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"To die will be an awfully big adventure."
-- Sir James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937), British writer

Here lies a dedication to characters past, Wraith and otherwise. None are dead, in the Tempest sense of the word, but some will never be played again. Others may be tweaked and refined and stuck in different identities.

You are welcome to look over these templates for ideas for characters of your own or perhaps borrow them to serve as NPCs in a campaign. Please enjoy their company, or at least try not to be too disturbed.

Rachel Juskowiak Victim of Innocence
Ciara Aiden The Original Diva
Payne Pallin Child of Chaos
Alexis MacKail The Mad Man
Badas Mofo The Running Gag
Athene Delacroix Wisdom Seeker
Brother Absalom The Pardoner's Tale

"Wraith: The Oblivion" and other publications owned by White Wolf are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This page is provided as a free resource; we do not make a profit from this page in any way.

All original materials and concepts are copyrighted J & K Productions. Resources may be borrowed for personal use, but may not be sold or distributed without our permission. You may not reproduce any original material on this page on another website or forum without asking our permission first; we will take action of such a thing occurs.