh!
Certox: Well, I just looked in the Crash pages and there's no such thing as Crash Mart.
Bero: Aw, I was lookin' forward to that.
Certox: That is because you're stupid!
Enjin: Hehehe...hehehe...
Trepy: Hehehehe...hehehe...
Bero: Hehehe....hehehe...wait a sec--
Certox: I’ve got it! We can hold auditions to look for new members! What do you say Uku Uku?
Uku Uku: ...
Enjin: Wait, lemme get him.

**Enjin pulls the painted hockey mask out of his pocket.**

Trepy: There's pocket dust in his eye.
Enjin: Oh woops, lemme get that off. Good as new...
Certox: What shall we do, Uku Uku?
Uku Uku: ...
Certox: Hmmmm, he's not sure. Well, lets go gather up some people to audition.
Bero: Sounds good to me.
Trepy: Steak is good to me.
Enjin: Hmmmm, steak is food to me, too.
Certox: ~sigh~

**The foursome travel around town and gather members to audition to be part of their group. They put them all in line, and let them audition. **

Trepy: So, tell us about yourself.
Teeny: ... meoow!
Trepy: More fearsome than that!
Teeny: ... meoow!
Trepy: Magnificent! Welcome to the group Teeny the Cat!
Teeny: .....meoow?

**Next we look at Enjin...**

Enjin: So, what qualifies you?
Rabies: I...have...Attention Deficit Disorder...
Enjin: What?
Enjin: Uh...yeah I was.
Rabies: Aw this is great!
Enjin: Uh, what is?
Rabies: Aw man! Are you talking to me again?!? THIS IS GREAT!!!!
Enjin: ...


Bero: So, what will you bring to the group?
Scenile: Well Im part mad and part crazy.
Bero: Wow, like the real Dingo!
Bero: I don’t think so—
Bero: You get the part.
Scenile: Alriiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!

**And lastly we go to Certox...**

Certox: So you guys names are Moe and Joe, too?
Bob: No
Rod: No
Certox: Wow! That’s cool, and you're poets!
Bob: And we didn’t even know it...
Certox: Haha! You're in the group!
Rod: Sweeeeeet...
Bob: Duuuuuude...
Certox: Hey, where's my car?!!?
Bero: You don’t have one boss.
Certox: Oh yeah that’s right. Now let us decide who makes the group.

**The four loser/idiots huddle in a group.**

Trepy: That teeny the Cat was fierce!
Enjin: That one dude is pretty scenile, I don’t think we can handle him!
Bero: I think that other guy needs some attention.
Certox: Well my guys are hilarious! Wait a sec… Where'd they go?
Bero: They stole your car!
Bero: No...hehehe...
Trepy: Hehehe...
Enjin: Heh...
Certox: Fools!

**Stands back from the huddle and smacks everyone in a circular motion.**

Certox: Ok, let's go!
Bero: What about that mad guy and the hyper guy?
Certox: Leave them!
Bero: What are you, some kinda wise--er w...wetarded guy?
Enjin: Stoo—
Bero: I didn’t say wise!
Trepy: Just did...
Enjin: Stooge!
Bero: ... Doh!

Narrator: The foursome leave, with a new comrade by side, or actually in Trepy's backpack. But you get the idea! Where will they go next, who will...oh screw it! You don’t care and neither do I!!
**The characters have just begun to walk down the street, and all of a sudden...**

Bero: ...
Trepy: ...
Enjin: ...
Certox: Say something!
Trepy: Where are we going?
Certox: I’ve had enough of your back talking! Why don’t you direct us Mr. I-can-jump-back-in-time!!
Trepy: But I was—
Certox: Bah!
Bero: He—
Certox: Meh!
Enjin: ...
Certox: Beh!
Teeny: ... meoow! Certox: Mah--oh, its so cute!
Certox: Ah! Save me Uku!
Uku Uku: ...

**Certox grabs the painted hockey mask and runs off around the block.**

Bero: Hehehe...
Enjin: ...
Trepy: I wonder why Enjin isn’t talking. Enjin, you alive?
Enjin: ....mphmhpph!
Bero: You need to take the cardboard missile off your head if you wanna speak to us.
Enjin: Mpmphmhmph!!!

**Enjin runs in circles tugging at the cardboard missle stuck over his head.**

Trepy: Running in circles isn’t going to get our attention, Enjin. If you need to talk to us take the cardboard missile off your head! Jeez!
Bero: Sheesh, talk about a stooge!
Enjin: Mpomooooo...~sob~...

**Certox runs back around the block, and sees Teeny. Then he runs past the group and runs around the block again. **


**Enjin runs out in the street and gets hit by a car. He flies up in the air and lands on his head. **

Enjin: Ah, guys, I think I’m hurt!
Trepy: See; look at that! You ran around suffering but were too stubborn to take a box off your head!
Bero: Is acting like N. Gin THAT important to you?
Enjin: Stoopid stooge!
Bero: Hey! We may be stupid, but we're not stupid, or was that smart? Anyways, you get the idea!!
Trepy: I believe he was talking to you solely, for I am three times smarter than a parakeet.
Enjin: Trepy want a cracker?
Trepy: Three, please.
Bero: Hehehe...
Trepy: What? Im hungry.
Enjin: Hehehe...

**Certox runs around the block yet again. Repeat...again: One more time. Wait, just keep running you loser! **

Trepy: Yikes, this blue paint is starting to sweat off. Oh well.
Enjin: Oh—
Trepy: You actually care?
Bero: No, let the missile finish!
Enjin: Oh well.
Trepy: Doh!
Enjin: Stooge.
Bero: Shut up! You're the one with a cardboard missile taped to your head!
Enjin: I wasn’t talking to you loser boy! I was talking to Mr. Clock tied around his neck over there!
Trepy: Shut up paper boy!
Enjin: Yeah, so? I delivered the newspaper! At least I’m not covered in blue paint!
Trepy: At least I don’t have a grey sheet of paper stapled to my cheek representing a faceplate!
Enjin: Its not a face plate, its a face guard dummy! And you created it!
Trepy: No I didn’t!
Enjin: So?!?!

**Certox listens to narrator and keeps running.**

Certox: Ah!!!! Cat scare me! Me scare by cat! Ahhhh!!!!

**Certox drops Uku Uku when his arms flail in the air.**

Bero: Pick it up bluey.
Enjin: Yeah, pick it up clocky.
Trepy: No, beaker and missle!
Bero: ...
Enjin: ...
Trepy: What, got another cardboard missile stuck over your head?
Bero: Hehehe...
Enjin: ... Trepy: Teeny, did you catch Enjin's tongue.
Teeny: Meoow.
Trepy: I didn’t think so.
Enjin: ...

**The both turn around and see Enjin rolling on the ground with his cardboard missile stuck around his head.**

Trepy: Haw haw haw!
Teeny: ... meoow?
Bero: Hehehe, nobody can call me stooge now!

**Enjin gets back up...**

Enjin: STOOGE!
Bero: Doh!

Narrator: Will Certox ever stop running? Will the group ever go back to pick up Uku Uku? Will Teeny be tamed by an everlasting love? Will this story ever end?!?!

Answers- Yes, yes, no, and yes(eventually)

Narrator: Oh thank gawd this crap ends!!! I cant take much more of this!! Is their any humanity?!?!

**Door opens...**

Boss: You're fired.
Narrator: Oooh, Im fiiiired. Look, you don’t even have a name! I suppose you're gonna fire me next!! Hahaha!
Boss: I said you're fired.
Narrator: Yeah that would be real funny, you no named guy!! HAHAHAHA!! Wait...I’m fired?
Boss: Yes.
Narrator: Oh....~WHAM~...*thud*, ahem. I’m the new narrator everybody. You might know me from such epics as *COUGH*, and *COUGHCOUGH*. Oh excuse me, you heard me right? Sure you did. Well since all this issues lead-ups were answered by that dead guy on the groun...the last narrator, Ill leave a cliff-hanger!
Boss: Move the body before you leave.
New Narrator: Sure thing Mr. No-name. Um, you didn’t hear that did you? Of course not. Well, will the characters ever find a Crash Mart? Will Certox ever find a true love? Do you even care about this story? Well I sure as hell don’t, but I do get a paycheck for this! Haha!
Boss: No you dont.
New Narrator: Damn you!
Boss: I’ve been called worse.
New Narrator: *sob*
**Certox finally stops running. **

Certox: Wheeeeew...that was breath-wasting.
Teeny: ....meoow.
Certox: AHHHHHH!!!!

**Certox runs off again.**

Trepy: What's he so scared of?
Enjin: Beats me.
Bero: And me.
Enjin: Hey, I have an idea.
Trepy: What fool?
Teeny: ....meoow?
Enjin: Ill give 5 dollars to the person who goes longest without talking.
Bero: Ooh... sounds good to me.
Trepy: Money?! I’m in!
Teeny: ....meoow!
Enjin: Ok, we're all in. Silence starts... now!
Trepy: ...
Bero: ...
Enjin: ...
Teeny: ...

**Certox runs around the block.**

Certox: AHHHH!!!!! Jeez. Why am I running?
Teeny: ....meoow!
Certox: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Narrator: Certox and Teeny have been eliminated!! Oh my, what a great competition we're having today!! Not.

Bero: Hmm,hmm,hmm,hmm...
Enjin: ~muffled~Hehehehe...
Trepy: ~muffled~Himmiddaduntdun!
Bero: Hmmt, hmmt!
Enjin: ...
Trepy: ...
Bero: ...
Enjin: ...!
Trepy: …!
Bero: Hmmf!! ...!!!
Trepy: ...!!!!

**Certox runs around the block yet again.**

Certox: Move it stooge! Stupid man coming through!
Bero: Doh!
Enjin: You talked!
Trepy: Yes!
Enjin: Doh!
Bero: Ha! Stooge!
Enjin: ....doh!
Trepy: Hehehe...
Bero: Shut up wise guy!
Enjin: Stooge!

**Enjin and Bero smack each other at the same time.**

Trepy: Stooooooges...
Enjin & Bero: DODOH!!!!
Trepy: Now about that 5 bucks...
Teeny: ....meoow.
Trepy: Hehehe....
Narrator: When we last left off with the losers, they were losing. Well, not figuratively, but they were being losers. You understand right? You don’t? Look at it this way, they’re idiots and they’re losers! CAPICHE??

Enjin: Why I oughta!

**Bero smacks Enjin back and forth about ten times**

Bero: Thats the last time you call me stooge!
Trepy: Whoa...
Enjin: ....
Bero: Thaaaaaaat's better!
Enjin: STOOGE!
Bero: I’m not gonna say a thing.
Trepy: We're gonna hold you to that promise.
Bero: Fine, Ill go and sit on that curb over there!

**Bero walks over and lays on the curb and wraps himself up in a cardboard box. Then Certox runs around the block again.**

Certox: Bum? Here's a nickel!

**As he runs by he flicks the nickel at Bero.**

Bero: Hmmf! Im gonna keep this nickel and enjoy it, alllll by myself!

Narrator: Is it true?! Has Bero gone solo? No, hell, this episode hasnt even ended! Stupid!

Trepy: I shall send us back in--
Teeny: ... meoow!
Trepy: ARGH!!!



Teeny: ....meoow!

**Teeny jumps out of Trepy's backpack and runs off.**

Trepy: No, Teeny! Thats just the alarm clock tied around my neck!!!

**Trepy chases Teeny and gets hit by a car. -(ShOcK eFfEcT INSERTED HERE)-**

Enjin: Hehehe...awwww...Im all alone.


**Certox stops running. Bero stands up and goes to greet Certox. Trepy gets the driver's license plate, and joins the gang. **

Certox: I'm now over my phobia of cats!
Trepy: I have now recovered being hitten by a car and seek vengeance against the driver!
Bero: I no longer feel poor! Or wait, I never did. Well I have finally stood up!
Enjin: Hmmmm... how odd...
Certox: Oh nothing.

Narrator: Yes, HOW odd. Will...well jeez all the characters have disposed of any and all conflict, so what is there left for a narrator like me to say. Lemme think...THOSE IDIOTS ARE LOSERS AND IM NOT EVEN GETTING PAYED FOR THIS!!!
**The sky is black and the thunder rolls. Mere seconds later lighting strikes, and as the sky lights up, we see an evil face...**

Sorry Im late, but welcome to episode 2, Copy Rats: Stupider Than B4!

**Ahem!...we see an evil face...**

Certox: Hoohoohawhawha—
Bero: Hey boss.
Certox: ARGH! I almost had my laugh perfected!!
Bero: And?
Certox: What don’t you get you simpleton?
Bero: Whats a simpl--
Certox: You're simple.
Bero: But a human cant be simple. A task can be.
Certox: They never learn.
Bero: Who is they? Who are you talking to Certox? Jeez, you're weird.
Certox: ~sigh~

**Suddenly, a loud alarm goes off. Certox and Bero open the 12-foot high doors, and run to a study room somewhere within Certox Castle, or should I say "warehouse"? Yes, I should. **

Trepy: What?
Bero: Oh, we thought it was something important.
Trepy: ...
Certox: Let us go, Bero.
Trepy: Can I come?
Certox: No, I prefer stupidity not to follow me.
Trepy: Well then why do you take Bero?
Certox: What? Isn’t it obvious?
Bero: Ha! Idiot!
Certox: I make a few exceptions.
Bero: ...
Trepy: Haha!
Bero: What?
Trepy: ...
Certox: ?

**Certox and Bero shut the "door", and go back to the main "area".**

Certox: That was odd.
Bero: Odd...wasn't that God's brother?
Certox: Oh my gawd...
Bero: What, is--
Certox: What is that sound?!?

**A sound of shearing sounds from the other side of the house. Certox and Bero run to meet it. They open yet another "door". **

Certox: What is this madness?
Enjin: What?
Bero: Oh, it’s only him.
Enjin: Only me?! Why I oughta...oh no...OH NO!!
Bero: Stooooooooooooooooooooge.....
Certox: What are you doing in here, Enjin?
Enjin: Um, I’m cutting out a new head plate.
Bero: Just say paper plate.
Enjin: But its a head piece.
Bero: And its a paper representing a plate!
Enjin: You're so stupid, Bero!
Bero: Stupid is as stupid as I am! So ha!
Enjin: ...


Certox: That was odd.
Bero: What is it with you and God's brother?
Certox: ...hey, whats THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, that’s only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...I forget.
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ...hey, what’s THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, thats only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...I forget.
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ...hey, what’s THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, that’s only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...I forget.
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ...hey, whats THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, that’s only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...I forget.
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ...hey, what’s THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, that’s only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...I forget.
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ...hey, what’s THAT sound?!
Bero: Oh, that’s only Teeny chewing on our sofa.
Certox: We have a sofa?
Bero: No.
Certox: Oh...ok.
Bero: Yep.
Certox: Wait...
Bero: What?
Certox: What were we talking about?
Bero: Um...
Certox: How...strange.
Bero: Yes, quite odd if you ask me.
Certox: ~sigh~

Y: Gotcha!
Narrator: Get tired of reading the same thing over and over again? Get tired of reading the same thing over and over again? Well, you sure looked stupid! Haha!
Man: You still dont get a paycheck.
Narrator: Awwww...
Man: Get back to work gringo!
Narrator: ~sigh~ Well, come back next time for episode 2 continued. Yes, that is the title of the next part. That damn narrator has 0 budget, so I don’t get paid. HAPPY??
Man: No.
Man: Story isn’t over with...jabronie.
Narrator: suck, Man!
Man: Well I am a vacuum cleaner.
Certox: Whoa, déjà vu...
Bero: What, with the narrator?
Certox: Narrator?
Bero: What?
Certox: You said something about a narrator.
Bero: No I didn’t.
Certox: Oh...
Bero: Where is Teeny?
Certox: Chewing on our sofa.
Bero: We have a sofa?
Certox: Yep.
Bero: Sweeeeeet.

Narrator: In case you missed Bero's secret hint, read the previous paragraph again.
Y: Gotcha 2!
Narrator: Didnt find anything? Hmmmmm, how funny. No really, I’m crackin' up here!

**Suddenly, the characters are all covered in smoke, and they are abducted. No, not by aliens, but by...Donald Trump!! Wait, no, thats not right. By....Neo Cortex!**


**Certox, Bero, Trepy, and Enjin are in a glass cell.**

Certox: Jeez, look at the way his jaw moves! And the words are a continuous flow!!
Bero: Ooh...
Trepy: Ahh...
Enjin: Wooow...

Cortex: Look at them...they are complete idiots. They must be years old, because there is no way you can accumulate that much stupidity in a mere month!
Brio: Yas, I agree, Cortex. Heeheehee!

Bero: Wow! Look at that! He actually can do a comb over with 2 hairs! Oh my! And here I was sticking my head with two soggy toothpicks!
Certox: Ooh...
Trepy: Ahh...
Enjin: Woooow...

Tropy: Oh my--look at these foooools! They are drooling due to our mere presence!
Cortex: Yes, quite stupid, my friend.

Trepy: Huh!!! That clock on his chest really works!! And look, it's not even tied around his neck! That’s so neato!
Certox: Ooh...
Bero: Ahh...
Enjin: ...wooow...

N. Gin: Look at dese eeeeeeedeots! Dey are stoopid as a foot!
Tropy: Big two at the most!

Enjin: AHHHHHHHH!!! Look a that! His missle is aluminum!!
Certox: Ooh...
Bero: Ahh...
Trepy: Cool.

N. Gin: Did he joost say dees meesle waz aluminoom? What a maroooooon!
Cortex: Yes, quite maroonish indeed.
Tropy: Idiots are making life so arduous.
Brio: Stupid fools.

Enjin: Did he just say I was a maroon? What a great guy!
Certox: Yes, quite great indeed!
Trepy: Smart people are making life so cool!
Bero: Cool guys!

Cortex: Whoa, déjà vu.

Narrator: See how they said the same things? No? That’s because they didn’t!! HAH! They only said close to the same things, but the idiots twisted the real guys words!! HAHA!
Y: Gotcha 3!
Narrator: Did you find yourself being tricked by a certain "letter" throughout this story? Well good, you're not alone in feeling stupid after reading this. Idiots!
**Cortex, N. Gin, Brio, and Tropy simply stare at the Copy Rats drooling and looking at them from inside the glass room.**

Cortex: Hmmmmm, maybe we shall each have private meetings with these idiots. Wait, where did that cat come from in there? How odd. Call Tiny and tell him to come here immediately...
**Tiny walks in door...**

Tiny: Tiny eat food now!
Cortex: No you're not.
Tiny: Tiny disagree with Cortex now.
Cortex: ...
N. Brio: Ok, teem for persanell eenterviews...

**Certox, Bero, Trepy, Enjin, and Teeny are seperated into small cubicle rooms, and are met by their corresponding "copied" villains. We start with Bero...**

Bero: Huh! Your Brio!
Brio: Jes, dat ez correct.
Bero: I know!
Brio: Um…ok.
Bero: Huh! Ive been acknowledged by Brio!
Brio: Uh...why are joo copying me?
Bero: Because I love you!
Brio: Love? Dat ez an extreem word!
Bero: Oh no! I’m so sorry! Im making an idiot out of pedrador...I’m a loser Brio, why don’t you kill me?
Brio: Because I forgot my gun...

**Next we view Teeny and Tiny...**

Tiny: Argh!!! Why little cat be like Tiny?!?!
Teeny: Meooow...
Tiny: Huh?
Teeny: Meoooow!
Tiny: Huh?
Teeny: Meoooow!!
Tiny: Oh my! Tiny in love!!

**Tiny grabs Teeny and hugs him tight as a can of pickles are closed. Next we partake in Enjin's conversation...**

N Gin: Why must joo copy me in every aspect?!
Enjin: Hey, how does your missile really smoke?
N Gin: It is not a prop, eet iz real!
Enjin: Oh, haha! That’s a good one! You can tell me, I wont give out the secret.
N Gin: Eet iz a real meesle lodged een my head joo edeeot!
Enjin: Come on! You can tell your number one fan!
N Gin: ArGh! Persisteeeeeeeeeence!

**N Gin's missle takes off and send hims through the roof. Then in Tiny's room Teeny begins to sniff Tiny's pocket.**

Tiny: No, quit it! Curiousity killed the cat! Mmmm, are those donuts?

**Then N Gin breaks the roof and lands on Tiny. Enjin runs in the room just as he lands. The missile breaks out of N Gin's head on impact, flies off, and hits Enjin straight in the head. **

Enjin: OoooooooWWWW!!!!!

**N Gin kicks Tiny in the face as he lands, and all of Tiny's teeth fly out and while flying at light speed, they land right in Teeny's mouth.**

Teeny: Meoooow!!
Tiny: Awr...muh teef!
N Gin: My’s gone!! Woohoo! Later suckers!

**N Gin climbs the wall and runs for it as he shouts in ecstasy. Now we go to see Trepy and Tropy...**

Tropy: Argh...this bock pock is too heavy...

**Tropy sets his clock backpack down...**

Trepy: Yoink...

**Trepy grabs the backpack, slips it on and runs we go to see Bero and Brio again.**

Bero: I wish I could take something to be a relic from our meeting...
Brio: Boy joo are stupid! Hold on while I download my knowledge into this computer.

**Brio types and 3 minutes later turns back around. He then pulls a disk out and holds it.**

Bero: Yoink!

**Bero steals the disk and runs off with it. The disk contains all of Brio's knowledge, which now belongs to Bero. Lastly, we go to take a look at Certox and Cortex. **

Cetrox: ...
Cortex: Quit staring and drooling fool!

**Suddenly, they hear loud footsteps on the roof. Then N Gin breaks through, kicks Cortex in the back of the head, and he flies forward and head butts Certox.**

Certox & Cortex: Ooooooooow!!!
Certox: Hey look, there is an "N" on my forehead!! I’m just like you now!

**Certox runs out into a main room, and is greeted by Teeny with Tiny's teeth, Bero with Brio's knowledge, Trepy with Tropy's time-warping backpack, and Enjin with N Gin's missle. They all run out the front door, and confront the new world rejuvenated! **

Narrator: Well the idiots all now more closely resemble their idols, but they're just as dumb? Catch the idiots next time! Yes, catch them!!
**Trepy, Enjin, Certox, Bero, and Teeny all stand in a line on top of New York's highest building. They stare off into the sun as to show they have nowhere to go, nowhere to be. They have all just become more like their idols, but they have no life ahead of them.

It's a new saga....with new adventures....but the same old morons!**

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