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Episode 1 – Contrasting Emotions

Music: Planet Funk – “Chase The Sun”

(The camera was focused on the sun but after the intro was done the chorus kicks in and the camera dropped to water level and started chasing after a cruise ship heading towards the Australian mainland. Eventually it catches up with it and heads for the window.)

Through the window we can see a purely eager Midget Gator looking out at the mainland…

(Music turns instrumental)

Midget: I wish my dad was here – he’d love it…
Voice: Don’t panic – we’ll be by your side.

Midget turned around, facing Crash Bandicoot, Dr. Neo Cortex, Ryane Platypus and Private Boron, whom were also on the same journey.

Crash: Relax kid – it’s not my fault your father’s at work rebuilding his cabin.
Ryane: And also, if Tiko didn’t come, then we couldn’t reward ourselves so madly!
Midget: Good point.

Suddenly, a chime sequence was signalled on a nearby speaker.

(The speaker had someone speaking who had a voice like a US rapper.)

Speaker: May I have your attention please – all passengers for Melbourne should start heading to deck C immediately. Repeat – all passengers for Melbourne should start heading to deck C immediately.
Cortex: That’s our cue – it looks like our break will fly like a breeze!

Boron started barking madly.

Crash: WE’RE HOME FREE!!!!!!!!! (starts heading towards deck C)
Ryane: Hey… wait for us!

[The scene fades black and then it shows up again somewhere in Melbourne. Our crew’s frolics around the city ran alongside Ash – “Burn Baby Burn”. At the end of the track the title gets shown up on screen alongside a black background. Then two seconds later the background changes into a bird’s eye view of the city and the music restarts – Destiny’s Child – “Survivor” (Instrumental). Then a further 3 seconds later the title faded away and the camera starts zooming in to our heroes walking down the street.]

Midget: (excitedly) Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy – I WANNA STAY!!!!!
Ryane: I know you do, but we have to leave at some point, so we’d best make good use of this time.
Midget: Good point, and let’s hope we do wicked stuff!
Crash: (giggles) You’ve done a lot already and yet you’re still coming back for more!

Midget smiled.

Cortex: So… (gets out a map) Where do you want to go next?
Crash: How about the beach?
Ryane: Too many girls. I’d rather head for the arcades!
Midget: No – THE THEME PARK!!!!!!!
Cortex: Ever since I’m judging by the closest landmark to us… (looks at the map) We should go to the…
Voice: I’ve got something else in mind.

Boron gave out a short scream.

Crash: What was that?

The person with the voice stepped out from the back alley, revealing himself as Teejay Cortex!

Crash: Hey Teejay – How did you escape this time?
Teejay: I didn’t escape!
Cortex: But how come you’re out here when you should be in the orphanage?
Teejay: I was released.
Ryane: (gasps) You’re joking!
Teejay: I’m not – my bravery against dad showed the orphanage how brave and organised I am, so they decided to let me go.
Crash: I’ve nothing else to say but… WELCOME BACK!!!!!!
Teejay: Thanks, but I’ve got a problem.
Cortex: Let me guess – you left your bicycle behind.
Teejay: No – it’s about a friend in there. I left him down in the dumps. Follow me and I’ll show you!

[Music changes – Sugarbabes – “Run For Cover” (Instrumental)]

Our crew followed Teejay down the back alley towards a window for the orphanage. As they looked down the basement window they saw people and humanoids just like him having fun, except for one lone yellow cat sitting on a bench all by himself.

Teejay: (points at the cat) That’s him! That’s Toby Tortoiseshell, the loneliest dude in the place.
Cortex: Doesn’t the name sound familiar?

Boron nodded.

Teejay: He’s been telling me about some girl he met once, and he wanted to be reunited with her.
Crash: Ah… a girlfriend!
Teejay: No it’s not – it’s a human girl he’s seeking. At least it’s visiting day today, so we’ll be able to see him!
Crash: Wonder what he’s like…
Cortex: I hope he’s not like Trigger… but wait – if he’s an orphan… (deep pause)
Ryane: What?
Cortex: I have a bad feeling that something terrible happened to him.
Midget: But wasn’t he a mean kitty racing you? That’s what Daddy told me!
Cortex: I’ll explain later. For now, we’ve got a dream to come true!
Teejay: Don’t mention dreams – remember the last scrap?
Crash: I do, and I’ll change it into a vision to become reality!
Ryane: That’s better!

Our heroes start heading to the front door of the orphanage, hoping to “visit” him…
Episode 2 – Toby’s Wish

Scene: Inside the homeless shelter

Everyone in there was seen enjoying life except for Toby, who still had something on his mind. Then some chimes came on a speaker.

Speaker: Soon you guys will be expecting visitors here so have fun with whoever comes!

[Music starts – Modjo – “Chillin’” (Chorus)]

Just then a crowd of people came to see the youngsters in need, seeing everyone in all races and ages. Time passed but Toby didn’t get anyone near him.

[Music changes – Stereophonics – “Mr. Writer” (Instrumental and no drums]

But just then Crash and his crew came walking in and they saw the poor damsel in distress.

Crash: Awww… poor thing. :(
Teejay: Don’t worry – we’re here to try and cheer him up.
Ryane: Wonder what he has on his mind anyway…

They walked up towards him slowly and sat down next to him.

Teejay: Hey Toby! Remember me?

(Toby sounds like Kel from “Kenan and Kel”)

Toby: Sorry – I’m not in the mood to speak right now.
Teejay: Come on – I’ve got some friends to help you out with your query.
Toby: But what if they don’t understand either?
Teejay: Don’t fuss – I have hopes that they will.
Toby: OK… (turns to Crash and his crew) In case you guys are wondering why I feel, well, down, it’s because of some incident in which happened to me while I tried to escape from this heartless place.

(Music changes – Schiller – “Das Glockenspiel”)

Toby was seen being chased about by a vicious guard dog.

Toby: (screams) STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!

He ended up being chased about the town until he eventually tripped up over a loose trash can lid and he saw a dead end in front of him. After looking back, the dog had him cornered.

Toby: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shout caused some dark stranger to come behind the dog and toss it to the other side of the main street.

(Music stops)

Toby: Hey – thanks!

[Music restarts – Nelly Furtado – “I’m Like A Bird” (Intro)]

The person came out of the darkness, revealing herself with ginger hair, a green cropped top, blue jeans, brown eyes like racoons and a yellow bow.

(The girl sounded like Toni Braxton)

Girl: Don’t mention it! If you want to help me out again, call me by…

(Music stops)

Voice: STOP!!!!!
Girl: Uh-oh… (dashes out)

A patrol guard came down the alley.

Guard: That’s for her to know and you NOT to find out! (grabs Toby by the wrist) Come on kitty – you’re coming with me! (drags him off)
[Music restarts – Lonestar – “Amazed” (Instrumental)]

Toby: Since then I never saw her beautiful eyes again.
Cortex: (writes everything down on a notepad) OK, I think I got everything you said. The description for the girl seems familiar…

Crash slapped Cortex harshly on the face.

Cortex: I should have known – MY SISTER!!!!!!
Toby: Your sister? Well do you know where she is?
Cortex: She’s with my other siblings in another area of the world.
Toby: Darn… but that’s all right – I’ve got a hunch that she’ll be back.
Midget: But wait – he said that she had a yellow bow, brown eyes, a green shirt and a pair of jeans! Deksta has blue eyes, a white bow, a blue shirt and bottle green trousers!
Crash: What difference does it make?
Midget: There could be lots of people around here who look like her!
Crash: Oh yeah…

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “Take A Look Around” (Outro)]

Just then four dark shadows came into the room armed and dangerous.

Crash: (gasps) Them…
Episode 3 – Vanishing Point

Scene: Inside the homeless shelter
Music: Fatboy Slim – “Star 69” (Instrumental)

The gang of four stepped out of the darkness, revealing themselves as Tiko and his crew!

Tiko: Guys, unpack your bags because we’re here to take over this place!
Crash: This isn’t good…

Just then an older man came to them.

(The man sounded like any old man.)

Man: What did you say?
Deksta: Uh-oh…
Toby: Woah… that voice! I can recognise her!
Tiko: Er… I said that I’m moving in to this place!
Man: You look a bit old for an orphanage.
Lio: So do you! (cracks up)
Hallie: (slaps Lio across the face) Stop with the wisecracks, will ya?
Lio: What else can I do?
Man: Well unless you want to work here as a member of staff I don’t have a clue exactly…
Tiko: We ARE applying for staff jobs!
Teejay: This isn’t good at all…
Toby: It IS good – the girl of my dreams is here!

Boron couldn’t help but giggle.

Man: So what kind of job do you want?
Tiko: We’re a magic act!
Deksta: A MAGIC ACT?!? But you ain’t cuttin’ ME in half!
Tiko: I mean a different type of magic – we’re escape artists!
Hallie: (thnks) That’s using the old didgeridoo!
Man: And what kind of escape tricks can you do?

(Music changes – Mario Piu feat. DJ Arabesque – “The Vision”)

Tiko: THIS is our best… (chucks what looks like a water bomb in the middle of the room) Quick – grab my bro and get out!

The smoke cloud built up and eventually it started to fade out. As it faded out we see 4 of our heroes coughing their heads off.

(Music stops)

Crash: That smoke… (wheezes)
Midget: It’s too powerful… can’t… breathe…

Ryane got out an oxygen spray and sprayed it around the room fading out all the gas.

(Music restarts – William Orbit – “Barber’s Adagio For Strings”)

Crash: Whew… Now I can breathe!
Teejay: Thanks Raz!
Ryane: Any time!
Crash: Also I heard in the blast that they’ve gone and taken Cortex for some daft reason.
Midget: Maybe it’s the ray gun trick again…
Crash: Seriously I doubt it.
Voice: You’re wrong!
Crash: Why?

The smoke around another area of the room faded out, revealing himself as Cortex.

Cortex: Because I’m right here!
Crash: But… they said… they got… I’m phrased and confused here!!!
Cortex: Surely they took one recruit from us…
Everyone in the gang: (all look at each other and speak at the same time) TOBY!!!
Midget: OK, what do they want to do with a tortoiseshell cat?
Crash: I don’t have a blinkin’ clue.
Episode 4 – A Star Is Reborn

Scene: The Australian Outback, 1 mile from Melbourne
Music: Storm – “Storm” (Housetrap remix)

As we start the scene the first thing we see is an old pickup truck being left there.

(Camera turns left)

Then we see our villains with a surprise package in a mouldy sack…

Deksta: (giggles) Looks like we got ‘im!
Lio: Yeah! Now we’ll give him the ultimate penalty for stopping our plans!
Tiko: Right… Hallie, just don’t tell the cure to the bandicoot and his crew, OK?
Hallie: Sure!
Tiko: Now that younger brother is destined to work with us for sure!

As Tiko opens the sack, we see Toby being dropped out of it.

Hallie: What the…?
Lio: We got the wrong package!
All the villains: (look at each other, point at each other and speak at the same time) IT WAS YOUR BLINKIN’ FAULT!!!!!
Toby: Where… where am I?
Deksta: I’ll tell ya where ya are – you’re away from home and you’ve got a long way back, kid!
Toby: Hey – it’s that girl I saw on the street!
Deksta: Eh?
Toby: Don’t you remember – there was a vicious guard dog, and you tossed it to the other side of the street to save my life! I feel so thankful!
Deksta: What are you talking about? I can’t remember –

[Music changes – Bang – “Shooting Stars” (Instrumental)]

Sooner enough, Tiko and the others toss her behind the pickup truck - causing her to scream - and follow her.

Deksta: What the heck is that kid on about?
Tiko: I think he’s got you mixed up with Sara Foster – you know, that female adventurer who’s been running around these parts recently!
Lio: The name sounds familiar… is it her from Tomb Raider?
Tiko: That’s Lara Croft, you moron!
Lio: Oh… sorry. Still, it seems familiar to me.
Tiko: Back to business. Sara may be the one saving that kid’s life and not you! This could be your chance to get out there and be a superstar!
Deksta: You really think so?
Tiko: Uh-huh, and then again you could lead Crash’s crew into us and we’ll slay ‘em for sure!
Deksta: And they won’t even find out!

(Music stops)


Toby was seen trying to climb up onto the truck wondering what’s happening, but he keeps on falling off. On his last attempt he was nearly there, until Hallie came and pulled him off.

Hallie: What do you think you’re doin’, squeaky?
Toby: Leave me alone – that girl is right behind the pickup truck, and I wanna see her!

[Music changes – Sugarbabes – “Run For Cover” (Instrumental)]

Tiko: (jumps over the truck) Well chances are that she ain’t comin’ back! Now you’ll be able to face my wrath!

As Tiko spoke, Deksta was seen round the other side of the pickup truck with brown contact lenses, a pair of jeans and a green shirt laid out and is trying to slide in a yellow bow to replace her white one.

Tiko: Capiche?
Toby: Um…
Lio: We won’t question him any further. (gets out a blob of pink ooze) He will be tortured for what he did!
Toby: But I didn’t do nothin’…

[Music changes – ATB and York – “Fields of Love” (Darude remix, instrumental)]

Just then Deksta jumped out from behind the truck looking like Sara.

Tiko: Sara Foster? But I thought she left ages ago…
Toby: So THAT’S her name… It’s a pleasure to meet you!
Deksta: No time for chat kid – You’ll be safe from them thugs!
Tiko, Hallie and Lio: Ooooh, look who’s talkin’ now!
Deksta: THAT’S IT!

Deksta rushed up to them and did the following simultaneously – threw Lio into the windows of the truck, tossed Hallie over it and did a spinning scissor kick on Tiko causing him to fly into the truck, knocking it over.

(Music stops)

Toby: (cheers) NICE ONE!!!!!
Deksta: Thanks! Come on – I’ll take you home.

Deksta lifted up Toby and did a piggyback ride back to the city.
Episode 5 – Impostor Foster

Scene: Inside the homeless shelter
Music: Crazy Town – “Butterfly” (Instrumental)

Our crew were waiting eagerly for a car hire…

Crash: Tell ya wot – Cortex is takin’ a while…
Midget: He’s not like that usually…
Teejay: Have patience, kid – he’ll be back before you know it.
Ryane: But who knows where Toby is…
Teejay: Yeah… but at least we’ll find the enemies if we find him!

Just then Cortex came rushing in.

Crash: Great! You got a car!
Cortex: No I haven’t – this is something else.
Ryane: What?
Cortex: I have managed to come across Toby… and a friend of his!
Crash: Whoa… wonder what kind of lass she’s like…
Toby: (comes out from the double doors at the entrance) You’re about to find out!

[Music changes – Nelly Furtado – “I’m Like A Bird” (Instrumental)]

Everyone gets their attention on the doors as Deksta came walking in, trying to look like Sara.

Toby: Guys… this is Sara Foster, the adventuring girl around here!
Cortex: Are you sure this is Sara? She looks more like my sister to me…
Deksta: I seriously doubt it. Test me on anything and I can be able to answer the question.
Toby: And I’ll check her!
Crash: OK… what’s your favourite food?

Boron started laughing out loud.

Deksta: Bacon omelettes – what else?
Toby: She’s right!
Cortex: The name seems familiar… do you have any brothers or sisters?
Deksta: Nope.
Cortex: But I thought you’re Gary’s sister…
Deksta: Never heard of ‘im.
Crash: Who’s Gary?
Cortex: An old school friend. I don’t want to talk about him right now.
Midget: Let me try a tester – what is your favourite adventuring spot?
Deksta: Um… (deep pause) China?
Toby: No – it’s meant to be South America.
Cortex: Looks like we’ve caught an impostor Foster!
Crash: Hey – that rhymes!
Deksta: Grrr… (rushes up to Cortex and grabs him by the neck) I’LL SHOW YOU WHO’S THE IMPOSTOR AROUND HERE, BRO!!!!

[Music changes – Chicane – “Autumn Tactics” (Instrumental)]

Crash: Bro?
Ryane: By ‘eck… IT’S DEKSTA!!!!
Deksta: Oh man…
Ryane: You are goin’ to be thrashed to bits, myte!

Everyone starts chasing Deksta out of the orphanage and down the streets of Melbourne…
Episode 6 – Desert Vixen

Scene: The Australian Outback, 1 mile from Melbourne

From behind the pickup truck Tiko and the others were waiting for Deksta to come out.

Tiko: Are you sure she’ll make it this time?
Hallie: Positive, as I know that Deksta can be trustworthy at all times!
Lio: Ahem… what about the past few battles?
Hallie: That was because of Crash and his crew. This is a totally different matter, as we need her to work FOR them in a way!
Lio: Ah… I see now!

[Music starts – Sound De-Zign – “Happiness” (Instrumental)]

Just then some fast footsteps were heard.

Tiko: They’re coming! Get ready!

Sooner enough Deksta came running in screaming.

Tiko: Now’s our chance!

As Deksta reached the pickup truck the others pushed it on top of her, squashing her.

(Music stops)

Tiko: We got ‘em!
Hallie: Now we can take over the world for sure!

As they lifted the truck up Deksta was seen knocked out with bumps and bruises.

Tiko: Did you tell them about your identity?
Deksta: (faintly) It wasn’t me.
Voice: We even caught her on camera!
Lio: Eh?

(Music restarts – Santos – “Camels”)

Just then Crash and his crew came running in armed and dangerous.

Crash: What do you think you’re doin’, punk?
Tiko: I’ll show you who’s the punk around here, you dimwit! Guys – get ‘em! We can still kill ‘em yet!
Cortex: Kill us? In your dreams!
Toby: And besides, if they want a scrap, they’d best answer to blondie here!
Teejay: Toby, what are you doing –
Toby: Stay back guys – this is goin’ to get serious! They came to invade this place, and I know it! I’ll tell you guys later!
Deksta: (laughs vilely) Chances are that you’ll suffer from my wrath too easily!

[Music changes – Airheadz – “Stanley” (Instrumental)]

Just then Deksta uncovered the covers from the wagon on the pickup truck revealing a more original destroyer droid. She hopped in and started pressing a few buttons.

Ryane: What the heck is she doin’?
Toby: Looks like we’re about to find out!

The droid started shooting electric shockwaves from its arm and Toby managed to dodge the shots. Many fires passed and eventually he got a shock.

(Music stops)

Teejay: HANG IN THERE!!!!!

[Music restarts – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

He tried to get up but he completely failed.

Midget: TOBY!!!!

Boron howled with disappointment.

Cortex: I’ll sort him out…

Just then a shadow came out from nowhere. Eventually the figure stepped out revealing herself as someone who managed to make Toby smile…
Episode 7 – A Female Wrath

Scene: The Australian Outback, 1 mile from Melbourne
Music: Schiller – “Das Glockenspiel”

The girl stepped forward showing herself to the others… it was the real Sara Foster!

Crash: Whoa… Sara!
Toby: I’m so glad you’re here myte! But when you go to fight, how can we tell what you look like when you go to fight?
Sara: You’ll find out when the target is down.
Crash: I don’t understand…
Cortex: I do!
Sara: Let’s see what I’ve got for you in mind!
Deksta: Oh yeah?
Sara: Yeah kid!
Sara plunges herself in front of Deksta and they end up in a karate fight. Deksta starts off with a seismic toss attempt but Sara dived under it and took her down quickly. Then they both start getting more and more mixed up as time passes by. At the same time Cortex tried to drag Toby aside from the battle and then a few seconds later one of the girls were pinning the other down!

(Music stops)

Midget: (squeals) WE’RE ALL MIXED UP!!!!!!!
Ryane: Yeah… which one’s which?
Cortex: I think I’ve got an idea!
Crash: But this could be a good thing as the culprit has been pinned down! The impostor Foster, as you would say! (rushes up to the girls) Now we’ll see if she IS that brat we all know of…

Crash tugged the loser’s eyes, causing her to squeal with pain.

Sara: OW!!!!!! MY EYE!!!!!!! GERROFF IT!!!!!!!
Crash: Sorry SARA!!!!!

[Music restarts – Delirium – “Silence” (Airscape remix, instrumental)]

Deksta: Geez…
Crash: (turns to Deksta) You’re gonna be thrashed for what you did!
Deksta: And what did I do?
Toby: You wanted to take over our place! I saw all you guys unconscious in the back alleys before that guard dog chased me!
Ryane: What’s your point? They could have done anything!
Toby: When I was taken back I heard their plans!
Crash: And you’ll be gone for this now!

Crash goes behind the pickup truck and kicks it into his enemies sending them flying through the air.

Tiko: Deksta, you DOODLEBRAIN!!!!!!
Deksta: Sorry…
Hallie: We’ll sort you out when we get home.
Lio: For now we got another hard-knock landing to reach…

Their voices faded and they went over the horizon.


[Music restarts – Hear’Say – “Bridge Over Troubled Water” (Instrumental)]

The old man was seen outside with the 8 victors…

Man: I would like to thank you for saving us!
Crash: Thanks sir!
Boron: WHOOOOOOO!!!!!
Man: I would also like to thank Toby for his help in catching down the bad guys. Because of this he is now free from the orphanage.

Toby cheered madly and hugged Teejay.

Teejay: Take it easy kid!
Man: And I would also like to thank Sara Foster for her support in the crime.
Sara: Thanks a lot! Also, I have something to tell to Neo Cortex. (turns to Cortex) Do you know anyone by the name of Gary?
Cortex: Do you mean… my old school friend?
Sara: (nods) I have to confess to you… that he is now missing.
Midget: Missing? You’re joking, right?
Sara: No – it’s true. He’s my brother. The last time I saw him was in this very outback and he was never seen again. This was 5 years ago and I spent my time here looking for him.
Cortex: I have to wish you the best of luck on tracking him down.
Sara: Thank you very much!

The clock then started to strike 4 o’ clock.

Crash: I guess… it’s now time to leave this place.
Ryane: Good idea.
Midget: Farewell to this place… until we come again!

Our heroes then leave the area for the harbour, where they say goodbye to this place until next time.

(Credits run alongside Britney Spears – “Don’t Let Me Be The Last To Know”)


Credits (in order of appearance)

Jake Lloyd as Midget Gator and Private Boron
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Teejay Cortex
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex
Christina Aguilera as Ryane Platypus
Kel Mitchell as Toby Tortoiseshell and both speakers
Toni Braxton as Sara Foster and Deksta Cortex
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex and the old man
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex

Directed by: Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Crash: Relax kid – it’s not my fault your father’s at work rebuilding his cabin.
Ryane: And also, if Tiko didn’t come, then we couldn’t reward ourselves so madly!
Midget: Good point.

Suddenly, a chime sequence was signalled on a nearby speaker.

Speaker: May I have your attention please – May I have your attention please - Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? I repeat – will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Our heroes were seen laughing our heads off.

Director: We’ve got a problem here.

Just then Toby came down from the balcony.

Toby: Sorry – I was just trying to perfect my tone!

The director looked at him blankly.
Toby: Do you know where she is?
Cortex: She’s with my other siblings in another area of the world.
Toby: Darn… but that’s all right – I’ve got a lunch that she’ll be back.
Midget: Lunch?
Toby: Sorry – I’M HUNGRY!!!!!
Crash: That smoke… (wheezes)
Midget: It’s too powerful… can’t… breathe…

Ryane got out an oxygen spray and sprayed it around the room causing an explosion in the room. When that faded out what was seen were the ruins of the studio.

Cortex: OK Ryane, which spray did you pick up?
Ryane: (looks at the bottle) Nitrous Oxide?
Midget: Too bad it didn’t run us over in its UFO!

Everyone looked at Midget angrily.
Hallie: What do you think you’re doin’, squeaky?
Toby: Leave me alone – that girl is right behind the pickup truck, and I wanna see her!
Tiko: (jumps over the truck) Well chances are that she ain’t comin’ back! Now you’ll be able to face my wrath!

As Tiko spoke, Deksta was seen round the other side of the pickup truck with brown contact lenses, a pair of jeans and a green shirt laid out and is trying to slide in a yellow bow to replace her white one, but she didn’t realise that she was working with a yellow rose. Eventually it pricked her.

Deksta: OW!!!!! (looks at the rose) Seems like I need a pair of glasses…
Crash: OK… what’s your favourite food?

Boron started laughing out loud.

Deksta: Bacon omelettes – what else?
Toby: She’s right!
Cortex: The name seems familiar… is it her from Tomb Raider?
Lio: (from backstage) OI!
Cortex: What did I do wrong?
Cortex: (a big teardrop comes down his cheek) Sorry… I guess I got my lines mixed up.
Tiko: Did you tell them about your identity?
Deksta: (faintly) It wasn’t me.
Lio: (sings) I saw you kissin’ on the sofa…
Deksta: It wasn’t me.
Hallie: (sings) He even had you in the shower…
Deksta: It wasn’t me.
Tiko: (sings) I even caught you on camera!
Director: OK, who started singing?
Tiko and his crew: (shrug together) IT WASN’T ME!!!!!
Crash: But this could be a good thing as the culprit has been pinned down! The impostor Foster, as you would say! (rushes up to the girls) Now we’ll see if she IS that brat we all know of…

Crash tugged the loser’s eyes, causing her to squeal with pain.

Deksta: OW!!!!!! MY EYE!!!!!!! GERROFF IT!!!!!!!

Just then a contact lens fell off from one of her eyes.

Sara: Oops… we got ourselves more mixed up than usual here… which way round are we again?

Everyone else sighed.

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