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Back with Star, and the Geustauve Clan members... Alexander followed Star's directions carefully as they were heading through the clearing of the forest.

Alexander: Are we close?
Star: Very. It shouldn't be long until we reach the castle.
Edward: Good. I'm beginning to think that many of our members here will find the boy helpful.
Scyre: (Frowning) not in the least.
Bernard: Neither do I. I still believe, that as part of Demaonrc's bloodline, this boy is dangerous.
Alexander: If he was… then he wouldn't have led us this far without making an attempt to kill us.
Gregory: Then it's more likely to be a trap.
Bernard: Yes. Demons always enjoy seducing people into thinking they are helping them.
Star: I'm not asking any of you to trust me. All I want to do is to make sure we reach the castle and put an end to Demonarc. After that I'll leave.
Edward: Relax lad. As long as you're with Alexander and me... you should be fine.
Derick: Yeah... and for his sake… you better not leave him off guard.
Alexander: (Staring back at Derick angrily) Watch your tongue Derick… or I'll cut it out myself.
It may have been true that the men were now free form the Succubus's seductive clutches; but the problems were far from over. As was mentioned earlier, the corridor seemed to go on forever. There didn't seem to be any end to it just yet. Kitusme looked down the long corridor. She did not see anything ahead of her. The corridor just seemed to keep going onward never seeming to end.

Crash: What on Earth?
Coco: Kitsume… does this corridor seem to be getting larger to you?
Shen Lo Ken: there doesn't appear to be an end to it.
Kitsume: (Growing very discouraged) Nonsense. It's just an optical illusion Demonarc set up for us. Come… I'll show you. Run with me.

Kitsume led the charge, and soon everyone else began to follow her running behind her. Kistume looked both left and right as she ran, hoping to see a door present somewhere. No such luck. All she ever saw was the continuous blur of stone bricks and lightly coloured grey columns whiz by her as she ran. And Kitsume then directed her attention to the main focus - the end of the corridor. So far… it wasn't in sight. They kept running, hoping it would soon end. But to their surprise… the corridor still kept going. No sight of the end to it was in sight yet. Kitsume still kept running, looking at the perspective of the hall right in front of her. Everyone huffed and panted behind her. They sent the Bat Familiar out to scout ahead to see if there was an end yet. A few minutes later, while everyone was still running, the bat came back and found nothing. Even Abigail was sent out. She too couldn't find an end.

Coco: Huff… pant… Kit… sume... does this thing ever end?
Kitsume: It will! This is just a trick.
Kikanoo: It could be… but suppose this whole… huff… trick may be for real?
Kitsume: It can't be...
Aku Aku: Kitsume… there must be an end to this. And even if there isn't… I'm sure there's another way.

Finally, everyone stopped running. After a few moments, Kitsume looked behind her to see that everyone else stopped. They hung their arms low to the ground, trying to catch their breath. Kitsume threw her arms to her shoulders.

Kitsume: (muttering to herself) Darn you grandfather.
Crash: Boy Kitsume… your grandfather is one nasty fellow… to make a hallway this long just for us!!
Danni: Jus' tell me mate... what is Demonarc's true incentive? I mean, sure he wants to rule the world and all... but why does he feel that way by becoming a God?
Kitsume: That question still plagues me. I know I must stop him... and I know for a fact that he wants to rid the world of what he feels is corrupt. He wants to reshape the world onto his own image… and try and remake it the way he wants it. He's disgusted with the world he lived and still lives in.
Sarnie: That sure does explain a lot.
Coco: I believe that I've read that same format from a very famous person. Vlad Trepes Dracu... I.E... Vlad the Impaler. Seems to me, Demonarc’s ideals are the same as his.
Kitsume: You're right. But Demonarc's power far goes beyond that. He won't stop at anything. And his involvement with toying with our minds, as well as other spells is by far even greater than Vlad would have accomplished.
Aku Aku: History always repeats itself.
Coco: And then there's the legend of Dracula.
Crash: Yeah... I've seen him numerous times before in my 'CastleVania' games.
Kitusme: Except this time... this is not a video game. It's the real thing.
Danni: Um… this is interesting and all… but um… I do believe that we need to find a way out of here.
Kitsume: You're right. I'm sorry for my temporary babble. We must stop Demonarc before it's too late.
Shen Lo Ken: This corridor's gotta have an end.
Danni: It betta'.
Sarnie: Otherwise we may not succeed.

Just then…Abigail began acting strangely.

Coco: Um... Abigail? You okay?
Abigail: I'm fine lass. I'm pickin' up some sorta familiar force nearby.
Crash: Huh?
Abigail: Kitsume… it appears there's anotha' group comin' for the same purpose as you'.

Kitsume then turned around and looked at Abigail with wonder.

Kitsume: Another group?
Abigail: Aye! There's about seven of em'. One of em's a wee little lad. He kinda reminds me of you Kitsume.

Kitsume then turned to Abigail in astonishment.

Kitsume: STAR IS HERE!?!?!?
Abigail: If that's his name… then I suppose so.
Sarnie: Your kid's coming to help us Kitsume.
Kitsume: Well I dunno... I mean… I never asked him to come. He must know as well.
Aku Aku: He should. He inherited our knowledge.
Kitsume: (clutching her robe) Who is he with?
Abigail: I dunno. Six otha's... I think they probably are part os the 'Geustauve Clan'.
Kitsume: Geustauve clan? That was the same clan who got rid of Demoanrc over hundreds of years ago!
Aku Aku: In a way… aren't they also the enemy? If they got rid of Demonarc… then surely they must be out to end his bloodline - that being you, Demona… and now even Star.
Kitsume: Yes… you're right. How is Star?
Abigail: He's fine. They haven't tried to kill the wee one yet.
Kitsume: For his sake… I hope so. I believe the Geustauve Cult would rather kill Star and I to satisfy the fear-hungry ignorant citizens of the nearby town.
Coco: Boy… I sure hope Star's gonna be alright. Maybe we'll run into him.
Crash: Okay guys… let's keep going.
Meanwhile, outside of the castle… Star finally reached his destination.

Star: There it is… Castle Shinra.
Alexander: (Putting his hand on Star's shoulder) excellent work Star. You knew exactly where we were going.
Scyre: Probably because he lives there.
Edward: Don't be cruel Scyre. It's not lady-like for a woman to denounce a little boy with talent.
Scyre: Hmph... Then you've got a lot to learn about women MISTER Edward.
Alexander: Enough of this. Star… do you know which way would be easier to enter the castle?
Star: Not really… The front is desolate… but there's something strange I'm feeling.
Alexander: What?
Star: I feel as if there's some sort of trap waiting for us near the entrance.
Edward: Trap?
Star: Yes. I advise we look for another way around.
Alexander: Let's see. If I remember correctly my grandfather used the side entrance to the castle. It was located to the west side near this desolate swamp.
Edward: I also believe there's a hidden passageway there. Perhaps we'll take that route.
Star: I believe maybe it does. We'll have to go and cross that boggy area over there to get to the door.
Alexander: Lead the way Star.
Star: Yes sir.

Star continued to lead the group along, and they would take a different route to enter the castle. But what sort of trap did Star sense?

Scyre: This boy is leading us to death… I know it.
Gregory: Indeed dear lady. If something happens in the swamp… we will know to blame the boy.
Derick: Maybe we should hope for danger. It will give us a reason to slay this demon child.
Bernard: Don't let master hear us. I think something's afoot. And we have this boy to blame. Be on guard.
Scyre: Don't worry. We will.

So Star and the followers followed him into a muggy area. As they took the first step, they all felt something squishing in the ground.

Scyre: (Quickly pulling ehr foot out) AUGH!!
Bernard: It's swamp water.
Edward: Soupy as always. (Turns to Star) Now then... there IS a rear entrance right?
Star: Of course. You'll just have to follow me through this swamp area. May be unpleasant, dark, and gloomy... but then again… I'm sure worse things will await us in the castle.
Derick: I'll bet… knowing you you lil' twat.
Alexander: (turning angrily towards Derick) Enough you fool!!! I've told you plenty of times already not to let your mind think such evil!! I have great faith in the boy; so you should too!!
Gregory: Even if you do we're out to stop Demonarc... so let us be in our own opinions.
Edward: That's enough out of you four. Let the boy lead the way.
Star: Right. (Pointing his finger in the North direction) Follow me past those crooked tress back there.

So they followed Star to the area with the crooked trees. Their knurled branches twisted from root to the other trees. The soupy fog in the swampy area became darker. Trekking through the sludge was not easy either, and quite messy. Occasionally, the travellers would look down to see occasional eyeballs emerging from the sludge. They quickly darted back down. And now and then, a bat or raven would flutter by making sounds as they flew. And then, they reached a point where the fog cleared. And there, in front of them, stood a giant tree stump with a huge hole in it!

Alexander: Hmmm... it looks as if this large stump could very well be a passageway.
Edward: Sure is big enough for it.
Scyre: Yes… but surely… there is something in there waiting to devour us.
Gregory: Or steal our souls.
Derick: Or maybe some sort of booby trap!
Bernard: Or even a demon such as Demonarc.
Alexander: Silence you idiots!! You should darn well know that we're about to face many hardships along the way. Whatever is in there… we'll have to eliminate.
Star: Follow me! (Stops suddenly) Wow!! Look!!!

They all look down on the boggy ground before the entrance into the tree stump. It was littered with bones - human bones, horse bones, and occasionally... dog bones. There were many of them littered and scattered around the area!

Bernard: I knew it!!! It's the lair of a beast of some sort who will devour us!! Edward: for the last time..shut up!!! (Looks at Star) I see bones strewn before us. Without a doubt this is a lair to some sort of creature. But can you... tell us what kind it is so we know what we're up against?
Star: (Looks on the boggy ground) I see footprints near the bones!

The footprints appeared to be in the shape of huge paw prints. They were very big. Star even looked at some of the bones, and a few fractured skulls. He indicated that there were teeth marks on these bones - teeth marks belonging to some sort of… cat.

Star: Looks to me as if this lair belongs to a cat of some sort - most likely... a lion.
Scyre: A lion? Is that all?
Alexander: Hush Scyre. Don't underestimate this place. It could be a very large lion!
Star: It is. At the size of its footprints it must be over twenty feet long!
Bernard: Preposterous!!!
Scyre: Absurd!!
Edward: (Drawing out his sword) Star… we best move away from its lair.
Star: (looking down) Well… actually...
Edward: What?
Star: The um… lair of this beast… is actually also a tunnel to the alternative route into the castle.
Alexander: You sure about this?
Star: Positive.
Gregory: (whispering to the others) Has to be a trick.
Bernard: No surprise my good fellow.
Star: (Looking up) I think it's best we pressed forward.

Alexander hesitated for a moment. But then he knew that there was good in this boy. His holy power could sense it unlike the other selfless friends following him. (with the exception of Edward.) And he knew that this Kitsume, who was not far off, was also trying to get rid of Demonarc. But he wondered what sort of monster existed in the tunnel. He dared not question any further.

Alexander: Star… led the way for us.
Star: Right. Into the tunnel we go!

Suddenly… a loud roar came from inside the tunnel. The roar was immense and terrible!! It echoed throughout the tunnel with a shrill piercing sound.

Bernard: It's the beast!!!
Scyre: We're about to be attacked!
Alexander: (Drawing out his whip) Stand firm everyone, and prepare!!!
Star: (Drawing out his small sword) The monter is coming!! We'll have to slay it to get past!!!
Meanwhile, back in the hallway, Abigail soon picked up another signal.

Shen Lo Ken: Uh oh… she's acting strangely again!
Kitsume: (looking worried) Abigail… is it my son Star?
Abogail: (looking frightened) Aye… and it's VERY bad!!
Kitsume: What is it?
Abigail: They've found another tunnel into the castle… but alas… I'm afraid a savage beast with an appetite for raw flesh is guarding it!
Kistume: Grrgh!! What kind of beast?
Abigail: I'm not sure!! But it does appear to be feline… most possibly, a lion!
Aku Aku: Lion? Well let's see… Demonarc would want an especially strong lion; one with strange power!
Abigail: Perhaps a mythical lion.
Kitsume: What sorts?
Aku Aku: Well… there was the Nemean Lion, the Chimera, and then there was possibly the worst...
Coco: Which one?
Aku Aku: ...The Manticore!!
Abigail: (suddenly looking shocked) Good heavens, you're right!! The beast of that tunnel is indeed a Manticore. I see it clearly now! I see a lion with a scorpion tail!!
Aku Aku: Oh no!! That's beyond dangerous!! It packs enough venom to kill a man, and is just as dangerous as any other mythical feline, for it can also fly!!
Crash: Well… wh… what can we do?
Danni: There must be a way!!
Kitsume: ERGH!! (looking down both directions of the hallways.) Though it appals me... we must press forward!!! Let Star and the people he is with deal with that beast!!! We have far more important things to worry about. For now… I want you, Abigail, to keep an eye in your mind what is happening!
Abigail: Aye, I'll do me best!
Kitsume: Then let's go!!

And the adventurers then ran down the long hallway.
Back in the swamp, before the entrance; Star stood ready. In the darkness of the mouth of the tunnel, he could sense the force coming. Then, in bright red embers, he saw two evil looking eyes. Another loud roar ensued, and Star could soon see big white teeth glaring in the darkness. He backed away, and waited for the beast to show itself!

Star: ...It's here!!
Alexander: Weapons ready!!!

Scyre pulled out heart bow and arrow, Gregory pulled out his sword and daggers, Bernard pulled out his staff and spear, and Derick pulled out his whip!! Alexander and Edward were already ready, until the beast's head emerged from the darkness!! Star could see it coming out fully! It was indeed a lion's head, with large evil eyes, and glaring white teeth. But Star noticed something odd about the lion, and when it showed it's true characteristics!

Star: (gasps) Its… tail!!!

Star then saw the lion's tail. For it was not a lion's tail at all. Rather, it was a huge scorpion-like tail. But it was no ordinary scorpion tail. It had spikes encircling its areas, and a razor sharp stinger at the end of it. Star also noticed that the beast had wings! Huge bat wings!!

Star: It's… a Manticore!!!
Edward: Gergh!! Be on guard… that tail looks lethal enough to strike!!

The Manticore reared up on it's hind legs and let out another bellowing roar!!! It then spread its bat wings apart and took flight!!

Bernard: It's flying away!!
Scyre: It's merely circling us! (Aiming her bow and arrow at the flying monster) Until I drive an arrow through his heart!!

Scyre saw the beast flying around them, and then saw her opportunity.

Scyre: Aha! Got ya!!

Scyre fired her arrow into the air, towards the Manticore. The arrow would have hit the Manticore, except for one thing. The arrow simply deflected off its extra scorpion armour surrounding it. I didn't even maim the beast, or even pierce him.

Scyra: (Shocked) GAH!!!! It's too heavily armoured!!!
Bernard: DARN!! Let's forget this thing and just make a run for it into the tunnel!!

Bernard started to run towards the tunnel! Star look worried and tried to stop him!!

Star: Wait!! Bernard NO!!!!

The Manticore saw Bernard trying to run intot eh tunnel, and immediately swooped down to try and attack him!! The Manticore reared its deadly tail, and it struck with deadly accuracy! Before Bernard could enter the tunnel, he felt the shrill sensation of pain from his back. The tip of the Manticore's tail had stabbed him in the back!!

Alexander: BERNARD!!! (Lashing out his whip!) NOOO!!!!!

Alexander lashed his whip and hit the Manticore in the face. The beast yowled, and immediately withdrew his stinger from Bernard's back. Bernard fell to the ground, and was out cold. Star quickly rushed to his side!

Star: Bernard… stay calm. I will try and heal you.

Bernard only groaned and choked with pain as the Manticore's poison began to work throughout his body. Star didn't hesitate to react quickly to try and heal him. The Manticore then drew his attention towards the others, who stood prepared. He began to lash out his claws, which were also tipped with poison. Alexander continuously whipped at the Manticore's face; although it just made it madder!!!

Edward: Stand back!!

Edward rushed towards the beast and raised his sword. He slashed at the Manticore's claws, and they ricocheted off them like rock. The Manticore then swung his massive tail around, and threw it at them.

Alexander: LOOK OUT!!!!

Alexander, Edward, and the others ducked in time. The Manticore’s tail swung right into a tree, causing it to break into millions of pieces. Edward then got back up and rushed towards the monster.

Gregory: Time for me to help!!

Gregory threw a special dagger at the Manticore. But like the arrow, it deflected off the beast too!

Gregory: NO!!!!

Edward continued to slash his sword at the beast, while the Manticore began to back away, it kept it's hind tail reared, with it's stinger in position to make another deadly attempt. Alexander quickly whipped the beast's tail, wrapping it around it!!! Then Manticore was thrown into a rage, but it did not hesitate to take flight again. Once airborne, Alexander tried to hold onto the whip. But he quickly loosened it and brought it back. The Manticore was once again circling its victims, hoping to see his next meal.

Alexander: It's heavily armoured and fast.
Derick: I know. And we've already lost Bernard!!
Star: (calling out!) No… he's alive!!!

Bernard was alive, but he was still weak from the poison he experienced. He laid against the tunnel entrance. Star led him inside.

Star: (To Bernard) Rest here. The Manticore's poison ahs affected you for now, but you'll live. Give it just a few more moments for it to clear up!!

Star then ran back outside and raised his short sword. Bernard looked out again.

Bernard: He… somehow… saved my life. But… he… used wizardry. I'm… still convinced… he's just toying with me.

The Manticore then flew down towards the adventurers again, rearing its fangs, claws, and tail.

Star: Edward… Its weakness is its under-belly. Be prepared to dash underneath it and plunge your sword into him!!
Edward: ...Very well. I'll take your advice!!!

The Manticore then raised it's tail again, and struck out with deadly accuracy. The adventurers dodged it, as the tail hit another tree, causing it to crumble!! The Manticore landed back on the ground, and looked at his opponents with an evil glare. With a loud roar, it began to charge towards Edward. Edward readied his sword.

Edward: Now beast… Return… to HELL!!!!!

Edward then rushed towards the Manticore. The Manticore was also rushing towards Edward. Both were on a collision course. Edward knew what to do next. Before the beast could pounce on him Edward pulled a trick. He quickly got onto the floor, and slid right underneath the monster. As soon as he was underneath the monster's belly, he stabbed it with his sword! He drove the sword straight through the beast, and the beast growled and yelled in pain. As the sword was being driven further into its belly, the monster's tail began to flail around wildly. So wildly, that no one could get near him. It may have become weak, but it was still very much alive. If Edward were to let go now, it would be allowed to live and kill. But to hit the Manticore and finish the job seemed harder. The pain from the beast caused it's tail to whip around randomly, making it harder for anyone to get close enough to kill it!!

Edward: HEY!!! Will someone help me finish this beast off?

Star, with a determined look on his face, then knew it was up to him. Drawing up his sword, he watched for the tail movements. Then… he knew the time was right. Quickly, he advanced forward, and drew his sword. He ran to where the tail would have hit him. But he quickly dodged it, and plunged his short sword into the beast's neck. The Manticore roared loudly, as he felt the sword's blade go through its neck. Its eyes soon began to roll back, and it could roar no more. Edward knew this, and pulled out his sword. Quickly, he slid out from underneath the monster, and step back. Then, he sliced off its tail, which was then flung into the boggy swamp, and sank to the bottom. As soon as Star pulled the sword out of the Manticore's neck, the beast fell to the ground with a thud, and lied in a puddle of blood. It was now officially dead!

Star: Phew!! (looking at Edward) Thank you!! You've helped kill it!!
Edward: I should thank you. You were the one who told me how to defeat it!
Alexander: The thing is dead… and I hear Bernard's alive!!
Star: He is. I healed him.
Gregory: H… how? Did you use some sort of witchcraft?
Star: I did use magic, but not witchcraft. You see, I learned a technique form my mother Kitsume. Where you place you hands over the infected area. With that, the magic can neutralize the poisons, and then have them drain out of the body. The victim is alive, but still a bit woozy. Bernard should be back to normal in a few moments.
Alexander: Thank you Star. (Looking at his fellow adventurers) See? This child was useful. Not only did he know how to slay that beast quickly, but he also revived an almost doomed mate of ours. You should thank him.

As good as Alexander's point was, Scyre, Gregory, and Derick were still a bit doubtful.

Scyre: So… he used the black arts to raise our fallen comrade.
Gregory: He may have done something good… but then again… he's probably toying with us.
Derick: Perhaps he prefers Bernard to die an even more gruesome death, once we get into the castle!

Star looked down. Instead of praise, he got insults. His feelings were hurt by this. The only members of the group that were giving him praise were the leaders. Everyone still assumed Star was a demon.

Alexander: (looking angrily at Scyre, gregory, and Derick) I'm disgusted with all of you!!! I want you all to cease those foolish ideas in your head right now!!! No matter what you think; the boy has proved himself!! And he is indeed a great asset to us. I will not tolerate your insolence!! So for the remainder of the journey; keep your darned insults about the boy to yourselves. I won't have any other word of it. Is that CLEAR!????
Gregory: (Nodding) yes.
Scyre: Very well.
Derick: Alright.
Edward: Yes. The boy is truly a great one to us! So he stays. We'll take a short break for Bernard to heal... then we will embark through the tunnel!!

And then they sat. Alexander and Edward sat close to Star, to protect him from the ungrateful followers.

Alexander: Star... don't listen to them. I think it's best you stay away from them.
Edward: It makes me cross for them to be ungrateful towards you like that. And I doubt Bernard's grateful as well!
Star: (looks down) I know. But after all… I am part of Demonarc's bloodline. Can't really blame them for hating me.
Alexander: (Putting his hand on Star) My dear boy. I know there is good in you that make me trust you more than anyone. My friend and I will protect you from them. No worries now.
Star: Thank you.
Back in the long hallway, Abigail began to jump up and down excitedly.

Kitsume: Abigail?
Abigail: Oh joy of joys!!!! Your son slew the Manticore!!!
Kitsume: (looking proud) That's wonderful!!
Abigail: Aye! Kitsume, you've got one smart nipper there!!
Aku Aku: Well he does come form a very intelligent family.
Sarnie: Way to go Star!!
Danni: The lil' tike did it!!
Shen Lo Ken: Awesome!!
Crash: He's the bomb!!!
Abigail: He also resurrected a near dead member of the caravan. (but looking down sadly) But… they still don't like him.
Coco: Why not?
Abigail: The poor lil' lad's still believed to be a demon by four of the members. The leaders trust him, but the followers do not!
Kitsume: hmph!! In time they will see!! Right now, we must go!!!

Just then, Kitsume bumped into what was a wall!! The wall then turned out to be a door!

Kitsume: What!??
Shen Lo Ken: That wasn't there before!!
Danni: Ergh!! Another trick?
Kitsume: Yes, perhaps!! But I think Demoanrc grew weary of us in this long hallway. He must have planted the door here!
Crash: Where does it lead?
Kitsume: There's only one way to find out!!

Kitsume opened the door.

Sarnie: Are you sure it's safe?
Kitsume: Well we might as well go in. No one said it would be easy!
Aku Aku: You're right. Let's go!

And they then entered the doorway...waiting to see what Demonarc had in store for them.
Chapter 14: The Devil’s Lab

As of now, Kitsume and the others entered the huge door that stood before them. As they stepped inside, they noticed that there were shelves surrounding them. It looked like a huge circular bookcase. Each was stacked with rows and rows of books dating back as early as 550 AD. Kitsume noticed that the whole room was just one big bookcase, encircling it.

Crash: So this is it?
Kitsume: not quite. One of these books must be a triggering mechanism.
Coco: Or maybe one of the bookcases can be pushed and reveal a secret room.
Aku Aku: Wait… I sense some force on the other side of the bookcase in front of us.
Kitsume: No doubt there's a way in. Just have to find it.

Everyone started feeling around the bookcase. They pulled out books thinking the bookcase would move. Just then, Abigail fluttered over to the front bookcase and noticed something peculiar.

Abigail: There's something funny about this here bookcase. I noticed that may of the books appear to be firmly in place.
Shen Lo Ken: I noticed that too. I wonder why the front books are firmly in place. None of them seem to move.
Abigail: Aye… maybe you should all try movin' the case forward.
Shen Lo Ken: Worth a shot. Whaddya say Kitsume?
Kitsume: Alright… do it. It may be the right way after all.

Shen Lo Ken put his back against the book case. He moved backwards, and noticed that the bookcase was moving forwards. Shen kept pushing it back into a small corridor, until the bookcase was fully out into open air on the other side of the other room.

Crash: Nice work Abigail - you found our way.
Danni: Nice goin' there!
Abigail: (blushing) Twas' nothin'… I kinda sensed it in the first place. Besides, it was Shen who moved the bookcase.
Kikanoo: Nice job Shen.
Shen Lo Ken: Even so… it was Abigail who pointed it out.
Kitsume: Well time's wasting… so we must press forward. Come on now… I firmly believe we're in the castle walls now.
Aku Aku: And the force is drawing eerily near.

The group then descended into the next room. After emerging from the bookcase, they noticed they were in a larger room. The room did have shelves, but this time, not many books. They were full of flasks, beakers, and specimen jars.

Coco: It's a laboratory.
Crash: Reminds me of Cortex Castle kinda.
Sarnie: Except a bit dustier.

Sarnie was right. Much of the material was unused for many years, even centuries. Cobwebs and dust collected heavily throughout the room. The group looked at the specimen jars. Some were empty, but quite a few held what was left of a few monster-like specimens and vital organs. Crash saw a jar he swore he saw a heart beat in.

Kitsume: (Gazing aorund) So… this is where my grandfather conducted his sick schemes!
Coco: Must be… you said he was a brilliant scientist.
Kitsume: I said he was a sick scientist. And this work is remnant of his god-awful experiments he performed.
Danni: And this equipment does look a bit… Medieval.
Kitsume: No doubt… seeing how my grandfather does date back some time.
Crash: Yo… look at this.

Crash pointed to a huge book resting on one of the operating tables in the room. Kitsume walked over and brushed the cobwebs and dust off it. She read the title, and it was entitled 'THE PERFECT BEINGS'. Kitsume lifted the cover of the book and flipped some of the pages. She looked through each page, and saw rows upon rows of genetically malformed creatures with poor appearance, but great strength. She looked on in wide-eyed horror at how Demonarc was able to transform once-normal beings into grotesque monsters. These were what Demonarc called 'THE PERFECT BEINGS'. Kitsume soon slammed the book in anger.

Kitsume: Yes... even before the cult was formed… Demonarc was already bent on reshaping the world. These sick experiments were indeed his handiwork.
Coco: Is that what the book showed?
Kitsume: Everything I ever wanted to know about him. These Perfect Beings of his are nothing but demented monsters based only to kill.
Crash: Whoa. Your grandfather sounds no more different than Cortex.
Kitsume: But just as evil. This lab is where his first of his evil experiments were performed. God what a monster!

Kitsume's ears perked up, as she had thought she heard a scream - a scream that came from the other door. She turned to Aku aku.

Kitsume: Aku Aku… you heard a scream as well?
Aku Aku: Yes… and it's coming from behind the door in front of us.
Kitsume: And listen… I hear the cutting of flesh by instruments.
Aku Aku: Sounds like someone is conducting experiments in the lab.
Crash: Demonarc?
Sarnie: Have we reached him already?
Kitsume: Hmm...No… it's not him. Demonarc wouldn't be stupid enough to let himself work in the lower laboratory. But it is someone else.
Danni: We'll have to go in and see. But don't worry… we're ready now.
Kikanoo: Let's go in and see what's goin' on.

Everoyne then made their way towards the door. Kitsume then flung it wide open. As she looked in, she saw the back of a figure working diligently at an operating table. The figure's backside was dark with a pitch-black cape and long black hair. The figure also appeared to have one ear. The figure was a woman, because she began to speak; as it was clear she was operating on a corpse.

Figure: (Cutting away at the corpse.) Oh let's see now... there's a heart, a stomach, a pair of lungs… oh… and what do we have here? …Ah… a liver!

Kitsume then boldly stepped out, and stood right behind the figure.


The figure then stopped working. For a moment her back was turned facing the wall, and stood silently. But then, the figure began to laugh.

Figure: Eh hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha!!!! So… you're the granddaughter of my lord and master you say?

The figure then turned around to make her full appearance. Kitsume jumped back in astonishment as she saw who it was. The figure's clothing was gold embroidered with trimmings. But what really caught Kitsume's attention, was the figure's face. Kitusme was looking at a face like none other - part of it containing the beautiful portion of a woman, and the other just a white skull with no eyes. The figure grinned as she stared at Kitsume. Everyone looked in amazement at the two-faced operator. The figure then spoke. She spoke in a part normal, and part raspy female voice.

Figure: Kitsume is it? Allow me to introduce myself… I am Delilah, Demonarc's main scientist and sorceress. I understand you came back for two reasons. One… you're here to rejoin your grandfather… or two… you came to defeat him. Which was it again?
Kitsume: To defeat him… that's what!! And I've seen enough from his laboratory here on what a sick individual he was.
Delilah: Sick… heh heh heh… oh my dear… most of our greatest past historical thinkers were sick! And their mentality did indeed achieve some standards of genius. Your grandfather will soon be one of them.
Kitsume: HARDLY!!! His blasphemous ways WILL end!!
Delilah: (Laughing wickedly) Oh… I very much doubt it. (Looking at he corpse she was operating on.) And you disturbed my work as well. I had this one so well preserved in the files.
Kitsume: So this was the scream I heard and then was silenced.
Delilah: No more screams eh? (Looking wickedly at Kitsume) Well that's what happens when you impale a man through the HEART!!
Kitsume: (looking angrily at Delilah) YOU MONSTER.....!
Delilah: Are you thinking of killing me? My dear… I really think that will be quite difficult. You see… this laboratory does contain some quite unique and interesting specimens. I had a brilliant idea… why not turn this lab into an arena!!

Delilah then snapped her fingers. The operating table with the corpse on it suddenly was brought down through a shaft underneath the floor. Delilah then snapped her fingers again, and she was transported at the very top of a staircase. Kitsume and the others ran towards her.

Kitsume: Arena!?!? What do you mean by that!??
Delilah: Ha ha ha ha ha!!! You'll see... this lab is truly the work of the devil… do you FEEL that surge of evil?
Kitsume: Yes… and it's not from you.
Delilah: INDEED!! For it is another experiment of mine!! An experiment you'll find quite interesting!!!

Delilah then snapped her figners again. Immediately, iron gates surrounded the passageways, and the entire group was shut in.

Aku Aku: What the...
Danni: A trap!
Coco: What now!?
Kitusme: (looking angrily at Delilah) YOU!!!
Delilah: (laughing wickedly) Don't disappoint me now… let's see how well you fare against many a creation!

Delilah then snapped her fingers again. A large iron gated door began to open up from the floor. From it arose a bizarre looking creature. It looked like a mix between a spider, a scorpion, and a moth. Its large mandibles were razor sharp, and the stinger on its tail was as sharp as a spear. The wings were almost as wide as the room. The creature looked at the group with great evil surging from its eyes.

Delilah: Go Beelzebub... and kill these intruders!! Feast on their flesh if it makes you happy!!! NOW GO!!!!

Beelzebub then took flight with its mighty moth wings, and then struck his stinger out at Kitsume. Kitsume dodged it, but then the insect then released a stream of poison form its mandibles. Kitsume barely escaped it, as part of it singed the edge of her robe. Aku Aku then flew up to the insect, and shot a beam of light from his eyes. This temporarily blinded the insect, allowing the others to attack. The insect flew blindly around the room. Kitsume saw her chance, and began slashing at the insect. She missed, but the others jumped in. Shen leaped into the air, and landed on top of the insect's body. He began to pound hard at the insect’s body. Kitusume then saw her opportunity, and leapt into the air, cutting off the insect's stinger and wings. The insect then fell to the ground, and was having a hard time standing up. With one final blow, Kitsume skewered the insect with her sword, and the insect fell to the floor… and disappeared into nothingness as it wilted away.

NOTE: Beelzebub actually means 'Lord of the Flies' in the older historical documents.

Delilah: Hmmm… (Laughing evilly) Not bad. You passed stage one… but now for stage two... a much more promising number rest assured.

When the next platform raised up, it revealed a strong looking frog type thing. It had bulging muscles, and its back appeared to be a giant turtle shell with spikes. Its legs were also muscular with its arms, with rows of sharp claws. The frog's face also appeared to be almost ape-like. It stood over ten feet tall.

Delilah: Now witness the wrath of the Kappa. See if you can survive this round… em hmm.

The Kappa leaped into the air with its massive frog feet, and opened it's big mouth, revealing a huge row of sharp teeth. Kitsume quickly dodged it. The Kappa crawled on all fours now, and raised its sharp claws. He took a swing at Kitusme and the others with them. They managed to dodge the deadly claws but the Kappa's arms proved long enough to reach at far distances. The claws swung at Ktisume again. She swung at them with her sword, and managed to block many of the Kappa's claws. Danni ran up to the Kappa's legs, and punched them. The Kappa staggered a bit, then Kikanoo aimed his arrow at the Kappa's forehead. The arrow pierced the forehead of the Kappa. But it did not stagger so much. For it soon took in a huge breath of air, and then released it with a large blow. The Kappa's mouth spewed out a huge tidal wave of water.

Kitusme: What...!?
Aku Aku: It's a water-based monster. It's flooding the room!
Delilah: HA HA HA HA!!!!! I see you're getting the idea of what kind of monster this is. It will be more difficult for you to fight him in water.

The water was already waist high to Kitsume. The whole arena was flooded. Kitusme knew the only way to avoid anymore of this, was to defeat the beast. But just then, Kitsume felt herself being dragged underneath the water. Kitusme fell flat on her back underneath the water and noticed that the Kappa grabbed her ankle. The Kappa revealed its sharp teeth, as it opened its mouth. Coco, who just regained her senses, and was trying to keep afloat in the water, noticed Kitsume's sword shimmering in the water. She quickly dove under, and reached for it. She then looked to her side, and saw Kitsume struggling to get free from the Kappa's grasp, as it was about to eat her. The dark forces from the Kappa's claws forbade Kitusme to use her magic. Coco quickly dove to the floor, and grabbed Kitsume's sword. Coco quickly came to the surface, and took her breath of air. She then yelled to Kitsume. Even though she was underwater… Kitsume heard Coco's voice.

Coco: KITSUME!!! (Throwing the sword underwater towards Kitusme) CATCH IT!!!!

Kitusme immediately grabbed the sword, and swung it at the Kappa's arm. The Kappa then let go of Kitsume and bellowed in pain. Blood was soon staining the water into part blue and part red. Kitusme quickly came to the surface, and watched the huge Kappa rise from the water. The Kappa looked angrily at Kitsume, and bared its razor sharp teeth.

Kitsume: Ergh... time to put you down!!!

Kitsume chanted a few words, and then with a sudden thrust, flew out of the water with great speed. She soon had herself over the Kappa's head. With a quick thrust, she plunged her sword into the Kappa's skull! The Kappa bellowed out in more pain, and soon collapsed into the water. Kitusme released her sword, and jumped to safety. The water was bright red now; but soon, it would evaporate, for the Kappa was dying. Soon, the Kappa's body sank into the ground like Beelzebub's. And within seconds, the water soon was gone too. Everyone stood up and brushed them selves off.

Kitsume: Phew… thank you Coco.
Coco: Thank YOU for slaying the monster.

Delilah sneered at them.

Delilah: Defeated the Kappa? What marvellous power!! (She then sneered) Well that's fine… because now I wish to see your full potential against my last creation for you to fight.
Kitsume: Enough foolishness. I will just defeat it like the others... you might as well just stand aside or come down and fight yourself!!
Delilah: My… over confident aren't we? Very well... allow me to show you the power of the Bantu! BEHOLD!!

Then, the final platform was raised. What Kitsume saw in front of her was what appeared to be a strange form of goo. But it wasn't so much as goo, but a massive substance made of weird materials. It appeared to be a huge blob of some sort. Its large blue and massive appearance held its true form. Inside the blob was pieces of bones and stones. The blob spread out over twenty feet in length, and Kitusme saw it like a huge mound in front of her.

Kitsume: What is this... thing?
Crash:'s a killer blob!!
Delilah: (Laughign wickedly) Precisely… although it's simple compared to the others in appearance… it has one thing that makes it wonderful. It cannot be harmed unless you’re inside it… which means certain death right there!! (Motioning to the blob with her hands) Now come forth Bantu... and devour these fools!!

The blob then began bobbing up and down with its weird appearance. It then began oozing, and crawling towards Kitsume and the others.

Coco: Whaddya we do now? This thing's gonna be hard to destroy.
Kitsume: Not as hard as it looks... there are ways!! (Reading her sword) Now I'll have to take care of it my own way!

The Bantu then did something no other blob could do. It bobbed up and down harder, and then, to Kitsume's surprise, launched itself into the air. Kitsume: (Astonished) What...!?????

The Bantu then made itself wider, until it could cover the whole arena. Then it plummeted towards Kitsume and the others.

Kitusme: The dirty...

But it was too late... the blob landed on top of the group. The group felt the enormous pressure of the ooze that engulfed them. Kitsume found herself enveloped by the massive blob, and felt like she was swimming through a pool full of gelatine. She also found that her sword was doing very little effort to free her from the Bantu, for the Bantu just quickly covered its wounds with more of its own substance. Kitusme then felt pricking against her skin.

Kitsume: Wha… what now!???
Delilah: (Laughing evilly) Oh dear... I'm sorry… did I mention to you that the Bantu's substance can devour raw flesh in short time? No? Oh dear… I apologize. I guess I should have told you before I allowed at least ONE of you to live!! AHA HA HA HA HA!!!!
Kitsume: Gergh… no.

Crash met his sister coco within the Bantu. Both were struggling to get free.

Coco: Crash… it's too thick!!
Crash: I'm losing breath too… and I feel pricking against my skin!!!!
Danni: This thing'll eat us all!!
Coco: Wait... (Calling for the familiar) ABIGAIL!!!!!
Kikanoo: Of course... WORMWOOD!!!

Both the fairy and the demon emerged from the Bantu.

Abigail: Oh gracious... this substance has swallowed our friends whole!!
Wormwood: Then let us free them!! Abigail… you make an opening for them to be safe. I will freeze this thing in its tracks!!!
Abigail: All right!!

Abigail then spread some magical substances over the Bantu. The Bantu then split in two releasing Kitsume and the others. Everyone gasped for air as they felt it. Then, Wormwood froze his spear, and pierced the Bantu's sides. Shortly there after, the Bantu was stuck in solid ice! It was no longer mobile!!

Coco: (Looking at Abigail) you saved us Abigail!!
Kikanoo: (looking at Wormwood) Great job man!!
Abigail and Wormwood: THANKS!!! (Both laughing.)

Delilah looked down and let out a small chuckle.

Delilah: Hmm hmm… apparently you think you've won... YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!!! LOOK!!!!!!!!!!! (Pointing at the Bantu.)

Suddenly, the ice the Bantu was encased in began to crack. The Bantu then shattered it all, freeing itself. Then, both sides of it reassembled into the huge mass it formerly was.

Kitsume: Gergh… it rejoined itself!!
Aku Aku: Black magic is stronger than I thought!!
Delilah: Eh hah ha ha ha ha ha!!!! It's futile. There is only weak point to this thing… and it will be hard for you to find it!! NOW… BANTU... SHOW NO REMORSE!!!!

The Bantu then built itself much higher, and it stood taller than before. The Bantu then began forming spike like shapes out of its mass. The Bantu then launched sharpened spikes from it's massive body. Everyone tried to dodge them, and felt the spikes whiz by them as the Bantu continued. Kitusme managed to deflect the spikes with her sword. Then, the Bantu used another tactic. It opened up underneath, and revealed a bright light. Then, it shot a huge ice beam from its stomach. Kitsume dodged it, but then saw that the ice beam hit Coco and Sarnie. They screamed as both were now entombed in ice.

Kitsume: COCO!!! SARNIE!!!!!!!!
Delilah: AHA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Oh yes dear Kitsume... the Bantu decided to use the same dirty tactic your little pixies decided to use… now HE has frozen two of your companions. Oh… (Pretending to wipe a tear away) BEAUTIFUL!!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!

Wormwood: Im… impossible!!
Abigail: Wait… hang on Coco!!

Abigail fluttered over to Coco, but the Bantu saw this, and then shot a stream of black acid from it's form. The acid grabbed Abigail, and then thrust her into the blob's mass!! Abigail was trapped in the blob, and the black form that enveloped her prevented her to use her magic!

Kitsume: ABIGAIL!!!!
Wormwood: EerrrrgGHHHHHH!!! DIE MONSTER!!!! (Wormwood raised his spear.)

But the Bantu was alert this time, and also shot out a stream of black acid. Much like Abigail, Wormwood was soon trapped into the form that was Bantu.

Aku Aku: Ergh! Both of them!! TIME TO END THIS!!!

Aku Aku then lit his eyes up and fired a multi coloured beam at Bantu. But then the Bantu did something amazing. It smoothed out it's appearance, and looked almost mirror-like. The beam Aku Aku shot was deflected off the mirror, and head straight back towards everyone else.

Crash: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!

Everyone dodged the beam that blew out a side chunk in the wall.

Delilah: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!! Now you see how your over confidence has only limited your power. You are powerless to stop one of my grandest creations. Despite it's simple appearance… the Bantu is composed of many a tactic... and contains much intellect which is needed to destroy you. And its mass is impossible to defeat… and the weak spot impenetrable. You have no chance Kitusme!!

Kitsume looked angrily at Delilah, while everyone looked in fear at the Bantu; and the frozen bodies of Sarnie and Coco.

Kitusme: You... HOW DARE YOU!!!!!
Delilah: Oh dear me... none of this would have happened if you had just come back to us my DEAR Kitsume. Just admit your loyalty to Demonarc… and the Bantu shall free your friends. He IS under my command. And you Kitsume… have the power to decide your companions' fates!!
Kitsume: ENOUGH!!! MY answer is as clear as always!! I will NEVER join my grandfather!
Delilah: BAH… YOU DISGUST ME!! Vey well... BANTU… KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Bantu began to react again. Kitsume was going to have to think of a way to defeat this massive form. But how? The Bantu began spreading further out oozing towards the group. Abigail and Wormwood were still trapped inside.

Kitusme: So this monster's weak point is INSIDE!! But where..?
Shen: How we gonna find it? I can't see anything resembling a weak point!
Crash: (Reading his fists) Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way in to see how.
Sarnie: Right!!!
Danni: (looking at the Bantu) All right you Scum-suckin' slime ball... let's see where yer Achille's Heel IS!!

Crash jumped at the Bantu with his fists raised. He began pounding away at the mass with his fists. Bits of the slime covering the Bantu were being broken off, but it wasn't a problem for it. Because each piece torn from it was immediately regenerated. Danni and Shen began pounding into the mound as well, punching away chunks of slime. But those regenerated as well. Just then, a large string of ooze came from the Bantu's sides. The ooze wrapped itself around Crash, Danni, and Shen. All were trapped, writhing to get free.

Danni: GAK… oh no… I'M STUCK!!!
Crash: Eck… ergh... can't… move!
Shen: AUGH!!! Erghj… darn... I can't… ergh...

Just then, a large envelope of slime from the Bantu covered the three warriors, and they were then engulfed into the inside of the giant blob. They were engulfed in a sea of ooze that held them firmly in place. Now, only Kikanoo, Aku Aku, and Kitsume were left to fight the Bantu. Crash, Danni, and Shen were in the belly of the beast, along with two of the familiars. And Coco and Sarnie were frozen solid in ice tombs. Things were looking very bleak.

Kitsume: (astonished) No… it… couldn't be.
Delilah: (Laughing harder) YOU SEE!???? You were foolish to underestimate the side of evil… for it SHALL triumph. You're still alive Kitsume… I suggest you join us now or SUFFER!!!!!!!

Kitsume was getting discouraged on how the odds were against her. She had never faced an opponent such as this. Then she realized, that her anger towards Demoanrc had only made her lose her self-sense of reliance. She was over estimating her opponents as Delilah mentioned. Kitsume knew that her anger was now a deadly asset to the fate of herself, her friends, and the world. But, she was determined to fight back.

Kikanoo: ENOUGH OF THIS!!! (Aiming his bow and arrow) I'll slay this monster even if I have to use all my arrows!!

Just then, the Bantu quickly reacted. It sent out a slim stream of darkenss underneath Kikanoo's feet. Kikanoo saw the darkness enveloped underneath him.

Kikanoo: Wha… what is this!?

It was too late - the darkness revealed a stream of ooze that suddenly engulfed him. He was trapped and bound in a case of black ooze that soon pulled him underneath the floor. He was then transported into the insides of the Bantu as well. It was only Aku AKu and Kitusme elft.

Aku Aku: What now? My beams are useless against it.
Kitusme: And the weak point is not found. We must act quickly… for if we don't… then our friends will surely perish!
Aku Aku: Think wisely... we're the only ones left. We must find the weak point, but how?

Kitsume then remember, she and Aku Aku WEREN'T the only ones there. There was one more familiar with them - the Bat Familiar. She remembered how it lighted the way for them in the woods. Maybe the bat would reveal the weak spot!!

Kitsume: I HAVE IT!!!!
Delilah: (Looking puzzled) …what?

Kitsume then called upon for the Bat Familiar. Within seconds, the familiar fluttered near Kitsume, awaiting its orders. Kitsume then spoke softly to it.

Kitsume: Friend… this mass known as the Bantu has imprisoned my friends. Grant me your light to show me its weak spot… so I may slay it!

The bat then chirped its agreement. Soon after, it flew over the Bantu, and sense it's weak spot with its eyes. Soon, it chirped again, and shone light onto the weak spot. There it was… a blue coloured sphere inside the Bantu. It was decorated with strange markings, and rotated like a globe inside the Bantu. It was well hidden for it was blue and well camouflaged in the Bantu. But thanks to the Bat, Kitsume finally found it.

Kitsume: (drawing out her sword) IT'S THERE!!!!
Delilah: GERGH… NO!!! (She then outstretched her hand, and shot a large spark of evil magic at the Bat Familiar) VERMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shot came towards the bat. The bat saw this, and turned around. The bat then shot a fireball from its mouth. It collided with Delilah's spark, and exploded it. Soon, both were gone.

Delilah: (Astonished) Impossible... this THING found the spot AND deflected my magic!!

And the light still shone on the weak spot. Kitusme was ready.

Kitsume: (Reading her sword pointed at the Bantu.) Now Demonic mass of evil... prepare to ooze back into the pits of Hell from where you came!!!!!!!

Kitsume rushed towards the Bantu, and jumped right on top of the heap where she could see the weak spot. She felt her feet sink into the soft mass, but she began slashing her sword to get through. The Bantu tried to grab her with the ooze. But Aku Aku was there to help, but shooting light beams at it to deflect them. Kitsume then slashed and hacked, until she found the weak spot. With one quick thrust, she plunged her holy sword into the demonic sphere. The sphere soon had electric charges flowing around it. As soon as Kitusme pulled her sword out, the sphere began to crack and crumbled into nothingness. Suddenly, its blue light was gone and faded away. The heart of the Bantu was destroyed. With no evil sphere controlling the massive heap of evil ooze, the Bantu quickly began sinking into the ground. The ooze saturated like water, and soon became nothing more than a blue puddle. And lying in the blue puddle was everyone else… alive and well. And as for Sarnie and Coco, the ice barrier was soon shattered and they were freed and very much alive. The familiars were also up as well.

Shen: (feeling his body) I'm free! And I'm alive!!
Coco: (looking at Kitsume with admiration) You did it!! I knew you could!!

Delilah was astonished and disgusted. She pulled her hair in anger.

Delilah: GERARGH!!!!!!!!!!! Defeated the Bantu!?? IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! DARN YOU!!!!!!!!

Kitusme then looked sternly at Delilah.

Kitsume: As you said… I underestimated the forces of evil. But as you have proven… you have underestimated the forces of good. (Putting her sword back) Now… stand aside... so I may face my grandfather.

Delilah looked angrily at kitsume. She was furious. She was raising electric sparks form her hands. But then, a flash of lightning appeared right next to her. Delilah looked to her side. So did Kitsume, and she was shocked to see who it was. It was Demona.

Delilah: Gyah... Miss Demona.
Demona: (Pointing her finger at Delilah) WRETCH!!! Your experiments were failures!! No matter what kind of black magic you were given, it only proved unsuccessful.
Delilah: Dare you accuse me!?!? (Pointing at the group below) It was THEM!! They had the advantage all along. Because of those wretched familiars with them!
Demona: It matters not! The Power of Demonarc is great! Now… LEAVE!!! And go back to your study so you can think of BETTER ways to deal with filth!!
Delilah: (Angrily but humbly obeying) Yes… Miss Demona!

Delilah then engulfed herself in a stream of light .She soon teleported to another region of the castle. Then, Demona looked down at Kitsume.

Kitsume: (looking angrily at Demona) …sister.
Demona: Kitsume… I am more disgusted in you than ever. Again, and again… you refuse to join our grandfather at his most prominent height. I came to remind you… no matter how many forces of evil you destroy… no matter how far you get through the castle… no matter how many of Demonarc's most trusted cult members you defeat… it won't be enough. Demonarc will possess the soul… and I'm here to tell you your efforts are futile. I'm offering you one last chance sister... join us, and become one with the dark legion of evil!
Coco: YOU!! (stepping forward) Shut up!!! Kitusme will NEVER join you!!! I'm not afraid anymore, and I'm here to tell you that Kitsume, nor ANY of us are gonna join with your moron of a grandfather Demonarc. Oh sure, the first sight of the Death Lord made me shiver some… but now with everything I'm going through… I'll spit in his skull the next time I see him. Face it Demona… you will never convince us EVER!!! JUST LEAVE!!!

Kitsume and everyone else looked at Coco with great pride. Coco was now fully mature, and was used to the dangers ahead. She stood firm and tall; because she knew Kitusme would never give in; and that Kitsume and the others would prevail. Demona stood there for a moment, looking down and frowning at the group. But then, she soon smiled and laughed evilly to herself.

Demona: So... I suppose it's settled then. (Starting to walk away) Oh very well then… but mark my words… Demonarc will not settle with this. (looking at Kitsume) It's official now sister, that Demonarc will use his powers to destroy you. Oh dear… pathetic low lives… what you will be experiencing will be nothing like the fires of Hell… which you will ALL experience as Demonarc takes power. And when he does… do not say we did not ask you to join us. For believe me… no matter how many times you'll deny it… you'll wish you had!

Demona then laughed wickedly, and then transported out of the laboratory with a flash of lightning. Then, the large door in front of Kitsume and the others opened.

Kitsume: (looking ahead) Let's go!
Coco: Um… Kitsume.
Kitsume: Yes child?
Coco: I hope you realize that we're all depending on you. I have complete faith in you, and know fully well Demonarc will never triumph with you around. So please… promise us all he will never succeed.
Kitsume: I promise greatly.
Coco: More than that… make sure it will never be broken.
Kitsume: (smiling warmly at Coco) Of course child.
Coco: Thank you.
Aku Aku: HURRY!!! No more time to waste!! There's more peril ahead. And not to mention Kitsume… your son may be at stake.
Kitsume: (suddenly realizing) STAR!!! Oh God… I forgot he was here!! Ergh… this adds on to more anxiety.
Kikanoo: Bet Demonarc will keep his eyes on him too.
Kitsume: Yes… I know. Well enough… we'll just have to press on.

And they did, entering the huge door, and into the more perils that would await them.

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