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[ ‘Kiss From A Rose’ by Seal plays along with the credits]
FEMALE VOICE: I'm here to tell you a story: A story of love, hate, jealousy, and how the past can come back to haunt you. Or, in this case, someone else.

Crash Bandicoot: Eden’s Revenge

Crash Bandicoot
Dr. Neo Cortex
Dr. Chris T. Devil
Charles NT
Ben Dingo
Eden Lynx
Coco Bandicoot
Dr. Nathan Gin
Tiny Tiger

Dr. Nefarious Tropy
FC Bandicoot Komodo Joe
Komodo Moe
Ripper Roo
Aku Aku
Uka Uka

(Song ends)

(We see Cortex Castle. Shouting is heard)

NATE: Get back here, you blasted dingo!

(Nathan is seen running after a young dingo known as Ben. Ben is caring a large ray gun. He jumps into a tree. Nate sees this)

NATE: What the…?

(The ground beneath him falls away. He looks down)

NATE: Damn

(He falls into the hole)


[First “Backstreet’s Back” from ‘Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)’ by the Backstreet Boys is heard ]

(Profile-type pictures of the characters are seen. The last one is shown. It’s Coco. It turns into the real thing. She’s walking down the street. She turns and her and Crash’s house can be seen in the distance)

[Crash Theme starts]

(Crash and Polar are seen playing a video game. Polar wins)

CRASH: Bloody Hell…

(We see the game they were playing, ‘Pong’)


(He does a little dance)

(Coco walks in)

COCO: What’s the score?
CRASH: Ten to zero…(From outside)
(A young wallaby runs in)

WALLABY: Help! There’s a guy after me!

(The wallibe jumps into Coco’s arms)

COCO: Don’t worry; you’ll be all right (turns) Crash, go take a look.

(Crash looks out side. He almost falls over when he sees who it is)


(It’s a middle-aged man. He smiles)

CHARLES: Hello, Crash!

COCO: Who is it? (gasp) Oh no…

(Coco has a flashback to the last time they had a run in with Charles NT and Ben Dingo. She remembered how they kidnapped her, the bomb, what happened to Crash and Polar, what Uka Uka did to Crash…. Most everyone still hadn’t recovered from it, not even Aku Aku)


(The wallibe jumped out of Coco’s arms, He flipped in the air, made a slight ‘pop’, then landed and grabbed Coco)

COCO: What the…?

(She then saw the face of her restrainers. It was Ben)

COCO: Oh my God…
CRASH: Coco!

(Polar lunges at Ben, but is hit back. Ben then disappears)


(He turns to Charles)
CRASH: Where is she?!
CHARLES: All in good time, my boy. For now, let the games begin!

(Charles snapped his finger then disappears. In a split second, Neo, Nate, Chris, Pinstripe, Ripper Roo, Dingodile, Tiny, and the Komodo Brothers surrounded Crash)

CRASH: Guys, what are you doing?

(They advance on him)

CRASH: Guys? Guys?! (gasp)

(Crash looked into their eyes. They seemed so dark and deep. It was like you could fall into them. These were not the guys he knew. These were none other than lifeless pones come to do the king’s work. He knew it was useless to fight, so Crash stopped and let himself be taken)
[ ‘We Are’ by Vertical Horizon plays ]

(Crash woke up in, what looked like, a dungeon. He looked around. No one was in sight. He got up slowly. He saw that he had some kind of device on his arm. He looked at it, trying to figure out what it might be. Then, Pinstripe walked in)

PINSTRIPE: Hey, rat, the boss wants ya!
CRASH: What?

(Pinstripe motioned Crash to follow him. Crash did)

(Pinstripe led Crash to a large room. It was quite dark and dreary. In the middle were Charles and Ben waiting for them)

CHARLES: Hello, Crash
CRASH: What’s going on? What’s wrong with these guys?
CHARLES: The little thing on your arm, that’s what

(Crash gasped. The device on his arm must be what’s controlling them. That must mean Charles was planning to use it on Crash, too)

CRASH: What do you want from us?

(Charles looked down)

CHARLES: Nothing that you would understand

(Crash looked at him strangely)

CRASH: At least tell me where we are!
CHARLES: Angel Island, my boy.
CRASH: (gasp) Angel Island? I thought that it only existed in fairy tales!
CHARLES: Oh, no. It’s quite real. And all that has been said about it is just as real as the island.

(Crash hoped he was lying. The stories about Angel Island were awful. Lost souls, ghost, demons, that’s how the place got its name. Pinstripe took him back to the dungeon.)

(There, he saw the rest of his attackers waiting for him. There was something different about them this time. He realized what it was as they got closer. The eyes. They had the friendly, but scared of what was happening look in them. He smiled as he saw that Pinstripe, too, had snapped out of it)

CRASH: So, what can we do?
NEO: As long as Charles has these things on us, nothing
CRASH: Well, we have to get ‘em off
NATE: It’s not that easy. I’ve been working on it, and it seems that only he can get them off.
CRASH: Great…
[“You Can Still Be Free” by Savage Garden plays ]

(We see Crash sitting aloof from the rest of the group, seeming to be in deep thought. The others looked over at him with concern)

JOE: What’sssssss wrong with him?
CHRIS: Don’t know. He’s been like that for a while now
MOE: (joking) Maybe he sssssssssaw a ghosssssssst

(Joe hits him)

NEO: Come on, guys, let’s get serious.
MOE & JOE: Sssssssssorry

(Over by Crash)

(Crash sighs. He thinks about his past experience with Charles NT and Ben Dingo. It was not a good one and no one who has ever known him has been the same. Then, for some reason, he thought about when he first met Chris. At the time, Chris was trying to kill him, but killed his double instead. That and when Crash was trying to get out of Cortex Castle, he saw a cat-like girl in a long black dress. She came and went so quickly; it was like she was a ghost)

VOICE: Crash…

(He looked up. There was no one there)

CRASH: (shiver) This place gives me the creeps…
VOICE: It should, it’s the island of the dead.

(Crash his head up again. This time, that same cat-like girl was there)

CRASH: (jumping slightly) Who are you?

GIRL: I am Eden Lynx. I’ve come here to help you.
CRASH: By scaring me half to death?
CRASH: No pun intended (looking at her) You like a bit…pale.
EDEN: Yes, well, 20 years ago, I died.
CRASH: You what?
EDEN: (nods) Just a warning, you are the only one that can see and hear me.
CRASH: So now you want everyone to think I’m crazy?
EDEN: You mean you’re not?
CRASH: Ha ha, very funny.
(Back over at the other guys)

(They’re watching Crash with great interest)

CHRIS: Oh dear…
MOE: Told ya’
ALL: Shut up
[‘Building A Mystery’ by Sarah McLachlan plays ]


(Ben is seen walking up some stairs. He reaches the top and a balcony. He goes over to the railing of the balcony and looks over the edge. The water was calm and peaceful. Seemed like the spirits were that way, too. He sighed and waiting for him to come)

VOICE: Oy, Benny boy!
BEN: What took you so long?
VOICE: Got stuck in traffic

(An oddly dress creature appeared. He was standing on the wall. He seemed to be dressed in armour of some kind)

CREATURE: Wha’ don’t believe me?
BEN: How much traffic can there be in Subspace?
CREATURE: More than you’d believe.
BEN: What are you doing here, Randy?
RANDY: Got bored with that Zonic guy
BEN: (sigh) You know, how do I even know that you’re alive? I saw you get shot twice
RANDY: I look and sound real to you, don’t I?
BEN: Yeah…
RANDY: Well, do ghost look and sound real?
BEN: No…
RANDY: So I must be alive then, right?
BEN: I guess…
RANDY: See? Case closed!
BEN: …

(Neo goes up to Crash)
NEO: Crash, give me your arm.

(Crash does. Neo messes with is a bit and the lights on it go off)

CRASH: Hey, Doc, ya did it!
NEO: Yes, now come on, we need to get out of here.
NEO: I think Charles intended me to figure this thing out. The others are different than ours.
CRASH: Do you think…?
NEO: Maybe, but for now, we need to get going.

(The two get up. Before they could get to far, they found the Komodo bros standing in their way)

JOE: Where do you think you’re going?

(Before they had a chance to blink, they found the blades of the Brothers’ swords at their necks. Crash and Neo looked at each other. Crash looked back at the blade. He kicked Joe from underneath, knocking the sword from his hand. He then did the same to Moe. As soon as they thought they were don’t with lose two, the came back with more power than before. Crash blocked a blow with his robotic arm)

CRASH: Gees, this is crazy
NEO: (dodging) I think it’s supposed to be that way
CRASH: Well, yeah, but how are we going to beat them?
NEO: All with good time…
[ ‘Hemorrhage (In My Hands)’ by Fuel plays ]

(After some time, the Komodos were worn done and easily beaten. Crash and Neo made their way out of the dungeon. Soon, they were face to face with Tiny and Dingo)

CRASH: Uh, oh…

(Tiny grinned and Dingo readied his flamethrower)

NEO: Gee, this isn’t good.
CRASH: No, I don’t think so.

(Tiny lunged at Crash and Dingo fired at Neo. They began to fight)

(In the middle of the fight, Crash saw someone out of the corner of his eye. He looked at it better and saw it was the Zone Cop that had helped him in that Warp World)

CRASH: You! What are you doing here?
COP: Oh, nothing much

(The Cop waved his hand and Dingo and Tiny were sent flying)

COP: Much better
CRASH: (looking at Tiny and Dingo) Wha…? How…?
COP: What? I can’t help?
CRASH: Aaaaaa…no, it’s OK.
COP: All right, then, just remember, Charles had got his spy and he’s got his Orange Crush.

(With that, the Cop disappeared)
NEO: What’s that supposed to mean?
CRASH: Isn’t that from a song?
NEO: I think so
CRASH: (singing) Follow me, don’t follow me. I got me spy, I got my Orange Crush: Colour me, don’t colour me. I got my spy I got my Orange Crush…
NEO: Yes, Crash, we’ve covered that. Now, what does it mean?
CRASH: I think we’ll know when we find Charles’s spy and Orange Crush
[‘Sleepwalker’ by The Wallflowers plays]

(Crash and Neo are seen walking around the dark castle. They enter the large room where Crash had been taken to see Charles. They looked around. As they do, Ben appears behind them)

BEN: Boo

(They spin around)

NEO: What do you want?
BEN: I’m here to stop you from going any farther

[ ‘Push It’ by Garbage plays ]

(Ben makes a fist with one hand. The fist started to glow. He raised it above his head)

CRASH: Uh, oh
NEO: Not good…

(Ben brought his hand down to the ground sending a shock wave up to Crash and Neo. The shock knocked them over. Before they could get back up, Ben sent another shock wave through the ground)
NEO: Ouf! How are we going to stop him?
CRASH: I say we play his game!
(Crash got up. He raised his robotic arm and slammed it into the ground. This made a large crack in the ground, leading up to Ben. Ben looked down at the crack as it opened and he fell in)


(Crash and Neo ran over to the small dingo hanging on to the ledge)

NEO: Need some help?
BEN: No, I’ve been in worse spots.
CRASH: Sure?
BEN: Yep

(The dingo disappeared)

CRASH: That was odd
NEO: Yes, yes it was
[‘Letters’ by Stroke 9 plays ]

(Crash pondered about that Zone Cop had said. Ben’s attack had somewhat of an orange glow to it. Is that what he meant by ‘Orange Crush’? Just then, they saw their next challenge, Chris. He stood waiting for them, sword ready)

NEO: Great…
CRASH: This should be fun
CHRIS: Funny, I was thinking the same thing

(Chris lunged for the two, who evaded. Before Crash and Neo could turn around, Chris did a roundhouse kick and hit the two. Crash once again hit the ground. Chris was knocked over by the shock. Crash and Neo waited a moment, and when they saw that Chris was not getting up, they thought themselves the winners)

NEO: That was easier than I thought it would be…
CRASH: Yeah…

(They began to walk towards they door, when all of the sudden, Chris came running up behind them)

CRASH: What the…?

(Chris swung at them)
NEO: He should be freed from Charles’ control!

(Crash nodded. Just then, he had a horrid thought. What if Chris was Charles’ spy?)
[‘Orange Crush’ by R.E.M. plays]

(Chris smiled, as though he could read Crash’s thoughts. Crash gasped and backed out of Chris’ hold)

CRASH: You ARE working for him!
CHRIS: ‘Bout time you figured it out

(He swings at him again. Crash jumped out of the way, went up to Chris, and hit him in the chest. Chris staggered. Crash grabbed his shirt)

CRASH: Where’s my sister?
CHRIS: You’ll never find out!

(Chris gripped his sword, ready to cut Crash in two. Just then, the sword was knocked from his hand by a laser blast. The two looked to their side to see Neo, laser smoking, ready to fire again. Chris let Crash go)

NEO: It’s over, Chris.
CHRIS: Nothing’s what it seems!

(A fireball hit the ground in front of Neo. Chris smiled as Neo and Crash looked up to see none other than Charles NT)
[The background music of 'Boss Level: N. Tropy' from Crash: WARPED plays]

(Crash and Neo looked up at Charles. He was holding Dr. Tropy's weapon)

NEO: I thought Tropy was the only one that could control the weapon…

(Charles pressed a button on his arm device. In a flash, where Charles once was, now stood Dr. Tropy)

NEO: What the...?
CRASH: (looking at Tropy, then Neo) Charles NT...
NEO: Nefarious Tropy...
CRASH: But how?
TROPY: The devices on your arms can also change your appearnce.

(Just then, Tiny, Dingo, and the Komodo bros walked in. As they did, they changed into Ripper Roo, Pinstripe, N. Gin, and Coco)

RIPPER: Ahahahahaha--ow...
NATE: Nee...
COCO: Ouchies...
CRASH: (running over) Coco!
NEO: (to Tropy) Where did you get them?
TROPY: I got them from my partner! (Ben appears) Where he got them, I don't know.
BEN: I got them from an old friend
CRASH: Who is...?

(They turn to face the Zone Cop)

BEN: 'Ello, Randy!
RANDY: 'Ello!
CRASH: Who the bloody Hell are you?
RANDY: I'm you!

(With that, Randy took off his helmet. The team gasped as they saw the face of Crash looking back at them)

CRASH: What the...?
RANDY: You don't remember your own double, Crash?
CRASH: Er...

(Crash thought back. What did he mean by 'double'? Then, it hit him.)


(Randy smiled)

RANDY: So you do remember!

(FC pressed a button on his arm projector. The armour disappeared, then, he jumped down from the wall [didn't clarify it before, the Zone Cops stand sideways]. The smaller version of Crash came up and stood in front of him. Crash looked at FC, then Ben)

CRASH: And what do you do? Turn into a cat?
BEN: I see dead people.
BEN: (nods) And there's one right behind you, too.

(Crash jumps around)


(Standing behind him was the lynx ghost, Eden)

CRASH: But I thought you said...

EDEN: He's an exception. So is FC!

(Crash looks at FC, who gives a goofy grin and waves)

COCO: (to Neo) Who is he talking to?

(Neo shrugs)

PINSTRIPE: 'E loco in da cabasa.
NATE: Si!*
CRASH: (glaring) I can understand Spanish, you know.

(Pinstripe and Nate fall over)

CRASH: (turning back to Eden) What's going on?

(Eden sighs and is ready to explain, when FC stops her)

FC: I want everyone to hear this.
CRASH: Explain what?
FC: What’s been going on and why you’re standing there now.
CRASH: Oh… wait, aren’t you dead?
FC: Not dead, just living challenged, but that’s beside the point. Why we are here is to show you the true Doctor Chris T. Devil.

(They look at Chris, who is staring disbelievingly at FC)

FC: Now, twenty-some years ago, Miss Eden Lynx was living an ‘appy life. ‘Er friend, Doctor Chris T. Devil and Doctor N. Tropy, stood by her side no matta’ what happened. That all changed when Doctor Tropy thought up the plans for a time machine. Tropy and Chris fought ‘bout if the plan was workable or not. Chris said it wasn’t, while ‘e knew it was. ‘E was trying to convince Tropy that there was no way for the machine to work and it was just a waste of time, so that ‘e could get the blueprints change it a bit, and take the credit for the work. Well, we don’t call Tropy the “Master of Time” for nuttin’. ‘E didn’t give up. This, of course, made Chris mad. ‘E figured there was only one way to get those plans, and you can guess what it was.

(He paused, glared at Chris, who was looking quite nervous, and went on)

FC: To make a long story short, ‘e got Eden instead. Chris ‘ad missed his chances. ‘E joined up with Cortex later on, only to do just ‘bout the same thing.

(Still glaring at Chris, FC made his way over to Ben)

FC: After the plant incident, you, Coco, and Cortex were brought back to the castle. Chris thought this was the perfect opportunity to try out ‘is new toy, a cloning device, and we all know ‘ow that turned out. Now, I was keeping a close eye on you, trying to see ‘ow you acted an’ all. When Chris ‘ad to “attend to something”, I thought I might ‘ave a look ‘round. I found my way to a back courtyard, where I met Eden. I, of course, didn’t know ‘bout ‘er…condition at the time, and thought ‘er a normal person. We had been talking for only a short time when we ‘eard a yell. We went to see ‘hom is had come from, and found a young dingo (makes gesture toward Ben) ‘E ‘ad just a run in with a mad Tasmanian devil with a sword, thus the scar ‘cross ‘is eye. Now, Eden and I ‘ad been talking ov’r what ‘ad happened while Ben was lying down. Chris just ‘appened to ‘ear us, or me, I should say, ‘bout what we were going to do ‘bout it. It was natural for ‘im to pull ‘is gun on me. You just so ‘appened to be there when ‘e did, so ‘e made it look like ‘e thought I was you. Eden and Ben nursed me back to ‘ealth. Ben joined with Tropy and I when I was fit enough, joined with the Zone Cops. And, the rest, as they say, is ‘istory.

(They look at Chris, who is slightly paler)

CRASH: You? You’re the cause of all of this? You’re the reason why I’m not sleeping in right now?

(The others sweat drop like in Animes)

FC: Yes, Crash, ‘e’s the reason why you ain’t gettin’ your beauty sleep right now…

(Crash growls at Chris, who looks ready to fight if he has to.)

CRASH: Now, I’m mad…

(Crash begins to spin. The others follow his lead and take out their weapons)

BEN: (to Eden) So now what do we do?
EDEN: Well, we came join in the fight or brake out the popcorn!
FC: Hmmm…like that’s a hard choice.

(FC pulls a small stick off his belt. It looks like a handle to something. He twirled it around and it turned into a large mallet. Ben rolls up his sleeves to reveal gold bands on each wrist. They begin to glow as he powers up)

EDEN: (sigh) Men, never satisfied until they blow something up…
[ ‘Say No More’ by Innosense (instrumental) plays ]

(Chris now had his sword out and ready to face the advancing team. They had grim looks on their faces. Neo and Nate fired at Chris, who deflected the shots with his sword. Pinstripe finished loading his gun and started to fire. Chris dodged the bullets. It was Ben and FC’s turn to attack. They pretended to play baseball as Ben threw a fireball at FC, who hit it with his mallet, sending it towards Chris. It barely missed him. Ripper Roo bounced toward Chris, who merely kicked him out of the way. Crash and Coco did a double team attack. Coco ran up to Crash, who was ready with his hands down low so she could jump. Coco jumped off Crash’s hands, flipped, and grabbed Crash’s hands. She threw him towards Chris, hitting his square on the chest. Chris staggered back holding his chest. Now, Crash had begun to spin. Before Crash could reach him, Chris kicked Crash in the back of the head, sending him into the nearby lake. Coco gasped. Pinstripe, who had looking for another clip, dropped his gun and took off his suit coat while running towards the lake. He jumped in and after a few seconds, came back up, with Crash in his grasp. Seeing that Crash was, for the most part, okay, Coco, run up to Chris and, catching him off guard, kicked him in the arm. Tropy came up behind Chris when this happened, but Chris did manage to block his attack. It appeared that Dingo and Tiny had caught on that there was something going on outside and they came out. Confused, but not asking questions, they got into the fight, shooting fireballs and swiping at Chris. Dingo saw Ben and stopped dead in his tracks)

BEN: Oh, ‘lo, big brotha!
DINGO: Wha’ are you doing?
BEN: ‘Avin’ fun! (shoots another fireball at FC, who once again hits toward Chris) Come on, we’ll talk about it latta!

(The Komodo bros had also realized this and drew their swords. They started throwing them at Chris, but soon realized that this wasn’t a good idea, seeing how Chris used the discarded swords to his advantage)

(Meanwhile, Eden is watching this. She is thinking about how she might be able to help. There was nothing she could do by herself. Then, she realized that she didn’t have to do it by herself. She could possibly get the spirits of the island to help her. It was worth a shot. She closed her eyes. There was a rust of wind. This distracted the fighters. They looked over to see what was causing it. What they saw was a very angry lynx with red, glowing eyes. The wind rusted around her, making her long dress move wildly. The team moved away as Eden moved toward Chris, who seemed too scared to move. The wind caught Chris and lifted him into the air. He yelled as he was thrown through a door. What was behind the door is best lift to the mind, for awful yells could be heard as it opened and sucked Chris in. The door closed with an almighty slam that shook the castle’s foundation. The team stared at the door, thunderstruck. It was Coco who broke the deathly silence)

COCO: Crash!

(She ran over to her unconscious brother. The rest seemed to snap out of a trance and also went over to Crash)

COCO: Crash… (shakes him)

(Crash slowly opened his eyes. He gasped and tried to get up, but failed)

NEO: It’s all right, Crash, Chris is gone.

(Crash still looked unsure and quite scared)

COCO: Crash, what’s wrong?
CRASH: (looking around) …Who are you people?

(The team went slightly pale)

NATE: Oh no…
COCO: W-what? Crash, don’t you know us?

(Crash shook his head. Tears filled Coco’s eyes)

NEO: The blow to his head must’ve…
COCO: No… No… (cries)

(Back home)

(Dingo, Tiny, Pinstripe, Neo, and Nate come into the room looking worn out)

DINGO: (rubbing jaw) Forgot ‘wo ‘ard that kid can punch…
TINY: He hurt Tiny’s hand! (holds up hand, bite marks can be seen in it)
NEO: Watch out when he wakes up. Doubt he’ll be pleased to see you.
COCO: When will he wake up?
NEO: About four hours.

(The baddies head for the front door)

COCO: Where are you going?
NATE: Home!
COCO: What? What about…?
PINSTRIPE: Oi, you ain’t the only one whose had a long day!
NEO: Don’t worry; we’ll be back to see how he’s doing later on.
COCO: All right. Thanks guys

(They grunt and leave. Coco sighs and sits down on the couch. Pura and Polar come up to her. Maybe Aku Aku would be able to help)


AKU AKU: Lost his memory?
COCO: Yeah, can’t remember a thing.
AKU AKU: I can to get it back quickly…
COCO: You can?
AKU AKU: Yes, but it requires my fusing with him.
AKU AKU: We can try it when he wakes up.
COCO: Really?
AKU AKU: Yes, it is my duty to watch over you two.
COCO: (smiles wide) Thank you. Thank you so much

(Aku Aku smiles)
[‘Here With Me’ by Dido (chorus) plays ]

(Crash and Aku Aku are seen. Crash looks unsure about what’s going on, but Aku Aku is quite sure on what he is doing. Rainbow colours begin to swirl around them. A ghostly image of a dark-skinned man appeared behind the witch doctor mask, making it look as though he was wearing it. The man reached out and touched Crash’s chest and seemed to walk into him. Both the man and Aku Aku disappeared leaving only the stunned Crash. The colours began to die down and the living room of Crash and Coco’s home slowly came into focus. Coco and the pets ran up to Crash, asking him what happened, but he just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head)

(Meanwhile, FC, Ben, and Tropy are seen standing on a balcony on the Castle of Angel Island. As they talk, Eden is smiling at them. A second later, it’s gone and the screen fades black and the song fades to an end)

[“This Could Be Heaven” by Seal plays along the credits]

David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Ripper Roo
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex and Polar
Daren Hayes as FC Bandicoot and Randy the Zone Cop
Daniel Jones as Ben Dingo
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot
Michael Ensign as Dr. N. Tropy and Charles NT
Brendan Fraser as Dr. Chris T. Devil
Dido as Eden Lynx
Brendan O’ Brian as Dr. Nathan Gin, Tiny Tiger and Pinstripe Potoroo
William Hootkins as Dingodile
Michael Connor as the Komodo Brothers
Mel Winker as Aku Aku

Dedicated to anyone that has lost someone special to you
* [Translation (for those who don't understand Spanish)]

PINSTIPE: 'E crazy in da head.
NATE: Yes!

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