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Naughty Dog

(Globe the Universal stays while the letters fade away)

(Crash Theme plays)

ME: OK, I’ll make a long story short for you, mad scientists perform experiments on fuzzy creatures, fuzzy creatures get revenge (one person clapping is heard). Thank you, thank you. (deep breathe) Anyways, it’s been about six years since Dr. Neo Cortex created his archenemy, Crash Bandicoot, and about two years since they last saw each other. During this time, the Crash Team has drifted apart (glob spins and shows the U. S. A bubble and a Japanese-style picture of Coco pops up) Coco has moved to the U.S. with her pet tiger, Pura, and is running a computer company that is rivalling Microsoft. (Glob spins to show Australia. It zooms in on the three islands. Bubble with a Japanese-style picture of Crash pops up) Crash still lives on those no-name islands with his pet bear, Polar. (That bubble disappears and one with Cortex Castle pops up. It has a very dark sky behind it) Neo Cortex is, well, we’re not really sure, but we think he’s retired (The sky behind the castle becomes a beautiful blue and sunny one) …O… Kay… (Glob spins back to the U. S. Bubble of Tawna pops up) Tawna went to the U. S. to become an actress while her sister, Liz, went to the U. K. (glob spins to the U. K. and a picture of the black-haired CTR girl pops up) to become a singer. Look for her CD, ‘Honey to the B’, in stores now! Ahem—(spins back to the islands. Bubble with Japanese-style picture of N. Gin comes up) Dr. Nathan “Nitro” Gin has opened his own ray gun and pawnshop. We think that Megumi and Ami are working for him. (bubble of the blue-haired and green-haired CTR girls pop up) Dr. Nefarious Tropy has also gone to the U. K. (spins and bubble pops up). Not too sure what he’s doing there, though. (Goes back to the islands. Bubble of Tiny and K. K. pops up) Tiny Tiger has turned Tiny Arena into a monster truck rally and is being helped by Koala Kong. (Bubble of Dingo and Rilla Roo pops up) Dingodile has opened his own hybrid shop and is being helped by Rilla Roo. Don’t get your hopes up, folks, this is the only time we’re going to see him in this whole thing (a large red ‘X’ is put over Rilla’s picture) (Bubble of Joe and Moe pops up) The Komodo Brothers had a restaurant open at one point, but scared away all the customers with their Flying Sword act (Another large red ‘X’ falls on the brothers) (Bubble of Pinstripe pops up) Pinstripe Potoroo had opened his own bar next to Nitrous Brio’s. (bubble of Brio pops up next to Pinstripes. The Pinstripe picture taunts Brio) Hey, hey, hey, be nice. Papu Papu still owns the big and tall shop. (bubble of Papu Papu pops up) (Bubble of Ripper pops up) Ripper Roo… gone on, guess (the background of the picture turns into a padded room) Aku Aku is still fused with Crash (bubble of him pops up) giving Crash a killer intuition. Uka Uka (bubble of him pops up) is once again locked up. (Bubble with FC pops up) FC is either still on Angel Island with Ben and Eden, or is working as a DJ at some dance club. (Bubble of Ben pops up) Ben is either living with his big brother, Dingodile, or on Angel Island. Eden (bubble of the lynx pops up), well, she’s still dead. Well, it seems like everything is normal, well, normal for this place. Keyword, ‘seems’…

Crash Bandicoot:
Return to the Time Twister

[‘Honestly OK’ by Dido plays ]

(The camera zooms in on Australia as Crash speaks)

CRASH: Ah, the beautiful land of Australia. There’s nowhere else in the world where you can find people like there are here, and if you live in the part that I do, you’re very glad of it. I live on an island (zooms in on Tasmania) no, go in deeper (zooms in on the three islands) there we go! Hey, I can see my house! …That’s kinda sad…. Anyway, the people down here are so paranoid, that some wouldn’t even go outside their house to get the paper. They have good reason to, too. Anything can happen, and I mean ANYTHING. There are insane scientists, crazy kangaroos, and koala’s on steroids, it’s not a pretty sight, and when you have a job like my sister and me do, that paranoia quickly becomes reality.

(Crash is seen tossing in bed. It seems he is having a bad dream.)

CRASH: (in his sleep) No…no…no! (Gasp)

(He sits up in bed quickly, breathing fast. He looks around the room. After a moment, he jumps out of bed)


(The busy streets of England are seen. The population is going about their everyday business. We only care about one person in the crowd, though, Charles NT. He is walking on the sidewalk, looking around for his destination, when he stops dead in his tracks)

CHARLES: Someone’s tampering with the Time Twister…

(He turns on his heel and runs off)

(Back down under)

(Crash is seen outside the Cortex Castle. He’s still wearing his P. J. bottoms. He starts to bang on the large oak doors of the castle)

CRASH: Doc! Hey Doc! (Bangs on the door)

(Neo comes out to the balcony, dressed in a grey nightshirt with black bottom. He looks down at Crash, whose robotic eye is glowing in the night)

NEO: (sleepily) Crash?
CRASH: Doc, ya gotta let me in!
(Neo disappears from sight. A minute later, he opens the door for Crash. Crash runs in and heads for the phone)

NEO: You came here, in the middle of the night, to use my phone?!
CRASH: Shush! (puts the receiver to his ear)
NEO: (whisper) Whom are you calling?
CRASH: Coco!

(We see Coco typing away at her computer in the U. S. The phone rings and she answers it)

COCO: Coco speaking.
CRASH: Coco, it’s me!
COCO: Crash? What’s wrong?
CRASH: No time to tell you, you need to get down here, quick!
COCO: But – (she hears a ‘click’)

(Back in the castle)

NEO: Crash, what’s going on?
CRASH: Do you know where N. Gin is?
NEO: Yeah –
CRASH: Get ‘im
NEO: Crash! Will you tell me what’s wrong?!
CRASH: Ever since Aku Aku and I fused, I’ve been able to tell when something bad was going to happen, like a sixth sense, and right now, it’s going crazy!

(Phone rings. Crash picks it up)

CRASH: Hello? …What? Time Twister? …O… Kay… (hangs up)
NEO: Who was that?
CRASH: Tropy, says he wants us to go check on the Time Twister.
NEO: Why?
CRASH: Didn’t say.
NEO: Maybe he fused with a witch doctor…

(Crash hits him as he heads for the door)

(At the site of the Time Twister)

NEO: Looks like someone’s been here.
CRASH: Yeah, messed with the thing too. (points to an open control panel)

(As they walk deeper into the control room of the time machine, the sound of a warp portal opening and closing is heard. They jump around. Crash looks nervously around the room)

CRASH: Keep your guard up. There’s someone here with us.
NEO: Don’t need to tell me twice…

(They make their way to the main control console. Crash jumps)

CRASH: Behind you!

(Before Neo could turn around, both of them are flung into a wall. Evil laugher is heard. The two get up. They see something exit the room and out into the jungle. At that moment, Coco, Pura, Polar, and Tropy run into the main room)

COCO: Crash! (runs toward him)

(As she got closer, Crash could see that his little sister was no longer little. She was quite grown-up and was wearing a white, full-length tank top with greenish pants. Tropy, however, looked just as he did two years ago on Angel Island. He went over to the open control panel)

COCO: Crash, are you all right? What was that thing?
CRASH: I’m fine, and I think I might have a good idea what it was…

(Back at the castle, most of the team has been gathered)

COCO: So, Crash, what do you think it was?
CRASH: Uka Uka!

(They jump)

ALL: What?!
CRASH: He’s the only reason that my sixth sense would be acting like this.
NEO: Seems to make sense!
COCO: Do you think he’ll be coming for us?
CRASH: Most likely.

(There was a loud bang on the door. The team looks at each other and Neo goes over to the door. He opens it)

NEO: Yes? (Something grabs him) Nee!

(Door slams. The team jumps up and runs over to the door. Neo gets thrown back in, knocking over several team members when doing so)

CRASH: What was that?
NEO: Guess. I need to talk to N. Gin

(They go off and talk for a moment. The others give each other confused looks to one other. Neo and N. Gin come back)

NEO: Crash was right. It is Uka Uka!
CRASH: Take it that was him?

(Neo nods)

COCO: (slightly nervous) What are we going to do?

FC & DINGO: Burn ‘im! (They look at each other strangely)
NATE: I say we fight!
COCO: You want us to fight your boss?
NATE: He’s not our boss anymore!
CRASH: (to Neo) He fired you didn’t he?
NEO: He didn’t fire me; I quit when I heard his outrageous plan
CRASH: But then he set you on fire.
NEO: …(hangs head) Yeah…
CRASH: Knew it had something to do with fire…
NEO: And how did you know that?
CRASH: Your bum’s smoking.
NEO: Eh? (looks behind himself) Nee!
FC: Wait; you want all of us to fight that — that thing?
NATE: Yeah!
FC: (looking around at the team) …We’re all gonna die…
BEN: You’re not thinking happy thoughts. Now breathe…
FC: I am a good villain. I am a good villain…
CRASH: …You two have been around dead people too long.
FC: I… (Looking at Crash out of the corner of his eye) You will be too if you fight Uka Uka.
CRASH: Good point.

(Tropy walks into the room. He doesn’t look too happy)

NEO: Well?
TROPY: I don’t know what he did to it. Worst of all, I don’t know how to fix it.
CRASH: Does it still work?
TROPY: Yes, but not in the way that it was intended to.
COCO: What do you mean?
TROPY: Not only can it go back and forward in time, but also it can send you to Warp Worlds.
CRASH: Huh, cool! (Tropy glares at him) I mean… ah, yeah….
TROPY: He could be in any one of them.
COCO: Then we can go look for him.
TROPY: It’s not that easy.
CRASH: We jump into a portal, how hard can that be?
TROPY: It’s what’s on the other side.
CRASH: A yet another good point.
POLAR: < Who cares? Let’s do it! >

(Polar runs off toward the Time Twister)

CRASH: Polar, wait!

(They run off after him. When they get to the time machine, all they see is a warp orb with a jungle behind it close)

FC: That’s not good.
BEN: I would say not.
CRASH: Should we…?
TROPY: It’s the only way to get that bear out…
CRASH: Right, then, off we go!

(Crash jumped into the portal followed by Coco, Neo, Nate, Pinstripe, Dingo, and Tiny. When the team members had landed, it seem that there were just outside the warp room. They looked at each other, and then began to work into the jungle. As the got closer to Cortex Castle, voices could be heard)

VOICE 1: I can’t believe they beat us again!
VOICE 2: I can, how many times is this now?
VOICE 1: Ummmm… A lot.
VOICE 2: A lot as in…?
VOICE 3: To many to count.
VOICE 1: Exactly, so why should we think that we could beat them this time?
VOICE 4: Happy thoughts…
VOICE 1, 2, &3: Shut up
CRASH: Gee, this somehow seems familiar…

(They walk around the corner and see some very beat-up baddies. It was Neo, N. Gin, Dingo, Tiny, and FC)

NEO: This world doesn’t seem any different other than we have doubles.
COCO: Never judge a book by its cover.
CRASH: Yeah, let’s find our doubles and see what happens.
DINGO: Let’s not forget about Polar!
CRASH: Oh yeah…

(They walk through the jungle until they can hear more voices, this time of the goodies. There was someone there, though, that they didn’t recognize. Crash, however, did)

VOICE: I toasted ‘em so good!

(They come around to see a purple dragon, along with Crash, Coco, and some other ducked out in leather)

CRASH 2: Don’t forget who helped you.
DRAGON: Oh, yeah. Thanks, Sparx.

(The dragon motioned to a small, yellow dragonfly wearing black gloves)

CRASH 2: Eh?
DRAGON: He helped me more than you, rat boy!
CRASH 2: Well at least I ain’t purple.
DRAGON: Like orange’s any better.

(The Crash in leather growled and was about to punch the dragon when the second Coco stopped him)

CRASH 2: Eh?
COCO 2: You need to learn how to control your temper, big brother!

(The second Crash sighed and lowered his fist)

COCO 2: Just kidding, you can kill ‘im.

(With that, the Crash in leather jumped on the dragon and they got into a fistfight)

CRASH: Gee, this is nice; we’re the bad guys.
COCO: But who’s the dragon?
CRASH: His name’s Spyro. I ran into him in another WarpWorld

(From the direction of this fistfight, a yell could be heard. They turned to see who the victor was. What they saw was the evil Crash frozen)

COCO 2: (jumping up) What the…?

(A half human, half deer girl and a cheetah walked out of the shadows)

SPYRO: Elora, Hunter, ‘bout time you two showed up!
ELORA: This is no time for play, Spyro. We’ve got news that those guys are going to try something again.

(Elora waved her hand and the frozen bandicoot fell to the ground, muttering under his breathe)

COCO 2: What kind of something?
HUNTER: Uka Uka says they’ve got some kid of doubles on their side.
CRASH 2: Doubles? He’s tryin’ the cloning bit again?
HUNTER: Maybe.
CRASH 2: Well, if their anything like that double of me, it should be easier than takin’ candy from a baby! (grins)
PINSTRIPE: Gee, that’s not good.
CRASH: They know about us already!
NEO: What are we going to do?
COCO: Run!
ALL: Run?
COCO: They’re coming this way!
CRASH: Eh? AH! (ducks)

(The evil twins walked off toward the castle; talking about ways they were going to beat their enemies)

NATE: Oh, this’ll be fun…

[‘B.L.O.S.S.O.M.’ by Komeda plays]

(The team members are making their way to the castle, only to see that the doubles have gotten there first)

CRASH 2: …So you’re tryin’ the cloning bit again, eh Doc?
NEO 2: What are you talking about, rat?
HUNTER: (grabbing Neo’s shirt) Don’t play dumb, shorty, Uka Uka told us about your new plan.
NATE 2: Us playing dumb? Look who’s talking!

(Hunter growls at Nate, showing his teeth)

COCO: We’d better stop them before someone gets hurt… (looking at Crash) …what are you doing?

(Crash has taken out his bazooka and his aiming at Hunter)

CRASH: No one will have to know we’re here.
NEO: But if you fire, they will!
CRASH: Not if we run like the devil’s chasing us afterward!
DINGO: Good point.
VOICE: He’s already here!

(The team members jump and turn around slowly. Standing behind them was a small, meaning looking, purple dragon)

PINSTRIPE: Aw, damn…
CRASH: Aaaaaa…(thinking)

(Crash then pulls the trigger on the bazooka sending a large Wumpa fruit into the chest of Spyro. He dragon was sent into a tree. Meanwhile, the doubles heard the noise and went over to look)

CRASH 2: What the…?

(They jump again)

COCO: This is not our day…

(The originals and the baddy doubles are squaring off)

NEO 2: (looking from Crash, to baddy Crash, to FC 2) Good God, now there’s three of ‘im…
CRASH: (pointing out) Don’t forget FC at home!
NEO 2: Oh God…

[‘Pokémon World’ (instrumental) by Youngstown featuring Nobody’s Angel]

(Spyro’s the one to make the first move. He shoots a stream of fire at Dingo, who blocks with a stream of fore from his flamethrower. The baddy Crash ran up to our hero. He threw several powerful punches at Crash, but everyone is blocked. Getting angry, the baddy takes out a chain, grins evilly, and starts to spin. Crash blocks the chain from hitting his face, but it raps around his arm. The force of the baddy spinning was too much, and Crash was sent flying. Hunter was looking strangely at the large tiger he had to fight. Tiny was much large than Hunter and much stronger, but Hunter was much smarter than Tiny. Hunter ran as fast as he could around Tiny, making the tiger confused. While Tiny was trying to figure out where Hunter had gone, the cheetah jumped up behind him and whacked him over the head. Pinstripe was grinning at Elora. Neo looked at the Potoroo and shook his head. He could tell how this was going to turn out. Pinstripe lunged at Elora, who was reaching into a pouch tied around her waste. She took out a sparkling gold dust and blew some at Pinstripe. He stopped dead in his track, paralysed. Neo took advantage of the moment and shot at Elora. She was hit. Pinstripe fell over, being released from the dust’s power. Elora jumped up and kicked the two, sending them flying. Coco was fighting hand to hand with her double. They were throwing and blocking punches and kicks extremely fast. Just then, something jumped out of the bushes and hit the double.)

COCO 2: Ah!

(Coco looked to see what had hit her opponent. What she saw was a white, fluffy, bear)

COCO: Polar?!

(Polar looked up at Coco and grinned)

COCO: ‘Bout time you showed up…
COCO 2: (getting up) Even with a bear, you won’t beat us. You may have us out numbered, but we have the better fighting skills by far!
NEO 2: Yeah, but we have heavier artillery.

(The two turn to see the goody doubles aiming their weapons at the baddy Coco. The baddy smirked and started an attack, but was stopped midway)

COCO 2: Ah! (ducks)

(The Neo double had shot at her. This, however, just made her madder. She ran toward them with all her speed, but was once again tackled by Polar. Having seen what happened, the other baddy doubles stopped their attack)

CRASH 2: I don’t believe it. Looks like the Doc’s won for once!

(They put their hands up and the goody doubles began to walk them into the castle. The Neo double smiled and turned to thank the strangers that had helped them. When he turned, they were gone. Crash, Coco, and the others rolled out of the warp portal with a thud. They looked at each other bewildered)

CRASH: Gee that was odd
NEO: Yes, yes it was.
VOICE: And you’ve got a lot more of where that came from to do.

(They looked behind them. FC was standing in the doorway of the Time Twister. He looked a bit irritated. He must’ve been told something about the WarpWorlds that he didn’t like)

CRASH: Us? What about you guys?
FC: (glaring slightly) Tropy and I are going to stay here and work out the bugs in the machine.

(That must be why he looked so mad, Crash thought, he was told that he couldn’t go into the WarpWorlds. Knowing FC, it was like Christmas had been cancelled. He always was weird that way. Ben walked into the room. A slim, good-liking, blonde, female bandicoot followed him)

BEN: Crash, you have a visitor.

(Crash gasped. The female bandicoot smiled at him. It was Tawna. Coco’s eyes widened when she, too, realized it was Tawna)

CRASH: T-Tawna, what are you doing here?
TAWNA: I hadn’t seen you in a long time and I thought I’d pay a visit.

(FC was looking quite shocked and even more irritated at the fact Crash’s old girlfriend had returned. He didn’t really like her much. She was somewhat of a shrew to him. He guessed it was the fact that he looked like her beloved Crash Bandicoot. He thought that she would be happy to have another one running around, but he thought wrong. Tawna went up to Crash and hugged him. FC glared. This wasn’t his day. There was no way he could concentrate that movie star around. Then he had an idea)

FC: Why don’t you go into the next WarpWorld with Crash, Tawna? That way you two can catch-up on what you’ve missed.
CRASH: Hey, that’s a good idea, FC!

(Tropy then walked in. He had heard the suggestion)

TROPY: FC, that data shows that the next world is very dangerous. Maybe you should go, too.

(FC nearly fell over. He glared at Tropy, who had a slight grin on his face)

FC: (gritting teeth) I was going to stay here to help you fix the Time Twister.
TROPY: (grinning) Ben will help me out while you’re gone.

(FC was now glaring daggers at Tropy. Then Pinstripe stepped up)

PINSTRIPE: Oi, I’m ready for another go!
CRASH: Right. What about the rest of you?
COCO: I’ve got some work to do.
DINGO: Betta make sure Ben doesn’t cause any trouble for Dr. Tropy!
TINY: Tiny hungry…

(Crash jumped and looked up at Tiny, who was grinning down at him)

CRASH: Yeah, right, let’s go!

(Crash grabbed Tawna’s wrist and pulled her off toward the warp portal. Pinstripe walked off after them, but came back to get FC, who was still glaring at Tropy. The four jumped in)

[‘Hunter’ by Dido plays ]

(Crash is seen eating a Wumpa. He’s dressed in white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and gun holsters on both sides, khaki pants, and brown boots. He didn’t really know what was going on, but it looked like they were in Egypt around the nineteen-twenties. Pinstripe was dressed in an off-white suit. He was trying to get some camels for them. He had gotten into a fight over the price. Tawna was getting some cooler clothing, seeing how incredibly hot it was. FC was nowhere in sight. Crash didn’t even know where he landed. He could decide weather that was a good or bad thing. FC could get on his nerves at times. Pinstripe walked up to Crash with three camels, shaking his head and muttering something about thieves)

PINSTRIPE: Where’s Evie?

(Crash shrugged. Just then, Tawna came out of a tent dressed in a black dress with a vale. Crash and Pinstripe’s mouths fell open. She walked up to them, grinning wide)

TAWNA: We’ll be off then?
CRASH: Aaaaa… right…

(The team members had been giving some kind of false memory because they knew their names were Rick O'Connell [Crash ], Evelyn Carnavan [Tawna ], Jonathan Carnavan [ Pinstripe] they somehow knew they were going to a dig site where the rumoured city Hamunaptra, The City of the Dead is said to be. It’s said that the city is cursed. Buried there is a high priest, Imhotep, who murdered the Pharaoh. He was sentenced to the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses, the Hum-Di, where the person is raped in bandages and buried alive at the foot of the Anubis statue with flesh eating scarab beetles. Of course, none of the travellers believed this story and were in it merely for the riches were said to be buried there. The three made their way across the hot desert, unknowingly being watched by a shady figure dressed in black the whole way. When they got to the stop where the city was supposed to be, they found nothing but sand)

PINSTRIPE: Oi, where is it?
TAWNA: Are you sure this is the right place, Crash?
CRASH: Positive.

(A group of American treasure seekers rode up next to them)

AMERICAN 1: Hey O’Connell, where’s this city?
CRASH: Easy, Henderson, it’s here
AMERICAN 2: Well I sure don’t see any city.
TAWNA: Mr. Burns, I assure you that Mr. O’Connell knows what he’s doing
PINSTRIPE: (in a low voice) You have know idea what you’re doing, do you?
CRASH: (in a low voice) Not a darn idea, but my gut tells me it’s here.

(As he said this, the horizon began to blur. The treasure seekers watched in amazement as an ancient city appeared. It was Hamunaptra. Crash grinned at the three cowboys that had doubted him. They snapped out of shock and grinned back at Crash)

AMERICAN 3: First one there gets first dibs!
CRASH: (grinning) Mr. Daniels, you’re on!

(The two rode off at top speed. Pinstripe grinned and rode off after them followed by Henderson and Burns. Tawna sighed and also rode off. Crash and Daniels were neck to neck and closing in on the city fast. Crash kicked his camel to go faster, Daniels did the same with his horse. It seemed like Crash would be the winner, when none other than his own girlfriend passed him. Crash grinned, though he was slightly shocked, as Tawna slowed her camel to a stop at the city’s entrance. The Americas didn’t seem too happy about losing, but didn’t have time to waste on being bitter. They were standing in the legendary City of the Dead. In a short time, teams of workers had been set up, the Americans and our heroes. Crash walked around the house-sized room they had found. In it was millions of gold pieces, figures, and just about anything else from that time. Pinstripe was grinning wide looking around at the gleaming gold. Crash could almost see dollar signs in his eyes. The Americans had made their way down into the room. They had the same look as Pinstripe)

HENDERSON: How much you reckon is here?
TAWNA: Millions upon millions.

(That did it, now Crash COULD see dollar signs now)

CRASH: Come on, guys!

(Crash had to drag Pinstripe out of the room as he and Tawna moved on. They came to a small room. It was very plane and simple with no colour)

PINSTRIPE: Why are we in here when all the treasure’s out there?
TAWNA: Because, we can do our digging in here.

(Pinstripe didn’t seem too happy about this. It was like he knew they wouldn’t find anything. Crash handed him a pick and they began to dig)

[Camera goes through the roof of the room. It shows directly above the dig site to show that they were digging at the foot of the Anubis statue. ]

(After some time, Crash and Pinstripe had hit something when their digging. They brought out what seemed to be a sarcophagus. They propped it against the wall and prepared to open it. The Americans had also found a small and plane room of their own. They had gotten some workers to open a compartment they had found. The workers had crowbars and were trying to force the compartment open)

BURNS: What you reckon is in there?
HENDERSON: Maybe some more gold!
DANIELS: Or something better!

(Just then, the workers had gotten the thing open. The lid shot off. A liquid of some sort shot out and onto the workers. The screamed in pain as it burned their skin. Crash and Pinstripe, too, had gotten crowbars and were working their way into the sarcophagus)

TAWNA: Be careful, we don’t know what’s in it.

(As she said that, the lid came open. A juicy-looking mummy popped out. The three jumped. Luckily, that was the only moving the mummy did. It was thoroughly dead. They let out a sigh of relief)

CRASH: Gee, this is a nice surprise.

(Tawna went over to the corps and looked at the lid. There were scratch marks on the inside)

CRASH: (going over to look) What do you think made them?

(Tawna ran her fingers over the marks)

TAWNA: These-these were made by human nails.

(When the dust had cleared, the Americans could see what had been in the compartment. It was a small trunk. They went over and picked it up. Surely this one wouldn’t be booby trapped, too. They opened it carefully and found four jars, one with a hawk head, one with a jackal head, one with a snakehead, and a broken one with a human head. The Americans grinned at each other)

HENDERSON: We’ve hit pay dirt, guys!

(Tawna examined the lid of the sarcophagus closer now. She found some writing, also seemed to be done with human nails)

CRASH: What does it say?

(Tawna ran her fingers over the writing as she read)

TAWNA: “I will rise again. Death is only the beginning”
PINSTRIPE: Cheery note ‘e left us!

(Pinstripe was looking in the hole, seeing if there was anything else of value. When he found nothing, he went over to the others. Tawna was now examining the mummy itself)

TAWNA: Good Lord…
CRASH: What is it?
TAWNA: It looks like he was buried alive!
PINSTRIPE: Even cheerier!

(Later that night, Crash, Tawna, and Pinstripe were sitting around talking about mummification)

TAWNA: Then, they would stick a hock up your nose, rattle it around a bit, and then pull your brain out of your nostril!
TAWNA: It didn’t hurt; they were dead when they did this.
CRASH: Unlike our friend…
TAWNA: Good point.

(The Americans walked up to them, each carrying their prize)

HENDERSON: Hey, O’Connell, we heard you found yourself a nice, juicy mummy.

(Just then, there were screams of workers. They turned to see men on horses riding up, swords drawn and attacking workers)

CRASH: What the…?

(Pinstripe and Crash grabbed a gun and ran off to help. They lunch behind a rock for cover)

CRASH: On the count of three - one…
BOTH: Three!

(They jumped out from the rock and began shooting at the riders. They got several. After several rounds, they ducked back down to reload. While doing so, they noticed the noise had died down. Carefully, they peered around the rock. The men were gone. It was like they were ghosts. They shrugged and got up to go back to the camp. When they turned around, one of the horsemen was standing behind them. He was wearing a vale, so they could not see his face. The fact that is was dark and he was wearing black helped. They jumped and reached for their guns. The horseman made no move to get his sword)

HORSEMAN: Be warned, there is a great evil here. Leave while you can, or we’ll return!

(With that, he rode off. They walked back to where Tawna was)

TAWNA: What was that all about?

(They shrugged again as the Americans came up to them)

BURNS: Maybe at night we could, er, combine forces.

(The next day was much quieter, but not as bountiful. The heroes found nothing new in their dig site, nor did the Americans. Another Egyptologist, however, made a great find. It was a heavy, black, stone book. As the Egyptologist slept, Tawna snuck up and took the book, of which the man had his arms raped around as he slept. She quietly went back to the camp she was staying at)

CRASH: That’s called stealing, you know.
TAWNA: Well, according to you and Jonathan, it’s called borrowing!

(Tawna opened the book. An eerie wind blew across the dig site. Crash and Tawna looked around before reading what the book said. Tawna ran her fingers over the hieroglyphs as she read)

TAWNA: “Yee who reads this beware. Thou shall unlock a monster from under this soil. He shall plague the Earth of which he once walked. Sparing no one, the world shall be destroyed. Leave this place before it is too late. Yee have been warned”

(Just then, there was another gust of wind)

CRASH: That happens a lot around here.

(Once again, yells of workers could be heard. Crash pulled out his shotgun again, thinking it was the horsemen again. He turned, but instead of seeing a swarm of horses, he saw a swarm of some kind of beetles. He looked at it for a moment, then grabbed Tawna and ran)

TAWNA: What are they?
CRASH: Bugs!
TAWNA: Oh, that helps.

(Pinstripe managed to catch up with them. He pointed to a large rock. Crash nodded and they ducked behind it. The bugs flew over the rock. After a few seconds, the bugs were gone. They got up from behind the rock and looked at the damage that they had done. It was bad. The two looked down at Tawna)

TAWNA: Oops…

(A group of the horsemen rode into the dig site. What seemed to be the leader rode up to him)

HORSEMAN: I warned to you get out!
CRASH: And you expected us to listen to some guy we don’t even know?
HORSEMAN: Don’t know me, eh?

(The horseman took off his mask. Under it was a tattooed, rougher-looking FC Bandicoot. The three nearly fell over. Though he must of thought that this was funny, FC kept a straight, trying to seem mad at Crash, Tawna, and Pinstripe for not heeding his warning. He got down from his horse. He talked to them as he made his way to the room full of gold)

FC: You’ve done it now!
TAWNA: Done what?
FC: Awakened the creature!
PINSTRIPE: “Creature”? Who’s that?
FC: Remember that mummy you dug up?
CRASH: Don’t tell me our juicy is alive!
FC: You’d better believe it. Know this, the creature in the bringer of Death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop!

(Pinstripe and Crash looked at Tawna in a thanks-a-lot-king of way. Tawna walked faster to catch-up with FC)

TAWNA: What does this creature want?
FC: To kill the one’s the imprisoned him!
CRASH: And who would that be?
FC: The Med-Jai.
FC: The ancestors of the horsemen behind us, and it would seem myself.
CRASH: So how do we stop this thing?
FC: By finding the Golden Book of Amen-Ra!

(Pinstripe looked a bit cheerier at the word ‘Golden’, but Crash paid him no mind, there were more important things at hand than Pinstripe’s money crazy)

CRASH: Where do we find this book?
FC: At the foot of the statue of Amen-Ra, duh!
TAWNA: Well, that shouldn’t be too hard.

(Just then, old, rotting mummies ran into the room they were in. They were caring swords and bows and arrows. The four stopped in their tracks)

FC: Wanna bet?

(The archers aimed and fired at them. With an ‘Eap!’ the heroes scattered and ducked behind ruins as a shower of arrows came down. Crash pulled out a shotgun, handed a pistol to Pinstripe, and another to FC)

CRASH: On the count of three - one…two…three!

(They jumped out and began to shoot at the mummies, taking out the archers first. When he had run out of bullets, FC pulled out a sword and started fighting the swordsmen mummies. He was at a bit of a disadvantage, seeing how the mummies had shields and he didn’t. The mummies began to team up against him. Crash reloaded and was going to help him)

FC: (fighting) Go! Find the book!
CRASH: What about…?
FC: (swings at one) I’ll be fine! Go!

(The trio ran off towards another room. It was decorated with pictures and jewel beetles on the walls. Pinstripe, seeing he that could make some money, took one of the beetles off the wall and pocketed it. As he was taking the beetle from the wall, another fell off. It started to shake and came alive. It crawled up to Pinstripe, looked at him for a second, and crawled up his leg. Pinstripe yelled in pain)

TAWNA: What is it?
PINSTRIPE: (holding his arm) There’s something in my arm!

(Crash went over to the potoroo, rolled up his sleeve, and looked at his arm. Indeed, there was a large bump moving on Pinstripe’s arm. Tawna gasped at the sight)

TAWNA: My Lord! What is that?
CRASH: Let’s find out!

(Crash took out a knife and dug into Pinstripe’s arm. He yelped in pain again as Crash flung the shinny, black beetle from Pinstripe’s arm. Crash tool a gun out and shot the beetle before it could get back up)

CRASH: Jonathan, haven’t you learned never to take what’s not yours?
TAWNA: Come on, guys, we’ve got to find that book!
BOTH: Right!

(Pinstripe emptied the pocket that the ‘jewel’ beetle was in and followed his friends. As the team members went deeper into the tomb, more mummies kept popping up. They were running low on ammunition)

CRASH: We’d better find that book quick!
TAWNA: (spotting something) Over there!

(She pointed to a large statue of an Egyptian god that had the body of a man and the head of a hawk. She ran over to get it. Crash and Pinstripe were going over to join her, but were stopped by a large mummy. The one they dug up, to be exact)

CRASH: Uh, hi there

(The mummy swiped at Crash. He barely missed. Pinstripe and Crash ran off in different directions. The mummy followed Crash)

CRASH: (running) Hey! Evie! I could use some help here!
TAWNA: What? Oh, right (Gets the book from the statue) “Thou who has risen be gone. Back to the land yee was damned to. Thou are not wanted in this world. Go back to your own. And may your body be destroyed. And may your ka be forever wondering. Thou who has risen be gone!”

(The mummy stopped dead in its tracks. It held its throat as if it couldn’t breath. Tawna and Pinstripe came over to Crash. The mummy was melting away before their eyes. It said something in Egyptian, and then disappeared)

CRASH: What did it say?
TAWNA: “Death is only the beginning.”

(The three looked at each other for a second, then they heard somewhat of a screeching noise. They looked around for what it might have been, then Pinstripe saw it)

CRASH: What?

(Pinstripe pointed. It was a swarm of shinny, black beetles. Their eyes widened and ran off. As they ran out of the city, everything fell apart around them. They finally made it out to where the rest of the treasure seekers were. Behind them, the city once again disappeared)

BURNS: What happened?
CRASH: Nothing much, just a mummy.
PINSTRIPE: Yep, and those are his!

(He point to the jars the Americans were holding on to. They jumped and dropped the jars)

HENDERSON: Let’s get out of here!

(The rest of the diggers rode off. Crash shook his head and sighed. Someone put his hand on his shoulder)

CRASH: What is it, Evie?
TAWNA: That’s not me.
CRASH: Jonathan?

(Pinstripe shook his head. Crash nervously looked at the hand on his shoulder. It was wrapped in bandages. He jumped around. Behind them, on a camel, was FC. They let out a sigh of relief. FC grinned)

CRASH: Don’t do that!
FC: Sorry!
CRASH: What happened to your hand?
FC: Those mummies got a hit or two in!

(Crash, Tawna, and Pinstripe got on the camels that were left, Crash and Tawna had to share one. As they rode off, Crash remembered something in his pocket. He pulled out a ring with the Egyptian sun god on it)

TAWNA: Are you sure we can take that?
CRASH: Yeah, why not? It’s just a ring.

(What that, a warp portal opened, and the four were thrown out)

[‘Still My Kisses’ (instrumental) by Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals]

(Several WarpWorlds later)

(Coco walked up to Crash shortly after he and some others got out of a warp portal. Crash’s hair now had light tips)

COCO: Crash, what happened to your hair?
CRASH: It was cool. In the last one I could turn my hair blonde and shoot fireballs at people!
COCO: And that would explain why Neo’s burned, right?

(Crash grinned and nodded. They walk passed FC. He now had his arm in a sling)

CRASH: What happened to him?
COCO: A warp portal opened while you were gone and he went in!
FC: Yep! And I could run up walls and go really fast!
CRASH: I think I saw that in a movie once.
FC: Yeah, something about computers taking over the world.
CRASH: You mean they haven’t?
DINGO: Have any of you seen Ben?
FC: I think ‘e’s upstairs.

(Dingo heads upstairs. They walk into the living room of the castle, where some of the other team members are sitting. They seem to be laughing at something)

PINSTRIPE: Hey, I was drunk when I said it!
NATE: Yep, defiantly sounds like something you’d say when you’re drunk.
TINY: Or crazy!

(They laugh harder. Crash walks up to them)

CRASH: What I miss?

(Nate was about to tell him when FC walked up to them)

CRASH: Don’t tell us the next one’s ready so soon.

(FC nods. Neo walks up to them)

NEO: How many of us should go then?

(FC was about to answer)

CRASH: Five!
NEO: Five? Why five?
CRASH: It’s my favourite number!
NEO: OK, five…
FC: You’re going to need more than that.
COCO: Then I’ll come and I’m sure we can get Dingo, too.
(They nod and Pinstripe, Tiny, Nate, Neo, Coco and Crash walk off. Dingo comes back down)

DINGO: FC, Ben isn’t up there.
FC: ‘E isn’t? Well, I look for him while you’re gone
DINGO: All right, thanks

(The team members jump into the portal)

[‘What You See (Is What You Get)’( instrumental) by Britney Spears plays ]

(They seemed to have landed in some kind of cave. It had somewhat of a red glow to it)

CRASH: Creepy…
NEO: This is odd…
COCO: Let’s split up and see what we can find.

(They nod and head in different directions)


(FC is looking around for Ben. He was in what seemed to be the attic)

FC: Ben? Ben?

(He turns the corner and sees Ben laying on the floor)

FC: Ben!

(He runs over to him. He checked the dingo’s pulse. He was alive)

VOICE: Well, well, if it isn’t FC…

(FC jumped around to face none other than Uka Uka. FC gasped)

FC: You!

(Uka Uka smirked. He began to glow an eerie reddish orange colour. FC tried to run, but didn’t make it too far, as he, too, began to glow a reddish orange. FC was frozen by Uka Uka’s powers. He clanged his throat, gasping for air as he began to float in the air. Uka Uka can over to the chocking bandicoot with a great smile on his face. Uka Uka looked up at FC, who was ready to pass out. Just then, FC’s eyes were no longer looking down at the mask in fear, but looking behind Uka Uka in pleasure. Bewildered, Uka Uka turned around. Before he could completely, a clear energy ball blasted him. FC fell to the ground gasping for air. He looked up and smiled and the lynx ghost he knew so well)

FC: (gasping) So you’re my guardian angel!

(Eden smiled at him, and then directed her attention to Uka Uka. Uka Uka recovered from the blow and glared at Eden)

UKA UKA: Who are you?
EDEN: You don’t need to know.

(She blasted him again, but this time he was ready. He created an energy field to block it. FC had now joined in. He had his mallet readied)

UKA UKA: Ha! You think you can stop The Great Uka Uka?
FC: (slightly hoarse) No, but it’s worth a shot!

(Uka Uka smirked again and began to glow the same reddish colour)

(Crash was looking around the cave. There didn’t seem to be anyone there. This, mind you, was a good thing. He was getting a bit tiered of almost getting killed by some crazy bug person that said he’s the ultimate fighting machine, or being attacked by some slimy alien. He sighed and went on looking. It was good to be back in action and to see everyone again, but not like this. More like a class reunion or something. The team members regrouped, each reporting to have found nothing. They shrugged and warped back. When they got back, however, it was not a welcome site. The castle was completely trashed)

COCO: Oh my goodness…
TAWNA: What happened?
DINGO: Wait, where’re Crash, Neo, and N. Gin?

(Back in the cave, Crash Neo and Nate were wondering why they didn’t get warped back along with the others)

CRASH: Hey, where’d they go?
NEO: Something must’ve happened to the Time Twister.
NATE: What’s that?

(He pointed behind them. A shadow flew passed)

CRASH: Uh, oh…
NEO: Not good…

(Just then, a fireball came roaring out from the shadows and hit N. Gin. He was sent flying backward. With that, they got warped back. They rolled out onto the floor. The others ran over to them)

COCO: What happened?
CRASH: We were attacked, and from the looks of it, so was this place?
TAWNA: Yeah, Dingo and Tiny are looking for the others.
DINGO: (calling from upstairs) Oi! Up ‘ere!

(They run upstairs leaving Coco and Neo to take care of Nate. The team runs upstairs. It’s just like the rest of the castle, completely ruined. They came to a room where they found FC, Ben, and Eden out cold. They run over to then and wake them up)

FC: Crikey…
BEN: AH! Me arm! (grabs arm)
DINGO: Are you guys all right?
FC: Other than the fact we were just about killed, but oi, that ‘appens everyday.
CRASH: I have one question for you all, well two, now that I think of it.
PINSTRIPE: Start out slow!
CRASH: OK, well, how can you knock out a ghost (points to Eden)?
EDEN: Hm, even I don’t know.
FC: Gee, that’s not good.
CRASH: No, I don’t think so.
BEN: (in pain because of his arm) What’s the second question?
CRASH: What happened to Tropy?

(They look blankly at each other)

(Back down stairs now. The team is seen in a makeshift med wing. Crash is sitting with FC, who has a bandage around his head. Coco walks through the door. Crash signals for her to come over)

FC: (squinting) ‘Ho’s that?
CRASH: Coco, duh. Can’t you see her?
FC: Not really.
CRASH: (chuckles) Uka Uka must’ve knocked something lose in there! (hits FC’s head)
FC: (irritated) And your hitting my ‘ead will put it back into place…
CRASH: Exactly.
COCO: Hey, we might know where Tropy is!
FC: Well I DO know!
BOTH: Where?
FC: Someplace that isn’t ‘ere!

(Crash and Coco fall over)

CRASH: (from floor) Gee that helps
FC: I try me best (grin)
COCO: Come on, we’ve got to find him!

(Coco walks off, followed by Crash)

CRASH: Hey, FC, you might look into getting some glasses. No pun intended.

(They come back out into the cave, this time being met by Uka Uka)

CRASH: Gee, that’s a nice welcome mat.

(Uka Uka grinned evilly)

CRASH: I have a question.
PINSTRIPE: You’re just full of questions today, aren’t you?
CRASH: Well there have been some very questionable things today. Anyway, why did you attack N. Gin and not the Doc or me?
UKA UKA: I took out your defence expert.
CRASH: …Man, if I were on your side, I’d say that was a darn good plan.

(Uka Uka grinned again and shot at the team. They scattered)

CRASH: Man, how are we going to beat him?
NEO: Fight fire with fire!
CRASH: What do you mean?
NEO: Can’t you, like, call on Aku Aku?
CRASH: I don’t know. I’ve never tried!

(They dodged another blast)

NEO: Now would be a good time to test it!
CRASH: Well what am I supposed to do?
NEO: Ummm… concentrate?
CRASH: On what?
NEO: I don’t know. Aku Aku?

(Then a strange humming sound started)

CRASH: What’s that?
VOICE: Boo-yaha!

(There was the sound of wood hitting wood. They looked to see where it came from. What they saw was FC, with his mallet, on a hover board, Uka Uka knocked onto the floor, and Ben, [with a bandaged arm] Tropy, and Eden running, or floating in Eden’s case, towards them)

CRASH: Wow, miracles eyesight recovery!
FC: Naw, computerized glasses.
CRASH: Sweet!
TROPY: Crash, we need Aku Aku!
CRASH: All right, all right!

(Crash closed his eyes and began to concentrate)

[Camera slowly moves around Crash. As it does, the background turns black, then slowly to rainbow. As the camera comes to the back of Crash, Aku Aku is now seen in front of him]

(Crash then passed out. Pinstripe caught him as he fell and gently put him on the ground. Uka Uka’s eyes widened at the sight of his bother. Aku Aku glared)

AKU AKU: Get out of here, children.
COCO: But-
AKU AKU: I can take care of him, now go.

(They protest no more find a warp portal. FC, however, stayed where he was)

FC: Why on Earth didn’t we do this from the start?

(Ben and Tropy came back and pulled him into the warp portal, leaving Aku Aku and Uka Uka to face off)

UKA UKA: You fool you’ll never win!
AKU AKU: The power of good will overcome!

(There is a flash of light at the two shot at each other and the screen whites out)

(The team is now back in the castle. Everything seems to be normal. It would seem that Aku Aku defeated Uka Uka once again, because Crash was now awake, and had his memory. Ben, Crash, and FC are seen sitting on the couch talking about nothing)

BEN: And you know what the sad thing was?
CRASH: What?
BEN: He… (points to FC) …was the only sober one there.

(Crash started cracking up)

CRASH: And you wonder why you’re still a virgin…
FC: I don’t like drinking.
BEN: Plus, he knows so much about computers it can’t be healthy!
FC: Of course it’s not blinkin’ healthy. Sitting in front to a box all day is no way on Earth healthy.
BEN: Yet you do it anyway.
FC: Darn straight.

(We now see Coco and Tropy in the main room of the Time Twister)

TROPY: It’s not working and I don’t know why.
COCO: It’s very simple!

(She goes up to the main control panel and kicks it. The humming of an engine is heard and the machine starts up. Coco looks at Tropy, who has a shocked look on his face)

COCO: Hey, I make computers!

ME: Everything is back to being as normal as it’ll ever be in this world, and hopefully, it’ll stay that way, but you can never tell.
[‘Not Quiet Paradise’ by Bliss plays ]

David Spade as Crash Bandicoot
Clancy Brown as Doctor Neo Cortex, Uka Uka, and Polar
Darren Hayes as FC Bandicoot
Daniel Jones as Ben Dingo
Brendan O’Brien as Doctor Nathan “Nitro” Gin, Tiny Tiger and Pinstripe Potoroo
Michael Ensign as Doctor N. Tropy
Vicki Winters as Coco and Tawna Bandicoot
Dido as Eden Lynx
William Hootkins as Dingodile
Mel Winkler as Aku Aku

(The team is goofing off after finishing a WarpWorld)

COCO: Hey, Crash, what ever happened to Oxide?
CRASH: Well, as it turns out, nobody really liked him, and he got voted off the planet.

(The team is in a very cold WarpWorld. All are wearing coats except FC)

CRASH: FC, where’s you’re coat?
FC: (shaking) I set it down for one second and when I turn back around, all that’s there is a bloody polar bear.
CRASH: (looking down at FC) Did you eat his coat?

(Polar grins and burps)

CRASH: (turning back to FC) I fed him before we left, I swear!
(In the castle)

FC: AAHH! It bit me!
CRASH: What bit you?
FC: That blinkin’ polar bear!
CRASH: Well what were you doing to him?
FC: Nothing!
CRASH: (turning to Polar) What was he doing?
POLAR: < Nothing >
CRASH: Then why did you bite him?
POLAR: < I was hungry >
CRASH: You were hungry…
FC: Hungry? What is this? Eat FC and accessories day?
POLAR: < Blue plate special >

(Crash hits him)
(Crash, Coco, and Polar are on a beach. Coco is about to walk off)

CRASH: Coco, don’t! You’ll be killed!
COCO: …You’ve been drinking seawater again, haven’t you?
CRASH: …Yeah, but that was a long time ago, the effects have worn off, haven’t they, Polar?
POLAR: You’re talking to a bear.
CRASH: Yes, but the bear’s talking back.
POLAR: How do you know that’s not the seawater?
CRASH: Because you were talking before that!
POLAR: How do you know someone’s not been drugging you?
CRASH: …Are you trying to make me paranoid?
POLAR: Yes, is it working?
CRASH: (hiding face) Very much so.
(Crash, Coco, and Neo are seen. Coco is in a flashy dress, and so is Crash)

CRASH: Why am I doing this again?
NEO: It’s the only way they’ll let you in there.

(FC walks past. He stops, doubles back, and looks at Crash)

COCO: You now know what you would look like in a dress, FC

(FC stands there for another second then walks off)

FC: I’m going to go pack.
CRASH: Pack? Where you goin’?
FC: Disneyland!

(FC has apparently done something wrong. Crash and Neo are now scolding him)

NEO: What do you have to say for yourself?
FC: We are the knights who say ‘nee’!

(Crash and Neo fall over)

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