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Certox: Wazuh? Yello?
Man: Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!?
Certox: What the--
Man: Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!?!
Certox: Oh, it’s you! I got it! Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!?!?!
Man: --aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--
Certox: --aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?! Hey Bero, pick up the cordless!!
Bero: What?
Certox: Pick up the cordless!
Bero: Uh...ok. Wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!?!
Certox: --aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--
Man: --aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!


Bero: Hey, who was that?
Certox: I wouldn’t know, I thought he was your friend...
Bero: Nope...?

**Suddenly loud music starts blaring throughout the mansion, and that tall, lengthy, blue man appears, clock attached.**

Trepy: Hey, it's 1/2 of my favourite losers!
Bero: So true... wait a sec?

**Trepy jumps to the radio and blares the music.**

Enjin: Here we gooooooo on a ride with the new freestylers!
Trepy: Here we go, here we go!
Certox: The new freestylers!
Bero: Hey hold that beat, I’m the funky man you've yet to meet! My flavour tastes rhymes and the beat wont stop! I’m the kinda kid your parents won’t stop to adopt! In the first place I’m stupid, in the second place I don’t make haste! I’m a stooge for life who causes all strife! Back off of my brain! Wait, you cant when I’m already insane! I’m a freestyler! I’m the kinda yo you wanna know, and my nicks Bero!
Trepy: ...
Certox: ...
Enjin: ...
Certox: Wait a second, where is Teeny?
Trepy: Beats me, I think he went out for some chicken.
Enjin: He said he was going to a new club, only for the coolest kats.
Trepy: Teeny must be in danger! We can’t let him fall victim to countless rave drugs! We must save him...
Bero: When?
Trepy: In a minute or two.
Bero: Oh yeah! We goin' clubbin' tonight! Are we going to the Roxbury?

**Trepy and Certox look at each other**

Certox: Noooooo...
Certox/Trepy: Yeeeeeeees!!! Score!
Enjin: Hey, where is the missile that is supposed to be lodged in my head?!
Certox: And where is the N on my forehead?
Bero: In the centre!
Certox: OK, just checking.
Enjin: No joke! Where is my missile?
Trepy: Lodged in your head you fool.
Enjin: Oh OK--
N. Gin: Not ennymoor! Yoink!
Enjin: Ahhhhh!

**N. Gin stole his missile back and ran off.**

Enjin: Oh well... we ready for clubbin'?!
Certox: Of course, and we're going to the new club Aqualite!
Bero: Yeeeeeeeah!

**The idiots burst out the door, and about 30 minutes later, they show up at the Aqualite door.**

Certox: Let's go!
Bero: I hear ya!
Trepy: We're here baby!
Enjin: And we're styling with our killer bad guy grooves!
Trepy: Ahem...
Enjin: I mean good guy grooves!
Certox: Let's go!

**They all dash towards the club... to the end of the line. About 15 minutes later they get to the front of the line.**

Guard: Names please.
Certox: Er--uh...Cortex! Neo Cortex!
Trepy: Tropy! Nefarious Tropy!
Bero: Brio! Nitros Brio!
Guard: All right, go on in! Wait, I wasn’t talking to you! Name...
Enjin: Uh...N. Gin?
Guard: What do you think I'm stupid? Well I’m not stupid. Wait, are you implying that Im stupid? Come on in! Of course your name is N. Gin, you're with Cortex, Tropy, and Brio! Enjoy!!
Enjin: Oh--hehe! Heh... wheeeeeew... hold up guys!

**They all enter the club and hear "3 Kilos" by Prodigy playing. Then, they look across the dance floor, and high up above dancing solo on a platform, it's--**

Teeny: Meooooow!!!
Trepy/Bero/Enjin/Certox: TEENY!!!!

**They run across the dance floor, but get stuck half way through. The reason is because it's--**

Papu Papu: Watch it!! Lousy punks! Papu breakdance, no be near!! Go around...
Certox: And run the Boston Marathon? I think not, make way.
Papu: Papu feel gas coming...
Certox: We'll walk!

**The four idiots go alllll the way around Papu Papu, and meet up with their comrade Teeny.**

Trepy: Teeny, what are YOU doing?
Teeny: Meoooow.
Bero: Oh I dig ya! Time to get down now! Trepy, come on!

**Trepy and Enjin both run out onto the middle of the dance floor, and begin spinning on their heads like tops. Suddenly the DJ begins to speak over the intercom.**

DJ: Ladies and gentlemen, listen closely! We are holding a showdown in 5 minutes! Bring your best raps and rocks and the winner will receive $500!!
Certox: Hey, that is how much I need to buy the new "How To Be A Good Guy In 372 Easy Steps" by Crash Bandicoot! Let's go and tear up the competition!
Bero: I’m in, what about you Teeny?
Teeny: Meooooow!
Bero: All right! Hey DJ, hook us up with a phat beat!

**Certox, Bero, and Teeny rush up onto the stage and wait for the beat.**

Bero: Check mine! Dangerous time, its time!
Certox: We bring a heavy beat and we be dope, the dopest dopes around who haven’t smoked dope! Set us up and tear us down, what we don’t do, is mess around!
Bero: We'll knock you down, 1, 2, 3, just like a plow--So whatchoo got Teeny, a simple--
Teeny: Meoooow!!!

Trepy: Look, its Certox, Bero, and Teeny!
Enjin: They're... they're RAPPING!

Certox: We just turned good and we ain’t from the hood!
Bero: What we eat is just good food! One more time, let 'em hear it kat!
Teeny: Meooow--ow--ow, meeeeeeo-ow, meoow meoow meoow! Me--me--me-meoooooooow meoooow!!
DJ: Hold up, hold up! We already got ourselves a winner! You three, take this cash!
Certox/Bero: YES!!!
Teeny: Meooooow!!

**They grab the cash and jump off stage.**

DJ: Give a round of sound for the best good guys around--yo kats, what are your names?
Certox: Why uh, we're just--
Bero: The copy rats!
Teeny: Meoooow!

**The losers run out of the club and into the street.**

Certox: Friends, we really are good guys!
Bero: What is good?
Enjin: And we really are stupid guys!
Trepy: Hah!
Teeny: Meooooooooooooooooow!!!!

”Stupidity never dies, it just gets lost on the way to being smart!”
**Later that night at the Casa de Stupidity, Bero and Trepy were lounging around the Rat Mansion. Suddenly all the lights were flickering and they looked at each other.**

Certox: Hmm? What is going on?
Bero: I dunno...
Enjin: And you never do! Hah!

**Enjin cracks himself up, and Bero quietly thinks of a comeback, but simply finds himself empty headed... still. Enjin decides to leave the room before Bero thinks of something. He notices the garbage is full, so he takes it outside to put it in the garbage can.**

Trepy: Certox, the lights are going crazy, and so is everything electrical! They said on the news that the whole city of New York is going crazy, not to mention everywhere else in the world.

Certox: Hmmm... I shall go check the antennas.
Trepy: But we don’t have any...
Certox: Oh well.

**Certox then leaves out the back of the house in search of a ladder to get onto the roof.**

Bero: Hmmmm... dangit! My mind has gone blanker!
Trepy: Blanker?
Bero: I said blank.
Trepy: ...Ok?

**Suddenly everything blacks out.**

Bero: Yuh-oh...

**A loud whirling sound starts, and reaches a high tone until it is no longer. Silence is upon the mansion...**

Enjin: **whistling**
Certox: Ah, nothing is wrong with the antennas.
Enjin: But we don’t have any.
Certox: Oh well.
Enjin: Oh man, look at the house, all the lights are out.
Certox: Uh-oh, Bero might get lost in the basement like last blackout!

**Certox and Enjin run to the house, and run inside. They see nothing. Bero and Trepy are gone. (See "Out of Here, Scared of There" for more info)

Enjin: Where did they go?
Certox: I dunno, everyone in the house is gone.
Enjin: Including Bero and Trepy!
Certox: And... those other... things that... which are... OK, time to order my new "How To Be A Bad Guy in 372 Hard Steps" by Neo Cortex.
Enjin: But I thought you were going to order "How To Be A Good Guy In 372 Easy Steps" by Crash Bandicoot.
Certox: Oh, hehe, that is correct. Ill be... leaving now.
Enjin: Ok, see ya tomorrow. I’m gonna go pick Teeny up from the club. Later.

**Enjin heads out the door for club Aqualite, and Certox walks up stares and looks at his book brochure. He looks on Page 1, and sees the book by Neo Cortex. He looks on Page 2 and sees Crash Bandicoot's book. Both book's pictures are opposite each other on the pages.**

Certox: Hmmmm...

**Once he reaches the top of the stairs, he enters the 2nd floor den. Certox keeps his eyes fixed on the booklet for over three minutes. He looks left, and sees a book teaching him to be bad. He looks opposite of that and sees a book teaching him to be good.**

Certox: To be... or not to be.

**He picks up the cordless phones and holds his finger near the ON button.**

Certox: That is--uh, theeeeee uh...well it’s something anyways. I wanted to be bad, but I was good. Am I really evil?

**Certox looks upward with his eyes, and a dream sets upon him.**

Certox: Hmmmm...

**And before we know it, we see a young Certox, about 5 years old. It is Certox's dream...**

Certox: Heeheehawhawhaw!

~~Certox is standing on the roof top of his school. He holds up his right hand, and is holding a newspaper. The front page reads "Certox: Certainly Toxic!".~~

Certox: Heehee! I shall be the biggest baddy in this school! I wanna be just like this guy...Neo Cortex!!

~~He throws up the paper and runs to the very edge of the building. He looks out over the front lawn of the school.~~

Certox: 10 seconds!

~~The school bell rings, and Certox jumps up in anticipation.~~

Certox: Here we go!

~~We move back and see over 50 buckets lined up on the edge of the building. He holds a string, and with a simple pull, it will tip the buckets over, and the buckets contents fly all the way down to the ground.~~

Certox: Yaaaay!
Principal: I wouldn’t do that, young man.
Certox: Huh?!

~~Certox turns around and sees his principal standing about 5 feet away.~~

Principal: Not many students take 50 trays of lunch and steal 50 buckets from the janitor's closet. What do you have to say for yourself?
Certox: Uh... I... I didn't do it?

**Certox then opens his eyes and is back with the booklet and his phone.**

Certox: Uh... D’oh! Hmmm...

**Certox then begins to dream again...**

Teacher: You're darn right you didn't do it!

~~Certox is standing in front of his teacher's desk. He now appears to be about 10 years old.~~

Teacher: In fact, you have done one assignment this month!
Certox: Heh... my pencil broke?
Teacher: ABSURD! Go sit in the hallway!
Certox: " Absurd, go sit in--"
Teacher: Now!!

~~Certox drags a desk into the hallway and sits in it. He looks into the classroom across the hallway, then to his left, and finally to his right.~~

Certox: Heeheehee...

~~When he looks right, he sees something, what can we call it, perhaps funny. A foreign exchange student... all alone... lost.~~

Certox: Hah! Hey, hola!
Student: Ah, hola.
Certox: Tu... um, you lost? Lost?
Student: Lost? Si...
Certox: Well, follow me...

~~Certox jumps past his classroom, and leads the kid half way across the school. He stops at the fire drill lever.**

Certox: Mida. See? Pull this... pull down. It leads you to room.
Student: Oh... gracias!

~~The student walks up and as he puts his hand up on the level, Certox begins to smirk, not noticing the footsteps behind him.~~

Teacher: Ahe-hem! I suppose that fire alarm leads to a hidden classroom, just like it did all the other times, no?
Certox: Eh? Yuh oh! Um... I’m not—didn’t do—wasn’t me!

**The grown up Certox opens his eyes again**

Certox: **sigh**

**He then presses ON on the phone. He then reads the brochure. One side says "1-800-ICORTEX", while the other side says "1-800-BECRASH".**

Certox: Hmmmm...

**Certox then presses the OFF button on the phone, and begins to dream again. This time he is about 20 years old, backstage at a "Naughty Dog" speech. He was mistaken for Neo Cortex and invited inside Naughty Dog HQ. He is taken backstage, and given a sheet to read off of once he goes onstage. But when he gets there, he sees a nice shiny gold medallion hanging from a coat. Must be Mr. T's.**

Certox: So... tempting. Ah, what the hell!

~~Certox makes a mad dash for the medallion and trips onto the stage.~~

Mr. T: Fool!

~~Certox ran into Mr. T, and got a fist to the eye for it.~~

Certox: D’OH!

**The rest doesn’t matter, does it? Certox got his behind kicked by an icon.**

Certox: What the hell? I considered being a bad guy? I think I'll stick with being good for now.

**Certox throws down the booklet, and then begins to dial 1-800-BECRASH**

Certox: I’m such a dumb ass!
Enjin: Heeheee, I forgot my shoes.
Certox: I-uh, by I, I meant "you". Yeah you, because you forgot your shoe... s.
Enjin: But you saw me after you called yourself a dumb ass... stooge!
Certox: Bah!

**Certox throws Enjin's shoes at him, and slams the door shut. He calls the Crash book line, and orders a book.**

Certox: Ok now! A little good TV to lighten up my day.


Television- Hi! Welcome to the insult show! You are SUCH a stooge!


Certox: Ooh, I’m a big bad TV show host. You aren't talking NOW ARE YA?!!

**The TV comes back on**

Television: I repeat, you are SUCH a stooge! HAHAHA!!


Certox: Doooooooh...

**Well at least he's a good guy!**

”Next episode, we watch Enjin pick up Teeny from Aqualite. Sounds boring, eh? Well if you know idiots luck, you dont know anything yet!”
Enjin: Wait, where was I going?

*Enjin stands outside the mansion in utter confusion.*

Certox: You are going to pick up Teeny, you stooge!
Enjin: Argh! You're lucky I have this missile in my head or else I'd let out all my rage!!
Certox: N. Gin stole back his missile you stooge.
Enjin: D’OH...

*Enjin's voice echoes all throughout New York City. Minutes later Teeny shows up.*

Teeny: Meooow?
Certox: No, nobody is in trouble, Teeny, but this stooge Enjin was mad that I called him a stooge.
Teeny: MEAAAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Enjin: Grrr…
Certox: Hehehehehe!!!!!!
Teeny: MEAAAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Enjin: Grrr…
Certox: Hehehehehe!!!!!
Teeny: Meeeeowwww!!!!
Certox: Hahahaha!!!
Teeny: Meow!
Certox: Hmmm…!
Enjin: Meow…
Certox: Stooge!
Enjin: Grrr…
Certox: Hehehehehe!!!!!
Enjin: Screw you guys, I am... going inside.
Certox: Hahaha! We got him, Teeny.
Teeny: Meooow!

*Enjin walks in and slams the door. Certox is up on the second floor balcony looking at Teeny.*

Certox: Care for a game of Monopoly?
Teeny: Meooow.

*Teeny walks in, and the door to the house of idiots quietly closes.*

”Be here soon for the series finale to Copy Rats! While things are currently calm, you can expect them to go out with a bang! Literally that is. And good thing is, I finally get my pay! WOOHOO!!”

*You're such a dork!*

”I thought we finished this. The last guy got killed by you.”

*No, that was the old storyteller, **. As you can see, I am merely *. See what I mean?*

”Ah, I see. Well must you start something? I'll kick your behind you dumb little storyteller!”

*Ooh, think you're all big and bad because you're bold, huh? Well I'll beat you down in regular font, you queer boat narrator!*
”Oh it's on, puny font! Ryan, make sure I don’t get out of hand here!”

Man: ”What in the heck? I create a story just so you two can fight?”

”Hey, you're using my speech marks.”

*And who would you be?*

Man: “Hey, you made me up. I’m the guy in charge around here.”

”Oh, well you watch the fight, I gotta... go now... yeah.”

**Ryan throws the keyboard down and runs off.**

*Who on Earth are you?!*

**The guy whose job you stole!**

Ahahahaha! **, Would you like to join me in kicking *'s ass?

**My pleasure.**

*2 on 1 hardly seems a fair fight to me.*

^^Hi guys!^^

”What the hell...? Hey, uh, one star guy, who is this?”

*I wouldn't know, moron*.

”Why don’t you shut your mouth, stooge.”

*I've been called worse...*

”D’OH! Back to you, who the hell are you?”

^^Ah, would you recognize me as...^^ “THIS?!”^^

”Oh no... I thought I hid your body--er, got rid of you for good.”

^^”No, merely left me to die! Now I can use speech marks whenever I can, all” due to you! Now I “seek vengeance!”^^

Man: “Hey, this will be pretty good.”

*Hey new guy, wanna help me kick the new narrator and **'s ass?*

^^”I'm down with” that!^^

**You're on, man!**

^^”Yeah, I'll kick your ass any day, speech marks or no speech marks!”^^

Man: “Let's get it on! Oh wait a second - we can't do this now. How about we save this for the series finale. You all can pay for your hospital bills with your pay checks.”

*You have a point. Fine then, we wait...*

Man: “Well, looks like I do the outro.”

**Come back next week for the end and a fight.**

”Oh how lame!”

Man: “Don’t make me hurt you.”


Man: “That's what they all say.”

*********************************** Trepy and Bero have returned from their huge mission with Aku and others in "Out of Here, Scared Of There", so they are finally home again, and this is where we take place, immediately after Aku send them home.

Prelude to the End

**Trepy and Bero are transported back to Copy Mansion, where they rejoin a bored Enjin and Certox.**

Bero: I am NEVER playing that videogame, again, Trepy!!
Trepy: But it was not a gam--
Bero: NEVER! Nothing can change my mind.
Certox: Trepy, Bero! Where were you two?!
Bero: We were playing a stupid videogame!
Enjin: What?
Trepy: No, we were saving the worl--
Bero: A bad game at that! I am NEVER playing it again. Don’t even listen to what he says - it was horrible!!
Trepy: No, I tell you we were with Aku--
Certox: Sure, Trepy! Shall we all go play Monopoly?
Trepy: *sigh* Fine...
Enjin: Bero, lets go set it up.
Bero: Ok, and Ill tell you about that HORRIBLE videogame we played.
Certox: Now I need another $100 to pay for book 2 in Crash's "How To Be a Good Guy" series. Any ideas?

**Suddenly the phone rings.**

Certox: Yello?
Phone Man: Izzi bizzy oddy wow, woddy woddy zo, ind et fow wosh.(This is what Trepy hears)
Certox: Great, we'll be there tomorrow!
Trepy: Who was it?
Certox: A guy who offered us $100!!
Trepy: *sarcastic* Oh goody, how convienent... *sarcastic*
Certox: I sense a bit of sarcastic ness in your voice.
Trepy: Oh really? Where was it written?
Certox: Anyways, we have a meeting with NASA tomorrow, they want to talk with us about going to space.
Trepy: Oh really? Sounds neat. Do we really get to go to space?
Certox: He said so, but I don’t believe him.
Trepy: Why not?
Certox: He sounded sarcastic.
Trepy: Then are we really even going to meet NASA?
Certox: What, did I sound sarcastic when I said we're going to meet NASA? Jeez Trepy, what ancient mask warped you in here? Mr. Mighty and High.
Trepy: *sigh* Let us go play Monopoly...

**Certox and Trepy walk up stairs to meet Bero and Enjin for a good old game of Monopoly.**

Next time you see the copy rats will be the last, so anticipate it like a child birth!
Enjin: I'm sorry, Bero, but I’m kicking you out of this house.
Bero: What?! You cannot do this!!

**Bero stands up and throws a motel across the room.**

Bero: This game is worse than the one that Trepy made me play!
Bero: Oh suuuuuure, and I suppose that idiots George W. Bush won our presidency.
Certox: ...
Enjin: ...
Trepy: ...
Teeny: Meow?
Certox: What did Teeny just say?
Trepy: I don’t know, do I look like I speak cat?
Teeny: Meooow.
Trepy: You're right, we should stop fighting Teeny.
Certox: Wha--but--you--
Trepy: Come on, Certox, let's quit fighting.
Certox: OK. Hey Enjin, what time is it?
Enjin: Time for you to get a... uh, a time... time teller thingy--
Bero: A clock?
Enjin: Yeah, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, its 9 AM.
Certox: WHAT?!?! We have a meeting with NASA in 30 minutes!

**Trepy, Bero, and Enjin stare at each other in complete silence.**

Certox: What?
Bero: Are we, um, going to space?
Certox: I would guess so. So, yes, we are going to space.
Bero: And, uh, when did you plan to tell us?
Certox: Why would I need to do that?
Bero: Uh, yeah, you would. I have places to be and people to see, Certox. Did you ever think about that?
Certox: Huh?? You have never even left this house without us!
Bero: You don’t know that.
Certox: Have you ever been anywhere without us?
Bero: No, but that is beside the point, Certox.


Trepy: Oh come on, no need for that! He didn’t mean to offend you!
Enjin: Geez, give him some slack!
Certox: Ow! Fool!
Bero: Hehe, woops. You were supposed to smack ME right?


Trepy: Ah, some things never change.
Enjin: Tell me about it, I haven’t been out of this costume since that night Certox practiced his laugh.
Trepy: Being super heroes isn’t all its cracked up to be.
Enjin: *sigh* Shall we go walk the block and look for any crime?
Trepy: Sure, crime needs a butt whooping about now, its turning light out!

**Enjin and Trepy both jump up. Trepy picks up Teeny, and they walk outside.**

Certox: Wait for us!
Trepy: Good, you can help us look for the bad people.
Certox: And my "How To Be A Good Guy" books by Crash Bandicoot should be in the mail today. Goody...

**All four men walks onto Moore On St., and Certox opens the mailbox.**

Certox: WOOHOO!

**The four men then take a walk down the street to look for "crime".**

Bero: Look, that dog isn't on a leash!
Teeny: Meoooow!!
Trepy: Hah, now he is.
Certox: OK, shall we go to meet NASA now?
Enjin: Fine by me.

**The four men then leave for NASA HQ. They arrive at exactly 10:30 AM.**

Guard: Hold a second.
Bero: ...
Trepy: ...
Guard: Not literally! Wait a second, Are you those idiots--I mean, those astronauts we are waiting for?
Certox: Why yes, we are those idiots--I mean, those astronauts you are waiting for!
Guard: Go right on in then.

**All four men and Teeny walk into NASA HQ. They enter the first main room, the size of a warehouse, and see all kinds of weird aliens walking around!**

Bero: Look, it is a costume party!
Enjin: Then we shall fit right in!
Zee: Yes, heh, you shall. Right this way you four...
Teeny: Meooow!!
Zee: Uh, you five...

**All five follow then NASA manager, Zee, into a secret room.**

Zee: You 5 are going to space, 'Nuff said. We assume you know what you're doing, so good luck.
Certox: But when do we go to space?
Zee: This room will take off right when I walk out.
Trepy: Wow...

**Zee walks out of the room, and walks over to two more men.**

Zee: Both, they sure are stupid. How much is the government paying us to get rid of these super villains, again?
Jay: Enough that we can retire!
Kay: Didn’t they pester you with questions?
Zee: Nope! HAHAHAHA!!
Jay: Heh, heh, heheAHAHAHA!

**Back in the idiots room**

Bero: So we're leaving for space?
Certox: Looks like it...
Enjin: Where are we going?
Certox: To space.
Enjin: Oh OK! Hey, I think we're taking off...!

**The room begins to move and in minutes they are in space.**

Certox: So this is space, eh?
Trepy: Hey, we're heading for the sun, and really fast!


Trepy: Well looks like we changed course somehow!
Bero: Ooowwww!
Trepy: HAHAHA!
Teeny: Meooow!
Bero: Uh-oh, we're about to land on this weird purple planet.
Certox: D’OH?

**BANG. The 5 then break their way out of the ship, and step out onto a purple street in a small little city.**

Enjin: This place looks familiar.
Civilian: Hi, welcome to Bandonia!
Certox: ...
Trepy: ...
Enjin: ...
Bero: Dot, dot, dot.
Teeny: ?

**The five idiots somehow managed to land on the space bandicoot planet, Bandonia, which is host to many space bandicoots, as well numerous super heroes from Earth, such as The 3 Kings, Drone, Changarang, and others.**

Certox: How... odd?
Bero: Anybody up for some "Space Rat"?
Trepy: What?!
Enjin: That restaurant says Space Rat on the sign outside.
Certox: I’m all for that... I suppose.
Trepy: Teeny?
Teeny: Meoooow...
Enjin: What?
Teeny: I said, Meoooow...

**The 5 idiots then walk into the restaurant titled Space Rat, and they may not know it, but in the years to come, they will be quite accompanied with it, and the planet Bandonia in general. They have found a new home, where they can for once fit in and call themselves real super heroes, no longer merely "Copy Rats".**

”Well it is over, everyone, and I must say it was fun. Thanks for the support everyone over the past 4 months. Especially Rex, Goku, Crystal, Saskia and others who helped me get the courage to write!

**What about the main event fight between me and *?**

”Just a joke my friend! Anyways, the Copy Rats finally reached a place where they belong. In life, nothing is different. We all belong somewhere. Anyways, remember their motto, "Stupidity never dies, it just gets lost"! Good luck with your writing everyone, and I hope to make you all laugh sometime soon!

”-The Y himself,

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