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Part 1: Bash Bandicoot

Tawna stretched her long, burnt orange legs and rearranged her lavender bikini. Slowly she stirred from the sunbed and stole a glance at her snoozing companion. His perfect orange face, the orange lids that concealed soulful eyes of green... she wanted nothing more than to hold wake him up and give him a big kiss. She didn't. Instead she continued to stare at him. Soon enough, as if he felt the gentle glow of her adoring gaze, he opened his eyes and smiled. She was his everything, and he reached out his hands to her, wanting to be encircled in her embrace. To him, she was the beginning and end to all that ever was. She loved him more than anything... nothing could compare to her love for him... almost. He was just like his father.

It had been a long time since Tawna had been face to face with Crash Bandicoot. For him, she no longer existed. But she remembered him everyday, having his one and only son to keep her mental images of him fresh in her mind.

After Crash's defeat of Cortex, the two of them had ridden into a magical night sky. That ride was absolutely unforgettable. Tawna, with her long arms wrapped around Crash had been blissfully happy. It seemed like the perfect ending.

Tawna thought she had everything she wanted -- an idyllic life with a world-saving hunk... Could a female bandicoot do any better? She was content until that day she was 'discovered'.

This day, like her memory of Crash bandicoot, was crystal clear, just thinking about it brought stinging and silent tears to her beautiful eyes.

She had just been strolling along N. Sanity beach, alone which was unusual because she and Crash were normally like Siamese twins. Suddenly she felt like she was being watched and turned round to meet the squinty eyes of a Potoroo. 'Don't stop walkin' doll,' the peculiar and suspicious creature grated, “That's just perfect.”

Well, to make a long story short and not bore you with the picky details that Tawna had imprinted on her brain, this Potoroo turned out to be an even seedier relation to Pinstripe Potoroo, Pizazz, who just 'happened' to be in 'show business'. His oily words swept Tawna off her feet and convinced her she would make a great actress. “The world's jus' waitin' for ya baby.”

Quickly she ran back to her and Crash's love nest, bubbling with excitement. To her surprise Crash seemed sceptical (yes it's possible, even if Crash didn't know what the word meant, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be sceptical) and unconvinced. Tawna, offended by the notion that Crash didn't believe she could make it, lashed out. There was fighting, tears, blood and even fur-flying. It ended with Tawna leaving with her packed bags. Try as she might, she could never forget that pained, 'little lost boy' look on Crash's face as she slammed the door on their love and life together.

As it turned out, however predictably, Pizazz's ideas for Tawna's stardom weren't quite what she had imagined. I'll give you one word -- blue. So Tawna was left with nothing, not Crash, not super-stardom, not even dignity. Or so she thought. In her darkest, loneliest hour she was blessed with a surprise to light up her life -- a darling baby bandicoot, the most valued souvenir of her and Crash's love.

Tawna now solely existed to love and support little Crash Bandicoot Jr (affectionately nicknamed 'Bash'). She so wanted to see Crash again but could not bring herself to do it. How could she, after the way she so cruelly left him? She still treasured the orange clump of fur she had torn from his gorgeous body during their horrible fight. Taking little Bash into her arms, she silently promised to keep herself strong and prayed that one day, somehow, little Bash would know his father.


Tawna snapped her head up. She'd done it again. The Satsuma sherbet ice always made her thoughts hopelessly turn to Crash.

"Sorry, sir, what was it you that you wanted?"

"The sherbet please, before Christmas."

The short, squat creature gave her an impatient grunt. It was impossible to decide exactly what sort of creature he was, but he was definitely pig like.

"There you go sir, have a nice day!"

She smiled cheerfully, wishing this unpleasant customer would just go so she could return to her favourite pastime -- daydreaming about, yes, Crash Bandicoot.

Mr. Pig-like turned heel and started waddling away, but then, suddenly, he turned around and stared at Tawna. His squinty eyes screwed up even smaller in his puffy face and he appeared to be thinking really hard.

"Have we met before?” he asked, aggressively.
"No, I don't think so, sir. Perhaps I've served you before?"

Tawna tried to be polite, but he was really starting to get on her nerves. Just go away, she silently willed him.

"No, I'm positive I've seen you before, someplace else.... "

Tawna suddenly felt a pang of panic. Damn that Potoroo!!! He had promised her he would never release those movies. But, of course, he did it anyway, and it seemed every sleaze ball she met had seen it. She took a deep breath and composed herself.

"I really don't think you have sir. Have a nice day and enjoy your sherbet!"

He grunted once more and slurped his sherbet down, and finally started to walk away.

Tawna had worked at Brio's Ice Hut for about six months. She hated it, but it was the only (clean) way she could put food on the table and straw over Bash's head. The only thing that made it bearable for her was Kiana Kangaroo.

Kiana Kangaroo had not known Tawna very long, but the two were already so close, they were practically sisters (that actually get along).

When Tawna had realised she could never return to Crash, she had felt so lost.... where could she go? She just walked and walked and finally she found herself on a dark beach. Staring into the full silvery moon, she felt she saw the man in the moon glaring at her, for all her stupidity and failures. Feeling completely exhausted and alone she sank into the soft yellow sand and cried herself into a troubled sleep.

It was Kiana who had found the damp, orange, crumpled heap the following day. It was she, who, with the help of her brothers, had carried Tawna to her small shack further along the beach. It was she who had nursed the barely alive Tawna, who drifted in and out of consciousness, not wanting to face reality. Tawna did not even seem to know Kiana existed, murmuring 'Crash, Crash' over and over again. Kiana did not care that Tawna ignored her, being the selfless, large-hearted soul that she was she only cared that Tawna continued to breath.

One day Kiana returned home from a day at Brio's Ice Hut, expecting to see Tawna in her usual self-induced coma. To her surprise Tawna was sitting up, cradling a strange bundle. Feeling curious, Kiana slowly approached her, trying to find out what Tawna held in her arms.

Upon seeing the cute baby bandicoot, and getting over her initial amazement, Kiana cooed softly, "He's gorrrrh-jus...."
"Just like his father," Tawna said, smiling warmly at Kiana.

Since that day Kiana and Tawna had been firm friends. Kiana loved little Bash almost like he was her own, though of course her love couldn't compare to Tawna's. Kiana even got Tawna the job at Brio's, once Tawna was able to pry herself away from Bash and was always there for babysitting. Not that Tawna went out much.

Yes, Tawna owed much to Kiana Kangaroo, her very own marsupial guardian angel.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.... MOMMMMMMMMMM-MEEEE!!!!!!!!!"
"Wha...?" Tawna yawned and pressed her face back into the soft pillow. "What is it baby?"

Bash stared at Tawna with his large green eyes and grinned widely, a smile reminiscent of his father.

"It's SATURDAY today... remember? Today we're going with Auntie Kiana fishin'... Mommy don't go back to sleep... the sun's up!" Bash started swinging Tawna's hammock enthusiastically.

Tawna stifled a moan. The trip. Damn. A whole day shoving worms on hooks was not exactly her idea of fun. What she really wanted to do was lie in bed for 4 days. She lifted her head up and glanced at little Bash who was by now singing 'Row row row your boat..." off key and swinging her in rhythm to the tune. One look at his melt-butter face melted her heart. She started getting up just as Bash gave the hammock a particularly forceful swing and... BAM. Tawna found herself on the floor. She slowly got to her feet and rubbed her head. I just know I'm gonna have a bump, she thought grimly.

"Great, Mommy's awake now!" Bash jumped into the hammock and started swaying and swinging, and succeeded in knocking Tawna off her feet again.
"ARGHHHHHH... That's it I'm gonna get ya now!" Tawna growled in her most threatening and serious voice.

Bash squealed. Tawna scooped up the little wriggling orange fur ball.

"Death by tickling!" she announced and proceeded to do just that.
"No no no" Bash screamed, loving every minute of it.

15 minutes later a knock at the door interrupted their fun. Tawna carefully disentangled herself from Bash and got to her feet. But she was too slow. Little Bash was already running to the door.

"AUNTIE KIANA!!!!!!!!" Bash clapped his little hands together with joy.

Kiana smiled at her 'nephew'. She playfully tousled his little tuft of hair.

"You're messin' my hair!" Bash giggled, hugging her legs.
"Oy! Lazybones, get off yer bum and sort yerself out. You can't expect to go outside looking like that, ya look like something the bobcat dragged in. Me and Bash wouldn't be caught dead with you!"

Kiana teased, looking at the somewhat rumpled Tawna sitting on the floor, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. Tawna stuck her tongue out and threw a pillow at Kiana. Kiana picked it up, ready to whack Tawna, but Bash stood up and spread out his arms like a policeman.

"Stop! We gotta get dressed or we're never gonna get to go fishin’!"
"He's got a wise head on his shoulders there... You go and get dressed while I get him sorted." Kiana hoisted Bash up onto her brown shoulders and headed to his room.

Tawna stared into the water, mesmerized by the gently rippling waves. She dipped her hand into the warm, salty liquid and closed her eyes. The enthusiastic voices of Kiana and Bash slowly faded away, and Tawna concentrated on the sounds of the sea. As the boat bobbed softly on the almost calm waters, Tawna felt herself drifting into her thoughts. Soon she was no longer on Kiana's boat but instead on " The Sea Crystal", a pretty little boat Crash and her often rented out, back in those days, when they were still in love. Keeping her eyes closed she could hear Crash singing one of his 'serenades'.... "Tawna oh Tawna, You know I wanna, Tawna Tawna... my bayyyyyyy-beeeee!!” Hopelessly out of tune of course, but to Tawna Crash had the voice of an angel. Lost in her memory she opened her eyes, and pulled herself up. She gazed at Crash and smiled. He grinned back, and then returned to singing and strumming the guitar, which he pretended to know how to play, thinking would impress Tawna.

"Tawna! Wake up, Bash has got himself a big one... you ok hun?"

Kiana felt a little concern in her tugging at her heart. She felt Tawna's head.

"No no, I'm fine. Really, just a little tired, that's a-..."

Tawna's ears pricked up suddenly and she froze.
"Look Mommy look" Bash pressed a dead fish underneath his mother's nose. "Isn't it BIIGGGGG?? (pause) Mommy?"

Tawna wondered if she was still asleep. Because in her ears the familiar voice of a certain Bandicoot was ringing in her ears… The voice was getting louder. She turned her head, looking all around her. She gasped.... In the distance a bright splash of orange was becoming clearer... Could it really be Crash?

Tawna eyes squinted and her body stiffened even more at she tried to make out the orange figure on the boat, with growing desperation. Huge sobs were threatening to escape from her throat, and she felt her palms go all sweaty.

"What's wrong with Mommy?" Bash asked, feeling confused.

He didn't like it when Mommy ignored him.

Kiana frowned, just as puzzled and confused. Not wanting to worry the little guy she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the other end of the boat.

"Your mom's just thinking, let's go see if we can get you an even bigger fish!"

She quickly looked back at Tawna. She'd get to the bottom of it later.

The boat slowly drifted nearer, and a sharp sob escaped from Tawna's throat. It was Crash! On the Sea Crystal! What was he doing here? She felt like she couldn't breath, her mouth went completely dry, her chest felt like it was tightly wrapping itself around her quickly beating heart. She felt so many things. She wanted to scream for joy. She want to cry and cry... seeing him brought back so many painful memories. She wanted to jump off the boat and swim to his, say she loved him, always and forever, hold him and never let go. She also wanted to run away, she wanted to see him so much she couldn't handle it. Tears flowed freely down her face. Her whole body bubbled with all the conflicting emotions. She was shaking. She strained her ears to hear his singing better. Their song! He still loved her, still thought about her...

Suddenly, Tawna froze again. Crash was not alone on the boat. She watched as a female figure came into focus and wrapped long yellow arms around Crash's orange torso, and kissed him on his cheek. She watched Crash smile at the stranger, a smile that had once been hers. And she heard the words of the song clearly too, it was their song, but different words, words that didn't involve Tawna anymore. He had found someone else. Tawna felt everything in her collapse. Her knees gave way; she crumbled to the boat's floor. She allowed herself silent tears then pulled herself up, wiped her eyes. He's moved on, I must too, she promised herself without much conviction. Turning away from the figures on the boat, she walked over to Bash and Kiana.

"Baby, can you show me that fish now?"

Bash grinned, happy to have his old Mommy back. "I caught it with my own two hands!" he bragged.

Kiana smiled uncertainly as Tawna and Bash giggled and played with the fish. Bash was trying to make Tawna kiss it. She had been watching Tawna and had followed Tawna's gaze to a nearby boat. She stared at the boat again trying to figure out why it had so much effect on Tawna. 'The Sea Crystal', she read. She analysed the figures on the boat. An orange and a yellow figure were pulling out of a loving embrace - a bandicoot and a dingo, Kiana guessed. The orange bandicoot seemed eerily familiar to Kiana. She wondered… Have I seen him before? A high-pitched squeal from Bash momentarily broke her concentration. Then it came to her. He looked just like Bash.

Bash skipped along the sands, a bucket in one hand and his mother's hand in the other.

"You sure you don't want me to carry that for you baby?" Tawna asked, thinking about the fish overflowing from the bucket.
"Nope, I'm strong!" Bash let go of Tawna's hand to flex his small skinny arm. "See?"

He put his arm around his mother's leg and sighed contentedly.

Kiana lagged a little behind the happy couple, her steps slower, her forehead screwed up in concentration. She had never asked about Tawna's past, she only knew what Tawna decided to share. As curious as she was, it was not in her nature to pry. But she badly wanted to know about this stranger on the boat, the stranger who looked so much like Bash, feeling all these questions on the tip of her tongue. She bit them back. She'll tell me when she wants to, Kiana told herself.

Tawna lay in her hammock, one arm behind her head, the other on her swollen stomach. She felt slightly sick. Bash had insisted on having fish for dinner and, as much as she hated fish she couldn't stand to see her baby's eyes fill with tears. She had had six helpings of fish. She turned over, still uncomfortable.

Her throat became tight as she thought about Crash again. She sniffed, trying not to cry. But it hurt so much. She had always harboured hopes of her, Crash and Bash being reunited, someday, she didn't know when or how, but the possibility always cheered her up. Perhaps she could pretend he had never existed. Then, thinking of Bash, she realised that was impossible. She had promised herself Bash would meet Crash one day, she couldn't rob him of the right to meet his fabulous father. And Crash had the right to know he had a son.

After a restless night, Tawna watched the sunrise, bringing light into the dark living room. Bash was still sleeping soundly; his snores were as comforting to Tawna as the sound of a gently beating heart. Even if they did keep her awake sometimes.

She knew she had to try and find Crash again. Perhaps he was still near, he could even be still on the same sands her shack stood on. Tawna shivered. She didn't really know what exactly she was going to do. If she thought about it too much she would lose her nerve. She would search for him today; see what happened. And if she found him... well she'd think about what to do then.

Kiana stared into space, chomping on her Captain Kango Pops mechanically. She wasn't properly awake yet. She almost didn't hear Tawna knocking at her door.

"Wha-... oh... knock... at the door... "

Yawning, she opened the door to see a flustered Tawna holding Bash in her arms.

"Morning hun, mornin' fur ball... what are you doing here so early on a Sunday morning?"

Kiana rubbed her eyes, trying not to look half asleep.
"Kiana! I'm so sorry to bother you... but... I have to go somewhere... can you watch Bash?" Tawna panted.

She had run all the way from her shack, anxious to get started on her quest. Bash had enjoyed the 'horsy ride' on Tawna's back. She kissed Bash and placed him in Kiana's arms.

"Bye baby, and thanks again Kiana, I owe you so much!"
Kiana was starting to wake up a little more... "Wait a minute... where ya going and when will you be back???"

But Tawna was already too far away to hear.

Kiana sighed. She watched as Bash proceeded to tear around her small sitting room, jumping on all the eclectically placed furniture, her quilted tablecloth wrapped around his little shoulders like a cape. The room was a total tip, even for her, queen of clutter.

"Auntie Kiana, why aren't you playing anymore?" Bash started circling around the dazed Kiana, making vroom vroom sounds. "I'm Super Bash and you are my trusty sidekick!"
"I'm sure your mom always makes you have a nap in the afternoon... "

I could sure do with one... where does he get all the energy from, she thought to herself wearily... that's the last time I let him eat 5 bowls of my Captain Kango Pops. As energetic and 'up for anything and everything' as she was, 10 hours of entertaining Bash was starting to tire her out. Being careful not to step on the 'cape' she made her way to her favourite beanbag and flopped into the softness.

Bash gave her a look of total disgust. " Naps are for babies!"

But Kiana could see he was exhausted too, she reached her arms out for him.

"C'mere and sing me to sleep, big boy. Maybe you're not one bit sleepy but I'm gonna take a nap." She pouted at Bash pleadingly, and patted her lap.
"Ok.... " Bash spoke in his most reluctant voice.

Her lap did look very inviting.

Sure enough, clasped in Kiana's strong brown arms, the last words of Tawna's Lullaby on his lips, Bash dozed off into a deep sleep and started snoring. Kiana smiled and started to allow herself to drift off too. But not before glancing at her watch. 4.52pm. Where was Tawna?

Tawna slumped onto the golden sands. She rested her chin on her knees. The sun was starting to set, casting glorious rainbow colours across the tranquil waters. Waves gently lapped at her toes. She had been searching for Crash non stop for 10 hours, she had described the appearance of her orange beloved to every beach dweller and passer-by. Nothing. He had probably left Seahorse Shores already. Maybe fate was trying to tell her something. All the confidence she had worked up, all the mental rehearsal she had done imagining what to say to Crash was quickly evaporating. Perhaps it was a good thing she hadn't found him.

She got to her feet, brushing off the gold dust of her cropped jeans. She enjoyed the sunset for a few minutes more. Then coming to her senses, she realised just how late it must be and gasped. Oh my goodness, she thought, putting a hand to her mouth. Kiana must be out of her mind wondering where I am. She couldn’t believe that she had just dumped Bash on her best friend without any explanation at all. Feeling her stomach suddenly growl and bubble insistently she remembered she hadn’t had a thing to eat since the night before. The parade of shops and cafes wasn’t too far away… perhaps a takeaway treat might help to make up to both Kiana and Bash.

By the time she arrived at the parade the sky was a dusky purple, and the lights radiated from the colourful terrace of little buildings, a cosy yellow glow. She stopped outside Kieran’s Kafé, which was actually run by one of Kiana’s many brothers. Bash just loved the burgers and they were the only place that sold a decent breaded veggie and tofu bap, according to Kiana. She pushed open the door.

“Heyyyyyyyyy UberBabe!” Kieran himself was serving the customers and he shoved the tray he was carrying into the arms of a nearby wombat waitress.

He made his way over to Tawna, a dashing and friendly grin on his handsome face.

“What’s up? I don’t get to see the lushest bandicoot babe on the beach often enough these days.”

Tawna blushed slightly. Kieran was so friendly to her, and so sweet to Bash too. Kiana often said that he had a thing for her, but she didn’t believe it. Romance was a pretty much dead department in her current lifestyle anyway.

“I just dropped by to get Bash and Kiana something for dinner… and of course your café is the best place on these sands to get a meal!”
“Can’t argue with you about that… but I thought you came just to see me… I’m crushed…” He comically pouted with mock misery, pretending to wipe tears from his brown eyes. “Anyway, what can I do for you?”

Tawna smiled again and gave him her order. She giggled politely when he showed off, tossing the burgers in the air, and when he disappeared into the kitchen she turned away from the counter and let her eyes wash over the vibrantly alive café. She gazed longingly at a koala family. The little boy pinching his dad’s chips had pants a lot like Bash. The dad had a warm smile and was gazing adoringly at his wife, who was bottle-feeding a little baby. I want that, she thought enviously. Suddenly she felt eyes drilling into to her. She turned her head, wondering who was looking at her. Then her jaw dropped.

Crash Bandicoot.

Tawna and Crash stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed an eternity, their jaws equally agape. Staring, searching… Tawna once again felt unable to breath. She also seemed unable to move or speak. It had been so long since they had looked into each other’s eyes. But this time they were not looking with gazes of unending love, it was with shock and surprise.

Crash was the first to break the hold. He dropped his gaze and turned to his companion, who was totally baffled. Tawna watched his lips move as he spoke to the yellow dingo, probably explaining. She faced the counter to meet the eyes of Kieran, who gave her a puzzled smile.

“Your order ma’am… “ He held out the paper bag to her. “Give a big Yello to my man Bash for me.”

Thanking him again she turned around and found Crash right at her side.


She gripped the bag to her tightly, as if seeking the strength from it. She opened her mouth and forced out a strangled reply.


It was so painful just saying his name out loud, after all this time. She tried to disguise her nervousness with a bright smile.

“IT IS YOU!” Crash exclaimed, breaking out into a wide grin.

He gave Tawna a big bear hug.

“Yea… I guess it is… “ Tawna felt the sides of her mouth begin to ache because of all the effort she was putting into her smile. He squeezed really hard.
“Imagine seeing you here, of all the places. Long time no see huh? How long has it been? Like 5 years right? Gee, I almost didn’t recognise ya. But those eyes, I knew it had to be you. You’re still as yummy as ever, even more I think! How did that whole Pizazz thing work out in the end?”

Tawna just nodded and smiled, still in shock. She couldn’t believe what was happening. And that it was so different than she had imagined. She had always run through this scenario of meeting Crash again in her head, picturing all this emotion. But here Crash was, chatting fluidly to her like she was an old friend. He barely seemed to remember their painful break up and just how much they had been in love. Perhaps, for him, 5 years was a really long time ago.

Crash continued chattering on, “And oh yeah, by the way, this lovely female is Danni.”

A lithe and attractive blonde dingo was immediately at Crash’s side. She extended her hand to Tawna, and grinned warmly.

“Danni Dingo.”

Tawna stretched out her own arm and shook hands robotically, the wide smile still plastered on her face. She wanted to hate this new love in Crash’s life, but she was so pretty and friendly, it was impossible.

“Tawna Bandicoot, I’m an old mate of Crash’s.”
“Yea, ‘course. Crash has mentioned you before. Crash, why don’t we invite Tawna to share dessert with us?” Danni gave Crash a sharp nudge.
“Yea definitely! We have so much to catch up on!” Crash piped up enthusiastically.

Tawna didn’t know what to say, but then she remembered the brown bag still tightly clutched to her chest.

“Ohh, I’d love to but I can’t, I really have to get back home. My… uh… friend asked me to get takeout. And it’s getting cold. So I have to go.”
“Yea, ‘course, we understand. It was nice meeting you Tawna.” The yellow dingo gave her another friendly grin. “We have to all meet up again.”

Tawna started to make her way towards the door, and then stopped abruptly. “Actually we do. Crash, we do have a lot to talk about., and I have something really important I need to tell you. Please say you’ll meet me here tomorrow, at 3pm. I don’t mean to be rude at all Danni, but I’d really prefer to talk to Crash in private. Can you be here tomorrow Crash?”

Crash gave her a puzzled look. Her mood had totally changed; she was acting so serious all of a sudden. It wasn’t like Tawna to be dramatic. He exchanged raised eyebrows with Danni.

“’Course Tawna, tomorrow, 3pm!”

He scratched his head, trying to guess what the big news was. She had something of his? She was going to be the first bandicoot in space?

“Until tomorrow then… “ Tawna exited the shop and disappeared into the darkness.

Tawna ran at full speed to Kiana’s shack, feeling this overwhelming sense of needing to get away. She was quite out of breath by the time she reached the tiny shack. Staring into the window she could see Kiana and Bash curled up together on a beanbag, sleeping and snoring soundly. She felt for the key buried into the soil the hanging basket of flowers and then let herself in quietly. She made her way towards the kitchen corner, meaning to set out all the food before they woke up.

But Bash, totally in tune to his cherished mother, opened his eyes and screamed with joy.

“MOMMY!!” He leapt up and jumped on Tawna, almost knocking her to the floor.

He attached himself to her legs happily.

Kiana woke up, startled. She yawned and looked over at Tawna. She narrowed her eyes.

“Where the he - (she glanced over at Bash) – heck where you? You’ve been gone for almost 12 hours!”
“I’ll tell you later,” Tawna looked at Kiana meaningfully, “Right now, I’m sure you’re both as hungry as I am – I’ve got us takeaway from Kieran’s!”

She limped over to the kitchen counter, Bash still attached to her leg.

They enjoyed a nice dinner together, all so hungry they wolfed down the first helping of burgers, chips and salad quickly and without talking. Over the following helpings, they chatted animatedly and Kiana and Tawna both laughed heartily at Bash’s jokes and made up songs. Kiana invited both bandicoots to spend the night, as it was already past Bash’s bedtime. Bash looked at Tawna pleadingly. He loved it whenever they had a sleepover at Kiana’s – it meant he got two bedtime stories and chocolate cereal in the morning!

“’Course, baby, I need a girly chat with Kiana anyway.” She moistened her tissue, leaned over and wiped salad dressing off her son’s forehead.

Once Bash was all washed and tucked up in bed, snoring deeply, Tawna followed Kiana into the kitchen, where the kangaroo started boiling water for herbal tea.

“Are you going to tell me where you were today?” Kiana didn’t look up at Tawna, concentrating on watching the bubbling water.
“I am, and more. There’s so much I need to tell you. I never wanted to talk about it before, because it was so painful for me, but I think I need to share it with you now.” Tawna chewed her lip, wondering where to start.

Kiana stared at Tawna with great curiosity, giving Tawna her undivided attention while Tawna recounted her story right from the beginning, from a description of the first day she met Crash Bandicoot right to what happened at the cafe hours earlier. The boiling water continued bubbling and boiled over, extinguishing the flame, but neither noticed.

When Tawna had finished, she and Kiana just looked at each for a few moments of silence. Kiana let everything sink in. She felt so much sympathy for Tawna, who had kept all this hidden inside herself. Tawna made this Crash Bandicoot sound like the greatest, nicest, most heroic and most perfect guy that ever was, but Kiana felt that he couldn’t be that great for letting someone as wonderful as Tawna slip away so easily and replace her in almost no time at all.

“So… you’re going to tell Crash that he has a son tomorrow?” Kiana reached out and patted Tawna’s hand reassuringly.
“Yes… that’s the plan… gosh… I have no idea how he’s going to take it!” Tawna buried her head in her arms and started shaking nervously.

The clock hand discreetly moved to show it was now 2.36pm. Tawna blinked. The time was passing unbearably slowly. She had been glancing at the dolphin shaped clock obsessively. Her neck was starting to get a cramp. Rubbing it she returned her attention to the counter she was unenthusiastically cleaning. In 9 minutes her shift would be over. Suddenly a rasping, grating, nasally voice made her jump.

“Am I paying you to daydream?” M. Brio squinted his eyes at Tawna and grimaced, making his unattractive face even more ugly. Unlike his sibling N. Brio he had never been a genius capable of assisting a megalomaniac – while N. Brio had now retired to running a successful chain of trendy cocktail bars, he had never managed more than this pitiful ‘Ice Hut’. After many years of being compared with his younger brother he had become deeply bitter, discontent and introverted. He never had a kind word for anyone… but then why should he, when no one had one for him?

Tawna paled. She so disliked M. Bio, but she knew better than to talk back to him.

“I’m so sorry sir, I have a lot on my mind.”
“I highly doubt that,” M. Brio smirked, “You’re going to be staying an extra shift to make up for the time you’ve wasted.”

Tawna felt like bursting into tears. She couldn’t miss her appointment with Crash, after working up herself so much.

It was Kiana, counting the money in the till, who came to Tawna’s rescue, knowing how important it was for her to leave.

“Just let her go Methane, give her a break. She works her butt off for your skint wages. And if precious money means so freaking much to you, I’ll stay an extra hour to make up for her so-called ‘time-wasting’.”

M. Brio reddened. He hated being called by his ridiculous first name. That, coupled with his childhood flatulence (it had been a medical condition!) had been the bane of his existence, next to his oh so great brother Nitrous. He looked angrily at the few customers who were now staring at him with looks of disgust and curiosity. He sniffed and turned his back on Tawna, moving back to return to the small room behind the hut that doubled as his home and office. He knew that he was beaten.

“Just go! Not like we have that much business anyway… ” He muttered.

It was now 2.47. Tawna thanked Kiana, over and over, before rushing out of the hut to make her way to the beach parade.

She burst into Kieran’s Kafé. Her eyes darted frantically around the room, to see if Crash was already there. She spied him tucking into one the burgers from the large pile he had in front of him. She made her way to him.

“Hi Crash.”

He looked up at her and grinned, pieces of burger stuck on his bright white teeth.

“Tawna!” He exclaimed through a mouthful of food, “Sit down, why don’t ya?”

Tawna sat down.

“Want some?” Crash gestured to the burger pile. “I hope you don’t mind but I was feeling kinda hungry so I ordered a snack.”

Tawna’s heart throbbed. He was so cute. She had always found large appetites such a turn on. Crash could eat more Wumpa fruits than any other bandicoot she had ever known. But she wasn’t here to fantasize about her and Crash. She thought about Bash, who was at the house of one of Kiana’s many brothers.

“ No, it’s alright, I already ate. Remember I need to tell you something?”
“Oh yeah, ‘course, I’m really excited about that! So what’s your big news babe?” Crash stared and smiled encouragingly at Tawna, trying his hardest to give her his full attention.

The burger was just so distracting, so juicy… he quickly took another bite and returned his attention to Tawna, chewing and grinning.

Tawna automatically reached her hand out and brushed off some breadcrumbs of his perfect orange face with her long fingers. She took a deep breath trying to say what she had been rehearsing over and over.

“ Um, you know that night like, the day you defeated Cortex the first time… “
“Oh yeah! How could I forget? That was the best ever!” Crash enthused, through bites of burger.
Tawna continued, “ And like how there was that mega celebratory party afterwards… “
“Yea! Yea! We all got totally wasted on Wumpa Cider!” Crash snickered; hazily remembering the karaoke version of ‘Mysterious Girl’ a drunken Aku Aku had performed in front of all the Crash team. He had made a spookily good Peter André. “That was crazy!”
“Yea, well… what I’m trying to say is… You’re a father Crash.” Tawna held her breath, and waited for the worst...

Crash stared at her shocked for a second or two and then burst into laughter. “That is so funny Tawna, very good joke! Almost had me going, I forgot how you loved to joke around.”

“I’m not joking Crash.” She leaned forward and placed her hand on his mouth to try and stop his laughter. “You have a son, and I named him after you.”
Crash stopped laughing abruptly and pulled away from Tawna. “How is that even possible, I haven’t seen you for millions of years.”
“He was born a few weeks after I walked out on you. He celebrated his 4th birthday on November 12.” Tawna reached into her pocket and pulled out her treasured mini album of Bash, that she carried around with her at all times. “He looks just like you. I nicknamed him Bash.”

Crash stared at the pictures, still trying to absorb the full meaning of Tawna’s words. He felt more freaked out than he had ever been, even more panicked than when he was trying to outrun a large boulder, giant polar bear or prehistoric Triceratops. Just a few minutes earlier he had been no more than a big kid… no he was a father. He swallowed a mouthful of cold hamburger carefully, and moistened his lips. Looking at Bash again, at all his cuteness and cheekiness, suddenly all his panic faded away into meaninglessness. He smiled weakly.

“He’s beautiful Tawna. How come you waited so long to tell me about him?”
“I couldn’t face you, I’m not doing this for my sake. I don’t want help or money. I just feel you have the right to know and I always wanted Bash to someday meet you.”

Looking at Tawna, Crash felt so guilty. She had brought up a baby all by herself, for all these years. She suddenly seemed to be so much older than the girl he had once been in love with and still had friendly feelings for. She was now a woman. He felt so immature compared to her. For once all his joking and silliness left him. He became completely serious and sincere.

“Tawna, I was totally shocked when you told me, but I’m glad you did. I really want to meet Bash and make him part of my life.”

Tawna put her hand to her mouth, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

Crash once again had a large grin on his face. He stood up on his chair and yelled, “Everybody I HAVE A SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He pointed to the large uneaten pile of cold hamburgers. “Free burgers for everyone!”

“Aw, Mommy, why does my hair have to be brushed? Only sissies have stoo-pid hair like this.” Bash stuck his lower lip out and frowned at his reflection. Tawna was trying her best to tame his wild tuft into a neat centre parting. “You’re making me look like a GIRL!”
“Sorry baby, I’m just trying to make you look your best. You don’t want your father to think that you couldn’t be bothered to have nice hair for him, do you?”

She scooped out another handful of wax and slathered on little Bash’s hair. It refused to stay, obstinately sticking up. I need glue, Tawna thought.

“But he’ll think my hair is STOO-PID!!!”

Bash was actually very excited about meeting his father. He knew all about how great a hero his own father was. Tawna kept a scrapbook of magazine clippings and articles devoted to Crash Bandicoot, Super-Marsupial. She had been telling Bash exciting adventure stories about Crash practically since he was born. So naturally Bash was anxious about making a good impression on this revered bandicoot. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to meet such an amazing being... a being who was actually his FATHER.

“Alright, alright, I give up!” Tawna rinsed the gloop out of Bash’s hair in the sink and allowed the stubborn tuft to stick up in all its crazy glory. “We haven’t got much time anyway.”

20 minutes later Bash and Tawna were sitting silently in the parlour, awaiting the knock on the door. Bash, was swinging his feet nervously, and stared at his brand new blue pants and red Air-Crashes. Tawna was chewing her lip and fiddling with the hem of her dress.

The knock at the door finally came. Tawna jumped to her feet. The day that she had dreamed of for so long was finally going to happen. Suddenly all these awful scenarios were running through her head - Crash not liking Bash - Bash not liking Crash - as well as a million other awful thoughts. She managed to steady her trembling hand for long enough to turn the knob and open the door.

Bash craned his head, trying to catch a glimpse of the heroic father he had heard so much about it. He was feeling very nervous… what if his father didn’t like him? What if Crash thought that he was too small and funny looking? He should have listened when Tawna said to eat up all his greens… Bash shut his eyes tightly, terrified now.

“Crash Bandicoot, this is Crash Bandicoot Jr.” Tawna spoke, trying to keep her fears and anxieties under control.

Bash slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see a large, muscled, imposing, Arnold Schwartzeneggar type creature. To his surprise he found himself staring into the bright green eyes of a goofy, slightly maniacal looking orange bandicoot, arms laden with brightly, albeit messily, wrapped gifts. The bandicoot had a large friendly grin, but Bash could see he was just as nervous as himself.

Father and son just drank in each other’s images wordlessly, noting their many similarities. The same crazy tuft of hair, the same eyes, the same nose… even the same shoes. Bash had never seen another being who looked so much like him. Crash admired his cute son, he wanted so much to hug him, squeeze him tightly. He was worried if he tried to speak he’d start crying, there were so many feelings stirred up within him. Tawna stepped back, sensing she didn’t really have a place in this very special and private moment for the two.

It was Bash who finally broke the silence. “Daddy.” He let out a deep breath. It just felt so right, it refused to stay on the tip of his tongue.

Crash held back no longer, tears freely flowed down his face as he held out his arms dropping the presents he had brought. “Bash.”

Bash leapt up and threw himself into Crash’s arms joyfully. The two embraced tightly, holding each other as close as possible. Parting slightly, they smiled at each other as if each knew what the other was thinking. They both looked over at Tawna, who had been watching the two with quiet ecstasy.

“I think there’s enough room in this hug for one more.” Crash said, with a huge smile.

Her eyes brimming with tears, Tawna moved to be included in the blissful cuddle.

A family - complete at last.

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