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NOTE: This isn't the fanfic for the Crash game of the same name. Expect a different plot and, obviously, no time travel.
(Crash and Polar sat playing video games. Crash was losing, again. All of the sudden, Crash felt dizzy.)

CRASH: (holding his head) Whoa...
COCO: (seeing this) What's wrong?
CRASH: I don't know...(slowly gets up) I'm going to lie down. (heads off towards his room)
COCO: OK, I'll being you some meds.


(By 6:00 that night, Crash's condition had grown so bad that he had to be hospitalised. No one knew what was wrong with him and had no idea how to help him. Coco was frantic. Chris had somehow got wind of this and came to see her)

CHRIS: (walking in the door) Coco?
COCO: (jumping) Chris? What are you doing here?
CHRIS: Word travels fast. What's wrong with him?
COCO: (wavering) No one knows.
CHRIS: Come on, I'll take you home.
COCO: All right...
(They set off home both with Crash in the backs of their minds)
(Crash tossed in the hospital bad. He was having a horrible dream. Two guys had kidnapped Coco. He didn't know who they were or what they wanted.)

CRASH: (sitting up quickly) AH!
VOICE: Crash?

(Chris moved quickly to Crash's bed.)

CRASH: What? What are you doing here?
CHRIS: Coco wanted me to stay here with you.
CRASH: Coco? Where is she?
CHRIS: She's at your guys' house. Why?

(Crash jumped out to the bed and ran out the door. He then came back because he realized he was wearing hospital clothes. He grabbed his clothes and put them on as he ran.)

CHRIS: Crash! We're on the second floor!
CRASH: Too late!

(Crash yelled as he came up on the balcony)

CHRIS: (thinking) Oh, no, he's not going to do what I think he is, is he?

(He did. Crash jumped off the balcony, flipped, and landed on his feet. Chris ran to the balcony and looked down. He watched Crash run out the door.)

CHRIS: Damn...he's good...

(Crash ran as fast as he could to his house. He knew it was just a dream, but it seemed so real. Just like that cat-girl.... And what made him so sick? This is too weird.... When he was running, he saw something. He stopped and picked it up. It was his sister's hairpin. Crash studied it and went back to running, this time faster. He had the funniest feeling that when he got home, he wouldn't find Coco. Sure enough, Coco was gone when he got there. He was really starting to get worried now. It looked as though Coco hadn't even been there. He darted out of the house again. He went back to where he had found the hairpin and looked around. Then, he saw something in the corner of his eye. He looked at is as it got closer. It was a happy Polar running at him. He kneeled and petted him.)

CRASH: Hey boy!
POLAR: Ruff!
CRASH: (thinking) Hmmmm...(out loud) Hey, can you follow smells?
POLAR: Ruff!
CRASH: I'll take that as a 'yes'. (takes out hair pin) Here, smell this.

(Polar did as he was told.)

CRASH: Now, try to find it and follow it)

(Once again, Polar did as Crash said. He smelt the ground then ran off.)

CRASH: Looks like he's found it...(runs after him)

(When Polar finally stopped, they were quite some distance from town and standing in front of an old building. Crash looked around the building and then went inside with Polar at his side. Inside was somewhat of a maze. There were tons of doors and high platforms.)

VOICE: Welcome.

(Crash and Polar jumped as a middle aged man appeared.)

CRASH: Who are you?
MAN: My name is Charles NT and the dingo behind you is Ben.

(Crash and Polar jumped around when he said the last part. Behind them was a young dingo with a scar on his eye and chest. He looked somewhat like the dingo that he saw outside Chris's window.)

CRASH: What do you want?
CHARLES: Nothing but a good sport.
CRASH: What?
CHARLES: You find the bomb in this building, you find your sister. If you don't, well, you know what'll happen.

(With that, the two disappeared)

CRASH: Bomb...? Well, I'd better get going!

(Crash runs off with Polar and starts looking. He searched high and low for the bomb with Polar helping him. Finally, they found it. It was behind one of the doors. Sitting next to it was Coco. He untied her and without a word, they ran out. As they were running, Charles reappeared. Crash stopped, but told Coco to keep going. With protest, Coco did as she was told, compromising with Polar staying with Crash instead of coming with her. She ran out the doors.)

CRASH: What do you want now?
CHARLES: Nothing at all. (disappears again)
CRASH: That was a bit odd...

(Just then, Crash heard a 'click!')

CRASH: Crap!

(He ran to what was now a locked door. He cursed and put his back on the door. Polar whined as Crash slid down the door to the ground, knowing there was no other way out.)


(Coco waited for Crash on top of a nearby hill overlooking the old building.)

COCO: (thinking) Where is he...?

(Just then, Chris came running up)

CHRIS: Coco! Where's Crash?
COCO: He's...


(In a burst of flames and smoke, the building was gone. The two shielded their eyes from the flash that came with the blast. When the light died down, all that was left of the building was a burning pile of rubble.)


(Coco yelled with tears is her eyes. Chris came over to comfort her looking over the mess, knowing no one could survive it.)

('The End Is Over' by Powerman 5000 plays)

(Coco could hardly believe what had just happened. Her brother and pet had must likely just been killed and she could've helped, but she didn't)

COCO: Oh, Chris…
CHRIS: It's OK. We can go look after the flames die down

(Little did they know, someone was already looking - we see N. Gin looking around a part that wasn't on fire. Too much, at least.)

N. GIN: Gees... I wonder what happened...
VOICE: N. Gin! N. - Gin come in! What's going on down there?

(N. Gin picks up a communicator)

N. GIN: I'm not sure Dr. Cortex…

(N. Gin stops)

N. GIN: Aaaaaaaa...
NEO: What is it?
N. GIN: I think I found something!

(He ran over to a pile of rubble. Unfortunately, underneath it is a familliar, gloved hand. He digs Crash out then sets to work on getting Polar out.)

NEO: Well?
N. GIN: (looking at them and sighs) Dead on impact...
1 Year Later

('Born to Make You Happy' [instrumental] by Britney Spears plays)

(Coco sat on her bed by the window reading a book. She then had the funniest feeling she was being watched. She looked outside. She jumped. Outside was a lone figure with a glowing red eye)

COCO: What do you want?

(This had been the second time she had seen this guy - A week before the anniversary of Crash's death. The figure didn't reply nor move. They just stood there, looking at her. Coco starred back for a few more seconds then closed the shutters.)

(Life had fallen apart since Crash died. Tawna had moved to the US hoping to become an actress. Coco thought it was really to get away from the memory of Crash. Pura also seemed to want to get away from the memory of his lost friend, but he knew he couldn't just leave Coco there. Aku Aku disappeared to God knows where leaving the two behind. Neo and his crew even seemed to grieve over the fact that they no longer had someone the chase around and stopped attacking altogether.)

(Coco put her head in her arms)

COCO: Oh Crash, (sniff) where have you gone...?
('Never There' [skip intro, instrumental] by Cake plays)

(Neo is seen running around the dungeons of Cortex Castle)

NEO: Grrrrrr... Where is he...?!
N. GIN: Who?
NEO: Who do you think?!
N. GIN: He should be getting here anytime now.

(Just then, someone or something walks into the room. Their face is hidden by shadows, but we can see one glowing, red eye.)

NEO: Where have you been?!
FIGURE: None of your beeswax.

(A creature on four legs ran in. The figure bent down and petted it and the two walked out of the room.)

NEO: (sigh) I sure hope Uka Uka was right about that guy...

[song ends]

(Coco woke up the next morring with Pura on her lap. She shooed him off, got up, and went to make some breakfast. On the counter was a small piece of paper. She didn't remember putting it there. She picked it up)

[‘The Promise' by Michael Nyman plays ]

(It was a note. She didn't know whose handwriting it was. She read it. It simply said, "I'll always be with you". What did it mean? Who wrote it? Little did she know, she would soon find out.)

Later that day

(Coco sat on the living room couch. As she read her book, she pondered about the note she found earlier and who might have written it. Just then, she once again she felt like she was being watched. She looked up and gave a little jerk. The red-eyed figure from last night was standing in front of her. He went up to her. As he stepped out of the shadows, she saw his face. She gasped for she was now looking into the face of her own brother. Crash leant in and kissed on the check then disappeared. Coco, still slightly in shock, touched her face where Crash had kissed her. It was still warm. No, she must have been seeing things. She HAD to have been seeing things. She looked at the date. Two days.)

['Sleepwalker' by the Wallflowers plays]

(That was it. Coco had to get out of the house. Maybe Tawna had the right idea about moving... Coco had some shopping to do, so she thought she'd go into town. She got Pura and they started to walk up to town. The streets weren't very crowded, so it was easy for her to get around. It was also good because she could hear herself think about what she had just seen. It seemed so real, but she knew it couldn't have been. No, her brother was dead and she just had to face that fact. It was just so real... Coco had soon finished and she and Pura started to walk home. On they way, she stopped as they passed Cortex Castle. She hadn't been there in such a long time, but then again, that could've been a good thing. She sighed and started walking again as Pura pulled on her paint leg. When they got home, Pura ran into the house, Coco checked the mail, and then went to put the goods she had just bought away. As she looked through the mail, she saw a lettle from Chris. They had become good friends over the past year and often wrote each other. Coco read the letter:

"Coco -

Hey, I know this might be a bad time, but Cortex wants to see you. I don't know why, though. Well, I guess I'll see you there.


Coco was a bit confused by the letter and what Neo might want to see her for, but she once again got Pura and headed down to Cortex Castle.)
['The Promise' by Michael Nyman plays ]

(Ever Chris jumped at this site. It would seem he had no idea who or what they were seeing. Coco fought the urge to run to her brother's side, knowing it could be a trap. Crash slowly got up. If the shock of seeing Crash alive wasn't bad enough, seeing what Neo and the others had done to him was worse. As he got up, Coco saw a robotic eye, arm, leg, and ear on him)

COCO: What the...?
UKA UKA: Remember how you never Crash and Polar's bodies?

(Coco looked at him)

UKA UKA: We got to them first
COCO: What do you mean?

(Flash back to the day the bomb went off)

N. GIN: (sigh) Dead on impact…

(Neo was in shock. He always thought, hoped he would be the one to kill Crash)

N. GIN: Dr. Cortex?
NEO: I'm here.
N. GIN: What are we going to do with them?

(Uka Uka comes in)

UKA UKA: Bring them here
UKA UKA: Do it!
NEO: Eap!


(Crash and Polar are lying on tables before the doctors and Uka Uka)

N. GIN: (shivers) Creepy...
NEO: So, aaaa, what are we going to do with them?
UKA UKA: The same thing you did to N. Gin.
N. GIN: What?
NEO: You mean rebuild them with robotics?!
UKA UKA: Yes. Now get to work!

(Back to present)

(Coco had to think about this for a while. Then she said the first thing that popped into her mind)

COCO: So, does he still have a mind of his own?

(Neo looked from Coco to Crash and back again)

NEO: Just remember, it wasn't my idea.

(He once again looked back at Crash. Coco was puzzled at what he had said, then, she too, looked at Crash. It looked like he was powering up. When he reached full, he fired right at Coco. She dodged the fire rapid fire from her brother. Where was he getting all this power from? She had some time to think about this as it seemed that Crash was recharging. As he recharged, Polar came up him. He barked and Crash reasoned.)

CRASH: And why should I stop?
POLAR: < Because, you're shooting at your sister! >
CRASH: What?
POLAR: < I remember, you don't. You know why? >
POLAR: < Because they brainwashed you! >

[‘Sleepwalker' by The Wallflowers plays]

CRASH: What?!
POLAR: (nods) < I heard Cortex and Uka Uka talking. >

(Flashback to a small room. Polar is standing outside the doorway listening)

NEO: Brainwash him?!
UKA UKA: Yes! This is the perfect chance to take over the world!
NEO: But what's the fun in that if you don't have anyone to fight?
NEO: Yeah, there's no challenge.
UKA UKA: That's the whole point! Now do it!
NEO: But...
NEO: (small voice) K…

(Back to the present. Crash stood in shock of the news)

POLAR: Try to remember.

(Crash closed his eyes. As he remembered, he seemed to be in pain)

COCO: What's going on?

(Crash gasped. He looked at Coco, this time not with hate, but with love and kindness. Coco saw this and ran towards him. Crash greeted her with open arms. Polar barked happily and Pura jumped up and down. Crash then looked at the doctors and Uka Uka.)

N. GIN: This is your problem, not mine! (runs off)
NEO: Aaaa...yeah, same here (starts to run)
UKA UKA: Oh, no you don't!

(Next thing we see is Crash and Coco, still hugging, and Neo falling next to them)

NEO: Oof!

(Crash and Coco looked down at him. Pura came up and started to growl)

NEO: Aaaaaa...nice kitty...(Pura growls louder) Eap!

(Coco glared at him. Crash just started to laugh. They were all surprised by Crash's reasons. Crash pulled away from Coco and, still chuckling to himself, went up to Uka Uka, ready to fight.)

NEO: That was odd.
COCO: Crash! What are you doing?!
CRASH: Ask Polar!
COCO: Say what?
POLAR: < She can't understand me, idiot! >
CRASH: (nearing falling over) WHAT?!
POLAR: < Hehehe... >
CRASH: I really am going insane, aren't I...? Coco! Get out of here!
COCO: No! I won't let it happen again!
CRASH: Neither will I!
COCO: But...

(Crash thought for a bit)

CRASH: Aw, screw it

(He ran for Coco, grabbed her by the hand and ran off with Polar and Pura behind them)

NEO: (blink, blink) Ummm... K…

(The four ran as fast as they could and were soon heading home.)

Back home

[ 'The Promise' by Michael Nyman plays ]

(Crash took a deep breath as he entered the small living room of his and his sister's home. It was so good to be back. Crash walked into his room and plopped down on his bed. He thought about what had just happened and how Uka Uka was going to get him back and vice versa. He let out a sigh of joy and waited for what was to come as he drifted off to sleep.)

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