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Vector and Monnika returned to Australia from their honeymoon in Jamaica. The sweet couple went to a fancy restaurant before they went back home to Vector's mansion.

Monnika: Vector...
Vector: What it is Monnika?
Monnika: Have you ever thought of having a child?

Vector raised his eyebrows and a nervous look on his face anime style. He had to think this over because he never done this before as a teenager.

Vector: Don't you think we’re too young for that? We’re only teenagers!!
Monnika: Please, just this once.
Vector: Monnika, I really never done this before but I do know another way.
Monnika: How...?
Vector: After we’re done eating I'll explain when we get home.
The sweet couple returned to the mansion that Vector lived. Vector showed Monnika down to the basement and showed Monnika his secret laboratory. Vector took a needle from his desk and Monnika was pretty scared.

Monnika: (frightened) What's that needle for?!
Vector: Easy Monnika, I'm gonna take some of your DNA.

Monnika lifted up her sleeve and Vector injected the needle into her arm taking some of Monnika's blood.

Vector: That should do the trick - now for my blood sample.
Vector also stuck the needle into his arm and got some of his DNA. Then he puts the blood samples into a test tube.

Monnika: What will this do?
Vector: It's another to make our baby. You see Monnika... in the future people make babies by combining their DNA together by using a needle! That's why I do it the simple way while everybody gets a baby the hard way by getting it on with each other.
Monnika: I see… how long will it take to make our baby?
Vector: As long as you want. That machine you’re standing next to is the dating machine. It tells you how long you want as our baby develops. So I'd put it up to three months...

Monnika set up the co-ordinations for three months. Then water started to come up and a tiny cell appeared in the centre.

Monnika: Is that our baby?
Vector: It is... just give three months to develop and it'll be ready by the end of the third month.

Vector was now a father. But could he handle the responsibilities as a father and an android hunter at the same time?
An hour later, Vector and Monnika left the mansion to tell the news to everyone else, whom reacted with either happiness, or a swoon in Snappy’s case! Then there they were, in front of a small wooden cottage in Turtle Woods. They reached the front door and knocked three times.

Vector: Do you know who lives here?
Monnika: Sure – this is the home of Toby’s brother Travis.
Vector: Toby’s brother, eh? He seems cool to meet! Er, why doesn’t he live with him?
Monnika: He’s got a partner of his own, as well as another one of Boron’s cubs.

The door was opened, and a brown cat stood at the door.

Vector: You must be Travis Tortoiseshell, ey?
Travis: Yes siree-bob, and you must be Vector Yamazaki!
Vector: How did you know me, ever since we haven’t met before?
Travis: My brother told me a lot about you. Please, come on in!

And so they did. They were positioned on the sofa, where a female bandicoot was stroking a wolverine cub in her lap.

Travis: Hey Carla – we’ve got company!
Carla: Hmmm? (turns to Vector and Monnika) Oh, hey Monnika! It’s so nice to see you after a long time! And I suppose the lad there is your… fiancé?
Monnika: No – he’s my HUSBAND! (turns to Vector) Vector, this is Carla Bandicoot, Crash’s cousin and Travis’s girlfriend. (turns to Carla) Carla, this is Vector Yamazaki, my husband.
Carla: What? Well how come we didn’t make it to the wedding?
Travis: You were in hospital, dear, and suffering with a stomachache that could have killed your babies.
Monnika: Babies?
Carla: That’s right – while you two were getting married, I had a few problems over at the hospital with my child – children rather, because they’re going to turn out to be twins!
Vector: Whoa!
Carla: Yeah – they’re coming in three months’ time! Don’t panic about our absence though – I congratulate you both.
Monnika: Thanks a lot! There’s something else you need to know.
Carla: What?
Monnika: Vector and I are having a child too in three months’ time!
Travis: Er, you don’t look six months pregnant.
Vector: That’s because we used a technique from the future here. We fused our DNA and it’s in a development machine at our mansion, where it’ll develop into a fine little boy or girl.
Carla: Speaking of which, you got any names for them?
Vector: Well yeah – if it’s a boy, I’m naming it, and if it’s a girl Monnika will name it. I hope for it to be a boy so that I can call him Austin Robert.
Monnika: Austin Yamazaki? That sounds good. If it’s a girl though, I’m leaning on the lines of Jessica Sophie. The first name sounds cute to me, and the middle name comes from my mother, who sadly passed away in childbirth four years ago.
Everyone else: Awww…
Monnika: What about you guys?
Travis: If they’re both boys they’ll be called Felix and Harry.
Monnika: As in Harry Potter? (cracks up) Um… never mind. (blushes)
Carla: As for the girls I hope for them to be called Thaila and Michelle. And if they’re both the opposite gender they’ll be Felix and Thaila.
Vector: How cute!
Carla: Same for yours too! I wish you the best of luck for yours!
Monnika: Same here.

They both shook hands, and now they know that they both have a batch of happy families to look forward to.
Back at the Mansion, Vector and Monnika were in front of the fireplace with mugs filled with black coffee.

Monnika: There’s something I’m still curious about.
Vector: What?
Monnika: If our child comes out first, then it may only get respect for a short time. And then Travis’s twins will get all the respect when they arrive. And if ours come out last then it’s like we could suffer a bit more with the child.
Vector: Don’t panic about it now, dear – Penny had a friend who had two siblings, with their children arriving in a range of two weeks. And guess what?
Monnika: What?
Vector: They got on just fine. There were no favourites and no suffering – it was pure equality in there. So lighten up my dear – it doesn’t matter about whose comes out first – it’s all on the happiness we see in the child!
Monnika: Yeah! Er, ever since we’re both trained fighters, I hope we can raise him or her to be a pro fighter.
Vector: But what if it turns out to be a girl? I thought girls can’t fight…
Monnika: (angrily) Vector!!!
Vector: OK, I take it back – MOST girls can’t fight…
Monnika: I know, and those were the same thoughts of my mother when she was trying to raise Tuskani, Frida and me.
Vector: Hmmm… well, having seen that Shen Lo Ken is doing a dab hand with Sharon so far, I guess you could be right about it. But we need to await the result first. Austin Robert Yamazaki… or Jessica Sophie Yamazaki? Wonder who we’ll have…?
Monnika: I think we need to wait for three more months!

Both broke out in laughter. Then Vector came up with an idea and told it to Monnika.

Vector: Monnika...
Monnika: Yes dear?
Vector: How about we have a party for having a baby.
Monnika: Not a bad idea! Let me call our friends.
Vector: Go for it...

Monnika picked up the phone and called everyone over to come to the party. Monnika told Vector what time they should come.

Monnika: I told them to be here at 1:00.
Vector: Excellent, let me just change into my tuxedo.

Vector snapped his finger and wore a red suit and pants, white shirt, and black sash and shoes that was similar to Rugal Bernstein from The King of Fighters 94. Monnika was amazed how Vector looked so good-looking.

Monnika: You look a million dollars Vector! I'd better get changed as well.
Vector: No need to.

He snapped his finger again and Monnika was wearing a silver dress.

Monnika: Thank you so much... it's so beautiful!!! (hugs and kisses Vector) You’re a sweet person Vector!
Vector: Thanks.
As soon it was 2:00 P.M., Crash, Danni, Coco, Sarnie, Kitsume, Shen Lo Ken, Fei Wu, Cobraz, Travis, Toby, Carla, Boron, Violet, Snappy, and Marlene came over to the party. The men wore tuxedos while the girls wore dresses. The girls chatted with Monnika about the new baby.

Danni: What do you think the baby will look like?
Monnika: We'll just hafta wait and see.
Sarnie: I knew you and Vector would be a sweet couple.
Kitsume: Vector's a really nice person. Wish I married him.
Marlene: No offence Kitsume but he's a little young for you.

Everyone starts to laugh of how old Vector was since he was 18 years old. Monnika wanted to know more about Vector.

Monnika: Since you guys know him, can you tell me more about him?
Coco: He really didn't want us to tell you this story but if you insist. In Vector's future, he battled Andross's androids and destroyed so many of them that the evil doctor gave up. Then a vortex appeared in the sky... it was the Dark Jesters. All four of them were powerful. Our future selves tried to battle them but we were killed. Vector came back in time to tell us but he wanted to train before he could tell us. Then he told us that he was from the future. When we went to his future, everything was in ruins. We defeated the first three Dark Jesters known as Thunder Seadragon, Brainiac, and Machine Rex. Then Vector faced the leader himself... Kaizer. Vector defeated him but he feared that one day Kaizer would return.
Violet: What a dark and tragic past that Vector lived in.
Carla: I feel sorry for him.
Monnika: How strong is he?
Sarnie: VERY strong! His power reading is up to almost a billion!! A person with that kind of power could kill the entire galaxy.
Kitsume: But that kind of power that Vector has is good.
Meanwhile in another huge room, the males were in the sports room. The room was a huge basketball stadium with an arcade, juice bar, and other cool stuff. Everyone seemed to like it.

Shen Lo Ken: Boy Vector... I'm sure jealous of you having all this stuff.
Crash: You gotta be the richest man with a huge mansion like this!!!
Vector: You bet I am! This is what you get for earning money as an android hunter.
Fei Wu Ken: You’re an android hunter?!
Toby: You bet he is... he took out the android named Dragoon with ease!!
Snappy: I wonder what he's doing now with Necrobat?
Cobraz: Beats me. Anyways, I congratulate you on having a baby.
Travis: Hope you can handle him or her 'cause you need it!

Everyone started to laugh except Vector. He had some strange vision of himself. He looked different, his hair was silver with Ricky Martin style, gold eyes, and his scars on the left and right side of his eyes were purple. Boron licked his face to get his attention.

Fei Wu Ken: You okay Vector?
Vector: Yeah I'm fine. Just a headache... I'd better sit down.
Shen Lo Ken: Thinking about the baby?
Vector: No, just a strange vision in my head. My hair was silver, my eyes were gold, and my scars on my face were purple instead of golden yellow. The only one with purple scars on his face is my father Shenlong who happens to be Dark Necrobat.
Crash: Too bad you dad is trapped in that android suit.
Vector: It's a very tragic moment to see your father brainwashed. So Shen, how Sharon doing?
Shen Lo Ken: She's doing fine. Marlene and I left her with Shiela.
Vector: Hope she doesn't give Sharon any crazy ideas to go on playboy magazines.

Everyone started to laugh about Vector's little joke.
Weeks passed, and the thoughts of the child still roamed around in their heads, as well as the “competition” with Travis and Carla. But all they knew was that their bundle of joy will be a sign of happiness for them. One day, in the underground corridors leading to the lab, Monnika went down in that direction. As she walked, the catchy sound of “Hit Em Up Style” by Blu Cantrell could be heard on the speakers above her. When she reached the door she stopped, and as she tried to open it… it seemed like it was locked. Having seen that, she banged on the door three times. A TV monitor came down and looked down at her, and it showed Vector’s face.

Vector: Who goes there?
Monnika: Vector, it’s me, Monnika. I’ve just come for the weekly analysis of the child.
Vector: I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but it’s being postponed for a while.
Monnika: What?
Vector: You see… Carla came in a while ago when the waters broke for her, and now she’s struggling to give birth.
Monnika: Is anyone helping her?
Vector: I’ve got Penny, Cortex, Tina and Travis by my side at the moment, but even with us lot this could take a while…

The sound of baby squeals can now be heard in the background.

Monnika: What was that?
Penny: (from the background) Aw, aren’t they cute!
Cortex: (from the background) Congratulations – you have given birth to a boy and a girl!
Monnika: BLOOMIN’ ‘ECK FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
Vector: (sighs) Then again, maybe not. We’ll be with you as soon as we can get her out of here.

The signal went out, and this left Monnika to lean down on the side of the wall and slide down in a crumpled heap. The only sound that can be heard now is the above radio.

Radio DJ: Ey, how good is that? That was Blu Cantrell with “Hit Em Up Style”, and we’ve heard that it’s going to take Australia by storm, but we shall see about that! Coming up on the show we have the latest news from the Kangaroo Hunting protest in the Northern Territory as well as a funky competition to spend the night at a Sidney nightclub of your choice! Until then… sit back and get with the funk on 43.6FM Pouch Radio with this – “What Would U Do?” by City High.

The song started playing, and the lyrics started playing through her mind. Even though the track dealt mainly about rape, this gives her a deep concern about her forthcoming child. She may end up being like a washed-up brainchild that may be forced to do things that she doesn’t like doing. Now that she thought of it… how can she train her? It may be a bit more difficult than ever. But the opening doors soon interrupted the thoughts. She immediately went over to them and looked down at Carla, and the children.

Monnika: How are they?
Travis: She seems pretty fine right now – I hated to see the pain on her face throughout all this.
Monnika: Lemme guess the names – Felix and Thaila.
Penny: How did you know?
Monnika: Because they told me the other day.
Everyone else: o_O()
Monnika: Where exactly will she stay now that she needs recovery time before returning home?
Cortex: Now that you mention it, I’m not sure if there could be anywhere in the whole mansion that can…
Vector: Actually, we do have a guest room on the first floor. She can be happy to stay in there for a few days until recovery.
Carla: (faintly) I can do with a rest right now… (faints)
Monnika: She seems totally out of shape.
Vector: Don’t panic though – Travis, you and your family are guests for the next few days here.
Travis: (takes Tina – a wolverine cub - from his shoulder) Hey Teen – did you hear that? We’re staying with the richest guy on the island for a few days!!!
Tina: (eyes light up) YEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAW!!!!!!!!!!
Travis: Guess that’s one little lass that’s happy!
Vector: We need to be quick now – she needs to be in her guest room!!!!

So the others carried her out towards the guest room. As soon as she came in, the radio speakers were once again the only sound that can be heard. The song finished, and “Fallin’” by Alicia Keys can now be heard. She walked into the lab slowly, and looked in the direction of the dating machine. She went up close to the glass, and through it she saw the back of her child. It still can’t be made out as a boy or a girl as yet, as it refused to move about. Then she turned to the clock – there were now 5 days left until the baby becomes due… and counting. She wrote down on a piece of paper on her analysis on the child, and then walked out of the room slowly. So, Travis and Carla have had their moments… but Vector and Monnika’s were due to follow.
As five days passed, Carla was feeling better all ready. She, Travis, Tina, and the babies left the house.

Cortex: So Vector, I didn't know that you own a laboratory down in your own basement... how do you know so much?
Vector: Well in the future you gave me superior knowledge that would help me fighting the androids and Dr. Andross.
Penny: I see... I gotta get goin'. You can never now in my timeline when more androids might show up.

Penny teleported herself back to the future. Monnika, Vector, and Cortex went downstairs to the laboratory basement and noticed something amazing.

Monnika: I don't believe it! Our baby is developed!!

Vector and Cortex rushed to the test tube and released all the water. Cortex pressed a button to open the top and Vector handed Monnika their newborn baby.

Vector: (stands next to Monnika and puts his arm around her shoulder) This a very happy moment honey!
Monnika: (hands Cortex the baby) So is a boy or a girl?
Cortex: Well it's a girl.
Monnika: YAHOO!!!!! Looks like our little Jessica is going to be a sweet daughter.

Cortex handed Monnika the baby to look at it. Jessica looked like Vector, had black spots, Monnika's hair and eyes, Trunks eye structure, and light purple scars on the left and right side of her eyes.

Vector: She's so cute. To tell ya the truth Monnika... I really wanted to have a daughter to train.
Monnika: That's so sweet for you to say that!
The next day, Vector went over to Shen's house to train with him and his brother. He knocked on the door three times and the door opened. It was Marlene with Sharon in her arms.

Marlene: Hi Vector.
Vector: Hi Marlene... where's Shen?
Marlene: He's getting his clothes on.

Vector faints when he falls to the ground. Sharon is cracking up while Vector was on the ground. Just then Shen shows up in his regular fighting outfit. Vector starts to wake up and gets back on his feet again.
Shen Lo Ken: You okay V man?
Vector: I'm okay... don't tell me. You slept in the... nude... FOR 9 DAYS!!!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Easy tiger!
Vector: How am I gonna train if you sleep late in the NUDE?!
Shen Lo Ken: I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

Just then Fei Wu Ken shows up.

Fei Wu Ken: You ready to train guys?
Vector: You bet I am. The first thing I'm gonna do for my training is to punch Shen in the gut to wake him up!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Okay, I get the point. I'll see ya later honey!

Shen and Marlene kissed each other. Vector laughed at Shen but he gave Vector a good knock out in the face while not looking.

Vector: Fei Wu, note to myself. Get a lot of safety equipment when Shen packs another punch at me!
Fei Wu Ken: Er, no problem.
Shen, Fei Wu, and Vector went to the park to train. Fei Wu wanted to train with Vector to see what his skills were like.

Fei Wu Ken: Hey Vector.
Vector: Yeah Fei Wu?
Fei Wu Ken: Shen told me that one time you were strong. I wanna test out your skills.
Shen Lo Ken: That wouldn't be such a good idea 'cause he packs a powerful punch, kick, or energy beam at you. To make things tough for ya bro, even if you do those things to him, they go through him like a ghost.
Vector: They sure do. Let see what you’re like Fei Wu.
Fei Wu Ken: I'm ready any time Vector!

The breeze started to turn a bit colder, as Fei Wu made his way up to Vector to see if he can take him down. He rolled up his sleeves, tightened his belt and brought his hair back as he glanced into Vector’s eyes.

Shen Lo Ken: You’re so enthusiastic there, bro.
Fei Wu Ken: Sure, I know that there always has to be one way to take care of Vector. And I hope that this will be it.
Vector: Bring it on, shorty!
Fei Wu Ken: Sure!!!

Vector remained standing on the ground while Fei Wu made a charge straight towards him. As soon as he was half a metre from him he performed a roundhouse kick… but he went through him and landed on the ground in a splitz formation!


Fei Wu Ken: OW!
Shen Lo Ken: Are you OK?
Fei Wu Ken: (gets up) Sure I’m fine – a split in the legs doesn’t hurt me.

He made another charge towards him, and this time he had a glowing red fist as he brought it back.

Fei Wu Ken: FIRE WUKEN PUNCH!!!!!!!!

The fist started glowing with fire around it, and as he made the blow… it also went through him, and he was sent running out of control, going straight through him with the whole body and as he landed he did a cartwheel to get back up.

Fei Wu Ken: Man, he’s tough!
Vector: Now it’s my turn. ;)

His fists charge up with a green light underneath them, and he sends out a small green ball straight towards him. Immediately he panicked and made a run for it, but it eventually caught him and caused a blistering green light for a second, and Fei Wu was sent to the ground. He didn’t move. Shen quickly made his run towards him and turned him on his back.

Shen Lo Ken: Fei Wu… please… can you hear me?

No response. He placed his ear on his heart, and…

Shen Lo Ken: (sighs with relief) Thank the lord that he’s still alive.
Vector: See? Just like I said challenges like this can be pretty simple.
Shen Lo Ken: (turns to him) I can tell.
Vector: But honestly, he has a good range of attack power, so I think that he’s nearly up to the same power level as you are, Shen.
Shen Lo Ken: Oh, thanks! (picks up Fei Wu from the ground) I’ll go sort him out back home. You’re pretty good at this – how about we meet again same time tomorrow?
Vector: OK!

So Shen went off back in the direction of his home. And as he ran, Fei Wu’s eyes started to open slightly.
It wasn’t long until Vector made it back into his mansion, and as soon as he came through the door he saw that the room was… quiet - maybe too quiet.

Vector: Strange. I thought with a child there would be activity in the house.

But then he listened in to a light grunting sound, and he immediately looked up.

Vector: Maybe that’s Monnika with the washing machine. I gotta see!

So he quickly climbed up two flights of stairs, and went straight into the laundry room. That was where he saw… that the washing machine wasn’t in use! The grunting sound can now be much louder, and was still above him, so he climbed a further three flights of stairs, where the sound can now be a little bit louder. He went along the long corridor carefully, trying to listen out for where it came from. That was until… he reached a locked door. He peeked through the keyhole… and saw Monnika and Jessica in there, both fast asleep.

Vector: No wonder… having kids may be a bit tiring. ;)

He left the door, but he immediately stopped again, and yet again the same vision of himself appeared in his mind. A few seconds later he shook his head and made a run for it downstairs. Vector found a key downstairs that would open the door. He teleported himself back upstairs and opened the door. He woke up Monnika to see what happen to her.

Vector: Is everything okay dear?
Monnika: Yeah...
Vector: Why did you lock the door?
Monnika: Oh, sorry.... I was so tired that I didn't know I locked the door.

Vector hugged Monnika for telling the truth because he felt very scared that his family would be in danger. Jessica woke up and looked at her father proudly.

Vector: How's my little Jessica doing?
Jessica: Dadda! Momma!
Monnika: She said her first two words! How cute!
Vector: She's just as smart as her father.
The next day, Vector decided to train with Shen, Fei Wu, Crash, Danni, Coco, Sarnie, Cobraz, and Kitsume. He got there just in time.

Crash: Hey, it's the V Man!
Danni: How's everything doin' with the baby?
Vector: She's doing fine. Hey Fei Wu... hope I didn't give you a bad injury yesterday.
Fei Wu Ken: I'm fine… those attacks of yours' make a good time to recover. Good thing you toned them down a bit.

Everyone started to laugh but Vector started to see strange visions in his head. This time it was him dressed differently fighting some future villains. Then he fainted to the ground. Everyone ran up to Vector to wake him up.

Kitsume: Stand back... I'm going to use C.P.R.

Kitsume put her ear near Vector's heart to see if it was still beating. It still was beating and all of a sudden...

Sarnie: Thank goodness he's still alive!!
Danni: You okay mate?
Vector: Yeah, I'm okay... let's get some training done.
Cobraz: You’re in no condition to fight after you fainted.
Vector: I guess your right. I'd better sit this one out.
Crash: Why don't ya rest on that rock, just take a quick nap and you'll be back on your feet.

So Vector took Crash's advice and relaxed on the rock. He just thought to himself that the visions of himself make him a lot stronger.
A couple of days later, the household started to get crowded as a whole batch of people came to see the child! Outside there were a lot of people waiting, including Penny, Travis and his family, and Monnika’s siblings!

Penny: I guess you’ve heard about the blighter too, ey?
Travis: Yeah – we got word of it as soon as we left the house with our kids.
Tuskani: Speaking of which, how are they getting on?
Carla: They seem so fine to us! Thaila’s already a friend with Tina…
Frida: Who’s Tina?
Weslie: I think it’s another one of Boron’s wolverine cubs… er, is that his name?
Penny: Aye.
Art: What about Felix? How’s he doing?
Carla: He’s a bit quiet, but when he’s not he’s all gigglish! In the whole of his life so far he hasn’t even cried yet! :)
Santos: I bet I can! (goes to slap him on the face)
Sonya: (holds him back) Don’t do it – he won’t like you if you do that!
Snappy: Er, back to business. About our time for us to go in… I’ve heard that the families of Travis and me will be going in at about 10 minutes time, and as for you siblings, I heard that you’ll be allowed to go inside in half an hour.
Midget: Nice timing Dad – I’ve been wondering what she’d be like.
Voice: Make way people – I have an important announcement to make to the owner of the house!

Everyone quickly moved out, as a tall figure with jungle green scars on the left and right side of his eyes, green eyes, a white jacket, red sweatshirt, purple pants with two yellows stripes on the left and right side going down, and gold sneakers, and looks in his 20s, made his way to the front door. Another figure followed him, and they all gazed at them in amazement.
Inside the living room, Crash and his family, as well as Coco, Kitsume, Sarnie, Brendon, Cobraz and the family of Shen Lo Ken came to take a look at Jessica.

Crash: Awww, she’s so sweet!!!
Casey: Dad, can I hold her?
Yarra: Yeah – she looks so nice!
Danni: Calm down kids – you’ll get your turn.
Sarnie: Yeah, don’t panic – as soon as Brendon is finished I’ll pass her over.
Monnika: Yes, but be careful with her – she’s delicate.
Cobraz: “Delicate”? Now that’s new. :)
Marlene: I wonder what you’re planning to do with her.
Vector: Well, like your husband Shen, we’re thinking of training her to be a fighter. And as for her education, we’ve got all the money we need.
Shen Lo Ken: What about the fighting tournament?
Vector: Don’t panic about it – if I win, I’ll be happy to share the winnings with you.
Fei Wu Ken: Awww, that’s so nice! I sure hope Sharon will be as good as she will be. ;)

Sharon, who was in Marlene’s arms, started gurgling and smiling at Jessica, who did the same back to her.

Monnika: It surely sounds like it. ;)


Vector: (rises) That’s one sick lizard who can’t keep his patience.
Crash: Yeah… (sighs) That’s one problem that Snappy has.

He reaches the door and opened it quick, and without realising, he started yelling at the top of his voice.

Snappy: (in the style of Shaggy) It wasn’t me.
Vector: What the…!

He looks up at both figures. As everyone else came to the door they saw what was to unfold.

Shen Lo Ken: It’s Nanaki!
Marlene: And he’s got a friend with him!

The figure crouched down and stroked Sharon and Jessica, whom both started laughing.

Vector: Who are you?
Iori: It’s a wonder you’ve asked. I’m Iori, a member of the Gi Tribe. I have heard that you need to make it back to us immediately!
Vector: What do you mean?
Iori: I have no time to explain – time is running out as we speak! Please, we need you with us.

Vector looked back at everyone else. He saw a good combination of people here.

Vector: (turns back) It’s OK. (turns to the others) You guys try and keep the children in good hands.

Everyone started agreeing with him.

Vector: We need to make it there immediately. I’ve got to see what’s happening!

So he started going with Iori and the others across the gardens of the mansion towards the front gates, and out through there.
As Vector, Iori, and Nanaki ran to the tribe, Vector stopped running and had an idea. Iori and Nanaki stopped as well to catch their breath.

Vector: I didn't know why I didn't think of this before, why don't I teleport us there to the tribe.
Iori: You’re right, teleporting would be as easy as that!
Nanaki: Will you hurry it up!!! We don't have all day!!
Iori: Easy bro, just be patient.

Vector focused all of his energy to teleport Iori, Nanaki, and himself to the tribe. In the blink an eye, they disappeared into thin air.
As they got near the entrance to the tribe, the trio ran into the tribe. Vector noticed that the Gi tribe was a village full of raptor warriors. He noticed some were praying, training, and working.

Iori: Welcome to the Gi tribe Vector.
Nanaki: The Gi tribe is a perfect utopia and in this village we all must be equal. We let my brother Iori back in since we discovered that he became this way when a wizard turned him into a humanoid raptor.
Vector: I see. Let's get down to business. Why I'm I here?

The other raptors noticed Vector and welcomed him to the village. Vector followed Iori to the tribe elder. They spotted at a huge cave near by.

Iori: This is where the tribe elder named Garitok lives in.
Vector: Amazing!

The two walked down the cave. As they stopped after a long walk, they noticed a huge figure that was twenty feet to be precise. He wore a ten foot headress made of eagle, hawk, and falcon feathers. (all white, brown and what not.) He also has huge wings opn his sides..big brown ones. (since he's an old raptor.) He's also a dark orange hueish color and wears a large amulet necklace around his neck. His eyes are always closed...but he can still see. He also has the same ring patterns as Nanaki across his back. He seat on a huge rock like a raptor.

Note: Garitok sounds like Guru from DBZ.
Garitok: Iori, leave us in private so that I may speak with this warrior.
Iori: As you wish Garitok.

Iori left Vector and Garitok alone.

Garitok: Welcome young warrior. What is your name?
Vector: My name is Vector Yamazaki. I was brought to your village for some reason.
Garitok: I have brought you here because there is something special about you.
Vector: What is that?
Garitok: You are involved in an ancient prophecy along with the Chosen One.
Vector: What prophecy is that?
Garitok: The visions you see in your head is you. With that future self of your's you are in your mystic form. You must protect the future as evil spreads throughout the Earth. You are known as "The Mystic Warrior." I may not have a lot of energy left but I live peacefully.
Vector: Maybe there's something I can do to change that.

Vector gave him all of his energy to Garitok. The young android hunter fell to the ground helpless. Garitok may have Vector's energy, but he plans to pay him back a favour.

Garitok: Thank you Vector for giving me your energy but I will pay you back a favour.

Garitok focused his mind and Vector stood up straight. Vector started to glow silver under Garitok's power. Garitok took Vector's light saber and it started to glow blue. It was now different. Instead of the glow being jungle green, it was now a cerulean glow and the handle was silver. He also had a different look. He wore Mystic Gohan's outfit except the pants are jungle green and the boots are light purple with a gold dip.

Garitok: I know you can't hear me but this is your outfit when you go mystic. When years pass you will battle three major villains that you must face. I have gave you powerful energy that will make you go mystic one day. Goodbye Vector... train hard!!

Garitok put Vector's light sabre back into the sash around his waist. He teleports Vector back to his manison where he will explain everything.
Back at the mansion, Vector was back in the living room in his mystic outfit. Everyone came into the living room and noticed Vector was wearing different clothes.

Monnika: Vector, you look different.
Vector: I can explain. Garitok the elder of the Gi tribe told me I'm part of an ancient prophecy call "The Mystic Warrior."
Shen Lo Ken: The Mystic Warrior?
Crash: Probably those strange visions in your head right?
Vector: Exactly, in that prophecy I must face three powerful villains. I may not know who they are but I will defeat.
Snappy: Mystic Warrior, sounds like a nice ring to it.
Cobraz: I'm with that one pal!

Vector came up to Marlene and look at Sharon. He said something to Sharon that she would remember when she got older.

Vector: I don't know if you can remember this Sharon but when you get older, I will fight side by side with you Chosen One. I will help you face that final enemy one day and that's my promise I will keep my friend.
Marlene: That's a sweet thing to say Vector.
Sarnie: Never knew anyone that was so kind to other people.
Danni: Maybe some day, Sharon and Vector will make a great team to face evil forces - the Chosen One and the Mystic Warrior.
Time began moving as fast as it ever could. Within the few years that followed Jessica grew into a fine young child, and had a bright education ahead of her, as well as weekly training lessons from her father. She also grew to have a group of four friends by her side – Josh Platypus, Sharon Ken, Felix Tortoiseshell and Bash Bandicoot. Even they came to practice with her, even though they were still young. On one bright summer’s day, five years since Vector’s visit to the Gi Tribe, the five of them were over at the mansion taking a break from training, and what else to have but milk and cookies.

Josh: Jessie, your dad seems really awesome! Man, I wish I can grow up to be like him!
Jessica: Don’t we all?


Sharon: We all bet! But… even though he is cool, I still follow the path of my dad. He’s the light upon me every single day of my life.
Felix: Awww, that’s really sweet!
Sharon: On the topic of which, I think I can remember something that he told me as a baby…
Bash: What are you talking about? No one has a memory as early as THAT!
Sharon: I know… but I’m sure to remember it. It was on the lines of that he will fight side by side with me and will help me face that final enemy one day and that's his promise he will keep.
Jessica: The final enemy?
Josh: Yikes – we’re gonners!
Jessica: No we’re not – Daddy’s a great help around here! I’ve been told that he’s one of the kewlest fighters in the land!
Felix: We already knew that.
Jessica: Whoops!
Bash: I wonder if we have a part in the battle too… it’ll seem great, ever since Vector’s been teaching us all we need to know.
Jessica: Yeah…

A nearby clock started ringing at four o’clock.

Felix: Looks like now’s the time to be outta here!
Jessica: OK! I’ll see you all tomorrow!!!
Bash: (leaves first) Bye!
Sharon: (follows him) You betcha!
Josh: (follows her) See ya!
Felix: (follows him) Any time!

And as Felix left the door was closed, and Jessica fell onto the sofa starring up to the ceiling. She also closed her eyes a few seconds later. The peace of silence is one way to unwind after a rather busy day.
Unbelievably so, she next found herself in darkness, and the only source of light she can see was a spec far away from her… what? That was wrong – she was on the sofa! Confused in her thoughts, she called out a cry for help, and the echoes rebounded off the walls, also covered in darkness. She had no choice but to carefully walk her way to the light.

Voice: The time… has arrived.
Jessica: (gasps) What time?

The light came closer and closer to her.

Voice: The time… has arrived.
Jessica: Please, tell me what time!!!
Voice: The time… has arrived!

The light came closer to her still, and now it’s directly in front of her in the form of a burning torch. And holding it… is a mysterious monstrous figure.


He swung his torch down, and that was when Jessica began to panic… but it all went like a blur.
She sat up from the living room sofa and screamed her head off. Could this be a warning to her future? She got off the sofa and felt that there was no other choice but to warn Vector. Immediately she ran out of the room and started searching for him. As she did so she bumped into something. She noticed at tall figure and it was...

Jessica: Dad!
Vector: What is it Jesse?
Jessica: I saw a horrible vision of the future!!

Vector paused for a moment and realized that his daughter is starting to have strange visions as well. He looked down at her daughter and hugged her for no reason.

Vector: Jessica, you and I are going to train hard until we face these three villains that will posses great danger. What did this figure in your vision look like?

Jessica: It was a different enemy. It's not the one that Sharon's facing, but the one you'll be facing. It was too hard to describe in the dark but he did look like a demon-like fox that wore a karate gi.

Vector now know what his final enemy will look like - a mysterious fox fighter from the underworld.
As ten years passed, Jessica was now 15 years old and just as strong as her father. Vector got extremely strong after every day of training with his friends. Right now Vector and Jessica are training with Iori to become much stronger in the Gi tribe.

Iori: That's it my friends! You can do it.

Vector and Jessica were trying to hit each other with punches and kicks. Jessica seemed to have the upper hand now and punched Vector in the got. The punch didn't hurt him.

Vector: Let's take a break...
Jessica: I'm tired!
Iori: You ain't the only one.

So the trio took a long break from training. As a few days passed Jessica was doing good in high school. Vector's power is starting to increase everyday without training. So the family is starting to enjoy their life… but for how long? Soon the new enemies would come this year. Can Vector go when these new villains arrive? Only time will tell because you'll soon find out in the next series.

The End

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