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**Suddenly the sky turns black, and lighting strikes every few seconds worldwide. We go to a large castle in an unknown location somewhere on Earth. From a faint distance, you can see a simple "N"...**

**Everyone is startled by the weird behaviour and events. Robberies, thefts, violence, and everything else had tripled within a mere hour. Not a single person on the face of the planet isn't affected.**

**We zoom into a white room, where a single TV is playing the local news...**

Newsman: Welcome to Y1386, NYC news... new events are occurring by the minute. The statue of liberty has been taken over by Iraqi terrorists, Harbour Island itself is ablaze, and the Manhattan River has said to be turning blood red. We have received word that the Empire State Building, Seattle Space Needle, and Eiffel Tower have all collapsed within the same minute. These events are shocking citizens and government officials worldwide. We will be updating you in precisely--


Voice: Aww...

**The TV goes black. The camera moves back, and it is inside of an apartment. The apartment is located somewhere within New York City.**

Voice: Holy! Come look at this, the Federal Reserve Building is being torn down!!

**The TV turns back on, but fades in and out, not getting anything but static.**

Voice: This is really crazy.

**Suddenly one big lighting bolt strikes, followed by thunder one second later. Everything in the world goes black.**

Voice: Wh-who's there?!

**The voice stops, falling victim to a sucking sound.**

Voice: Whoooooooooaaaaa!!--


Aku: My have been chosen...

**Everything is still black, but that voice now has a face, and it is titled Julius.**

Julius: Where...where am I?
Aku: Hmmm? I do not recall sending for you...

**The others then stand up. It is two members of the dangerous Dingo Mafia, who also take up residence in New York City.**

Dellope: Ok, where am I and who the heck are you?
D'Ark: What the heck? You ain’t seeking revenge for me killing that fly and the mechanic are you?!
Aku: it is you, D'Ark Knight, traitor of good and betrayer of many.
D'Ark: D'Ark Dingo is the name and my gun says you're a coward! Brony, hand me my gun... Brony?

**D'Ark turns around to see nobody.**

Aku: The kids you thought dead are fine now, Mr. Dingo, they take residence on a foreign planet called Bandonia.
Dellope: Why are we here?
Aku: In a minute my friend! And you... the new heroes called Bero and Trepy. No matter how hard you tried to be evil, you have been forsaken by goodness.

**Two of those 'idiots' we know as the copy rats stand up and brush themselves off.**

Trepy: Wow...I was just taking out the garbage.
Aku: Welcome my friends...
Bero: Hee... hehehe... hehehehe...


Aku: Now, Trepy! Go lightly on your friend!
D'Ark: It was me ya dumb mask!

**And Aku turns to the last three people...the 3 CTRF racers known as Ice, Mark, and George.**

Ice: that you?
Aku: Why yes, Ice. George and Mark...welcome to my palace...

**Aku turns on all the lights, and steps to the side. Julius, Dellope, D'Ark, Bero, Trepy, Ice, Mark, and George all look up and are startled by what they see. It is a beautiful palace with fountains, perfect green grass with live animals, pure water streams, and gold statues of Crash and his best friends who have helped save the Earth.**

Aku: Now I tell the story of why I bring you here. But you, young man, I do not know. It is a surprise to see you here when I did not bring you. Maybe my spells have gone berserk in this evil time. Nonetheless, I tell you why I have sought your help... You see my dear friends… Crash has again left the planet for an unknown cause, leaving the planet nearly defenceless. His and my enemies, Neo Cortex and my evil twin Uka Uka, somehow discovered he was gone, despite my efforts to pass off Crash's cousin, Fake Crash, as him. Knowing Crash was gone Uka and Cortex have done something very evil to the planet. Do any of you know the Cortex Vortex?

**Complete silence...**

Aku: Ok... well it is a machine in which Cortex created to turn harmless victims into humanlike beings. It is what made Crash what he is.
Bero: Ahh... I get it! He like takes little things... and turns them into other things. I get this!
Aku: Um... in a sense, yes. Well, knowing Crash cannot fend for the planet, Cortex has once again planned world domination. All these times he has little ploys to hurt Crash, so we thought him an inferior enemy. But while we believed him to no longer be a threat, he has created a Super Cortex Vortex, using my brother Uka's powers. He plans to aim it at the whole planet, turning every living being into one of his minions!!
D'Ark: And why do you need us old man?
Aku: Because you are all I have. My young comrade Kev Kangaroo and his friends are away trying to stop Oxide, and all others are not within my reach. Cortex has just started using the Super Vortex, and its effects are apparent! It is turning every person into evil, and luckily we have caught him early. It is weakening my powers, turning water to blood, making good evil, and more. My powers are so weak that I can only draw from one city and New York City was the most populated with those that could help.
Julius: But why me? I was with my brother watching TV, and then this?
Aku: Again... possibly a slip up in my powers.
Dellope: And why us, mask?
Aku: Mafia does not make you evil, does it Del?
Dellope: Why...
Aku: And why not?
Dellope: Whatever, Ill do what I need to save the planet, and THATS IT!
Aku: Thank you, Dellope. You are not all bad.

**Aku stares away.**

Aku: We must hurry before it is too late.
Trepy: But what is it that we do? Not to be a stooge or anything, but I’m out of here and scared of there.
Aku: You are leaving?
Trepy: When did I say that?
Aku: Oh, I misunderstood...

**D'Ark and Dellope look at each other and smirk, and Ice, Mark and George each have a snicker on their own faces.**

Trepy: I said I was... wait, yeah I did say I was leaving. Well I didn’t mean to.
Bero: Stooge...
Trepy: D’OH!
Dellope: Heh...
Aku: I will replenish all of your lives, and send you where needed. I will take care of the earth, and all its people and places. But you four must get to Cortex and Uka and stop them before it is too late.
D'Ark: For the last time, where we goin'?!
Aku: Yes, that is what I forgot. My brother, Uka, and I, we get our powers from earth, wind, water, and fire--
D'Ark: How stereotypical! Hahaha!
Aku: AHEM! Deep within the Earth there are 4 areas that match their element. Cortex and Uka have set up the Super Vortex in the very middle of the Earth, so that when it send out its rays it will affect every single point on Earth. If we can get past the 4 areas and their elements, we can reach Cortex and stop him. Trepy And Bero, you two will take the Earth area. Dellope and D'Ark--
D'Ark: Wait a sec, can you bring my pal Brony here? He can really help us.
Aku: I do not know if I am strong enough. I will try...

**Aku gathers all his strength in a little ball, and casts it upward. About 10 seconds later, Brony appears and hits the ground with a loud thud. But he isn't alone, he has brought the newest Dingo Mafia member, Tones Malone, with him.**

Dellope: Brony and Tones!
Aku: Tell them what I told you. Again, the teams - two of you take air, and the other two take water. And 3 Kings, you shall take fire.
George: Ouch...
Aku: OK, we are gone!
Julius: Wait!! What about--

**All of the people warp out, and even Julius is. Everyone is sent to their correct elemental environment within the planet, but Julius is nowhere to be found.**

Aku: Ay, good luck my friends...
**As soon as everyone was gone, Aku floated outside of his hut, and looked at the dark sky. Far, far off in the distance he saw buildings collapsing and lights flaring in the sky.**

Aku: You are truly evil, Uka...

**Aku 'sits down' and prays for all of his friends. From here, we take a great camera view over the land of fire. We see volcanoes and even volcano falls, rather than water falls. We see little creatures who are fire, but not burning. Suddenly off in the distance a big flash occurs. George, Mark, and Ice have finally arrived in this land.**

Ice: Christmas! It's hot as hell here, no joke.
George: I have a bad feeling about this place. It looks dead, and the only thing keeping it alive is the fire and heat.
Ice: Freaky...

**Suddenly 3 red monkeys jump down from a tree and land about 5 feet away from them.**

Mark: Oh, so we start so soon?
Monkey 1: For Cortex... we kill! Oohwahhahaha!

**The first monkey dashes for George, and the other two dash at Mark and Ice. George catches the monkey, and uses it's momentum to throw it off a little ledge, down into lava. Mark punches the monkey in mid air, knocking it out cold. Meanwhile, Ice jumps up and stomps on the last monkey, knocking him out as well.**

Ice: I am the king of fire!
Mark: And together we are the three kings!
George: But we speak too soon...!

**When George says that, Ice and Mark turn around, and see the tree tops moving, and some of the trees even falling. A huge ape comes into view, followed by thousands of monkeys just like the ones the kings just fought. Ice gulped at the chance.

George: I think we run now!

**The 3 kings turn the opposite way and make a mad dash down the hill. They're being chased downhill by a fiery King Kong and legions of red monkeys.**

Mark: At least we have a path to follow!
Ice: Perfect at an imperfect time, GREAT!
George: Almost TOO perfect! Whooooooooa!!!

**All 3 men are speeding down the slope, jumping small lava streams, flying hot rocks, fierce red animals, and much more. And the fact that the mountain shakes every step of King Kong's doesn’t help. All 3 men finally reach the bottom of the slope after about 5 minutes of continual running and jumping. They reach a huge clearing and jump off a miniature cliff onto steaming rock. Floating, glowing, and spiked steel balls are now in front of the kings.**

George: You two go around, I'll distract!!

**Ice runs left and Mark goes right. There are about 100 of the fire monsters flying towards George, and when it all seems hopeless, he rolls right. At the same time the legions of monkeys arrive. Impact of fire.**


**As they all run away, they hear plenty of steaming and squealing.**

George: Look there, it is a big doorway!
Ice: We're getting closer, almost there!

**They all come to a slow stop in front of the huge door, which is steaming hot and 30 feet high.**

Mark: Um, I’m guessing we don’t knock.
George: There, that jeep!
Ice: Jeep, here?!
George: Does it matter?

**George runs over to the jeep, and of course the keys are in it. He revs it up, and peels out, directly towards the big door. About 10 feet away from the door, he jumps from the jeep and rolls away.**

WHAM! Keeeeeeer!!

Mark: No!

**The door began falling, and the kings had no chance of running. WAM!**

George: Uh...huh? No! W-wait...

**The door didn’t hit the ground, but stopped about 5 feet above it.**

Ice: Are we dead yet, Mark?
Mark: Uh, I don’t think we died...

**Suddenly the door flies above them and lands in a huge pit of lava.**

George: Um...?

**Ice and Mark stare in front of them at a man in a mask, who is dressed in futuristic Roman attire, like that of a super hero.**

Man: Ah, good day, my friends! Sorry to leave so soon, but elsewhere is where I belong!

**The man jumps up and disappears in the air.**

George: Let's just ignore that. Now let us go stop Cortex!

**The three kings run through a door, but suddenly are stopped, and are surrounded by all kinds of weird fire animals.**

Ice: Now THIS is what I call a dilemma...

**The animals all turn to fire, and a huge lava moat forms around the kings. They are stuck on a small little island. The lava begins to form a platform above on one side. A man comes from the shadows, followed by a floating man who looks like Aku.**

Cortex: Hoohoohawhawhaw...feeling a little burned out? You should know me better - I am always prepared.
George: Cortex!! Get me off this island and I'll show you--
Certox: Now, now, why would I do that? I am neither stupid nor careless. Welcome to my lair. You have come through the fireside, and for all I care you can burn to death.

**Cortex walks down the platform and goes back to work in the centre of the 4 sided room, one which is taken by the lava moat surrounding the kings. The 3 now focus their attention on the floating mask above them.**

Uka: Fools! Do you plan to stop me? Suffer now...

**Uka flies to the same spot as Cortex**

Mark: This isn’t good, we get to die...
George: In the Land of Fire...

**The 3 Kings; George, Mark, and Ice; simply stands there staring forward at Uka Uka and Cortex, who are adding the last touches to the Super Cortex Vortex.**

Uka: Ah, it is ready. Do not screw this up, just as you have everything else.
Cortex: What?! Fine, if you do not trust me, I shall let my minions do it.

**The 3 Kings can hear them speaking, and at the same time are pushed closer together, because the lava is closing in on their captive circle.**

George: We do not have much time before the lava comes in! And where are the others? The mafia members, and those idiots!
Ice: I do not know, but it looks as if our world is doomed.

**Meanwhile, in the Land of Water. Dellope and D'Ark dingos are stuck in the middle of plenty of water animals, who are ready to drown them.**

D'Ark: Ooh, what a way to go out. Get drowned by water blobs. I can’t even get shot!

**The one water blob floats up and takes the shape of a gun.**

D'Ark: *gulp*
Dellope: Looks like this is it...

**But from the sky comes a man. It is the same person who saved the 3 Kings.**

Man: Do not worry! Water always dries out with powder...

**The man throws out a fistful of powder, and blows it everywhere, and it lands on all the water creatures.**

Man: Good day!

**The man flies off, and all the water creatures dry up within seconds.**

Dellope: Yo, shall we run? He-hey, hold up!

**Dellope chases D'Ark. Now we go to check up on the Bero and Trepy, who have chosen the land of Earth. Or wait a second, where have they gone? What the--? They're trapped on the same island as the 3 Kings? Sigh...**

Cortex: HOOHOOHAWHAWHAW!! You stupid buffoons! You try to steal my identity, and again you show your face.
Bero: Uh, what? I think you suck. Brio is da man!
Cortex: Well surely YOU are my fan--
Trepy: No way in hell! Trepy is the man with the master... time schedule!
Cortex: Arggghhhh...minions, prepare the Super Vortex! Minions?
Minion1: Sir, we have caught these trespassers!

**Minion1 and 2 walk in the room carrying Brony and Tones of the Dingo Mafia.**

Uka: Ah, good work, Minions!
Minion2: That is not all, we have also captured... these two.

**Both minions then drag in Dellope and D'ark.**

Cortex: Great! We have captured all these morons! There is no stopping us now!! The world is all mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!!
Cortex: Huh?
Uka: You only wish and fathom, dear Cortex. Minions, grab him.
Cortex: What?!

**The minions jump forward and grab Cortex.**

Uka: Has it not always been obvious, Cortex? You are no more than a stepping stool for I, the great Uka Uka!
Cortex: No, how dare you!!
Uka: Dispose of him, or better yet, let him burn with the others.

**The minions go up on a lava platform, and drop Cortex on the small island, which is more like a mere stump, that contains all of Aku's Heroes.**

Cortex: You will pay, Uka Uka!! You will pay! You are nothing without me...
Uka: I would not say that when only one of us will leave here alive. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Minions, prepare the machine. We start it at midnight.
Minion2: Yay, 10 minutes.
Uka: Here, assist me to prepare the Uka Nuka. That wimp Cortex only has it on medium power.
Cortex: What?!? Uka Nuka?!? You thief, it is my machine!
Uka: Well I thought I would adopt it as my own, in your death.

**Uka floats to behind the Uka Nuka, and the minions both assist him. But up behind the Aku's Heroes comes the man who saved them all at one point.**

Man: Ah, my friends! Every good story has a climax, and in this case it is for the benefit of Aku and his heroes, you all.
George: You are the man who saved us! Who are you?
Man: I am a high and mighty, Julius.
Cortex: What?! That would are...?
Man: Julius, confidant with the power equal to that of Uka Uka.
George: Wait a second, are you that young man that had Aku so perplexed when you showed up?
Julius: In a sense, yes, but when Aku knows who I am, does it count?
George: Wait, Aku knows who you are?! Then why did he not then... I am confused here.
Julius: Would it surprise you, that I am the son of Aku Aku?

**Cortex sits on the ground.**

Cortex: That's it, I give up! No way am I rivalling Uka, Aku, AND Aku's son! What next, Uka has a son named Caesar?!
Julius: Do not be surprised. Do any of you have any ideas on how to stop Uka without detection?
Cortex: I do... DOH! I mean I don’t... ah screw it!
Ice: Do you?
Cortex: Take me off this island Julius, and I will help stop Uka.
Julius: I had already planned so.

**Julius flies and grabs all of the people and drops them on land.**

Uka: Huh, what was that? Minion, go check to see that Cortex's secret slaves are not breaking out.

**One of the minions runs off to check Cortex's secret slaves.**

Cortex: I have 3 secret super slaves who I know can stop Uka. But... I have no key to get them out.

**They all look off, and in perfect time, Minion2 opens the slave cell to check to make sure nothing is happening.**

Trepy: Wait, where did Bero go?


George: Ugh, this CANT be good.
Bero: Hey guys...

**Bero walks out of the cell.**

Bero: Um, he tripped...?
Ice: Hah!
Trepy: What, that minion tripped?
George: Heh, stupidity saves the day.
Trepy: Am I missing something?

**Back with Uka and Minion1**

Uka: Hahaha, 3 minutes left, and the world is mine for the keeping.
Minion: Do I get to control some people too?
Uka: NO!

**Cortex runs over to the cell.**

Bero: Um, I didn’t accidentally walk into him if that’s what you're thinking.
Cortex: Make way, for the... slaves... *gulp*

**Three men slowly walk out from the shadows of the cell. They are three of Cortex's slaves, who have been in captivity for years now. He hoped for them to one day conquer the world with him, but due to Uka they served no purpose. One is Quicksilver, a super-speed animal, the second is Arale, a muscular animal, equivalent in size to Tiny, and the last man is Maximus, the intelligent and stealth member of the group.**

Bero: Uh, I may be a little slow, but they don’t look too happy.
Cortex: Wait a second, I forgot. They have metal locks on their necks. They have no memories from the last year. Yippee! They wont know that they have been held in slavery for the past year--
Bero: Are these the metal locks you meant?

**Cortex looks up at Bero, who is holding all three locks in his hands. The three special bandicoots are staring at Cortex.**

Cortex: *gulp*
Maximus: Don't worry, Cortex, we hold no grudges.

**The three men run out of the cell, and are stopped by Julius. Cortex looks at Bero.**

Cortex: You are stupider than I thought!
Bero: Um, not really, you're the one who never put their mind locks on. Stooge...
Cortex: D’OH!
Julius: You three, are you Cortex's slaves? I greet you! Your help is needed, and Cortex says you are capable of giving it.
Maximus: What is needed of us?
Julius: Well you see, that mad mask Uka Uka is going to take over the whole world with the Uka Nuka--
Cortex: Cortex Vortex!!
Julius: ...yeah. It should go off any second--

**Suddenly the machine starts off. Everyone except Julius starts to see blurry, and the machine begins to roar. All kinds of sounds and mental waves are sent off.**

Julius: Everyone group around! My psi-sheild will protect you!

**The Super Vortex, er, Uka Nuka sends off high mind warping waves, which affect all the Earth. Above ground, everyone is feeling the effects. We check in with Certox and Enjin, the remaining copy rats who are at the cop mansion.**

Certox: Hey, Enjin? Are you feeling weird?
Enjin: Nope.
Certox: OK, neither am I. Must have been the sea food I ate earlier.

**Well, you get the idea!**

Uka: HOOHOOHAWHAWHAW!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The world is mine, the great master Uka Uka's!!

**Suddenly, a light flashes and and the Uka Nuka shuts down.**

Aku: Ah, my brother, even those who are bright have their dull moments.
Uka: WHAT?!? Why are you here?! You cannot stop me Aku - the world is already mine!

**Aku looks back at Julius, and send him a mental note.**

Julius: Quicksilver, you have a task!! The rays are already hitting the outside of Earth, and if you can run around them, you can get the mental waves to come back down here to the core.
Quicksilver: Sounds superb! I'll do it!

**Quicksilver speeds off, and circles the Earth nearly 1 time per minute. The mental waves from the Uka Nuka are then sent back down to Earth's core.**

Uka: What is this? Not again, foul fiend! You cannot stop me!!
Aku: Oh, but I can...
Uka: How?!
Aku: Do you not forget that all you energy was just sent to the people of Earth? Without your energy, what do you have?
Uka: I have... I have... I HAVE NOTHING!

**As soon as the mental waves hit the core, Aku manifest it to himself.**

Aku: And I on the other hand feel more powerful than ever!! I am indeed he who reigns supreme! I AM AKU AKU, AND I SENTENCE YOU TO ETERNAL CAPTIVITY!!


Uka: No, no! The Cortex Vortex--
Cortex: Bingo!
Uka: It will shield me!! Here--where is it?!
Arale: Fear not Uka Uka, I have taken hold of it for your own good. And I dispose of it...

**Arale, the super strong bandicoot throws the Super Vortex into the lava.**

Uka: Fool! I will be leaving now!

**Uka flies backwards and as soon as he almost enters another area, the door shuts on him.**

Maximus: Don't think so, Uka. A year spent watching Cortex at the security controls taught me something.

**Quicksilver returns, and stops by Arale and Maximus' side.**

Maximus: None is too much, for the Bandicoot Knights.
Uka: No, inferior beings!!
Aku: I am sorry brother, but you have brought it upon yourself...
Uka: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo........


Aku: Son Julius, good job in acting when needed. Everyone, you are here for a reason.
D'Ark: I wanna go home now. I haven’t been this scared and this quiet in a looooong time.

**All the heroes warp to Aku's hut.**

Aku: Julius, I thank you for your help. I know how hard it is for you to be here, but I will see you again soon.
Julius: Goodbye, Aku. I wish you all good luck.

**Julius warps out.**

Aku: Dellope and D'Ark, do you request that I transport you home?
Dellope: Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.
D'Ark: Yeah, get me outta here!

**Brony, Dellope, D'Ark, and Tones are all transported back to the mafia meeting. Without saying anything, they leave the underground area, go through club Aquatica, and go home to get a little peace of mind.**

Aku: Bero and Trepy, would you like to go back to Copy Mansion?
Bero: Aw, game over?
Trepy: Game? Yes, we would like to leave. Thanks, Aku!

**Trepy and Bero are transported back to Copy Mansion, where they rejoin a bored Enjin and Certox.**

Bero: I am NEVER playing that videogame, again, Trepy!!
Trepy: But it was not a gam--
Bero: NEVER! Nothing can change my mind.
Certox: Trepy, Bero! Where were you two?!
Bero: We were playing a stupid videogame!
Enjin: What?
Trepy: No, we were saving the worl--
Bero: A bad game at that! I am NEVER playing it again. Don’t even listen to what he says - it was horrible!!
Trepy: No, I tell you we were Aku--
Certox: Sure, Trepy! Shall we all go play Monopoly?
Trepy: *sigh* Fine...

**Back to Aku's hut...**

Aku: 3 Kings, where do you request to go?
George: Somewhere where there is NO heat!
Ice: Yeah, I don’t care about our stuff at home, screw it!
Mark: Anywhere where we can relax for as long as possible!
Aku: Haha! I recommend Bandonia.
3 Kings: GREAT!!
Aku: Hahaha! Goodbye my friends, I will visit you in a week.

**The 3 Kings are then warped to a top notch hotel in Bandonia, the space-Bandicoot planet which is home to countless super heroes. They mysteriously have Bandonia money in their pockets, enough to rent a room for a week and to take a 24 hour freeze-Jacuzzi. The Jacuzzi was courtesy of a mysterious person who left the name "Mask".**

Aku: And you... the Bandicoot Knights? What do you wish?
Maximus: We simply wish our freedom, Aku.
Quicksilver: We wish a life full of happiness.
Arale: And a life worth living.
Aku: You all have pure hearts. Would you stand by my side and fight evil when needed? Crash is busy nowadays, and we could use a person or three to take his place.
Maximus: It sounds like an offer if I ever heard one.
Aku: My friends, you are the newest heroes of Aku, the Bandicoot Knights!
Quicksilver: Not to be mean or anything, but can we get our own place? I only ask out of kindness!
Aku: Why sure. I will check up on you three in a week also. Good luck, and I look forward to sharing adventures for good with you all.

**The Bandicoot Knights are warped away to a hotel in NYC. Their hotel rooms were already purchased. When the three got there, they immediately left to party at the new famous place, club Aquatica!**

Aku: Jeez, more, huh?
Cortex: Yes, me!
Aku: Well?
Cortex: Looks like Crash will have a new roommate when he gets back...*sigh*

**Cortex walks outside the huts and jumps to the ground and laughs out of failure.**

Aku: Hahaha... all is well in the place of Crash. All is well in Crash Place. :)

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