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The Gaming Universe


Bungie's Halo
Rage's Gunmetal
Gladius Online
Microsoft's XBOX
Game Ideas
The Perfect Game
Editorial Feedback

  days 'til the release of XBOX and Halo

Welcome, this is The Gaming Universe, a place where people can express their ideas and wishes for "gaming of the future".  If there is a game that you would want you and others to write-up about, such as Halo, just email me and I will create a page for that game.

We have noticed that people still visit this website and we here at The Gaming Universe have been wondering why since the site is down. Could you loyal visitors just send us a comment and tell us what you are doing here? Also, we have been thinking of reopening and want to know what kind of new contain you want. SO PLEASE COMMENT.

Our Mission

To provide game publishers and developers the thoughts and ideas of the people that are playing "your" games.

Contact Information

If something is wrong with the website or if you would like to contact the creator of the website and discuss about the site or gaming.

FAX: 775-402-2459

Electronic mail
Go to the Feedback page or just hit this button.



[ Home ] News ] Bungie's Halo ] Rage's Gunmetal ] Gladius Online ] Microsoft's XBOX ] Game Ideas ] The Perfect Game ] Editorial Feedback ]

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Last modified: February 03, 2002
Hit Counter   Since February 03, 2002