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Bill Doyle, 55, lost his son Joey in the September 11, 2001 WTC attacks. Bill has helped more than 100 families that lost loved ones in the terror attacks on The World Trade Center Twin Towers navigate charitable groups to obtain financial help. From his home on Staten Island, he has worked out a plan he hopes will cover health-care costs for families who lost their insurance.

Tom Roger, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on one of the hijacked planes used to attack the WTC, spoke out about lapses in airline security. Roger has written a mission statement on behalf of the family groups spelling out their wishes to the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. "I've got a responsibility to represent a lot of other families unable, incapable or unwilling to become directly involved," said Roger, 54, of Longmeadow, Mass.

Kathy Ashton, a medical-malpractice investigator, has devoted countless hours to family meetings, chasing updates on DNA identification from the city medical examiner. "Somewhere along the way we had the opportunity to do something," said Kathy Ashton, 47, of Queens, who lost her son Tommy.

They have all become skilled at dealing with the media and are on a first-name basis with Mayor Bloomberg, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gov. Pataki.( 8-5-02

“The most recent statistics state there are as many as 1,400-1,650* gaming Web Sites currently operating, a significant increase from only one year ago. Billions of dollars are reportedly being bet over the Internet with little, if any, oversight or guarantee that the operators of these sites are fair and honest or that protections are in place”. “The above revenue projections imply that a percentage of these monies are from U.S. citizens and leave the United States,” said Frank Catania before the House Subcommittee on Crime -11-29-01.

Until the formation of Casino Cash, which channels a percentage of all referred player’s losses to charities with subsequent benefit, directly or indirectly, to the families affected most directly by the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York’s WTC Twin Towers there was no benefit or largess to any state or person in the United States."

Whether you enjoy blackjack, slots, poker, craps or any other casino game Casino Cash will assist you with prompt payouts and a stream of funds going to benefit Charities focused on New York City WTC Tower Relief. We enjoy sharing the insights of our members into all the pleasures of gaming at home and helping the less fortunate should charge up your luck.

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Web Masters: Feel free to link our site to yours too. Option 2: Donate online through Option 3: Send a check or money order to: New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund P.O. Box 5028 Albany, New York 12205