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Episode 1 – A New Type Of Anger

Scene: The cockpit of Tiko’s airship
Music: WWF – Triple H’s theme (Instrumental)

Tiko was seen sat there in a deep state of mind…

Tiko: (thinks) Now that I’m out of jail again, I need a new plan… (sighs) I obviously feel like the stronger brother here… but how can I defeat the midget gem here? (strokes his chin) This is nearly impossible… (pauses, then speaks) A-ha!

He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and sketched something out…

Tiko: Yes! Yes! This should do the trick! (scrolls up the paper) Just wait ‘til the others hear about this! (leaves the cockpit for the conference room)

(As he dashes for the conference room, the title and opening credits run alongside Hi-Gate – “I Can Hear Voices”. When the music stops, the scene changes to the conference room)

The gang were sitting around a table, each of them chatting to each other. Then, just a few seconds later, Tiko came in the room with a new laser in his hand.


The gang stopped talking.

Tiko: Throughout my career as a kid with revenge, my brother has defeated me twice!
Deksta: Take it easy, bro…
Tiko: Look – he’s nothin’ but a pipsqueak with disrespect for us!
Hallie: As is everyone else on Earth.
Tiko: Look – my brother’s the important thing, right?

They nodded.

Tiko: Like, I have more power and guts than him, but he always stops my schemes! The big question is what does he have that I don’t?
Deksta: Weird hair.
Hallie: An N on his forehead.
Lio: A castle in Australia.
Komodo Moe: Goodnesssssss-knowsssss-how-many hencccccchmen…
Oxide: A brain, like you guys don’t.
Hallie: WHAT?!? (rises with her fists tightened) Ooh, I oughta…
Lio: Break it up, you two!
Hallie and Oxide: Sorry!
Tiko: At this point we should have an idea about what brought him to this peak of power, and his secret to success against us.
Hallie: I think the secret is probably that wolverine, Private Boron. You know what he did to us nearly a decade ago in LA?
Lio: Yeah. I won’t forget it.
Deksta: No, I think it’s something different.
Moe: What?
Deksta: Well, you know when we started taking hostages in about a few months ago?
Oxide: Yes. Please go on.
Deksta: During that process we were stopped by a so-called Crash Bandicoot, who escaped from the prison chamber, rescued the others and sent us back to jail.
Tiko: But not for long.
Deksta: Good point.
Tiko: Thanks, but you had a good point too. That rat seemed like the only thing that can stop us, because when Boron got killed and reformed into an egg he lost some of his strength.
Deksta: Oh, I see.
Tiko: Which is why we have a new plan ahead… (gets a scroll out of his pocket and unravels it) Our mission is to weaken the bushy dude’s power, and there is one way we can do that, and that’s to storm his home and kill him. This will leave my unsuspecting sibling helpless and he will soon fall into my power with this thing… (holds up his gun) This gun here will aim straight at the organism, keeping them under the powers of whoever shot it.
Lio: Hey – not bad for a human with a tail!
Tiko: OK, do I make myself clear?

The rest of the gang nodded.

Tiko: Right. Let’s move!

[Music restarts – Britney Spears – “Stronger” (Chorus)]

The gang raced into the weapon room, while Tiko headed straight for the cockpit…
Episode 2 – The Encounter

Scene - Crash’s house
Music – ‘Wonderland’ by Angela Via

(Crash is seen sleeping with Polar lying on him)

CRASH: Zzzzzzz…

(We then heard a ‘BAM!’ Crash jumps and he and Polar fall out of bed)

CRASH: What was that? Coco? Coco you OK?

No answer.

(Music stops. ‘Sleepwalker’ by The Wallflowers plays)

(Crash walks into the living room. She saw why Coco didn’t respond. Moe was covering her mouth with his hand)

CRASH: What the…? What are you doing here?!

Moe smiles and moves from in front of the door. Tiko walks in. Crash jumped.
CRASH: What do you want?
TIKO: Oh, nothing much.
Tiko took out a gun and was ready to fire.
Episode 3 – Light My Fire

Scene: Crash’s home
Music: Way Out West – “The Fall” (Instrumental)

Crash was suffering big problems with Tiko, who had his gun up to the head…
Tiko: Freeze… or die!
Crash: Neither!
Tiko: Look – you have a choice – this or you buy the farm…

Just then Pura came out from the kitchen.

Pura: Or you can scram and get lost, you dork!

Pura leapt on top of Tiko and scratched him in the face, causing him to pull the gun away from Crash, freeing him.

Crash: Thanks, tiger! (turns to Polar) OK, looks like Coco’s ours for the taking.
Polar: You bet!

The gang rushed back to Moe, who at this point had tied up Coco to her bedpost.

Crash: Free her now, or else!
Moe: Or elssssse what?
Polar: Or else THIS!

Crash and Polar performed a double team attack and threw him out of the window. Then they rushed to Coco and tried to free her…

Crash: Right. The only way to free her is by rope cutting, right?
Polar: Wrong, because you see this… THESE ARE BARBWIRES, IDIOT!
Crash: Sorry. I was only trying to help…

But soon enough, Tiko sneaked in from behind and threw them together over him.

Crash: Ouch!
Polar: You ain’t gonna get away with this!
Tiko: Oh yes I can! (dials the girls on the phone) Hallie! Deksta! Send in the dynamite, pronto!
Crash: (gulps) Dynamite?!?
Polar: Hang in there – we can sort it out.

Within a matter of seconds, Hallie and Deksta come in with explosives and tied them up on the ceiling.

Tiko: Scram quick, crew!
Crash: Hold it there – if you are going to get away with this I very much doubt you will!

He locked the front door on them and, alongside Polar and Pura, blocked it.

Tiko: Open the door, or else!
Crash, Polar and Pura: Never!
Deksta: Are you sure!
Crash: Of course we’re sure – whoever interrupted our life must pay!
Hallie: Are you sure you don’t want to use your lifelines – 50:50, Phone A Friend or Ask The Audience?
Polar: Ha ha. Very funny – NOT!
Hallie: We’ll show you funny!
Deksta: No time – the bomb! It’s on 15 seconds!
Tiko: Oh great! Now that the door is locked, how are we gonna get out?
Deksta: And more importantly, how did Moe get out?

She looked towards Coco, and then to her left. Then she saw an open window…

Deksta: Out of the window… Moe, wherever you are, you’re a genius!
Crash, Polar and Pura: Uh-oh!

The gang hopped out through the window and ran as fast as they can.

Crash: Now what shall we do first – them, the TNT or my sister?
Pura: Sister – we look out for each other!
Crash: But she’s tied up in barbwires!
Polar: Try the bomb! There’s only a few seconds to spare!
Crash: But how are we going do detonate it when I can’t jump up to the ceiling, even if I’m on top of you guys?
Polar: Guess we’re left with one choice… (looks around) PANIC!


(Music stops)

The bomb went off and Tiko and his gang were seen dashing away from it as fast as they can…

Tiko: There goes one target!
Deksta: That’s demolition with the capital D!
Hallie: Now for the other target! To the castle!

They started dashing towards Cortex Castle with confidence and dignity…
Episode 4 – Down, Dog!

Scene – Outside Cortex Castle
Music – ‘Right Now’ (chorus) by SR71

Dingodile is seen looking out in the direction of where Crash’s house once stood.

DINGODILE: What was that?

In some nearby bushes…

HALLIE: Looks like we got some competition.
DESKSTA: Don’t worry; this guy’s a flake. He’ll be down in no time!
Dingo is trying to figure out what might have caused the explosion when he saw Tiko, Hallie, and Desksta running toward him.

DINGODILE: What the…?

Dingo grabbed his flamethrower and was ready to fight. Hallie takes out her whip.

HALLIE: So we meet again, doggy boy!
DINGODILE: Look ‘ho’s talkin’

Hallie glared at him. She cracked her whip. It hit Dingo and held him around the neck. He grabbed it and chocked. She kept her hold until Dingo finally passed out.

DESKTA: This is going to be easier than I thought!

(They ran off, making their way to the castle)
Episode 5 – Secret of the Gun

Scene: Outside the laboratory of Cortex Castle
Music: Destiny’s Child – “Independent Woman part 1” (Coming from radio)

We see Private Boron lying down on the sofa suffering pain and scratching his arm up and down repeatedly. After a few seconds, Dr. Neo Cortex came out of the lab with a test tube solution and walked towards the young wolverine, who was howling in agony…

Cortex: Take it easy, Boron… (pours the solution onto the arm)

Immediately, Boron reacted with a scream.

Cortex: Careful – it’s not going to hurt! Be brave…

Boron howled quietly, as another drop of the solution went on the bruise. Then he started to regain courage.

Cortex: That should do it. How do you feel now?
Boron: (quietly and happily) WHOO!
Cortex: Now, next time, please don’t run into any more beehives.
Boron: YEAH! (smiles)

(Music changes – Darude – “Sandstorm”)

Just then, Tiko and the rest of the gang run into the room. Boron immediately growled at them and stood at guard.

Cortex: Remember what I said – be careful…
Boron: ROAAAAAAAAAAAR! (This isn’t a swarm of bees!)
Cortex: Just checking.
Deksta: (leers at Cortex) Ah, we meet again, eh pipsqueak?
Cortex: Who are you calling pipsqueak? (turns the radio off) And besides, how did you pass my henchmen?
Moe: Ssssssssseems like they got all tied up!
Cortex: Anyway, what are you up to this time?
Tiko: This… (holds up his new gun)
Cortex: That’s nothing new. That’s just a laser!
Hallie: (laughs) Not just any laser…

He fired the laser straight at a sunflower.

Oxide: Speak.
Sunflower: Why should I? (sticks its tongue out)
Lio: (blushes anime-style) See? It works!
Cortex: But it doesn’t work very well. This is just weak junk!
Tiko: GRRRRRRRR! You call MY gadgets WEAK JUNK? I’ll show you weak junk!

Tiko aimed the gun straight for Cortex, but he dodged it and dashed out towards the back door, when he notices…

Cortex: (struggles to get the door open) Oh! Keys!

He roots up his pockets for them, but they were empty. The gang closed in on him with extreme precautions.

Moe: Had enough, had we?
Cortex: I very much doubt it. Boron!

Boron came from behind and tried to tackle him, but Moe and the girls did a triple team attack on him and pinned him onto the ground.

Tiko: Say your prayers, dork! (aims the gun)

Cortex looked at the gun with panic and looked around for a way out, while…

Hallie: Keep him down – we should have him with us after this operation is done.

Boron roared madly and kicked the girls in the groins, then he took Moe down and pulled a submission. Then within seconds the trigger was set off…

(Screen fades white and slowly it fades back to a new scene – outside the castle. Music stops)

Boron was seen dashing as far away from the castle and towards the ruins of Crash’s home in panic…
Episode 6 – A New Evil Raising

Scene – The ruins of Crash’s house
Music – ‘To the Moon and Back’ [instrumental] by Savage Garden

Boron is running like mad. He stops when he sees what was Crash’s house. He was shocked at first but he knew what had happened here, Tiko. He sniffed the air and began to look around. He sorted through the rubble, looking for any survivors. He finally found one, Polar. He pulled him out and tried to wake him up. Slowly, Polar opened his eyes. He blinked and looked up at Boron, who smiled down at him.

POLAR: W-what happened?
BORON: Roar! Roar roar! (From the looks of it, Cyclone Tiko hit your guys’ house!)
POLAR: Yeah…. Oh no! What about the others?!
BORON: Roar! Roar, roar ruff! (Come on, I’ll help you look!)

The two run off in different directions. Boron finds Crash and Coco and Polar find Pura. They look down at the three and wonder what they should do with them. They then start to stir. They, too, open their eyes and start to get up. Boron and Polar let out a sigh of relief.

COCO: (looking around) Oh, no…
CRASH: Man, this guy is really starting to bug me!
BORON: Roar! Roar roar! (Come on, something’s happened to Neo!)
Then, they ran off asking no questions.

[Music changes - ‘The end Is Over’ [instrumental] by Powerman 5000 plays]

As they arrived, they knew there was something wrong. They didn’t run into anyone or anything on their way to the lab. When they got to the front portal they saw Tiko, Deskta, Hallie, Moe, Oxide, and Lio.

TIKO: We’ve been waiting for ya’, fuzzballs.
CRASH: Now what makes you think you can beat us when we’ll just cave your heads in like last time?
OXIDE: We’ve got someone new on our team.
COCO: Oh, really? Who?

Just then, Neo walked out of the shadows with a evil grin on his face.
Episode 7 – Cortex Powers

Scene: Outside Cortex Castle
Music: WWF – Christian’s Theme

The gang were shocked at the chance with Cortex as Tiko’s new recruit…

Boron: ROAAR ROAAAR! (Told you!)
Crash: No time for jokes now, kid.
Tiko: We’ll show you jokes!
Cortex: Exactly! I’ve been waiting for you, and I don’t have time to mess around!
Crash: (clinches his fists) We’ll show you a mess around…
Polar: HOLD IT!
Crash: Why?
Polar: Because he has a reason to live. Why kill him?
Pura: Take it easy, scary cat…

(Music changes – Safri Duo – “Played A-live”)

But suddenly, Cortex loaded his laser and shot it directly at the gang within seconds…


Polar: HELP!
Pura: At least it didn’t hit US. Looks like there’s gonna be some carnage here!
Polar: Pura, wait…

But it was too late – Pura was already charging towards Cortex at an average speed of 72 km/h (That’s pretty fast for a tiger cub )

Pura: You’re gonna pay for this!!!
Cortex: You really think so, do you? Taste this!

He immediately drew out Komodo Moe’s stolen blade, and was about to slice Pura like a sandwich, but the tiger turned back, screaming as loud as he could and chasing the crew back to the ruins of Crash’s home, with Tiko and his crew following him.

Crash: Hang in there!

There was an incredible gap between Pura and Cortex, who repeatedly shot his laser at the tiger…

Polar: This doesn’t look good…
Coco: I’ll save you!
Polar: But Coco, you don’t understand…

As soon as Coco started running for her target, a laser shot struck Pura in the stomach severely. She went over to heal him…

Coco: Are you okay?
Pura: (faintly) I very much doubt it.
Coco: Come on - let me help you out…

But before she could finish her saying, Cortex approached behind her with extreme precautions…

Coco: (turns around) Huh?

Then came the slash of the blade, causing a gory scratch down the arm. She collapsed onto the ground in no state to fight.

Crash: (screams) OK, Boron. There’s just the three of us now. Go for it!

(Music fades)

Boron had a worried expression on his face.

Crash: Er… what’s the matter?

[Music changes – Chris Rea – “Tell Me There’s A Heaven” (Instrumental)]

Boron then dug his face deep into Crash’s belly, hugging it as tight as he could.

Crash: I know your feelings, but we have no other choice.

Boron started crying.

Polar: He’s been trying to tell you why I didn’t want you to fight in the first place – we’re afraid of killing him.
Crash: I’m not…
Crash: What? What did I do?
Polar: Look – If we kill him, then all of his closest friends will miss him so badly. What do you think will happen to them if he goes?
Crash: How come he came back to life after getting killed in that last battle?
Polar: Remember the saying – you only live twice.
Crash: Oh. Then I guess they’ll cause suicide.
Polar: Exactly, so I guess the other way is to disable the trick.
Crash: There HAS to be a way…
Hallie: You can never find it, because Tiko has the secret… (immediately slaps her hands over her face)
Deksta: Let me guess – you said too much.
Hallie: Uh-huh.
Crash, Polar and Boron: (do The People’s Eyebrow and rub their chins) Hmmm…
Episode 8 – Boron Remembers

Scene – The ruins of Crash's home
Music – Z Fighters VS Cell (in final form)

Crash, Polar, and Boron are thinking about what Hallie had just let slip.

CRASH: Secret, eh?
POLAR: Maybe we have to get the gun.
BORON: Roar! Roar roar! (That could work!)
CRASH: No, that’s too easy, they would do something harder.
POLAR: But they would think that we think that it would be too easy and they would use it.
BORON: Roar! (Good point)
CRASH: You actually understood that?


COCO: (whispering) Just stay still, Pura, maybe they’ll think we’re dead.
PURA: (whispering) Right


CRASH: Maybe it’s a remote.
POLAR: Maybe…
BORON: Roar! (Wait!)
BORON: Roar! Roar, roar, roar roar! (I remember Tiko saying something about the only way to get Cortex back!)
CRASH & POLAR: What did he say?!
Episode 9 – A Springy Matter

Scene: The ruins of Crash’s home
Music: Gladys Knight – “Licence To Kill” (Instrumental)

Tiko and his crew were seen staring towards Crash’s gang, who were staring madly at Boron…

Crash: Well? What do we have to do?
Boron: Er…
Polar: Take your time.
Boron: Ooh… (covers his eyes up with a front paw)
Crash: Are you stuck?
Boron nodded.
Crash: Huddle up.

Crash, Polar and Boron huddled up while Cortex recovers from the long part of the battle…

Crash: Please, Boron – you HAVE to remember!
Polar: Yeah – you’re our only hope!

Boron kept on smacking his head with his paws, until…

Boron: A-HA! (raises a paw)
Crash: What?

Polar: Oh, I see – we have to brainwash him!
Crash: Just like Tiko did to his sibling! Good idea!

Boron smiled.

Polar: The question is, how are we gonna brainwash him when he can’t even stand still?

Boron got a rope out of his rucksack.

Crash: Brilliant! Let’s get to work!
Polar: What about Coco and Pura?
Crash: Oh… Boron, you distract Cortex. Polar, you fetch Coco and Pura back here. I’ll set up the trap.
Polar and Boron: Yeah!

The huddle was broken up, and they stood in a line, facing Cortex…

(Music fades out)

Crash: 82, 73… HUP!

[Music changes – Sash! – “With My Own Eyes” (Instrumental)]

The gang split up. Polar started dashing towards Coco and Pura…

Polar: Are you guys all right?
Coco: We’re fine… just that we’re badly hurt…
Pura: OUCH!
Polar: Here – let me take you back.

Polar assisted them back to the ruins. Meanwhile, Boron is having problems of his own…

Cortex: Please stand still… (fires his laser at Boron)

Boron kept on ducking and diving, until he was eventually cornered, and then he started screaming with panic…


Crash: Hang in there, Boron – the trap’s almost set.

Polar was seen climbing up, with Coco and Pura following him.

Polar: Be quick – it looks like Boron’s a gonner here…
Crash: OK! (sets himself on a bungee rope) Boron! Grab this!

Crash passes a rope down to Boron, who grabs it tightly.

Crash: Elevator going down… (jumps off the tree)

The jump caused Crash and Boron to switch places, only that Crash ended up behind Cortex…

Polar: Be quick!
Crash: (grabs Cortex) Elevator going up…
Cortex: HEY!

Boron jumped off the tree, causing him and Crash with Cortex to switch places…


Polar: Do you have the ropes ready?
Coco and Pura: Yes sir!
Polar: Get ready…

Crash and Cortex came up the tree, and within split seconds Coco and Pura came in with the ropes, tying their prey as tight as they could…

Crash: Great! Now for step 2…
Boron: WHOO!

Boron climbs up the tree, snaps a coconut off and hit it on the head as hard as anything…

Crash: Good show! Now what?
Polar: Er…
Coco: If we’re going to remove this power, then the only place we can go is…
Pura: …Cortex Castle!
Coco: Exactly! Let’s roll!
Tiko: (climbs up the tree) Not so fast…
Crash: Oh yeah? (throws some coconuts in Tiko’s belly)
Tiko: Oof… (falls down the tree)
Polar: Quick – let’s scram!

The gang dash off towards Cortex Castle as fast as their shoes could take them…
Episode 10 – The Hardest Choice On Earth

Scene – The laboratory inside Cortex Castle
Music – Kate Bush – “Babooshka” (Instrumental)

The gang were thinking hard of ideas on how to destroy the power of Tiko’s gun…

Crash: This is going to be harder than I thought…
Pura: We could do with SOME piece of help…
Coco: …but how?

Just then, Dingodile came into the labs looking bruised.

Dingodile: Hey doc – are you in… here… goodness gracious great balls of fire! What happened?
Crash: It’s a long story, and only Boron knows it all.

Boron nodded.

Polar: Now we’re just trying to remove the hidden power. Any ideas?
Dingodile: How about I pour water over his head?
Coco: Someone else came up with the idea, and it’s a very stupid one.
Dingodile: Oh…
Crash: Well, I guess the only idea I have left is brain surgery…
Coco: We can’t do that.
Crash: Why?
Coco: Because power impulses move too quickly. Does anyone have any other smart ideas?
Polar: We need to know the technical information for it if we…
Boron: AH! (dashes out of the room)
Pura: Now what is that wolverine up to?
Dingodile: Who knows, mate?

Boron came rushing back with a scroll in his mouth and he sent it over to Coco.

Coco: Thanks. (opens the scroll) So THIS is the technical information, huh? Where did you find it?

Boron went into the corridors leaving the door open, pointing towards the back of the castle.

Coco: Excellent. (examines the scroll) It looks like the only way to fix this is by a bit of magnetism, but I can tell that this isn’t going to be easy.

Crash: Why?
Coco: Because we don’t know which part of the brain the power is infecting, and why do you keep on saying “Why?” all the time?
Crash: Because I want to know!

Coco sighs.

Dingodile: Ever since Tiko was controlling him, I think the power is in the main part in the centre… (gets out a magnet and uses it to find the power) And I’m right!
Coco: Now we need a strategy. Dingo and Polar, you help me out in the operation. The rest of you wait outside.

Crash, Pura and Boron left the room for the waiting area, while the others got to work.

(Music fades)

Crash: Let’s hope they do well…

[Music changes – Frankie Goes To Hollywood – “Two Tribes” (Intro)]

Boron has a worried look on his face.

Pura: We know your feelings, Boron, but try to feel positive. I know that Coco and the others can do it, and so can you.

Boron still looks worried, and some tears are falling down his face.

Crash: Take it easy, Boron. Think about a plan to stop Tiko and his next scheme, whatever it could be…
Sunflower: What if they could start taking control of all the palm trees in the area?
Crash: I don’t know… eh? A talking plant?
Sunflower: Tiko made me do this.
Crash: Oh… (turns back to Boron) Cortex will be safe… believe me…

Boron cuddled Crash tightly by the belly.

Crash: (strokes Boron) Believe me, kid…
Episode 11 – Plant’s Plan

Scene – The lab in Cortex Castle
Music – ‘God Can Explain’ by Splender

(Boron is still hugging Crash. Crash is talking to the sunflower)

CRASH: Palm trees?
SUNFLOWER: Yeah, why not? They’re big and can be powerful.
CRASH: Hmmm…they could be a good weapon.
SUNFLOWER: There, ya’ see?
PURA: Um, Crash, you’re talking to a plant.
SUNFLOWER: And you’re a talking tiger.
CRASH: It’s got a point there.
PURA: I wasn’t talking to you!
SUNFLOWER: Yes, you were talking to the plant.
PURA: Ummmm…
CRASH: Anyway, Tiko is crazy enough to take control of the trees, too
SUNFLOWER: Yeah, unless we get to them first.
CRASH: And how are we going to do that?

(The four get into a huddle and whispering is heard)
Episode 12 – The Truth Awaits

Scene: The ruins of Crash’s home
Music: Sugarbabes – “New Year” (Instrumental)

The gang were standing over Tiko in a circle…

Deksta: Tiko… wake up… we got a treat in store…

Tiko rapidly gained consciousness, rubbing his belly in pain.

Tiko: Ouch… now what?
Hallie: (giggles) Do you notice something different?
Tiko: (rises) Well, all the palm trees are gone for start… (looks towards Cortex Castle) Eh? You made the palm trees move out?
Lio: Yep. Thank Deksta for that.
Tiko: Well, can you tell them to let me do the commands, because I have some unfinished business to take care of… (laughs)


[Music changes – Lonestar – “Amazed” (Instrumental)]

Crash, Pura, Boron and the sunflower were devising a strategy…

Crash: Next time Tiko and his crew mess with us, we’ll mess him up.
Pura: But… how?
Sunflower: Maybe we should set a trap. Then we can take them back to jail.
Boron: YEAH!
Crash: Yeah, but how do we know which way they’ll come in?
Pura: Good question…

Suddenly, Coco comes out from the laboratory. Immediately, Boron gazed at her with hope…

Coco: The operation is clear, despite a few mess-ups.

Boron nearly broke into tears…

Crash: (strokes Boron) Calm down – he’ll survive.
Coco: Of course he will. We’re now waiting for whether the power’s cleared up or not. You can come in.

[Music changes – Chris Rea – “Tell Me There’s A Heaven” (Instrumental)]

The gang walked in, and right in front of them was Cortex in a hospital bed (don’t ask me where it came from), resting slightly soundly. Polar and Dingo approached them in an instant.

Polar: We tried. We really tried, but the operation is… inconclusive.
Pura: (gasps) Oh geez…
Crash: What do you mean, “inconclusive”?
Dingodile: The power’s been removed, but we don’t know if the effects of it are still there.

Boron howled with worries.

Crash: So, how can we find out – just… ring the doorbell?
Polar: Any minute now he’ll wake up. Get that iron armour ready…
Pura: You’re joking!

[Music changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

Cortex started to regain consciousness slowly, but painfully. As it happens, the gang surround him with shock.

Crash: Take it easy, Boron – the truth will come.

Boron still looked pretty worried. Soon enough his mentor managed to sit up, holding onto his forehead in pain.

Cortex: Ow… my head…
Dingodile: (rushes up to him) Are you OK?
Cortex: Ouch… Where am I, and where’s Tiko?
Polar and Pura: (look at each other) Amnesia…
Cortex: More importantly… Argh! Why do I have this painful headache?

[Music changes – Duran Duran – “Ordinary World” (Instrumental)]

Both Dingo and Boron smiled and looked at each other.


Immediately, Boron jumped on top of Cortex and licked him to bits.

Cortex: Take it easy… (laughs) There’s no need to get THAT excited…

Boron stops licking.

Dingodile: Welcome back. (shakes hands with Cortex)
Cortex: Thanks, but does anyone have a clue where Tiko is? I have a score to settle.

[Music changes – Prodigy – “Breathe” (Instrumental)]

Sunflower: (shouts from corridor) I think we’re about to find out! Just look out of this window!
Crash: Let me see!
Cortex: I’ll come with you… (rubs his forehead) OW!
Dingodile: Stay put – you need to recover. (starts searching for something) Now where the heck did Pinstripe put it?

The gang rushed towards the window outside, seeing…

Crash: Check out all those palm trees coming here!

Boron screamed.

Coco: Looks like Tiko’s up to his tricks again…
Polar: Hang on… (turns to the sunflower) How come the gun didn’t affect YOU?
Sunflower: It depends on who told you the first command.
Pura: Oh… looks like we’re gonna stop that batch!
Crash: Yeah – let’s rock! (rushes towards the laboratory door) Hey Dingo! Are you coming or what?
Dingodile: (still searching for something) I’ll be there…

(Music stops)

The gang sneaked out without Dingo noticing, who finally found what he was looking for – a tank with sleeping gas.

Cortex: Let me go with them… AARGH! Please…
Dingodile: (slips in a breathing mask attached to the tank) You NEED to regain your strength. (activates the machine) Believe me…
Cortex: (lies down) But please… (starts to speak faintly) give… me… a… chance… (nods off)
Dingodile: Look – when I say you can’t, that means you can’t! Full… (looks around) …stop… (echoes) Where are the others?
Sunflower: They’ve gone to take on the Cerulean Wizard.

[Music changes – Britney Spears – “Stronger” (Middle 8 )]


Dingo dashed out of the lab as fast as he could, leaving the gas tank nearly empty and the door slammed behind him. Heading towards the exit at light speed, the sunflower looks on at him with a sense of hope. As he heads out of the castle, he embarked himself on a mission to catch up with the others…
Episode 13 - Tree Trouble

Scene - Just outside Cortex Castle
Music - 'Stronger' by Britney Spears (chores)

The team is looking at the on coming trees…

CRASH: Now there's something you don't see everyday.
COCO: No, not usually.

Tiko and the others are seen walking behind the trees with wicked smiles on their faces.

POLAR: Did somebody tell them to send in the clowns?
PURA: Come on, guys! Let's take 'em down!
DINGO: Not so fast, mate. We still need to take care of the trees! (points at them)
CRASH: How are we going to fight trees?
POLAR: With chain saws?
COCO: Ummmm... let's save that as a last resort.
DINGO (Pulls out flamethrower) I say we fight 'em like anyone else!
ALL: Yeah!

They all pull out their weapons and were ready to fight. After some time, there is nothing left but leaves and trunks of trees. Panting, they prepare to take on the baddies, who were still smiling wide.
Episode 14 – A Mystery Attack

Scene: Just outside Cortex Castle, the weather gradually changing from light and sunny to dark and cloudy
Music: Bomfunk MC’s – “Uprocking Beats” (Intro)

Crash and the others were seen head to head against Tiko and his crew. The Cerulean Wizard himself had one heck of an evil smirk on his face…

Crash: Let me guess – here comes a surprise.
Coco: Maybe not necessarily, but he may have ideas for another plan, in which he’ll use in the future…
Tiko: (laughs) Reform.

The remains of the trees were rejoined and they were revived, looking fitter than ever. The gang started to scream with panic.

Polar: This doesn’t look too good!
Dingodile: What do you mean it ain’t too good? Remember what you said, Polar – “you only live twice”…
Polar: Yeah, but that’s in the case of…
Dingodile: Details, details. (gets out his flamethrower and loads it) Stand back, cause I gotta make toast!

Dingo fired his flamethrowers right at the trees. In just 30 seconds what were evil-looking paradise plants became heaps full of hot ash.

Deksta: Grrrrrrrrr… YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!
Dingodile: (laughs and puts his flamethrower away) Ah, but I bet we can, mate!
Tiko: Recover.

The ash glowed… and the trees came back to life again!

Dingodile: This can’t get any worse… maybe in plant cases you only live thrice.
Pura: Don’t be stupid! Tiko has total control over those plants, so it may be that we have to try another way!
Crash: I have an idea! How about we knock them all out, bring them to the castle and remove the powers!
Pura: Plants don’t have brains, idiot.
Sunflower: (shouting from window) I HEARD THAT!
Crash: Well, I was just trying to help...

The trees charged up towards our heroes with ultimate speed and strength…

Polar: (panics) Any more bright ideas, anyone?
Rest of the gang: Er…
Polar: Well?
Crash, Coco, Pura and Dingodile: NO!
Boron: (shakes his head) UH-UH!
Polar: D’OH!

(Music stops)

Voice: That’s MY catchphrase!
Polar: Huh?

(Music restarts – Quo Vadis – “Sonic Boom”)

A bright green light was shot onto the trees from behind the gang, evaporating them all into the air.

Tiko: But… how can it be?

The shooter jumped out from the darkness – It was Cortex in a slightly poor condition!

Crash: Doc? But I thought you were too weak to fight!
Cortex: (panting and speaking faintly) I know, but I could sense that you were in trouble, so I decided to drop in!
Dingodile: But I thought the sleeping gas knocked you out…
Cortex: (speaking faintly) It was nearly empty, so there was no effect.
Dingodile: Darn!
Polar: Why are you mad? He saved us!
Dingodile: Yeah, but he’s in no condition to fight…
Coco: Who cares? At least we had an advantage on our hands here.
Crash: Good point.
Polar: Well, you can show that when you get back to jail, dork!
Polar: You, of course. (laughs)

Immediately, Tiko angrily shot his gun right towards our gang, but it missed!

Crash: Looks like if we’re gonna get past this dude we’re gonna need a… er…
Cortex: (faintly) A strategy?
Crash: Yeah.
Coco: Let’s see…
Episode 15 - Take Down Tiko

Scene - Just outside Cortex Castle
Music - 'We Are' by Vertical Horizon

The team is seen thinking up a plan…

CRASH: How 'bout the Doc, Dingo, and Polar keep guard in case the tree somehow come back again while the rest of us take down the baddies.
REST: Right!
TIKO: So, you think you're going to get away THAT easy, are you?
CRASH: Never underestimate the power of your enemies!
DEKSTA: Why should we, loser?

(Music changes - David Morales presents the Face - "Needin’ U")

CRASH: That's it... COCO! PURA! GO!

Crash, Coco and Pura dashed towards his target with extreme power and speed, attempting to knock him down... but his gun caught them...

CORTEX: (gasps) GUYS! HANG ON! (dashes towards Crash and the others)
POLAR: Wait! You aren't fit enough!

But it was too late - Cortex went on to tackle the gun power to rescue the others...


Eventually, Cortex blocked the gunshot by leaping out and when the firing stopped, Crash and the others were free...

CRASH: Ow... thanks...
CORTEX: (speaks faintly) Don't mention it... (pants) Let me take on Tiko... (faints)

Boron howled madly and dragged him out of the way.

CRASH: OK, so we're one member down... (turns to Boron) Take him back inside! (turns to Tiko) You're gonna be dead meat, mate...
COCO: And we mean it this time!
Episode 16 – Meltdown!

Scene: Just outside Cortex Castle, starting to rain
Music: WWF – Acolytes’ theme

Crash, Coco and Pura were staring at Tiko with anger, but also with fear...

Crash: If Tiko’s gun is meant to be THAT powerful, then how the heck are we gonna pass it?
Coco: I don’t know. YOU’RE the leader.
Crash: But how come Polar came up with my ideas?
Pura: Good point.
Tiko: Looks like I have you guys outnumbered 2-1! (laughs) With this gun I have the strength to brainwash the world… AND THEY WILL ALL BOW DOWN TO ME!
Crash: Er…
Dingodile: THAT’S A STUPID PLAN, MYTE! (loads his flamethrower) EAT THIS!

He fires his flamethrower right at Tiko, but as the smoke cleared up, he was all in one peace, and so was the gun.

Dingodile: OK, so that didn’t work.
Polar: If only if Cortex didn’t pass out, then we’ll have…
Dingodile: You what?
Polar: I said, if only if Cortex didn’t…
Dingodile: You gave me an idea! (turns to Crash and the others) HEY GUYS! HUDDLE!

The gang huddled.

Crash: So what’s your idea?

Dingodile: When Boron was taking Cortex in, he dropped his laser… (picks it up) If it can destroy trees, it can destroy anything else!

Coco: Even Tiko? Cool!
Dingodile: Take it easy – it’s not affective on everything.
Crash: I hope it works with Kryptonite… if that’s the power inside that gun…
Dingodile: Here… (gives the gun to Crash) Be careful.
Pura: I hope he would.
Polar: BREAK UP!

The huddle broke up and Crash immediately approached Tiko with caution.

Tiko: OK, so what plan do you have this time?
Crash: THIS!

[Music changes – Fragma – “Every Time You Needed Me” (Instrumental)]

Crash shot the gun right at Tiko, but a bright green glow shone from it, so he closed his eyes and started missing shots, hitting innocent trees and un-evolvo-ray’d animals.

Dingodile: I TOLD you to be careful…
Polar: Oh well… I guess we’ve messed up this time…

The power gauge on the laser went down gradually, and it counted down – 10 shots, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…


Crash stopped firing and opened his eyes. Right before him he saw that Tiko’s gun was melted down!

Tiko: (gasps) MY GUN!
Crash: HA! You’re going back to jail for sure!
Coco and Pura: YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH! (give each other 5)
Tiko: Not so fast…

He and the rest of the gang ran for the airship as fast as they can…

Hallie: Roger!

Everyone got in, and Crash chuckled.

Coco: Why are you chuckling?

Crash: I’ve rounded them up like sheep here! Here goes…
The airship took off, and Crash ducked under it and fired the last shot from the laser right at the airship’s boiler…

(Music stops)


The airship was destroyed and Tiko’s gang were seen flying.

Lio: Why does it have to be us?
Oxide: I don’t know, but we don’t want to know it in a million years!
Moe: We’re gone agaaaaaaain…
Hallie: Look on the bright side – at least we ain’t in jail this time!
Deksta: That’s good…
Tiko: I’ll be baaaaaaaaaaaaack…

The gang disappeared from sight.


(Some bongo music gets played)

Crash and the others were dashing towards the lab to see if Cortex is OK, but when they reach the door Crash himself immediately went to the sunflower…

(Music fades)

Crash: WE DID IT! (puffs) We made it, Flower! (pants) We… (pauses) Flower?

There was no response. It didn’t move at all – it just faced the sun.

Crash: “It depends who first commanded you…” (sniffs) THAT’S WHAT YOU SAID!
Voice: It was a new purpose…
Crash: Huh?

[Music changes – Westlife – “Flying Without Wings” (Instrumental)]

A bright light appeared through the window, revealing himself as a ghost…

Crash: Who are you?
Ghost: I am Snappy Gator, a childhood friend of Neo Cortex. If you’re wondering why I’m here, it’s because of Tiko.
Crash: OK, so what did he do to you?
Snappy: The gun was powered by – wait for it!

Crash nodded.

Snappy: Ghost power.
Crash: Ghost power?
Snappy: Yep. Tiko was a serious ghost hunter and after he broke out in 1993 he started collecting ghosts for his collection, including me.
Crash: What do ghosts have to do with psychic power?
Snappy: The ghost unleashed would take control of the brain as an electric spark. I took control of the sunflower, and it actually depends on which ghost is unleashed.
Crash: Heh… I guess that that’s a pipe dream come true here!

They both laugh as Cortex and the others came out of the lab, looking rather flushed…

Cortex: But I thought that… huh? Snappy? Is that… you?
Snappy: You guessed it kid!
Cortex: But… how…
Snappy: It’s a long story… (glows white) And all will be explained in the near future…

The ghost formed himself into a white spark and flew away from them towards the horizon…

Cortex: Snappy wait… (sighs) It’s too late now…
Crash: He said it’ll all be explained in the near future, so I guess that some day we’ll see him again.
Cortex: I suppose so… He’ll be back… And when he DOES come back, whether my siblings are in jail or not next time they mess us up, he’ll mess THEM up!
Crash: GO FOR IT!

The gang start cheering with joy and dashed towards another room in the corridor, where we will leave them until the next adventure…

(Credits run alongside N-Sync – “This I Promise You”)


Credits (in order or appearance) –

Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex
Michael Connor as Komodo Moe
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Nitros Oxide
Clancy Brown as Polar and Dr. Neo Cortex
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot
Scott Chisholm as Pura
William Hootkins as Dingodile
Jake Lloyd as Private Boron
Steven Williams as the sunflower and the ghost of Snappy Gator

Directed by: Carrie D (Crystal Bandicoot) and Bev Wooff (T-Rex)


Tiko: Yes! Yes! This should do the trick…
Director: Cut! An animal has entered the studio!
Tiko: Where?

Pikachu comes running onto the stage.

Tiko: A Pokémon?
Pikachu: (happily) Pikachu!
Tiko: (kicks Pikachu off-stage) SCRAM!
(We hear a ‘BAM!’ Crash and Polar fall out of bed)

CRASH: What was that?…

(Polar falls on his head)

Pura: You can scram and get lost, you dork!

Pura leapt on top of Tiko and scratched him in the face, but it caused Tiko to fire the gun, drilling a hole through Crash’s head fur!

Crash: What the…
Tiko: Er…
Pura: Looks like you’re having a bad hair day!

The cast and crew laugh, and Crash ends up blushing anime-style.

Crash: Does anyone have that hair-restore thingy?
Hallie glared at Dingo. She cracked her whip, but it hit Tiko and Deskta standing behind her. Dingo starts cracking up)

HALLIE: Oh, sorry…
Deksta: (leers at Cortex) Ah, we meet again, eh pipsqueak?
Cortex: Who are you calling pipsqueak? (rushes to the radio) Hang on… (looks all over the radio for something) I can’t find the power switch on here!
Deksta: (sighs) Pass him a manual on that thing…
POLAR: W-what happened?
BORON: Roar! Roar roar! (From the looks of it, Cyclone Tiko hit your guys’ house!)
POLAR: Yeah…. Oh, no! What about the others?!

(Just then, Crash sneezes)

BORON: Roar ruff. (Well, I think they’re OK, what do you think?)
Hallie: You can never find it, because Tiko has the…

Her hat gets blown off.

Hallie: HEY! (chases her hat)
Deksta: (sighs) Don’t you know we still have spares, sis?
Hallie: Oh man…
COCO: (whispering) Just stay still, Pura, maybe they’ll think we’re dead. Pura?
PURA: Zzzzzzzzz...
Tiko: (climbs up the tree) Not so fast…
Crash: Oh yeah?

He throws some coconuts at Tiko, but on the head, causing him to get knocked out as he fell out of the tree.

Crash: Looks like he’s taken a bash to the head…
********************************* Dingodile: Ever since Tiko was controlling him, I think the power is in the main part in the centre… (gets out a magnet, but it goes out of control) Aiiiiiiiiiiiii…

The magnet sends Dingo flying across the room and into the evolv’o-ray.

Dingodile: (Suffering pain) They call me… the man of steel… (slides down)
(Boron is still hugging Crash. Crash is talking to the sunflower)

CRASH: Palm trees? Ow! Too tight, Boron!
Crash: So, how can we find out – just… ring the doorbell?

(Doorbell rings)

Crash: Oh… (rushes off-stage) That would be my pizza…
Polar: (sighs) Don’t tell me it’s lunchtime already…
CRASH: How are we going to fight trees?
POLAR: With chain saws?

(Instead of saying her line, Coco starts cracking up)

CAST: (sigh) Not again...
Dingodile: This can’t get any worse…

Lightning struck between his legs.

Dingodile: At least it can’t hit me now…

Lightning struck again, electrocuting Dingo, who was screaming with panic. After the lightning stopped, he looked toasted.

Dingodile: (faintly) I’ve been made toast here... (faints)
Crash, Coco and Pura dashed towards his target with extreme power and speed, attempting to knock him down... but Tiko's gun failed to fire.

TIKO: Hang on... (expects the gun) (BLEEP)...
DEKSTA: Now what?
TIKO: I forgot the batteries.
Crash: WE DID IT! (puffs) We made it, Flower! (pants madder than ever) Ah…
Director: Now what?
Crash: (pants uncontrollably) I’ve got asthma again…

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