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*Told in the narration of Darwin Dingo*

I woke up this morning to a typical day. Same old dusty den, same old black and white TV on the blink, same old tattered couch that needs to be reupholstered. Part of the ceiling has caved in on it. There was nothing for me to do here. I decided to go on a little morning stroll. I slipped on my black fingerless gloves and pants headed out. If I was lucky, I might find breakfast. But first, I had to wash my fur. It was turning back to a dingy, dirty grey recently, and if I didn't do something soon, it would probably stay that way. After a quick dip in a nearby pond, my fur was as good as new. Now I decided to take my walk. My stomach urged me to find food, but another invisible force pulled me towards another area. I tried to resist, as my morning really didn't need any complication, but I couldn't resist, and finally gave up trying to and walked towards the place the force was pulling me - Danni's morning jogging route. I sat upon a rock, awaiting her arrival, rather bored. And, surely, I WAS bored. I hoped she'd come soon. I hoped she had some food with her, too. Sure enough, about fifteen minutes later, she ran by. She ran by so quickly that she almost didn't notice me sitting on the rock. She's supposed to be jogging, not running, I thought. She backed up and looked me over.

"Hi, Da'win," she said with a greeting smile. "Whatcha doin' 'ere?"
"Oh, just nothing..." I somehow sensed that she knew that I was lying - that she knew I came around because this was HER jogging route.
"Ah. You look hungry. Wanna come ova' fa' breakfast when I'm done runnin'?"
"...Sure!" My face lit up. I really hadn't eaten in the last few days, and I needed something to eat before I became just bones and fur.
"OK then. Until then, how 'bout runnin' the rest of th' way with me?"

I knew I was out of shape, and I knew if I joined her I couldn't keep up, even with her at a jogging pace. They don't call her the fastest dingo in Australia for nothing.

"Well, y'know, Danni, I'm not that fast, an', uh..."
"Ah, c'mon. You'll keep up."

She pulled me up by my right arm. I conceeded; how could I resist? A morning jog with Danni... There's certainly nothing to lose and something to gain.

I smiled: "OK, Danni, you win; I'll come with ya."
"All right, follow the narrow beat'n pathway. Last one to th' end's a dumb platypus!"

Danni dashed off faster than anyone could notice, and I only started running five seconds after she bolted.

I panted, "Danni, slow down!" Her speed was incomprehensible for me. When I did manage to catch a glimps of her, it was only a yellow blur. I ran at a snail's pace compared to her running. I panted more: "Danni, please! Can't we rest a sec? C'mon," --I wheezed-- "slow down."

By now I had lost track of her, but not the pathway. About 10 minutes after she reached the end of the pathway, I arrived.

"What took ya so long?" Danni said while rubbing her brow. "Ya get stuck in quicksand 'r somethin'?"
"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. Danni grinned.
"Ya really gotta get in shape, Dar."
"Yeah, I know." I was still catching my breath and now spoke in a raspy, dry, wheezing voice. Boy, am I out of shape.
As soon as we arrived at Crash and Danni's, I could smell the aroma of a cooked breakfast. Danni had run out for her jog before eating, and now there was a full breakfast ready for her and the others. Pancakes; bacon; scrambled eggs; you name it, it was there. I was entranced by the smell of this food, and now hungrier than ever.

I did not hear Crash and Coco's welcomings, and I blurted out without thinking, "When do we EAT??"

My tongue hanging out of my mouth, nearly overflowing with saliva, I began advancing towards the smell's origin.

"...Darwin?" Crash questioned, wondering if I had heard him say hello. Coco also had a half questioning/half displeased look, wondering if I was ignoring them.
"...DARWIN!" Coco startlingly shouted.

I stopped and turned around. All three, Crash, Coco, Danni, were looking at me as if I had done something rude. I hadn't said hello. I sweated.

"Hehe...hi, guys..."

It was soon that I was greeted (or more like TRAMPLED) by the family pets: Wart the warthog, Baby T. the t-rex, Pura the tiger, and Polar the polar bear. The rex and bear suddenly leaped on me and smothered me with slobbery licks. The warthog and tiger, who were smarter and more sophisticated, only sniffed me and looked happy. Crash laughed, and Danni did, too.

Danni said, "Heh heh, Darwin, I think the pets really like to see ya."

For some reason, I still remembered when that rex bit my tail around the times Crash and I were really fighting. That really hurt, too, but not so much as I would remember it, at least that's how I think it would be. It looks like he likes me now. I guess rexes don't have memories.

"Oof - Danni, Crash, can you - oof - get these things - oof - OFF me?"

I almost couldn't breathe. Baby rexes and polar bears were heavy. I'd hate to have to see them when they grow up. Danni, Crash, and Coco laugh, then took the bear and dinosaur off me. I don't think it was very funny...

"You might wanna wash up now, Darwin--" Coco started, then burst into laughter as she saw me sticky with slobber.
"This is NOT funny," I said, rawly.

After I cleansed myself from stickiness, I was soon provided with some of all the goods, and I felt as if I was really feasting. I actually hadn't eaten this much since Danni and Crash first invited me in their home; I could never find much besides berries - and poor little defenceless animals I didn't have the heart to KILL - deep in the jungle where I live. I ate rather noisily; hey, if you hadn't eaten in a few days, you'd eat like this, too. However, I wasn't eating any differently than Crash was. As both the polite Danni and Coco watch them, they looked as if to say "Men.” Crash actually got done before I did. Then he looked at Danni and Coco as if he had suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, guys, I forgot to tell ya something," he said. At least he didn't look worried, for if he did, I'd have concluded that it was bad news.
"What is it, Crash?" Coco asked, interested.
"I got this letter today. A kookaburra bird flew it over here."

Crash handed a letter to Danni. It looked rather beaten up. Danni opened it up and read it.

"Dear Friends,
Hi! It's been a while seen I seen ya, eh? I figure it's about time we got together to have some fun, just like in them old times! What do you say, mates? I'll see ya in a week, maybe?

Your Mate,
~Rave Dingodino~

"...Rave Dingodino..." Danni pondered.
"Oh, I remember her!" Crash said, looking as if he were about to laugh.
"Yeah! Crazy ol' Rave..."
"Who's Rave Dingodino?" I asked. I'd never heard of her.
"Remember when we told you about when we went to a planet called Neurgo?" Danni began.
"Yeah. Ya said that happened a LONG time ago. What, is this 'Rave' fella' from there?"
"No, ya dunce, she's from here, it's just that I was gonna say we met her even before that!"
"...Whoa." That was a LONG time ago, I thought. Rave must've changed by now. Well, I'd like to meet her...
We seemed to wait in anticipation of Rave all day, although we knew that she was coming in a week. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Who could it be? Certainly not Rave...

"I'll get it," Crash pipped.

He hopped off the couch, pausing the “Spyro: Year of the Dragon” game, and answered the door. Sure enough, there she was - Rave Dingodino, with her bags hung over her left shoulder, grinning a wide, sharp, toothy grin. She looked overly happy, just how Crash remembered her.

Crash whipped his head towards the others. "Hey guys - It's RAVE!"
We all hopped out of sub consciousness. "Really?" we all chimed.
"Hey, Rave, we just got the letter today, and it said you'd be here in a week!" Crash said.

Coco agreed, nodding her head whilst still in the background.

"A week, eh? Ha, slow kukuburra. I sent that letta' a week ago!" Rave still seemed happy despite the slow mail bird's errors.
"Oh, I see..." Crash was silent for a moment, then he let out, "HELLO!!"

Rave replied just as enthusiastically. As she entered the abode, the others greeted her, too. All except me. Heck, I didn't know her... She eventually noticed me still sitting on the couch.

She pointed to me and asked to Crash, "And what 'ere's THIS creata'?"
I took offense, but before I could retort, Coco answered, "That's our good friend, Darwin Dingo. Darwin, as you might have guessed, this is Rave Dingodino."
"Mighty raggy fa' a dingo if ya ask me," Rave said. I got even more steamed and was about to say something, when Coco stopped me.
"No, Darwin, don't say anything. If you just ignore her, then she'll stop the remarks. She'll eventually grow on you."

Bleach, I thought. I hope not.

I decided to answer in a mild retort: "And what're YOU supposed to be? Mini-Godzilla?"

Maybe it wasn't so mild, for Rave then whipped around. It was sort of a surprise to see such a cheery face suddenly go rotten like hers had.

"What... did... you... say?!"

I suddenly wished I had a sort of instant transmission power to zip away. Rave was starting to scare me. She stared right at me, and her gaze started to burn right through me, or so it felt. At that moment I also noticed that she never opened her eyes, but that only made it scarier.

Danni came over to me. "Never insult Rave, Da'win! From what I remember, she can get mad real easily when provoked. When Crash first met 'er, she nearly pulled his fur out."
"...I see..." I replied. Then I turned to Rave. "Sorry there."

Rave calmed down. Then she got the cheery old look on her face again.

"Ah, yes... I came back 'ere tah see how much things have changed and to have fun again... and I can see that things have changed a LOT!" She smiled, then turned to Crash and Danni. "I can sense something new between you two, also."
Crash nodded. "Mmm-hmm. We're married now."

I already knew this. They had been married for several months now. Although I always seemed to deny this silently in my mind, I knew it so clearly. I guess the denial came automatically; that's how my mind works in those cases.

Rave gave a short guffaw. "Ah! How nice! And tah think, the last time I saw yahz, ya barely knew each otha'!"

Crash and Danni smiled. Coco did also.

"It's so good ta see you again, Rave," Crash said. "Now we can do stuff like we did before!"
"Yeah, an' I somehow knew after that last incident that we'd see ya again someday," Danni added.

I was again filled with interest. What incident?

Rave asked, pointing at me, "And what'd you say his name was again?"
"That's Darwin," Coco answered.
Rave extended her hand, palm up, towards me. "Nice tah meetcha... I guess."

I took her hand, and we shook. She seemed to have a tight grip, not to mention she shook my hand rather rapidly and wildly. When she finally stopped, she asked me:

"So, how'd ya meet Danni an' Crash?"
"Um...'s a long story." I scratched the nape of my neck nervously. I didn't want to explain.
"I've got time, mate. I can tell that it'll be interestin', too."
"Er..." I tried to think of a way to put it into one very short paragraph. "I was, uh, captured by these two big bad guys, and, uh, they rescued me, sorta, and, uh, we became friends an' stuff, and, uh, that's pretty much it..."

That wasn't even one-eighth of the story, but it was all that Rave would find out... at least for now, if she didn't bug us about it.

"Izzat all? Nah, that can't be all. C'mon, tell me more."

Rave sure seemed persistent. I told her three times that that was all, and even Danni and Crash told her, too (I guess they didn't want to give it away also), but she kept on. Luckily, the pets came back out of their mid-morning slumber underneath the dining room table and suddenly swarmed around Rave, giving her the same welcome I got. I couldn't help but laugh, and even the others laughed, too. However, unlike me, Rave enjoyed the barrage of tongues.
Crash, Danni, and Coco, and not to mention the pets, began their nostalgic events with Rave by playing an old game they created. It wasn't a very original game, but it was a fulfilling one.

"She's even got her same old bamboo-wood slingshot!" Danni said as Rave pulled it out of her pocket.
"What are me gonna do?" I asked.
"We're gonna play Wumpa-in-a-Barrel," Rave replied.
"Well, actually, we use a basket instead of a barrel, but 'barrel' sounded spiffier. Watch, I'll show you what to do."

As the four pets put four baskets underneath four Wumpa trees, Rave loaded her slingshot with a small rock. She then aimed at one of the trees' fruits and fired. The rock rapidly snapped the twig of a Wumpa fruit, and it fell into the basket.

"See? It's like archery," Rave said. "Crash used to miss all th' time."
"I... did... not!" Crash said.
"Yes, he did. And according to the rules, if you already had any Wumpas and you missed one, ya had to take one outta yer basket and put it in another's. 'S why Crash never got any."
"Quit saying that! I got the Wumpa's just as well as you and Danni and Coco did."
"No you didn't, Crash," Coco said. Crash turned red. I laughed.
"Not like you'd do any better, Darwin!" Crash snapped at me when I began laughing.
"Hmm..." Rave started. "Just how well can ya shoot, Dingo-Boy?"
"I... could do... just as well," I said. I doubted myself deep inside, though.
"OK then, here, let's see how well you can do."

Rave handed me the slingshot and a pebble. I was nervous, almost too shaky to shoot, but I went ahead. I aimed at a fruit above another basket and geared up to shoot the rock; however, just as I was ready, Polar came running up to me and tackled me with a big bear hug. I accidentally launched the rock; it hit the tree; it ricocheted and nearly hit everyone else, whizzing by quickly. The bear and I fell to the ground.

"Ha, that wasn't very good at all," Rave said, slightly annoyed. "Heh. And you nearly killed all four of us, too. You're bad, Dingo-Boy."
"Quit calling me that! And the BEAR tackled me unexpectedly, th' insane thing! That was a foul, lemme do it again! I assure you, I can do better next time!"

A mini rage seemed to build inside of me, but I calmed down when Danni pulled Polar off me and Rave gave me another chance. After a few more rounds, which involved more contesting between Rave and me, we went in to get another small snack. I, being a big, actually got a rather large snack. Well, at least Crash, Danni, Coco, and Rave said it was a large snack. I didn't think a triple-decker fish sandwich was very big. After the break, we were lead out to Danni's morning running path.

"Oh no," I said, "not another race. I already huffed and puffed all the way here this morning."
"Ah, c'mon, Dingo-boy, ya gotta get in shape," Rave said heartily, patting my stomach hard.

I coughed. She sure did pat hard.

"Last one to the falls is a rotten egg!" Crash said, sprinting before us.

"Hey! Wait! No fair!" Danni said as she began her pursuit. Rave also started off. Coco and I were left behind.

"I'm not running," said Coco. "I'd rather go download that new thing off the Internet."

She walked off, back to the house. I just stood there for a minute, watching Coco walk off, and then wondering if I should follow the path. I sighed, and then slowly followed its winding guidance through the jungle. When I finally reached the falls, I saw Crash and company sitting near it, watching the water plummet to the river below. I puffed up to them.

"'S about time," Rave said. "T'was wonderin' when you'd get 'ere. Ya run inta a big ol' tortoise 'r somethin'?"
"No, I just..." I wheezed, then, not knowing what to say, sat down with them.
Crash piped, "Rave, these are the falls that we encountered once when Danni raced this person called Speedra. It was a heck of a struggle, it was..."
"Ah..." Rave replied. "Betcha had a lotta adventa's ova' th' years, huh? I'd like tah know about 'm."
"Sure, we can explain them here. Some of the coolest things happened while you were gone - but some things I'm glad you missed...some were bad..."
"Like what?"

She told her about their wild adventures. Crash should have told me about these things. The only adventures I've had was confronting Cortex, but that was only once. Crash, Danni, and Coco got into a lot more trouble than I thought. I wondered why they never told me about their adventures much. I have to hang out with Crash and Danni more, I thought. I want some excitement in my boring old life. They made me shiver - there were so many bad guys out to get Crash and Co.

"Hey, Danni, y'know what I just rememba'd?" Rave started. She seemed anxious to tell something.
"Huh? What?"
"Rememba' when we used ta throw rocks at Cortex's Castle's lower windows? We used to pick on Cortex a lot, and he neva' did anythin' about it. Ha ha!"
"I remember that!" Crash said.
"Yeah! Hehe!"

They started laughing. I, feeling like quite the newbie, did not, however. I wished I could have seen this. Then I thought, oh well.
It seemed like half the day passed quickly. We must have spent longer than I thought playing Wumpa-in-a-Barrel and strolling down a bleak (to me) memory lane. It was already 4:00 by the time we got back to Crash's. It's a good thing they wanted to walk back to the pad instead of run. I was in no mood to run again. We decided to watch Crash *try* to play Spyro: year of the Dragon. I would have fallen asleep, but Rave started a questionaire on me.

Rave, who was sitting on the couch beside me, asked me, "So, Dar, how's things with you?"

I was a little startled by the question. I don't usually get asked things like that - but then again, my only friends were Crash and co., so I guess that's why.

"What do ya normally do when yer not hangin' with Crash?"
"Ah, c'mon. Ya gotta be doin' somethin."
"Really. I do nothing. There's nothing to do at my den. 'Specially 'cause my black and white TV busted last week."
"Oi... Well, I can see why you'd wanna hang 'ere, then... No TV! TV's one a' them essential things in life, y'know!"

I nodded, and then watched as Crash got Spyro into another predicament.

Coco, who had come back out of her room after we came back, said, "I swear Crash, you can't play Spyro's games for beans!"
"Well, I'm TRYIN'...If a certain LITTLE SISTER would be QUITE..." was Crash's reply. He seemed to be playing the game furiously now.
"'Ere, lemme see that a sec," Rave said, trying to snatch Crash's controller.
"But I wanna beat this part..." Crash shrugged the controller away.
"'Ere now, just for a sec."
"Oh... All right..."

Crash hands over the controller to Rave. Rave soon starts playing effortlessly and does much better than Crash.

"Gee, Rave, you're better than Crash!" Coco said.
"Not that good... Bet she's played this before," Crash denied.
"Nah, mate," Rave said, "I've neva' played this before in my life."
"What about the other Spyro games?"
"Nope, neva' played them, eitha'. Neva' even heard a' Spyro."

Crash turns red and pouts, leaning back on the couch. I smile a little and try to hold in a chuckle.
Before we knew it, it was nighttime. Rave suggested a dinner idea that I didn't quite accept at first but soon enjoyed.

"'Ey, guys, how about I go out back and grill up some hamburga's on th' barby?" Rave suggested.
"That old thing's still out back?" Coco wondered.
"I think it is," Crash said. "We never use it, so we don't know if it's working right."
"Well," Rave started, getting a chef's hat and a 'kiss the cook' apron out of the kitchen, "I'll find out if it is. An' if it is, I'll cook up the best burga's you've eva' tasted!"
"I just hope you cook as well as you do sports," I said, remembering the Wumpa-in-a-Barrel incident.

Rave seemed to ignore me as she took some raw meat out to the backyard to cook. Soon, she had prepared us some of the best hamburgers that have ever been served anywhere. Sure, they weren't fat-free, but that makes them taste better. It was a good thing she had made 10 of them - I was hungry. I pouted when she explained to me that some were for the pets, though. Soon after, the sunset - it was bedtime. I had to return to my dusty, cold, old den, and Rave got to sleep over at Crash's for quite some time. I looked sort of forlorn as I geared up to go back to my den, although I tried not to look that way.

"Uh, Da'win..." Danni said, "ya can stay ova' here for th' night if ya wanna..."
I perked up. "Thanks, Danni!"

Crash was going to offer me a spare pair of pyjamas, but I couldn't fit his clothes (they are VERY tight and small), so I decided I would sleep without the jammies.

"So, who's sleeping where?" I asked.

"Of course, me and Danni are sleeping in the same room, and Coco's sleeping in hers, and there's only one room left, the guest room - and you and Rave ARE guests..."
"But there's only one bed in there!"
"I know. Guess you guys'll hafta share it."
"...Share?! With her??"
"...Unless Rave has a sleeping bag." Crash looks over to Rave.
"I do not. So I guess me an' Dingo-boy 'ere'll hafta share th' bed. Is that OK with you, Dar, or can you not control yer instincts?"

I turned bright red (part anger, part embarrassment), and Danni and Crash tried to stifle their laughs - Coco, too.

"I guess that's fine." I swept back the fur on my head to cool myself off and trod into the guest room.

"Wait, Darwin!" Crash said. "Ya hafta wash up and stuff before you go to bed."
"Aw, c'mon, do I hafta?"
I soon bid Crash, Coco, and Danni good night. I felt like I had gone through a car wash by the time I got in bed, but at least I was clean. Rave, who slept to my right, seemed to fall asleep quickly. I wished I could go to sleep that quick. Well, actually, I can, but I wasn't used to sleeping with someone else. I sure hope she doesn't snore, I though as I lay there. She suddenly stirred, yawning, and turned towards me. I couldn't tell if she was awake of not because her eyes always were closed.

"...R...Rave?" I said. "Are you awake?"
"Yeah. I just realized that I'm not tired. Must be the same with you."

I didn't know what to do next. She was awake. I was awake. I wasn't used to sleeping when I knew someone else was awake. I decided to start a conversation.

"So, Rave... I now know you knew Crash and them a long, long time back. Why'd you, like, leave? Why was there a big gap in your friendships?"
"Well..." Rave seemed reluctant to tell. "I...just can't explain."
"Why not?"
"I... you wouldn't unda'stand. I'd ratha' not tell."
"Uhm...Alright then..."

Rave suddenly seemed sad and worried. But then she lay down again.

"I'm goin' tah sleep now. I'm gettin' tired now."

"...OK. Good night, Rave..."

Rave didn't reply. She silently slipped into slumber. I decided to sleep then, also. However, just before I fell asleep, I thought I heard her whimper.
It appeared that everyone else, even Crash, woke up before me that next morning. How they managed to I didn't know. I never woke up any earlier than I did this day, or at least it seemed that way.

"So," started Coco as she saw me come down the hall, "ya finally woke up, eh? I was just about to check to see if you were still alive."
"Oh c'mon, I didn't sleep for that long."
"Darwin, it's almost noon."
"...What?! You guys let me sleep for that long?!"
"Yep. We didn't want to disturb ya. But you did miss breakfast."
"Oh DARN..."
"And Rave cooked it, too. She cooked pancakes from scratch and made bacon and--"
"Oh. Well, in that case..."
"Darwin! She cooks very well."

I walked on into the living room, where everyone else was crowded around the TV. The floating mask guy that Crash had told me about once - Aku Aku - was here today, too. I hadn't had a chance to meet Aku yet, so I decided to go say hi to him. Crash was pointing to the TV set and talking as if to tell Rave and Aku what the show was about.

"This here's the funny part - Ah-ha-ha!"

I decided to pull a tiny joke on Rave and Crash and sneaked up behind them.

Grinning, I quickly put my hands on the back of their necks and shouted "Boo!"

Sure enough, they jumped. I laughed.

"You two sure are chickens!" I said, guffawing.
Aku Aku turned around and looked at me sternly. "And... I assume this is Darwin, right, Crash?"
"Right," Crash replied. Then he looked at me. "Darwin, what'd you do that for??"
"Yeah, what's the big idea?" Rave said, also a little fed up.
"I just wanted to see if you two'd jump. Ha ha!" I laughed and pointed at them again.
"That is not a very nice thing to do," Aku Aku said.
"Aw, don't blow off yer feathers, Mask Boy," I replied, joining everyone on the couch and finally beginning to slow my laughter.
Rave leaned over Crash and Aku Aku and pointed at me. "You're not a very good egg, are ya, Darwin? You're just... annoying."
"I'm a good enough egg. Besides, who's annoying?" I shot back at her.
Crash added in, "Err, Darwin, Rave has been known to speak her mind... That's one of her 'unique' qualities. You'll get used to that, too, if ya don't tee her off..."
"I see..." I reeled back from Rave. "Now will ya please tell her to get outta my face...?"

Rave meerly sat back against the cough and folded her arms. I sat back as well.

After a boring while of channel flipping on the TV, Crash asked Rave and me, "What exactly caused you two to... like, be in the competition-like state you're in now? You two seem to be, well, against each other."

I pointed to Rave without looking at her and replied, "It's because she's too sarcastic."
Rave pointed at me without looking and said, "It's because he's a dingo."
"What does being a dingo hafta do with it?" Crash asked. "Danni's a dingo, too, and you get along well with her. You're part dingo, too."
"Well... Darwin's a weird dingo. I dunno."

I shook my head and continued watching the ever changing TV. Crash shrugged and also continued.
By the time it was 1:30, we were bored with the TV, so we all decided to play another old game of Rave's outside. I hoped it was better than Wumpa-in-a-Barrel.

"T'day, mates," Rave started, "we'll be playin' Balloon-Ball."
"Original name," I said. Rave ignored me and went on.

Rave picked up a filled-to-the-bursting-point water balloon and spun it around in her hands.

"This game involves speed, wits, and..."
"...An IQ of 1?" I shouted out.
"Darwin!" Crash said, lightly shoving my arm, "quit bugging Rave so she can explain!"
"Oh, alright..." I mumbled.
"Thank ya, Crash," Rave calmly said, looking happily to Crash, then shooting an angry look towards me. "As I was sayin', ya hafta be pretty skilful tah play this game..."

I couldn't help it; I just had to shout out some smart remark again.

"And I suppose you consider yourself skilful?"
Rave nearly burst the balloon with her claws. "That's it..." she muttered.

She threw the ball at me, and the inevitible happened. I soon found myself soaked with small bits of balloon stuck in my fur. The others couldn't help but laugh; especially Rave, who was having one hardy laugh. I growled, although I knew I deserved it.

" NOT funny."
"Ya really deserved that, Da'win," Danni said. Coco nodded.
She was right and I already knew it, so I just said "Well, you're right..." almost to low to be heard. I then wrung my fur out. " what?"
"Th' rules are simple enough for even you to undastand, Da'win," Rave said. I rolled my eyes. She continued: "As the rounds go by, the ball tactics get more intense. An' if ya drop the ball an' it burts, then ya're out--"
"There are rounds?" Crash asked. "I don't remember rounds."
"Yeah. Well, in round one, you hafta... well... it's like a relay race-type thing. Ya gotta pass the ball without droppin' it. Simple, eh? But in round two, ya gotta, like, throw an' catch the ball... and in round three, ya gotta, uh..."
"I think it was easia' with one 'round,'" Danni said.
"Ah, y'think so, aye, mate? Well then...think again!"

Rave chucked a smaller wetter balloon (from out of a large bag of them) towards Danni. Sure enough, it hit.

Laughing, Danni said, "Ah, so, ya wanna play it that way, huh? Well then, two can play at this game!"

She ran over to the bag of balloons, grabbed a lot, and threw them at Rave all at once. A few missed Rave, but one hit her. Rave laughed.

"Water balloon war!!"

I shook my head. I thought they were all acting silly.

"Hey, c'mon, I though we were gonna play a real game."
"Not good enough for ya, eh?" Rave said, tossing a balloon at me. Once again, my fur was soaked.
After pausing a moment, I said, "Do you know what this means?"
"What?" Rave said as if to be 'scared'- "Should I be 'afwaid'?"
"This means WAR!"

I grabbed some balloons and started throwing as many as I could at the bunch. We tumbled about as we played, laughing and getting wet. At one point, when we were almost out of 'ammunition' to soak each other with, a bobcat by the name of Sarnie came over. Unfortunately for her, she got into the middle of our little tussle and got soaked as well. We didn't notice her until she shouted...

"I'M WET!!"
"Oh..." Danni began. "It's Sarnie."
"Hi, Sarnie," Crash said.
"Hehe, wet kitty here," Rave laughed.
" nice of you to drop by..." Coco said.
"Ah...Sarnie...Wanna join our game?" I asked, smiling yet nervous from the way she looked.
"...I'M WET!!"
"Hehe... Sarn? You OK?" Crash said.

Sarnie didn't even notice Crash calling her 'Sarn,' her dreaded nickname. "She must not be. I called her Sarn and she's still just standing there..."
Sarnie stayed as high and dry as she could as she continued to watch our game. However, by the time we had run out of balloons, we were all pooped, so we decided to go back inside. I was amazed to find that we had spent two hours soaking each other, for it was now 3:30. I had to take a shower, because I had fallen in mud during our play. In fact, it seemed like everyone needed a shower. We had been on the ground and everywhere, trying to avoid water balloons. Everything we rolled and fell into stuck to our wet bodies. I felt like a floor of a movie theatre.

"I get the shower first!" I said, running to the bathroom.
"Oh no you don't!" Crash said, running after me. "Danni and I own this house, so WE go first!"
"Wait, shouldn't the GUEST go first? C'mon!" Rave said, running after us both.
"I'm the youngest! I go first!" Coco said, trailing far behind.

We all got to shower, but by the time we were done, another hour and thirty minutes passed. Now it was 5:00. The evening was already coming along. It was then that Sarnie and Rave got to say their hellos. It wasn't until this instance that they realized that they didn't know who each other were.

"Ah," Rave said to Sarnie as we all piled into the living room/den, "I just realized that I 'aven't 'ad a chance ta intraduce m'self. M'name's Rave Dingodino. And yours is 'Sarnie', right?"
"Right. Nice to meet you, too... You look like you like to play games a lot," Sarnie replied.
"Yep. I like those..."
"Yeah," I jumped in, "she started that last one. And it sure was funny that you got hit unsuspectingly."

I grinned. Sarnie frowned and paid no attention to me.

Rave asked Sarnie, "Do you like 'im?" as she pointed to me.
"...NO!!!" Sarnie suddenly shouted, startling all except Rave.
"I thought so," Rave said smugly.

I sweat dropped, then prepared to ask Sarnie something.

"Uh, Sarnie, didja hear Crash call you 'Sarn' after you first came by and got hit?"
"He what?!" Sarnie suddenly leaped at Crash and grabbed the scruff of his throat. I laughed slightly. I asked her just to see that.
"Oh..." Danni leaned over to Rave. "That's one other thing. NEVER, EVER call Sarnie 'Sarn'. It's 'er dreaded nickname, an' she 'ates it. DO NOT call 'er that, or you'll end up--" -she points to Crash- "--like this."
"...Right." Rave hesitated in answering. "Why?"
"I f'got why she 'ates it so much, but I don't wanna take a chance and try t' find out." Danni then turns to Sarnie. "OK, you can let my husband go now, Sarnie..."
Crash whimpered, "I'm sorry, was just to get your attention!"
"OK...but NEVER_EVER_CALL_ME_THAT_AGAIN!! How many times must I tell you that?!"

Everyone else, including me, stepped away from Sarnie as she let Crash plop to the ground.

As Sarnie stomped over to the couch and sat herself down, she said, "And I DO NOT like DARWIN!!"

I scratched the nape of my neck, and Rave laughed.
The evening looked so pretty; I had a longing to be outside. However, everyone else wanted to stay in and said that they had enough of outside for today, so I decided to stay in with them. Crash did more channel flipping while Coco and Rave complained...
"Why can't you just choose one channel and stay there, Crash?!"
"Yeah, fer Pete's sake!"
Crash groaned. "Oh, c'mon, you guys, there are 600 satellite channels - how the heck am I supposed to pick just one?!"
"Just pick one!" both Coco and Rave shouted in unison. Crash stopped on one channel - the 'R'-rated movie channel. Everyone gasped at once at sight of the channel.
"Quick, Crash, change it!" Coco shouted.
"But you said--" Crash began.
"JUST CHANGE IT!!" Rave shouted.

Crash quickly changed it to the Preschool Channel, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Oh, my poor, innocent little ears..." Sarnie sighed.
It wasn't necessarily good after that, for then we had to watch hours of mindless hugs, candy, and people in purple dinosaur costumes that got on our nerves.
After the next hour, I was bored. They wanted to watch TV, but I wanted to do something else. I finally went out to see the sunset. They seemed to not notice. I sat on the front doorstep and watched the orange sun sink into the reddish-orange sky's horizon. Then I sighed. It wasn't a bored or lonely sigh - just a sigh. Suddenly, the door opened behind me. I turned around. It was Rave.

"Uh...hi, Rave. Why aren'tcha watchin' TV with the others?"
"It was gettin' pretty... monotonous. I mean, Crash's flipped through all six-hundred channels four times..."
"Hmm." I nodded, then watched the sunset again.

There were a few minutes of silence between us two. Then Rave spoke up:
"That sunset...'s a beaut, ay?"

"Yeah. It's making everything all orange-y."

There was more silence. All the while, though, Rave looked urged to say something. Finally, she asked:

"Da'win, is there anything I've done ta make ya dislike me?"

"Well, not really. Well, then again, ya called me 'raggy'. Not necessarily a good greeting. I guess what we said when we first saw each other kinda got us in a quarrlin' sort of mood."
"Well, I'm sorry fa' that. Ar' ya gonna 'palogize fa' callin' me 'mini-Godzilla'?"
"Yeah, alright, sorry."
We both went back to watching the sunset. I didn't know why she wanted to bury the hatchet, even when there wasn't that much of a grudge, but it did make me feel sort of better.
The day had come and gone fast. After another matter of hours, it was once again time for bed. It was time again to get a good night's rest... It was time again to dream about what the next day could bring... It was time again to share a bed with Rave.

"Oh, c'mon," I pestered Crash, "can't you find me some other bed or something? C'mon... I'll even accept sleeping in a futon!"
"Nope," Crash replied as he walked to his room, "ya hafta share the bed with Rave. Sorry, but there's nowhere else you can sleep unless ya wanna sleep on the couch..."
"But I hate couches... I like sleeping on rocks better..." I whined.
Crash shook his head. "That makes no sense, Dar. Anyway, Sarnie might hafta share the quest room tonight, too."
Sarnie overheard and walked up to us two. "Ooo-ooo-oh no, I'm not spending the night where those two are." She pointed at me. "'Specially him. He's creepy."
"...Creepy? ME?" I was slightly shocked. Why did she think that I was CREEPY?
"I'll sleep on the couch," Sarnie continued. "I'd rather do that, anyway." She then walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it.
"Ah, you only wanna sleep there 'cause that's where the TV is." I scoffed. When I got no reply, I said out of her hearing, "Loner."

Coco walked by. She was in long, royal purple pyjamas, and she had a platypus beanie with her.

"Goin' to bed with yer teddy, Coco?" I laughed. She ignored me slightly.
"Now I know why Rave doesn't like you very much," she said without looking at me. She then went into her room.
"She doesn't? Well, pah." That was the only thing I could think to say. Crash shrugged. I then thought of something. "Crash," I said, "speaking of Rave, where is she?"
"She's taking another quick shower. We never knew her to be the really clean type, so I dunno why she is."

Crash shrugged again and was about to go into his room, when Rave emerged from the bathroom in a burst of warm mist from the shower. We were both amazed at what she was wearing. I tried not to look. She had worn the clothes that she came in with to bed the last night, but now she was wearing something much different.

"Rave, what're you wearin'??" Crash said as I covered my eyes. Rave looked confused.
"Wha? Just because I'm here doesn't mean I can't be comf'table, right? I'm just wearin' what I usually wear t' bed. Is that a problem?"

Rave was wearing a slightly short, pink, thin night gown that was almost revealing. She didn't find anything wrong with it; she only wanted to be comfortable.

"...But Rave...!" Crash said.

Curiously, Sarnie (who was now dressed in a set of orange pajamas) walked near us, and Coco peered out of her room door. Danni, who was already almost asleep, looked out of one room, too.

"What? What's happening?" Coco asked.
"What's going on?" Sarnie questioned.
"What;s all th' racket?" Danni said, half-sleepily.

Soon, all of us except Darwin were staring at Rave as if she were something abnormal. She got angry at that.
"What?! Am I some sorta freak show attraction?!" she shouted.
"Golly, Rave..." Coco said.
"Would you all just buzz off? Go tah sleep! I've done nothing wrong...have I?"
Sarnie ran back to the couch; Coco went back into her room; Danni and Crash ran back into theirs. I peered at Rave from in between two fingers.
"Is it OK to look yet, Rave?"

Rave growled and stomped into the guest room. I uncovered my eyes and followed her.
We said nothing to each other before we went to sleep. However, deeper into the night, things started getting pretty noisy. Rave turned about in the bed, laughing and smiling in slumber, perhaps having a fun dream. She was annoying me, too. She tossed so much that I woke up, and then I couldn't get back to sleep. I couldn't wake her up to make her stop, though that wouldn't be nice. She seemed to hug her pillow and laugh, as if it were a sort of person. I wondered so much what she was dreaming about. At one point, she fwapped me in the face with her arm as she chuckled, then tossed some more. I groaned. Arrrgh, I wish she'd just sleep... I thought. Rave had slept quietly the last night; I didn't know why she didn't this night. At one point, as her pointed face slowly ran into mine as she was still asleep, she started waking up.

Then, she did. She yelped and shouted, "Yikes!" as she fell back, taken aback, off her side of the bed.
I almost fell off my side as I shouted "Yipe!" as well.
Madly, as she climbed partially back onto the bed, she shouted, "What th' heck are you doin'?!"
"'What am I doing'?! I could ask you the same thing! You've been tossing and keeping me awake for the last hour!!" I retorted, just as angrily.
"Well, what were ya doin' in m' face?!"
"YOU were in MY face! I wasn't doing anything!!"
"Yes you were! I know it!"
"You don't know anything!"
"Why men an' yer hormones!!"
"Don't lie!"
"What the heck are you talking about, Rave?!"
"You keep away from me!"
"That's it..." I groaned and grabbed my pillow. "I'm going to the living room! I'd rather stay on the couch next to SARNIE than sleep in here with YOU!"
"Fine then! See if I care!"

I stormed out. Just as I was about to exit the room, Crash and Coco came in, confused.

"Hey! What's going on in here? World War III?" Crash asked.
"Ask HER!" I pointed to Rave. "It's HER fault." I stomped off to the couch.
Rave looked over to us as she climbed back into the bed. "Ain't my fault at all! It's all that raggy dingo's fault. I didn't do a thing! Not a darn thing!"

Crash had never seen Rave frequently angry at someone like she was angry at me, so he figured that I must really get on her nerves. Then again, she gets on mine, too.

"I'd better keep you two away from each other of you're gonna act like this," Crash said.
"Fine! Whatever! Just make sure 'e doesn't bug me."

Rave went back to sleep, still with a fusterated look on her face. Crash and Coco just shrugged and left the room.

However, before they got back to theirs, they heard Sarnie shout, "Ooo-oo-oh no! Git away from here! Git!"

Carrying my pillow, I dejectedly headed back to the guest room. Before I re-entered, I asked Coco, "Can I sleep in your room?"
"Nope. Sorry. I like solitude at night. The only one who can join me is Pura. And sometimes maybe Polar and Baby T. and the wart hog..."
"Poo..." I headed back into the guest room. "Back to hades."
"C'mon, Darwin, she's not that bad," Crash said.
"Are ya kiddin' me? She goes off like a volcano and I didn't even do anything. She should learn how to sleep normally."

I re-entered the room. Crash and Coco looked at each other, shrugged, and went back into their rooms.
I slept on the floor this time. Sure, all I had was a pillow and no sheets or cushions, but to me it was better than being in the bed with Rave. However, it was making me a little achy.

"I'll just sleep down HERE," I had told her, "so we won't get on each other's NERVES, alright??"

Rave had replied with a scowl and went back to sleep. I thought about the way I sounded. I sounded horrible. But there was nothing to do about it now, so I figured I would go to sleep. However, I couldn't. Something kept me awake.

"Rave," I said, "you still awake? Rave??"
Rave turned, groaning, and mumbled, "Ahh...what do you want?"
"I thought we buried the hatchet. We apologized and everything."
"Well... that was just those things. I dunno."
"Hmm... well. I shoulda known that we'd still get on each other's nerves."
Rave paused for a while. Then I heard her sigh. "Sorry, Da'win."
"Sorry? Whatcha apologizing about now?"
"I did kinda start that last little argument we just had."
"You're admitting that?"
"Yeah. I started it. Sorry."
"Hmm... well, apology accepted."
"What exactly was I doin' in m' sleep, anywho?"
"Tossing, turning, and laughing... Were you dreamin'?"
"Ah, yeah...I was dreamin' of a great the kinda of parties me an' Crash an' Coco an' Danni had a long time ago..."
"Well, that would explain it."
"...An' it gives me an idea, too."
"What kinda idea...?"
"...I'll tell ya come the morn. I wanna sleep now. G'night, Da'win..."
"OK then... g'night, Rave..."

She fell back asleep quickly. So did I; for now I could sleep.
The next day, I actually woke up before anyone else did. I was amazed at myself. However, I had nothing to do since no one else was up yet, so I could only watch TV. As I sat down on the couch, I noticed Sarnie snoring and mumbling in her sleep. I looked at her oddly. She didn't seem very comfortable on the couch. I inched to the farther end of the couch to keep away from her. It was a while before everyone else woke up. I wondered exactly how early I had woken up. I checked the clock. Ah! I had woken up at six o' clock on the dot. I was amazed at myself again. I fell back asleep on the couch until eight o' clock, when everyone else finally started getting up. It was now two hours after the sun rose, and I wondered why they slept so long, being that they usually got up when the sun got up. When I heard them stirring, I stirred awake as well. The first to come into the living room/den area, Coco, asked me why I was up so early.

"Gee, Dar, this must be backwards day," she said. "You woke up early and we slept in later."
"Yeah... weird, eh?" I said, leaning on the back of the couch. Before she walked into the kitchen, I continued, "Where's everyone else?"
"Still waking up. Crash and Polar can be so lazy." She started to walk off again.
"And the dinosaur thing, too?"
Coco turned around quickly. "Darwin, don't talk about Rave like that!"
"...Uh...I meant Baby T."
"Oh...uh...yeah. Hehe."

Coco then entered the kitchen to get some breakfast. Then Sarnie began to wake up. I leaped off the couch as she stirred. I didn't want her to notice that I was there since she didn't like me very much.

"What a dream..." she yawned as she stretched. "I could live in that dream forever..."

I hid behind the couch as she entered the guest room to get her bag of clothes. As soon as she was out of sight, I reassumed my position on the couch. After a few moments, Crash and the three pets came around. Crash was hopping around on one foot, trying to put a shoe on, and the pets were following him as if he were some sort of leader.

"Mornin', Crash," I said.
"Mornin', Darwin..." Crash said before falling over. The three pets snickered and laughed. I would have as well, but I wasn't in the laughing mood.

Danni walked onto the scene and shook her head at the sight of Crash.

"Crash," she said, "why don'tcha just sit down and putcher shoes on?"
"I never thought of that..." Crash replied. Danni shook her head more, stepped over him, and went into the kitchen.
"Hey," I said, "where is Rave at?"
"I dunno," Crash said. "Still in bed, I guess."

I got up and went to the guest room. I knocked, then opened the door. The room was still dark; all the blinds and shutters on the windows were still closed. I shook my head.

"Wakey waky, Rave. Don't be lazy, time t' get up."
"Ugn..." Rave groaned. "Lea' me alone, Da'win...I'm sleepin'."
"Time to get up, though! C'mon! Let the sunshine in!" I barged right in and opened all the windows. "'Tis time for the day to officially start..."
Rave groaned as the light shined into her face. She finally sat up and muttered, "OK, OK, I'm up. Now go away."
"But I wanna know the idea you mentioned last night."
"What idear? Oh, OH - that idea. Well, I'll tell ya all later t'day as soon as I've eat'n. Now go away."
I shrugged and went into the kitchen. She joined us all after a few minutes, sloppily dressed and still half-asleep. She woke up finally when I stuck a cold bottle of milk on her arm. She also nearly gave me a fat lip after that. I'd better be careful next time. Only after we ate breakfast did we find out what Rave's big idea was.

As I finished slurping down the remaining milk in my cereal, I said to Rave, "So, when're ya gonna tell us all this idea?"
Coco looked up from her cereal and looked to me. "Idea?" She then looked to Rave. "What idea?"
"Is it a good idea?" Crash asked.
"It'd better be a good idea. We can't waste our time," Sarnie said.
"It hasta be a good idea if Rave thought of it," Crash said. I rolled my eyes.
"Well... how about I tell you all... as soon as you all get into yer daytime clothes," Rave said.

She noticed that Danni, Sarnie, and Coco were still in their pajamas. They nodded.
"Well," Coco said as we all gathered into the living room, ready for the day, "so what's the idea?"
"My idea is - and you'll get a kick outta it - a parta'!"
"A party?" Crash said.
"Yeah! I notice that you guys neva' have anathing like that. We need to dance an' stuff! Have a feast a' food! Y'know, fun, fun, fun!"
"We ALSO need money, money, money!" I said. "And we don't have that much, do we?"
"Well, we still 'ave music, eh? We can blast the music and dance all day an' night..."
"I don't know, Rave," Danni said. "A party? I think we should just let things go normal t'day..."
"That's th' thing about you guys, y' don't know how t' 'ave real fun!" Rave twirled Danni around, then stopped her. "Wouldn'tcha like tah dance with Crash like that?"
Danni dizzlily replied: "I... I, uh... oh, we can do without parties, Rave..."
"Pah! Y'all ar' party poopers, that whatcha ar'! Well, I'll just go blast the music outside by m'self..."
"Well, we're sorry, Rave, but there's also no room to dance in here..." Crash said.
"Improvise! Ya could move stuff. Anyway, you poopers, I'm goin' outside now."

Everyone else except me sighed. Somehow I knew they would give into Rave's party idea.
We soon had hours d'ouvres-like foods set up on a table in the middle of the living room, where the couch usually was. Everything in the way was moved to the side of the room, leaving plenty of room to dance in. Sarnie was getting drinks out, Rave was helping Crash get a stereo out of his messy room, and Danni was calling all the friends she could. As soon as Rave and Crash had gotten the stereo into the living room, Rave came over and looked at the tiny sign on the hours d'ouvre table.

"'Horse dovrays'? What the heck are those?"
"It's pronounces 'or-derv', and they're tiny snacks," I said.
"OK, Mr. Smarty-pants. What kinda snacks?" Before I could answer, she continued, "These aren't snacks, they're micro-crumbs! We need some REAL food 'ere...SOMEONE 'ere 'asta 'ave enough money to order four extra-large pizzas..."
"We don't. We have to deal with this."
"Ah... Hey, why ain't you doin' anything? Just hangin' around the 'or-derv' table? Why don'tcha go do something?"
"I did my part. I helped get out and set up the hours d'ouvre table and snacks."
"Well, ya could do more. Ya could 'elp Sa'nie with those glasses and drinks."

I noticed Sarnie stumbling about, trying not to drop two stacks of glasses that she was carrying. I sighed and decided to help her.

"Betta'," I heard Rave say. I couldn't believe I was taking orders from her, but I decided not to let it bother me.

The first guest to arrive was Jacko McSky, 'the flying kangaroo.' Danni introduced him to Rave, and they shook hands and all.

"Howdy, Jacko," I hear Rave say. "G'day, Rave..." I heard Jacko say.

I decided to come out from a back room that Sarnie and I were in to see Jacko. I had only seen him once before when he was busy in his hanger, and I wanted to refresh my memory. By the time I got there, I found that Rave had already chosen a dancing partner.

"'Ey, guys!" she said as she raced to the stereo, "how about we start crankin' up da music? It'll play as the rest a' th' guests arrive. Whadaya say?"

I don't think any of us had a choice. Rave immediately turned the music on full blast and put the radio on a cha-cha channel.

"Ev'rybody cha-cha!"
"C'mon, Rave, Jacko's the only one who's come so far!" Coco says.
"So? Th' otha's will be greeted by warm CHA-CHAs!" Rave grinned and plled Jacko over to her. "How about you be my dancin' partner fa' t'day? Y'know what they say, it takes two t' cha-cha!"
"I thought it was 'it takes two to tango'?" Jacko replied, befuddled.
"Ah, whateva', jus' dance with me!"

Soon, Shen Lo Ken arrived. Even masters of martial arts could have a party. I had only heard about him. I had wanted to meet him, though. He sounded strong. Rave was already introducing herself to him before I got to him. It seemed she had already forgotten about Jacko.

"...I'm Rave Dingodino, but only for tonight, you can call me 'Ravie'..."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Shen Lo Ken. You can call me Shen if ya want..."
"Sure, Shen..."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Shen Lo Ken noticed and went up to me.

"Are you Darwin Dingo?"
"Yeah... and you're Shen."
Shen Lo Ken nodded. "Nice to meet you, too." He shook my hand. "Crash has told me a lot about you."
"...Yeah? What did he say?"
"...I'd rather not tell you. But you look nicer than he says you are."

Shen Lo Ken then nervously inched away. I angrily went to find Crash.

Rave walked back up to Shen Lo Ken. "'Ey, will you dance with me?"
"...Sure, I guess...But later on no one had better tell Marlene."
"Ma'lene? Who's that?"
"My fiancé."
"Your FIANCÉ? Well, that takes all th' fun outta dancin'..."

Shen Lo Ken sweat dropped. Meanwhile, I found Crash and said:

"Crash! What did you tell Shen about me??"
"Don't play dumb! I know you've told him bad things about me! What didja tell him?!"
"I dunno what you're... talking about..." Crash nervously laughed and sweat dropped.
"Grr..." I decided to drop it and go away from him.

Soon, Monnika Muski and Sheila Fox arrived. Even more people I didn't know. I had to admit to myself that they were both cute. We also introduced ourselves, but afterwards, they left me alone. Drat, I thought, none are interested. It looked like I'd never get any dancing partners for the day. Gradually, more people arrived, and I introduced myself to them. However, none of the girls that came wanted to dance with me. The party went on all day; there was no end to it. By three o' clock, we had listened to the song "Cha Cha Ch" about 6 times. Rave enjoyed that song, and so did a few others, particularly Rodney and Dustin Dingo. They were the fourth and fifth men she had chosen to dance with this day, and they were enjoying it. Those three were the life of the party.

"To the left... Take it back now, y'all... one hop this time..."

Rave sung alone with the radio and danced to the instructions. So did Dustin and Rodney. Everyone else sat around drinking 7-up and watching them, most laughing when Rodney messed up.

"Cha cha now, y'all... last chance to get funky!"

Rave certainly was enjoying herself. I was guessing that we all were glad that we accepted her party idea. I smiled as I watched her cha-cha. I don't know why I was watching her so much, though. We all let out a laugh when Rodney fell. Even Dustin and Rave stopped and laughed. Rodney dusted himself off as he got up and laughed, too. By the time the sun was starting to set, the party was still going strong. Rave and Vector Yamakazi were dancing to a song Rave called in and requested on the radio: "Dancing Queen". It wasn't one that Vector particularly liked, especially since Rave danced to it very quickly, but he didn't mind it that much. We had danced to a lot of songs by now. Since I had nothing else to do, I kept track of them. We had been partying since eleven o' clock AM, so - that meant about 147 songs, give or take a few. After a while, a pizza boy knocked on our door.

"I'll get it," I said, bored. I answered the door.
"Anyone order six extra large pizzas?" the pizza boy said.
"Six pizzas?" Crash said. He then glared at Rave.
"Well... do ya see any of them 'hors divers' bein' et?"

Crash looked over to the hours d'ouvre plate. They were all still there, getting cold.

"Well... OK then. But this'll take a while to pay for. What kids are there?"
"Hmm... lessee," the pizza boy said. "One pepperoni with extra cheese, one mushroom and sausage, one ham, one extra cheesy cheese, one anchovy, and one supreme with every pizza topping you could think of."

Everyone's mouth was watering - especially mine. It looked like Rave had come through again. It didn't take any time for the pizza to wear down. Rave, Dustin, Rodney, Shen Lo Ken, and I ate like pigs. The girls seemed disgusted at how fast and sloppily we ate, but we didn't pay any attention to them. Now it was getting dark. We didn't bother to turn on any lights, though. I heard Rave say that nighttime parties were the best kind of parties. I wondered how she figured that. By now, Rave had already danced with every man that came. She seemed bored again, and the men wanted to rest from having danced so much. Their excuses for not dancing again when she asked them to were "I'd rather rest now," or "I'm too full to dance again," or "I've had enough dancing; you should rest up like we are."

Rave didn't want to stop dancing just yet, though. "C'mon, guys, one more dance," she would say. "C'mon, I'll make it a worthwhile dance...the parta can't die yet..."
"Rave," Shen Lo Ken said, "the party's not dying; we're all just taking time to rest up a bit. We might dance again with you later, OK?"

Rave pouted.

"Well, if you're that anxious to keep dancing," Shen Lo Ken continued, "then why don't you dance with Darwin? You haven't danced with him all day, have you?"
Rave looked over at me. "Him? Nah...he prolly wouldn't want tah, anyway."
"Sure he would. He hasn't danced with anyone all day, either. He must be lonely."
"Well... he does look a little lonely... OK, I'll get him."
Rave walked over to Darwin; as she did, Shen Lo Ken said, "Good on ya, Rave, dance with him."

Rave came over and tapped my shoulder to catch my wandering attention.

"Huh? What, Rave?"
"Would you... dance with me?"
"Yeah...Uh, if you don't wanna, then I undastand..."
"No, wait, sure I would. You're the first girl to ask me all day!"

One of those slow songs then came on the radio. Well, not a very slow song, but it was "The Shape of My Heart," a song that seemed to make Rave melt into my arms. We slowly danced, and everyone watched. In the back of the sitting crowd, Dustin was grabbing a tiny lamp and a red coloured glass. Rodney noticed him stirring.

"What're ya doin'?" Rodney said.
"Watch," Dustin replied.

Dustin took the shade off the lamp and pointed the lit bulb towards the glass, creating a red spotlight on Rave and I. We continued to dance slowly, step by step, following each other's movements. It seemed wonderful - no, it seemed even better than that. Rave was just as good a dancer as I was. When the song ended, it seemed that we had danced forever. We hadn't taken our gaze off each other's eyes since we started, and we almost didn't notice the song ending.

"Hey you two, the song's over now!" Coco said, giggling. That's when we stopped.
"I think they LIKED that!" Rodney laughed. Then they all laughed. Rave and I didn't laugh, we only nervously chuckled and sat back down.

Soon, nine o' clock came. We were all rather bushed now. Not a bit of the pizza was left, and the same songs the on the radio were being played over and over again. Rave didn't care if the party continued or not; she was satisfied with having danced with every man and having eaten all the pizza she could - a whole extra large anchovy pizza, sixteen slices, and not even getting the least bit sick. Of course, others could have gotten sick just watching her eat all sixteen slices. I sat out on the front steps, watching the moon. I wanted to howl at it ever so badly, but I decided not to, for I might scare someone. It was unusually cold, and I shivered as the wind blew. Then, someone came outside and joined me: Rave.

"Rave," I said, "you are a very good dancer."
"Yeah, you ar', too."

Rave smiled at me. I returned a smile, then looked into the starlit sky. I didn't notice, but as I looked into the sky, Rave was staring at me. She was looking at me deeply, as if concentrating on me. She thought, He has such… deep, brown eyes... just like... And... his fur... not brown, but golden... close enough. He reminds me so much of... him... something about Darwin... Just then, I noticed her looking at me. I turned towards her slightly.

"Wha...? Is there a topping stuck in my fur?" I searched my fur and jacket briefly.
"Ah, no, I was jus'..." She stopped and looked into the sky. I shrugged and did so as well.

Another gust of cold air blew by. Both Rave and I shuddered at its passing.

"Whoo, it's cold out here, isn't it?" I said.
"Yeah..." Rave said. She sounded distant. I looked over at her. She was red.
"Gee, Rave, you're so cold that you're turning red. Wanna wear my jacket?"
"Oh, no, that's OK..."
"C'mon, you're cold, aren't ya?"

I took off my jacket and covered her with it. She smiled a bit.

"Thank ya, Darwin..."
"No problem."

There was a long pause. I looked into the stars again, and she started at me again. Then, finally, she said:

"Da'win... do ya mind if I lean on ya?"
"Uh... no, I don't. Go ahead."

Rave inched closer to me and leaned against me, leaning her head on my shoulder. She smiled as she did, and I felt good to have made her comfortable.
An hour later, at about 10:14, everyone started to leave. They thanked us for inviting them and said their goodbyes. As soon as everyone left, we started to clean up. Crumpled soda cans and glasses were lying on the floor, as well as napkins and pizza boxes. We had to clean it up, and we did - all of us except Rave. She had gone off into the guest room to do who knows what.

"Hey, why isn't Rave out here helping us?" Sarnie inquired.
"She's in her room," I said. "She's probably too tired to clean from all the dancing and eating and stuff. Let her rest."
"And why are you sticking up for her?"
"I'm not... doing that! I'm just saying, maybe that's why she's in there."

I said nothing more and started to help. It took about thirty more minutes to clean everything up, so by the time it was 10:45, we were done, and we were pooped. We all immediately decided to hop in the bed and stay up no longer. When I entered the guest room, Rave abruptly stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. She was sitting on the floor, looking at a tiny frame she had gotten out of her bag. She quickly put it away.

"What was that?" I questioned.
"N... noth--it wasn't anything. Jus'... stuff." Rave was nervous. She zipped up her bag of things
"I think I saw something there."
"You didn't see anything. OK? It was NOTHING, y'hear? NOTHING."
"...Whatever you say."

Rave got her nightgown out of the bag and then zipped it up. Then she exited to room to change into it.

“I wonder what that was...?" I said to myself.

Hmm... I had the opportunity to find out right then. I could look in her bag and see what she was holding so cherished. However, if she caught me, then I would be in big trouble. I was torn; I couldn't decide. However, after a few moments, I decided that I wouldn't let my curiosity get the best of me. I decided to leave her stuff alone, and I figured that somehow I'd know about it in time. Rave soon came back in the pink nightgown again. She looked at me suspiciously.

"Did you look in m'bags while I was getting dressed fa' bed? You better have not."
"I didn't."
"You'd betta' be tellin' th' truth. Ar' you tellin' the truth?"
"I could swear it on a stack a' Bibles this high." I rose my hand above my head.
Rave scoffed and hopped into bed. "Well then. G'night, Da'win."
"G'night, Rave."

I hopped into bed beside her. I felt willing to stay in the bed with her again this time, hoping that she wouldn't be so hyper in her sleep this night. And luckily, she wasn't; it was a peaceful night. But I could have sworn I could feel her leaning against me as we were asleep that night.

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