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As the sun crept behind the icy mountains of CP, 5 kids sat inside their hotel in the mountains, sipping hot chocolate and enjoying themselves.

"Go fish," said Mel.
"Damn," Tyler said, frustrated.
"Am I the only one who’s really bored?" questioned Ben. "I think I’ll head out for some fresh air!"

Ben walked outside. As he stepped through the hotel door, he breathed in the fresh, mountain air as a light zephyr blew gently across his face. What a perfect day it was! Ben inhaled deeply. There was then a rustle from the bushes.


Meanwhile, upstairs, the other four had grown tired of their game. They sat back.

"Where’s room service? I want breakfast!" Nate complained.

Almost as though reading Nate’s mind, Gav, the room service guy, knocked on the window.

"That must be him," Mel explained.

Mel opened the door. Sure enough, there was Gavin, beaming cheesily.

Ben stepped closer to the bush. Was someone in there? Slowly, he walked toward it. He opened it. A squirrel looked back up at him.

"Hmmm... Oh well, time to head back-"

As Ben said that, he turned around to face a man with a gun, pointing at his forehead. He pulled the trigger and-


"Did you just hear something?" Luke asked his friends and the waiter.
"Vaguely," Gavin replied.
"Ben’s been gone a while,"Mel exclaimed.
"I hope he’s alright," Tifa remarked.

The members decided they would go see what was taking him. Gavin, Luke, Tyler, Mel, Nate, and Tifa walked down the stairs, being greeted by the manager, EC Morphean, and his assistant, Alien Paradox, on the way out. As they crept outside, Mel screamed. She ran over to Ben’s mutilated body. Who had done this? She would find out. She stepped around the house to the back. Out of nowhere came an axe. For a brief moment she saw the murderer! It was-. She collapsed, headless. Gavin and Tyler ran around the house to find Mel. When the other turned around, EC and Alien were gone!

"What the Hell is going on?" Luke wondered aloud.

Gavin and Tyler never returned.


It was then the murderer decided to strike Tifa, Luke, and Nate as his final victims. The murderer raised a bloody axe and swung at Nate. He ducked and kicked the guy in the balls. The three made a break for their car. The guy recovered, and got in his car before they could reach theirs. He floored it, and headed straight for the trio. The rapidly spinning wheels, spinning like razors, sped closer and closer. Tifa dived into the ground, and the others followed her lead. The car sailed over them, and they got back up. The car swerved around. Tifa darted to the left, Luke to the right. Nate was heading straight for it! Closer! He leaped over the hood, and flew right through the glass. The car swerved as Nate landed atop the villain.

"Die, you ass!" Nate screamed as he covered the driver’s eyes.

The car darted left and right, all over the place. Tifa and Luke took cover behind a tree.

"Nate’s going to die!" Tifa screamed. "We’ve gotta help him!"
"I’m staying right here!" Luke exclaimed.

Tifa ran off to their own car, where she could chase down the enemy. She stepped on the grass and flew after the swerving beast of a car. Meanwhile, the murderer’s car swerved sharply around the tree and nailed Luke, sending blood everywhere, killing him.

"Damn!" Nate yelled as he continued to wrestle for the wheel.

The driver drove them straight over a cliff. Tifa jammed the breaks to avoid the same fate. The car Nate and the masked murderer were in crashed far down below. A small tear ran down Tifa’s cheek. In one morning she had lost all of her friends.

Back home, the funeral was held for everyone. All CP members were there! None were happy with their friends’ fate. After everyone left, Tifa sat by their graves in sorrow. She then heard a bush rattled. She walked over to it and looked inside.

"Oh, it’s just a squirrel," she sighed.

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