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The sun began to set peacefully over the whole of this mystical paradise, like a fantasy fiction world - trees, hills, a clear gorgeous dark sky, speckled with shiny white stars. Crash World was all fully set up and beautiful in all its wonder... Thanks to its occupants.

And speaking of which, two of them came running over from the horizon. Laughing happily as they play. These two were Shazi and Smidgey, enjoying a small game of "Tag Ball", although it would be quite hard. Seeing as how they had no arms. Only legs. Four legs to be exact... Yes. Four fuzzy furry legs... Shazi laughed as she then tossed the ball high up in the air and towards Smidgey. Hoping it would touch him. But she was wrong, it only hurled over his head, as he ducked.

Smidgey: [Laughs] Heh! Nice try girl! Why don't you try again?
Shazi: [Frowns] Can't you at least hold still for me though?
Smidgey: Heheh! What’s the point in calling it "Tag Ball" if we're supposed to stand still? Try again!! [Smiles]
Shazi: Who's we're? There’s only TWO of us!!
Smidgey: [Runs past her] Sorry mate! You just gotta try harder!

Shazi frowned and stuck out her white paw in front of her, tapping at the solid bouncy ball that sat before her. Funny to believe she thought with a sigh. That only a few days ago, she was just a normal human being typing busily away on her computer. To suddenly find herself transported here without so much as an explanation. And to find that she is now part of the "Crash Tigers" group. To protect all of Crash World, and what contains it. And not only transported to a strange world... A new dimension... But to look like this... She sighed as she stared into a small puddle created by the rain that came earlier. What looked at her back first amazed her when she first saw it a few days ago. A creamy orange Vixen, with a white fur under her belly and tail, a golden earring on her left pointy black tipped ear. She laughed to herself once about it. "Heh! Whoever heard of a fox with an earring??" She thought to herself one. Hmmm. Whoever created this world must have had a funny sense of humour... And at first, she felt disturbed. Disturbed that so much has changed. That she also has these strange new powers inside her... But she wasn't alone. It seemed Smidgey was also transported to this world too!! A Fox, now just like herself. Or as they are referred as "Tiger Foxes" He has smallish horns on his head, Orange fur, and a white tipped tail. Horns you say? Don't ask she thought. This had already told her that her kind were no ordinary Foxes... We were all quite different, especially with strange powers, some the same as others... Shazi looked into the puddle again. She looked more of a mythological creature. But of course... After a while it wasn't long before she and the rest of the others got used to themselves and their strange new powers...

Smidgey: [Calling out] HEY SHAZI?? You gonna continue with the game or not?
Shazi: Huh? [Snaps out of the daydream] Oh... Yeah!

She smiled as she then flipped the ball up high into the air. Smidgey got ready to run again. With all her might, Shazi then smashed the ball hard with her tail. A little too hard to be precise, as it again hurled too high into the air, and straight over Smidgey's head as he ran, then landed deep into the entrance of the forest they were playing nearby... And to what came after was an angry cry...

Voice: YEEOOUCHH!! [Growls] Hey!! Who threw that??
Shazi: [Winces] Oops...

Another Fox soon walked out from the clearing. His dark reddish/Orange fur glistened and stood out clearly, as was his recognisable Black mane, which draped over his head, like a Lion’s. Strange though... No horns... He growled angrily as he then pointed with his black paw at the small ball that lay out in front of him.

Red Fox: [Crossly] I said... Who threw that???
Smidgey: [Smiles] Goku?? Is that you? Heheh! I thought I could recognise your trademark mane!!
Goku: I was just catching some z's when THIS thing bopped me on the noggin!! [Points to the ball] Besides guys! Its midnight! Shouldn't you all be asleep by now?
Shazi: Sorry Goku! We were just playing a little game of "Ball Tag" [Smiles] Say. Don't you wanna play?
Goku: Oh, I'm too tired Shazi!! I just wanna...
Voice: HEY THERE!! What’s up?

All three Tiger Foxes then looked up in surprise to see another smiling down at them. Her light brown fur glistened wildly amidst the moonlight as did the golden amulet around her neck. And sitting atop her shoulder, a large Golden Brown Eagle, with silver wings, smiled as she also looked down on the group. Then with the flapping of her strong wings she soon swooped down lower to perch herself on another nearby branch whilst the light brown Tiger Vixen jumped down to join the group... They recognised her almost at once...

Goku: Hey! If it isn't Cherie!! [Smiles]
Shazi: And...[Looks up at the smiling Eagle] Kiorie!! Our Ferimale Eagle!
Cherie: Hi guys what’s up! [Smiles greetingly] What are you doing up so late?
Smidgey: Same question we were going to ask you!
Kiorie: [Calls down] Well, we heard a yowl and both came to investigate.
Goku: Oh? That was me...[Frowns at Shazi] Because some people were playing a certain game of Tag Ball!!
Shazi: What?
Cherie: Tag Ball?? COOL!! Say, could I play??
Smidgey: Yeah sure!! The game was kinda getting boring anyway with only the two of us!
Goku: Oh boy… [Sighs shaking his head]
Cherie: Cool!! Say, we should call round Crashcrazed, Coco and Turkey!! See if they wanna play?
Goku: [Sighs] No. They're probably still all asleep in their *Sigh* nice, warm beds right now. Which is where I'd like to be if you don't mind!
Shazi: Well it’s a good thing some of us are up! We'd get a chance to keep an eye on Crash World. Just the way Jeff had assigned us to do!
Kiorie: [Swoops down beside Shazi] Yeah but, who ever heard of mixing work with play! [Smiles]
Shazi: True, true. But we have to keep an eye out for the SPAMMER GROUP! [Growls] Especially their leader The Rock and Briggster! Ever since we came to Crash World, all was fine until those guys showed up! A lot has changed here now, and ever since those Spammers came, they've been trouble ever since!!
Kiorie: Hmm. That’s true! Crash World was nearly destroyed thanks to them! And they're STILL lurking about!
Cherie: Yeah! But we'll be ready for them! [Smiles]
Goku: Yeah. [Sighs] It seemed like only yesterday we had to fight for Crash World's survival! Sheesh! Why I'm still carrying some of those battle scars. [Smiles proudly]
Smidgey: As did many others. Man! That was one battle we'll never forget!
Kiorie: Yeah, but we all pulled through didn't we?
Shazi: Yes! Our teamwork and determination pulled us through! [Looks up to the stars] We just have to be careful! Like Kiorie said. Those spammers are still lurking about!
Cherie: [Worried] Er... G... Guys!

The others turned around to see a rather startled Cherie as she shook off her necklace from her neck straight on to the floor. They all then looked at it in confusion as the pendant within it began to glow a fiery red colour.

Goku: What happened?
Cherie: I dunno!! It just started to GLOW around my neck! I've never seen it do that before! But... [Gasps] Oh no… I know what that means!
Smidgey: [Anxiously] What?
Cherie: Jeff... Jeff has called a meeting for ALL of us!
Shazi: Well… [Looks at the glowing ammulet] By the looks of it I'd say it looks urgent! VERY urgent!
Goku: Then we got no time to lose! C'mon!! We're off to the Akuman Temple!! Where we hold all meetings!!

At the temple…

Goku: Well, everyone is here, except, I think someone is missing.
Crashcrazed: Seems to be Papu Papu.

Everyone glances over to see the black furred Papu Papu, his red eyes shut, wings wrapped around to keep cosy. Smidgey takes a bell and rings it in his ear.

Papu Papu: AHHHHHH!! Oh, wha? Did you need me?
Shazi: No, but it would be nice if you came along, Jeff needs us in Akuman Palace.

Papu Papu gasps in terror. He remembers he almost got killed there.

Papu Papu: You're all nuts!
Leo: We know, heh heh.

Everyone arrives at Akuman palace.

Jeff: Greetings friends.

Papu Papu: Make this quick, I wanna get back to that wonderful dream I was having.
Jeff: You won't go back soon, Briggster and The Rock are planning to attack again.
Daniel: This'll be great.
Kiorie: WILL NOT!
Jeff: Either way, you must fight. Go now - I want a surprise attack. They won't be expecting a battle at 12:54 in the morning.
All: Okay...

When the group heads to the lair of The Rock and Briggy until they hear a voice that seems to be talking to itself…

Voice: What? Who are the spammers? This better be important! For some reason, I think I shall eat you!

Everyone sees a dark blue eagle talking to a cockroach. He also has a crown on his head.

Shazi: Who are you?
Eagle: Oh, my gosh! First talking insects, now this!
Shazi: You can talk to bugs?
Eagle: You can't? What? I am an eagle? Oh, yeah! I forgot about those wings! By the way, I'm Aku Aku, one of Jeff's trusty advisors! I am the only one who knows what the spammers are thinking. Now to eat!

Aku Aku turns into a huge monster and everyone calls it an alter ego. Aku Aku swallows the bug and he changed back.
Kiorie: That must be his power!
Coco: Yeah, well, um, can you tell us which way to Briggster and The Rock's lair?
Kiorie: I don't remember him being that bad.

(Aku Aku runs away).

Papu Papu, Shazi, and Smidgey: There's the palace.
Voice: Yes, welcome victims, back for more?
Goku: Huh? THE ROCK!!!!!!
Papu Papu: I should have known he'd be here!!
Shazi: And Briggster's here too!!

Two giant wolf creatures with horns come out of the cave!!! Each smile wickedly at Shazi and her friends!! The Rock, the leader, is speaking some weird language!!

Goku: Gah!!! What a retard!!! (Everyone starts laughing, even Briggster)
Shazi: Not today Rock, we are here to get rid of you!!
Kiorie: That's right!!! Say hello to the unstoppable duos!!!!
Smidgey & Coco: Say hello to Smidgey and Coco, the perfect pair to kick your ass!!
Kiorie & Goku: Say hello to Kiorie and Goku, WE GOTTA POWER!!!!!!
Shazi & Cherie: Say hello to Shazi and Cherie, we are your worst nightmares!!!!!!!
Shazi: Almost as pathetic as your attacks on us!!! Our combined strength is enough to put you down once and for all!!! GET READY!!!!
Shazi: SHAZI, keeper of peace, justice, and all that is good at CrashCorner!!!!
Kiorie: KIORIE, strong, fast, and ready to kick your butt!!
Smidgey: SMIDGEY, to take revenge on The Rock for abusing me, and it won't be pretty!!!
Coco: COCO, to defend what is right and my Smidgey!!! Together, Smidgey and I will make you PAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!
Goku: GOKU, ally to good, nightmare to you!!!
Cherie: CHERIE, relentless and bold!! We will not let some burnt out wrestler take the forum without a fight!!!
Papu Papu: PAPU PAPU, anyone who meets me has got a date with his maker!!!!
Shazi: YYYEEEAAHHHH!!! We're making The Rock and Briggster really nervous now!!
Cherie: I think they just wet their fur!!
Briggster: Duh… hey… uh... Rock!! Da they gonna get us!!
Shazi: All right!!! ATTACK EVERYONE!!!!!!!
Goku: POWER UP!!!!!!!
Kiorie: I read you loud and clear!!!

Thunder cracked heavily from above the tall lair of the Spammer group... The Tiger Clan (Tiger Wolves) snarled angrily as Briggster, and The Rock snapped angrily and wickedly as they then encircled the group... Briggster then let out a loud piercing howl, which nearly drove everyone insane as they did their best to cover their ears... The Rock laughed, as his minions, and Briggsters then came running from behind, and joined the circle, sneering at the Clan.

The Rock: [At the Clan, his deep voice boomed] Looks like the odds are now even!! [Turns his attentions towards Briggster who is still howling] BRIGGSTER YOU JABRONI!! SHUT UP!! [Kicks him in the face]
Briggster: YEEEOOWW~**AAAGGHH!!** [Rubs his muzzle with a groan] S… s… sorry Rock!! Heheh!

The two wolves and their group then sneered and growled as their attentions then turned towards Goku and the others... Of course, the Clan wasn't still complete. Goku, Smidgey, Coco, Cherie, Kiorie, Papu Papu, and Shazi could only growl and snarl and brace themselves, ready for the fight...

Shazi: [Thinking to herself] Ohhh Crashcrazed, Daniel!! Silly!! Where are you all??
Goku: [To Smidgey] Sheesh! You think the others would be here by now!! Didn't Jeff tell them?
Smidgey: [Worried] But they weren't here at the meeting!! Something’s wrong here, and I don't like it!
Papu Papu: [Growls] I'll say!! That creep Rock almost killed me at the temple...
Cherie: He almost killed everyone! He had destroyed the temple once. Only then did we rebuild it! [Sighs] Looks like he’s come back again!
Kiorie: [Swoops down and perches on to Shazi's shoulder] Sheesh! When will that creep give up?
Shazi: [Growls low under her breath] I dunno Kiorie! [Smiles to her] But it would be a great help if you could change into Tiger form!! Could ya? [Winks]
Kiorie: Hey there sure thing!

Kiorie then screeches, and through her silver wings she emits a large beam of light that covers her whole body. The Clan as well as the Spammer group look away from the bright light, only to look and see what was once a Ferimale Eagle, but now a Tiger Fox, just like themselves, her purple eyes glistened, as well as her amazing unique dark blue wings, her aquamarine fur, her dark blue tipped ears. And the beautiful jewel that was embedded on her muzzle...

Shazi: [Smiles] That’s better!!

Kiorie in her new form then smiled as she re entered the Clan as her other form. However, they all frowned as Briggster and The Rock, and their minions strangely had their backs towards them. All huddled together as they were devising a plan...

Briggster: [To The Rock] Geez!! Another one who has a jewel!! What do we do boss??
The Rock: [Angrily] QUIET!!! The Rock has spoken!! We all know that the energy beyond the Tiger’s powers lie beyond the stones within them... [Looks at Kiorie] …like that one over there… [Then looks at Cherie] …as well as that one! She has one tied round her neck!
Briggster: Yeah yeah! We all know each and everyone of them all have a jewel inside them or they wear.

And both were right! Many of the Foxes that first came here, didn't even know their true powers or importance here. Yet within each and every fox and vixen of Crash World, there is a crystal inside them, or around them like an amulet, which signifies their importance of power, majesty and role of this world... Of course, many of them still don't know they have one... Yet... And it seemed, that The Rock is after them all, but for what?

The Rock: [To Briggster] I want each and everyone of those crystals that lie within or around those Tigers!!! [Growls] I WANT THEM NOW!!!
Briggster: Yes boss!! All right!! [Calls out to his minions] You heard da ROCK!! ATTACK!!
Goku: Attack??

The Tiger clan, completely oblivious to The Rock's plan perk up as Nitros Oxides, Dudeman_2000, Bobbyjoe, and the rest of Briggster’s and The Rock's minions began to circle round closely towards the group....

Coco: Ohhhh!! [Growls] When I get my hands on Briggster... That little WEASEL!! I'll...
Goku: WAIT!! [Puts his paw over her mouth lightly] What’s that sound??

Their is a LOUDER crackle of lighting and thunder as the storm high above the lair gets louder and louder, dramatising the upcoming battle. But everyone knew, that somehow, this wouldn't be the end.

Smidgey: Ohhhh!! Where ARE the others?? [Looks around] We can't start the battle without them!!
Shazi: I don't think they'll be able to come Smidgey! [Sighs sadly] Man, if only it didn't have to come to this...
Coco: [Frowns] What do you mean?
Shazi: We should at least try to reason with the spammers. This feud can't go on forever. [Growls angrily at The Rock] However with The Rock I'll make an acception. [Snarls] Especially after what he’s done to my friends...
Goku: What?? HUH?

The Tigers, as well as The Rock then looked over as two new figures entered the lair from behind... Daniel grinned as his sharp fast horns glistened in the darkness, as well as his thick dark purple coat. And the vixen from behind him... Her golden yellow fur, her white tipped ears and tail... Her proud smile... Crashcrazed. The two foxes then joined the group, poised and ready for action, snarling at the spammer group as the only looked at them with shock and confusion.

Cherie: [Happily] Crashcrazed!!! Boy!! Am I glad to see you!! We all thought something bad happened to you all!!
Goku: [Coughs in surprise at Daniel] Ummm... You two were kinda running it a little late weren't you?
Crashcrazed: Sorry! We were too late to come to the meeting at Akuman Temple, when you guys had already left! But Jeff informed us of this battle!!

Daniel then snarled furiously, as his gaze then focused on The Rock's eyes and tall huge dark Lion maned body...

Daniel: [A growl in his deep voice] And I wouldn't miss it for the WORLD!!!!
Briggster: Which crystal shall we take first? How about those three?

Biggster points to Papu Papu, Shazi, and Smidgey.
Voice: Hey, dumbbell, someone's missing!

Silly steps out from behind the castle.
Papu Papu: The clan's all here!
The Rock: Who cares?

The Rock takes Papu Papu's crystal, and drags Papu into the lair.

Briggster: WHO'S NEXT!?
Leo: ME!
Shazi: Huh?
Leo: Yes, they can take me, kill me, smash me to pieces, but I'm going to die a proud fox!
Briggster: OKAY!
Leo: GULP!

In a matter of time, Smidgey, Leo, and Crashcrazed are dragged into The Rock's lair.

Papu Papu: What are we going to do?
Smidgey: The others will save us.

All see Daniel and Coco being dragged in.

Smidgey: Well, hopefully.
Daniel: This will be bad.
Briggster: What? A bird wearing a hat?
Aku Aku: This will make you take me instead! (pulls his hat off)
Shazi: That's why he's after us! He wants some jewels that lie within us!
Cherie: We gotta get outta here!

Everyone runs away. Briggster, knowing The Rock is going to kill him, screams like a girl.

The Rock: I knew it all along! Your jewels will give me ultimate power!
Daniel: Jewels?
The Rock: All I need is six, but with all of them I shall gain ultimate power!

Soon all the Tyger Foxes are in cages in groups of six.

The Rock: Briggster, take that ugly sixsome to be the master power source!

Briggster grabs Shazi, Smidgey, Papu Papu, Crashcrazed, Viva, and Leo.

Papu Papu: Great! Do we get paid?
Briggster: GRRRRR!!!!
Papu Papu: Guess not.


Kiorie: You have the same power as me?
Aku Aku: Nah, this is a disguise.

Aku Aku rips out of the eagle disguise and reveals a black Tiger fox with a torn left ear, and a scar on the cheek.
Kiorie: What happened to you?
Aku Aku: Briggy attacked me and bit my ear off. He also drove a knife across my cheek. I've been in a disguise ever since.
Briggster: Well, I'm gonna kill you again!
Aku Aku: Aku Aku digivolve to...
Kiorie: Knock it off!
Kiorie: You didn't change!
Aku Aku: Now I'm going to use my jewel's power to get us outta here!

Twenty hours later...

Kiorie: So, Aku Aku's jewel was the only one that was on at the time?
Jeff: Is that your final answer?
Kiorie: Men!

Aku Aku is standing guard and he sees The Rock and his minions including Briggy.

Briggster: I regret being called Briggy!
Aku Aku: (talking) Uh oh! (yelling) AR AR AAAARRRRROOOOOOOO!
Kiorie: Disaster warning!
Shazi: Someone isn't here!
Goku: I escaped! I'll save you! BA BA BA BA!

2 minutes later in the cage.

Goku: Rule: Never be so confindent.
Papu Papu: I hear ya.
Smidgey: So what's he gonna do with us.
Viva: I'm not sure I want to know...
Goku: I don't know what's going to happen... but there may be a way to escape from this cage!
Papu Papu: How!?
Goku: Simple... I do it the same way I did it last time!
Viva: Which is…?
Goku: I blast out of here!!
Papu Papu: How can you do that!?
Goku: Simple! Watch!! KKKKAAAIIIOOOOKKKEEENN!!!!!!!

Goku begins to light up, and flies upwards to push on the cage!! He pushes as hard as he could!!

Goku: These bars are tough!!
Papu Papu: It's hopeless!!
Viva: Give up Goku - you know it's too hard to break open the bars!!
Goku: No it isn't!! KKKAAAIIOOOKKKEEN times 3!!!

Now, Goku lights up even more!! The bars are now broken!! Papu Papu, Shazi, and Viva escape from the cage!!

Shazi: Good job Goku!! That was great!!
Goku: Now we gotta go save the others!!
Papu Papu: Do you think we can do it??
Goku: With our combined strength, we can defeat The Rock and Briggster!! It'll be a long battle, but we shall prevail!!!
Shazi: Follow me!! I know where the others are!!
Goku: We'll cover you!!
Viva: Right... let's go!!!

They venture further into The Rock's lair!! They then see Smidgey, Crashcrazed, Cherie, Kiorie, and Coco surrounded by The Rock's dark minions!!

Viva: Hey... isn't that Cyber Crash and Superunknown! Why are they attacking our friends!?
Goku: Gah!! The Rock now controls them!!!
Shazi: No… it's a trick!!!! That is NOT the real Superunknown or Cyber Crash!! The Rock is trying to trick them!! He and Briggster are using disguises to make our friends not fight them!!
Papu Papu: Rock, time to put an end to your wrath.
Shazi: Once and for all.
Goku: There shall be peace in Crashworld.
Viva: So let's get this show on the road.
The Rock: Huh? How'd you? Okay, this will be a bloody battle.

The Rock slashes Papu, knocking him unconscious. Briggster kicks Viva, sending her into dreamland. Spam-O-Matic punches Goku, that's the end of him for now. The fake Superunknown slaps Shazi, bye bye Shazi.

Briggster: That's what they got for being foolish.
Leo: It won't be that bad! They'll be back up.
Silly: I don't know, not one of the four are breathing.

(Briggster looks out toward the unconscious 4 tiger foxes.)

Briggster: Well, it seems we took care of them...(looks toward the others) Now boys, for these ones....

(A voice is heard in the distance, and it sounds like a scream)

Cait: AAAAAIIIIEEEEE!!!! (unsheathes her claws, and slashes Briggster on the snout. She spins her arms around, and a gold drop of water hits the ground, making it ripple)
Briggster: OOOW!!! You…
The Rock: What's that jabroni cat doing?!

(Leo and Silly look up to see a huge Phoenix in the air, with a ring of rainbow light around it)

Cait: C'mon Phoenix, do yer stuff!

(A blaze of fire heads straight for the evil Tiger foxes, and a flash of light blinds them. The Phoenix disappears, and the 4 unconscious Tiger foxes come back to life)

Cait: (lands cat-like on her feet to see if they're all right) Are you guys OK?
Shazi: Somewhat... I guess...
Viva: I'm OK!
Smidgey: Me too...
Goku: Never felt better!
Cait: Now, let's say we take care of these jerks?
Goku: I'm ready when you are, Cait!

Thunder crashes above Crashworld. The Tiger Foxes are in the middle of their bloody battle, and are loosing.

Smidgey: Nooooooo, this isn't happening!
Papu Papu: I hate this place more than Akuman Temple.
Aku Aku: At least I'll die in honour with the Tiger Foxes.
Smidgey: I never thought this would happen, but we will be doomed forever.
Shazi: Ever since I became a Tiger Fox you guys have been like family, it's time for us to go now.

Papu gets up, looking angrier than a Tiger Fox has even been. He points a paw at The Rock, balancing on three legs.

Papu Papu: YOU! You did this! If we die you won't get away with it, WE WILL FIGHT TO THE FINISH AND NO FILTHY HALF-WIT IS GOING TO DEFEAT THE TIGER FOXES!

Four giant Foxes come out from behind the bushes, all have some characteristic of each normal Tiger Fox. They are Matt, Bobjoe, Master Crash, and Hugh.

Bobjoe: Citizens, I have an announcement, today is KICK-ASS day, so let's kick ass.

Time passed, and the Tiger Foxes were fighting The Rock, Briggster, and the other team of spammers... It didn't seem good. Well, for Cait, that is...

Cait: (stares at her fingerless-gloved hands in disbelief) Look at them... They're tearing the living daylights out of the Tyger Foxes... They're all down... I gotta help... I just GOTTA... (clenches her fist, and tears through toward the evil clan)
The Rock: Oh ho ho! Look at what the little jabroni gypsy cat dragged in!

(Briggster lowers his head to her)

Briggster: And how are YOU gonna defeat ALL of us spammers, a widdle kitty cat like you? Huh?!
Cait: (looks toward all of her hurt friends, and looks at the spammers in anger) Maybe I can't defeat ALL of you... (blue water bubbles form in her spotted paw) but, I can save my friends from you! TIDAL WAVE!!!

The bubbles form, as she disappears. A snake-like serpent forms from the bubbles, and casts a big, tidal wave over the evil clan of Tiger Foxes, washing them away temporarily. Cait reappears, and goes over to her injured friends, all staring weakly at her...

Shazi: Cait... saved us... (starts crying) I'm glad you came... I really am...
Goku: But they can come back! At any time!
Cait: (sees the evil Tiger foxes getting up slowly) I'm gonna do something to help you all...

She swished her paws around, making little, glowing stars. She started chanting, and all the other Tiger foxes stared at her as the calico gypsy cat weaved her spell...

Cait: Heaven's Spirit!

All the stars fell on top of them, and they get rejuvenated, and are back on their feet.

Shazi: I'm as good as new!
Goku: Better and badder than before!
Smidgey: Let's bring these jerks down NOW!!!
Cherie: I feel good! Thanks a lot!

All the others get in a fighting stance, at the charging Tiger Foxes coming their way...

Cait: Let's give them all we've got! I hope this works...

All of the sudden, The Rock disappears.

Cait: Where'd he go?
Goku: I have no idea.
Shazi: Well, for now, would you like to see our home Aku and Cait? Maybe even live there.
Aku Aku: OKAY!

Back at the Tiger Fox's home…

Papu Papu: Our house, it's gone.

Papu's eyes glow, they're purple glow is like a dim flashlight.

Cherie: Thanks, that's handy, but still, I don't see anyone.

That morning....

Kiorie: We'll never sleep peacefully again.
Master Crash: I've had it up to HERE with The Rock.
Viva: Guys, I think we lost....

Jeff sighed sadly as he stared into the small glacier ice pool, which sparkled back to him - his shadowed unrecognisable black figure, horns from his head, much larger than any other Tiger Wolfs head, stood tall on his head like a crown of a king. But he wasn't a king. He was a wise god. But then, not exactly a god but more of a fatherly figure when you needed advice... And he has NEVER been seen... All any Tiger Wolf could do when walking inside the Akuman temple would see, the long marbled walkways and pillars that helped to hold up the ceiling. The temple was like a Greek temple. Where you could worship Zeus or Athena. But this wasn't meant to be a Greek temple. It HAD been destroyed once. But with the help of Jeff and the rest of the others, Goku, Papu Papu, Daniel, Crashcrazed, Coco, Smidgey, Kiorie, Cherie, Charmander... and the rest of the Tigers. They helped restore Akumen to its natural wonders. But when ever a Tiger felt alone, or afraid. Or needed advice. Jeff would be the one to turn to. But you would have to go see him yourself, for he never came out of the small cave with stood at the very end of the darkened temple. You would simply walk up to the steps and sit there, as Jeff's wise calm words would echo from the cave and give you advice... And all you could see looking back at you were his warm white glowing eyes. And yet... when will Jeff finally reveal himself? It could be a long while. He liked to remain unknown... The tall temple was also like a shrine. In the memory of those who had long gone... But were a legend to the Tigers... Jeff sighed again and looked deep into the small glacier ice pool. It acted like a crystal ball to him. The Tigers were in the picture. They lay fast asleep inside a small damp cave far from the Akumen temple, all huddled together to keep themselves warm. Yet some of them were asleep all by themselves. Jeff smiled, as he wandered up to the exit of his cave, which led up to the highly lit large hall of the temple. His pure eyes looked down the stairs, which led up to him. And he then looked up and over to the walls on the right of him... small round disks. What looked like mystery disks, hung up on the walls one by one. Jeff sighed as he read them all. Each one of them with a specific unique symbol...

Jeff: [Looks over at them with a sigh, his voice deep and fatherly] Ah yes, the memory disks. Oh how I miss you all guys too! Buck Wildcat, Premheart, Muffo, T-Man...You were like... a family... to me! Until The Rock discovered the crystals inside you and managed to take them away from you!! [Growls angrily] And now you're all gone!!

And sure enough the stone circles were memory disks. In memory of those who had long gone from Crash World... Jeff sighed and again re-entered his cave, looking back into the crystal glacier pool. Smiling as his eyes. Which of his blackened out figure all you can see, glistened purely at the sleeping Tigers as they lay... He then stretched with a yawn and settled himself down to sleep. He closed his white eyes as he smiled again...

Jeff: [Thinks] But now... I have a new family... a STRONG family... And I'm proud of them all!!

And he soon fell asleep as they echoes of thunder and lightening cracked high above the temple, and into the skies...

Goku: We're gonna die out here.
Kiorie: NO! We've been through this before! We're going to see this through together.
Shazi: Take shelter in Akuman!
Jeff: Ah, my Tigers have another idea!
Viva: We're safe for now.
Papu Papu: We're only safe for now! If that jabroni disappears suddenly, he can reappear suddenly.
Voice: Right you are!
Crashcrazed: BRIGGSTER!
Charmander: THE ROCK!

Papu Papu dashed at them angrily. Crashcrazed followed. Then Cherie. Charmander. Goku. Cherie. Soon all the Tigers were heading towards "TEAM BRIGGROCK".

Viva: We won't have this.
Kiorie: Leave this land alone.
Jeff: Yes, GO GO!

Just then, the Tiger Wolves hear rattling in a bush. No one has an explanation, except the youngest, Aku Aku.

Aku Aku: After that meteor hit me, and a rift in time and space opened, I recalled someone following me... but who?
Shazi: Will you stop daydreaming and fight?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

She then runs away making a wierd 'ziggy' sound.

Aku Aku: That's it! Thanks Shazi!
Voice: Is that you, great owner?
Aku Aku: Ziggy?
Voice: Joel?
Aku Aku: It's Aku Aku now.
Smidgey: I think he's gone cuckoo.
Coco: Who?
Smidgey: Aku Aku.
Coco: Yeah, I always thought people were mean to him for a crazy reason like that.
Voice: Don't insult my OWNER!!!!!!!

A human being jumps out of a bush and pounces at Coco and Smidgey.

Aku Aku: Ziggy, STOP!!!!

Human: Well, guess I better tell everyone how I got here. Wait, I can speak!
Aku Aku: I would like you guys to meet my former pet cat, Ziggy! Now we are to call him Ziggster.
Briggster: (sobbing) He named his cat after me!(whezes)
Ziggster: I accidently got sucked into the rift and ended up here in a caveman suit.
Jeff: One more member!

A beam hits Briggster and the spam group but the rock dodges.

Briggster: ENERGY DRAIN!

His attack hits everyone except Aku and Papu. Ziggster is just paralysed.

Aku Aku: No! Papu Papu and I remain, and what am I supposed to do? Wait! My energy is rising! I'm morphing, but into what?

Just then he morphs into a tiger on his hind legs.

Every member of the spam group goes down.

Aku Aku: Your reign is over, Rock!

He uses all his energy to revive his friends. He morphed back into his Tiger wolf form, then fainted.

Aku Aku: Papu, please, don't be sad. I am showing how much I love my friends by sacrificing myself to save them.
Papu Papu: But, why?
Aku Aku: That's what friends do. Unh!

Papu Papu thinks one of his greatest friends has died. He vaporizes and goes to the heavens.

Jeff: (notices his adviser has died) OH MY GOSH! NOT AKU AKU! Please, give him a chance. Send him back down.
Boss God: As you wish, one more chance for this idiotic piece of garbage!
Jeff: Watch it, he's one of my greatest warriors!

Back on the Earth Aku shakes his head.

Charmander: He's.... alive....
Papu Papu: Okay. Rock, this is it. We won't have it! You've given Tigers everywhere a bad name! Shazi shall lead us to your feat...
Shazi: YEAH! Wait, I will?
Daniel: Sure ya will!
Shazi: Then let's do it! Stand together, Tigers!
All: That we will, Shazi!
Cait Sith: SCRATCH!

Cait scratches Briggster, he holds his faces with one paw!

Papu Papu: Battle someone else, Cait, it's a sibling thing.
Cait Sith: Gotcha!

Cait runs over to Fake Super. Eventually, everyone has fallen except two, Shazi and The Rock are battling away. All other Tigers, good and bad, are too weak to fight. Then Shazi does something no Tiger has done before. The sky illuminated as fire circled her. She launched it out at the baddies, and sent them soaring away!

Kiorie: We have the star of our show.
Cherie: Shazi saves the day!
Goku: Go Shazi!
Aku Aku: Thanks.

After everyone congratulates Shazi, even Jeff, everyone decides to head home. This story has ended and all is well. Then there is a crackle and an evil laugh. Or is it?


Aku Aku
The Rock
Cait Sith
Papu Papu

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