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This is the second part in the saga of Tawna. In Part 1 we learned of what happened to her, to make her disappear from the shores on N. Sanity Beach; and were introduced to her much loved son Crash Bandicoot Jr. (named after his father), affectionately nicknamed Bash. It has been 6 months since that joyous day father and son reunited.

Part 2: A New Love For Kiana?

Tawna stared at Bash’s unmade bed. It was so empty, so barren. She choked back a sob. She missed him so much. She stroked the wrinkled sheets, still feeling some of his warmth, along with numerous breadcrumbs and some tiny plastic toys. Without him, his chirpy voice piping up to tell her how much he loved her, she felt so alone. Her chin wobbled and large tears began to roll down her face.

“Tawna, pleeeeeeeease don’t tell me you’ve been sitting there since I left you hours ago.” Kiana rolled her eyes. “He’s only going to be gone a week!”

Bash had gone to spend a week of the summer with Crash Bandicoot in Turtle Woods. Tawna had been extremely reluctant to part with him, but had relented after pleading looks and whines from both Bash and Crash. It wasn’t fair not to let the two of them get to know each other better, even if it had to be without her. It had been 4 hours since she and Kiana had waved Bash off as he zoomed off of the back of Crash’s motorbike.

“But I’ve never been apart from Bash for so long before! How is he going to survive without ME! Did I remember to tell Crash that he doesn’t like his cereal unless it’s soggy? Or that he can only have soda at weekends? And that he HAS to have warm milk before bed or he’ll never get to sleep?” Tawna’s eyes widened, and she bit her lip as she tried to remember if she had told Crash everything.

Kiana smiled as she remembered the scene between Tawna and Crash as she had recited all the Do’s and Don’ts of bringing up Bash as he attempted to scribble them all down on his hand.

“He’s in good hands Tawna, don’t worry. He’s with Crash – his father.”
“Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better… “
“Look, enough of this, get off that bed and sort yerself out. I’m sure Bash has already sent you an email… “ Kiana gestured towards the lap top computer on Bash’s desk.

It has been a gift from Crash, to make up for all the birthdays he had missed and so the two of them could keep in touch.

Tawna brightened up. She had never got an email before. She jumped off the bed and sat in front of the computer. She opened the laptop and then stared at it. After some time she looked at Kiana hopefully. Kiana sighed, leaned over and switched on the laptop.

“Which thingy do I press to check my email?” Tawna frowned, confused. Bash had been trying to teach her to use the computer but so far she had only learned how to adjust the volume control.

Kiana showed her, and sure enough there was a new message from - Tawna opened it with glee.









Tawna was so touched; she touched the words on the screen with affection. It was obvious Crash was helping Bash check his spelling and grammar. Suddenly she felt sad again. It wasn’t the same…

Kiana rolled her eyes again. “Tawna, that’s it. You are getting up, you are getting dressed up – me and you are having a girls’ night out tonight, whether you like it or not!”
Tawna looked all around her. It had been goodness knows how long since she’d been in a nightclub. Klub Keaty (yes, another place run by yet another of Kiana’s many brothers) was certainly in full swing tonight. After all this time, the flashing rainbow coloured lights and the buzz of dancing, music and talking all around her was somewhat disorientating. Kiana pulled her onto the dance floor.

“Come on, shake your stuff! Get down on your groove Miss Thang!” Kiana yelled over the music, as she gyrated enthusiastically to the sounds of Smash Mouth.
Tawna giggled. “Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds?” I wonder what Bash is doing right now, she thought to herself.
“That’s the whole point, you need to loosen up – and I’m gonna make sure you do!” Kiana grabbed Tawna’s arms and started waggling them. “Dance, baby, dance!”
“I’m sorry Kiana, but you know what, I’m kinda thirsty… “ She really was. Her throat suddenly felt inexplicably dry and tight.
Kiana sighed. “Fine, suit yourself, but you better come back – you’re not wasting that new dress on a bar stool!” She shrugged and grabbed a nearby wildcat. “Hey gorgeous, fancy a dance?” The wildcat obliged happily, as Kiana pressed his hands against her hips and wrapped her arms around him.

As she headed towards the bar, Tawna looked back at Kiana and her new dance partner. It was typical of Kiana, Tawna thought fondly; she often wished she could be as outgoing around men. Even though she had more or less gotten over Crash Bandicoot, she still hadn’t had a date for about 5 years. She wondered if she still even knew how to flirt. Then again, she hadn’t really met anyone she had felt anything for, with the possible exception of Kieran – not that she’d really been looking, being so devoted to Bash and all. But still, she was beginning to feel like something was missing. She spotted Kieran in a dark corner surrounded by friends and girl groupies, laughing and grinning, downing pints of beer. He was so cute, but she wasn’t sure if he was actually interested in her or was just charming around all the ladies. Even worse, he might just see her as an adopted sister, as the rest of Kiana’s brothers seemed to. She shook these thoughts away and perched herself on a barstool.

“Um… one glass of pineapple juice please.” The gorilla bartender raised an eyebrow. “Straight up and on the rocks,” Tawna added, feeling embarrassed.
“Well… I must say it’s refreshing to meet a woman with such pure tastes.” Tawna looked up to see where the gravely yet cultured voice with a hint of a European accent came from. She found herself looking into the jade green eyes of a black wolf sitting on the neighbouring stool, his lip curled in what she assumed to be a smile. Tawna felt herself blushing. He was maybe the most handsome male she had ever seen, next to… um… Crash Bandicoot of course. She stared at his silky black fur, his masculine yet aquiline features, his muscled chest subtly showing through the fine material of his white shirt… with horror, she realised she was gaping. She searched for something to say in response.

“I… uh… don’t go out much.”

The handsome wolf laughed huskily. Why did I say that? Tawna bit her tongue, frustrated with herself. Could I have said anything less idiotic?

“Your drink, miss. “ The bartender grunted, slamming the glass in front of Tawna. Tawna pretended to take great interest in her glass, thinking it best not to attempt conversation after her previous gem.
“I’m Adam.” He took Tawna’s hand and kissed it elegantly. “I’m charmed to meet you.”
“Tawna Bandicoot.” She reddened again. Was it ok for him to kiss her hand? Well, she liked it. The brush of his lips on her hand gave her tingles.
“Tawna, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. That must sound so cliché but I can’t find any other words to say what I mean. You’ve captivated me since the moment I saw you enter the club.” He still had her hand in his, his long fingers lightly massaging her palm.

Her? Captivating? Tawna could hardly believed such a drop dead gorgeous and refined man could find her, a boring blonde bandicoot, ‘captivating’. She was rendered speechless, seeming only able to smile coyly and politely.

“This may also sound cliché, but has anyone ever told you that you should be in the movies?”

Tawna snapped to attention and snatched her hand away. Where had she heard that before? Remembering Pizzazz all too well, she found her voice.

“Oh wait, don’t tell me… you can make me ‘famous’, ‘the whole world’s just waiting for me’… I’ve had enough of that for one lifetime. I’ve been used before, and I’m sure as hell not going to be put through that again.”

Adam looked slightly taken aback, but then regained his composure and chuckled easily. “Tawna, I just think that with all your fresh beauty and charisma, you’d have a magnificent screen presence. I happen to be in the entertainment industry, but don’t worry I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. Right now, all I’m interested in is getting to know the most dazzling woman I have ever met.”
“Oh… “ Tawna felt sheepish. She had totally bit his head off; it was so like her to be too sensitive for her own good. “I’m sorry. It’s just that… “

Adam cut her off. “No need to explain, I’m sure you had a good reason. I must leave you now, as much as I don’t want to. But I must see you again. Dinner, tomorrow?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll meet you outside your place at 7pm.” With a flourish, he was gone.
“Bye… “ Tawna breathed, 100% swept off her feet. “Wait a minute… how do you know where I live?” She was speaking to herself, alone once more at the bar, her pineapple juice barely touched.
“What’s that?”

Coco sighed and turned to Bash. She was lying on her bed talking to her internet pen pal and little Bash had clambered to be next to her. He had his little finger on the screen, touching a picture of a Speedo-clad fox striking a pose.

“Is that Daddy?”
“No, it’s nothing. Please don’t touch the screen.”

Coco couldn’t believe she had to spend Friday night in babysitting. For free. Crash had decided to go bowling with Danni and the rest of the gang, expecting her to stay behind and watch the terror.

“Why don’t you go and see if there’s anything good on TV?”
Bash’s lip trembled. “You hate me don’t you?” He wanted to with Auntie Coco. She was pretty and reminded of his mother. He didn’t feel like being in the scary living room all by himself. He touched Coco’s blonde hair, thinking about Tawna… “I miss Mommy!” He began to cry, tear drops rolling down his face.
Coco felt guilty. “No, of course not. I don’t hate you.” She sat up and pulled Bash close. “Please don’t be sad, I’m so sorry – how about I tuck you into bed?”
Bash sniffed and cheered up instantly. “Will you read me a story?”
“Of course, how many does Tawna tell you?” Coco lifted Bash off the bed and started walking with him to his room.
“Normally ‘bout 10… “ Bash giggled and hugged Coco more tightly.
“Oohhhh… “ Kiana stumbled out of the bathroom and into Tawna’s living room, clutching her head. She moaned and collapsed into the pink-cushioned rattan sofa. “Hey, what am I doing here? I don’t live here… do I?” She squinted, looking around the room.

Tawna smiled as she popped a banana into the blender. “You were totally legless last night, I thought it was wiser to carry you to my place. Keaty and Kieran helped.”
“Oy, I’m not THAT heavy!” Kiana pulled a face at Tawna.
“You were like a ton of bricks last night… should have stuck to juice like me. Anyway, want a smoothie?” Tawna held up the blender jug.
“Sure, thanks… oh yeah I just remembered something.” Kiana got up and stood next to Tawna at the kitchen counter. “Who was that guy?”
“What guy?” Tawna tried to stop herself from smiling as she poured fruit smoothie into a glass.
“You know who I mean, that cute guy you were holding hands with at the bar. I wanted to ask you last night but I didn’t have a chance to.” Kiana put her hands on her hips and stared at Tawna. “Tell me!”
“Oh… you mean Adam. He’s… well I don’t really know much about him, but he’s coming here tonight to pick me up for dinner.” Tawna giggled, despite herself. She had been thinking about Adam non-stop since she had seen him disappear into the crowd. She could scarcely believe he was real, he seemed like a beautiful dream.
Kiana gasped. “You mean you have a date, with a guy you don’t even know? Tawna!”
“What? I thought you’d be happy for me. It’s not anything you wouldn’t do. Why, I even bet you have a date tonight with that weird dingo guy you were having that silly vodka jelly competition with.”

Kiana had gone through about 4 guys at the club but a certain golden-furred dingo had really captured her attention. Kiana had won the ‘competition’ but both had ended up stone drunk on the floor.

“Uh… um… lay off Darwin! He’s lovely and bags of fun, and yea, he’s taking me the movies tonight.” Kiana gave up. She was too hung over to argue. “Sorry, I’m being such a hypocrite. I’m just not used to this. In all the time I’ve known you, you’ve never been on a date, unless you count… “
“No, stop right there, THAT does not count.” Tawna really didn’t want to talk about a blind date (set up by Keaty’s wife) that she had reluctantly gone on. The ‘blind date’ had turned out to be M. Brio. She shuddered. “Please.”
“Okay, okay. I’m happy for you, really. So, tell me more about ‘Adam’.” Kiana propped her elbows on the counter and leaned over, giving Tawna a large bleary-eyed stare.
Tawna drained the rest of her smoothie. “Yea, and you can tell me more about ‘Darwin’. But let’s do it on the way to the mall.”
“Why we going there?”
“Cuz it’s Saturday and we both have dates tonight and nothing to wear… you know what that means… “
Danni followed the trail of empty crisp packets, drained juice boxes and toys. They led her into the den. Inside, the sight of Bash and Crash competing on the PlayStation met her eyes. They were playing CTR and Bash was completely whipping Crash’s bum in Polar Pass.

“No! Bash, you wouldn’t aim a bomb at your own dad would you… Noooooooo!!!”

Crash moaned as Bash’s Tiny ruthlessly bombed the little Crash Bandicoot on the screen. He threw down the controller in frustration. He had been hoping to find in Bash an easy opponent. He had yet to win a single game…

“Sorry Daddy, all is fair in love an’ war, that’s what Auntie Kiana teaches me.” Bash whooped as he was first to pass the finish line, Crash came in a pathetic 6th place. He jumped up and down. “I beat yah! I beat yah! I rule! You drool!”
“AHEM!” Danni interrupted them with a growl. “What I want to know is, who is gonna tidy up this MESS?” She wasn’t really angry but she sure wasn’t going to spend Saturday morning cleaning up after two messy bandicoots. “I’m not taking you guys to the beach carnival until this is ALL tidied up!”
“Daddy lost!” Bash scampered away giggling mischievously.

Crash got to his feet, trying to escape Danni, but quick as a flash she pulled him back and threw a bucket at him containing some polish, a dustpan, brush and a washcloth.

“Clean! Now!”
“Could you be wearing any more eye shadow?” Tawna chuckled as she watched Kiana apply yet another layer of glittery turquoise to her already well defined purple-brown eyes. She had been in front of Tawna’s bathroom mirror for about an hour, fussing with her face and hair.
“Could you be wearing any less clothes?” Kiana shot back as she carefully blended the colour onto her eyelids.

Tawna knew what she was wearing was a little (actually a lot) on the sexy side, maybe too much for a first date… but it was such an amazing dress. She admired her reflection in the deep magenta, backless, side less and strappy silk creation. It had a flared skirt with a slit so high she had to watch herself when she sat down and was scattered with white frosty crystal roses. It had cost a whole week’s pay check but for some reason, she felt like making a big effort for Adam.

Kiana caught her admiring her own reflection. “Aw, hun! You look so happy and excited. Isn’t it great we both have dates tonight?”
“Yes… Tell me again, why is your date picking you up from MY house?”
“He might turn out to be a psycho and I’d rather he doesn’t know where I live. You know how guys get all obsessed with me.”
“I’m just kidding! I asked him to pick me up from here because you have better bathroom lighting than I do. I need to get my make-up on just right.”

Tawna felt like saying something back but she didn’t get the chance as there was a loud rapping at the door. 7 o’ clock! Adam! She rushed to the door, almost tripping over her kitten-heeled feet as she did.

She opened the door to see both Darwin and Adam. They were eyeing each other suspiciously.

Adam. He was more wonderful than she remembered. He looked sophisticated but not over-dressed in his charcoal black suit and emerald green silk shirt. Darwin, golden-furred, with his baggy pants and denim jacket was a stark contrast. Darwin was the more muscular of the two but Adam had a lean, hard-bodied quality.

“Tawna, you look incredible. The heavenly vision of you has almost left me speechless.” Adam purred silkily, admiring Tawna from top to toe.
“You look good too.” She tried her best to keep her girlish excitement out of her voice.
“Hey,” Darwin piped up, “Does Kiana live here?”
“She’s just finishing up getting ready.” Tawna replied, not breaking her gaze from Adam. “She won’t be long.”
“I’m here!” Kiana appeared suddenly and threw herself at Darwin energetically. “You are so cute, my golden Adonis!”

Darwin looked a bit taken aback at suddenly being pelted with a female kangaroo but then snapped out of it and squeezed Kiana back, lifting her off her feet.

“Uh… you look very pretty.”
“Ooh, who is this Tawna?” Kiana winked at Tawna, knowing perfectly well who the good-looking black wolf was. She kept an arm around Darwin.
“Kiana, this is Adam Schwindler. Adam, this is Kiana Kangaroo, my best friend and former inmate at the centre for Disturbed Marsupials.

Adam laughed politely. Darwin looked slightly worried. Adam took Kiana’s hand and kissed it (much to Darwin’s annoyance).

“How wonderful to make an acquaintance with such an attractive and good friend to Tawna.”

The expression on Kiana’s face changed unexpectedly. She recoiled at the touch of Adam’s lips on her hand and had lost much of her signature bubbliness and warmth. She sharply pulled her hand away and snuggled closer to Darwin.

“Tawna, can I speak with you for a second?” Kiana looked at Tawna with some desperation. Tawna was surprised to see such a look on Kiana’s face. Whatever was the matter?
Before she could respond Adam broke in. “Can that wait until later? We have reservations.” He put his arm around Tawna’s bare shoulders and started moving her away.
Darwin looked restless too. “We need to get going too. We don’t want to be late for Attack of the Killer Fly-Traps do we? And the ‘all you can eat’ at Eat-a-Roo’s ain’t gonna wait forever. Come on babe!” He picked up Kiana and started walking away brusquely.
“We can talk when I get back!” Tawna called to the fast retreating pair.
In the darkened cinema, Darwin carefully draped his arm across Kiana’s shoulders. He sneaked a sideways glance at her. She wasn’t looking at the screen. Instead she was looking impatiently at her watch and fidgeting in her seat nervously. She seemed oblivious to all, including Darwin and the movie. She didn’t even flinch when the Venus flytrap monster slowly peeled the skin off a warthog, to the sound of screechy violin music. Or show surprise when the skinless warthog suddenly leapt up and roared. But Darwin did, and in spite of himself he yelped and jumped into Kiana’s lap. All the people around them started sniggering and some obnoxious child aimed candy corn at Darwin.

Finally Kiana snapped out of her trance. “What’s wrong sweetie?” she whispered in a concerned voice. He had almost knocked the wind out of her.
“That’s what I was gonna ask you. Don’t you like this film? Or is it me?”

She had been acting ‘off’ since they had parted from Tawna and Adam. At Eat-a-Roo’s Darwin had to fill up her plate for her, and then in the end had to eat it all up for her too. He hadn’t really minded that – what guy wouldn’t want to have 4 steaks? -- But he was starting to feel like she wasn’t really enjoying his presence. Had he forgotten to eat a breath mint again?

“Oh… honey… it’s isn’t you, don’t worry. You’re perfectly lovely.” She smiled weakly, and tried to move him off her lap. “It’s… “ She broke off as an usher shined his flashlight into her eyes and shushed them. “Fine, we’re going anyway! That is, if that’s Ok with you Darwin… “
“It’s alright. I was getting kinda bored anyway.“ Plus he was worried that he might have nightmares about flayed warthogs tonight…

Outside the cinema Darwin took off his jacket and wrapped it around Kiana. He held her close as they started the walk back to Tawna’s house.

“Thank you handsome. Anyway, as I was saying, it isn’t you. It’s just that I kept thinking about Tawna. I hope she’s ok.“ She rested her head on his shoulder and toyed with the buttons on the jacket nervously.
“Why wouldn’t she be?”
“Well, I know it sounds dumb, but there’s something about that Adam guy. He doesn’t seem right to me. He gave me this feeling. I see something unknown, something sinister in those gorgeous green eyes of his. His touch made my blood run cold… “
“Well, I thought he seemed ok. He’s very nice to your friend… wait a minute - you think his eyes are gorgeous? What about mine?”

Kiana snorted and smacked Darwin on the chest lightly. “You big lug! Your eyes are like large chocolate drops in a pool of shining milk… bla bla bla… happy? You’re not listening to what I’m saying. I’m normally good at sensing these things, even if you can’t see it. I care deeply about Tawna and if any guy messes with her, he messes with me too.”
“An’ if any guy messes with you, he messes with me!” Darwin flexed his muscles and flashed his sharp white teeth.
“Aw, you’re not so tough… you’re just a big softy really.” She sighed and hugged him around his waist.

She decided to concentrate on her and Darwin for now, making herself a silent promise: I will learn the truth about Adam Schwindler.
Tawna walked hand in hand with Adam, both barefoot, across the beach. In the moonlight the sands shimmered and sparkled like silver. The gentle crashing of the waves was like the music of the spheres, such a heavenly yet natural sound it made Tawna’s heart sing with joy. This evening had been one of the most perfect in her life. A romantic candlelit dinner for two at the most elegant restaurant she had ever been to and now a wonderful stroll at this magical hour. Best of all, she was with a wonderful, handsome and charming wolf who made her feel like she was really special. Being with him made her feel like she was truly unique, tantalizing, remarkable… She brushed the windblown hair out of her eyes

“I feel like I’m walking the road to paradise with God’s most exquisite and elusive angel to guide me.” Adam stopped walking and looked straight into Tawna’s eyes. He touched her cheek softly and gently ran his fingers through her thick and silky blonde hair, arranging it behind her ear. He placed his other hand on her hip, firmly yet tenderly semi-circling her waist.

Tawna’s heart began to race and once again felt weak at the knees. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, her lips responsive and moistened. When was the last time she’d kissed? Too long ago. She hoped she’d do it right.

To her surprise, she felt Adam’s hands dropping from her face and hip. She opened her eyes, feeling disappointed and embarrassed. He was looking far off into the distance, an unreadable expression set on his face. He didn’t want to kiss her? She decided to do something completely ‘un-Tawna’. She reached out and framed his face with her hands. Before he had time to register what she was doing, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his passionately. Shutting her eyes again, her arms moved to wrap themselves around his neck and her whole body squeezed itself eagerly against his. To her delight, after some hesitation, he began to kiss her back, even more fervently, his hands on her back, lifting her off her feet.

In the kiss, Tawna felt like they were alone in the universe. Nothing else mattered, for those few precious moments. Kissing was just like riding a bike after all. You never forget, no matter how out of practice you get.

After some time, Tawna opened her eyes and loosened her grip on Adam. She let herself sink back into the soft sand. Both of them were flushed, with mussed hair. Tawna looked down coyly, smoothing her dress, which had bunched up a little.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” She felt breathless and exhilarated. Empowered.
“Tawna, that was fantastic. Never be sorry… I was worried you weren’t ready, that’s why I paused.” He took Tawna’s hand in his again. “We better get you home now.”
Tawna’s mouth ached with happiness. Quietly, despite herself, she murmured: “You know, if you’re not careful, I may just fall in love with you.” Oh damn. She hoped he hadn’t heard that. She couldn’t seem to control herself around him. She looked up, searching his face for a response.

He didn’t seem to hear her slip of the tongue. Feeling her eyes on him, he turned to her. “Did you say something?”
“It was nothing.” Liar, Tawna told herself. Even though this was only their first date, she thought she felt a real and ‘deep’ attraction between them. She imagined whether or not Adam would make a good step-dad to Bash. She hadn’t mentioned him yet, just in case…
All of a sudden, she recalled a question she had wanted to ask. “By the way, how did you know where to pick me up?”
“You told me.”
“I did? No, I didn’t. I remember clearly. You never asked for even my phone number.”
“Oh, sorry. You were in the phone book. Tawna Bandicoot.” Adam didn’t seem fazed at all. They both stopped outside Tawna’s door.

Tawna felt a bit silly; she had to stop with all this suspicion. She was never going to find love again if she couldn’t learn to trust again. Adam wasn’t Crash; he wasn’t Pizazz… she had to give him a chance. “I’m sorry, I was just wondering.”
“Don’t worry about it. I am a man of mystery. It’s all part of my charm.” He winked and pressed his lips first on Tawna’s neck and then trailed soft kisses down her arm right to her fingertips. As usual, a tingly feeling ran right up and down Tawna’s spine. “It is time for us to part, my angel. We will see each other soon.” In the blink of an eye he was gone, as if by magic.

Tawna felt like pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She turned to unlock the door, and almost fell over when she found Kiana standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, and a grim expression on her face.

“We need to talk.”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! DADDDDD-DDDYYYYY!!!!!” Bash screamed into the dead of the night.

Crash was by Bash’s bedside in a flash, startled from slumber along with everyone else in the house. All, that is, except Polar and Danni who were still sleeping soundly in Crash’s bed. Crash tried to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes as he turned on the light. He was shocked to see a shaking little orange bandicoot huddled at the top of his bed, arms clenched around his trembling knees, his little tuft of hair plastered to his forehead, his face wet with sweat and tears, eyes large and frightened. “What’s wrong Bash?” He sat on the bed and hauled his son onto his knees.
Bash sniffed and looked up at Crash fearfully. “I… I… ha-addd a n-nightmare.”
“Bash… aw, son … I know they can be scary, but nightmares aren’t real. They can’t hurt you.”
“This one was real! Mummy got hurt by the darkness, she was de… she was de… I don’t even wanna say it!” He started crying fretfully and held onto Crash tightly, digging into his fur.
“I promise you, it was just a dream. Mommy’s fine, we can phone her first thing in the morning and you’ll see.” He hoped he was saying the right things. What would Tawna do and say?
“I wanna speak to Mommy now!”
“It’s 1.34am… she’ll be sleeping. You don’t want to wake her up do you?”

Bash continued wailing and buried his head in Crash’s stripy pyjamas. Aku Aku and Coco, with Pura in her arms, were standing by the door, watching father and son.

“Look,” Crash said, “Why don’t you come and sleep with in my bed, with Danni and Polar? I’m sure you’ll sleep better.”
“I want everyone to sleep with me! The darkness was so very strong.” He stared at Aku Aku, Coco and Pura. “I get to hold Pura!”
Crash sighed and smiled uncertainly. “I guess we have to do what the little guy says eh?”
Coco rolled her eyes. “Fine, but if anyone hogs the blankets… Aku Aku, I mean you! And don’t even think about blowing your morning breath all over me Crash.”
Carrying Bash towards his bedroom, Crash stuck his tongue out at Coco, “Of course Sis, I wouldn’t want to disturb your beauty sleep… goodness knows you need it!”
“Now now children… you are setting a bad example to Bash.” Aku Aku said sagely.
“Blanket hogger!” Bash squealed mischievously.
“Kiana, what’s wrong?” Tawna stared at Kiana. The normally cheerful kangaroo’s face now held a serious expression, so unlike her.
Kiana took a deep breath. “We need to talk about Adam.”
“Why?” Tawna tried to stifle a yawn. Suddenly she felt very tired. All she wanted to do was to crawl into bed. It was later than she had imagined.
“Tawna… I have this feeling about him. Do you really know anything about him? For some reason, all evening long, all I did was worry about you. You have no idea how relieved I felt when I saw you coming towards the shack.”
“That’s silly Kiana. There’s no reason at all to be worried about me! Adam was a perfect gentleman tonight. He didn’t even initiate our kiss. In fact I think he may just be the One.” She smiled sleepily to herself and headed towards her sofa. She lazily reclined, hugging a cushion, still wrapped up in thoughts of Adam. Tawna Bandicoot-Schwindler? Too long. Tawna Schwindler. That kinda had a ring to it.
Kiana closed the door and sat down next to her. “I’m serious hun… I don’t trust him. I don’t believe he’s what he seems…”

Tawna felt annoyed. Why was Kiana doing this? She was making her feel bad about her relationship before it had even started; trying to make her doubt Adam, when what she really needed was to have faith in someone once again.

“Kiana, I’m not in the mood for this. Stop it and shut up. Adam hasn’t actually done anything. You’re jumping to conclusions just because you don’t like him. Do I tell you what to do with your gazillions of pathetic Romeos?”
Surprised and hurt by Tawna’s harsh tone of voice, Kiana retorted heatedly. “Oh, what does it matter what –I- think anyway?! I can’t believe I wasted a perfectly good date worrying about YOU!”
“I didn’t even think once about you when I was with Adam, so there!” Tawna felt shocked at these angry, catty words. She couldn’t stop herself. “At least my date wasn’t some fleabag who can’t be bothered to dress properly!” God, why on earth had she brought that up… it was irrelevant and stupid. She seemed morbidly intent on trying to hurt her best friend as much as possible; searching for anything she could to vent her aggravation. “Oh, and you’re having one hell of a bad hair day too!”

Kiana raised a hand to her hair automatically, then let it fall to her side, her hand clenching into a fist.

“Whatever. See if I care when your perfect Adam turns out to be some murderous psychopath that chops you up into little pieces.”

She sprung to her feet and stormed towards the door. They had never ever fought like this before… not seriously. She still felt so worried about Tawna, but currently, stubborn touchiness was overriding. She hadn’t done anything wrong! Kiana threw open the door and slammed it behind her.

Tawna was all alone. Not since that day five long years ago, that day she had realised she had killed the love between Crash and herself forever, had she felt so alone, like there was no one in the world for her. She turned over and buried her head into the soft cushion, fiercely blinking away the tears in her eyes and trying to muffle the sobs threatening to escape.

Outside, Kiana was walking home slowly, her hands deep in her pockets. She could barely see where she was going, with the oppressive darkness and all the salty tears blurring her vision.
“Baby, don’t worry I’m perfectly fine… see? I’m right here talking to you.”

Bash clutched the phone tightly to his ear, almost cutting off the circulation in his jaw. “But my dream…” Back in Turtle Woods, Crash had him on his lap. Crash had thought that Bash would forget about the dream as soon as he woke up, but at exactly 6.00am his son had shook him awake, begging him to dial Tawna.
“Just like your father said, it was just a dream. A very scary and bad dream but it’s not real. I’m here right now - I don’t even feel sick. I’d never leave you my darling. Never ever.” Tawna tried to keep the catch out of her voice.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her face looked long and drawn, her eyes were red and sore, her cheeks stained with dried tears. She had hardly slept at all, she just kept agonising over Kiana. She knew they would probably make up at some point but it was awful thinking that she had lost her best friend, maybe forever. Now, talking to Bash, and being reminded of how much she missed him, her eyes began water all over again. “I’m sorry baby, but I have to start getting dressed for work. I love you Bash.” I love you more than I could ever love anyone, she thought to herself.
“I love you Mommy!”
“Bye sweetie.”
“Bye Bye Mommy.”

Tawna kept listening to the phone. She couldn’t bear to hang up on him. After 30 seconds of silence, she laughed lightly.

“Bash… hun… are you still there?”
“Yes… I’m waitin’ for you to close the phone!”
“I’m waiting for you… you go first.”
“I don’t wanna!” The sound of Crash sniggering could be heard in the background.
“We’ll count to three then.”
They counted to three together and with a final exchange of goodbye’s and 'I love you’s', Bash put the phone down. Tawna felt her heart tug at the sound of the dial tone. It had only been 2 nights since she had hugged Bash goodbye, yet it seemed like far longer. She could really do with a hug right now. Yeesh, how self-pitying was she? She shook herself and went off to have a shower.
Working at M. Brio’s was hell that day. Well, it always was, but with Kiana at her side, at least they could try and have some fun. They were trying to keep as far apart from each other as possible. Tawna sneaked a look at Kiana, who caught her eye and looked coldly away. Tawna hardened her expression, covering up the hollow sadness within, and started wiping the counter rigorously, almost to the point of violence.

M. Brio emerged from his home slash office and was momentarily astounded at the silence. This was unusual. Normally these two girls were forever nattering and gossiping, doing hardly any work, like the typical females that they were. Suddenly a smirk lit up his ugly face. Ha, the two bosom buddies were having a fight! For today at least, maybe even longer, they couldn’t gang up on him. Perhaps he could even make a move on Kiana today. Yes, for him, their spat could be a very good thing.

“Call this work? I’ve seen turtles moving quicker than the two of you.” Now was the chance to outlet some of the spiteful things he had pent up, do to being fearful of the wrath of these two hens. They were always contradicting him, never failing to stick up for the other one. “Get your butts moving or I’ll cut your wages.” Ha! again. This was kinda fun. He smiled at his own wit.

To his amazement, instead of cowering at his threats, both women looked up and stared him squarely in the eye. Their eyes were not full of worry, instead were narrowed and full of anger. They continued to glare at him dangerously, daring him to utter another word. M. Brio sighed, and inwardly felt scared. He just couldn’t win. He retreated back to his little room.

Tawna felt herself smile cheekily. Aw, she almost felt sorry for poor Methane. She heard a stifled giggle escape from Kiana and gave her a sideways glance. Kiana was looking right at her. Tawna shyly met her gaze full on, and then gave her a small smile. Kiana started to grin back, then, all of a sudden, something appeared to catch her eye, making her face fall and she fixed her concentration upon the spoons she was cleaning.

Feeling disappointed, Tawna searched for what or who Kiana had looked at. It was Adam, a few yards away, approaching casually. Today he was wearing dark blue tailored jeans and a short sleeved black t-shirt. He looked mouth-wateringly sexy, as always… oh my gosh… Tawna realised what she was wearing. Her dorky waitress outfit, resplendently tacky, in shades of green and orange… her hair was messily scraped into a hairnet and covered with the Ice Hut hat.

“Tawna.” He leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss.
Tawna blushed. “Adam, what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to take you away from all this.” He spoke as if he was a knight in shining armour. She could certainly imagine him that way.
“I can’t go anywhere, I’m working.”
“Tell your boss you have a funeral to go to.”
“My boss wouldn’t let me leave even if I lost a limb.”
“Oh really? So where is this boss of yours then? Maybe I should have a word with him.”
“He’s back there,” She gestured towards his room, “But I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Adam smiled. “You never know. I can be incredibly persuasive.”

Tawna watched nervously as Adam knocked on Brio’s door. It opened, accompanied by the sounds of mumbled grunts, and then the black wolf disappeared into the office. A few moments later Adam reappeared, with a self-satisfied lip curl.

“Tawna… let’s go.”

Brio had actually agreed to let her go, only 2 hours into her shift? She wondered what on earth Adam had said… perhaps it could come in handy again.

Adam lifted her over the counter and set her gently on the soft sand. Tawna took off her hat and net and tossed them over the counter. She looked over her shoulder to see what Kiana was doing. Still washing up, as if she wasn’t aware of Tawna and Adam at all. Should she really go, and leave Kiana to do all the work? Tawna sighed and linked her arm with Adam’s. He pulled his arm out and put it on her shoulders, leading her away from Brio’s Ice Hut.

“What exactly did you say to Brio? And why was it so important for you to ‘take me away’?”
He didn’t meet her eyes; instead he laughed his throaty laugh. “I have some wonderful news for you Tawna. What would you say if I had two plane tickets for Los Angeles and that the plane leaves tonight?”
“What?” A trip? Tonight? Had she heard right?
“We’re going to Hollywood, angel face. I have some auditions lined up for you.”
“Auditions? What do you mean?” She felt very confused.
“I called some friends over there. They seem very interested in you. I think you have the potential to be the next big thing.”
“Hang on… I told you I didn’t want to be an actress!”

Not after that Potoroo incident. That had completely changed her mind. Or had it? In spite of herself she was already imagining herself in the movies. On a large screen, opposite a handsome leading man. She felt 16 all over again, star struck and with her head in the clouds. She felt the way she had when slimy Pizazz had fed her his lines. But Adam was different, wasn’t he? He was definitely genuine.

“Tawna, you don’t fool me. I can see what you really want. I know you. In the few days I have been lucky to know you I already feel like understand you, your needs… your desires. Besides, it’s only an audition. You don’t have to make any decisions right now, except if you want to come away with me to Los Angeles, City of Angels. You’ll fit right in.” He looked into her large green eyes, giving her a look of complete sincerity.

He was totally serious. She had never ever been to America. In fact, she hadn’t even left Violet Vista Bay since she had arrived. He was also right… she could just audition, see if she liked it and if not… there was always all the shops… sight-seeing… to make up for it. This was a fabulous opportunity. But… suddenly she remembered a certain orange loved one.

“Oh Adam… I’d love to go. But, I should tell you something. I have a four year old son who’s coming home in 4 days.”

Adam’s face suddenly changed. For a split second he looked nasty and raging mad. Tawna blinked, and then looking again, there was no trace of the horrible expression he had just made.

“A son? What a lovely surprise. I hope I get to meet this precious offspring of yours. If you’re worried about not being there to welcome him back, we’re only going for two days - plenty of time. So… what do you think?” His tone of voice was steady and cool.
“What time do we leave?”
“Quit poking me, Crash, and get your disgusting shoe out of my face!” Coco shoved her brother. Crash poked her deliberately, and kept his foot where it was.
“You SHUSH Crash, I’m having enough trouble breathing in this cramped space without you completely cutting off my respiratory system!”
“Your what? Anyway, you’re the one screaming and yammering on. So YOU shush.”
“Why don’t you BOTH shush alright? You’re giving me a blimmin’ headache.” Danni closed her eyes and leaned her head on Crash’s shoulder.

Bash had insisted on playing a game of ‘Sardines’ with all the members of the CC household. Joining in on the fun were Crash, Danni, Coco, Polar, Pura, Aku Aku and Papu Papu, who, lucky for them, just happened to be visiting that day. Currently, all except Bash were squeezed into the closet underneath the stairs.

“Oh my gawd, my legs are starting to cramp up.” Coco moaned and tried to stretch, digging Papu Papu in the belly. He was asleep and didn’t feel a thing. “How LONG have we been in here?”
“Too long.” Aku Aku muttered, trying to float out of Pura’s reach. The bored minx was trying to chew his feathers. Pura gave up and returned to grooming the whimpering Polar. “Shouldn’t your son have found us by now?”
“I thought he would have… I mean, we’re in a pretty obvious place…” Crash really felt like scratching his nose, but unfortunately he had no room in which to extend his arm. He tried rubbing his nose against Danni. She smiled, thinking he was trying to be romantic.
“I’m guessing Bash got YOUR mental abilities then.” Coco wrinkled her nose and swatted Crash’s foot again, making him prod Danni with his nose particularly hard.
“Oy! Stop that! That’s IT, I’m getting out!” Danni crawled over Papu Papu and pushed the door open. They all tumbled out onto the landing and just lay there for a few minutes, trying to get sued to the fresh air and bright light.
“What are you doing?”
They all looked up and around, finding themselves meeting Bash’s inquiring gaze. He giggled at them all splayed across the floor.
“Bash, how come you took so long to find us?” Aku Aku spoke, still a bit light-headed (well, as light-headed as a floating mask possessed with a spirit can be).
“Find? Oh, that game. I was so bored so I was just watching TV. I was wondering where everyone was! I’m so happy I found you cuz I’m all hungry now…” He looked at them and patted his round tummy, smiling away innocently.

It was a good thing that Bash was a cute and small 5 year old.
Kiana knocked on Tawna’s door. After no reply, and finding the door slightly ajar she pushed it open and let herself in. Tawna was at home, but where?

“Kiana! What are you doing here?”

Tawna’s head emerged from behind the sofa, looking slightly dishevelled. She had a pink sock tangled in her golden hair.

“I came to apologise. Let’s not fight anymore.”
“Oh… Kiana! You are so right!” Tawna scrambled to her feet and threw her arms around her marsupial soul sister. “I am sorry for snapping at you. I had no right. It’s good we cleared things up before I left the country.” She hugged Kiana tight.
Kiana pulled away. “Did you just say LEAVE THE COUNTRY? When? Where? Why?” Her eyes fell upon the open suitcase next to the sofa, filled with colourful outfits and various knick-knacks.
“Adam is coming in 2 hours to take me to the airport. We’re flying to America - to Los Angeles… can you believe it? Adam’s lined up some auditions for me.”
“Oh HAS he- “ Kiana started then bit her tongue. Hold the cynicism, she told herself. “Tawna, isn’t this a bit… spur of the moment? What about Bash? He’s coming home soon… and for god’s sake you’ve only known Adam, what… THREE DAYS… and you’re going to go on a trip with him… out of the country, to a place you’ve never been?”
Tawna sighed. “There you go again, ruining my excitement. Stop with the Adam grudge already. I don’t want to fight, so let’s pretend we’re in agreement and leave it at that. I’ve thought this through, I’m only going for a bit, and I’ll be back in plenty of time for Bash’s return. Am I a bad mother just because I’m going to go and have some fun? Is that what you think?”
“Tawna, hun… Please listen to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to upset you, I didn’t imply anything like that.”

Her friend took no notice of her and continued stuffing clothes into the already over-flowing suitcase. Kiana felt sadness and defeat flowing through her body. She felt like something terrible was about to happen and she was helpless against countering it.

“At least give me your number so I can reach you. Bash may have an emergency… or something…”
“I don’t know where we’re going to stay or anything like that. Adam’s taking care of it. How about if I phone you at the airport and once I arrive in LA?”
This didn’t satisfy Kiana’s worry but she tried to look content. “Promise?”
“Of course, love.”
“I have to go now, my break’s almost over… have a good time in LA, Tawna. Don’t run off with any beach boys, y’hear? Well, not unless you bring one back for me, that is. To be my personal manservant.” Kiana gave Tawna a half-hearted wink and forced grin, inwardly wincing at her non-funny ‘joke’. She trudged towards the door.

“Bye Kiana!” Tawna smiled, truly happy. It was such a relief she and Kiana were okay again. She got to her feet quickly and tackled Kiana, with a big, joyful waist-hugger. “Didn’t think I’d let you leave without a hug, did ya?”
“Ha ha…” Kiana tried to laugh convincingly. She pulled the sock out of Tawna’s hair. “That has so been bugging me. Bye bye hun.”

She gave Tawna a final squeeze, then turned and hurried across the sands, running back to her job and also trying to escape the awful feeling threatening to consume her. Tawna’s gonna be ok, Tawna’s gonna be ok, she silently mouthed in sync to the beating of her heart, I’m wrong, I’m wrong…

I hope.
“What’s LA like, Adam?”

They were in the rented silver sports car, headed at full speed towards the airport. Tawna leaned out of the window and smiled at her surroundings. Goodbye Australia! I hope I won’t miss it too much, she thought to herself… even though it’s only gonna be a matter of days before I see home again.

“LA is LA… what else is there to say?”

Hmm. Adam seemed a little weird today. She had been trying to make conversation with him for the past 20 minutes and he appeared to be tired of her, or something. She often felt his eyes on her back yet when she turned he quickly averted them, as if he didn’t want her to see - very strange.

The airport was finally coming into view. All the beautiful planes, promising to take passengers thousands of miles away, promising excitement and adventure, fun and new experiences. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the little album she had of Bash. She felt a slight twinge of guilt. Was it right to do this? She felt guilty about being with Adam too… she had always meant for Bash to be the most important person in her life and wondered if falling in love was slightly selfish. Stop it! She gave herself a mental slap. Bash will always be the most important love of my life and no one will ever change that. Having feelings for another person doesn’t take away my devotion to my son. She kissed his picture, her favourite picture of him, the picture of him as a little baby. Her heart ached even harder for him. Only a few more days, she reminded herself. She looked out of the window again, trying to focus her thoughts on Los Angeles. To her shock, the airport seemed to have disappeared. Was her mind playing tricks on her? She twisted in her seat. The airport was now a small dot, speedily getting smaller and more indistinct. Oh my god, how FAST were they going? What was Adam doing?

“Adam?!” What was going on? She just couldn’t understand, but a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach was rising and pressing against her chest heavily - like she knew what was going on, deep inside, something too nasty to imagine straightforwardly.

He ignored her. The look that she had once thought she had caught on his face the other day was now fixed upon him. Like before, his handsome face was twisted and sinister looking. To make things worse, he also had a threatening smirk transfixed on his face. He seemed like a different person.

“Adam, why are we going fast? Why did we go past the airport? Where are we going?” Her voice got more high-pitched, as hard as she tried to keep the hysteria out of her voice.

He continued to grip the wheel tightly. The thing that got to Tawna most is that he didn’t look crazed… just intensely calm, as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

“I’m just gonna be getting off now…” Stammering, Tawna unhooked her belt and grabbed the door handle, trying to open it. Quick as a flash a strong hand gripped her painfully and pulled her back roughly. Adam pinned her to his seat with one hand, the other remained glued to the wheel. He didn’t even look at her.
“Don’t even think about it. It’ll be so much less painful if you do as I say.”
“Adam, what are you doing? I thought we were going to the airport! Why are you hurting me, saying such horrible things?” He was pressing her so hard it hurt and she as having trouble breathing. Tears of panic, hurt and confusion trickled down her face. “I don’t understand.”
“They never do.” He chuckled to himself. “I bet you thought I loved you. Women like you are always so easy to fool. A sprinkle of pretty words here and there, a touch of ego-massaging… some flowers… a few empty promises… You can get a female to do anything, to get into a stranger’s car all alone and allow herself to be taken far away from the few that care for her. Such weak women need to be taught a lesson.” He shook his head, with an air of resigned sadness.

Tawna was silent, trying to absorb the horrifying meaning of his words. She felt so used… so stupid… the tears and moans took over her entire body. How had she been so fooled? How could she have been so trusting of his words? Only now could she see his falseness. It hurt so much, knowing she had been toyed with. He must be right - she was weak - weak, empty and shallow. So easily fooled.

“What are you going to do with me?” She whispered, completely overcome and defeated, as crumpled as a discarded paper bag.
“I am going to teach you a lesson. The lesson that women are infinitely inferior to men, and always will be. A pity you won’t be able to pass this knowledge onto your spoiled child.” Adam smiled, hoping to hurt Tawna even more, weaken her spirit further.

Bash! Her child… Adam was wrong. She wasn’t a weak woman. Could a weak woman bring up a child practically by herself? Bring a child into the world, period? Adam had inspired her. She had felt defeated, too weak to fight for herself. But she wasn’t too weak to fight for Bash. She’d always be strong for him, like she’d promised herself, years ago. Her crumpled form filled out with newfound strength. She clenched her fists and, with all her might, removed Adam’s hand from her chest with one angry motion. Startled he turned to look at her, and in doing so, met her eyes, glittering with rage. Tawna held his gaze for a split second before moving her foot quickly to jab him in the groin and then scrambled to open the door, while he was still stunned.

It was stuck! Her heart began to thump uncontrollably. She jiggled it violently, perspiring nervously.

“Auto-lock.” Adam grabbed Tawna roughly and shook her. His cold tone suddenly became shrill. “Do you have any idea how hard you’re making this for me? Why can’t you just do as I say!? We’ll be there soon!” He shook her harder and harder, allowing her head to bang against the wheel. He scarcely acknowledged the fact the car was travelling at 90mph, driver-less.

Tawna felt dizzy, and fast losing her hold on consciousness. Adam was saying something about his mother but the words could no longer made sense to her, they were all jumbled up and thick, garbled sounds unable to penetrate through her fogged mind. Her head throbbed and closing her eyes brought small relief. Suddenly…

“Good, you’re coming around.”

Tawna opened her eyes. Harsh bright lights pained her vision. She shut them tightly and then forced them open again. She tried to twist her head, only to find it was stuck for some reason. All her limited vision allowed her was a view of the stark ceiling, white and shiny, sparsely decorated with glaring fluorescent lights. Her hands, her feet… her entire body was completely immobilized on a hard and cold metal surface. She wanted to scream but a mouldy sock silenced her. She closed her eyes again, screwed them tightly up. She didn’t even want to imagine what was going to happen.

“Open up those pretty eyes, my angel.”

He sounded sweet and caring but this time she knew it was all an act, just a cruel act. He loosened the straps around her neck and forehead. He held her face tenderly with one hand, and kissed her neck, kissed the red bruises the tight straps had made on them. “It hurts me so much to see you like this.” He undid the gag around her mouth and removed the sock. He moved as if to kiss her. Tawna gathered all the moisture in her dry mouth and spat at him. He reeled surprised, and then his mock kindness was replaced with a look of rage. He slapped her sharply. Tawna held back the tears that normally came so easily and continued to look at him defiantly.

“Why must you anger me like this? Why must you force me to hurt you?” He shrieked in her ear, “You have brought all this on yourself!”
Tawna swallowed. “Excuse me? What have I done? All I can tell is that some sadistic black wolf has gone psychotic on me.” She bravely tried to keep her voice steady. Don’t show him your fear you’re going to survive this.
“Psychotic? Bah, I’m not the crazy one. Women are crazy… useless, manipulative creatures. What have you done, you ask? You just want to do the thing to me that every woman has wanted to do to me. You want to use me. You want to steal my heart, make me a slave to your every desire. And then you’ll take all my love and LEAVE ME. Well, you’re never going to get the chance to do that, my lovely. I won’t let you hurt me. Now, just be a good girl and everything will be much better, less blood, less pain for you and I.” He spoke as if everything made complete sense and was fully understandable, as if he was the victim. “Stay still. Don’t bother screaming, we’re in the middle of nowhere and screaming just really gets on my nerves.”
“Adam… I won’t ever leave you. I love you.” Tawna whispered softly.
His ears pricked up. He turned and looked at Tawna. “You’re lying.” Yet she could sense the eagerness underlying his bitter tone.
“It’s the truth, Adam. All those other women, they were bad. But I’m different. I was practically in love with you from the moment I saw you. You swept me off my feet. Now, I see your vulnerability, I love you even more. I want to be the woman at your side, forever. I could never love another man as much as I love you and I know I’ll love you more and more, the more time I spend with you.” She kept a look of earnest sadness on her face, trying to appeal to him, to the weakness he had inadvertently revealed to her.
“What about your son?” He noticeably softened, all at once he seemed young and needy.
“Ha! What chance does my son have against my love for you? Let Kiana care for him. I need only one person in my life. Let it be you, I’m begging you. If you finish me, you’ll never know how great our love could be, how happy we’ll be together.” It hurt to dismiss Bash like that, but for the sake of living for him, she needed to say such things.

Adam dissolved. He sank to the floor and began to cry. His strong and imposing form shook with emotion. He looked even younger, just like a small boy crying for his mother.

“Darling, let me comfort you. Let me freely embrace you. I want you.”

He nodded and got to his feet. He smiled happily at Tawna and quickly undid the spiteful straps, so aggressively digging into her tender body. He helped her to her feet and then buried his head in her chest. She enveloped him, rest her chin on his shoulder, all the while moving her eyes frantically around the room, searching… The room was large and spacious, practically clinical. Aside from the white walls, that is. They were covered with photos of various females. A cold chill struck Tawna as she caught sight of a few photos of herself. She tried to ignore them and continued analysing the room. There was a wooden desk in the corner, covered with files and folders. That was about it… except… her eyes found what there were searching for. An earthenware bowl, sitting on top of a solitary chair, crusted with dried milk and cereal. She held Adam tighter and gently manoeuvred him closer towards the chair.

“It’s all gonna be good baby. Let it all out.”
“Oh, Tawna… I waited so long for a woman to say those words to me.” Adam wept, nuzzling her. “We can start a wonderful life together, just you and me and our love. What else could we need?”
“Of course, honey. Just remember one thing.” Her fingers encircled the rim of the bowl.
“What, angel?”
“This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.”

Before he had a chance to react she raised the bowl above is head and brought it crashing down. He fell to the floor, as if dead. Knocked out cold. Tawna knelt down and sweetly breathed into his ear.

“I’m not the only one that’s so easy to fool. And I certainly hope I’ve taught you a lesson too.”
“Tawna, my god! Hun!” The door flew open and a distressed Kiana burst into the room. She almost knocked Tawna off the chair with her hearty clinch. She started gabbling incomprehensibly and covered Tawna’s cheeks with wet kisses.
“Eek… you’re choking me Kiana!” Tawna chortled, over the moon at seeing her best bud. She had been just spent 4 hours talking to the police. She felt completely exhausted from all the paperwork and interrogation it was so wonderful to see a familiar face. “Gerroff!”

Kiana loosened her vicelike grip slightly and sniffed, still holding Tawna.

“I’m just so happy to see you alive, all in one piece… I would have never forgiven myself…”
“Well, at least Adam’s gotten exactly what he deserves. We can be grateful for that too,” Tawna breathed a sigh of relief, “At least no other woman will go through what I did, and all those other women less fortunate than I was can rest in peace. I hope their families will gain comfort from the knowledge Adam is locked away for good. You were so right, I should have listened to you.”
“It doesn’t matter Tawna, all that matters is that you survived and because of you a complete psycho was finally captured. You go girl! I’m so proud of you. And I know someone else who is.” Kiana reluctantly unravelled her arms and went outside.
“MOMMY!!!!” Bash’s jubilant voice was music, sweet music to Tawna’s ears. He ran towards Tawna, and flew into her awaiting and eager arms. “I missed you so much Mommy!” He knew nothing of what had happened to Tawna, and it would remain that way for some time.

Tawna sighed happily and kissed Bash - kissed his hair, his cheeks… just about any part of his body that she could get to. She let his excited chattering about his adventures with Crash and co wash over her and just enjoyed being with him once more. She thanked the gods for every blessing, for blessing her with survival, and most of all, for blessing her with this beautiful child. She looked up and almost cried with delight. All the gang… Crash, Coco, Aku Aku, Polar, Danni, Pura… all of Kiana’s brothers and their families… Kiana and Darwin… even Mr. Methane Brio were standing outside the door, peering in, bearing flowers and gifts, touched and silenced by the display of singular affection between mother and son. Thank you, she mentally added, for blessing me with friends.

She stood up, Bash glued to her still. Kieran held the door open for them. “Let’s go home.”

Tawna paused, wordlessly reflecting. Poor Adam, she couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for him. How sad that he had been so cruelly emotionally and physically tortured by his mother. If it had not been for her, perhaps he wouldn’t have become such a monster, desperate and fearful of love. He enjoyed inflicting pain of the same kind his mother gave to him on women he found attractive. The more he developed feelings for someone, the more he felt the need to destroy that person. All because of his mother’s perverted love.

“Tawna?” Kieran clicked his fingers in front of her face.
“Oh, sorry, zoned out there for a few. Let’s get a move on, I’d love nothing better to curl up in bed and have all of you wait on me.” Protectively, she embraced Bash tighter. My Bash will never become that. Not with all the love we have for him. She stepped outside the room and was immediately surrounded by her loved ones. Her family.

Kieran followed Tawna and placed his hand around her waist. “I hope you don’t think this is a bad time but I really need to ask you something.”

“What is it, sweetie?”

He leant closer and whispered earnestly. “Will you marry me?”
“What? Are you serious?” She stared at him, unable to believe her ears. She had never imagined Kieran had such depth of feeling for her. Bash looked at Kieran with interest. Everyone was listening now, everyone including the present police force, trying unsuccessfully to look as if they weren’t.
Kieran reddened and looked at his feet. “Sorry I just blurted it out like that. I’ve loved you for five years… I felt like if I didn’t say it now, I never would... be able to find the courage. I almost lost you forever. I’m completely serious. You don’t have to answer now, I understand completely.”

The tears could be held back no longer. Her swelling joy over spilled onto her cheeks. She realised she had loved him all along too. He was the one for her, she had felt this way always, but she had been too ignorant to listen to it, that small voice inside, too dismissive of her own feelings… Yes, Yes… YES! She suddenly remembered they were not alone. She looked at her friends and then at her son. “Well… it all depends… what do you think Bash? Do you think that Kieran would make a good step-daddy?”

All held their breath and Bash gleefully took his time. He scrunched u his little face, until eh could hold it in no longer.


Kieran was his favourite man in the world, next to Daddy of course. Oh, and Santa Claus.

“I agree with Bash. I’d love to be your wife Kieran. I don’t even need to think about it.” Kieran jabbed his fist into the air. “Woohoo!” He cleared his throat, “I mean, I’m… uh… I mean…um… uh…”
“I know what you mean.” Balancing Bash on her hip she used her free arm to pull Kieran close and she kissed him full on the mouth. “I love you.”

Everyone cheered. Old Methane broke down and bawled upon Papu Papu, who patted him empathetically, as he wiped a tear from his own piggish eye. Crash turned to Danni and they shared a kiss, in response to the moment. Coco hugged Polar and Pura. Kiana jumped around with excitement and shrieked before Darwin caught her and calmed her by occupying her mouth. Everyone else embraced a loved one or shook hands with an acquaintance, from the remainder of Kiana’s relatives to the hardened Chief Inspector. Aku Aku floated high and remained an affected spectator. He turns and his eyes meet your own, absorbing these very words at this present moment.

“I hope you all enjoyed that and didn’t find it too sentimental. At this point I’m supposed to give you an obligatory moral, my impressionable children, my adults of the future… but I think this tale speaks for itself. Just remember, love and friendship conquer all… darn, I just gave you a moral!” He composed himself and continued, “Anyway, remember that and also remember… the best stories are the ones with happy endings!”


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