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Harry Potter Spell's


Grade One (by Josh Newton) Welcome students to your first year at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that you are attending. This year you will begin your education, which will include learning the basic spells and charms necessary to complete your first year. The most important thing for you to do as a novice witch or wizard is to make sure that your diction and pronunciation of these charms and spells is perfect, because otherwise you will never be able to use them effectively. In time and with practice you will have mastered these basic spells but don't fear; there are plenty more for you to learn.

Wingardium Leviosa (Win-gar-dium Levi-o-sa) - The Wingardium Leviosa charm is the first charm that will be taught to you, and allows the witch or wizard to levitate a desired object. The emphasis should be on the second syllable for both words otherwise undesired effects can be caused. This charm is difficult to master at first, allowing you to only levitate small objects such as feathers. With practice though, the user can levitate larger and heavier objects.

Lumos (Lum-os) - This handy little charm allows the user's wand to emit a small light, handy for when navigating your way in the dark. The emphasis of this charm should be on the first syllable.

Petrificus Totalus (Pet-rif-i-cus To-tal-us) - The Petrificus Totalus charm is a basic freezing charm, and causes the person to whom this charm has been placed upon to have all of their muscles freeze up. The emphasis for this charm should be on the second syllable for both words. Teachers Note: When practicing this charm, it is recommended that the students be cushioned up well so as to prevent any nasty injuries.

Alohomora (Al-oh-om-or-a) - The Alohomora charm allows the user to open locked doors. The emphasis of this charm should be on the first and third syllables, but the order of the letters must be remembered and not mixed up.

Grade Two (by Josh Newton) Last year you mastered many of the basic spells. With those spells and charms under your belt, you will now move on to some of the more tricky spells, and those that require more experience. Some of the spells that you will be learning about are very dangerous, and are not to be used under any circumstances. You will learn about these spells not for actual use but in the quest of knowledge.

Expelliarmus (Ex-pel-li-ar-mus) - The Expelliarmus charm is the most basic disarming spell, used primarily in dueling. The person who is hit by this charm will have the object they are carrying fly out of their hands, effectively disarming them. Not that the emphasis is on the second syllable and not on the fourth. Teachers Note: This charm must be learnt and completed under full teacher supervision due to the dangerous nature of this charm.

Rictusempra (Rict-us-em-pra) - This handy little charm tickles the person you aimed at and makes them convulse with laughter. Notice that it is the third syllable that has the emphasis, and not the second. Due to the nature of the charm, it is recommended that the reverse charm Finite Incantatem, (see below) has been learnt.

Tarantallegra (Tar-an-tall-eg-ra) - The Tarantallegra spell charms the feet and makes them move uncontrollable. It is the second and fourth syllable that receives the emphasis and not the third. The reverse charm Finite Incantatem, (see below) must be known before this charm is used.

Finite Incantatem (Fi-nite In-cant-a-tem) - The Finite Incantatem charm is an all-round reverse charm the stops many bewitching spells like Rictusempra and Tarantallegra (see above). To use this spell, point the wand at the person who is bewitched at say the charm, remembering to put the emphasis on the third syllable of the second word.

Aparecium (Ap-ar-e-ci-um) - This spell is used to revel magically hidden ink. To use this spell, tap the paper with the invisible ink three times and then say the charm. When saying the charm, remember to place the emphasis on the second syllable.

Obliviate (Ob-liv-i-ate) - The Obliviate memory charm is the most dangerous and powerful spell you will learn this year. Any student caught using this spell will be suspended or expelled from your magical arts institution. The Obliviate charm blocks the memory of a person. They can be either a heavy or light memory block depending upon the force that you use this spell, and the emphasis is placed on the second syllable. This spell for obvious reasons will not be practiced on each other. However, your charm's teacher will put a memory block on one of the students as a demonstration and then reinstate the memory. Teachers Note: Make sure that the students understand the severity of using this spell.

Grade A1 (by Jonathan Rathbone) Advanced Spells - One

The spells in this section are as yet unseen by Hogwarts - they are new introductions to the syllabus. THEY ARE ONLY TO BE TAUGHT TO Y7 PUPILS. The effects can be, to say the least, very consequential.

Terradominus (Ter-ra-dom-i-nus) - Though the chances to use this spell are limited, the effects when properly applied are devastating. A relatively new invention, the Terradominus is the opposite of Wingardium Leviosa. It can only be applied to objects that can fly or levitate, and will bring any flying object down to the ground instantly. Everything affected is landlocked to the extent of not being able to jump. A person affected by Terradominus would have to drag their feet as they walked, and would constantly be under a struggle to keep upright. Be careful to emphasise the first and third syllables.

Illusio (Il-lu-si-o) - This is a fiendish spell that has often been adapted to form personal want or sign. Morsmordre - the spell used to summon the Dark Mark is a form of Illusio. Powerful Illusios can be very dangerous as well as useful; walls can be made to appear in different places, hazards such as water can be disguised etc. It is very useful for confusing a searching enemy, although it can be used in simpler ways such as the Morsmordre. The basis of this spell is in the thought - if you believe hard enough, then you barely need a wand. Be sure to put emphasis on second syllable, else the wand might mistake the charm for Illudia, a fever-causing charm.

Apyradomarsi (A-py-ra-do-mar-si) - A very violent spell, causing the effence of fire to raise upon the tip of your wand, which can then be flung to cause lasting and irreversible damage. It is necessary to know two spells beforehand - Aquatia, the extinguishing spell, and Impervius, which will remove the possibilty of the extinguishing water from damaging your wand. Apyra is the most important of the word, but push out on mar as well.

Deviate (De-vi-ate) - A useful spell, yet prohibited in most cases in most countries. It is used to see the mind of another being. The more powerful the caster, the more mind can be accessed. Also, more intelligent minds are harder to penetrate. Use of this spell is very insidious. Most people avoid it, realising it is a breach of another person's privacy, a criminal offense. The downside to this spell is that leave your mind more susceptible to attacks, and your reflexes fail to work. Therefore, if you touch something hot whilst investigating another's brain, you may not realise until you are burnt. This spell was developed to be said quietly disallowing another's detection of your presence, therefore do not emphasise any syllables. Countering this spell just needs you to focus out of their brain.

Petrificus Corpus (Pe-tri-i-cus Cor-pus) One of the most dangerous in the Petrificatis String, this is another mind aimed spell, this time temporarily shutting it down. Sustaining this spell requires utmost concentration, and none but the most skilled wizards have suceeded in performing other tasks whilst keeping someone held. It could be considered the opposite of Petrificus Totalus, where the mind remains intact, as well as some sensories, but the body is freezed. Here the mind is freezed, but the body can technically move, though nerve impulses can be sent down the body. Tri and Cor are the necessary syllables to emphasise.

Grade A2 (by Jonathan Rathbone) Advanced Spells - Two

The guidelines to these spells are the same as the A1 spells. Be sure that students understand the severity of these spells.

Avada Kedavra (A-va-da Ke-da-vra) The use of this spell is prohibited in all ways possible, so students need only see the effects of this spell, and be told of the vigilance they need to exercise when dealing with those who may attack with this atrocity. Use of this spell results in a life sentence in Azkaban. Teacher's Note: Do NOT teach students - especially those in Slytherin - the necessary movements for this spell.

Denobelim (De-nob-e-lim) A dangerous spell, not only for its damaging effects, but its undetectability. Basically, use of Denobelim conjures pseudo-mine - basically, something that will explode when something comes near it, but cannot be seen beforehand. The biggest drawback to this spell is remebering it has been cast. No way but to detonate the mine manually has yet been found to extinguish it, so the caster may become the castée. Climax on the last syllable.

Decuisium (De-cu-is-i-um) A powerful, though not a particularly widespread spell, this is used to cause ink to become magicaclly invisible. The compound effects can be quite devastating - messages can be sent this way with ease. To uncover this spell use Aparecium. To enact the spell use the same process as Aparecium - tap the ink three times with the wand, whilst chanting, and emphasising the middle syllable.

Condieue (Con-de-ur) This spell is really just an Apparition (Apparate) aid. It helps you locate your position before enacting the Disapparition. The spell can also be used for spying, but prolonged use can damage the eyes. Climax on the last syllable, but push the last two together.

Eliomanito Tuno (El-i-o-man-i-to Tun-o) Purebloods disapprove of the use of this spell, as it is based on the muggle discovery of rays and their effects in the electromagnetic spectrum. The results can be varied and useful, but they are hard to effect. In basics, the charm allows you to tune into the images shown by UV, IR and UHF rays. The science is very complicated, but basically you are able to tune your vision to UV, which allows you to see in the dark, IV, with whic you can heat-sense, and UHF, where you are able to pick up SW Radio and Television images. El, I and Tun are the important parts of the charm.

Grade 3 (by Andrew Marfleet) Advanced Spells - Three

Now students your spells get harder and more complicated so PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR TEACHER! Or your spells will go terribly wrong!

Quanosium (quan-o-ze-um) This is almost like Aveda Kedavra but it is less powerful. Only experienced and liscened wizards are allowed to use this spell in time of DIRE need! If this spell is used without purpose the sentence is 12 years in Azkaban! The Ministry of Magic is very much against the use of this spell. To make this spell work point it at the person/thing and clear mind of all thoughts, then say QuanoSIUM (put force the last few letters).

Finoracus (fin-or-a-cus) This is a very powerful charm used to reverse the spell of Quanosium. This spell is rarely ever achived because if needs FULL mind concentration (not even one thought in your mind). Only very experienced wizards are known to use this spell.

Beefadumtas (beef-a-dum-tas) This spell is used for dismantaling youre broomstick.It is very easy to do and dosent need much concentration. But be alert when casting this spell because in some cases people have actually demolished their broomsticks instead of dismantaling them. Note: Only under close supervision by a teacher can this spell be used.

Neesium (Nee-ze-um) This powerful spell melts a persons hair off their head. This spell is very dangerous for when the hair is melted it never grows back. (Any student who attempts this spell on another student will be expelled) Doing this spell the mind must be clear of thought and everything else.

Advanced Grade 1 (by Billie Joe Armstrong) Advanced Spells - Four

Note: To make use of any of these spells you must be a senior student, and may require a special wand for some spells.

Pahjunucus (Pah-joo-na-cus) Even though it is often cathegorized as an unexistant spell by normal wizards, only Hogwarts seniors know exactly what this spell can really do: It can grow things, faster than anything else. Not just plants, but anything: a person, love, a chair, the world, a mice, hate, etc. That's why it is very dangerous for everyone to know, since an immediate and huge growth of hate would almost certainly destroy the world, as also a growth of power could do. Refhtherin, an ancient wizard, is said to have invented the spell, by growing the piramids. Whether true or not, he was later killed for witchcraft.

Lisenfantaric (lees-an-fantaric) One of the strongest attack-escaping spells ever. It immediately transports its user to a random place a mile away from its original location. It must be used only in extreme situations, as it may cause death, by dropping the user in cliffs, oceans, mountains, etc. It was invented by Voldemort himself, as a way of escaping from Dumbledore and the Ministry.

Shungesti (shan-ges-ti) Invocator spell. It invocates the Ancient Councel of Wizards' protector: A Shunge Dragon, whose purpose in life, is to terminate anyone who dares harm a councelor. It can only be enacted by the counselors' wands.

Pistavhalha Maxima (peas-taba-lee-a maxima) Before Avada Kedavra was used in Azkaban, this spell was the official guards' spell. Though it is very quick to enact, it is extremely effective, but capital punishment is charged against anyone who uses it against anyone, except for the Azkaban prisoners and Voldemort and his minions. Basically, it vanishes the victim's arms and legs, and then has a magic dragon-spikes chain appear around him, tied so tight, he/she quickly stops breathing.
