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The giant plant that had been standing behind them attacked Crash and Neo...

CRASH: Ya' know, that kinda stings... (passes out)
COCO: Crash!

(She ran towards them him as he and Neo fell to the ground)

Seeing Double

(Crash uneasily woke. He looked around the room. It was a small room. There was another bed next to him. It was unmade, so he guessed that's where Neo had been. It had a large doorway leading out to a courtyard. He could hear voices coming from outside.)

VOICE:...Happy? Why should I be happy?! You trick us and then you clone my brother and you think I should be happy?!

(It was Coco)

CRASH: (thinking) 'Clone'? Did she just say 'clone'?

(Crash stiffly got up and headed for the doorway. What he saw there was Coco, N. Gin, a banged Neo, and what looked like a smaller version of himself)

CRASH: Did you say 'clone'?

(They jump)

COCO: Crash! You're awake! (runs to him.)
CRASH: Yeah, but did you say 'clone'?
COCO: (sighs and points to the other him) He's name's FC. They got some of your blood when you were out.
CRASH: But how could they...?
VOICE: I think I can answer that.

(They turned to see a tall Tasmanian Devil. He was dressed in a black over shirt and jeans.)

NEO: Let me introduce my one of new assistants, Dr. Chris T. Devil. He was the one who made the cloning device.
CHRIS: Nice to meet you. (shakes Crash and Coco's hands) I see you had a run-in with my plants.
CRASH: (jumping)Your plants?!
CHRIS: Yes, they got out somehow. Sorry 'bout that. If you'd come this way, I can show you around my lab.

(With that, he set off in the direction that he came with Crash and Coco behind him)
(Crash and Coco walked through the lab. They were amazed by all the great experiments and devices Chris had. Crash then noticed there was someone walking behind them. At first he was a bit cheesed off and thought he was seeing things, but then he remembered he had been cloned and there really was another him following them.)

CRASH: So aaaaa...this FC guy, does he talk?
CHRIS: We're not sure yet. He does seem to be a bit quiet, doesn't he?
COCO: (also notices FC) Very...
CRASH: A bit small, too.
CHRIS: Yes, well, he's basically a kid version of you.
CRASH: I guess that makes sense... You seem like a nice guy, so why are you working for goofballs like Cortex?
CHRIS: By choice.
CRASH: By choice?!
CHRIS: Various reasons.

(Chris looked out his window)

CHRIS: Excuse me, I need to tend to something.

(With that, Chris ran off. Crash turned and watched Chris run off. Then, he saw FC run off in the other direction. He looked out the window to see what might have upset Chris. All he saw was a young dingo. He thought it was a bit odd, but nevertheless, he was alone, for Coco was off looking around the lab. He thought he, too, might look around while they were gone and set off. He was sure nothing bad would happen. Well, not really.)
(Crash walked around the old castle turning here and there. As he came to a small room, he heard voices.)

VOICE: You're suppose to kill them, not make friends with them!

(He knew the voice as Uka Uka's.)

VOICE 2: I had other business to attend to…

(Was that Chris?)

VOICE 2: I'll get them next

(Yes it was. Crash was shocked. He and Coco needed to get out of the castle fast. He ran back to the lab where he last saw Coco. He was relieved to see she was still looking at something.)

CRASH: Coco! We need to get out of here!
COCO: Crash, what's wrong?
CRASH: Chris is going to kill us!
COCO: (sigh) I knew it was too good to be true...(starts to run with Crash)
CRASH: I think it would be best if we split up!
COCO: Right! (runs off in other direction)


(Chris looked around the dark corridors of the castle. Then, he heard a voice. He drew his gun. He jumped around a corner and fired. It hit Crash right in the stomach.)

CHRIS: Hm… (smiles to himself)
VOICE: Aaaaaaa... I think I should go now

(Chris turns to see who it was. It was Crash.)

CHRIS: But...

(He looked closer at who he had just shot)

CHRIS: Damn...

(He had mistaken FC for Crash. He had just killed his own experiment. Chris was shocked. Something he had spent years on just went down the drain. He put down his gun and ran after Crash)

CRASH: (thinking) Crap! That's guy has good aim!
CHRIS: Crash!
CRASH: Uh oh...
CHRIS: Crash, stop! I'm unarmed!

(Crash looked behind him. Chris had no gun he could see. He stopped. Chris ran up to him)

CHRIS: Crash, you saw what I did up there, you know what I can do.)
CRASH: Your point is...?
CHRIS: Get out of here quickly!
CRASH: What?
CHRIS: I'm letting you go. If Uka Uka sees me with you, he'll force me to kill you. Now go!

(Crash asked no more questions, though he was a bit puzzled, he just ran as fast as his little legs could caring him to the exit)
(When Crash was out he meet Coco, who was waiting for him by the jungle edge.)
COCO: What happened to you? You look like you saw a ghost
CRASH: I'm not sure...

(Crash looked back. As he was running out, a cat-like girl appeared out of nowhere. He was probably just jumpy. He was always that way in Cortex Castle. It was just something about that place. It just seemed so real...)

COCO: Come on! (pulls on his arm) I think we should get as far from this place as we can!
CRASH: Yeah.

(and they ran back home)

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