Metal Gear Solid Fanfiction


The Horrors Of The Torture Room

Round Of Torture Part I

    Snake ran over the door and was hoping that he had the correct pan card for this door, but no sooner then he reached the door, an alarm sounded.  Quick as lightening, two Genome Soldiers, appeared, brandishing their SOCOM guns.  Great, it was an ambush.

“Don’t move!” One of the soldiers demanded.

   Snake had no choice but to do what the soldiers told him.  He was out numbered and out gunned. Suddenly a third person appeared holding a snipping rifle.  It was her, Sniper Wolf.  Up close she was very beautiful, with long blond hair that reached to the middle of her back, and blue eyes that peered through the rifle’s scope.

“It’s hard to miss when your this close.” She said slowly walking over to Snake. “Toss your weapon over here...  Slowly.”

    Snake bent over and gently tossed his SOCOM gun over to the guard.  The guard bent over and picked up Snake’s gun.

“You were a fool to come back here.” She said softly. “Stupid man.”

“A lady Sniper, huh?” Snake questioned out loud.

“Didn’t you know that two-thirds of the world’s greatest assassins are women.” She continued to taunt Snake. “Do you want to die now, or after your female friend?  Which will it be?”

“I’ll die after I kill you.” He responded bitterly.

“Is that right.” She said chuckling. “Well, at least you’ve got spirit.”

She finally took down her gun, giving a chance to revile her lovely face.

“I am Sniper Wolf.” She said tossing her blond locks back. “And I always kill what I am at.”

Wolf walked close up to Snake and began to stroke his face with her hands.

“You’re my special prey, got it.” Then with her sharp finger nail she slashed Snake’s face.

“Oh I left my mark on you.” She said passionately. “I won’t forget it...  Until I kill you.  You’re all I’ll think about.”

   She nodded her head to guard, which suddenly made the guard hit Snake on the back of the head with brute force with his SOCOM gun, knocking Snake unconscious.  The force of the hit made Snake fall on his face onto the cold hard ground.

“Take him away!” One of the male guards commanded.

Before he blacked out completely, Snake could see the guards dragging him away from the communications tower, then darkness prevailed...

“Don’t kill him yet.” A voice with a British accent said. “I want him alive.”

“Leave it to me.” Another voice said.

“I want no more accidents like that DARPA Chief.” The British voice said.

“Yes.” Said a low and seductive woman’s voice. “He’s my target, mine alone.”

   Snake was just awaking out of darkness after being hit on the back of the head when he heard the other voices around him talking.  When his eyes finally opened up, he noticed that his hands, waist, and legs were bound to a bed or something, and he was staring up at a light that dangled from the ceiling.  Snake had no idea where he was.  This wasn’t the communication tower and it didn’t look like any place he had seen on the base before. 

“Can you hear me Solid Snake?” The British voice asked.

“He’s tougher than I thought.” Said the woman, who sounded just like Sniper Wolf.

“Do you know who I am?” The British voice asked. “I always knew that one day I would meet you.  The man who stole what was rightly mine.  The man who stole my birthright.  Me, I’m the man you stole everything good from.  And now after the sacrifice of our brothers, after thirty long years, finally the two of us meet.  The brother of light and the brother of dark.”

Who was this joker and what the hell was he talking about? Snake wondered.

“Do you need his DNA too?” The woman questioned.

“Yes.” The British voice answered. “I want a sample of it while he’s still alive.  We need it to correct the Genome Soldiers mutations.”

“Then we’ll be able to cure them?” She asked.

“No.” He said. “We still have to get our hands on Big Boss’s DNA.”

   There was a long pause.  What would these people want with Big Boss’s DNA?  For what purpose could his decomposing body have use for?  After all he had been dead for six years now, if there was anything left of his remains, they would probably be useless to anyone.

“Have they given in to our demands yet?” Wolf asked.

“Not yet.” The British accent replied.

“They won’t give in.” She said. “They’re all hypocrites everyone of them.”

“Is that your opinion as a Kurd?”

“They always put politics first!” She said angrily.

“That’s right!” The man with the English accent replied. “That’s why they want to avoid any leak about their precious new nuclear weapon.”

“Boss.” Ocelot said. “It looks like our friend is awake.”

   Suddenly the bed on which Snake was lying began to move from a horizontal position to a vertical position.  Once the bed stopped moving there in front of Snake stood the man who had disappeared up the elevator earlier.  Snake’s eyes opened wide as he realized that this man looked just like himself, except he had white hair instead of brown.  Meryl was right, he and Liquid did look exactly alike.

“There definitely is a resemblance, don’t you think little brother?” Liquid said. “Or should I say big brother?  I’m not sure, anyway it doesn’t matter.  You and I are both the last surviving ‘sons of Big Boss’.”

Suddenly there was a beep coming from Liquid’s cellular phone so he answered the call.

“It me!  Really?!  Then what?!  Oooh, those idiots!!!  All right Raven, I’ll be right there.”

Liquid hung up his phone and placed it back into his coat pocket, and he sighed.

“They’re not responding to our demands.” Liquid said angrily. “We’ll launch the first one in ten hours as planned.”

“Damn Americans!!” Wolf said angrily.

“Looks like you read them wrong.” Ocelot said to Liquid.

“Something’s funny.” Liquid said. “Normally the Americans are the first ones to the negotiating table.  They must think they’ve got something up their sleeves.”

“So it’s come down to it, has it?” Ocelot said. “We’re going to launch that nuke and ride it all the way into history.”

“I’ve got to take care of some launch preparations.” Liquid said beginning to walk out of the room. “You’re in charge here Ocelot.”

“What about you?” Ocelot said to Wolf. “Wanna stay for the show?”

“I’m not interested.” She said shaking up a small bottle of pills. “It’s time to feed the family.”

The she popped one of the tranquilizers into her mouth and swallowed the pill without water.

“So you prefer your wolves to my show, huh?”

“Ocelot!” Liquid yelled. “Don’t screw up like you did with the chief!”

“Yes I know.” He replied sheepishly. “That was an accident.  I didn’t think a pencil pusher, like him, would be so tough.”

“Well, his mental defenses were reinforced by hypnotherapy.”

“Boss.” Ocelot asked. “What about that Ninja?”

“He’s killed twelve men.” Liquid replied. “Who ever he is, he’s some kind of lunatic.”

“Bastard took my hand!” Ocelot said eyeing his bandaged right arm. “How could he have gotten in here?”

“Perhaps there’s a spy among us.” Liquid said suspiciously. “Mantis is dead!  We’ve also got to find out what killed Baker and Octopus.  We’re shorthanded, so make this little torture show of yours as short as possible!”

“Torture?” Ocelot questioned. “This is an interrogation.”

“As you wish!” Liquid turned to Snake’s gaze and said contemptuously. “See you later, brother!”

    Liquid turned and walked out of the room.  Once he was gone, Wolf walked over to Snake and touched his muscular chest.

“Your woman is still in this world.” She said softly.


“Catch ya later.” She said running her fingers slowly down Snake’s bear chest. “Handsome.”

   Snake began to tremble as her soft fingers slowly slid down his muscular chest, also the clear view of her breast was leaving a knot in his stomach.  But now wasn’t the time to be in awe of a beautiful woman.  He was being held prisoner and who knows what kind of torture this sadistic maniac had in store for him. 

    Wolf walked away from Snake and began to leave the room.  Ocelot watched her behind intently as she exited the room and he whistled.

“Once she picks a target she doesn’t think about anything else.” He said keeping a close eye on her. “Sometimes she ever falls in love with them before she kills them.”

Wolf walked the a door that was security level six and the door closed behind her.

“Finally.” Ocelot said turning his attention back to Snake. “Just the two of us.  How are you feeling?”

“Not bad!” Snake replied. “I caught a nice nap on this revolving bed of yours.  Too bad I was sleeping alone.”

“Glad to hear that.” Ocelot responded. “This is some bed all right.  I’m about to show you some of its nicer features.”

“Where are my things?” Snake questioned.

“Oh, don’t worry.” Ocelot said pointing to a metal box. “There all there.  Washington was taking quite a chance sending you here.  Someone must have had a lot of faith in your skill, huh carrier boy?”

    What the hell was the cryptic remark supposed to mean?  Snake wondered, but instead of pondering the answer Snake ignored him.

“So.” Snake said. “Metal Gear’s armed with a new type of nuclear warhead, huh?”

“Why don’t you go ask Campbell for the full story?” He responded.

“The Colonel?” Snake asked.

“By the way you got an optical disk from President Baker, didn’t you?”

“What if I did?” Snake responded.

“Is that the only disk?” He questioned. “There’s no other data?”

“What do you mean?” Snake asked.

“There no copy?” Ocelot asked. “If not, that’s fine.”

“Is Meryl okay?” Snake asked.

“She’s not dead yet.” Ocelot said walking over to the computer monitor and pressing several of the keys on the keyboard. “Wolf must have been feeling generous, but if you want her to stay that way, you’d better start answering my questions right now.  You were holding one card key.  Where are the other two?  What’s the trick behind that key?”

“Trick?” Snake questioned.

“That weasel of a president said there was some kind of trick to using the key.”

“Hell if I know!?” Snake replied.

“I see.” Ocelot said softly. “No problem them.”

    Ocelot turned from the computer and looked at Snake, then he said cryptically, “We’re going to play a game Snake, and we’ll find out what kind of man you really are.  When the pain becomes to great to bear, just give up and your suffering will end.  But if you do, the girl’s life is mine.  I’m going to run a high voltage electric current through your body.  If it’s just for a short time it won’t kill you.”

“But I never heard that before.” Snake said.

“You’re are tough guy, Snake.” Ocelot said sternly. “But I’ve got some bad news for you.  You’re no POW!  You’re a hostage!!  There’s no Geneva Convention here.  No one is coming to save you.”

Ocelot took one look at the expression on Snake’s face and he knew instantly what was wrong with him.

“Staring to feel a little scarred?” Ocelot taunted sadistically. “Good, you should be.  Okay, let’s get started.”

He turned to the computer monitor and began to press a few buttons.