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Lozzy: (walks onto the stage) hello, I'm Lozzy, actually my real name is Emma but just call me Lozzy ok? Good. I have decided to MST one of my own fics for fun, and I have captured *cough* some very friendly people to do it. May I introduce Washu the greatest scientist in the Universe...
Washu: (walks on) Hi everyone!
Lozzy: Unlike the other very (coughs) friendly people, she actually wanted to do this.
Washu: Actually I’m getting paid.
Lozzy: MOVING ON we have the cute robot TOM from Toonami!

TOM walked on looking annoyed.

Lozzy: Well aren't you going to say hello to everyone?
TOM: No!
Lozzy: Suit yourself, next we have Kagato from Tenchi Muyo!

Kagato is teleported.

Lozzy: Hi Kaggie, how are you?
Kagato: With the exception of being near you I'm quite content.
Lozzy: Uh huh, anyway last but not lest we have Goku from DBZ!
Goku: (whispers) I don’t want to do this…
Lozzy: YOU HAVE TO, anyway everyone get into the cinema now! (pushes them in)

*Washu, TOM, Kagato and Goku all sit down*

Washu: Oh i haven’t been to the pictures for ages!
Goku: I went last week.
Kagato: BZZT!
Goku: ¬_¬
TOM: Can we just watch?
Lozzy: (over comm.) OK this is my fic and don’t be embarrassed to show your feelings towards it…

Kagato attempted to walk out.

Kagato: Sorry… (sits down)

*lights go down*

Kagato: BWAHAHAHA!!!!
Goku whacks Kagato.
Kagato: >_<

{The Past can Hurt}

TOM: It can?
Washu: Yes… (cries)

Kagato snickered and Washu bites Kagato.

{Who am I?
The darkness surrounds me, I can’t see, a constant beeping? What is this? No, this is not right.
Who am I?
What are those voices? They must be outside the darkness, what are they saying?}

Goku: That you are brain damaged?
Washu: That Kagato takes drugs?
Kagato: HEY!

{Who am I?
Kagato... I hear that word, some creature said it, what does it mean?}

Kagato: It’s my name!
Washu: Ehehehehe!


Washu: D'OH!

{another word I do not understand... and what is Ryoko?
Who am I?}

TOM: She’s said that too many times.

Goku faints.

{Footsteps, leaving? must be, yet still I feel a presence near me, outside the darkness, this... it comforts me? A low toned voice? Who is that?
Who am I?

"That will be answered soon my little demon."}

Kagato: COOL! I'm in this!
TOM: it could have been the other Kagato.
Kagato: Huh?
Goku: Green haired freak one from Tenchi Universe
Kagato: Oh whoa is me… (cries)

{That voice, it's so... intimidating so... demanding, who does it belong to? Kagato? Washu? Ryoko? Three names... yes I know that now, I am not a idiot, I learn.}

Washu: Don’t we all?

{Who am I?
Maybe I have a name? What did the creature call me? Demon, is that my name?
Who am I?

"You are my creation"

Yours? Who are you? Kagato? Washu? Ryoko? Or maybe another creature... I’m a creation? I was made just now? everything before... was nothing... this cannot be!
Who am I?
I must see, I must get out of this darkness it scares me.}


{WHO AM I? No... WHAT am I?}

TOM: Don’t ask me! ^_^
Kagato: I don’t think she would – you’re rather inaccurate.

{Feeling I have feelings, I could feel my eyes, I have eyes, eyes are to see... they will end the darkness... HOW DO I KNOW THIS? I have memories... how? My eyes opened, something was in front of me past my glass tube I seemed to be held in, the blurred shape took form as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of this strange place, what I saw, terrified me.

"Ah, you’re awake" it talked - something about it scared me to death.

Its eyes where yellow and slanted, yet they intimidated me, its hair was a grey silver colour held back with something i could not make out. It was wearing dark robes, and was very tall.}

Goku: Has to be someone annoying...
Washu: Sarcastic beyond belief..
TOM: and has a bad hairstyle...
Kagato: My mummy always said there where no monsters... no REAL ones, but there are! (lunges at TOM)
Goku: (pulls him off) Now, now, no fighting.

{Its eyes fixed on me,}

Kagato: Stop calling me a "it"!

{a wave of coldness over took me... what was happening? What am I? No, that wasn’t my question.

"What...." I could speak "What are you?" I managed the strange words}

TOM: (kagato) I'm Kagato the most ugly dude in the universe...

Kagato held his anger in.

{"Hah" it smiled evilly "my name is Lord Kagato, I created you, so therefore you are mine."

Some sort of feeling built up inside of me... HOW DARE IT, I AM ME, I OWN MYSELF... this thing would pay.}

Kagato: O_O

{"Ahahahaha, I made you my dear child, I see my DNA has a big affect on you" it mused.
"How do you know what I’m thinking?" I demanded.
"All questions will be answered."

It turned around as another creature came running in.

"Daddy" it squealed. "Please let mommy go!"}

Washu: Daddy?
Goku: RUN FOR COVER!!!!!
Washu: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! (punches Kagato into the wall)
Kagato: @_@

{"Ryoko go away, I'm busy, remember we have to continue with your training, now go" Kagato ordered.

The little girl whimpered but stood her ground, this I respected her for.

"But I don’t wanna hurt anyone, please I want mommy!"}

Washu: OHHH MY BABY RYOKO… (cries)

Kagato: Dah… ¬_¬()

{Ryoko looked at me. "Who's that?"
"RYOKO GO NOW!" Kagato shouted.

Wherever I was it was a evil place, I closed my eyes scared to open them... but yet I was scared of what I might find in the darkness.}

TOM: (Niratishi) I might find something more ugly than Kagato!
Washu: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Kagato: >_<

{What’s that? Where's the liquid, the substance that surrounded me before... what is this new feeling? Do I dare know? Of course! I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of the lab, I was outside the glass tube? Must be. Slightly I turned my head to the machine next to me, it kept beeping, reading my heart beat maybe?}

Kagato: Duh!

{Something made a noise, I sat bolt up right, this was strange for me and I fell back down, and silently look across. Realising now I was dressed with a long sort of white thing. I looked over to the door, the little girl I had seen before looked at me... what was her name... Ryoko? That’s it.

"Ry... Ryoko" I tried to get the sound right.
"You know my name?" she seemed surprised "Did daddy make you?"}

Washu: (Niratishi) Yes... so tragic… (cries)

{"If that’s what you call that creature."
"I don’t want to, he made me, but you must call him Kagato I guess."}

Kagato: (Ryoko) And never take the mick out of him otherwise he'll slash TOM, Goku and Washu in half!

The others looked at Kagato.

{"I see... so if that’s his name, Ryoko is yours, what's mine? Who am I?"
"Daddy called you Niratishi I think."

I repeated it in my head, yes I liked that name, it suited me. I turned back to Ryoko and got up. I wobbled at first but soon got the hang of walking. I knew what I wanted... I wanted to know what I was.

"What am I?" I said, intending it to be to my self.
"Look in the mirror" Ryoko smiled.

She pointed to an object on the wall,}

Kagato: NEWS JUST IN - Niratishi has discovered THE MIRROR!!!!!
Washu: WOW!!! (faints)

{I walked over and looked at it, it rebounded a picture of a young woman with electric blue hair. I relished that this was me, I admired my hair, it spiked out far at the top, but then fell straight down my back and two long parts hung down in front of my ears, I sort of, resembled Ryoko, but not much.

"I... I'm the same species as you... right?"}

TOM: (Ryoko) Ay!

{“I guess you could say that” Ryoko answered.

I turned back to the mirror, then I noticed my eyes, something hit me inside it felt, my eyes were like that of Kagato or whatever that creature’s name was.}

Kagato: What’s wrong with my eyes?
Washu: Don’t worry…
Kagato: I'm worrying! (cries)

{I sighed and looked at my other features, I opened my mouth, and noticed I had slightly noticeable fangs, I found this pleasing for some reason I couldn’t make out.

“What was I made for?”
“I guess daddy created you, so you could serve him” she whispered.

Serve him? Oh no I am my own. I walked passed Ryoko and though the door to enter a long dark corridor, I briskly walked down it, Ryoko was following me. Something hit my ears as a pleasant sound.}


Goku cracked up laughing.

{Whatever it was, I had a strange liking for it,}

Kagato: GRRRRRRR!!!!!

{I followed the sound around the corner,}

TOM started sniffing.
Washu: Ok it isn’t funny anymore...
Goku: AHAHAHA!!!!

Kagato whimpered.

{and poked my head around a door. A huge hall was before me, I stepped out into it, my reflection rebounded off the walls.}

TOM: And so did a few other things...
Others: TOM QUIT IT!

{“Where are we?” I asked Ryoko.
“This is the chapel” she whispered.

The sound got louder, I looked down to where it was coming from. Some short of instrument was at the end, it had tall pipes reaching up to the ceiling almost, they were connected to a… What I could make out… piano? How did I know this?}

Kagato: It's a organ you plonker!

{“Um… I don’t think we are allowed in here” Ryoko wined.
“I can go where I like” I snapped.

I realised that Kagato was sitting at the instrument, was he making the sound?}

TOM: No he was making the smell!
Goku: Ok now stop.

{I continued to walk up to him, of course I was terrified, but still determined. Before I could even reach the steps, Kagato turned around, he smiled evilly at me,}

Goku pretended to die.

Kagato: ¬_¬

{I repelled and then scowled at him.

“I see you are up” he said calmly.
“DUH” I shouted.

I had no idea what it meant, but it just seemed to come naturally. He simply smiled again and got up and walked over to me. As he got closer I got strangely cold, this embrace held me so I couldn’t move, not at all. He placed his hand on my shoulder; an adrenalin rush hit me, what was this feeling… hate? Of course it was.}

Washu: (Kagato) oh please don’t… (cries)
TOM: (Niratishi) Time for your punishment!

{“It’s nice to know that your feeling ok my dear” he said mockingly.
“Don’t call me that” I shook his hand off. “Why did you create me?”
“You are to serve me, just like Ryoko” he nodded towards her.
“I will not, I’m mine, I belong to my self” I glared at him.
“You belong to me!” he snapped

Kagato grabbed me by the throat and pulled me upwards. His grip was phenomenal, I struggled against his cold fingers that were squeezing my neck.}

Goku: That’s abuse to women Kagato!

Kagato bit Goku.

{“Ack… let… go” I coughed “Kagato you… moron…”}

Kagato: I have a mom thank you very much

TOM rolled his eyes.

{“You are to call me your Lord, I own you!” he demanded
“No!” he squeezed tighter “Ah… yes… My Lord” I spluttered}

Washu: You forcer!
Kagato: It's only a story! >_<

{He threw me down on the floor, I crashed into a pillar. There I sat, was this it - to serve him for eternity? Even though my hate for him is strong, there’s something else. He’s so dominate against me, I admit I am weakened by him.}

Goku scratched his head.

{“Niratishi” he called.

When he calls my name, I shiver for some reason, why is that? I’m scared? Of course, nothing more than that.

“Yes My Lord?” I said weakly
“Ryoko will now take you to your room, there you can get dressed properly.”

Ryoko lead me to a door, I went in and closed it so she couldn’t get in, I looked in the cupboard and found a long black dress, it would do for now I decided.}

Kagato: Cute. ^_^
Others: o_O()
Kagato: What?

{Year's Later.... Many things had happened over the years, Ryoko was now older and Kagato used her for his own purposes like controlling her and making her wreck thing's on a planet... Earth was it? What's that? Something I do not know, but still I wouldn’t mind seeing it. All I was used for was to look after the Soja, I should be happy for that? No, I will never be.}

All: AWWWWWWWWWWW (all cough)

{Ah of course the Soja,}

Kagato: *giggles*

{it is where I am, a sort of cobra-ish like Spaceship, it is a magnificent piece of machinery. Still it is all that I know, what else is out there? As now I have a run of the ship I know where everything is, this proves useful. A few months ago I came upon a room in the reverse world, or mirror world, so I had to go as in shadow form, inside was a glass like tube prison, well that's what I could make it out as.}

Washu: OH OH OH!!!!!
Kagato: What are you doing?
Washu: Nothing - I was excited about the fic.
Kagato: Oh really?
Washu: (whacks Kagato) You’re sick.

{Inside was something that interested me a lot, another creature like my self. She looked about 12 but I could sense she was even older than Kagato. She had red unruly hair that seemed to resemble a crab,}

Washu: My happy crabs! ^_^

{I took notice on this because Kagato's sorta looked like a cobra}

Kagato: My evil cobras! ^_^
Goku: _
TOM: You two are weird.

{....stupid thoughts, it's just my mind, my mind I find frightening at times. Even though her eyes were closed I could sense she knew I was here, watching her. Now I visit her often when I can, I would never tell Kagato of this, I find myself talking to her as I have no one else. If only I knew her name, who is she? Why is she here? I remember Ryoko once saying mommy, was she mommy? No the other name, that one I had heard before, Kagato, Ryoko and... Washu.}

Washu: BINGO!
Goku: WHERE?
TOM: Um....

{Over the years I had noticed Ryoko and Kagato had many powers. Energy blasts were commonly used, I also could fire a purplish black one if I tried hard enough. But what really interested me was the Energy Blade, Ryoko had a thin like orange one, then Kagato had a huge green one, I wondered how they could summon it without anything, this had played on my mind since Kagato had held his up to my neck.}

Kagato: I am soooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvviiiiiiiilllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!
Goku: Uh huh…

{I had chosen my appearance to be dark and morbid, what else in a place like this? I still had the same black long dress sometimes with a cloak. Around my neck I had a chocker that Ryoko had given me ages ago, it had spikes which I liked and a strange small dark blue gem, I also wore white gloves, I didn’t want to expose anything but my head for some reason not even I knew why of this, still I hated Soja, I don’t call it The Soja, to me its living holds me captive, why does my mind work like this? I do not know. I walked down one of the many long dark corridors, Ryoko i hadn’t seen for ages, she was she still under the control of Kagato? Or had she escaped on Earth? I do hope so, I feel so sorry for her. I turned around into the Chapel, Kagato was standing there waiting for me like a vulture waiting for its fill of flesh, I shivered at the thought and walked up to him and bowed.}

TOM: Descriptive…
Kagato: I don’t eat flesh.
Washu: It was a metaphor dummy! (whacks him)

{"So what is it about?" he asked.
"You are needed on Earth My Lord."
"Hmmm... set the course then you may retreat to your room."
"Thank you My Lord."

I got up and walked out of the Chapel, I was finally going to see Earth.}

Washu: I see it everyday.
Kagato: Dah! ¬_¬

{Later on Soja was on it's way to Earth, I sat in my room looking out of the window Earth was just noticeable to the right. I glanced over at the clock it was really late, then I realised I had left my chocker in the control room. I slowly opened my door and stepped out into the dark corridor, the last thing i wanted was Kagato waking up. Quietly I walked down past the Chapel and headed towards the control room. I soon passed the room where Kagato was, I stopped and put my head though the wall (another power I had mastered).}

TOM: That had to hurt.
Kagato: It doesn’t.
TOM: Hmmmmm?

{He looked so harmless while sleeping,}

Kagato: >_< I DONT DO CUTE!

{I silently went right though the wall and into the room, why was I doing this? That I didn’t know. I ever so slowly walked up to him, and kneeled down. Before I knew what I was doing I placed my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair,}

Kagato: Oh tickly! ^_^

{what was this? Why was I doing it? Oh how I wanted to hold him}

All: O_O

{...NO what’s wrong with me? not this moron. I took my hand away and ran back through the wall, into the control room, grabbed it and ran back into my room. There I broke down crying on my bed. What was this? My eyes opened some sort of light flooded my room, I could here Soja's engines running so we where still flying, but never or less we were on Earth. I peeped out of the window there I saw a star but it was so close TOO CLOSE!


Goku: NOT... THE... STAR!

{After the embarrassment of Kagato laughing at me, he teleported out of Soja. That’s when it came to me, if I had powers like him then maybe I could teleport and escape Soja. Once again I went in shadow form down to Washu in the reverse world.

“I’ll be going now, I hope that we can someday meet properly Washu.”

With that I returned to my body, and focused my mind, this was going to be harder than I thought. I closed my eyes and built up power, some pulling force I felt, my eyes opened to find myself levitating or flying, how could this be? Then some short of black energy overlapped me and I was sucked from where I was.}

All: *make a sucking sound*

{I found myself outside, the ground felt weird but now I new I was free. I walked around for a bit, everything was so new to me, but Earth I found very interesting, there was so much light compared to Soja. Strange creatures ran about the place, but what I really wanted to find was some sort of civilisation, being alone was and would never be my favourite thing.}

TOM: True.
Kagato: I like being alone.


Goku: Stars...

{Kagato had returned to the Soja, finding Niratishi gone. This angered him,}


{he soon located her, and she would be punished.

“Ah, poor little Niratishi” he mused while watching her on a monitor screen “Now you will suffer for eternity!”

Niratishi felt another pulling felling, but this was more harsh, she was sucked into a abyss of darkness and there she would stay.


The last thing she heard was Kagato’s laughter.}

Washu: That wasn’t very nice.

{2’564 years later - The Year 2001

Sasami walked out of Tenchi’s house with Ryo-Ohki sitting on her head, Ayeka and Ryoko were fighting agien and she was fed up with it, a energy blast blow a hole through the wall Sasami looked back knowing that it could of only been Ryoko she sighed and walked off. But yet Sasami liked Ryoko even though Ryoko was always fighting with Ayeka, her sister. But recently Sasami had got tied of their fighting and found herself taking long walks in the countryside, Ryo-Ohki the cabbit was only too happy to tag along.}


{“What do you think about all this fighting over Tenchi business?” she asked the cabbit.
“Meow!” she replied shaking her head.
“Just what I think” she giggled.}

Kagato felt sick.


Goku: Stars...


Washu: (Niratishi) yes?

{“Who are you?”}

TOM: An ugly dude!
Kagato: !_!

{“You should know.”
“Ah, that I do.”
“Why do ask?”
“To keep you talking.”
“Why do you want me around?”
“You’re better than nothing… I guess.”}

Kagato: Oh I'm flattered!!!

{“Oh I’m flattered!” }

Kagato laughs out loud.

{“You should be!”
“You are lonely?”
“As always.”
“Too bad!”}

Washu: Kagato you narf!


Goku: Stars...

{Sasami reached a river, the water had mist coming from it, which gave it a forbidding look, Sasami shuddered at the sudden cold air. Sasami wondered why it had got cold all of a sudden, Ryo-Ohki shivered, she held the cabbit in her arms.

”Strange how cold it just got.”
“Meow” Ryo-Ohki replied.
“Maybe we should go home.”

The little princess turned around but before she took one step a slight glimmer in the air caught her eye. She walked closer to it.}

Goku: Closer... closer... CLOSER YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Goku: Stars...

{Niratishi could feel the cold air on her face… was Kagato going to set her free, has he found it in his heart to… does Kagato even have a heart?}

Kagato: Yes I do! HMPH!

{These thoughts she pondered on for a while. But was disturbed by another gust of fresh air.

“Niratishi, don’t go - it is dangerous.”
“Why would you care?”}


{Kagato fell silent, Niratishi flew towards where it was coming from. Yet again she felt the pulling force, and then… there was something she had missed for 2’564 years… light.}

Washu: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Sasami screamed as the was a huge flash of light, and something came through the air and landed on the ground near the river. Sasami had her share of things like this happening. She knelt down and lifted up the woman’s head.

“Miss… are you ok?”

The woman’s eyes opened, Sasami starred in shock, she had seen eyes like that before, but who they belonged to had given her nightmares,}

Kagato: Umhum!

{who was this? Niratishi’s vision came into focus, and she saw another creature like herself, but much younger. It seemed to be scared, why was this? The girl let out a squeal and dropped Niratishi’s head. This angered her, having her head thrown in the dirt was not what she had expected and differently was not a form of respect. Niratishi flew up in rage. She dived down to Sasami, then something very strange happened that she couldn’t understand, some short of energy formed in her hand and took shape as a energy blade, she looked at it admiring its purple colour.}

Kagato: Oh baby!
TOM: _

{“AAAARRRRHHHH” Sasami screamed when she saw this.

Niratishi found this entertaining and flew down to her with the blade held out to tease her. Sasami was frozen in fear. Niratishi grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up to her own height.
“No… let, let… me go” she coughed.
“First tell me wear I am.”
“Er… this is Japan…”
“What planet?”

TOM: Where people are blue!
Goku: Er…

{Niratishi relished she was acting like Kagato, and that was not what she wanted.}

Kagato: Why not?

{She let go of Sasami, maybe if she was nice to her she could get some answers out of her.

“What’s your name little girl?”

Sasami remained silent, Niratishi was getting angry, she forced a smile. “I ask again, what’s your name child?”
“That’s a pretty name, who are you?”
“I’m a Princess” she replied bluntly not wanting to give too much away about her self to this… woman who seemed to resemble Lord Kagato a lot.}

Washu: Oh the humanity!

{“You wouldn’t happen to know anyone named Ryoko would you?”
Sasami was surprised. “Yes… in fact she lives in our house”
“My friends and my sister.”
“Take me!” Niratishi ordered.

Sasami decided not to upset this… demon? She led her to Tenchi’s house.}

Kagato: You won boy!
Goku & TOM: Eh?

Washu sighed.

{When they got to the house, the fighting had finally stopped. Sasami slid the door open and they both stepped into the house. They walked down the hall to bump into Washu. Niratishi’s eye’s widened as she saw the girl she had seen many years ago trapped in crystal in Soja. Washu squinted at her.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” she questioned

To Niratishi, Washu spoke like as if she was way older than a 12 year old.

“You could say that.”

Washu turned round as she heard the door click. She quickly pulled her into her lab.

“Sasami go get Ryoko and bring her here”
“OK Washu” Sasami ran off.}

Washu: I have entered the building!

{Washu made Niratishi sit on a table, she prepared a injection. Niratishi tensed, Kagato had experimented on her many times, which was very painful.}

Washu: They’re coming to take me away hah hah there coming to take me away!
Kagato: o_O()

{“What do you think you’re doing?” she snapped.
“Just a blood test” Washu looked at her. “I DO know you don’t I?”
“Yes… yes you do, but questions will be answered later Washu”

Washu made a face and pulled up Niratishi’s sleeve to reveal nothing at all.

“As I expected” she said with a frown.

She judged where to put it, and gently pushed it in where what seemed to be a empty space, Niratishi winced, the needle sucked up green liquid. “NO… I need answers now” Washu demanded.}

Goku: Oh tough gal!
Washu: >_<
TOM: Lalalalala…

{Niratishi smiled a little evilly, and rolled her sleeve down. The door clicked open and Sasami walked in followed by Ryoko, she stopped and looked at Niratishi trying to remember… remember what?

~I looked up at daddy’s creation, her glare was like ice, but still I wanted to make friends it got so lonely here… here on the Soja… maybe, maybe she could help me escape~}

Washu: GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

{Ryoko shook off the memory, and continued to look at her was it? No it couldn’t be, if it is Niratishi why hadn’t she seen her on the Soja when Tenchi kicked Kagato’s backside?}

Kagato: TENCHI!!!!!!!!!

{Niratishi smiled at Ryoko, which was unusual for her to do. Ryoko stared at her… this was Niratishi… her friend?

“It’s good to see you agien Ryoko.”
“Likewise” she said with a smile.
“Er… you two know each other?” Washu asked.
“Yepo, this is Niratishi one of Ka….”

Niratishi shook her head, Ryoko understood.}

TOM: I don’t.

{“Well” Ryoko opened the door “let’s get you with the other residents of the house”. She then thought of Ayeka “Or not”.}

Kagato: (Ryoko) Yes we have a lot of nice people in our house like Noboyuki the pervert and Ayeka the snot.

Washu laughed out loud.

Kagato: (Ryoko) Then there's Tenchi the twat and not to forget Washu...
Washu: Hold it there buddy!

{She lead her into the living room, where Tenchi was watching T.V, Ayeka was also in there. Ryoko snickered and teleported in front of the television.

“HEY!” Ayeka shouted.
“Er… Ryoko I was tryin to watch…”

Tenchi was cut off.

“Sssshhhhh now my little Tenchi” Ryoko said with a flirty tone, Ayeka scowled. “I have someone to introduce you to.”

She beaconed to Niratishi who didn’t noticed but was totally fascinated in the T.V. }

Kagato: NEWSFLASH - Niratishi has now discovered THE TELEVISION!!!!!!!!
Washu: WOW!!! (faints)

{Tenchi and Ayeka turned around, Tenchi didn’t know what to say but Ayeka being Ayeka came out with the most stupid comment.


Kagato: Assbehonker!!!!!
Goku: Wha...?

{Sweat drops formed on Ryoko’s, Tenchi’s and Niratishi’s face’s as they fell over.

Later on Noboyuki had come home to find another woman in his house, as normal he was very pleased.

“You are very welcome to stay here Niratishi.”

Noboyuki beamed at her, Tenchi groaned at his father’s stupidity.}

All: *sigh*

{“Thank… you.”

Niratishi gazed in wonder at the television, how did those people get so small to fit in that box? A number of other thoughts ran through her head. Washu walked into the room, she sighed at the sight in front of her, well, she thought, just another normal day in the Tenchi household. She looked over to Niratishi, who had her nose pressed up to the T.V screen.

“Hey, you’re get square eyes like that!” she chuckled.
“Er… i will?” she pulled away, she didn’t like the sound of that at all.
“Niratishi, I have something for you, come to my lab.”

Washu walked out of the room. Niratishi followed down the hall, and stopped next to Washu who opened the door to her lab. She sat down on a chair as Washu went over the other side of the room and knelt down so Niratishi couldn’t see.}


{Washu walked over to her, holding something behind her back.

“It’s not another injection is it?”

Washu smiled and held out her hands, sitting there was a cabbit like Ryo-Ohki. But it was totally black, even its ears. It also had big blue eyes.

“MEOW!” it screeched rather menacingly.
“It um… is a little vicious, so I thought you might like it” Washu grinned.}

Kagato: BZZT!

{Niratishi looked at it, Sasami seemed to like Ryo-Ohki a lot, even though it was Ryoko’s cabbit, so maybe they make good pets.

“What gender is it?”
“You want it?”
“Yes… yes I do.”

She smiled at the cabbit, which jumped onto her head.

“I knew it would like you” she giggled.}

Goku rolled his eyes.

{That night Ryoko showed Niratishi to her room, she sat in the dark alone, well except for Sue-Noki. How long she had wanted this, to be free, to have friends, yet she found herself missing Soja, its darkness, and sadistic structure. Why? She didn’t know, but to her, Soja was where she was born… did that mean…}

Kagato: It's your home come back to me, my darling!
Others: Er...

{Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Sasami opened it and poked her head around.

“Oh… hi Sasami!”
“Niratishi, I want to ask you something.”
“Hmmm? Ok come in!”

Sasami walked in and sat down, Ryo-Ohki sat on her head.

“Ok… this may sound weird but… do you… I mean by any chance… know a man named Kagato?”

Niratishi felt a rush of adrenalin, was this because she didn’t want to tell the truth or that someone was just saying his name? Niratishi answered in the only way she could think of… she lied.

“I… have no idea, who that is.”}

Kagato: You don’t like me?
Washu: Who does?

{Next morning Niratishi went down stairs for breakfast, last night she had slept deeply, something she had not done before. When she went into the kitchen, Sasami had breakfast ready.

"Hi Niratishi, here, sit down" she pulled up a chair.
"Oh, thanks."

She sat down, last night still playing on her mind, should she have lied? She sighed as Tenchi, followed by Ryoko came in and sat down. Ryoko gave Niratishi a smile, but she just looked down ashamed of her lie about Kagato... why?}

Kagato: Because... um...
TOM: (Niratishi) Because I should have told her that I do know Kagato and he’s really ugly.
Kagato: >_<

{Washu walked in and sat down soon after Ayeka strolled in and sat next to Tenchi opposite Niratishi.

As they ate, Ayeka started "So Niratishi, sleep well?"
"Have any dreams or nightmares?"
"You know... like about your past or something?"

Ryoko glared at her, Ayeka ignored her.

"What happened in your past? Hmmmm? I bet we would all like to know, you cant just come here and live with us, for no reason. You could be dangerous, you do remind me of someone"
"FOR GOODNESS SAKE AYEKA!!!!!!!!!" Ryoko shouted.}

Goku: I don’t like Ayeka.
TOM: She is rather stinky no?
Goku: Do you have an obsession about smells?
TOM: Uh huh!

{"Shut up you stupid demon!" she pointed to Ryoko then turned back to Niratishi. "May I ask you a question?"
"I guess" "What kind of relationship did you have with Lord Kagato?"}

Kagato: We did it a lot!
Others: KAGATO!

{Niratishi couldn’t speak, Ayeka had got the better of her, instead tears trickled down her face, and she flew out of the room, closely followed by Ryoko, why did she feel like this?

Niratishi flew through the wall outside, and leant agenst it. Crying silently, she sat down, no more did she want to feel this way, but what could she do? Ryoko came through the wall and sat down next to her.

"Look" she sighed. "Ayeka... she's like that, one snotty Princess." Niratishi giggled. "But if you show it don’t affect ya, she will stop."}

Washu: (Niratishi) YEAH RIGHT!!!
Goku: (Ryoko) Chick I'm for real! Shut your mouth you dirty girl you know you want me in your world... Kagato: (Tenchi) Ladies please don’t fight…
TOM: There goes D12! (rolls his eyes)

{"Yeah thanks... just, I..."
"Kinda... miss, oh I don’t know, I think I miss Kagato…"}

Kagato: (Niratishi) I miss our hot and...

{"But didn’t he do horrid thing's to ya, like he did me?"
"Yes... but... OH it's so confusing, I feel for him!"
"Well, I'll let you think about it, remember I’m here for you, I'll always be your friend."

Ryoko smiled and went through the wall. Niratishi decided to go for a walk, after about a hour she sat down under a tree and closed her eyes, the silence was wonderful. Everything was peaceful and nothing could go wrong at a time like this.}

Washu: DUM DUM DUM!!!!!!

{Back at the house, Ryoko was fighting with Ayeka, but over how she had treated her friend and not Tenchi this time. Washu came in and rolled her eye's at the sight.

Niratishi awoke on a hard floor... what? No, she was outside on the grass, wasn’t she? She opened her eyes to see her reflection rebound off the walls, the high ceiling, the cold floors... Soja.}

Kagato: YES!!!!!!!!!
Goku: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Niratishi stood up to find herself near the organ, she didn’t want to be here... WHY? She hated it here? Soon she heard footsteps approaching, she tensed as a tall figure came walking up to her, an evil smile crossed his face.

"Oh Kagato, why must you torment me?"}

Kagato: Ohhhhhhhh...
Others: *cough*

{"Hah, my dear Niratishi, are you not happy to see me?"
"I hate you!"
"Strong words... are you sure?"

Kagato got very close, she felt overwhelmed by his cold embrace.

"No..." she started to cry.
"Ah, this is new, Niratishi, crying? hmmmm?"
"Leave me be Kagato, I want this pain to stop!" she cried, Kagato brought his head close to her ear.
"Niratishi" he whispered. "It will all stop, if you come back to me."

She backed off, suddenly everything went a blur and she woke up under the tree, a dream? No it was too real. She decided to go tell Washu.}

Washu: ACK!

{She got back into the house and went down to Washu's lab. Niratishi faintly knocked on the door.

"Oh hey, come in!"

Ryoko also was in there, Niratishi went over to her and sat down.
"I need to tell you both something!"
"Fire away" Ryoko grinned.
"Well... it's about... Kagato..." Washu looked up.
"I KNEW IT... what connection did you have with him?"
"Er... there was only forced 'connections'"}

Goku, Washu & TOM: O_O

Kagato was drooling.

{"I DIDNT MEAN LIKE THAT!!!" Washu shouted as Ryoko fell over.
"Sorry... he created me."
"And you where planning on telling me this Ryoko?" Ryoko remained silent.
"Hmmm? Anyway carry on Niratishi."
"Well... he keeps... contacting me through my mind and stuff..."
"Niratishi... Kagato is dead."}

Kagato cried.

{"What? " Her heart jumped as she heard Washu's words... what should she feel... happy for his death or sad... because... because...

"That’s impossible, I had this dream…"
"Yes a DREAM, they ain't real!" Ryoko smiled. "He cant hurt you no more"
"Right... thanks…"

She got up and left, it was already dark and she decided to go to her room. Niratishi sat on her bed stroking the sleeping Sue-Noki. "Oh... I don’t know how to... feel?”

Tears flooded in her eyes, she lied down on the bed crying. This she could not believe, she was mourning for Kagato, but her thoughts didn’t stop the tears.}

Kagato: Someone out there likes me… *is zapped by lightning* Ow! o_O

TOM snickered.

{She continues to cry for quite a while, Sue-Noki just looked up at her in confusion. Niratishi now relished she had always loved Kagato, but was too scared to confess, even to her self.

"If I had told him... maybe... maybe... no, he sees me as nothing more but his creation..."
"What? Oh, why must my mind do this to me?"
"Why are you crying?"
"Go away!"
"Don’t tell me then, but I know anyway."

Kagato laughed coldly, Niratishi almost felt embarrassed.

"Leave me alone, you’re dead, Tenchi killed you!"

Kagato again laughed. "Hah, you shall see my dear."

Niratishi felt a shiver as Kagato said that.

"What do you mean? Kagato? KAGATO!"

The room fell silent, Niratishi lay down on her bed, what did he mean? She felt quite scared at his words.}

Washu: Me to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!
Others: *holding ears* That was too loud!

{Next morning she ran down stairs to find everyone already at the table.

"Good morning Nira-chan" Tenchi smiled.
"Er... good morning, um... guys I have something important to tell you."
"Well go ahead."
"I think... well last night, Kagato... I think he’s coming back."

The whole room fell silent. Washu stood up.

"NO WAY! He’s dead, end of story!"}

Kagato: (sings) My tea's gone cold and I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all,
The morning rain clouds up my window,
And I can’t see at all.
And even if I could it would all be grey
But your picture on my wall...
It reminds me that it's not so bad...
It's not so bad… (cries)
Goku: *sniff*

{"Well how come he talked to me last night?"
Ayeka looked up. "You! It’s your fault he’s coming back!!!"

The others seemed to ponder on Ayeka’s words, Ryoko grew angry, and teleported both her and Niratishi to the roof. The morning sun was slowly rising, Niratishi sat down on the roof and watched it, Ryoko sighed and sat next to her.

"Is it true?"
"Kagato... is he coming?"
"I’m not sure... maybe Ayeka's right..."
"NO she isn’t, it ain't your fault."
"Oh... I just don’t’... huh?"}

TOM: Don’t let him return! We don’t want more ugly people around!
Kagato: >_<

{The whole sky clouded over and everything went really dark, they both got up. Niratishi felt something cold on her face... snowflakes fell down.

"It’s so pretty."
"Oh no it isn’t, come on let’s go like NOW!"

Kagato: Ehehe NARF!

{Something blasted Niratishi off the roof and into the hot springs. Ryoko turned around slowly and Kagato loomed in front of her. Ryoko tried to summon her energy blade but Kagato grabbed her before she could.}

Washu: You can be... overbearing sometimes…
Kagato: Yeah… ¬_¬

{"Where is she Ryoko?"
"I don’t... know... you blasted her off... the roof when you... gated" she wheezed.
"Which way?"
"I'm here! Let Ryoko go!"

Niratishi flew up above them, Kagato laughed and summoned his energy blade. Niratishi had never battled before, she had no idea on how to do it, and she hoped... she prayed that her instincts would kick in. She flew up higher and shot a short purple energy blast at him, Kagato shielded it profoundly. He then created a huge ball of green-black energy; it flew at her with great speed. Niratishi tensed as her whole body contracted, the pain was too much and she fell to the ground.}

Goku whacked Kagato.

{"Oh Niratishi, you still haven’t learnt how to control your powers."
"Everything’s exploitable Kagato, even you!"
"What are you talking about?"

Niratishi flew towards him until she was very close.

"I may not be as strong or powerful as you Kagato, but I’m faster."
"Who do you decipher that? Show me."

She charged towards him, Kagato did the same, both summoned there blades. Niratishi was the first to attack, she slashed at him, to her surprise she had relished she had slashed his hand off.}

Kagato: That always happens.

{Niratishi flew up and waited, Kagato grinded to a halt and looked at the empty space where his hand used to be.

"I told you" she mused. "Hmph! Very good!"

He regenerated his hand and flew up again. Ryoko, Tenchi, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu and the two cabbits were watching as Niratishi flew towards him again, but this time Kagato grabbed her by the neck of her cloak and flew up higher. Niratishi looked down at the ground, she knew what was coming.}

TOM: You’re just nasty!

{Ryoko knew as well, she got up and summoned her energy blade. Niratishi looked up at Kagato, tears streamed down her face.

"Please" she whimpered then looked down at the ground again.

It started to get closer as Kagato flew downwards, Niratishi closed her eyes. She hit the ground with so much force she thought she wouldn’t survive.}

Kagato: You’re not going to turn on me here are you?
Others: Hmmmm?

{Ryoko screamed, Niratishi opened her eyes the pain was unimagenabal, she saw Kagato fly around and then he charge at her sending her into a tree. She screamed in pain and fell over.

"Never... NEVER think you can beat me!"

She didn’t look up and coughed out some blood, Ryoko then smashed into Kagato he turned around and whacked her out the way.

"You’re wasting my time!"}


{"Why? What do you intend to do with it?"

Kagato grinned at her question. Sue-Noki silently hid in Niratishi's cloak.

"Ryoko that is not your concern."

He grabbed Niratishi and gated out of sight. Ryoko screamed with anger, Ryo-Ohki ran up and transformed into a spaceship. Ryoko teleported inside and flew it upwards.

"Ryoko what the hell are you doing???!!!" Tenchi shouted.}

Kagato was drooling.

Washu: Yuck!

{The Ryo-Ohki spaceship flew out into space and soon enough the moon sized Soja loomed in front of the tiny spaceship. Ryoko scowled and flew it down the right side of Soja and under, its main cannon started shooting at her. Inside Kagato brought Niratishi to the Chapel and dropped her on the floor. The whole ceiling of the Chapel opened up into a huge window, Ryo-Ohki flew over quickly.

"Seems she's trying to rescue you Niratishi…"

Niratishi didn’t say anything but stayed there laying on the cold stone floor.}

Washu: THAT’S MY GIRL!!! ^_^
Kagato: Sadistic evil morons…
Others: Eh?

{The cannon built up another charge and fired a energy bolt at Ryo-Ohki, hitting her down to Earth. Niratishi screamed, she prayed that Ryoko was alive.}


{Tears fell down her face, Kagato walked over to Niratishi and grabbed her, making her stand up.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, it's all over."
"No, I don’t want to... be here…"}

Kagato: Oh yes you do!
Goku: Kagato's getting rather disgusting.

{"But as you said before, you are not sure."

Kagato brought his hands down to her hips and trailed upwards, Niratishi mumbled but did not resist.}

All: O_O

{"Has anyone ever told you, how pretty you are?"

He silenced her and moved his hand up to her breasts.}

Kagato starts sweating.

TOM: ¬_¬

{Nirathisi arched her back and grabbed onto him.

"Hmmmm? So I'll ask you again, are you sure?"
"Kagato... nothing takes the past away... except the future." Kagato grinned at her words. "And..." she continued "…nothing is certain. We can’t choose the future, but all I know is... I want to be with you."}

TOM: @_^
Kagato: What type of face is that?
TOM: A one eyed pirate!

Goku laughed out loud.

{She buried her face into his robes and cried.}

Kagato: BWAHAHAHA!!!
TOM: Shut up moron.

{Kagato stroked her hair, Niratishi looked up, Kagato didn’t have his normal sadistic expression, he looked more calm, relaxed and almost... almost, she shook her head and smiled at him. Niratishi flew up a little higher so she was at the same height as him. Kagato brought his head close to hers; she closed her eyes.}

Washu: This is quite romantic…


Goku: Stars...

{The kiss lasted quite a while, this WAS what I wanted, to be with Kagato for the rest of... well how long I live. If there is one thing I've learnt throughout my life, it's that anyone can fall in love, even someone like Kagato, no one knows what my future will hold, but right now I'm happy.}

All: *long loving sigh*


*All come out of the cinema*

Lozzy: So how was it?
Goku: Weird, but nice ending except for that one part.

Kagato sweats.

Washu: Are you gonna let us go now?
Lozzy: Yeah. (opens the door) See ya!
TOM: Wouldn’t wanna be ya! (walks out)
Goku: I don’t want to do that again. (walks out)
Washu: Uh huh. (walks out)

Kagato is about to walk out when…
Lozzy: NOT YOU! (grabs him) You’re staying with me.


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