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A Dingo sniffed the air cautiously standing up tall on his legs, just standing lightly on a wooden log over a deep precipice. The air seemed wearily misty and calm, but there was a knowing tension, at least in his soul as he stood there, there was definitely something in the wind, something frightfully sinister, bold and precarious. He could sense it deep within himself as he continued to breath carefully… the smell of death. With the furs stood tensed on the back of his neck, he shudders considerably chilled as the night was settling. It was time to go home, already the clouds had half fogged over the moon, leaving just at least a small handful of light to glimmer through the trees. With one quick bound, he leaps off the log gracefully, and landing front feet first into the moonlight. The glimmering brightness captivated his fur, revealing it as a golden blonde in colour. And as he steps further into the moonlight, he exposes himself thoroughly. A rugged tough muzzle, his piercing deep brown eyes. Bushy black tipped tail and pointy ears full and pricked alerted. His age didn’t seem to be difficult to be recognised, he looked mature, a few more years older than since he left his adolescent years. With one last sniff he smells the air again thoroughly, before trekking back off into the night. His destination of home.

He looks again, over his shoulder just as he stands outside the entrance of his den. The trails of mist were now gliding through the trees, making it impossible to see through them clearly. With a light smile nervous smile he slowly exits the outside world of the eerie jungle and into his den. On coming inside, his eyes immediately pick up to the other occupant inside. He wasn’t alone - he had company - a younger female dingo. She is laying relaxed and fatigued still after many days in her labour. Her head nestled deep between her forepaws and her black tipped ears rested gently against the back of her head. She seemed lightened as she lay lethargically there. As the male walked closer to her, his attention seemed more focused on a small light yellowy bundle huddled just to her left side, curled up, motionless, but whimpering quietly against her deep brown fur.]

Male Dingo: How is she?

(The female Dingo opens her eyes slowly, revealing them a beautiful sky blue. She smiles and lifts her head up and back to the small bundle next to her. And as she rises, she exposes it, a small blonde haired pup, its eyes closed and it’s body curled up tenderly close to her mothers as it cooed quietly and lovingly. The male smiles gently and as a small gesture nuzzles the cub gently as a simple sign of affection.)

Female Dingo: She’s only jus’ begun to open her eyes, (smiles) I ‘ope you’ll be the first parent she’ll see.
Male Dingo: (smiles) Adelaide, she can see us togetha’.

(The female, now apparently named Adelaide smiled tenderly as they exchanged nuzzles. However as she came back to meets his face with hers there were something in his warm light eyes that seemed to be hinted with worry, anxiety and confusion. She could see it erupt on his face.)

Adelaide: What’s wrong? You look nervous…
M/Dingo: Who me? (grins) Naw, of course not. What makes ya think that?
Adelaide: Bondi, I can see it on your face, you seem… anxious…

(Bondi struggled to think clearly, deep inside at least not wanting to alarm the feelings of his mate and their week old pup. With a sigh he gently rests on his rear, defeated.)

Bondi: Your right… I am worried. For you and for our child.
Adelaide: (concerned) What? …Have you seen something? …Out there in the woods?
Bondi: (shakes his head) Not exactly, but I smelt it.
Adelaide: Smelt it? …Smelt… What?

(Bondi reels back reluctant to say any further, yet his mate’s questioning innocent eyes only preyed on his conscience more to tell her the truth, to let her know of this danger he could feel.)

Bondi: …Death.

(Adelaide sighed tiredly glancing her weary vexed eyes to her forepaws.)

Adelaide: How long has it been since they last hunted?
Bondi: (sighs) I’m afraid their latest kill may have been only hours from now. The scent I smelled not so far away seemed fresh…. Deer. They were hunting deer. (Adelaide starts to sob quietly.) ‘Ere, what’s wrong honey?
Adelaide: (her voice wavering) How long will it be before they start hunting us? If they find our den...
Bondi: (he gets up close to her in comfort.) An’ they won’t Adelaide, they won’t. Our home is much secluded enough for them to pass over us an’ miss us. We’ll be safe. (nuzzles her again)
Adelaide: Ever since that human you be-friended went missing, those other humans came back. Now after what you’ve told me, they are hunting more then ever. This land isn’t safe without your friend’s protection.
Bondi: (lays down beside her) But we ‘ave ta keep our heads up. We can’t give up now, we’ve both gotten this far unda’ tha burden of those men so far that we can start a family.
Adelaide: (more worried) An’ what of Danni? (glances over to the pup) How will she be safe?
Bondi: (smiles) Because she ‘as both experienced parents ta teach her the way of the world. (he curls up around his mate and eyes lovingly devoted on the newborn.) Look at ‘er. She’ll more likely be like ‘er old man. Cunning, fast…(proudly) an adventurer…
Adelaide: (lightens a little) And if she’s anything like you, she’ll adventure off somewhere and get lost. (sighs) That’s what I’m worried about mostly.

(She huddles up close to her mate for security.)

Bondi: An’ if she’s like me. She’ll get out of situations like that. (with affection to his daughter) Ain’t that right my lil’ miracle? You’ve come this far inta’ the moment of our lives when we’ve felt so lost. (To Adelaide) An’ we will have a perfect family… I promise…

(Both mother and father’s eyes glance towards their pup, now showing signs of movement as she stirs warmed in her parents presence and love. And without opening her eyes whimpered softly, before tucking herself deeply into her mother’s waist. And with silence both adults nestle themselves comfortable around her, like a loving cocoon to protect as they settle themselves in for the night. As one complete family…)
Bondi: (panting) Danni! Slow down!

(Weeks, and months seemed to pass. And already Bondi’s and Adelaide’s bundle of joy had already grown into a bigger bundle of energy.

Out of nowhere a more bigger familiar looking pup races into the clearing. Her sparkling crystal blue eyes open wide and radiant with energy. She giggles and sits herself in the middle of the clearing just outside of her den far deep into the humid jungle. Already it was warm in the sunny afternoon. She smiles joyful, looking over her shoulder, waiting for her fellow racer.)

Danni: (to herself) Three…Two…One…

(Bondi enters the clearing sure enough, he looks tuckered out after all the running. Breathing in heavy gasps he trots over to his daughter, shakily.)

Bondi: (panting) There you are, ‘ow many times have I gotta tell ya? No runnin’ off where I can’t see you.
Danni: (looking up at him) Aw Dad, we’re jus’ havin’ a race.
Bondi: (sternly) Now darlin’ if you got yerself lost if you ran off, I wouldn’t know how ta find you.
Danni: (cocky) Yer only sayin’ that jus’ because you couldn’t catch up!
Bondi: Huh?
Adelaide: She got you there, Bondi.

(Adelaide appears from the entrance of the Den with a warm smile, immediately her daughter bounds up to her blissfully.)

Danni: Mum, is Dad going slow on purpose? He’s no fun anymore!

(Bondi’s jaw drops. Adelaide laughs heartedly and nuzzles her daughter.)

Adelaide: You’re father just needs to rest sweetheart. (looks at BondI) Give him some time - I’m sure he’ll race you again soon.

(Danni smiles and cheekily exchanges a glance over to her father. He sighs deadbeat, and goes to get up towards them both. But before he can even say a word, his young daughter is off like a shot, zooming passed his legs underneath him.)

Danni: But I wanna race now!

(She darts away from the adults giggling. They sit and watch her whilst she races merrily around the clearing.)

Bondi: (sighs) I’m bushed.
Adelaide: (smiling) I’ve gotta admit. She’s a plucky pup, that one of ours.
Bondi: (puffs his chest with pride) Like her dad.
Adelaide: (smiles) Only faster!

(His chest deflates as he groans defeated.)

Bondi: Well, she is an adventurous little thing. (shakes his head) I jus’ wanna know where she gets all tha energy.
Adelaide: It looks like she’s taken it out of all of us.
Bondi: (to her) How do ya mean?
Adelaide: (smiles and nuzzles up to him) I mean, Bondi. We’re both not getting any younger.
Bondi: True, true. I guess… we both won’t always be here… forever…

(He looks back over, to the young pup playing, happily in the shrubs surrounding the clearing. He gives a long sigh.)

Adelaide: Is something wrong love?
Bondi: (broken out of thought) Oh? Oh, yeah I’m fine sweet’eart.

(Danni comes almost whizzing past them in a flurry, immediately re-catching their attentions as she drives past and back further into the deep bushes, the woods.)

Adelaide: (concerned) Danni? Where are you going?
Danni: Off chasin’ flutta’byes!
Bondi: (to Adelaide) Doesn’t she mean, butta’flys?
Adelaide: (laughs) You know she likes to make up pet names.

(Danni jumps higher up into the air, getting further and further away from her parents whilst they exchange their discussion, and almost secretively she makes one last look over her shoulder. Discarding the butterfly she was pretending to attack, at her oblivious parents.)

Danni: (to herself) Looks like tha coast is clear.

(She sniggers excitedly, and dives into the bushes off in front of her. The trees now surrounding her were enormous, and could easily cut her off from her parents now that she was nowhere to be seen. She giggles and makes her way towards her typical adventure.)

Danni: (looking around, she wanders into a different part of the forest.) Hmm, I ain’t eva’ been in this part of tha woods before…(smiles) Cool!

(The little adventure gallops herself across the heath animatedly, her independence seemed brimming especially for such a young animal in this new world, her happy young eyes glimpse to the warm skies. It had been a heavy humid day all afternoon throughout the jungle. She tilted her head up towards a Kookaburra’s nest to see it’s hatchlings piping away softly to the warmth and closeness of their mother who has only just flown on to the nest to feed them. Danni watches with a bonded closeness, how tenderly of mother and child to nurture so close to each other…Which reminded her of her own, how they would howl to the moon every night within safety of each other’s company, how nothing could spoil this happy moment they shared between themselves. Although, speaking of family, this seemed to give the young pup a new thought. It wouldn’t be long before her own parents knew of her absence from the Den area.)

Danni: (To herself) Hmm, I’d betta’ be getting’ back…

As she delves deeper and deeper into the undergrowth, she finds herself surrounded by thick protruding bushes, branches and shrubs of the middle of the forest. Only god knew where she was now, for all she knew she could be lost. But she didn’t care, not now anyway. The mist shrouding around the atmosphere seemed eerily thick mind you. As she trotted deeper, and deeper she could suddenly feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she looked around curiously.)

Danni: Hmm, this sure is a creepy place. Where is everyone? Are they all asleep?

(She stops still, looking around carefully. Funny… she was certain she was hearing normal animal noises of the jungle just a few seconds ago. Now it seemed so, so quiet. The only noise audible was the sound of her breath as she sat dry on the floor, panting for air. Still, this adventurous cub wanted more than just the boredom of a still secluded part of the forest. With a hearty bound she laughs and barks hysterically. Trying her best to attract attention to this much action-needy scene.)

Danni: Hey!! Everyone! C’mon out an’ play! I’m bored!!

(After more moments of running around, barking. She stops out of breath, back in her spot. This seemed strange she thought as she looked around herself again. There was no one. And what seemed a little worse was the fact; the mist was getting even thicker around her. Many of the trees further away from her position, seemed to shrink out of sight. Danni sighs irritated; this certainly didn’t seem amusing at all.)

Danni: (confused) Where is everyone?

(She lets out a loud sigh before trekking off further, deeper into the woody, mysterious area. No change. But now there were beginning to be perceptible sounds echoing around the trees she was passing. Each sound now re-bounding off her ears like a whisper, an eerie whisper, getting louder as if closing in on the young Dingo. She could slowly feel an awkward reaction of suspicion as she descended further into the misty brush with caution and mixed secret excitement. Though her heavy big ears leant back on the back of her head could only depict us of how she really felt. Uneasy, this echoing noise was starting to arouse her curiosity more and more, not to mention this strangely calm wood. Suddenly there is a loud piercing shrill; the very call penetrates her ears like a drill.)

Danni: Ahh!!

(The poor Dingo in no time is pulled out of her skin by the fright. With a yelp she dashes backwards, darting head first into a shrubbery. After a few moments she pokes her head out, her expression pained and embarrassed. The reason being that she had actually darted into a pine bush for cover. Only to emerge with spindles across her nose and muzzle. The piercing noise that frightens her suddenly shrills again, only this time it doubles into a howling laughter. Danni frowns and looks up towards the noise now apparently above her. To see, another Kookaburra. Male, and cackling hysterically.)

Danni: (up towards him) Whattaya laughin’ at?

(He calms down slowly, grinning towards the cub.)

Kookaburra: You shoulda’ seen yer face when I called like that! (cackles) You jus’ jumped outta ya skin!
Danni: (offended) Ya mean, you did that? (growls) I don’t find that very funny.

(She painfully removes the spikes from her muzzle carefully, as the Kookaburra guffaws.)

Kookaburra: Well I do! (laughs again) Can’t ya take a little joke kid?
Danni: That’s a joke? (snarls) I don’t see anyone laughin’. (removes a spindle) Ouch!
Kookaburra: But you were scared, saw it right across yer face. (winks) You look too innocent ta go waltzin’ off inta these part of tha woods. I’m surprised a young pup like you wouldn’ be afraid of steppin’ foot ‘ere.
Danni: (stops) Me? Scared? (cocky) I don’t know tha meanin’ of tha word.
Kookaburra: (cackles) You obviously don’t know tha meanin’ of tha phrase ‘Common sense’ eitha’. Yer a foolish pup ta wanda’ here.
Danni: (cocks her ears) Foolish?
Kookaburra: (serious) Yes. Don’t you know that not even one Dingo would eva’ step paw here… (quietly) At least… not eva’ since… ’They’ came back.
Danni: Th… They?
Kookaburra: (shudders) When those men returned, they always set up camp ‘ere in this part of tha forest. (sighs) Since then, all they eva’ did was set up traps, an’ hunt, hunt, hunt.
Danni: (baffled) Men? …Hunt? …What do you mean?
Kookaburra: Listen kiddo, if you haven’t gotta clue about man an’ his weapons then you ARE a fool ta be settin’ foot here in this part of tha jungle. Go ‘ome.
Danni: (shrugs) Men? Why be so afraid of men?
Kookaburra: Why? WHY? I jus’ mentioned why. Have you eva’ seen a Man?
Danni: (thoughtfully) Mm… I think I’ve ‘eard my Dad talk about man… a…’human’? But he was mummerin’ quietly to my Mum about it. I couldn’t really hear ‘im…
Kookaburra: Ah, that’s because he doesn’t want you ta hear tha tales about ‘em. He doesn’t wanna scare a little dear like you about tha wicked ways of a human. They’re terrible creatures.
Danni: (snorts) Yeah well, who ever they are I’m not scared of them! (growls) Not one bit!
Kookaburra: (laughs uproariously) HA! Now that IS funny! A young pup like you. Who was scared out of ‘er wits by a simple kookaburra… Not afraid of tha very creature which threatens tha very lives of all of us? Oh that’s good! That’s real good!!

(He falls backwards too hysterical to contain himself. Danni frowns stubbornly as he mocks.)

Danni: (growls) Yeah, that’s right! I ain’t scared of some human!
Kookaburra: (crossed) Look ‘ere girly. Even adult Dingoes fear them! You’re too young an’ too foolish ta go roamin’ around these woods when you could get snared! Now go ‘ome!
Danni: (smirks) Oh yeah? Jus’ watch.

(She plods passed him her nose to the air, and towards the deep undergrowth.)

Kookaburra: Huh? H… Hey, where are you goin’?
Danni: Ta prove you wrong. (smiles) Bye mate!
Kookaburra: Are ya crazy kid?
Danni: Naw, and I ain’t scared eitha’!

(She immediately takes a dash forward, within a minute she runs straight into the bush. Out of sight of the bird.)

Kookaburra: (calls after her) Hey WAIT! COME BACK KID! Ya don’t even know what yer doin’! You’ll get snared! (He waits a few seconds as he looks on. There is neither sound nor sight from her. He shrugs.) Ugh! Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. Foolish pup.

(He sighs and flaps off into the daylight. Away from any possible danger.)

[Danni ran further, deeper. Then stopped. Taking a deep breath to pace herself again she takes a look around, the woods, looked different - darker, narrow and sinister. This however, wouldn’t throw off the young pup’s natural curiosity. She pads on further, sniffing the air vigilantly. The air seemed to smell different too- cold, and light and lingering. She couldn’t tell what it was, but as it smelt stronger, the furs on the nape of her neck began to rise again, like an uncanny feeling that she couldn’t understand. She has never felt before in her life. Again, the woods seem quieter, dismal, and bleak. Danni walks on further, her bright eyes alertly catches every single object she passes against in careful observation. For all she knew, that wacky bird could have been right about something lurking nearby. No, Danni shakes it off. That bird could have just been pulling her tail to scare her. As if anything could scare this confidant pup. With an arrogant gesture as if calming herself the oblivious she tosses her head aside, walking faster on.]

Danni: As if that Kook thinks he can scare tha wits outta me. What does he take me for? I ain’t frightened of any dumb human. (There is an abrupt noise, a scraping sound. Again Danni’s ears prick up fully alert to the clatter which seems to be coming from the clearing just in front of her.) Wh…What’s that?

(She stops in her tracks immediately. Her heart pounding furiously she goes to move back, only in her sudden adrenaline rush she finds herself clamped to the ground. Without a word she stands still for a few seconds, listening quietly to the small clashing sound coming far from the bushes in front of her. Breathing heavily she thinks it through, then smirked secretly. She wasn’t going to fall for it again, this time.)

Danni: (calls out) Very funny Kook! But I’m not gonna fall for it again!

(She laughs and dashes forward, taking a big lunge into the clearing in no time, claws extended and teeth bearing. She growls in her fiercest tone, looking around her surroundings… Nothing…)

Danni: ‘Ey…(frowns) Where is he?

(She looks all around herself closely; there was no sight of the bird at all. Danni pauses for a moment, and again this sickening tension was clouding over her. What’s more, the noise had stopped. Wary the young pup looks back far behind her. The woods were darker. She seemed a little too far out of reach now. Anything could happen.... Her parents wouldn’t know about it, they’d be too far away. Danni stands still for a few seconds, confused, uneasy.)

Danni: (sighs) Maybe I’m jus’ imagining things. (She sighs and rests herself, she had been running all morning. As she sighs defeated and looks out thoughtfully, her eyes gradually focus in on something not too far away from her, out further from the clearing. And sparking her interest suddenly.) What’s that? (she gets up and walks to the edge of the glade looking out.) Is that what I think it is?

(She squints, unsure of the object that appears to be protruding from out of a ditch just a few hundred yards from her. It looks, furry, round, but motionless. This arouses her natural attention.)

Danni: (excited) Yes! It is! A hare…(growls sinisterly) But not for long…(Stealthfully she slinks carefully forward. Gradually getting closer and closer to the un-animated animal and giggling in her play, commentating her escapade.) Danni Dingo…Tha most fearless hunta’ watches her prey carefully. Slippin’ deepa’ an’ deepa’ inta the grass…

(Stifling her chuckles, she is surprised as to why the Hare doesn’t move. As she stalks closely though, she could see clearly now it was not standing up. It appeared to be on it’s side, asleep. The young pup couldn’t believe her luck, her natural instincts were buzzing with the thrill of the hunt as she slinked closer, closer. Sneakily gaining on her oblivious prey. Savouring the moment, in which she would scare her prey, but not want to harm it. Only playfully surprise it. With relish she finds herself only inches away from the creature. Even though it still looked insensible and motionless as it lay there. This wouldn’t stop the little Dingo in doing the inevitable.)

Danni: (still crouched) Tha mighty hunta’ gets closer… closer… Waitin’ for her chance. (She stops just inches silently away from the Hare. Hardly wanting to contain her enthusiasm any longer) Until… she STRIKES!!

(She barks enthralled as she pounces upon her sleeping victim, pushing the hare to one side suddenly, expecting it to squeal with surprise. Danni giggles and leaps in front of the animal. Confronting it face to face, before reeling back in sudden shock from the startling discovery. With terror in her eyes, she could clearly see why now the animal wasn’t moving.)

Danni: (her voice wavers) I… It’s… d… d… Dead!!

(She screams and jumps backwards in fright. Her cries echo across the woodlands like a shrill. And panting heavily she is fixed to her spot, just staring at the deceased animal. And the metal wiring around its neck - Danni couldn’t tell it, but the poor creature had been snared and asphyxiated. Those serious words uttered to her by that Kookaburra was now repeating them over and over in Danni’s mind again and again. Sweating heavily, too afraid to breathe she shakily steps backwards. Suddenly a flash of steel and metal flings her almost sky-high into the air, she lands with a terrified yelp. Coming face to face with a protruding object, now straight in front of her, where she was standing, shiny and silvery. And her face just inches from it, she could see her own reflection just as petrified as she was feeling right now. Backing away carefully with her eyes still fixated to the threatening object, she could see what it looked like - a set, of metallic sharp teeth. Steel jaws. She whimpered and looked at her leg to see the small graze that it inflicted. She was lucky, if she hadn’t been so lucky to throw herself away from it in an instant before it clamped her legs… She couldn’t think anymore… Without knowing she was backing away straight into the dead Hare. With a scream she would leap forward only to bump again face to face with the large set of jaws. Until she was out of her wits end, she screams and makes a complete mad dash out back into the clearing. Trying her best to get away, get away from what she had just seen. The absolute terror.)

Danni: (calling) MUM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU??

(She was lost, nowhere to go. Darting here and there, still petrified. She could swear she could hear something. Raising her ears alert and alarmed, she could hear only the sound of her heavy panicky breathing, and what appeared to sound like something else. A crunching, brief sound, like something hard brushing against gravel… footsteps.)

Danni: No…

(She yelps the sound is getting closer, louder, closer to her. With no hesitation she is gone, racing through the wilderness. Wanting to get out of the darkness, wanting to escape this real nightmare. Hoping it was in fact just one she was having. But it was real, and she was in trouble, she was lost. Running further and further on she winced, she was getting tired, and this dreaded land of the jungle was endless.)

Danni: (yelping) DAD!! DAD!!

(In a whimper she gallops further on, wanting to end the terror, the quick thought of never seeing her parents again chilled her. She keeps running, calling, looking around her now wary of the dangers and this new paranoia. Without looking she collides with something dark and just stepping out from the bushes, which yelps in pain.)

Voice: OW!
Danni: (tumbling backwards she yells) Uggh! (Terrified she shields her eyes with her paws, whimpering with fear. She knew it - it was over for her now.) P… Please… Just… leave me alone!!
Voice: Danni? There you are!!
Danni: (trembles) I… I’m l… lost! J… Just… Please go away! I wanna go home!
Voice: (worried) Danni, it’s me. Dad.
Danni: (opens her wide eyes) D… Dad?

(Slowly she looks up, to see the concerned bright eyes of her father’s. He steps clear out of the shadows of the bushes to reveal himself to her. His expression though, seemed much more serious.)

Bondi: Danni? What are you doin’ here?
Danni: Oh Dad, I’m so glad you’re here! It was ‘orrible!
(She whimpers and buries herself into his golden fur.)

Bondi: (cross) What were you doin’ out here? Do you realise how worried yer mum and me were?
Danni: (looking up at him) I’m… so sorry Dad. I… I just wanted to explore.

(Bondi sighs irritated, wanting to say something further to his daughter. Until the very sound that scared his daughter away reaches his attentive ears.)

Bondi: What’s that sound?
Danni: (still trembling) Wh… what sound?

(Bondi growls malicefully low as he looks out through the dark woods.)

Bondi: (to her, his voice low and cold) We’re going… Now! And you and me are gonna ‘ave a long chat when we get back home.

(Danni’s jaw drops to the sound of her father’s voice. Bitter and angered, and writhing her with guilt. And she knew it as she drooped back her ears, her tail between her legs - a lesson to be learnt. She may have gone in the woods to find trouble, and act brave. But only then did she realise that this was different to what she hoped, and no matter what now, she couldn’t get away with it. With a sigh she tilts her head low, enough for her father to grab the nape of her neck carefully with his teeth. Picking her up, he darts away carrying his daughter the way back home. Not even realising the simple fate that would befall on them both, the following day. As they leave, a long and shadowed figure watches them closely with observation and out of sight beneath the bushes surrounding the father Dingo and his daughter. With a weary smile, the creature slinks out of the bushes, kneeling. Then standing erect and tall. His pale flesh features distinguished in the afternoon light could now tell us, he was a man. And proud, as he stood there looking out in the direction of the Dingoes, and in his hand, hung the dead hare. In his other was something long and silver, with a wooden end. Something, slightly hidden from his covering hand. Something, which would conclude the very life of a simple young, naive little Dingo.)

Man: (with a wily grin) Bingo…Easy prey…
[Bondi vigorously paces himself back and forth outside his den. His whole body seemed tense; preparing himself for the upcoming stern lecture he would give his young daughter on how she couldn’t have been so foolish to step into those treacherous woods. After a few moments finally waiting, his young pup emerges, downtrodden and sorrowful. Her mother following after her, though a softer look on her face as the pup trots past her father, tail between her legs and head to the ground. Bondi watches her with scolding determination.]

Adelaide: (whispering in his ear) Go easy on ‘er Bondi. She’s only young…
Bondi: (nearly loud) An’ she could ‘ave gotten herself killed! She shouldn’ run off an’ do things like that. I almost had a heart attack.
Adelaide: Well, like I said. She’s only young…and she was trying to be like her father. (smiles) Just go easy on her.

(Bondi sighs, his mate smiles and gives him a loving nuzzle before returning inside the den to leave him to turn over to his sulking daughter. Her head sunk and back towards her father.)

Bondi: Danni?

(Danni says nothing; she knew she was in trouble. Almost wincing she could almost feel what was about to happen next. Slowly she turns her head around.)

Danni: D… Dad? …I’m… I’m sorry.
Bondi: Well, sorry or not sorry. You know betta’ than ta go runnin’ off like that. Me an’ yer Mum were worried sick about you.
Danni: I… I just wanted ta have a little fun.
Bondi: An’ you can have fun ‘ere Danni. Outside the Den, there’s no need to…
Danni: (cutting in) But I was bored Dad. Bored! I just wanna… (reluctant to say anything else, she sighs and bows her head)
Bondi: You wanna what?
Danni: (sighs) Oh… never mind…

(She goes to walks away, only her father side steps into her path.)

Bondi: Danni, tha point is. You could ‘ave gotten lost… or even worse!!
Danni: (irritated) I would a been fine on me own Dad!!
Bondi: You’re too young ta be goin’ out on yer own!
Danni: I… can take care of myself.
Bondi: Well, excuse me young lady. But it didn’t look like that when you came colliding inta me runnin’ from who knows what.
Danni: I… I was scared…
Bondi: I know you were…
Danni: I wish I wasn’t…
Bondi: …That part of the woods is…
Danni: …I shouldn’t be afraid of some human!

(Bondi stops)

Bondi: H… Humans?? …(his voice tightens) You saw a man??

(Danni gulps.)

Danni: Uh… I… uh, no! But… I…
Bondi: Danni? What were ya thinking??
Danni: Afta’ what tha bird said to me I… I wanted ta see what a human looked like.
Bondi: Danni! Humans are the most horrid creatures eva’ to walk the face of this planet. How could you disrespect your father like that??

(Danni gulps even harder; the tears in her eyes and lump in her throat were starting to well up deep inside.)

Danni: (her voice wavers) I… I don’t unda’stand.
Bondi: Danni, humans, are the last things you’d ever wanna see.
Danni: That’s what that bird said to me. I… I don’t unda’stand.
Bondi: (sighs heavily) Then I think, maybe it’s time you did. (He looks out towards the skies. The sun was dimmer and redder now; the heat of the afternoon was dying down into the evening. The first star was protruding north from the heavens. With a heavy soul, Bondi leads his daughter from the Den.) Let me talk to you somewhere else.

(Confused, but eager more to listen to her father than anything else. Danni follows Bondi from behind, concerned at his fatigue and depressed appearance. It seemed now that his own body weight had sunk, along with his head as he ambled slowly through the woods with her. Taking her to a tall hill, just overlooking their Den and a relatively small amount of the jungle, where they stood now were amidst the stars coming out for the night, surrounding them soothingly. The warm breeze swam around them cool and slow. The atmosphere almost seemed pleasant, if it wasn’t for the slight tension between father and daughter as they stood atop the hill and watching the view around them.)

Bondi: Here we are.
Danni: Where are we dad?
Bondi: To tha place I always used ta go, when I was a small pup just your age. I always come here every night when you an’ mum are asleep.
Danni: Really? Is this where you howl to tha moon?
Bondi: Oh I always howl ‘ere every night. As soon as all tha stars come out.
Danni: (taking it in) Oh.
Bondi: Yeah. I used to come here a lot when I was just a little nippa’ with me Dad. We used to howl at tha moon togetha’.
Danni: Cool!
Bondi: (smiles) Yep… every night. (pauses) Up until… fate took us apart.
Danni: Huh? What happened?

(Bondi sighs melancholy. As Danni looked closer at him she could see a small glimmer in his eyes as he struggled inside to find his next words.)

Bondi: Human’s can be… terrible creatures Danni. It’s because of them, I never saw my fatha’ again… and this… (He gently rolls over onto his side to display his stomach carefully.) Look.
Danni: Huh?

(She leans forward looking closely to see what looked like small faintly scarred dots scattered across his abdomen and near his chest. With a startled frown she reels back with surprise.)

Danni: Wh… What? Are those?
Bondi: (getting back up gently) Just a, how should I say this. A reminder of a memory I’ll neva’ be able ta rid myself of.
Danni: D… Did a… human? Do that?
Bondi: (sighs) Yes Danni. Human’s did that, and took away my child hood.
Danni: But… But, surely humans can’t be that cruel, dad! Not everyone can be cruel…
Bondi: Danni…
Danni: (anxiously, almost distressed) L… Look at tha flutta’byes I play with. They wouldn’t harm anyone! No one…
Bondi: (sighs) I’m afraid, life ain’t as simple as that.
Danni: (tears forming in her eyes) Not… all humans… are bad… are they?

(Bondi frowns, he could see clearly now that some understanding was getting inside his daughter, no matter how concerned she seemed. But she was right, from what he knew all those years ago…)

Bondi: There was… someone.
Danni: W... Who?
Bondi: A man…(thinking) He did take me in, when I was lost. A human… who gave me shelter just afta’ I was orphaned. He looked after me all the way through my adolescent years.
Danni: A… human? Looked afta’ you?
Bondi: Yes… I can’t, exactly remember his name. (sighs) Anotha’ memory, lost.
Danni: (jumping around him) But, what happened? What happened?
Bondi: …We both shared a lot of adventures togetha’ Danni. Just him and me - we did a lot togetha’.
Danni: Like what? Like what?
Bondi: (smiles) He was, how do I put this, a protector of folk such as us.
Danni: Really?
Bondi: Yeah. We used ta go exploring in these woods, just tha two of us.
Danni: (in awe) Wow.
Bondi: …Then, just afta’ I met yer motha’ …He disappeared.
Danni: (stops) D… Disappeared? How?
Bondi: It’s not really a question of ‘how?’ but more of… a question of ‘why?’ Danni.
Danni: Well, why then?
Bondi: I really don’t know love. I really don’t know. I came back one time from yer motha’s Den. An’ he wasn’t there, but the whole place we were living in was ransacked.
Danni: Really?
Bondi: I looked everywhere for ‘im. I even howled to tha ruddy moon to see if he could hear me. (sighs) He wasn’t anywhere in sight.
Danni: Oh.

(Danni’s ears droop in sympathy)

Bondi: Then, some humans… different. (thoughtfully) They had, the same kind of coloured cloths on them, and these long shiny objects in their hands. So hard to describe, and yet they looked so familiar. And when I returned to look for one more time for my master they were there, rummaging through his belongings…
Danni: (concerned) D… Dad?
Bondi: Then, they saw me…(shakes his head) I tell ya, I’ve never ran so fast in all my life Danni.

(Danni’s concerned frown, turns into a loving supportive smile. And gently, as if to hush her father’s re-living secret pain. She brushes her face up against his side.)

Danni: I… I think… I understand.

(Bondi looks down at her slowly, such re-kindled companion had been brought out on him from such a day or worry and old memories. It was sometimes hard to remember yourself that the ones who really love you are there to support you.)

Bondi: I hope… to at least think, he wasn’t harmed in any way or in fact, if he wasn’t killed… to at least come back to us again. He was the only human I knew that respected everything.
Danni: Mum always told me ’Hope’ is a good thing and never to waste.
Bondi: Your mum is the wisest Dingo I ever knew. And you know what else? I’m beginning to see it now inside of you too.

(Danni smiles)

Danni: As long as ya keep believin’. But then, Mum always said I’m kinda like you too!
Bondi: Well…(winks) I must admit, you are the boisterous type sometimes.
Danni: (giggles) Yeah, only nowadays I can get away with it!

(She laughs and tags him with her paw, and before he can even have the chance to react, she is zipping around the hill, merrily and zestful. Bondi dashing after her, but just having a bit of a hard time trying to catch up.)

Bondi: (panting) Oy… Adelaide was right about that ‘not getting’ any younga’’ part.

(Just as long as he would spend the rest of it happily with the comfort of his daughter. He wouldn’t care. There would still be new memories to create, now that he had his family, and right now he would change it for the world - running and chasing his daughter joyously as she would dart under his legs. The pair ended up backs to the ground, rolling and laughing together, looking up at the skies.)

Danni: (thoughtfully) Dad, I wouldn’t do anythin’ to disrespect you.
Bondi: (getting up) I know ya wouldn’t sweetheart. I was very worried though.
Danni: (almost sad) I’d be… really sad to lose you over something like that.

(Bondi looks over to her.)

Bondi: You won’t lose me Danni…
Danni: Really?
Bondi: Yes… (pauses) One day though, there will be a time when you won’t need me anymore.
Danni: (confused) When, will that day be?
Bondi: (smiles) When you’re big, strong and old enough to understand you can stand on yer own two feet. An’ that won’t be for a long time.
Danni: Oh…
Bondi: Then, there will be a time, when I may not be around anymore.
Danni: R… Really?
Bondi: But I’ll always be with you, always. (smiles) My father told me that. I guess I believed him.
Danni: …But we’re still friends aren’t we? We’ll always be friends… right?
Bondi: (smiles) Of course we will honey. (smirks) Well, if you let me win at least a few races we hold.
Danni: Heh, yeah!
Bondi: (gets closer to her) Both of us have learnt an important value of our lives today… let’s not forget that.
Danni: I won’t.
Bondi: An’ there are such a thing as ‘miracles’. (smiles) Ya just have to wait. An’ when we find one, we’ll be in it togetha’. (Danni smiles) No matta’ how cheesy this may seem. I’ll always be there with you. Even when I’m not beside you anymore…
Danni: I… I think I understand… Though, I’m not quite sure.
Bondi: (laughs) You will Danni, you will. (thinks) An’ come ta think of it… Now that we’re togetha’ on tha same hill. (stands up) No use wastin’ the night.

(He holds back his breath, then with one long exhale, blast out a wonderful and harmonious call. His howl, Danni watches him with awe. Before trying her best to join in with him by his side, though perhaps not that deep and melodious. She couldn’t care; both father and daughter were now sitting side by side. Howling at the lonely moon, together as one. And they would never change it, not for the world. Oblivious to the harsh reality that would come tomorrow and do just that, resolving both their destiny’s to be torn apart. Forever.)
Bondi: Mornin’ sunshine.

(Danni feels herself being lightly tapped across her shoulders, with a groan she slowly opens her eyes to come face to face with her fathers. He seems more in a lighter mood than ever.)

Danni: (with a tired grin) Dad…

Bondi: It’s a beautiful day today darlin’. Fancy another… race? (grins)

(He nuzzles her to her feet quickly; she however seems a little bothered and half asleep for the matter.)

Danni: I was really enjoying my nap.

(Bondi laughs, Adelaide steps through the entrance of the Den suddenly. The both of them notify her presence.)

Adelaide: It’s quite a busy day in fact Bondi. The wildlife seems much more perkier today. I even caught a hare this morning. (smiles)
Bondi: (trounces up to her) And you never left any for us?
Adelaide: (back at him) Where are you going?

(Danni zips through her legs suddenly causing her to yelp in surprise.)

Danni: Sorry mum! I gotta race to win!
Adelaide: I see.

(Danni darts out of the den, and past her father as he stops to rest.)

Bondi: Hey we ‘aven’t begun yet.

(Danni jumps around enthusiastically. Today was the right time to get up; she sniffs the air with ecstasy and delight at the natural aromas of the clean wild breeze surrounding her. The sun was out full and warm - in fact vastly warm. But she basks in its comforting soothing rays. This seemed like the most perfect day.)

Danni: (turns around) C’mon Dad! I can’t wait for long, or tha day will be over.
Bondi: (chuckles and ambles over) All right I’m comin’.

(Adelaide pokes her head back out into the humid open again just enough to watch as her daughter and mate begin their annual race. With a warm smile, she is just about to turn around back inside, when her eyes spot a small neat object just yards from the open of the entrance. Red, and clear, giving off a small sparkle in the sun.)

Adelaide: What’s this?

(She exits her opening to investigate it closely.)

Bondi: (bracing himself) So then, are we ready to begin?
Danni: (poises) I’m ready… ta kick yer tail. No one wins a race against me but me self.
Bondi: Well... (winks) We’ll see about that. But watch out, yer old man’s been practising.
Danni: (chuckles) Yeah, practising ta lose!
Bondi: Hey!

(Danni chuckles)

Danni: So are we goin’?
Bondi: Sure… just as long as you give me a head start…
Danni: (snorts) I thought you said you were practising?
Bondi: Let’s get ready. Just count me, starting from… now! (leans over all set) Get ready…
Adelaide: (calling over) Bondi!
Bondi: (slightly distracted) …get set…

(He and Danni poise themselves firmly, ready to start the run.)

Adelaide: Bondi!!
(Her voice stops his counting with a harsh knock. Irritated, Bondi looks over his shoulders with a sigh.)

Bondi: What?

(Danni giggles)

Adelaide: (urgent) I need to speak with you.
Bondi: (sighs) Can’t it wait love?
Adelaide: (urgency in her voice) No… No it can’t…

(Bondi frowns upon looking at his mate’s perturbed appearance. Then back down to Danni, still grinning mischievously.)

Bondi: Danni… Can you wait a few…
Danni: (energized) Sorry Dad! Yer times up!! Gotta run!

(With a playful yip she is off like a shot, starting their race abruptly down the hill and towards their secure part of the forest.)

Bondi: (sighs) Ohhh Danni!! Don’t go too far remember?? (She nods as she looks back at him, still running and laughing whilst she exits into the thrush part of the jungle. He sighs heavily in retreat and moseys down towards his mate.) Please make it quick love, we can’t ‘ave Danni get herself lost again.
Adelaide: (quiet) Look at this.
Bondi: (looking at her) Look at what?

(She points her front paw to the strange object she had discovered. Bondi curiously looks closer to the unanimated article with certain confusion. But to carefully inspect it, he sniffs around it suspiciously.)

Adelaide: What… What is it?

(As Bondi looked to it more intrigued, it looked an awkward shape. Jagged, sparkling and clear. There was a metallic rim or top just protruding out from what looked like a clear neck shape of this familiar entity. Bondi wasn’t sure but he had a certain feeling he had seen this odd device before.)

Bondi: I’m…not quite sure.

(He continues to inspect its scent. It smelt malodorous, a strong alcoholic tang which lingered in Bondi’s nose for a moment. With a snort he holds his breath, and reeling away he catches his muzzle on one of the jagged pieces unexpectedly. With a yelp, he stands clear of it, fur ruffled and finally recognising the truth behind this shattered and threatening item.)

Adelaide: (worried) Are you all right Bondi?
Bondi: (shakes himself) I’m all right… (dabs his nose with his paw) I’m not bleedin’. (looks at her with worry in his eyes) But we’d betta’ get outta ‘ere fast!
Adelaide: (shocked) Wh…What, away from here? What are you talking about?
Bondi: (nodding to the object) That’s a broken beer bottle Adelaide. Humans use them.
Adelaide: (taken aback) What? What’s it doin’ here? (he looks at her with a knowing gesture, she slowly widens her eyes) No… you don’t think…
Bondi: Those human’s are back, an’ they musta' been outside our den when we were asleep.
Adelaide: (breathless) No…
Bondi: We gotta find Danni…

(Danni continues running through the shrubs, the wilderness. It was still early in the morning and by now the sun was at its cruellest peak for heat. Out of breath and alone the young pup stops to take a breather. She sits amidst a clearing, patiently waiting for her father.)

Danni: I knew he was an’ old slowpoke. (sighs) Sometimes he can be no fun. (smiles and shrugs) Oh well, I can jus’ rub it in when I get back ‘ome. Where am I again?

[For one quick minute, so has sure to be safe, especially after her brief learning experience from last night. Danni scouts the area with her eyes quickly, before sighing relieved. Her surroundings looked brighter, more pleasant, but above all familiar. She smiles happily, unwilling to waste her time in waiting for her fellow racer to admire the sights. Trotting off deeper into the calmer backwoods, little realising the fate just standing around the corner of her eyes. Oblivious to the rough harsh noise of a jeep engine running smoothly as the vehicle waited just parked hundreds of yards far away from her. And occupied by the same stone-faced man from last night. He grins mildly at the long weapon in his hands and his familiar bottle of beer in the other. After gulping down the rest of it’s alcoholic contents, enough is enough. He sends the bottle to the side swiftly and discreetly into the grass, letting it land with a shattering crash instead on a jagged rock beside his vehicle. And with his foot to the pedal he is off like a shot into the jungle, unaware the shattered fragments of the bottle are direct in the sunlight causing the rays to magnify into the grass, burning slowly. Then fast. Into the form of every outback bush nightmare… Wildfire.]

Danni: (running) Hey! Wait up!

(Danni was still running, chasing lively through the safer part of the jungle. Or so it seemed. Innocently the butterflies skeet about, swaying to and fro in haste from the young pup just wanting to play with them. After running around in circles, she spots a lone one. Settled and at peace atop a mouldy log. With a wicked chuckle, she poises herself into a position of stealth. Belly to the ground, slinking up once again on her ignorant prey.)

Danni: Just a…little farther…(smiles as she gains closer) A little…(suddenly pounces) YEEAHH!!!! (The butterfly makes off with haste; she jumps on the log pawing at it from above her as it flies away.) Hey! Come back! (giggles) I was only havin’ a bit of fun!

(She watches as the last of the creatures fly further into the distance. And all alone again, Danni sighs bushed and bored as she sprawls herself over the log defeated. A weird and redolent smell gradually joins her nose. With a small start she opens her eyes to sniff the air cautiously.)

Danni: (getting up) What’s that?

(Her ears droop; the air was eerily cloudy once again. But this was no misty fog. It had an aromatic scent, hard and enough to make the young pup choke if it gained closer to her. The smell of smoking timber, Danni’s eyes wander with nervous tension as she watches the smoking fog descending towards her, thick and clogging. So thick, she suddenly chokes on the fog, black and spreading. Like the glowing light erupting through the woods. Her eyes burning from the arising heat, her instinct could only assume the horrific truth. She was trapped in a raging wildfire, and it was spreading rapidly towards her, with the wind in her way. With a scream of panic she goes to run. Amidst the choking smoke she was still clearly enough to see the path behind her and with one single bound is off like a shot, the horrors of the forthcoming flames gaining closer behind.)

Bondi: (howls) Danni! DANNI! WHERE ARE YOU?! (Bondi was alone, gliding through the forest and away from the flames that he had just spotted just minutes ago in the distance, and rapidly spreading. He knew what was happening now and all in an instant as soon as morning arose. He knew humans had caused this, memories were clouding his brain as he runs through the clogged black mist of death to find his daughter.)

Bondi: (distraught) DANNI!! DANNI ANSWER ME! PLEASE!

(Time was running out for his family. And to think he’d never think the impossible would happen. Now it had, such to familiar years of hiding, loosing his own flesh and blood and finding new hope to live. The reality of his secret life was coming back to ruin it once more. But he could have that, not ever. Stricken in panic for the welfare for his daughter and mate, he sprints from here to there through the jungle. Calling Danni’s name whilst his mate wait hiding in safety back at their home. It was obvious now that his daughter would also be running from the danger lost and alone, and with this thought persevered him to keep running for her. A high-pitched yipe gradually halts him to a screeching stop in his tracks.)

Voice: HELP!

(He immediately stops with a skidding halt, eyes wide and ears pricked to attention.)

Bondi: (looking around) Danni?

(He gallops closer to the screams, squinting his eyes through the clouds of smoke. He can just point out a small blonde figure trapped around a ring of fire. It was Danni all right, and in danger. She was hastily making her way up a tree behind her, motivated by the flames below digging it’s blazing heat callously into her back as she tries her best to reach to the top.)

Danni: (clinging hold of the first branch, she howls) HELP!! SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP ME!
Bondi: (calls) I’m coming Danni!

(In one faithful bound, he takes a fantastic leap over a chancing gap between the flames, swift and painless. His eyes dart to his daughter with fear. She is grappling frantically with the stressed branch glancing her tear-terror filled eyes at her saviour father below.)

Danni: D… Dad?
Bondi: (up at her) Hang on kid!

(Another bound, and he is high enough to reach up to her branch. Carefully grabbing her by her nape of the neck and back to the ground he has her safe between his jaws. Now the only option now, was to escape fast. Taking another chance he is only slightly unfortunate to brush his stomach against the top of the flames as he soars over them, wincing but forgetting about the quick pain just as long as his daughter was safe from the heat. Danni is quickly released from his clutches to run alongside him, the two sprinted together through the less fumigated part of the forest.)

Danni: (calling) Where’s Mum??
Bondi: (running with her) She’s safe at home Danni. She’ll be all right! Now just stay with me!

(He runs over the top of her as if to protect her from the falling hot ash scattering around them. The two find themselves darting back and forth from blocked exits to freedom and falling branches engulfed with flames, this moment seemed so endless. And so much like a race. But no regular, only a race for their lives.)
[Adelaide snaps in protection of the den as two humans advance towards it. Peeking her frightened eyes out through the hole, she could still tell it wasn’t enough. She backs away with dread as the first; dominant of the hunters’ leans down and peeks through. He smiles as he catches the glimmer of her bared teeth.]

Man#1: (nods) Yep, looks like we found one all right.

(It was the same man - he leans down towards the hole. His partner, similarly clothed just behind him.)

Man#2: You can see one?
Man#1: (stares at her) Yep - definitely a female. (smiles) A real beaut’. Hand me tha snare hoop.

(The younger man looks down to the long handled wire snare held in his hand before passing it on to his boss.)

Man#2: (looks away) This betta’ be worth tha money we were promised.

(His partner smiles back and then reach down into the opening with the wire noose. Further, further. Adelaide yelps with terror as she backs away from the approaching and threatening object coming through the den towards her. With no escape to any back way of the earth she could run to she finds herself into a dead end. Eyes wide and petrified, she was trapped.)

Adelaide: (barks at the noose) No… Keep away from me… (it gets closer to her) KEEP AWAY!

(Too late, nowhere to run. The hoop is wound over her head and neck, and in sheer panic she screams and grapples in fury only to have it tighten firmly around her throat.)

Man#1: GOT ‘ER!

(He cheers successful as he pulls her out, bared to the world and fresh in front of her captors. Choking in fear she tries her best to slip back inside, but the sheer shock of seeing these creatures before her she stops cold, staring up at her callous subjugator, naked and vandalised as he forces his hands down on the back of her neck. She is powerless to move.)

Man#2: (looks over) You got ‘er out?
Man#1: (laughs) Course I did! (looking at his prey) An’ fast too. I’d make that Irwin fella’ look stupid.

(The second man watches with pride as his bolder client lifts Adelaide up by her neck, with a few gasps Adelaide struggles for breath as he tilts her head with the noose towards the floor.)

Man#2: What are ya doin’?
Man#1: (holds her down) Right, I got ‘er ready. Get ready ta fire.

(He indicates the long barrel gun resting by the side of their jeep, and to Adelaide’s head.)

Man#2: (smiles) Right.

(Adelaide panicked, she couldn’t understand why these men were attacking her and her family. Why now? But what was far worse was their attitude, like they had done this…all before. She continues to struggle, but the first man has her pushed down to the floor, getting her set and ready for a fate far worse. She was trapped and helpless, naked in front of these humans. The man pinning her head roughly to the floor seemed sinisterly still, like something was going to happen. But she couldn’t struggle, she was too weak, the breath knocked out of her by the wire meshed noose tightening pitiless around her neck. The force of her captor’s arm as he held her down was tremendous. An eerie silence, she gradually manages to just rotate her eyes upward to hear footsteps and see the younger man step forth awkwardly, with the gun in his hands.)

Man#2: (pats the gun) I set it up all ready fer ya.
Man#1: Good, give it ta me.

(He grabs the gun and lifts the young Dingo towards his younger client. The two men swap roles, Adelaide now feels herself trapped in between them both, pinned down by the second man and the older now with what was to deal her fate. Her heart skips, she knew what was coming now. Squealing she struggles ferociously hard to loosen the man’s grip around her neck.)

Man#2: She’s a feisty one! (wrestles with her)
Man#1: If you let ‘er go, you’ll find out she ain't the only one. Now keep her still.

(Adelaide feels the back of her neck slowly pull from the man’s weight as he lifts her head up towards the cock part of the gun. The end was inevitable now as she stares eyes widened with terror down through the barrel. It was over, no escape. She has no alternative in her weak state but to close her eyes and prey as she can hear the terrible clicks of the trigger snap one by one into her ears like an echo. Bondi and Danni, burst into the clearing almost at once for Bondi to see the terrifying picture about to unfold right in front of them.)

Bondi: Adelaide! NOOO!!

(In a split second, he darts away and towards the back of the threatening poacher, roaring, snarling, and his eyes, full of brutality. Danni watches on in fear.)

Danni: DAD!

(Her bark summons the attention of the second man, he lets go of Adelaide, who flops to the floor in shock.)

Man#2: Brian! Look out!
Man#1: (whips his head around suddenly) What the…

(Bondi unexpectedly delivers a swift sharp painful blow into the man’s backside. With a scream, the man topples over forwards. But this wouldn’t stop a raging Dingo. As the man struggles to move, he can feel Bondi’s teeth snapping at his clothes, his skin, and his flesh. Bondi was ferociously tearing at his legs and thigh, ripping through his garments with extreme fury and punishment. The second man watches on in motionless shock as Bondi continues to savagely break him.)

Man#2: (calls) Oy! Get off him you!

(He rushes in pushing through to help his partner, prying the Dingo off of his friend amidst this mad scene leaving Adelaide to lay motionless to the ground. And with this circumstance gives Danni the opportunity to help her.)

Danni: (Bounds up beside her mother) M…Mother…Mummy?
Adelaide: (weakly opens her eyes) Ughh… Danni?
Danni: Hang on mum.

(She climbs over her Mother’s shoulders, digging her small and remarkably needle like teeth into the wire mesh entrapping Adelaide’s throat and breathing.)

Adelaide: (coughs) Hurry….Danni…
Danni: I’ll get you out mum!

(She resumes knowing away irate at the wire. Fortunately for them both it didn’t seem to thick, the mesh snaps after a few moments freeing Adelaide from its bonds.

Adelaide: (coughs and gets up slowly) You did it Danni… I’m free.
Danni: M… Mum…

(Bondi is continuing to struggle. He was now between two men, one of them carrying a still carrying the firearm, and the other, grappling hold of his legs as he tries to interfere with the Dog’s savagery. Suddenly, amidst all confusion, a shot fired. Both mother and daughter watch on in horror as Bondi falls back with a yelp.)

Adelaide: BONDI!

(He immediately springs up, wincing from the horrible infliction to his stomach. Turning back he could just see the two men helping each other up, giving him just enough time to limp off hurriedly towards his mate and daughter.)

Bondi: (breathing heavily) Let’s get out of ‘ere! NOW! While they’re distracted!

(He grunts and cringes at his wound on the abdomen seeping with blood. Danni watches him distressed in his state.)

Danni: Dad… you’re hurt.
Bondi: (grunts) It’ll be worse if tha poacher’s come back fer you. Now run!
Adelaide: But… Bondi.
Bondi: RUN!

(The three make a run towards the edge of the clearing no matter how the damage was done to Bondi. However they find themselves beaten back by flames, immediately sprinting out from the jungle entrance and back into the clearing.)

Adelaide: (panics) Oh… I forgot about the fire.

(A sudden gunshot rings above her head, she yelps and makes off in a mad dash back towards the engulfed jungle.)

Bondi: Adelaide!! (calls after her) WAIT!
Danni: (screams) Dad! LOOK!

(He tilts his head behind to see the injured man, standing himself up by his partner, just yards away from them. Gun poised in hand and aiming for him and his daughter.)

Bondi: No…

(He growls and in an instant grabs Danni in his jaws before she can even utter a squeal of surprise. Turning tail the father makes a dive towards the flame filled forest, and after his mate. Fires of shots whiz over their heads by inches, by both the humans, now are pursuing them. A tree engulfed in flames abruptly falls straight in front of them. Bondi is fortunate enough to jump out of the way in time. Danni screams again, more gunshots. Bondi frantically sprinted here and there trying to find his mate. Adelaide is nowhere in sight, the nightmare was beginning to reach it’s climax. After manic moments of running from falling trees and burning ash, wincing as they touched his fur scolding him with heat. Bondi gasps exhausted and rests his daughter to the ground. The flames surrounding them highlighted both their coats as they rest, panting and wheezing with exhaustion and fatigue. Too tired to go on any further.)

Danni: (terror in her voice) D… Dad… They’re coming to get us aren’t they?
Bondi: (breathing heavily) Yes… Yes they are Danni… and I can’t find your mother.
Danni: (whimpering) Afta’ all I said that night… about… some humans, bein’ nice… that miracle never happened…
Bondi: Danni…
Danni: (her voice wavers) An’ now it’s all over….
Bondi: (calming her) No, it’s all right Danni. I’ll get you out… I promise. (He places his paw gently against her head) I promise…
Danni: (sobbing and holding him) Where’s mummy?

(Another howl, lone and just as terrified echoed across the jungle, sending them tearing from their core with apprehension.)

Bondi: (whispers) Adelaide…
Danni: What?? No… (calls out) MUMMY!!

(The two race back through the path, again avoiding the snapping flames and listening as the howls and barking continued. They soon stumble across a gapping precipice just as they near enough gained closer. But so proportioned and accurate the pit was in fact a mantrap. Bondi and Danni look down to see an injured Adelaide, sprawled deep in the bottom of the pit motionless and panting for breath.)

Bondi: (shouts) Adelaide!

(She groans and looks up wearily up towards her mate and young cub. Opening her eyes just enough to make out their shadows as the flames cast over their heads high above them in the sky. They are staring at her back, shocked and taken aback at her situation. Deep beneath the mantrap, struggling for breath as she lets out a few weak coughs.)

Adelaide: (weak) B… Bondi?

(Bondi nods sadly)

Danni: M... Mum?
Adelaide: D… Danni! (urgent) Please! You have to run! Both of you!
Bondi: No way am I leavin’ you here honey. (goes to jump down) I’m comin’ to get you.
Adelaide: No! Please you have to run NOW! They’re coming!
Bondi: (stops) I’m… not leaving you…

(Adelaide’s eyes fill with tears as she looks up towards her concerned mate.)

Adelaide: Go…

(Bondi’s throat tightens, standing there. Looking at her motionless body distorted from the fall she must have taken. Her frail state makes him feel helpless for her, unable to touch or give aid. He firmly bites his lip hard from his emotion.)

Bondi: I said… no
Danni: (softly) Mum?
Adelaide: If you jump down here with me, you will never get out.
Bondi: (urging her) But you can get out love - just try to climb up the walls.

(She coughs weak and drowsy, resting her head against the floor.)

Adelaide: I can hardly move… You must run.
Bondi: (voice dithers) I am NOT leaving you…
Adelaide: (pleads) Look at Danni! The fire! The humans. Do you want your daughter to be hurt? Or safe??

(Bondi goes to snap back, but takes one moment to look at his young daughter and her bright eyes filling with tears of anguish. His sighing begins to form tears in his own eyes.)

Bondi: No…
Danni: (concerned) D… Dad? What’s going on?
Adelaide: (to Bondi softly) Guide her through the fire Bondi. Keep her safe. You must go… I can hear footsteps.

(Bondi suddenly breaks out in a sob.)

Bondi: I… I can’t!
Adelaide: (begging him) P… Please… Bondi… For our daughter…

(Bondi sobs quietly, she was right. But it was this cruel situation, which writhed in his heart. Not being able to hold his mate, to nuzzle her when she seemed so close towards what looks like the end. He looks back over at Danni, staring down at her mother, and sobbing uncontrollably. She stops and looks up to notice his sad gesture for them both to exit as fast as they can.)

Danni: (crying) But… mum…
Adelaide: (up to her) You’ll be all right Danni…I promise you that… (pauses) I love you…

(Bondi chokes back the hard lump in his throat looking lovingly into his mates pleading eyes. Then gently this time picks his young daughter up by her scruff.)

Danni: (sobbing) D… Dad! Please, put me down! (cries out) MUMMY!!

(She continues to sob as he leads her swiftly away from the pit, her eyes pleading for her father to stay she can only watch with grief as the precipice is fading from the smoke, drifting away amidst the gaining flames. She pines softly and Bondi does nothing. Just stares out heartbroken, misty eyed and torn, carrying his only child, leading her further and further through the burning bush despite his injury now forgotten. The journey seemed endless, about a few moments. By now the fire was beginning to calm down they both noticed. The flames had already consumed as much as it engulfed upon. And he would come back; to rescue his mate…Just as soon as it was all over. More moments passed, Bondi notices a safe clearing up in front of him. No fire… Escape. A gunshot suddenly rings across the forest, and Bondi drops Danni almost at once, ears perked… Eyes enlarged and filling with more tears of pain.)

Bondi: (in a whisper) No… A… Adelaide.

(Danni yelps as she lands herself to the floor, rolling over. Just as soon as she gets up she notices her father’s sobbing, the gunshot that occurred. And her own heart sinks at the realisation as she looks up at him crying, mourning.)

Danni: (voice cracks) It’s… m… mum isn’t it? (Bondi nods his head slowly, Danni whimpers before bursting into tears and burying herself into his warm fur) No… NOOO!!… (quietly weeping) No… No…

(Bondi was crying now, his fur matted with straining tears, he takes one look back out into the safe open clearing. Taking one look at his young tender child he knew there was only one way to make sure she was safe and away from all danger. Danni suddenly feels him push away from her as she continues to sob quietly in his embrace. Concerned she looks up into his serious, with her tender moist eyes.)

Bondi: (calm) Go…
Danni: (sniffs) Wh… what do you mean d… dad?

(He sighs with heartache, leaning down to nuzzle her towards the clearing.)

Bondi: I want you ta run for me…
Danni: Wh… What do ya mean d… dad? Y… You’re coming too… right?
Bondi: (shakes his head sadly) No… I have to go back… see if your mother’s okay.

(Danni’s heart leaps in disbelief.)

Danni: What?? No! Dad…why…
Bondi: If I run with you, its more likely we’ll both be spotted by the humans. (Looking at her with love) You’re such a small fast lil’ thing. You’ll make it…
Danni: (begs) D… Dad… P… Please don’t leave me… I can’t do this without you…
Bondi: (whispers) Yes you can honey…
Danni: (bawls) I can’t!!
Bondi: (closer to her) Yes… Yes you can Danni. You are my daughter… an’ no-ones as fast as you.

(Danni shakes her head with incredulity. The tears were streaming down her face faster than ever.)

Danni: (cries) Why do you leave me now?
Bondi: I must…. go back for yer motha’ Danni. An’ I want you to be safe… (pauses) I… I… Lo…

(His ears depict the crackling of the gaining flames erupting out from behind them. He gasps and with haste begins pushing his startled pup towards the clearing, still grunting from the wound in his front.)

Danni: (struggles) NO! Dad… I won’t… go… I won’t leave you.

(He stops and looks at her closely in her eyes. What would be his last moment that would take a matter of both of their courage to understand this together. Bondi knew that, and for his daughter. With a loving nuzzle he pleads for her to leave him.)

Bondi: Run… as fast as you can… into the clearing… you’ll make it… the fire wouldn’t make it that far.
Danni: (sobbing, unable to resist his pleads) Dad… Dad… please…
Bondi: (at her softly) Please Danni… for me…

(Danni pauses, gasping for breath between her cries. With one last heart aching look back at her father, she breaks up from the resistance. Rubbing against his leg with her face.)

Danni: I wanted you to stay… stay with me… an’ mum…
Bondi: (smiles and nuzzling her with one last tenderness) I love you…

(Both father and daughter look at each other, for at least one more time before Bondi parts. Swiftly dashing/half limping off back into the fire… out of Danni’s sight. Danni sobs hysterically, alone in the smoky wilderness, choking on the thick black smoke surrounding her.)

Danni: (howls) DAD!! DADDY! I… (she stops to listen, ears drooped. She sniffs and turns away) I… love you too…

(She begins coughing from the timber fumes. She had almost forgot about the fire still threatening her. Quickly just as she was told, dives out into the clearing. She inhales the clean air greedily and relieved at the clear sky she could see, although partially greyish blue. Clouds were beginning to form and by now Danni had lost track of time. She turns her head around to see the flames far behind her. Bondi was right - she was safe. With a light thankful smile she darts on further through the clearing. Another gunshot… Danni stops dead in her tracks, heart skipping frantically. Her soul drains immediately from the impact of the echoing blows of the ringing bellowing in her ears and still across the woods. She stands still, jaw open. Eyes bulged with increasing tears and the terrifying recognition of what it could all mean now…)

Danni: (howls) DADDY!!!!!

[She was now alone… No… she couldn’t be… maybe it was a mistake… her father was after all like her wasn’t he? Surely he could have… She darts back and forth in mindless panic. Stricken with distress, her instincts drive her back towards the end of the clearing where she came from. Galloping frantically, barking her mother’s name… her father’s name… both of them, over and over. No, they had to be safe they just had to be… She stops, there was an eerie silence now, and only the dying crackle of the burning wood as the bush fire was beginning to calm down were sound in her ears. Danni stands on the edge of the clearing, her mind numb with terror for her parents’ welfare. She looks deeper into the thick smoke, the black fumes stinging her eyes yet she squints eager to see. Moments, minutes… passing by… they just had to be safe, Danni’s heart thickens with adrenaline. She leans out closer into the forest, still reluctant with fear to even step back inside. How she felt helpless, a little thing like her, what could she do after all? This question for this little cub was the hardest part to come to terms with as she sniffs the tears back hard, helpless, as she stands there, unable to move. Motionless with disbelief and denial of what could have possibly occurred. Five… Ten…twenty minutes pass. The fire was nothing but just cindering ash amidst the rain now falling heavily out from the skies. Oh, how it had to rain on a day like this. The sky was miserable and grey, but the fire was dying out. And the poor little Dingo cub drenched in drops of water sobbing in heartache, still straining her eyes to keep looking through the woods.]

Danni: M... Mummy? Daddy?

(Silence. Danni has been standing in the rain for ages, still searching… and now there was nothing. It was just herself, all alone. No sounds at all… but just herself, slowly beginning to cry, lonely, lost and homeless. There was no one… No one at all… No resonance, but just the sound of a little pup’s sobbing wavering in the falling rain as she sits empty and deserted. Waiting for a family that will never come back…)
[Days had passed now, and the fire… just a bad memory. Most of the wildlife was starting to re-track back to life. The Kookaburras sited among the living trees were rebuilding their nests to start a new as well as the other aboriginal animals that had managed to survive the wildfire. Unfortunately those that survived the peril can only stay to wait for many parts of the forest to grow back. And that, done in time would probably take a whole generation to re-flourish. But things change, and that is inevitable. It wasn’t long before the jungle was once again humming with active nature. It’s old, normal routine no matter what the cost of the fire had on toll of parts of the forest. Now that many of the animals had returned from their flight to safety, only now could they begin again. And now they were, and so blissful once more in the morning rain, it was as if the return of those unsympathetic poachers had never even come about. Well, that would have been possible if most of the damage still around wasn’t still here to see. To some, seeing the charred trees, bushes, dens. Once, everybody’s home, burned to cinders is still a haunting site. That’s why some moved away, wanting to start a new life. Away from the memory, away from the harsh realities of man and his wicked ways to spoil this placid life and to forget, at least so they couldn’t keep suffering under the fear of being in a place touched and defeated by humans. For others though, leaving was like heartache. Some animals just didn’t want to leave an old memory behind. In fact, some animals would return to those damaged woods and recollect what was still theirs. There was always still hope; still hope to replenish their old broken homes. Return to their normal way of life… Then there were other animals, that didn’t leave mainly because they were too scared to. For some animals, there was always a fear of not knowing where to go. In fear if there were humans beyond their home boundaries, perhaps of the fact that some of them had never lived their lives wanting to adventure further from their territory and discover their was life outside the rainforests of Australia… So they had no-where to go. Danni, at least was one of them. She probably was one of the first to wake up that morning in the still, low audible secluded part of the damaged forest. She opens her eyes and ears tiredly to listen to deadbeat songs of the thrush calling like an echo across the stilled forest silent and still. With a small stretch she unenthusiastically picks herself up on her feet to take another peek at another day she would have to face alone. It was still raining; she could see that as soon as she walks out of her protected spot. Upon the single drop of rain touching her nose she sniffs and sneezes suddenly then scatters back into the log. Looking out at the dismal sky. There was a breezy chilly air to suit the tipping rain of the break of day, though not as strong and depressing as a few days back. It didn’t matter to some; any rain followed from a catastrophe always meant sadness and misery. And grief… Unable to wait any longer, despite the rain, she shudders without care and steps out into the world, to reveal her bleak, dirtied coat in the weak morning light. She looked weak, and pitiful. Nothing but skin and bone, and now water logged as the heavens opened. As if nothing could brighten her life any longer she sniffs bitterly with a quiet whimper and climbs up at the top of the log. It was slippery, but she manages to regain her balance as she sits still, resting and almost choking in the falling rain, peering out at the skies above. Still grey and moody, as if the heavens knew of her inner depression. Another eerie chill hits her like a small gust, and she is left to whimper and shiver. Like a pup left out in the rain, alone, neglected by fate and lost for eternity. But then, she was that pup. And this fate was real, so real. How she wished her parents were there to cover her, protect her just like they tried to days before. And they died trying. It was that fact that breaks her down into a mournful sob. They… died… trying… It was her fault she shouldn’t have wandered. She couldn’t take it anymore - there was nothing. With one last look at her log that had been her home since her first orphaned days she pines bemoaned and takes a leap off of it, running away into the charred, open woods and slipping on the burnt wet leaves and mud… She keeps on running, through the rain, through the grief, the misery, and the grieving Thrush’s song cry. And there was this hatred, this hatred building up inside of her. Like for some reason she could take on anything. Start a new life. And she would, it was only a matter of time before she was out of the neck of the jungle and back in the safer, saved remains of her native home. The rain heavily whips onto her eyes causing her to squirm and squint in pain, until it faded gradually. The rain has stopped… She stops. There it was in front of her, safe territory. New land, the trees were full and clear untouched by the fire and now she was standing on the borderline of damaged forest and sanctuary. With a half relieved smile she takes one last look at the damaged wilderness behind her before trekking off further…another adventure to which this time, her survival depended upon… Danni sniffed the clear air around her - it seemed confident and promising. Without murmuring a word to herself she briskly trots off further into the woods exploring this terrain. She knew for a fact however that this wasn’t a familiar place so casually and cautiously she strolls on, admiring the ripe bushes and foliage encircling her. There is a new scent that catches Danni’s nose abruptly, and almost as sudden does she react, ears raised and eyes broadly alert stopping dead in her tracks. This scent was familiar. Wonderfully familiar, sparking her heart with sudden hope from hitting the scent… The scent of another Dingo was close by.)

Danni: D… Da… Daddy?

(In no time at all, like a flash she is off and bolting headfirst sniffing the air careful not to lose the distinctive smell. Eyes wide and bright with excitement she races over logs and crevices calling for her father anxiously. Zipping past the trees and high over meandering mini-streams in a dash. In no time at all she is in an open dusty grassland, whipping up light leaves which scatter everywhere in the scene around her and causing the deer and horses grazing on the meadow plants to watch her as she skips hurriedly towards her target further on. The whole wildlife stops suddenly as if to watch her race frantically across the meadow and darting back into the other side of the woods. Danni was nearing the smell now - she could feel it. Her heart was racing with joy, could this be the truth. Had fate not intended to burden her plight any longer… was there still a hope. She howls with exultation as she leaps over the next clearing in front of her, onto a hill… she’d just turn this corner now, and the scent would hit her like that… she would soon be in the arms of her father, waiting for her with love. Her father, safe and well… and her mother… she could only hope. She laughs whizzing around the corner of the tree, to unexpectedly smash head first into a thick, blubbery wall. With a yelp she topples head over heels backwards landing face to dirt on the dusty floor. Wincing in pain she pulls her face up only to stare at nothing but the red brazened side of a thick skinned Razorback hog sleeping loudly in her pathway. Following from the impact to it’s side it shudders deeply in it’s sleep and with a grunt, opens it’s droopy eyes to meet hers.)

Danni: (stares at him with a frown) Y… you’re not… my dad.
Razorback: (groggily looks at her Dingo form) Nope… can’t say that I am… whoeva’ you are. (winces annoyed/ half tired) An’ that wasn’t exactly kind of you ta knock into me side like that.

(Danni breathes heavily; she takes a few paces back shaking her head.)

Danni: No… no this isn’t right… I could ‘ave sworn I could smell me dad when I was comin’ along ‘ere. What’s wrong with me?

(The Razorback grunts and closes his eyes.)

Razorback: I dunno…(yawns) Now leave us alone kid…we’re tryin’ ta get some sleep.
Danni: We’re? (the Razorback slumps back to sleep snoring loudly.) H… Hello? We’re? What do ya mean by that?? (trying to wake him) Hello?

(It didn’t matter, Danni stops and steps away from him as he snoozes happily. She takes a few steps back; eyes filling with tears at the cruel gesture ‘fate’ once again seemed to play on her. There was no way a hog could smell like a dingo; there was no father of hers at all - just a figment of her imagination in the form of an ignorant pig. With defeat she begins to sob rejected and downcast into the floor, paws over her heavy eyes - the hog, funny enough, not even reacting at all to her distinct crying. A young sharp voice, suddenly calls out of the blue.)

Voice: Who’s that?
Danni: (immediately jumps up startled) Who said that??
Voice: I asked first!
Danni: (looking around) What?
Voice: What?
Danni: (confused) What?
Voice: Huh?
Danni: (scared) What?
Voice: (sounding annoyed) What??
Danni: (back away) Look... Whoever's talkin’ ta me… just leave me alone.
Voice: Who… IS that?

(Danni’s eyes wander, she couldn’t help but tell that the voice was for some reason coming from behind of the Razorback as it lay with it’s side facing her. She would go around the side to take a look, but stays put instinctively from the sudden voice.)

Danni: (reluctantly introduces herself) M… Me names… Danni?
Voice: Danni? (pauses) That’s a funny name.
Danni: (taking offense) Hey, no it’s not!!
Voice: Seems odd ta me…
Danni: (stammering) So… So what? My parents gave that name ta me. It suits me as well. Danni tha Dingo is what me friends always used ta call me… (quietly) When… I had many friends back then. (without thinking) If you’ve got a problem with that… then… why don’t ya just come out ‘ere an’…

(She stops; there is silence.)

Voice: (surprised tone) You’re… A… Dingo??
Danni: (frowns) Uh… yeah… (wary) Why? (there is another pause) Look, please… who are you?
Voice: (paused) I’m… a dingo too.
Danni: (taken aback) Huh??

(She stops, listening to the light scuffle gradually dispersing from behind and up the Razorback and confused she takes a step further in looking up to suddenly see a dark face instantly pop out from over it’s back. Danni gasps jumping back with surprise, it certainly was another Dingo. His features seemed a little phantom from the shadow of the sun, but she could just tell out the characteristics and surprised expressions of his face. Rough, rugged dark brown tanned fur, deep striking brown eyes wide and alert. A young male, a pup but roughly a little older than her and just as stunned as he notices her all at once upon looking down. There is a long pause… neither of them both say a word. Until having established each other’s appearance, the young brown male leans closer to her.)

Young Dingo: (stares at her) Wow… you are a Dingo.
Danni: (staring at him weary) Yes… I am.
Young Dingo: It’s been ages since I’ve seen anotha’ Dingo. I was beginning ta think I was the only one left from that fire.
Danni: (shirks) I guess… you were wrong.

(He squints his eyes and without a word jumps down beside her, as she sits unmoving she can’t help but watch him as he encircles her at a cautious distance and sniffs the air around her, his eyes frowning and inspecting her taunt thin, bony worn body.)

Young Dingo: (questioning) I… don’t think I’ve eva’ seen you before… Are ya new ‘ere?
Danni: Well… Kinda… yes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before eitha’.
Young Dingo: (smiles) Well that makes two of us. (tilts his head) Where are ya from?

(Danni goes to answer, but suddenly droops.)

Danni: Somewhere… Somewhere to a place I never wanna go back to.
Young Dingo: (frowns) Whaddaya mean?

(Danni shakes her head tired and low, she turns her head away.)

Danni: It’s okay… I don’t really wanna talk about it.

(The young male watches as he eyes shun away from him ashamed and lonesome. He sits still watching her with questioning looks as she sighs and then turns her back towards him. There is a small silence, he bites his lip wanting to ask further instead he smiles and walks up to her and into her path.)

Young Dingo: Tha names Cody.

(She looks up at him and his welcoming warm eyes and smiles, and then looks back down at the floor.)

Danni: That’s a nice name… I suppose it is…
Cody: (grins) Yeah, well it’s tha only name I got. (He bounds up past her but turns to see her not moving at all.) You… look, very tired.
Danni: (sighs and rests down on the ground) Yeah… I guess so.
Cody: How far have you travelled?
Danni: Only a short way…
Cody: Ya look thin too. Have you eaten at all? (Danni shakes her head.) Didn’t yer parents teach ya how ta hunt?

(Danni pauses; she lowers her head deeper into her front paws.)

Danni: They… never stayed around long enough ta teach me.
Cody: They didn’t?
Danni: …No…
Cody: W… Why?

(She looks up at him with strained impatient eyes annoyed by his questioning before quietly burying her head into her paws with silence.)

Danni: I… don’t wanna talk about that eitha’.

(The young male pup looks at her with small worry.)

Cody: Is there somethin’ wrong mate?
Danni: (closing her eyes tightly) S… Somethin’…
Cody: Huh?

(Another pause, only this time Danni raises her head up slowly to meet his concerned face looking down at her. He could clearly see small tears forming in her bloodshot eyes as she begins to speak.)

Danni: Has… there… ever been a time in your life when you know…you’re alone?

(Cody as if understanding closes his eyes and nods his head slowly letting out a small sigh.)

Cody: I’ve… been there… (looks at the floor) Once or twice…what do you mean?

(Danni takes a gulp, clearing the heavy lump down her throat before continuing.)

Danni: (thoughtful) It’s like… this feeling… I feel now… I’m alone. (pauses) Only… I know now… I’m alone… forever.

(She lets a steady tear fall from her eye but quickly pads her cheek at once to remove its trace before young Cody can react. But she notices him just stare at her unusual and quiet. He just lets out a small whisper and turns away.)

Cody: Oh…

(He walks away from her feeling dejected.)

Danni: (sniffs) Wh… where are you goin’?

(Cody stops, his back towards her and sitting down on the edge of a small ditch he groans despondent, lowering his own head.)

Cody: I’ve felt like that too… Only I try to forget it every now an’ then.
Danni: What do you mean?
Cody: (looks back at her) I don’t wanna put myself down that path again…
Danni: What… What path?
Cody: (to himself) …Not after all that happened to me…

(He shakes his head and turns around. Danni frowns and puts one paw out in curiosity as she stands up, stepping towards him.)

Danni: I… I’m not quite sure I follow.
Cody: I try to forget about whatever bad things happen ta me… It’s the only way I can survive.
Danni: (cocks her head) I… don’t unda’stand.
Cody: Believe me, if you keep thinking of these things… they’ll rule yer life. That’s why I try to forget…
Danni: Tha bad things?
Cody: (nods slowly) Yeah. I’ve been there, whatever yer talkin’ about. But I try ta shut it out now… (with his nose in the air) It’s all in tha past… (suddenly shrinks back down again) Though it’s hard.

(Danni takes another step closer, gathering in his information with interest. Yet there was something in his eyes that her he was bothered by something. She continues to listen but she was still surprised to understand his every word.)

Danni: Yeah… it is hard… Especially when you’re alone…

(Cody growls and turns away again.)

Cody: Oh, I don’t need me mother anymore… I’ve grown up now. Besides it is all in tha past.
Danni: Yer… Yer mother? (pauses) What…what ‘appened to her?

(He pauses - reluctant to say anything but sighs and shrugs.)

Cody: It must have been a month now…(growls) Those stupid humans… Settin’ up their traps everywhere… (clears his throat) Me an’ me mum were only going out for a night hunt… an’…

(Danni goes to answer him, but doesn’t. She just sits there, listening to his words, not being able to believe the circumstances he was telling her almost at once. Though knowing what to happen next she shuns away from him once again.)

Danni: I… think I know what happens next.
Cody: (sighs tiredly) How? How could you possibly know what ‘appened ta me next? (He looks back at her.) Oh…

Danni: My folks… are gone too ya know…

(She looks up mournfully at the sky.)

Cody: They… are? (a long pause) W… Was it… tha fire?
Danni: No…

(She shakes her head resting it between her paws beneath the dusty earth.)

Cody: Was it… humans too?

(Danni begins muttering to herself.)

Danni: How… How could they just go… like that? Both of them… I don’t… understand… why humans can…

(Cody nods slowly on recognition.)

Cody: It was humans then?

(Danni unexpectedly leaps up, her eyes blazing with fury towards the sky.)

Danni: (snaps) An’ ta think he’d always be there for me…No! Both of them! An’ where are they now eh?

(She snarls bitterly, tears streaming down her face. Cody takes a step back shocked at her display of aggression.)

Cody: Huh? Who? Who would be there for you?

(Danni begins to sob quietly; she slumps to the floor paws over her face.)

Danni: My Dad… He promised…. promised to stay with me… An’ he lied. They’re gone… they’re gone… An’ it’s because of those poachers… Those horrible poachers… (sobs louder) I wish I never went off like that… It’s my fault they’re dead…

(Cody goes to say something, only he feels powerless to speak.)

Cody: D… Danni? Is that your name?
Danni: (crying) It IS my fault… An’ now I’m alone… I’m ALL alone… (growls and tears the ground with her claws) I DESERVE ta be alone! I killed my parents!

(She slumps her head down again, Cody shocked at her overwhelming emotion moans quietly and slowly walks up towards her. She can just feel a small sense of his presence over her whole boy and looking up she sees his eyes again. This time, warm, sincere… but most of all she can see a sense of understanding beaming right through him as he stares down at her. He just sighs and shakes his head.)

Cody: Don’t say that…I’m sure ya don’t mean it.

(Danni sniffs and rubs her nose with her paw.)

Danni: (voice still weak) I mean every word… Cody. I feel lost… forever. I don’t know what to do… (begins sobbing again) I don’t know what ta do. But what’s that point in tellin’ a stranga’. (suddenly ashamed) I don’t mean to say this in front of you…

(Cody nods slowly and to Danni’s surprise he places one paw on hers in earnest.)

Cody: You’re not alone… rememba’ I’m also tha same…

(Danni stops crying and looks up at him with a look of shame, into his eyes full of support and compassion and most of all the understanding that she had just met someone who has been through the same. Amazing. This sent her astonishment with his generosity in behaviour but not even shying away she seemed soothed in his presence. And from hearing that statement she could feel herself beginning to relate.)

Danni: I…I guess we are.

(There is a moment’s silence. Then Cody grins with a thought.)

Cody: Ya know… it’s like… fate brought us togetha’ fer some reason.
Danni: Fate?
Cody: Yeah. We’re both alone… and sharin’ tha same feelin’s I guess.
Danni: (thinks) Yeah, we are!
Cody: (smiles) Heh… it’s almost so tha same it’s creepy.

(Danni smiles slightly.)

Danni: (sniffs back a little) Yeah… I guess you’re right… I guess we’re not alone anymore…

(Cody chuckles lightly before letting his head hang to the floor in deep reflection.)

Cody: It’s funny… you know… Just a few days ago I thought me life was over…
Danni: (quietly) Me too…
Cody: But when we just bump into each otha’. But it looks like fate… kinda brought us togetha’. Odd huh?

(He grins a little sheepish. Danni giggles slightly exchanging back a shy smile.)

Danni: Yeah… odd… (thoughtfully) Though I didn’t really bump into ya, I more likely did that to your Pig friend.
Cody: My Pig friend? (Danni nods over to the sleeping Razorback) Oh! Him? (smiles) Yeah… Good ol’ Wally. Actually I’ve only known him fer a few days since I left my old home… He’s not bad really. At least if ya don’t wake him up too early when he’s snoozin’. (smiles at him) Though I don’t really hang around him that much. But I’d rather have at least a little company than none I guess. (looks back at Danni) In tha mornin’ we usually sleep in ‘ere. Then later on… We’re drinkin’ companions down at the waterin’ hole we go to every day.
Danni: The waterhole?
Cody: It’s a great place. Fantastic springs, and loads a clear water. (smiles) A great place fer swimmin’ too.
Danni: It sounds interesting… especially since I’ve only been able to drink dirty water collected in my log where I used to live after tha fire myself.

(Cody gradually smiles and bounds up close to her.)

Cody: Come an’ join me then.
Danni: Uh?
Cody: Come an’ join me down tha waterfall mate. It’ll be fun, and different seein’ that Wally’s still havin’ another forty winks.
Danni: (perks up) They have a waterfall?
Cody: Yeah! (grins) I’ll race ya there!

(He laughs and bounds over her, but she suddenly reacts with a cocky sinister grin.)

Danni: I don’t think you’ll wanna do that mate. I gotta rep after all. Why do ya think me old friends used ta call me ‘Dash’?
Cody: ‘Dash’ was yer name was it? Well… Okay, let’s just walk down to tha waterhole from ‘ere.
Danni: (smiles) Fine with me.
Cody: (chuckles) Then we can race later.

(Danni stops in her tracks.)

Danni: Later?
Cody: Yeah.
Danni: Ya mean… like… hang out together?
Cody: Mm, why not? What’s wrong with that?

(Danni pauses with thought.)

Danni: Nothing… I guess… (looks at him) I dunno why I asked that.
Cody: (shrugs) Hey who knows? (smiles) Let’s get down to tha waterin’ hole shall we?

(He smiles and nudges her forward, but she stays put for a few seconds with reluctance towards this young pup, before following him from out of the clearing and the sleeping Razorback slowly. He walks leading the way in front of her… And she treks behind, a question on her lingering mind pressuring her to ask him; she stops still in her path.)

Danni: C…Cody?

(He stops and looks back at her.)

Cody: Yeah? What?

(He notices her looking into his eyes carefully. She gives a light-hearted smile and walks up beside him.)

Danni: You… know what you said about ‘fate’ making us bump into each otha like that?
Cody: Yeah… Why?
Danni: I… I dunno. (looking at him) I just… wonder why fate would do that? When it’s already damaged our lives.

(Cody stops still, looking back into her piercing eyes. After a few moments he gives a smirk and replies with a heavy sigh.)

Cody: My mother used ta tell me fate breaks you up sometimes fer a reason…
Danni: Really? Do ya think us meeting was a reason then?
Cody: (shrugs) I dunno… All I can say is though is that I guess it’s betta’ never ta be alone when ya have so little company… Did yer Dad ever say that to you once?

(Danni smiles.)

Danni: Somethin’ like that… Only he said I’d never be alone at all…

(The two continue to share a moment’s silence looking at each other’s eyes.)

Cody: I miss my Mum.

(Danni stares back, the same gentle expressions moving slowly across her face as he trades her back a hearty smile.)

Danni: Yeah… I miss my Mum and Dad too…

(The two continue to embrace their warm smiles of understanding… and break again away from the scene towards the Waterhole. Danni continues to look from behind Cody as he walks out in front of her. To think fate was what brought these two together in a flash was beyond her knowledge. But then… who can depict fate and it’s decision on one’s life? No one could. And that’s all she knew, but not the fact as whilst both of them walk through the sunshine towards the waterhole. Looking for adventure, fun and freedom. They would be doing it all over again. Fate would build these two simple young pups as soul mates, bond by a dreadful secret of both of their past which seemed to strengthen their ever growing friendship in the adventures they will soon share as their lifetime together as one. Until that day, where as usual the providence of what appears to be their oblivious future, would build them up… and break them apart… turning their genetics into disorder and chaos in such a new world created by the heart of twisted experiments gone wrong so far from this land… Both of them will be tested worlds apart from the other with cruel reality. Unfortunate for them to walk unaware and into the morning sunshine, out of sight and fading from the scene, together like friends who had known each other all their young lives. Friends, together till the adverse end… until when their very lives are decided at the hands of a merciless poor misunderstood man, and his total system of retribution.)

THE END (for now)

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