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(in Kalam’s old base)

Cortex: Send!
Cortex II: Send what?
Cortex: Nothing!
Uka Uka: OH YES!
Kalam: The traitor is: Dr. Neo Cortex II!
Uka Uka: WHAT?????
Cortex II: Yes, I had you fooled all along Uka!
Lord Kagato: All the nerve!
Cortex II: Uka Uka... I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!! I DESPISE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uka Uka: W…WHA?
Computer: 29 MINUTES!
Cortex II: Travis, Knuckles and Brio are walking into a trap! In minutes Oddworld will explode and they don't even know!!!!!!

(On Planet Z)

Zurg : Ahh, Lightyear’s on Tattoine... Launch a full attack on Tattoine!!!!
Brain Pod 45: Shall I send for reinforcements?
Zurg: Yes, Send me: Warp Darkmatter, NOS-4-A2 And Torque!
Grub: 1000 Hornets - launch an attack on Tattonie!
Zurg: Make It 5000 Hornets!! Buzzy, you’re mine!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

(evil laughter can be heard from Zurg Tower)

(Back on Tattooine)

The female figure eventually came out from the spaceship, revealing herself as...

Buzz: (gasps) Fooxy?
Booster: How did you get here?

Fooxy struggled to get to her feet. She started to feel a bit weaker than usual.

Fooxy: (looks up at the crew) What... happened?
Luke: I'm telling you now - all sorts of strange events are happening at once, and the force can't take it...
Fooxy: Who the heck are you?
Luke: Luke Skywalker, Jedi knight at your service.
XR: He's also a bit barmy if you ask me...

Booster nudged XR sharply by the shoulder.

XR: OW!!!!!!!!!!!
Mira: Now we need a way to take you guys back... (looks back at the shuttle her crew came in, which was completely fixed thanks to the pit droids) ...which is easy enough.

Just then some gunfire came touching down quickly.

Fooxy: (screams and dodges) What was that?
Buzz: Zurg!

The hornets came down quickly and started coming straight for them.

Buzz: Looks like this is ours for the taking!

Buzz started firing his laser at them, and Luke took his light sabre into his advantage.

(On Oddworld)

A ship was lying in the middle of a vast yet dark countryside area, fading over a beautiful golden sunset. Two aliens came into view and peeked over it.

Alien 1: Hey Munch - what do you think it is?
Munch: To be honest Abe, I'm not sure. It seemed like a strange pea pod.
Abe: Or a battle vessel.

Then Knuckles and his crew came touching down on the planet, screaming their heads off, and forming another crater in the ground. Both aliens turn around and see them.

Munch: What's that?
Abe: I don't know...

The smoke cleared and all three of them came out, covered in smoke.

Munch: (panics) ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!
Travis: Aliens? HA! I wish!
Knuckles: (grabs Travis by the neck and drags him close) Remember - an alien is a being that doesn't live on their planet. So we could be aliens in their case.

Travis scratched his head, looking phased and confused.

Abe: Hold it Munch - these three seem friendly.
Brio: That's because we ARE!
Abe: It's a pleasure to meet you. We are mudokons. I'm Abe and this is my friend Munch.
Munch: Hello! Er, actually, we were enemies-turned-friends. Just to let you know.
Knuckles: We're pleased to meet you. I'm Knuckles of Mobius and these are Nitrus Brio and Travis Tortoiseshell, both from Earth.
Brio and Travis: Hi!
Munch: Hmmm... maybe they could unlock this shuttle for us!
Knuckles: OK... let's see what I can do!

He goes on top of the ship and starts tearing it apart, struggling to cause a hole in it.

(Near Kalam's old base)

A space shuttle was flying by. As we focus on inside it, Tiko and the residents of the Pink Planet were flying by in it!

Tiko: (points down at Kalam's base) There's their hangout over there!
Alien 1: Thanks a lot, sonny!
Alien 2: Now it's time for all hell to break loose!
Alien 3: Shouldn't we search for Pinkfofluffo first?
Rest of the crew: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

The shuttle dived in for a landing, and soon, from out of those doors, Tiko Cortex and some friends from the Pink Planet will be the first... to try and take down the enemy...

(Kalams base)

Cortex II: Not much now!
Kalam: I have got a special guest!!!
Kalam: Darth Maul!

(Maul comes out of the doors)

Cortex: (looks in a book) I thought you died…
Maul: Yes, but Kalam brought me back to life!
Kalam: There is a Jedi knight on Tattonie!! Go and get him, and help Zurg!
Maul : Yes sir! (ignites his light sabre , both ends)
Computer: 2 MINUTES!

(On Tattonie)

Luke: Surrender Torque!
Torque: No way baby! (clones himself)
Torque 2: Hi!
Torque 3: Great to see ya again, Torquemister!
Torque 4: It was hot in there, baby!

(Luke looks confused)

(in the outskirts of Tatttoine)

Zurg: HEHEH! This fight is quite good! (puts the binoculars away)
XL: Shall I go in?
Zurg: Yes!! Destroy that man with the green wavy thing!
XL: I also need to see XR! My robot brother!
Zurg: Family reunion later - just do the job!!!
XL: OK evil emperor!

(someone flies down on a Sith Speeder)

Someone: Evil Emperor Zurg , I was sent by Kalam, to help you!
Zurg: Who are you?
Someone: I am Darth Maul! (unmasks himself)
Zurg: Destroy the man with the big wavy thing!
Maul: Luke Skywalker, a Jedi knight!
Zurg: Forget the name business - just do the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Back at Oddworld)

Within the shuttle Knuckles hacked through the metal quickly and dug out a hole. Then out from it a powerful light shone through it.

Travis: Was that God?

The light became sharper and Aku Aku came out all in one piece!

Brio: WOW AKU!!!! Nice to be seeing you!
Aku Aku: Yes, but... unfortunately, I've got some bad news.
Munch: BAD NEWS?!?!?
Aku Aku: Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Knuckles: OK, what is it?
Aku Aku: I have just recognised now... that Cortex II is about to destroy this planet!

Everyone gasped.

Abe: (starting to break into tears) But... why?
Aku Aku: I'm not sure exactly, but I'm thinking that they got him... er...
Travis: Angry? (thinks) Wrong wording...
Aku Aku: Yeah, that's it.
Travis: (stunned) O... K...
Brio: And how much time do we have to come off before we're fried eggs?
Aku Aku: Thirty seconds!

Everyone gasped yet again.

Knuckles: Crikey! We need to get out of here and fast!
Travis: Yeah, but there's not a single rocking cannon in sight!
Munch: And the ship's broken!
Abe: We're gonners!
Aku Aku: No we're not! I can transport you guys there!
Knuckles: Brilliant! Can you transport the others over?
Aku Aku: Sorry, but I only have enough energy to take five. And you five are it. Come on - let's go.

They all start to glow gold and they head out of the area.

(Back at Kalam's old base)

The door suddenly forced itself open, and Tiko and the Pink Aliens came in armed and dangerous.

Tiko: You called?
Cortex II and Kalam: WHAT?!?!?
Tiko: I heard about your tight scheme, and I want you to put an end to this immediately!
Uka Uka: Be quick - the traitor's got a gun!
Alien 1: Traitor?
Kalam: You heard that right! Now Cortex II, hand back the controls!
Cortex II: Why should I? Those three should go!

Just then a flash came in the centre of the room. Then it faded away, showing Knuckles, Brio, Travis, Aku, Abe and Munch!

Cortex: WHAT THE...?
Cortex II: THOSE MORONS!!!!!!!!!!
Aku Aku: Too late guys - game's over!

He quickly rushes over to the controls for the destruction of Oddworld and deactivated it.

Abe and Munch: Phew!
Tiko: And argh is right, sucker! (turns to the aliens) Oh, and by the way... what about the others? Coco, Crash... EVERYONE?!?!?

Alien 2: I'll see if I can generate the energy. It's gonna take a while though...
Alien 3: Be quick - the whole universe is coming under chaos!!!!!!!!!!!

(Back on Flamar)

The remaining ship flew straight on top of Lady Kagato, knocking her out, and it didn't even get destroyed. The door opened and Hallie quickly dashed out, with her other siblings!

Hallie: Thank goodness we have more space!
Lio: Yeah, or else we would have been in a tight situation!

Everyone looked at Lio angrily.

Deksta: Hey guys!

Everyone rushed over to where Deksta was standing. She was over Crash, looking unconscious from a recent encounter.

Deksta: (lifts up Crash's arm and drops it) This doesn't look too good.
Hallie: Wait a minute - I may be a bad guy, but we need to do everything we can to take down Cortex II. This creature is one of the lucky sods we had to fight and now we need him on our side!

She gets out a liqueur from her pocket and poured it into Crash's mouth.

Deksta: When will the treatment work?
Hallie: About a few minutes!
Lio: And while that settles in we can make a voyage to Kalam's base and give him the big hook!
Hallie: Let's go!

They carried Crash's body into the ship and it managed to blast back into space, and headed straight for Kalam's base...

(Back on Tattooine)

Luke looked even more confused with the clones of the Torques surrounding him. Meanwhile, Buzz managed to defeat all the Hornets.

Buzz: (turns to Luke) Need any help?
Luke: I think I do - I'm double teamed here!

Buzz and his crew came in and attacked each of the clones one by one, until there was nothing more than ash.

Mira: That's got them sorted for a while!
Voice: HALT!!!!!!!!

Darth Maul came through the sky faster than ever before. He immediately drew out his sabre and attacked the gang!

XR: And I'll be a can of baked beans after all this!

Luke quickly rushed to the scene blocking his light sabre shot. Then they engaged in battle furiously.

Buzz: (turns to the others) Well don't just stand there - let's help him out!

(the team runs to help Luke when a rockslide happens, blocking them from Luke)

Warp: Hi Buzz! (shoots Buzz but misses)
Buzz: Warp Darkmatter! Surrender now!

(then XR gets kidnapped)

XR: He…
Mira: Hey, where’s XR?
Warp: Missing your robot ranger?

(Booster shoots Warp’s wings)

Warp: Aggg!!! (flies to the ground)
Buzz: Warp, you are under arrest!

(on the other side)

(Luke blocks Maul’s attack and then tries to hit him back. Maul blocks it)

Luke: Grrr! (does a Corrigan swipe)

(Maul blocks it and does a Dark Side Killer)


(it blows the rocks up)

Buzz: At last! (runs though)

(Maul knocks Luke into a pit and jumps down after him)

(then the pit closes)

Buzz: That leads to the power core of Tatttoine)
Mira: We've got to find XR!!!!!!!

(in XL's base)

XL: HAHAH I will have my revenge! (swings XR's head around)
XR: Aggghhh !
XL: I'm Sorry! Now "robot ranger" I Will destroy you!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! (coughs)

(Back at Kalam's old base)

Alien 3: Just hang on guys - I'm starting to get a power surge!

The allies stepped over him, trying to develop the power quickly.

Alien 1: Well can't you do it fast enough?
Alien 2: Oh for goodness sake, he'll get a headache if he transports them too fast!
Alien 1: My mistake.

Just then a small flash started to occur in the middle of the room.

Travis: Let me guess - it's starting to work!

(Back at XL's secret hideout)

XR: Why on Earth do you want to kill me for?
XL: Sorry to tell you this, bro, but you've been a right pain to me in the past.
XR: Oh yeah? Tell me everything I've done wrong.

Suddenly, XL's mind went blank. Then he spoke.

XL: You got all the neat stuff when I was younger! Now I want the neat stuff from you! (gets out a laser from his arm)
XR: Eap!

Just then, XR's body started to glow. Then he started chuckling.

XL: Any last words?
XR: Um... (giggles) Sayonara!

There was a flash in the room and as soon as it fades out... XR was gone!

XL: What was that all about?

(Back at Kalam's base)

The light then flashed and XR came in all in one piece!

Tiko: XR of Star Command? No wait - this can't be right.
Knuckles: Why not?
Tiko: He doesn’t work for us!
Aku Aku: Hoo boy…
XR: Still, I’m now ready to destroy your plans! (loads out a laser from his arm and points it at Cortex II ) Now how about you get away from all this and take a totally different hobby altogether!
Cortex II: Sorry, but it’s attitude that counts, and you don’t have it!

He gets out a flamethrower and fires it right at XR.

XR: (screams for life) Goodness gracious great balls of fire!

Just then a shuttle crashes through the roof and in came Crash, Deksta, Lio and Hallie… as well as Coco and Pinkofluffo.

Coco: I guess you were right to make the pit stop at Jo Ad. Thanks!
Crash: No problem!

He fires the flamethrower at everyone in his path, trying his best to singe them.

(Back on Tattooine)

Luke and Maul were still in a hard battle at the power core of the planet. Now it seems like every man for himself. Both struck each other’s light sabres… and Maul forces Luke over the side of the cliff! He started hanging on tight with one hand and hanging on to his light sabre with the other, as the core was just 600m from him. Maul started trying to singe his grabbing hand, with hopes of bringing him down. It looked like there was no hope for the Jedi. Or was there?

(Back on the surface)

Announcer: Excuse me, but can the pod race go on now?
Buzz: (sighs) You already know what to do when a red and black demon invades the planet, don’t you?
Mira: Yeah – don’t you know the whole universe is at stake here?
Announcer: Um… no. Sorry. Now what can I do for you, me old China?
Booster: All I can say is that we have a trapped Jedi knight down there fighting against Darth Maul again!
Announcer: Again?
Fooxy: I bet you were one of these people who never saw what happened here forty years ago.
Announcer: Sorry…
Mira: Now we need a way to get down to the core and to help him out. I have a bad idea that something bad may happen.
Booster: Let me try!

He went to the top of one of the towers of the arena and does a butt splash down to the floor where the others were standing, but the only thing that it caused was a massive thud that can be heard anywhere on the planet!

Buzz: That’s gotta hurt…

Just then a crack broke up

Fooxy: Look out below – we’re gonna suffer here!

The crack became increasingly bigger and eventually they fell down it screaming, towards the core.

(Back at the core)

Luke was already struggling to get back up without being singed by Maul’s blade… but it came progressively closer to him as time passed. He looked down and he thought he had no choice. He gulped… and let go of the cliff. He started plummeting down towards the core, and looked into it with confidence. The distance between him went closer and closer – 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m… until he suddenly stopped when he was about to touch it. Then he felt himself coming back up. He looked up and he saw Buzz flying him over to safety!

Luke: BUZZ!!!!!!! Thank you so much!
Buzz: No problem! (looks up) TO INFINITY… AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as he reached the cliff side he saw the others successfully pinning Maul onto the floor.

Fooxy: OK then Luke – you do the honours!

Luke drew out his light sabre and stuck it right into Maul’s head. Then he took it out and struck his heart. Finally the others picked up his corpse and tossed it into the power core.

Buzz: Is it me or did we do something stupid?

Maul’s body touched the core and it dissolved into it, and nothing stirred.

Buzz: And it all seems safe. WE’RE SAVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone starts cheering all of a sudden, with happiness.

Mira: (interrupts quickly) But wait a minute – where’s XR?
Everyone else: Uh-oh…

(on Flamar)

Lady Kagato: (creates a portal) HAHAHAHAH!!!!!

(She jumps though)

(On Tattooine)

Mira: XR, where are you???????
Booster: XL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buzz: Of course!
Luke: XL???
Buzz: He’s XR's brother!!
Luke: Oh…

(then a portal opens)


Lady Kagato came running towards them with an energy blade in her hand, aiming it towards the necks of each of the six in front of her.

Announcer: Whoa, hold it. What the heck do you want with us?
Lady Kagato: An easy way to chop your heads off, that’s what! And besides, you will be in big trouble after all this!
Fooxy: Cool it myte! What do you plan to do with us, for the second time?
Lady Kagato: Who cares? Emperor Zurg will be happy with you when you’re gone!
Everyone else: ZURG?!?!?
Booster: Yikes!
Lady Kagato: And when you brats are gone, then he will have an easier time to take over the universe!
Buzz: Wait a minute – I thought Cortex II was plotting all this!
Luke: You have two enemies? Man… this seems so confusing.
Lady Kagato: Who cares what I say?
Mira: Obviously you don’t!
Lady Kagato: At least Zurg’s an ally of your enemies so this should be easy for us!
Fooxy: Grrr…
Lady Kagato: Now get beheaded before I thrash you to bits!

She immediately slashed her blade directly at them, but then… we heard a slice. As the camera turns behind L.K. we see… that it seemed that the announcer lost his head.

Buzz: (looks down) There goes another fallen warrior…

But by surprise the announcer placed his alien head out from under his shirt and revealed from the back that she cut… a sharp bottle of space whisky on his back! He picked it up and rolled it under her feet, causing her to start rolling on it, screaming her head off!

Lady Kagato: (screams) GET ME DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Announcer: Did you say “down”?
Luke: Here, let me help you!

He swung his light sabre across her body, causing her to dodge the shot, but she also lost balance and fell off it, heading down into the power core! And out from it came a glowing orb!

Buzz: What the heck is that?
Mira: (looks through it) Seems like a transportation ball! (turns to the others) You know what, I think I found XR!

Everyone started cheering.

Mira: And what’s better, we can now square off with Cortex II and sort out the world’s crisis!
Booster: LET’S GO!

So they went through the ball and got transported over to Kalam’s base. The good guys are united once more!

(In the dark areas of Kalam’s old base)

The breezy wind fell like a flat blade of ice on everyone’s cheeks. Luckily for the alliances their army grew much bigger. Within a few seconds Buzz and his crew came in via transportation from Tattooine, and immediately he fired his laser at the cells containing Tawna, Foxy and the other hostages. Then Cortex and Uka Uka left Cortex II and Kalam alone and went straight for them, and even the not-quite-evil Crash clone came to them and guarded them!

Kalam: (screams) WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?????????
Crash: We have known your plans for a while now, and now’s the time to erase them.
Cortex: So who cares if you get resurrected and imprisoned us here…
Abe: …and trying to destroy my home planet with your remaining comrade’s help…
Pinkofluffo: …but no matter what, you need a taste of your own medicine!
Cortex II: Give it to us – we aren’t scared!
Travis: (starts glowing) Hehehe…

He sends out a thunder current onto them and they blocked it with big chunks of wood big enough to span the surface area for four PlayStations combined!

Cortex II: It’s too late kitty – while all this is going on the now upgraded Cortex Vortex II is draining not only the planet’s energy but also of the WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!!!! Say farewell to your paradise forever!!!!!

Everyone started panicking.

Foxy: We need to get down there – and fast!
Deksta: Leave it to me! Hee hee! Come on then!

The whole crew managed to go inside the spaceship that Deksta and her crew came in.

Munch: (suffering cramp because of lack of space) Now I know what a box tightly filled with cans of Soul Storm Brew feels like!
Abe: Don’t go into that again…
Knuckles: Enough with that – we need to figure out where the Vortex is located.
Hallie: (typing furiously at the control panel) I’m trying my best!

Hallie screamed.

Lio: NOW HEAD TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Within a while a signal came up on the screen.

Hallie: It’s in the dungeons of Cortex Castle! We need to get there before them two do!
Mira: Now be careful – we don’t know how we could cope with this.
XR: Forget about it – LET’S RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The spaceship quickly zoomed out of the area right towards Cortex Castle. Meanwhile, in the cargo area…

Voice 1: Are you sure this is the right way to sneak through?
Voice 2: I’m sure it is. When they come near that Vortex no one will stop it!
Voice 1: And it looks like we’re the only ones to deactivate it!

A torch shone between them, revealing their faces.

Cortex II: And as soon as all this is over, then it shall be I, Dr. Neo Cortex II, who will gain optimal control of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kalam: You don’t know who you’re talking to. I WILL BE THE MASTER OF THE WORLD, NOW YOU!!!!!!!!!
Cortex II: You don’t even know how to control a pathetic little brother like Foxy!
Kalam: Well you don’t understand the Meaning of Life!
Cortex II: No one does!
Kalam: No matter what THE WORLD WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!
Cortex II: MINE!!!!!!!!!
Kalam: MINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Cortex II: MINE!!!!!!!!

Both of them ended up in a fight for it. Meanwhile, the ship finally stopped in front of Cortex Castle. The shuttle’s doors opened and they made a rush inside for the Planet’s sake.

(In the castle’s dungeons)

(Cortex II is chained to the wall)

Cortex II: Oh, this is just peachy!
Kalam: Oh, with much more to come!
Cortex II: Impress me!
Kalam: Soon, Cortex Vortex will explode!!!!! But ... when it explodes it will create a black hole! That will continue to grow until the entire universe is sucked in! Did that "impress you"?
Cortex II: Well, yeah…

(In the main corridors)

Buzz: It’s quiet!
Crash: Too quiet.

(Red Eyes Appear)

Mira: What the...

(The person steps out of the darkness)


Buzz: Zurg!
Zurg: Ah, Lightyear, I'll make you suffer until you die!

(Buzz and Zurg walk down a path both with weapons drawn)

Mira: We have to get to the ship!

(All of them run down a thin walkway)

Luke: Be careful, it’s a long way down!
Tanwa: Coco…
Coco: (sighs) What?
Tanwa: There’s something behind you!
Coco: Wha..?


A2: At last , Zurg sent me, and Kalam... XR, come to your dark master!
XR: (Eyes Red) My dark master! (Walks towards him like a zombie)
Mira: He’s under mind control!
A2: XR! Destroy all of them! Er, except me!
XR: Destroy everyone except my dark master!
Crash: This looks spooky!
Mira: We can't harm XR! He’s Our Friend!

A cold gust blew through these chilly corridors and now our team have four evil crises on their minds – The Cortex Vortex, Emperor Zurg, Nos-4-A2… and now XR.

Luke: I have a bad feeling about this…
Knuckles: Why?
Luke: If we can’t harm XR, then goodness knows how we’re gonna get outta this mess…
Munch: Leave that for the brains to decide. (points to Abe)
Abe: Who me? No way!
Fooxy: Well SOMEONE has to sort this mess!

Everyone turned to each other… and gulped. At the same time, XR’s hands started glowing with electric power.

Crash: LOOK OUT – HE’S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!!!!!

There was a sudden feel of panic, and they tried to dash out of the upcoming attack. The electricity was released, and hurtled towards them faster than you can say “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”. A blinding flash and gust occurred right in the centre of the corridor and caused an explosion, wrecking the place from top to bottom. A few seconds later the flash faded out and there was no life to be seen at all… or was there? Rubble was scattered everywhere as far as the eye could see and smoke was scattered about the foggy area. Near one part of the wrecks a vampire fang laid still on the floor, and some upcoming rock buried it. A mysterious figure pushed himself free and looked around. He then came into the light, showing him as… XR!

XR: Where the heck AM I?

He pulled himself free and looked around the room. He could see limp bodies around him. Even the match against Buzz and Zurg never got underway – they were already lifeless on the floor.

XR: Am I… dead?

He then turned quickly to Buzz and gave him an electric shock. Within no time he was back up with a boost. Having seen that it worked out perfectly, he did the same to the remaining crewmates.

Travis: Hey XR – what the heck has been happening here?
XR: (giggles) That’s for the enemy to know and us NOT to find out!
Booster: Wait a minute… YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!

A mad cheering broke the silence of the area, and everyone lifted XR up to the ceiling with pride.

Tawna: Nice try, but haven’t you even thought about the Cortex Vortex? It’s gonna cause its vicious ways any minute now!

Everyone started panicking.

Travis: People, please, let’s not lose our heads.
Foxy: We still have time to get down there! Now come on – if we don’t make a journey now we’ll be sucked into nothingness!

Time was running out for the whole squad, and speaking of which, they managed to arrive down in the dungeons… to see the machine in operation.

Kalam: (laughs vilely) Soon this universe will be sucked into nothingness, and there’s nothing that can stop me!
Cortex II: (struggling with the chains) That’s what you think!
Kalam: Huh?
Cortex II: It hasn’t even been tested yet, so anything can go wrong!
Kalam: Ah shaddap ya face, pipsqueak!

There was a rustle in the machine. Quickly the heroes stepped back a bit further.

Crash: This is it – our funerals have now arrived.

But something peculiar happened – the machine exploded and a hall large enough to cover a quarter of the room was formed.

Crash: RUN!!!!!!!!

They quickly dashed out… but Cortex and Uka Uka remained behind… but at this stage we don’t know why. A flash of thunder occurred and the sucking sent Kalam in first.


The current then broke the chains, setting Cortex II free.

Cortex: Son!

Quickly he dashed towards the vortex and got sucked in with the rest of them.

Uka Uka: WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!! (goes into the vortex and gets sucked in)

(Back outside)

Crash: Well that wasn’t too hard.
Coco: Yeah – after all that, we’ve done some good into it.
Tawna: Make that bad – I feel sick…

Right in front of their eyes something came out from inside Tawna…

Everyone else: Aaaah!
Crash: How cute! We got a baby!

Tawna looked down at it with surprise.

Buzz: Do you have any names for this little space ranger?
Tawna: Yes, except… IT’S A GIRL!!!!

Buzz left them with a sweat drop down the side of his face.

Tawna: I think we should call it Coco Bandicoot II.
Coco: How sweet! :)

Everyone glanced at Coco.

Coco: Well… you know why.
Mira: Let’s give it up for Crash and Tawna!

Everyone cheered at them while they stared down at their princess.

(Much later on)

A set of fireworks roamed through the sky, and the camera focuses on Coco II, asleep in her mother’s arms.



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