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The small little kitten rolled out into the soft, moist grass. Her mewing constantly sounded the breezy day. It was so tiny it could fit in the palm of you're hand. But there was no one to test this. The Amazon Rainforest is no place for a human, much less ones hand.
A large female jaguar looked down at her beautiful creation. She licked its thin layer of the cub's fur. Jewl was a three-year-old, ivy coat jaguar, now a mother of one cub.
Another jaguar loomed over in the vicinity. He was not even near the beauty of Jewl, with only an orange coat, with simple black spots. Though Jewl's coat was a gorgeous colour of ivy, with perplexing arrangement of assorted spots, that arranges in a wondrous pattern, a poachers dream.
Jewl's soft muzzle curved into a soft, loving smile. Her tail twisted in turned, showing her anxiety, anxiousness. She was no doubt thrilled over her new beauty. Jag, the dull coloured jaguar, did not even near the same happiness over the new child. He thought it better to stay far away from the birthing grounds, though Jewl's persistent begging.

Jewl: Come on Jag! She's beautiful
Jag: Yay. It's another female.
Jewl: Come see, please?

Jag wearily dragged himself over to about three feet away from the squealing jaguar cub.

Jag: (sarcastically) Wow. A cub. Yippy.

Jewl, paying no attention to her husband's cruel comments, and continued her bragging on her new child.

Jewl: Look at her, Jag! Oh! Her beautiful fur! It reminds me of that, oh what was it - that thing that that poacher had when he neared to catching me. A jade? That was it - a green jade gem. OH MY GOODNESS! That's the perfect name! Jade! Isn't it just lovely?
Jag: (in a sharp, harsh tone) I don't get you! What is your problem?! It's a stupid child! All it is, is a squealing, squealing, crying, uh... Baby, that is only a small cloning of you!!
Jewl: How can you POSSIBLY be so rude? She's gorgeous!

Taking her paw, and glaring at the snarling Jag, as if worried of her cub's safety, she pulled the little creature closer against her bosom. Suddenly, a wonderful aroma reached her sensitive nostrils, as if pulling her closer to her mother's abdomen. She wrapped her mouth around something, and suddenly, warm creamy, (and not to mention yummy) milk flooded the sides of her mouth.

Jag: (giving her a look of disgust) I'm going hunting.
Jewl: (hardly paying attention, while caressing her daughter's fur) That's nice dear.
Soon, Jade's eyes, which had never seen the dawn of day, opened in time to see a gorgeous sunset. Jewl sat contently beside her daughter, smoothing her blood-matted fur from the daily hunt. An almost silent groan broke the tranquil silence of the rainforest. Jewl's head snapped to the direction of the startling noise, to find herself staring into the half opened eyes of Jade. In her shock of this, she froze in place, and soon began vigorously cleansing Jade's soft face. The cub returned her mother's blank stare, but with the look of confusion, then peace. Her tiny jaw opened for the first time, excepting her mewing. Her little tongue moved in an up and down pattern. Finally, after great effort, spoke her first words in her 2 weeks of life.

Jade: M-m-mommy?

Jewl's crescent-moon shaped eyes round into what resembled a small pool of sweet water. A small tear swept down the side of her ivy face, and dropped to the dirt below.

Jewl: Hello there. (pushes purring face against her daughter's) Do you know who you are?
Jade: Mmmmmm…
Jewl: You are Jade.

Jade’s confused eyes turned quickly to happy, loving eyes after her mother spoke her name.

Jade: Jade?
Jewl: That's right. Jade. Do you like it?
Jade: Oh yes mother! hehehe! Very much!

Jewl laid her soft soothing paw over Jade's vulnerable back. Jade gave her a warm smile, and curled up beside her mom's comforting bosom. Soon, Jewl heard the sound of soft, groaning sound. Jewl looked down. Jade was sound asleep. Jewl gave her a loving, motherly smile. She laid her in a protecting jester. Soon her eyelids drifted slowly down. She slowly oozed into a soft sleep.
************************************************************ The small comfort of their cavern slowly began to be a tad cramped after Jade's rapid growing. Now half the size of her rather large mother in height, and a fourth in length, she was now twice her former size. Jewl decided it was well time to move, and create another den, and leave the old to the lone panthers that inhabited the rainforest. Jag out as usually, it was yet again time for her to do the strenuous work that was vital to her survival. Taking Jade gently by her small scruff, she moved her, rather small, family to the next place to be called home. The centre most part of the rainforest, which we humans call the Waterfall Cove, is where the puny family arrived less than thirty minutes later. But to her utter disappointment, none could be found during her hard trek across the rainforest. Jewl laid the tiny Jade down in a pile of leaves and grape vines. She piled half-eaten bushes, mainly consumed by the inhabiting bush babies, atop of her small love, and searched the eighth of a mile that surrounded them. Then she found a slanted land of soil then began 10 inches above the green land. She smelled it. A scent of warm blood filled her mouth with saliva. It was the wonderful scent of a baby animal that was unknown to her. She sniffed until the scent was especially strong, and she stuck her furry paw hard against it. It popped open soon. It was about the size of her belly. She pushed her front size in, and the rest of her jumped in after. Soon she returned out, with a baby anteater wedged between her teeth. It moved not a muscle.


Jade rested silently in her surroundings. Her mother had left for approximately twenty minutes ago, with only her short explanation the settle her racing mind. She poked her head out of the small “couch”. Jade then cuddled up against the small branch. Up in the moss-covered area, huddled two full-grown hyenas, one male and female, though neither had any emotional love for each other. The female hyena was frozen place, her eyes locked on the small pile of vines. One eye was half open in a frightening fashion, while the other was not even there, leaving a grotesque red area. One deadly fang appeared from under her upper lip, while a low growling noise emerged from the depth of her throat. The male, who was not quite as calm and fierce as his partner, kept chatting on, and slowing, the female's eye began twitching and became even more annoyed as he went on.

Hyena1: Yeah Yeshela! We'll show this WHOLE forest! That, uh... thing will be our yummy lunch. Man, I haven't eaten a bite in days! I'll jump up, rip it to shreds, and…

(Yeshela slaps him on the back of his head)

Yeshela: Quiet you fool! Number one: We are not in a forest - we're in a rainforest. Number 2: It's a jaguar cub. Number 3: We can't jump and kill!
Hyena1: Uh, why not?
Yeshela: Because, you complete idiot, for every cub, there's a mother or father. And a mother or father would kill us.
Hyena1: We killed that dingo once! And besides, my name is Bronko, not idiot.

Yeshela shook her heavy head, and kept her eyes locked on the vines. Then, an ivy object finally emerged from the pile and went walking into the depth of the jungle.

Yeshela: (eye grew angry) Darn.
Bronko: Ummm! You said a wordy dirty!
Yeshela: (sarcasticly) Oh my! I'm just ever so sorry! Won't you ever forgive me?
Bronko: Oh, that's okay Yeshela!
Yeshela: (rolls eyes) That word ain't even dirty. Now come on you idiot. We must follow it - we've got to kill it before the other kills us.
Bronko: Who is that?
Yeshela: Shut up.

The two hyenas left their perch and travelled the rocky way down. Yeshela stalked her way down, and landed with a harsh thump. She travelled as fast of a walk as possible. Bronko leaped in the way of a hyena cub would. When he reached the bottom, he barely made a slight sound, and pranced his way to catch up with his partner.

Bronko: (shouts) Hey!! Look at that pretty bird!!!
Yeshela: (takes her large jowls and enclosed them on Bronko's right thigh) SHUT UP! You want to warm that morsel of our presence?!
Bronko: Um... Is this a trick question?

Yeshela stopped lowered her bulky head and snarled in an aggressive manor. Bronko stopped in front of her. His head was held high in a goofy way, with an inquisitive look on his face. Yeshela packed down and settled her feet under her, in a ready action. The snarl grew and grew until Bronko's questioning expression grew into a look of scared, yet confusion. Yeshela leaped onto the back of her oppressor. Her claws dug into his back while they went into a furious tumble. Her teeth dug into Bronko's ears, ripping them to shreds. Bronko let out a distressed yelp. Yeshela finally released her frenzied fighting, and continued walking.

Bronko: Ow! What was that for?!
Yeshela: It starts with an “I” and ends with a “T”.
Bronko: Um… (eyes roll up into the the top of his head, in deep thought) IT!
Yeshela: Why couldn't I be teamed up with Jemini? Or even Boj! What why Bronko, the wonder dummy?

Then in a brief second, Yeshela saw a long, speckled tail disappear behind a large rock. Yeshela's pace quickened. Finally she broke into a run, jumping over jagged rock. Then, Jade was in full sight of them. She batted at a purple butterfly that floated over the calm breeze. Yeshela jumped, landing a few inches behind the tiny cub. Then cub began to turn, but there was nothing there. There was a loud crash, and a splash. She looked behind her at the bottom stream of the waterfall. Out came her mother, soaked to the bone.

Jade: Hi mom! Where did you come from?
Jewl: Um...? I was there all along :)
Jade: You were?
Jewl: Of course!

And slowly, they began walking to their new den.
Jade rested peacefully in her new den. She was alone, her parents communicating outside. Half asleep as she was, she heard only little. The voices that travelled through her ear never reached her mind. She could hear her mother and father often reaching above their supposed whisper.

Jewl:(in a loud whisper) Shhh! Jade is just in the den to our right! We don't want her hearing us!
Jewl: Jag...

Jag suddenly snarled, his yellow eyes narrowing into tiny slits. His upper lip rose. It all happened in a split second, Jewl had no possible time for reaction. His heavy, backbreaking paw slashed across her face. Deep red blood oozed out of three long slits, while another heavily gashed. Her frightened body was sent hurtling across the rainforest floor. As Jewl slowly began picking herself up, Jag followed her up. He penned his wife down, and stuck his long snout in her petrified face. She began whimpering at every harsh word that exited his mouth.

Jewl: I did tell you! I did! I was taking Jade for her walk across central area and...
Jag: (claws dig into her shoulders) and I was busy on the prowl!
Jewl: You responded clearly! You said word for word, "Sure, whatever."

Jag suddenly gives a loud fierce roar sending Jade's head sticking straight up her eyes wide open. From the back of the den, she stood up, slowly staggering toward the exit, when she stopped. "It's probably the hyenas." Jade thought. She walked back, and rested against the side of the den.
Jade woke up the next morning, feeling weak and cold. The warn climate of the rainforest had begun turning to coldness in night. She stretched out her front forelegs, as a duke would bow to a king. Her mouth opened in a wide circle, which grew larger and larger. She yawned with the end of her throat making a shrill squeaking noise. With a shake of her head, she trudged out. Jewl rested along the side of the entrance, her stomach moving up and down. Her mouth was half open. Jade jumped out, landing on top of her mother. Jewl's eyes quickly popped open, and she turned to see the creature, which lay playfully on her side. Her terrified eyes slowly turned to a sweet, motherly fashion. Her mouth curled to a smile.

Jewl: What are you doing up baby?
Jade: (gasps) Mom! What happened to your face?!

Jewl's response came after a long hesitant pause. How could she possibly tell her child what really happened?
Jewl: Last night, ummmm..., I was walking along on the rocks by the waterfall, when I wasn't watching where I was going. Four long, pointy rocks were pointed out of a bigger rock, and cut me.
Jade: Wow! That must hurt!
Jewl: Yah, you could say that.

Jewl lay there for a while. The conversation had finally reached its end. Jewl was slowly arisen from her position. Her leg was cramped up, and she automatically stretched it out. She gave a sigh of content. She turned back to her daughter, wondering what she was doing now.

Jewl: Come on Jade. I want to show you something.

Jade, as though waiting patiently for her to speak those words, leaped up, and bounded after her mom. Jewl led her up a steep hill, and she could hear the lovely sound of the rushing water, flowing down the waterfall. Jewl picked Jade up in her jowls, and carried her up farther, and made a long, upward jump. Jewl landed on a hard rock that attached to the grass and moss. Jade followed her mother's gaze forward. There she looked. She watched to tranquil, calm water rush over the side of the river. She was just to the left of the great waterfall, she had always admired from afar. She looked dead ahead. She could watch the entire rainforest wildlife of the morning. She only could speak one word, and that was, "Wow". She nuzzled the side of her mother. This would be counted as the perfect morning. She and her mom talked for a long while. This place was now Jade's favourite place to visit.
Jade was growing larger and larger. She soon began resembling her mother in size. As grew her body, so grew her strength. No longer was the mother-daughter wrestling games much of a one sided game, letting Jewl give out more of the strength she really had. Jade soon began feeling at night that things weren't right. The yelling and whimpering no longer seemed as the inhabiting hyenas. Each morning a new scar appeared on Jewl, and no longer was she happy as before. She seemed often depressed. Jade's impending curiosity sent her to go to her mother. At the gorgeous sunset, Jade took her mother to the waterfall, and made a nice conversation first, as would any human.

Jade: Uh... So... the weather was pretty today, huh?
Jewl: Yes it was.
Jade: (couldn't take it any longer) MOM? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS HAVING SCRATCHES?!
Jewl: (surprised by her daughter's yell) I told you, the spiky rocks...
Jade: (interrupts) EVERY NIGHT?!
Jewl: Well, I AM a klutz.
Jade: Mom, you jumped from one branch to another six feet away. If you were a klutz, then I wouldn't be talking to you.
Jewl: Well, that's true. You're a lot bigger now, and I guess I can't talk you into lame-brained lies.
Jade: Then what happened?
Jewl: Well...

Suddenly they heard a loud roar. Then, there was a loud yell.

Jewl: Come on Jade.
Jade: But...

Jewl was deeply relived. As Jewl stumbled down the steep hill, the yelling figure became clear. It was Jag. A sigh of disappointment exited her mouth. Jade stopped and stared at her mom as Jewl obediently came to her husband.

Jag: Jade - go to the den!
Jade: But dad...
Jag: (takes a step toward her and snarls) GO!!

Jade's eyes grew frightened. Her father was actually threatening her. She slowly began cowering toward the den. As she put her front paws in the den, she looked back at her father. He snarled and jumped after her. Jade leaped in a pulled toward the back, flattening her body against the back. Jewl's temper flared. She leaped on top of Jag and tackled him to the ground.

Jewl: (in a deep harsh voice) Don't mess with my Jade!

Jag sent a flash of claws at her. She went flying off. Jag retorted back. He came to beating her heavily with his paws and claws.

Jag: This will teach you!!

Jade put her paws over her eyes. Jewl lay without moving for a few minutes. Then Jag began talking again. She opened a weak eye.

Jag: Where’s our meal?!
Jewl: I didn't get it.

Jag raises a paw for another blow, but the blow doesn't come. He keeps it high for if it was needed.

Jag: Go hunt, NOW! If you love your Jade so much, why don't YOU hunt?
Jewl: Fine.

She raised her stiff body, and wearily trudged out into the night. Jag gave Jade a stern glare and sulked in the opposite direction. Jade uncovered her eyes. There lay a large portion of blood, and several furious paw prints.
The life for Jade began morphing from the wonderful life of lap and luxury, to the life of never ending torment. She prayed to God every night that Jag would leave for the hunt. Each night, she could hear only her tears streaming from her tender face, and the never-ending fear of the lashing fire of the jaguar claws. She cared little for her pain and suffrage, but only for Jewl, for her suffering began to make Jade's seen small and insignificant. Finally, one happy night, the terrorist left in another storming rage, leaving her with the only loving friend she had known since her birth, her own mother.

Jade: (who was now what would be known as jaguar youth) Mom, are you OK?
Jewl:(in weak voice) Oh, yes I suppose.
Jade: (lays her paw on her mother's) Come on mom, let's go up to the waterfall.
Jewl: Okay, that-that sounds nice.

(walks up the side)

Suddenly, the serene silence was broken by a soothing humming noise, which sounded from her mother's closed lips.

Jewl: Hmmmm hmmmm-hmmmm...
Jade: (smiling) Watcha humming?
Jewl: Hmmm...? Oh. It's a song I learned long ago.
Jade: Well, I didn't mean to interrupt. Please, continue.
Jewl: (continues for a while, then turns to Jade) Look at the sunset Jade! See the beautiful red and orange mix?
Jade: Oh, it is!

Suddenly, Jewl coughed and choked with a start, and bends down and begins yelling and coughing at the same time.

Jade: MOM!!! Are you okay?!
Jewl: Oh, I'm sorry Jade. I just haven't been feeling well today.
Jade: Are you sure mom?
Jewl: Of course honey! Let's go for a walk.

Jewl began walking slowly from the riverside, and Jade watches her worryingly, before trotting after her.
Time spent with Jewl suddenly became more of privilege than a way of life for Jade. Though Jade's worries were elsewhere, she hadn't noticed that her mother's once well balanced body, was now beginning to lessen in size. Her energy level had deeply suppressed, and spent more time lying with her mother than frolicking in the cool, crisp grass of fall. Of the last glorious moment with mother, the beautiful song her mother had hummed begun to repeat in her head. As she lay in the den (which had grown unceasingly cold) she hummed it again to comfort her tense body. She was well accustomed to sneaking out after dark to exit the depressing realm of what was now life for the jaguar. She never really slept at the nights, but only dreamed, dreamed of terrible nightmares of slashing claws and ripping teeth. One freezing night, Jag had successfully forced Jewl to help the hunt. Jade was left alone, with nothing but the calm breeze of the night. They had not arrived yet. It was near the midnight hour, and Jade had not yet tired yet. After waiting in the vines of the rainforest land, she stalked to the comfort of the den. She laid down in her familiar place of the back of the den, which was moist, and cool to the long fur. She waited motionless. A liquidly substance rolled off from the eye, to off the edge of her cheek.

("Wonderful" by Everclear plays)

She laid her head on her crossed paws, and was suddenly pulled into a deep pull of sleep...

She was suddenly awakened by the warm sound of a purr, and a warm muzzle, nuzzle her tender head. A sleepy eyelid rose up, and what lay before her was nothing but the thing she waited up all night to see. Joy overwhelmed her, but soon began to sliver away, when she looked at her mother's gaze. It was sweet, yet she seemed tired, and her eyes bloodshot. Her stomach was well caved in, and her body less full. Out of the corner of the eye, she also saw father, who seemed full, and satisfied.

Jade: (yawned) Hi mom! It's great to see you.
Jewl: You were asleep when we arrived, so I (clears throat) I mean WE thought it best not to wake you.
Jade: You wanna go to the waterfall? The sunrise should be glorious this time of day!
Jewl: Well, baby, I'm feeling rather tired at the moment.
Jade: Are you hungry mom? Here, have this! I found it last night, but I was too tired to eat.
Jewl:(gazing at the dead bush baby) No, you eat it.
Jade: But aren't you hungry?
Jewl: Um... Go ahead. You need more than I do.
Jade: All right mom, if you're sure.(Jewl nods)

After devouring the bush baby, Jade suddenly had an odd sensation, or what is known as their sixth sense (No, not the movie;) ) Jewl seemed not at the health of the average jaguar.

Jade: Dad seems well - did he eat a lot?
Jewl: Well, I guess you could say that.

Jewl began thinking to herself: No! He did not eat "a lot". You know very well he ate every scrap of that carcass! Jade was wary of, what seemed, not the straight truth of the matter. Her mother's speech was slow, hesitant, and as though she came up with it in the process. But she thought little of it.
As hunting became scarce, Jewl was gone more, and more. Fending for herself became the necessity of Jade's life. The temperature was freezing, the den, a comforting change with a 65-degree temperature. Jewl arrived late that night, to find Jade wide awake, in waiting for her parents return.

Jade: Come, please mom! Let's walk along the forest.
Jewl: I'm very tired baby... But let’s do.

At first, the pace was a cheerful trot. Then, suddenly, a scent entered Jade's mind. It was the smell of sadness, and depression. She stopped and eyed along her. Her mother had fallen behind. She raced back to her side and followed her mother's careful pace. Her mother started to stumble, and suddenly, she groaned in pain.

Jade: Mom!! Mom, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you do this! Let's go back, and you can rest.

Her mother made no reply. She slowly began to lie down, her legs turning to ivy jelly. At this point, Jade began realizing how frail her mother looked. Her mother lay on her side, her eyes half opened, her mouth curved into that same familiar smile. As Jade babbled on, her mother only smiled. A soft paw placed upon her back, gingerly bringing Jade closer to her side. Jade obeyed her mother’s gesture, all the while talking about her health. Jade finally looked at her mother, and Jewl's sweet expression finally hushed her talk. Her eyes showed only worry, while Jewl's eyes showed loving. Suddenly, Jewl began singing, in the same tune and rhythm of the familiar hum her mother taught her.

Jewl:(rubs her cheek on Jade)

When the visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever
And lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt any more

I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle you've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun

(Jag watching from many yards away behind tree)

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
And hope this feeling won’t go away
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
‘Til the day my life is through
This I promise you, baby
Just close your eyes
Each loving day
And hope this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

(Jewl's eyes begin drifting, and the paw began slipping of Jade's back. Jewl's tail begins laying down)

Ever word I say is true
This I promise you
I promise you.*

And with that, all of her ceased her movements. Her body's up and downward pattern, slowed, until it stopped completely. Jade pressed her terribly depressed body close against the blood-matted fur. She remembered how beautiful she once was, with now, a coat that told the story of death, blood, fight, and overall, a life with an end. Jade's sobbing and sniffing began - the only sound that suppressed the night calmness. She buried her head deep into her mother's bosom, and crawled up until her body disappeared into the fur. Suddenly, a surprising sound finally creased the calm night. Jade lifted her head to see the most depressing sight since her mother's death. Jag. Bit at this time, she wasn't picky. Her tear stained face lifted and she began talking for one of the first times to father.

Jade: DAD!! Mother… she's dead, and...
Jag: And it's your fault!! (turns and snears to himself)
Jade:(yells desperately) Me! I killed my mother?! (tears flood out)
Jag: If you hadn’t made her hunt for you, she would be here!!
Jade: But... but...

Jag suddenly snarled and chased after her, and ripped her leg to shreds

Jade: But... But...
Jag: (chases after her) NOW!!!

Jade began a mindless race through the forest, tears racing down her face. Other jaguars stared at her as she raced past them gasping for air in between sobs. All the way, gasping, "Oh my god, Oh my God"
The trek (which so far had last one day) drew on and on as a never-ending path. Her tender feet were sore through the long hours of the night. Breaks were short, and never enough fulfilled her craving of tire. The words of Jewl repeated through her mind, tiring her all the more.

Jewl:"This I promise you..."

The tears streamed down like slow, sorrowful rain. The words of Jag only added to the depression

Jag: "It's all your fault!"(echoeing out)

Her strength was out of her power. The furious race slowly changed to a strenuous pull of her hind feet. Her tongue lolled out, with her eyes showing the weakness that encased her body. Her foot stumbled, and turned over, sending her body to the ground, one paw curled under. As her chin fell, she closed her eyes for the supposed pain. When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring into the eyes of a petrified bush baby.

Bushbaby: You're a j-j-j-j-ja-ja..
Jade:(in a weary voice) Let me continue. Yes I'm a jaguar. And you're a bush baby.
Bush baby: All right, just finish me off. (closes eyes) Make it quick and painless if you would be so merciful.
Jade: I'm not going to eat you.
Bush baby: (opens one eye) You're not?
Jade: No. Seeing as how if I don't get any captainship in a matter of seconds in going to loose a screw, that would be pointless.
Bush baby: (body grows less tense) Well, I guess you're right. I'm Cecilia.
Jade: I'm Jade.
Cecilia: Ni-ni-nice to meet you. (extends a shaking paw).
Jade: (shakes it) Ya.
Cecilia: You seem tired.
Jade: Well, possibly 'cause I am.
Cecilia: You seem depressed.
Jade: Yes, I really, REALLY am.
Cecilia: Why?
Jade: I don't really wanna talk about it.
Cecilia: K.
Jade: I'll have to leave tomorrow.
Cecilia: Why? On a journey?
Jade: I gotta get out of here.
Cecilia: (offended) Well, this place is much better than you would ever think.
Jade: Sorry.
Voice: Next, is a bit of a rematch.

Jade slowly turned her head, to see two hyenas, one with one eye and scared about her body, another, with a dopey expression. Jade turned back. Cecilia was gone, without a trace. Her heart cringed. Her strength was almost devoured by the trek before. With her heart as low as it was, the last of it was being eaten away inside. She had barely enough to get up, much less to battle two hyenas.

Yeshela: Well kitty, looks like you and me...
Bronko: AND ME!
Yeshela: (sigh) And Bronko, will have our revenge, since “mommy” is gone.
Jade: Who are you?
Yeshela: Two hyenas who desperately want to use you as a chew toy.
Jade: Hey, a little bush baby ran by, she looks yummy.
Yeshela: No but not as you!

The female sprang upon her. Jade closed her eyes, clenched her teeth together, and winced. The blow ploughed her off her feet. A bone-crushing force ripped her face. A second blow went crashing against her. Her body was too weak to move, to think, to speak, even to send a jaguar cry through the night. In a split second, a flash slashed the sky, and a roar like a lion's roar, struck the night. In fright, Yeshela jumped, landing on top of her comrade. Rain ripped down, as though someone had poked a cloud like a balloon. The two hyenas raced out, leaving tracks it the dust. Jade laid in place for a minute, watching the rain strike down her face. The tears that fled through matched those of the raindrops.

Jewl: "This I promise you..."

The face of Jewl peered in her mind. Then, it was erased, and a new one entered - the face of a snarling jaguar. Jade trekked on. Suddenly, the whites of her eyes appeared. She fainted with a thud to the ground. In her unconsciousness, a dream appeared.

First, Jewl was there as a flying angel, fluttering around Jade, saying, "This I promise you." Then, a red jaguar with wings came and attacked her, then said, "It's all YOUR fault!!!" The red jaguar had fiery eyes, blood dripping from the tips of his fangs. It came and attacked Jade from behind...

Jade woke up, panting, with her eyes red, and tear filled. She laid her head down, and sobbed for the remainder of the night.
In the daylight, Jade crept through, unaware of her position, uncaring for life. Her wounds were almost well, so her fur once again shone in the light. The life was near sucked out of her, for no food had she eaten for four days, only travel. She rested and slept a little; only the most pulling would drag her into a slumber. In her frenzied journey, all moves startled her, the body tense, yet uncaring. She one day rested in the cool leaves of fallen branches. The calm day soothing her, letting her mind once rest from the undying sadness, and depression. A sharp, harsh footstep cut her rest. After another, and another, until it was an unmistakeable travel of two unidentified creatures. They walked on two legs, from the accustomed four, leaving Jade a questionable mystery. She tried as hard as possible to tune it out her for a well-deserved sleep, but it left her mind with wonder of these things. They grew nearer. Her senses shouted at her, "RUN!! RUN FOR THE LIFE OF YOU!!" But her body retorted, "NO!" She crouched her body lower, until the tip of her back rose slightly to eye level. Then, the footsteps stopped, and she listened to the conversation.

Voice1: A jaguar is what we need. Money will rush to our pockets as though someone called, "DINNER!"
Voice2: Money needs food?
Voice1: Chump, shut up.
Chump: Well, you said it Beeterman!
Beeterman: SHHH! Do you want to let every animal in the forest see us?
Chump: I don't know... do we?
Beeterman: Arhhhh! Look! (grabs Chump)
Chump: Hey, look! A butterfly! (runs after)
Beeterman: (grabs him) You fool! Look, a tail!
Chump: Cool! What is it?
Beeterman: (grabs a wildlife handbook and smiles evily) A jaguar Chump, a female jaguar.
Chump: (jumps up and grins, and chants) Yay! We got a jaguar! We got a jaguar...
Beeterman: (smacks him) Shut up! (picks up net) You net her and I'll open the truck.
Chump: Me?(wines) Why mee?!
Beeterman: Because you're fat, and you'll survive longer in attack!(shoves net into Chump's stomach)
Chump: Ooooh! Well, you're the boss, boss.

Chump kept the net high in his hands, his face in fear of this majestic creature, his body shaking.

Chump: Hey, how about...
Beeterman: (interrupts and yells) NET IT!
Chump: Okay, fine. I'll (gulp) net it.

Chump walked noisily on, stepping on every twig. He raised the net higher, and smacked it down. He clenched his grip. No attack came - only a groan. Beeterman grabbed the tranquilliser gun and aimlessly shot. It hit Chump in the arm.

Chump: Hey! Thaaaaaaaat... huuuuuurrrrt.(drops to the floor)
Beeterman: (shoots again and hits jaguar) Oh well. Chump can handle it. (grabs lifeless jaguar body with net.
Chump: (gets up) Whooa! That was weird! A pirate hit me with a gun!
Beeterman: Shut up! Help me - this powder doesn't last long!

With each grasping a side of the net, they quickly rushed to their van, which was in camouflage colours. With a heave, they pitched it in the back, and shut the door. In awe, they watched the jaguar from in the window.

Beeterman: Look at her! That ivy coat, that perfect carnation, the body that will make us millions!
Chump: Can we train him, and send her to the circus?
Beeterman: (grins evily) No need. When she's dead, we don't need to train her.
Chump DEAD?! Why dead?
Beeterman: We're poachers, stupid! We skin 'em, and send the coat to markets!
Chump: Awwww... That stinks. Why can't we just skin it now?
Beeterman: And get my camouflage bloody? No. We'll send it to a professional.
Chump: Where?
Beeterman: Australia. Jaguar skin is the new rage there. Besides, Cody should be able to find a good price, and send us money.

As the two monstrous men loaded into the truck, Jade stood in a daze. She was now as good as dead - the land of her birth being taken away from her to a foreign land. She lied in the back as close as possible to the land, and waited for the mercy of death to take her.
The van seemed to trudge on, every bump hitting her soft body. The sound of Chump and Beeterman's show tunes filled the air with a mist of greater discomfort. Jade squirmed every which way trying to find a spot to rest from the existing torment. Her yowls screeched through the air, breaking Chump and Beeterman's re-creation of, There's No Buisness Like Show Buisness. A flying can hit her in the side of her head sending another shrill yowl through the daylight.

Beeterman: Chump - muzzle it.
Chump: But, but...
Chump: All right. (grabs muzzler) But if I die, I'll blame you.
Beeterman: (sigh) If you're dead, you can't blame anybody.
Chump: Oh.
Chump jumped over the tall front seat, and approached the jaguar. With a quick, harsh swing, a sharp, tough rope encircled her muzzle. Chump cut the edge and threw the handle onto the metal floor beside Jade. Jade threw her energy into ridding herself of this foul thing that closed her jaws shut. Her claws deeply jagged at the muzzle. The thick areas of the rope left little to no room for movement, or any comfort of her body. The sounds of her thrashing against the metallic floors clanged through the radio sounds. Jade raced around in her torment, throwing herself against the doors of the van. Her body soon grew not only tired but also weakened all the more. With a final clang, her body collapsed on the floor. Finally, silence filled the air.
The sharp edges of rope deepened in her skin leaving a round bloodline. Beeterman appeared in the night like area of the van. His smug, demon like face smiled at the terrified Jade. Her sides rapidly widened and shortened. Her breath made ice crystals in the cold air. Knowing that Jade was perfectly harmless without the deadly fangs, and the body to weak to attack with her hear wrenching claws, Beeterman began to tease and taunt the youth. With his evil cold hands, Jade began being lifted by the scruff of her neck, having no choice but to see the face of torture. The front half of the body rose in the air, while the heaviest remained grounded.

Beeterman: When I see that fashionable coat, you know what I see? Slim ladies in gorgeous fur coats. Dollar signs the size of the van you're captured in - a significant jaguar skull on the shelf of a rich man. (shoves face in Jade’s) A beautiful ivy coated wild cat head placed on a platform in my house, while I rest in the manor counting my thousands, or MILLIONS of dollars with my wonders of beauties. Any old jaguar I'd be rich. But with you my dear, the wealthiest poacher in the history of the world!

The jaguar suddenly moved it placing its little energy into an attack. Her jaw rope snapped. Be fore her jaws could close on the flesh, a painful substance whipped in between her green eyes. She zipped back, deep red blood oozing from her in between the thin flesh of the outer eyes. Be fore her mind could catch up a bottle smashed her head. Blood slowly flowed from her soft head. A rope zipped around her neck, and she was dragged to the back of the van. There, she was noosed. The same hated rope bound her to the van wall, which was connected to a chain. There, her eyes opened. Beeterman stood with a long whip and a bottle broke at the bottom. His smile opened evilly.

Beeterman: Amazing what a bull whip and a bottle can teach you huh?

Jade attempted a cry of pain, when another rope enclosed her mouth. The ends closed tighter, making all the more blood come.

Beeterman: Awww, don't worry. You're cuts will heal before skinning time.
The third day of travel prevailed, Jade remained in her unmoveable position. Her body was unable to lie down without strangling her vulnerable throat. Her head bowed as able as possible. One lonely winter night, the moving motion that Jade had grown used to, stopped. The halting hurtled Jade's body forward, sending her in a frozen coughing fit. The two front doors in front of her made a squeaking sound as it opened and slammed hard to make Jade blink. A sound of feet stomping on deceased leaves was all the noise to her ears. They continued to circle the van until they stopped behind her. One huge door opened with a harsh "Clink." Then the other opened with a less amount of harshness. There stood Chump and Beeterman. Beeterman expressed a cruel smirk. One thick, splintery rope lied limp in his hand. A short blade with a wooden handle was gripped in his other. The blade reached for the rope that bound the jaguar to the van. As quickly as she was freed, another hand grabbed the cut off rope. Chump brought up a large wooden crate, with no holes or escape besides the door, the hung open and blew in the crisp air. The thick rope zipped about a hook in the crate. The other edge ripped around her neck, and the framer one cut off. The jaw noose remained bound. While Jade's attention lyed on the horrid crate a great force plunged her into it. Before she could react, pitch-black darkness surrounded her, as the door shut. An intolerable sound, that almost made her ears bleed, ripped into her. A tiny bit of a sharp object penetrated the door. Another horrible noise blew, and another sharp thing drew at the bottom. An uncaring force the crate to the back of the van, and it bounced back against the metal siding. Outside the crate, Beeterman grabbed a paintbrush while Chump held a black paint can. Beeterman dipped the brush in the paint and brushed on the outside. “FRAGILE” laid on the side opposite to the door. Chump turned the crate, and Beeterman held the dripping brush undecidedly.

Beeterman: We need an organization name.
Chump: How about PFA.
Beeterman: What?
Chump: Poachers' Fund of America.
Beetermna: You twit! We don't want the coast guard to know we're poachers! (snaps) I've got it!!

Beeterman dipped his paint brush in the fresh paint.

Beeterman: (snickers all through painting) NJA Beetermna: National Jaguar Association.
Chump: What are we gonna tell 'em be fore we load ship?
Beetermna: (raises manila paper) I am Betermantra Franquist, and this is my partner Chupesca Tranquilér. The well-known scientist, Randel Graduas, sent us. It was needed for his specific research, one female jaguar. His study is in the continent and country of Australia.
Chump: But I'm Chump Tranty, not Chupesca Tranquiler, and you're Beeterman Frank, not Betermantra Franquist. And, I don't know any scientist named Randel Graduas.
Beeterman: No you eejit! Does Chump sound professional, or Chupesca. Does Beeterman sound professional, or Betermantra? This is pretend, we must make it across to Australia, and if we put a live jaguar on a famous ocean liner, they want information! We must lie, or not only will we not get our millions, but be in jail for God knows how long.
Chump: But lying is bad.
Beeterman: ARRRR! Shut up!

Beeterman shut the two doors, and started the van again.
Jade's body slammed against the hard side of the crate. The van stopped again. She could here the talking of passing objects, objects slamming against other objects of a metallic kind. Hollering from person to person filled the air. Harsh movements against the crate juggled her body from side to side. She felt herself being lifted into the air, two life forms cradling each side. Then the moving stopped and, surprisingly, gently settled down.

Man: What have we got?
Beeterman: A female jaguar.
Man: Are you licensed to abort wild creatures into other countries?
Beeterman: Of course! (extends hand to shake) Maybe you've heard of me, I'm Betermantra Franquist, and my partener Chupesca Tranquiler...
Chump: But... OOH!
Beeterman: Uh, he's mute. Anyway, my mute partner and me are a part with the famous scientist and zoologist, Randel Graduas.
Man: I'm afraid I've never heard of him.
Beeterman: He's Australian. He needs this specimen for his mating studies of the rare and elusive Amazon jaguar. He has his male and the female is needed for further studies.
Man: I don't know. We've had poacher problems in the rainforest. And we are totally bent on keeping the health and safety of our animal friends.
Beeterman: As with us! We would never harm any creature. (taps box)
Man: Well... Let me see the health of your patient. (goes toward the crate)
Beetermna: NO!!!(man stares at him) Ahem... She is very potent the attack in the, uh, stress of the trip here.
Man: Oh. Well, that's understandable. (smiles at box) But what, this jaguar has been taken out of her home here. I don't think we can allow this shipping.
Beetermna: Ummmm... (eyes dart around) Oh, these studies are only lasting till his studies are complete. Then, she and her mate will be taken back. Randel's laboratory is stationed in Australia.
(man runs to ship)

Chump: WAIT!!! What are we gonna do!! WE'RE GONNA BE ARRESTED!!!!

Beeterman smacked him to make him fall backward. Then the man returns.

Man: The captain says it is agreeable. (snaps, to men appear) Take this jaguar to the room 97. (to Beeterman) Should we take her out of packaging?
Beeterman: Uh... No, we'll do it.

Beetermna and Chump lifted the crate high. They took it up the gangplank and to the top of the steps, and disappeared behind the turn.
************************ As soon as the two poachers turned the corner, Beeterman wearing a fake, yet convincing smile, while Chump wore a slightly guilty smug. Any moment where Chump's expression would reveal their evil secret, Beeterman would elbow him in the chest. Room 89, 91, 93, 95, till finally the number 97 appeared after a long corridor. Beeterman heaved his luggage a little farther, Chump following his motions.

Chump: (panting) Come on boss. Where is the room?
Beeterman: Right in front of you, you imp!

Beeterman used his right foot to kick the swaying door open. Beeterman gave Chump the sign to throw the bundle, and Chump gave him a blank stare. Beeterman heaved it forward, while Chump's grip remained. Chump's body went flying with the wooden crate, his grip remaining on the box. He flipped over the side, with the crate only inches from him. Dazed, Chump's fathead was spinning. Beeterman grabbed him, and lifted him hastily to the exit. The skinny poacher mumbled to himself as the door was closed, "Idiot".

Jade lay still in her cramping dungeon, bruised in various places. She sat up as much as she was able. Through the painful process of her spinning, tumbling, slamming and banging, the hated jaw rope snapped, leaving her able to open her stiff jowls. For the lonesome hours that followed her solitude, Jade sent piercing cries through room 97. The cries were depressing, showing loneliness, sorrow, anger squabbled by fear, and mostly, the great pain that covered her body.
It seemed like years passed before the constant turn of the propellers churning beneath her, when the feeling slowed slowly, until no longer was the gentle vibration gone, to a slow smooth gliding over the clear water. The water glowed under the clear, blue sky. Jade's heavy eyelids slowly raised revealing her two, green, life-stolen eyes. Suddenly, a violent jolt sent Jade's crate whirling across room 97, cracking the box in half. Another jolt sent the right side of the crate in the air, while another side ripped at the neck and legs. She lifted herself, unconscious of any of the following events. An alarm suddenly shot off like a screaming crow, red flashing lights blinking through all open areas.
Crash's snoring could be was the only sound in the calm, beautiful Australian day, as he lay on his back, unconscious of anything but the cool grass beneath his back. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and his arms spread out. Coco clicked repeatedly on her computer, while Pura, who's head and paw rested on Coco's lap, looked admiringly at the trees that popped out with green, spring leaves. Leo lay contently, solitary to all other inhabitants on a small, yet superior hill. His golden mane shone in the shining sun. Panta, who lay against Crash, curled in a small black ball, and appeared to have no legs, and no tail. Leopardo's speckled head rested on Panta's black body, the rest of his body sprawled out (the rest of the cats had not yet joined the Crash gang). A sudden alarm jabbed the peaceful silence like a butcher knife. Crash's head sprang up. Panta's extremely nervous nature sped into action. He leaped up and nearly clawed the life out of Leopardo. Leopardo hissed in his sudden scare, causing Coco to press the wrong key on the computer. The computer screeched, "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!" and Pura shot backwards, tripping over a small rock that inconveniently lay behind her. Leo watched with amusement.

Crash: What the heck?!
Coco: My stupid computer screwed up now!
Crash: (picks up rock) THERE WILL BE A WARNING, RX 2!!!
Coco: (snatches rock) It's not the computer though! What is that darn alarm?

Pura suddenly grabbed Coco's overall strap that hung loose. She pulled it, forcing Coco to regain footing.

Coco: What is it, girl?

Pura pulled more consistently and pulled Coco along. Crash opened Pura's jaws.

Crash: What is with you, Pura?

Leo stepped up and raced off, into the far woods ahead. Panta cautiously stepped up and stood firmly behind Crash's legs. Leopardo pranced ahead, like a dog, and called unstopping at them. He raced back to them, and then ahead again, behind one of the green, plush trees.

Crash: (imitates Timmy's father on Lassie) Hey ma! I think lil' ol' Lassie is trying to tell us somtin.
Coco: (mitates mother) Oh dear! Did my little Timmy fall down that dern well again?

Pura walked quickly to Leopardo. Leopardo jumped ahead some, and Pura looked hopefully at her owners.

Coco: Come on. Let's see what they want. It might be important!
Crash: OK. But if it's an All-you-can-eat buffet at the Salmon Lodge, I'll be real disappointed.
Crash raced ahead, Coco by his side. Panta, looked worriedly at them, and, because he was now alone, raced ahead, and followed in step behind Coco. When the gang reached the mayhem, Leo roared at least 103 yards ahead of them, and raced around avoiding being trampled by the hundreds of workers on the N. Sanity beach shore. A large ship had taken dock, and workers screamed un-understandable messages to each other. Crash raced on, the gang following behind them. A gunshot ripped out several more screams, from uninjured, yet terrified workers. A tall, skinny man with black sunglasses covering his eyes ran with a poorly rebuilt crate. A small, fat man ran slowly behind him. The skinny one shot another bullet in the air, as a warning to any trying to stop them. Pura hissed. Coco grabbed the soft flesh behind her neck, as any mother tiger would do in danger. Crash, ran to one worker, and grabbed him by his shoulders harshly, and shook him to get the workers senses back.

Crash: What's happening?!
Worker: uh...uh... Worker: (in Jamaican accent) Those men! They poach! They poach a jaguar! They have guns! We no gun! They go, "POW!" to any people try to stop them!

Crash released his grip on the worker and ran forward. In one, well placed leap, he brought the fat poacher to the ground. As he wrestled the fat man down, the man yelled stupid and pointless excuses. The skinny man only slowed his run to hear his partner's screams. Pura hissed and unmistakable battle hiss. Coco held tighter to Pura's scruff, although now, there was little she could possibly do to stop her. Pura hissed a hiss that prickled Coco's blood, and sent it cold down her spine. Pura flipped to the right side, and Coco's grip failed to stop her. Pura flipped again, and Coco's grip was ripped from her. Only black and orange fur remained in her mahogany hands. Pura raced ahead and into the path of the skinny man, who held a crate in his right hand, and a 22 pistol in the other. Panta, who was known from the start to avoid great danger, helped silence the fat man with Crash. Pura hissed at Beeterman, and lowered her head and stalked slowly forward. Beeterman stopped dead in his tracks. He lowered his pistol, and pointed it at the little female tiger.

Beeterman: Sorry kitty. But tiger skin is the rage, and I just can't wait for the skinner to do away with you.

Beeterman cocked his pistol, and closed his left eye for aim. His index finger was planted firmly on the trigger. A sudden blur of golden fur charged ahead of Beeterman. Leopardo stopped, and slid on the dust, and charged forward at Beeterman. His body crouched down, and as Beeterman took a step for a better shot, he tripped over the cat, and yet the bullet flew out, and a cat's cry followed. A lion attacked Beeterman, and ripped at Beeterman's pale flesh. Leopardo grabbed the crate, and held it firmly between his forelegs. Crash pulled Leo off Beeterman, a hardly easy task. With the persistent of a pit bull, and the death-grip of a bulldog, Crash literally had to pry the jaws apart, of Beeterman’s leg. Coco shot ahead and held Pura's body.

Coco: Pura? Pura?! Are you ok?

The brave little Pura uttered a soft, familiar, "meeew", after a startling pause. Her blood covered a red hole in her upper stomach, behind the left, upper leg. Four coast gaurds cuffed the two poachers. A police car with a dingo's shadow on the door pulled up. Two guards pushed Chump first.

Chump: Wait! I have a question. Is there ice cream in prison?
Beeterman: (kicks him hard and repeatedly until subdued by third coast guard) YOU STUPID, STUPID LITTLE DARN IDIOT!! YOU… YOU!!

Another coast guard came up to Crash with a pleasant smile on his face.
Coast guard: Well, Crash, we will always remember you for this. These punks have been wanted for years for poaching. I'm amazed they weren't caught in South America. Now, if you'll hand over the jaguar, we'll take it back to it's home. (hand outstretched) How could we ever thank you?
Crash: Ummmm... there is one thing.
Coast guard: Sure! Anything!

(At the Crash hut)

As Coco iodised Pura's bullet wound, Crash inspected the small, frail little female jaguar.

Crash: (speaks into recorder) Small female jaguar, incredible coat colour. Terrible condition. Starved, very serious injuries including rope burns, several claw scratches by unknown source, broken bones are soured, crushed ribs suspected, and possible collapsed lung; other problems, possible illness, and severe blood loss. Chance of living past tonight is at 20%. Unconscious at the time, and could never awaken.

Crash, who had visited veterinary school tried for hours to help the jaguar with the only materials at the hut. Coco finished with iodine and gave it to Crash. Then, she grabbed gauze to wrap Pura's wound. Crash then used the rest of it to cover the bloody scars of the jaguar. Panta and the rest of the cats searched the house for leftover pillows and blankets to souse the jaguar, if she would happen to live. As the clock struck 2 o'clock, Crash and Coco finished making whatever help could be given to the life-dragged jaguar. Crash walked slowly, as a zombie, walked to the bed, in a separate room, and the cats followed. Coco held the sweet Pura in her arms and looked sadly at the unconscious little jaguar.

Coco: (almost in tears) Good luck.

And with that, she shut the lights of, plunging the house to darkness.

As morning broke through the window, Crash stretched, and walked indignantly to the living room. He carried a long, and thin crate, with a hinge, to put the lifeless body in. His eyes showed sadness, and regret for what must have happened. He walked into the living room, and walked to the pillows. His jaw dropped. The coffin fell with a thud to the ground. His sad eyes filled with either joy, or disbelief. A small, frail female jaguar lied down on the pillows, her eyelids half opened, looking down and the carpeted floor. Crash raced to her, and dropped down on the floor.

Crash: You're alive?! You're alive!

The little jaguar squeaked a terrified squeak.

Crash: It's OK little guy. What's your name?

The small, gashed jaw trembled as it opened.

Jade: J-j-ade. Who are you?
Crash: Don't worry.

The rest of the gang sadly came in, expecting to see Crash laying a sad body in a coffin. Crash was speaking with her! They raced to the almost mummified cat. Leopardo sat beside Jade. Pura and Panta purred and rubbed against her. Leo stood behind her, with an unmistakable smile, which was trying to be hid by the solemn lion. Coco gave Jade a soothing rubbing, and petted her in Jade's weakness, behind, on the roots of her ears. Crash continued to talk with her.

Jade: Um, I don't mean to be rude, but where am I? Who are you?
Crash: (smiles at the others) The finishers of your nightmare.

[Camera zooms out, through the ceiling and out into the sky, and while it does, the end of, "Wonderful" by Everclear plays softly, while a narrator talks]

Jade didn't know what had happened to her now. She didn't know the only love in her life was killed by a demon she would never forget. All she knew was a love, greater than the hate of her life, had come to her, and that she, finally, would know the only thing that keeps the world together. Love.

~The End~

* The song that Jewl sang was “This I Promise You” by N-Sync.

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